period 1
1491 - 1607 1491 is one year prior to the arrival of Columbus and Europeans, and 1607 is the year England established a permanent settlement at Jamestown
period 2
1607 - 1754 1607 = 1st English permanent settlement in Jamestown; 1754 = start of the 7 Years War
period 3
1754 - 1800 This time period represents the end of the 7 Years' War through the first two presidential administrations (Washington and Adams)
period 4
1800 - 1848 Beginning with Jefferson's presidency (Revolution of 1800), ending with the Seneca Falls Convention and Mexican American War
period 5
1844 - 1877 Beginning with Polk's election (US expansion and Manifest Destiny) through the end of Reconstruction
period 6
1865 - 1898 1865 begins with end of the Civil War and 1898 marks the beginning of the spanish american war
period 7
1890 - 1945 1890 begins with the "closing" of the frontier and 1945 marks the end of WWII
period 8
1945 - 1980 1945 = End of WWII/Beginning of the Cold War; 1980 = election of Ronald Reagan, conservative movement
period 9
1980 - Present 1980 = election of Ronald Reagan, conservative movement through present day (including war on terrorism)