Pharm Exam 2: Pain and Inflammation, Cardiac

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Uses of fentanyl

IV anesthesia, patch chronic pain control for opioid tolerance, transmucosal breakthrough pain cancer pts

Drug abuse

Use is inconsistent with medical/social norms

You should not stop prednisone ____________-


Physical dependence

abstinence syndrome will occur if drug is abruptly withdrawn

Which cyclooxygenase inhibitor has NO inflamm effects


Tx for acetaminophen toxicity


Cochicine is used for

acute gout

Acetaminophen interacts with (2)

alcohol, warfarin

Procaine has a greater risk of


Codeine has less


Use for acetaminophen

analgesic, antipyretic

Uses for aspirin (4)

analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflamm, antiPLT

Effects of aspirin on L&D

anemia, postpartum hemorrhage, prolong labor

Acetaminophen does not _______ properties


Role of COX-2 "bad COX"

anti-inflammatory, pain and fever perception, renal function, vasodialation

Inhibition of COX-1 causes

antiPLT, gastric ulcers, bleeding, renal issues

Aspirin interacts with (6)

anticoags, alcohol, ibuprofen, glucocoritcoids, ACE-I, ARBs

How to minimize topical lidocaine toxicity

apply smallest amount needed, avoid large areas, avoid broken skin, avoid exercise, don't wrap site or apply heat

1st gen NSAIDs (2)

aspirin, ibuprofen

Drug addiction

behavior pattern caused by continuous use of psychoactive substance despite harm

Most common gout locaton

big toe, feet

MOA loop diuretics

block NaCl absorption in loop of Henle

MOA naloxone

blocks effects of opioid agonists

2nd gen NSAID


Allopurinol is used to treat

chronic gout

Tylenol 3

codeine + acetaminophen

COX-2 can cause

colon cancer

S/s opioid toxicity

coma, decreased RR, miosis

Uses for codeine

cough and pain supression

What is another name for the NSAIDs/acetaminophen

cyclooxegenase inhibitors

Caution should be used in giving opioids to pts w/ (3)

decreased resp reserve, L&D, head injury

Reye's syndrome s/s

encephalopathy, heaptic injury

Lidocaine effects extended when given with


If pt does not respond to nasal naloxone, additional doses can be given

every 2-3 minutes

To prevent urinary retention, encourage pt to void

every 4-6 hrs

Take aspirin with

food and full glass of water

Loop diuretics (2)

furosemide, bumetanide

Acetaminophen toxicity can cause

hepatic necosis

AE of acetaminophen



hydrocodone + acetaminophen

Etiology of gout

hyperuricemia causes crystals to deposit in joints

S/E prednisone

infections, adrenal insufficiency, hyperglycemia, osteoporisis, F/E imbalance, peptic ulcers

MOA of allopurinol (2)

inhibits enzymes used for uric acid prod; lowers blood uric acid levels

Lidocaine is administered by

injection or topical

If pt is on prednisone, vaccines are

less effective

Local anesthetics (2)

lidocaine, procaine

Opioids are inactivated by


Prednisone can be used for d/o such as

lupus, RA, IBD, neoplasms

What is required after admin of nasal naloxone in the community

medical attention

Use for hydrocodone

moderate-severe pain

Pts taking cochicine should report any

muscle pain/weakness

AE of cochicine

myelosuppression, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis

Opioid antagonist


Do not give fentanyl to pts who do not have__________ or are ___________

opioid tolerance; under 18

Naloxone can be given (2)

parenteral, nasal



Role of COX-1 (3) "good COX"

protect gastric mucosa, support renal function, promote PLT aggregation

Morphine _________________ without causing ___________________

relieves pain, loss of consciousness

Codeine has lower risk of (2)

resp depression, abuse potential

In premies, prednisone can prevent

respiratory depression

Most lethal AE of opioids

respiratory depression

Main s/e opioids

respiratory depression, constipation, orho hYTN, urinary retention, cough supression

Biggest use for naloxone

reverse opioid overdose

AE of aspirin (2)

salicycism, Reye's syndrome

Cochicine can cause _________, in which case the med _________

severe GI upset; should be stopped

Salicycism occurs when aspirin levels are

slightly elevated

Cochicine interacts with


At high doses, prednisone will

suppress inflammation

Salicycism s/s

tennitus, HA, dizziness

When should you increase doses of prednisone

times of high stress

Topical lidocaine has risk of


GI effects of aspirin (2)

ulcers, bleeding

s/e IV procaine

urinary retention, hyTN

Allopurinol interacts with (3)

warfarin, theophylline, ampicillin

hold opioids for a RR <


Avoid colecoxib in which trimester of pregnancy


Pts w/ no comorbidities should not exceed _______ mg acetaminophen; if malnourished, _________; w/ alcohol, _________

4000, 3000, 2000

MOA for procaine and lidocaine

Block Na channels to block sensory and motor function

SE local anesthetics

CNS excitation then depression, CV

S/e colecoxib

Dyspepsia, abd pain, renal toxicity

Which opioid is 100x more potent than morphine


Ibuprofen is an aspirin-like drug with fewer ... (3)

GI, renal, hemorrhagic effects

Procaine is administed by


Inhibition of COX-2 causes

Inflammation suppression, pain relief, antipyretic

MOA of acetaminophen

Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis in CNS

MOA of aspirin

Irreversibly blocks COX1 and COX2

Prednisone interacts with

K+ wasting drugs, NSAIDS, insulin/oral DM medicines

Celecoxib is a last choice drug b/c it increases risk of

MI and stroke

Ibuprofen does NOT protect against

MI and stroke

MOA of opioids

Mimic actions of endogenous opioids

Opioids (4)

Morphine, fentanyl, codeine, hydrocodone

Opioids primarily act on

Mu receptors

S/E allopurinol

N/V/D, abd discomfort, drowsiness, HA, metallic taste in mouth

1st line drug for acute gout


MOA of prednisone

Nearly identical to endogenous steroids

Are procaine and lidocaine selective or nonselective?


Uses for ibuprofen (3)

OA, RA, dysmenorrhea

S/s local anesthetic toxicity

Palpitations, tachy, anxiety, HTN

MOA of ibuprofen

Reversible inhibition of COX-1 and COX02

MOA of celecoxib

Selective COX-2 inhibitor

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