Period 5
The Fifth Amendment
"Life, liberty, or property" is a reference to which section of the United States Constitution?
Government efforts to break up monopolistic giants such as the Atlantic Telephone and Telegraph company (AT&T) or Standard Oil.
A continuation of the policies alluded to in the cartoon would BEST be exemplified by
The artist is angry that the congressman reacted so violently to a non-violent argument.
A historian would MOST likely argue that the illustration is entitled "Southern Chivalry" for which of the following reasons?
During the first few years of the Civil War, the North struggled to win battles and had to find new ways to undermine the South's military capabilities.
A historian would MOST likely use the Emancipation Proclamation as evidence to support which of the following statements?
Laws promoting segregation.
A historian would infer that which of the following historical developments had the most DIRECT effect on the prominence and popularity of Mount Zion Church over time?
A strongly negative, sometimes violent response to abolitionists as being troublemakers.
Abolitionist literature like Garrison's "The Liberator" was generally met with which of the following responses by Northerners in the 1830s?
A fair, living wage.
According to Henry Ford's remarks, the most important benefit which should be extended to the working man is
Johnson had fired the Secretary of War without permission of the U.S. Senate.
According to the document, what offense was President Andrew Johnson to be charged with?
His acceptance by white society, as evidenced by his many invitations to meet with political and economic leaders.
African American leaders used which of the following as evidence for their criticism of Washington's beliefs?
World War Two
American conflict was sparked by an issue most similar to the immediate cause of the Mexican-American War?
The Red Scare
Another historical event that reveals the conflicts expressed in the article would be
Anti-Union sentiment often stroked fears that efforts by American workers to unionize would lead to the labor turmoil experienced by Europe in the 19th century.
As Frowne mentions, which of the following BEST describes why unions resisted associations with socialists and anarchists?
Workers feared reprisals, such as firings, for joining unions.
Aside from what Frowne describes, which of the following is the MOST significant reason workers during the Gilded Age resisted joining unions?
Social Darwinism, which advocated for the "survival of the fittest."
Based on the excerpt above, which of the following philosophies is William Sumner MOST likely to have believed in?
The United States annexed Hawaii for the purposes of building a naval base and trade.
Based on the passage above, which of the following actions by the federal government corresponded with Mahan's statements?
To reject immigrant workers and focus on a pool of labor that is more reliable and familiar.
Based on the speech above, which of the following philosophies does Booker T. Washington advocate?
Would condemn laissez-faire capitalist economic policies.
Based on your knowledge of U.S. History and the phrase "monopolized for the benefit of the comparative few", the author
Horatio Alger
Based on your knowledge of U.S. history, which of the following authors promoted the "bootstraps" narrative of upward mobility, during the same period as the source above?
The majority-held Republican Congress.
Based on your knowledge of this period, which of the following made passage of the 15th amendment possible?
U.S. settlers hunted the buffalo herds to the point of extinction.
Besides direct military action, which of the following exerted the MOST pressure on many Native Americans to abandon their ancestral lands?
The Pacific Railway Act
Besides the Homestead Act, which of the following was a part of the Republican Party economic program enacted during the Civil War?
Created programs to give away land to settlers, if they agreed to improve it for a period of time.
Besides the building of this railroad, the federal government took which of the following actions to attract settlers to the west?
Created initiatives to begin irrigation projects in the Southwestern US in order to transform the dry acrid land into usable farmland.
Besides the creation of national parks, the federal government took which of the following steps to conserve western areas during the Theodore Roosevelt administration?
Thirteenth Amendment
Blackmon's arguments challenge the notion that which of the following effectively resolved the problem of slavery?
Typically took the lowest paying jobs available.
Blacks who moved into northern cities during the Great Migration
The growing popularity of Jazz music across the U.S.
Blacks, who participated in the Great Migration northward in 1917, can be directly credited for
The issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.
British intervention in the American Civil War was forestalled by
Accepted the notion of living on the reservation and ending his struggle.
By saying that he will fight no more forever, Chief Joseph accepted what fate?
Horatio Alger
Carnegie's ideas in "The Gospel of Wealth" were MOST similar to the ideas of which American author of the Gilded Age?
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
Considering the excerpt from "The Gospel of Wealth", to which of the following federal laws would Carnegie have been MOST opposed?
Female suffragists
Despite the gains shown in the passage above, all of the following undermined the enfranchisement of African Americans in the South during Reconstruction EXECEPT
The sin of slavery would doom the United States.
Douglass compared America to Babylon because
A foreign policy of expansion and strong naval presence that was predicted on military mobility.
During the time period of the source above, which of the following events caused the influx of new settlers to San Francisco?
During what era would this illustration most likely have been created?
They wanted inflated prices that would make it easier to pay off their debts.
Farmers' generally desired the unlimited coinage of silver because
Ida B. Wells
Following the deaths of thousands of African-American in the decades after this illustration, which Progressive reformer attempted to draw attention to the use of lynching to intimidate African-Americans in the South?
The majority decision in Dred Scot v. Sanford.
For many abolitionists the Ostend Manifesto was an example of a Slave Power Conspiracy of 'Slaveocracy'. Which of the following events would have been MOST consistent with this fear?
Used Biblical passages to emphasize that slaves should be obedient to their masters.
Giving slaves the "same opportunities of attending worship" best served the interest of the slave owners because preachers
Strong supporter of corporate welfare policies in the workplace.
Henry Ford's observations concerning labor in this selection lend credence to his reputation as a
Japan acquired modern technology from the United States.
How did Japan benefit from the Treaty of Kanagawa?
Thousands of Irish immigrated to the United States.
How did the famine in Ireland affect the United States?
The speech led to the end of Lincoln's Congressional career.
How did this speech affect the career of Abraham Lincoln?
While African-Americans were free from slavery, they remained dependent on the white landowners.
How does the second map illustrate the problems faced by African-American farmers in the South after the Civil War?
Germany tried to convince Mexico to declare war against the United States during World War One.
How would the loss of Mexican territory to the United States influence twentieth century U.S. foreign policy?
Overproduction, creating surpluses and low crop prices.
Improvements in farming technology, such as the tractor pictured above, often led to
The wealthy have a moral obligation to spend surplus wealth as a trust fund for the public good.
In "The Gospel of Wealth", Andrew Carnegie's argument most clearly supports which of the following ideologies?
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
In the 1950's, southern states used similar interposition logic in their legal efforts to resist a desegregation order found in
Congress and state legislatures.
In the U.S., which of the following typically play the most important roles in the official proposal and ratification of constitutional amendments?
In the context of this excerpt, "blessings of liberty" refers to
The United States forced Native Americans onto reservations.
In the final outcome of Native American conflicts in the Great Plains,
The government made slavery illegal in all National Territory and must extend this rule to all territories.
In the source above, which of the following BEST describes the legal argument for banning slavery in the territories?
The Election of Grover Cleveland in 1884.
In which of the following presidential elections did the issue of corruption play the largest role in influencing the election's outcome?
Most of the Southern states refused to place Lincoln's name on the ballot.
It was virtually impossible for Lincoln to win the majority of the votes in the slave states because
The American businessman of the Gilded Age had won the struggle for existence and had little responsibility to those less fit in society.
Late 19th-century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that
Lincoln believes which of the following is the central "bulwark" of American freedom?
Is so revered that it was placed on the Lincoln Memorial.
Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address was different than his first in that the Second Address
Alfred Mahan
Most of the following individuals would MOST likely agree with the decision to purchase Alaska?
Defensiveness and anger.
Most white southerners reacted to Uncle Tom's Cabin with
Lobbied for state legislation to regulate railroad rates.
National farming organizations aided farmers in which of the following ways?
Nationwide, most American women won the right to vote during the
Both the Republicans and Populists had connections to nativist groups or beliefs.
Nativist beliefs impacted the 1896 Election in which of the following ways?
Walter Rauschenbusch
Of the following Gilded Age personalities, who would have strongly endorsed Reverend Washington Gladden's sentiments?
The Wilmot Proviso
One of the results of the anti-slavery advocates' fears of the extension of "Slave Power" was
Machines provided some social services, jobs, and housing to immigrants.
One positive aspect of political machines such as Tammany Hall was that
The West
Populists found the MOST support in which of the following regions?
Applying Christian ethics to everyday life.
Proponents of the Social Gospel movement believed that the ills of the Gilded Age could be alleviated by
Progressive reformers in the early 1900s, who exposed poor conditions in big business and society.
Riis' efforts foreshadowed the actions of which of the following groups?
Calls for widespread overhaul of the United States financial regulatory system after the financial crisis of 2007 - 2010.
Scenes such as those shown in the image above MOST likely influenced which of the following actions or processes?
Protect American economic interests in China.
Secretary John Hay's overriding, geopolitical goal in drafting this circular letter was to
Helped immigrants assimilate by learning English and acquiring job skills.
Settlement houses served what role for immigrants as discussed above?
Expanded the scope of the federal government.
Social Security represents the general characteristics of the New Deal in that it
Passage of segregation laws which limited the rights of African-Americans.
Southern states used decisions of the Supreme Court, such as the one above, to justify their use of which of the following?
She attempted to vote, resulting in her arrest.
Susan B. Anthony began to use which of the following radical tactics to fight for women's suffrage?
Bleeding Kansas
The Brooks-Sumner Affair was a DIRECT effect of
A special committee of fifteen men was created to determine the result.
The Election of 1876 was decided when
Any head of household could live on, improve and farm the land and eventually own it, at little cost.
The Homestead Act provided that
Popular Sovereignty
The Kansas-Nebraska Act declared which of the following would determine if a state became slave or free?
President Buchanan's certification of the fraudulent vote enraged northerners.
The LeCompton Constitution further agitated sectional conflict because
With more currency in circulation, the price of farm products would rise giving more money to farmers.
The Populist party requested the unlimited coinage of silver in their platform for what purpose?
The Populists did NOT attempt to restrict the immigration of which of the following ethnic groups?
Participated in a revival ceremony called the ghost dance which united the tribes against the United States government.
The Sioux took which of the following actions after the U.S. government violated this treaty, precipitating an armed conflict between the two groups?
Separate but equal doctrine concerning segregation.
The Supreme Court eventually established which of the following legal principles, beginning with the decision above?
Congress passed a series of laws designed to restrict the effectiveness of the Ku Klux Klan.
The United States government attempted to put an end to the mistreatment of its former slaves in the 19th century through which of the following actions?
Using a lottery system to randomly select draftees into the Union Army.
The United States government implemented the law described in this document by
Immediate emancipation of slaves.
The above excerpt expresses which of the following positions on slavery?
The Philippines
The attitude expressed in this editorial is MOST similar to future U.S. policies in
The increased use of machines decreased the reliance on laborers.
The author of the passage accused industrialization of "turning into idleness thousands" because
The author of this cartoon would have been MOST supportive of which of the following amendments after the 15th?
White male workers were being drafted, trained, and sent off to fight in World War I.
The availability of jobs open to black Americans in northern cities like Chicago was due primarily to the fact that
A constitutional amendment prohibited any state to deny the right to vote on account of sex.
The call for self-government called for on the banner pictured above was accomplished in the United States as
The First New Deal
The cartoon was MOST likely drawn in response to
The purchase of Alaska from Russia was considered to be a waste of money.
The cartoonist is critical of President Johnson because
Were from immigrant families.
The children pictured above MOST likely
The Atlantic Charter
The concept of self-determination noted in Hay's letter is repeated in which of the following U.S. foreign policy statements?
The number of settlers in the west increased.
The construction of the transcontinental railroad impacted the nation in which of the following ways?
The winner receiving fewer popular votes than the loser.
The controversy surrounding the Election of 1876 involved
Low-interest rates for farm loans.
The creator of the illustration above would MOST likely have supported which of the following initiatives?
William M. Tweed
The creator of this cartoon, Thomas Nast, is most famous for bringing down the politician named
Consistent economic cycles of expansion and contraction before and after the Great Depression.
The data in the graph BEST reflects what trend in American history?
The amendment defining citizenship rights in the U.S.
The decision above limited which of the following amendments of the U.S. Constitution?
The election of Rutherford B. Hayes as president.
The elephant is celebrating
John Brown's assault on Harper's Ferry.
The event commonly known as Bleeding Kansas involved all of the following EXCEPT
The temperance reform movement during the Age of Jackson.
The excerpt above BEST represents continuity with what other social reform movement?
Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans.
The excerpt above MOST clearly foreshadows the end of the vision of America favored by
The widening gap between rich and poor at the close of the 19th century.
The excerpt above likely served as a response to
Federal funding of industrial development.
The excerpt from the Pacific Railway Act of 1862 is most clearly an example of which of the following developments of the mid-to-late 19th century?
A diplomatic imbroglio between the U.S. and Great Britain over the seizure of Confederate Agents.
The gist of the Trent Affair involved
Passed nativist legislation to keep undesirable groups out.
The government took which of the following measures to stem the tide of immigration in the late 1800s?
Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal Program.
The graph above would be MOST useful to historians analyzing the
The 1930's
The idea proposed in the fifth "General Proposition" is MOST similar to ideas expressed in which of the following periods in US history?
The Second Great Awakening
The ideas about slavery expressed by Garrison are MOST consistent with which of the following?
Extension of democratic ideals.
The ideas expressed in the image above MOST directly led to political controversies over
Debates about economic divisions and inequalities within American society.
The ideas expressed in the passage above MOST directly reflect which of the following continuities in American history?
Brown v. Board of Education
The ideas in the excerpted decision were refuted in what 20th-century Supreme Court case?
Herbert Spencer
The ideas of Andrew Carnegie from "The Gospel of Wealth" are MOST closely connected to the ideas of which Gilded Age philosopher/sociologist?
Conservationists and preservationists.
The issue over Hetch Hetchy led to an ideological conflict over the environment between which people or groups?
Likely many of the reform efforts of the government during the late 1800s, it lacked the power to be enforced.
The law above impacted the nation in which of the following ways?
The general domination of large corporations in the U.S. economy.
The passage above was MOST likely a response to
Plessy v. Ferguson
The pattern described by Blackmon is most consistent with which of the following later developments?
Efforts to reverse gains for African-Americans that came as a result of the Civil War.
The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
The philosophical underpinnings of this personal liberty statute can be found in
Political influence of trusts and pools during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The point of view expressed in the image above most clearly warns against the perceived dangers of
The laissez-faire economics of the Gilded Age.
The policies illustrated in excerpt above were MOST clearly contrary to
A transition from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one.
The policies illustrated in excerpt above were MOST clearly reactions to
The implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation.
The poster above MOST likely was published after
The assassination of President James Garfield.
The problems with the patronage system were clearly shown through what later tragic event?
To maximize profits.
The quote above by Vanderbilt emphasized what principle that governed big businesses in the late 1800s?
The future of slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico.
The rapid growth of California's population most directly led to conflict over
Increasing immigration of groups like the Irish to America.
The relevant historical context of this article was the
Prior to the Progressive Movement.
The sentiments expressed in the advertisement above are MOST consistent with America's medical standards
America's first "Red Scare" that legitimized attacks on immigrants and radical leaders of the labor movement.
The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above contributed to which of the following historical developments?
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry.
The sentiments expressed in the excerpts above MOST LIKELY inspired which of the following events?
Non-compliance with unpopular and unenforceable laws.
The sentiments expressed in the passage above MOST directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?
Women's involvement in the reform movements inspired by the Second Great Awakening.
The sentiments of the image above are MOST clearly a continuation of what event or processes below?
Political machines exchanged services and financial support to immigrants in exchange for votes.
The services provided by the city alderman in the account above were MOST likely a product of which of the following historical developments?
Most antebellum reform movements were motivated by religious ideals.
The song reflects the general trends of antebellum reform movements in which of the following ways?
Compromise of 1850
The state of Maine crafted this personal liberty law, an act of interposition, in response to the
Were unwilling to risk war against competitors for what was still yet to be realized, economic gain.
The success of the Open Door Policy was built on the premise that foreign countries with a stake in China
The tone of this "Harpers Weekly" editorial is designed to engender among Americans strong feelings of
The Bessemer process
The transportation network described in the excerpt is a key result of which of the following developments in the late 19th century?
Sharecropping system
The trends described by Douglas Blackmon MOST directly illustrate which of the following major historical developments in the South after the Civil War?
Conviction that workers earning a fair wage would guarantee economic prosperity for the country as a whole.
The underlying philosophy which prompted Henry Ford's commentary on labor was based upon his
Were a response to abolitionist portrayals of slavery.
The writings of George Fitzhugh
Debates over the status of slavery in the territories following the Mexican American War.
These excerpts were written in response to
Redistributive fiscal policies that aimed to cure social ills.
This economic position of the New Deal could be assimilated into a social policy view that advocated:
Northerners and Southerners would only be able to settle their differences through a bloody, violent war.
This incident foreshadowed which of the following future events?
Second New Deal legislation tended to focus on reform as opposed to relief, which was the emphasis of the First Hundred Days.
This legislation compares with earlier legislation of the New Deal in which of the following ways?
FDR's dissatisfaction with the programs Congress has passed.
This political cartoon depicts
Income taxes replaced high tariffs as the government's income, possibly increasing foreign trade.
Though called for in the Omaha Platform, what led to the passage of a graduated income tax in the 1910s?
Political machines controlled voting, and thus controlled elections.
Through this cartoon, Thomas Nast intended to convey that
Mexican-American War
Throughout this text, Sumner most directly refers to which of the following events?
Community centers and settlement houses.
To receive economic support and educational enrichment, recent European immigrants often turned to
Proved ineffective even in his home state of Louisiana.
Ultimately, Long's views of redistribution
A growing disparity in wealth distribution among Americans.
Upon reading Washington Gladden's commentary, one can infer that the most important problem facing the U.S. during the Gilded Age was
The lands west of the Louisiana territory are the rightful possessions of Mexico.
Walt Whitman would MOST likely have disagreed with which of the following ideas?
They should improve their vocational skills and prove their economic value to society.
Washington held what belief on how African Americans should improve their economic position?
To attract settlers due to a severe shortage of women settlers.
Western states MOST likely gave women the right to vote for which of the following reasons?
Dred Scott v. Sandford
What Supreme Court case invalidated the arguments made by Senator Douglas?
The Force Acts were enacted.
What action did Congress take to stem the tide of KKK violence in the South following the Civil War?
The Supreme Court overturned state laws regulating railroads.
What caused the creation of this law?
The Emancipation Proclamation
What controversial policy is Lincoln most likely defending in this document?
Other European powers, like the Spanish, were utilizing slave labor before the English began settlement.
What does Seward mean when he states "they found slavery existing here?"
Both the Apache and the United States agreed not to harm each other.
What evidence can be found in this treaty that the Apache and the United States had mutual respect for each other?
The Pendleton Act
What federal law was created to remedy the problems that are referred to in the excerpt?
Texas had recently declared its independence from Mexico.
What is the "crisis" referred to in this advertisement?
The United States Civil War.
What is the "furious storm" that is predicted in this song?
Christian beliefs support the abolition of slavery.
What is the central idea of The Battle Hymn of the Republic?
Kansas was the site of bloody conflict over slavery.
What is the significance of the reference to Kansas in the song's lyrics?
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
What legislation is Senator Douglas attempting to defend in this excerpt?
A labor union leader.
What occupation most likely fit the author of the second paragraph above?
Republican Party
What political party did Fremont represent in the Election of 1856?
Know-Nothing Party
What political party is this newspaper article criticizing?
The lowering of wages and maintaining of high rents on lodgings.
What social issue, alluded to in the paragraphs above, incited one of the most violent strikes of the late 1800s?
The Market Revolution
What time period below in American history saw improvements in farming technology most similar to those pictures above?
Irish and Chinese immigrants.
What two groups played a key role in the building of this railroad?
Cities experienced ghettoization as immigrants grouped together in certain parts of cities.
What urban phenomenon developed as a result of increased immigration to Northeastern cities?
A realignment of the Republican Party into one that resisted the welfare state.
What was a political effect of the fiscal spending policy Keynes advocated here?
He called for a gradual approach to African American civil rights, calling for accommodation and self-improvement.
What was controversial about this speech delivered by Washington?
To open up economic relations between the United States and Japan.
What was the primary purpose of this treaty?
"As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free."
What words in the song were MOST LIKELY meant to inspire the Union soldiers?
Instigating violence, often through groups like the KKK.
When Black Codes were outlawed by the federal government, which of the following actions did white Southerners immediately take to try to maintain pre-war political and social conditions in the South?
Which 1860 political party would agree most strongly with Douglass' argument?
African Americans were selected to the Supreme Court and elected to the presidency before women.
Which 20th or 21st-century development BEST parallels the issue that the author of the cartoon is critiquing in 1870?
Lyndon B. Johnson
Which American president was faced with a draft response most similar to what Lincoln experienced during the Civil War?
Theodore Roosevelt.
Which American president would later negotiate a peace treaty between Japan and Russia?
The creation of the Republican Party.
Which action prior to the U.S. Civil War aligns most closely with Senator Seward's views on slavery?
Article 9
Which article of this treaty was the LEAST consistently enforced by the government of the United States?
Lack of congressional action to enforce Reconstruction amendments to the constitution by "appropriate legislation" mandated in each amendment.
Which event was a catalyst to the ideas expressed in the passage above?
Land speculators
Which faction of the country would have been LEAST likely to support the Homestead Act?
Which federal program is MOST similar to Social Security in its approach of providing benefits?
The Open Door Policy
Which future American foreign policy would be most consistent with the Treaty of Kanagawa?
Which group below would be the MOST supportive of the sentiments expressed in the passage above in the 1890s?
Private water companies which had a monopoly on water distribution.
Which group was MOST opposed to the bill shown above?
Capitalists of the late 1800s.
Which group would MOST LIKELY have benefited the MOST from the conditions depicted in the image above?
Gold was discovered in Alaska in the 1890s.
Which historical development eventually changed the public's opinion of the Alaska purchase?
George Armstrong Custer
Which historical figure would have most likely supported this treaty?
The 13th Amendment
Which later development best exemplifies Douglass' point about the Constitution?
The Northwest Ordinance
Which law passed by the United States Congress is MOST consistent with Seward's point of view?
Separate but equal.
Which legal doctrine was formulated in the excerpted case?
Television coverage of police brutality directed against Civil Rights protestors of the 1960s.
Which of the following 20th-century developments regarding African-Americans BEST parallels the quote above?
Acquire the connection point for the transcontinental railroad for Chicago.
Which of the following BEST captures Stephen Douglas' motivation for crafting the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
The book that was based on these accounts led to urban reform, such as the destruction of tenement housing.
Which of the following BEST captures the activities of Jabob Riis?
The attack on Senator Charles Sumner was unwarranted.
Which of the following BEST captures the artist's opinion of this incident, which occurred in the United States Senate?
Whites in the South wished to return to their antebellum status.
Which of the following BEST captures the meaning of the phrase, "The Union as It Was?"
People became outraged at the death of United States soldiers and called for increased military presence.
Which of the following BEST captures the sentiments of the majority of Americans following the Battle of Little Big Horn?
The Irish were violent animals.
Which of the following BEST describes the artist's opinion of Irish immigrants?
The passage seeks to characterize the Mexican-American War as part of a plot by pro-slavery advocates to extend slavery into new regions.
Which of the following BEST describes the likely intent of the author?
Which of the following BEST describes the movement that would seek reform for the conditions shown in this image?
The Populists lost the election, but another reform movement successfully enacted the changes.
Which of the following BEST describes the outcome of this platform proposed by the Populists?
Increased educational and economic opportunities for African-Americans.
Which of the following BEST explains the changes in the Sixth Mount Zion Church between 1867 and 1925, depicted in the postcard?
Immigrants were willing to work for lower wages.
Which of the following BEST explains the motivation behind the inclusion of immigration restriction in the platform?
Southerners resented the Republican Party for abolishing slavery and winning the Civil War.
Which of the following BEST explains why the South remained loyal to the Democratic Party until the 20th century?
Hundreds of Kansans were killed in the struggle over slavery in that territory.
Which of the following BEST explains why the platform above states that the rights of the people of Kansas were "taken"?
The Dawes Act of 1887
Which of the following BEST marks a turning point in the U.S. government's policies toward Native Americans?
Natural lands should be preserved without human interference.
Which of the following BEST reflects John Muir's beliefs?
White interests would continually undermine the government's attempts to negotiate peace with the Native Americans.
Which of the following BEST summarizes the attitude of this cartoon on U.S. policies toward Native Americans?
In the cartoonist's opinion, the conditions are "worse than slavery."
Which of the following BEST supports the idea that the cartoonist was a Northerner?
The results of battles such as Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville early in the war.
Which of the following Civil War events would have been most useful in defending Wigfall's point of view over that of Debow?
The new fugitive slave law.
Which of the following MOST LIKELY inspired the writing of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Railroads engaged in practices such as giving rebates to businesses while overcharging farmers.
Which of the following MOST likely caused farming to languish as railroad profits soared in the late 1800s?
The declining political power of rural America at the end of the 19th century.
Which of the following MOST likely stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals supported by the Bryan campaign of 1896?
National Recovery Administration
Which of the following New Deal Programs was deemed unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Direct election of senators.
Which of the following Populist goals were later accomplished during the Progressive Era?
The United States war with Spain in the 1890s.
Which of the following U.S. conflicts was a result of similar ideas as the ones expressed in the above passage?
The passage of a law which gave 160 acres of land to United States citizens settling in the Great Plains.
Which of the following U.S. laws created the conditions for this treaty?
The mass mobilization of American society to supply men and material for the Second World War
Which of the following arguments BEST supports the sudden drop in unemployment after 1940?
While the income gap increased during the Gilded Age, the incomes of all Americans, laborers included, increased steadily overall during that time.
Which of the following arguments would undermine the author's argument?
The ideas expressed in the Gettysburg Address.
Which of the following can be seen as a continuation of Lincoln's beliefs about the relationship between slavery and the war after his issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation?
Disagreement over the passage of the 15th Amendment.
Which of the following caused a major split in the women's suffrage movement?
The concept of slavery contradicts the ideals on which the United States was founded.
Which of the following conclusions about slavery BEST captures the perspectives of the speakers above?
Congressional legislation increased regulation of "patent" medicines in an effort to protect the American public.
Which of the following constituted a major change in how products such as the "National Kidney and Liver Cure" could be advertised and sold in the United States in the early 1900s?
14th Amendment
Which of the following constitutional amendments "made the Negro a citizen" as quoted in the excerpt?
Thousands of African-Americans would move to northern cities.
Which of the following describes the most direct consequence of the conditions in the second map?
The 17th Amendment to the US Constitution
Which of the following developments in the first half of the 20th century BEST represented the continuation of the ideas expressed in the Populist Party platform?
The transcontinental railroad
Which of the following developments made it possible to travel from New York to California in a few days by the end of the 19th century?
The formation of a civil service system.
Which of the following developments would be MOST consistent with the beliefs expressed in the excerpt?
The election of Franklin Pierce.
Which of the following did NOT deepen the divide between North and South in the 1850s?
The Preamble to the United States Constitution.
Which of the following documents is Anthony referencing when she uses phrases like "we the people" and "the blessings of liberty?"
The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Which of the following documents justifies the author's claim that Chinese workers were treated badly in America?
Women were important members of the abolitionist movement in the Antebellum Era.
Which of the following earlier events would have been MOST useful for the author in defending his/her point of view?
Thomas Jefferson
Which of the following earlier politicians would have advocated Wigfall's position as the ideal, for not only the South butt the entire country?
Which of the following economic ideologies is most in line with Long's views?
Which of the following economic/political systems is MOST clearly shown in the excerpt?
It brought more northerners to the abolition movement, causing them to be unwilling to compromise with the continued expansion of slavery.
Which of the following effects of Uncle Tom's Cabin was MOST significant in the 1850s?
The Gilded Age
Which of the following eras was MOST regularly characterized by this debate over the nature of success and the accumulation of wealth?
The Homestead Strike
Which of the following events contributed to the Populist desire to abolish the "Pinkerton system"?
The states he won were densely populated, giving him the majority of the electoral vote.
Which of the following explains why Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with only 40% of the vote?
The laissez-faire attitude of the federal government during the Gilded Age.
Which of the following factors was MOST responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the advertisement above?
Laissez-faire economic principles that dominated the economic policy of the Gilded Age.
Which of the following factors was MOST responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the cartoon above?
Jay Gould
Which of the following figures would MOST likely have disagreed with the assertion that wealth is less important than character in the measure of a man?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Which of the following future presidents would sign a transportation bill of similar significance into law?
The federal government's policy that advocated non-interference in the economy and allowed the development of monopolies.
Which of the following governmental policies aligned MOST closely with Sumner's beliefs?
The large number of Catholic immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.
Which of the following groups attracted the wrath of the American Protective Association during this period?
Immigrants who lived in dumbbell tenements (apartments) in cities such as New York.
Which of the following groups endured the living conditions described in the passage above?
Which of the following groups focused their attention on addressing the physical dangers of the workplace described by Frowne?
Indigenous workers in Spain's 16th century American colonies.
Which of the following groups of laborers found themselves in a position similar to that of the Chinese during the Gold Rush?
W.E.B. DuBois' Niagara Movement
Which of the following groups or movements would call for active and organized resistance rather than a passive approach to combat the practices exposed in the excerpt above?
Adherents to the New Deal's promises of Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
Which of the following groups was MOST responsive in trying to create long-term solutions to the conditions shown in the image above?
Muckrakers of early 20th century.
Which of the following groups were MOST able to affect social change in their criticism of the written claims made in the above advertisement?
Educated middle-class women.
Which of the following groups were MOST active in raising awareness of the conditions displayed in the photo above?
Farmers of the Great Plains.
Which of the following groups would MOST likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the passage above at the close of the 19th century?
Supreme Court
Which of the following groups would be LEAST likely to support granting more power to FDR?
Northern Congressmen at the Federal Level.
Which of the following groups would feel the MOST political pressure from speeches like those above?
The Apache Indians
Which of the following groups would have most strongly opposed General Sherman's point of view in the excerpt?
Members of the party who wanted reform split off in 1884 and votes in the first Democrat since the Civil War.
Which of the following happened to the Republican Party as a result of issues raised by the assassination?
A business owner.
Which of the following historical actors would have likely benefited the MOST from the trend described in the passage above?
The sharecropping system presented the former slaves with the opportunity for greater economic independence.
Which of the following historical developments BEST explains the difference between these two maps?
Overspeculation in the booming stock market by American financial institutions during the 1920s.
Which of the following historical developments MOST directly precipitated the conditions leading to the action shown in the image above?
The Seneca Falls Convention
Which of the following historical developments in the first half of the 19th century BEST represents the emergence of the sentiments expressed by Susan B. Anthony above?
The emergence of large corporate domination of the American economy in the late 19th century.
Which of the following historical developments most directly precipitated the conditions leading to the argument in the passage above?
William McKinley defeating William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 presidential election.
Which of the following historical developments was foreshadowed by this cartoon?
Jefferson Davis
Which of the following historical figures would MOST likely defend the statements made by Calhoun?
Dr. Francis Townsend, who sought aid for the elderly.
Which of the following individuals would likely be MOST supportive of the benefits articulated in this poster?
The Union could not be dismantled.
Which of the following is a basic premise asserted in Lincoln's First Inaugural Address?
That slavery would be prohibited in the land gained in the Mexican War?
Which of the following is the CENTRAL argument of the above legislation?
Immigrant families lacked the ability to pay rent based solely upon the salary of adults.
Which of the following is the MOST direct cause of the high percentage of child laborers at the turn of the 20th century?
Africans are not better off as slaves.
Which of the following is the MOST effective counter-argument to Senator Calhoun's speech?
The banning of slavery by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Which of the following is the MOST likely explanation for the founding of the Sixth Mount Zion Church in Richmond, VA in 1867?
Texan revolutionaries stationed outside of the Alamo.
Which of the following is the likely audience of this letter?
As the U.S. expanded westward, the debate over slavery intensified.
Which of the following is the most accurate description of the status of slavery when this novel was written?
Despite all family members (including children) working, immigrant families often lived in cramped one room apartments.
Which of the following is true about the experiences of Southern and Eastern European immigrants in the U.S. during this period?
The exposure of unsanitary conditions in the food and meatpacking industry, which relied on an exposé that shocked America.
Which of the following issues MOST relied on the awareness of social reformers?
The President refused to grant an office seeker a government job.
Which of the following led to the assassination of President Garfield?
The Spot Resolution of Abraham Lincoln and other Whigs.
Which of the following legislations would David Wilmot also have likely supported?
City planners created parks in cities such as New York's Central Park.
Which of the following loosely served as an example of "the trend of awakening public opinion" that Muir mentioned in the passage above?
The Feminist movement in the 1950s.
Which of the following movement's degree of success was similar to Abolitionism in the 1830s?
Thousands of white soldiers deserted the Union army.
Which of the following occurred as a direct consequence of this announcement?
The federal government created an agency to regulate railroads.
Which of the following occurred as a result of farmer discontent towards railroads and other big businesses?
Father Coughlin, who felt that the government was more supportive of the banking industry.
Which of the following offered views MOST similar to Long's views?
A leader of a national labor union.
Which of the following people likely disagreed with Mahan's beliefs?
The independence of Cuba from Spain.
Which of the following planks of the Populist Party platform was realized within a decade of the release of the platform?
Congressional Republicans took control of Reconstruction.
Which of the following political actions was a response against the passage of the Black Codes?
The Republicans
Which of the following political parties had the strongest anti-Catholic or nativist plank in its platform in the late 1800s.
Know-Nothing Party
Which of the following political parties represents the escalation of the anti-immigrant sentiments described in the excerpt?
The Republican Party of the late 1800s.
Which of the following political parties supported the ideas of Sumner?
Ulysses S. Grant
Which of the following presidents confronted the scandalous consequences of the Pacific Railway Act?
The Civil Works Administration
Which of the following programs was intended to have the desired economic effect due to "emergency expenditures?"
Sherman Anti-trust Act
Which of the following provides another example of Congress' weakness in regulating big business during this period?
Despite being corrupt, political machines also provided necessary services to help immigrants assimilate into society.
Which of the following reasons best explains why historians disagree in their assessment of the value of political machines in U.S. policies?
The creation of the civil service system to end the spoils system.
Which of the following reform efforts began as a result of the assassination of the President?
Both undermined and invalidated the Missouri Compromise.
Which of the following represents a common criticism by Northerners of both the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision?
Lowell, Massachusetts.
Which of the following set the precedent for female employment in American industry?
Americans on the East Coast were eager to share in the excitement of the Gold Rush.
Which of the following statements BEST describes the motivation for this 1849 advertisement?
Calhoun wants his audience to understand that slavery must not be abolished.
Which of the following statements BEST describes the purpose of Senator Calhoun's speech?
He wished to remind the audience that freedom and independence were not enjoyed by everyone in America.
Which of the following statements BEST explains the purpose of Douglass' speech?
The government wanted to ensure the efficient completion of a transcontinental railroad.
Which of the following statements BEST explains why the U.S. government gave land to the railroad companies?
Whitman believed that only the United States could expand freedom throughout North America.
Which of the following statements MOST accurately summarizes Whitman's editorial?
New forms of transportation contributed to an increasing number of urban centers.
Which of the following statements about America during the Gilded Age is BEST supported by the map shown above?
Travis and his men were wiped out by the Mexican Army.
Which of the following statements best describes the consequence of this letter?
Southern States took advantage of President Johnson's lenient Reconstruction policies to maintain their pre-war social structures.
Which of the following statements would BEST be supported by this example of Black Codes?
A breakdown of the total value of exports from the United States to Europe.
Which of the following statistics from the time period 1820 to 1860 would have been MOST useful to counter the argument made by Debow?
The Supreme Court issued the "separate but equal" doctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson.
Which of the following strengthened the racially discriminatory policies of the 19th century?
The steel plow
Which of the following technological innovations MOST contributed to the situation depicted in the cartoon?
Which of the following territorial acquisitions is most similar to the annexation of Texas?
Support for subsidies to major corporations.
Which of the following trends in American politics MOST supported the construction of the railroads shown on this map?
States passed compulsory school laws.
Which of the following ultimately curtailed the number of child laborers in the United States?
Corporate consolidation and abuse of power during the Gilded Age.
Which of the following was MOST likely a significant cause of the sentiments depicted in the cartoon above?
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Which of the following was MOST similar to the Wilmot Proviso?
The 160 acres promised to Native Americans lacked value and was sometimes stolen by land speculators.
Which of the following was a cause of the failure of the Dawes Severalty Act?
African American Senators and Congressmen were elected for the first time.
Which of the following was a direct result of the actions shown in the above image?
The rise of sophisticated organized crime networks within the United States.
Which of the following was a major consequence of the activity shown in the excerpt above?
Debates over monetary standards in the U.S. economy created political tension between urban and rural America.
Which of the following was a major consequence of the sentiments expressed above?
The emergence of the Republican Party.
Which of the following was an effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Wealth had to be redistributed by "soaking the rich."
Which of the following was crucial to the successful implementation of Long's proposed policy?
The Populists lacked appeal in the heavily populated northeast, mainly featuring western support.
Which of the following was the MOST direct cause of McKinley's defeat of Bryan in the Election of 1896?
Their 1860 Election platform was free-soil.
Which of the following was the PRIMARY reason Republicans were supportive of western settlement with measures such as the Homestead Act?
Korean War
Which of the following was the first U.S. conflict to permit integrated military units?
The legality of Jim Crow laws.
Which of the following was the long-term result of the decision excerpted?
Miners discovered gold in the sacred lands of the Sioux.
Which of the following was the primary cause for the U.S. government violating the terms of this treaty?
Poor soil quality to farm.
Which of the following was the primary cause of homesteader failure during the Gilded Age?
Machines fostered graft in city politics and public contracts.
Which of the following was widely considered a negative effect of political machines during the Gilded Age?
Susan B. Anthony
Which of the following women, during the debate over the Fifteenth Amendment, would have supported the point of view of this cartoon?
Frederick Douglass
Which of the following would be MOST likely to support Susan B. Anthony's organizing tactics and political affiliations?
Frederick Douglass
Which of the following would have been MOST supportive of Lincoln's issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation?
John C. Calhoun
Which of the following would have most likely supported the viewpoint of this excerpt?
Priming the pump
Which phrase BEST describes the economic policy Keynes advocates above?
The American Party
Which political party would MOST agree with the cartoonist's point of view?
James K. Polk
Which president is Abraham Lincoln criticizing in the above section?
Lincoln wanted Congress to rethink its priorities in order to win the Civil War.
Which statement BEST describes the purpose of President Lincoln's address?
Johnson was a Southern Democrat that the Republicans in Congress did not trust.
Which statement BEST explains the motivation for the impeachment of President Johnson?
The famine occurred because too much food was exported out of Ireland.
Which statement BEST summarizes Bishop Hughes' point of view?
Douglass is angry about speaking on Independence Day when slaves have no independence.
Which statement BEST summarizes Frederick Douglass' point of view in this speech?
Women are people living in the United States and therefore are entitled to vote.
Which statement BEST summarizes Susan B. Anthony's argument?
All of the highlighted territory belonged to Mexico at some point in the past.
Which statement about the area highlighted in white on the map is correct?
There was a breakdown of national politics into sectional rivalries over the issue of slavery.
Which statement below accurately describes the political landscape of America in 1860?
Potential draftees responded violently to the law.
Which statement regarding the public response to this law is MOST accurate?
Hughes commends the Irish for their nonviolent response to the famine.
Which statements BEST describes the Bishop's admiration for the Irish?
William J. Clinton
Who was the second president to be impeached?
If the United States is a nation founded on the ideal of freedom, then everyone deserves it.
Why did Lincoln write "in giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free?"
The U.S. was divided on the expansion of slavery into the West.
Why did it take ten years for Texas to be admitted as a state?
Senator Douglas threatened to divide the Democratic Party along sectional lines.
Why did the arguments made by Senator Douglas increase the chances of war between the North and South.
Texas was trying to recruit forces for its war against Mexico.
Why was Texas offering free land to the settlers?
The land was needed to complete a railroad line through what is today the Southwestern United States.
Why was the Gadsden Purchase made?
Settlement houses such as Hull House provided services to immigrants without corruption.
Why would Jane Addams have MOST likely expressed concern over the issues raised in this account?