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0.5 × 0.25 = ​0.0125 ​0.125​ 1.25 ​12.5


What is the quotient form of the ratio 2:10? 2/10 ​0.2​ 5​ 20


3/4 + 1/3 = 4/7​ 3/12 ​1 1/12​ 5/12

1 1/12

1 oz = 2 tsp​ 4 tsp ​1 tbsp​ 2 tbsp

2 tsp

Which is an example of a common fraction? 60%​ 3/4 ​0.25 ​14


95°F = 35°C​ 52°C​ 113°C ​171°C


Dr. Rivera ordered 100,000 units of Bacitracin for irrigation of a surgical wound. The only vials of Bacitracin available contain 25,000 units. How many vials of Bacitracin will you need? 1​ 2​ 4​ 8


If a patient is 150 cm tall, what is her approximate height in feet and inches? 4 feet, 6 inches​ 4 feet, 11 inches​ 5 feet, 6 inches​ 5 feet, 11 inches

4 feet, 11 inches

Dr. Thompson ordered one milligram of medication per kilogram of body weight. The patient, Mary, weighs 75 kilograms. How many milligrams of medication should Mary receive? 1 mg​ 7.5 mg​ 37.5 mg ​75 mg

75 mg

What does the term milliequivalent mean? Provide two examples of the use of milliequivalent measures in the medical setting.

A milliequivalent is a unit of measure that represents one thousandth of a measure. Milliequivalents are used when referring to electrolytes and when reporting lab test results.

Differentiate between a policy and a procedure.

A policy is a written institutional rule or plan of action that addresses a specific need and requires compliance within that institution. A procedure outlines the steps necessary to implement the policy.

Differentiate between a proper and an improper fraction.

A proper fraction has a numerator that is smaller than the denominator. An improper fraction has a numerator that is larger than the denominator meaning that the final number will include a whole number and fraction.

What is the importance of an adequate intake of potassium in the diet?

Adequate potassium intake in the diet is important in energy production, muscle contraction, synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, and transmission of nerve impulses. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of dietary potassium.

List four parts of a plant that may be used as sources for drugs.

All parts of the plant (flowers, fruits, berries, leaves, bark, sap, roots, resin, etc.) may be used as sources for drugs.

Which publication would be the best resource if you wanted to look up the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of chemotherapy? National Formulary (NF)​ Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)​ American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Index​Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics

American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Index

Briefly describe the antigen/antibody response. Use information from an outside source to answer this question.

An antigen is a foreign substance, usually a protein, which causes activation of antibodies. Antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to an antigen. The antigen/antibody response is usually initiated to prevent infection. An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to an antigen (allergen) that is not normally harmful (such as pollen or dust) to most individuals. Symptoms of an allergic response can range from mild (itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing) to severe (anaphylaxis).

What is anaphylaxis? Use information from an outside source to answer this question.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic response that occurs rapidly following exposure to an allergen (such as food, medication, or a bee sting) and may be fatal if not treated immediately. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include itching (pruritus), redness of the skin (erythema), hives (urticaria), airway constriction, wheezing, and a significant drop in blood pressure (hypotension) that can lead to fainting (syncope), shock, and death.

Think about drugs that are classified according to the body system affected. Limited information is presented in this chapter. Use information contained elsewhere in this textbook or from outside resources to identify at least three more drugs that affect three additional body systems.

Answers will vary but could include: The drug aminophylline is a bronchodilator; therefore, it could be classified as a respiratory system drug. The drug nitroglycerin is a vasodilator; therefore, it could be classified as a cardiovascular system drug. The drug furosemide is a loop diuretic; therefore, it could be classified as a urinary system drug.

What is the classification of the drug bupivacaine 0.5%? Use information found elsewhere in this textbook to answer this question.

Bupivacaine 0.5% (brand names Marcaine® and Sensorcaine®) is a nerve conduction blocking agent in the amino amide group.

is an example of a drug derived from laboratory synthesis. Potassium​ Cephalexin​ Hepatitis B vaccine​ Heparin


Physicians must be registered with which federal agency in order to be allowed to prescribe controlled substances? OSHA​ FDA​ DEA​ CDC


Define the term dimensional analysis and describe the situations that dimensional analysis is applied in the surgical setting.

Dimensional analysis is the process of understanding and applying the relationships between the qualities of various items (such as drugs and systems for identifying and measuring drug dosages) based on the physical characteristics (dimensions) of each item. Dimensional analysis is applied in the surgical setting when comparing weight, size (length/width/height/volume), distance, temperature, and time between various systems.

Pharmacology is the study of

Drugs and their effects on the body

Which is NOT a common argument against the use of drugs derived from animal sources? It is wrong to use animals for the manufacture and testing of drugs.​Drugs derived from animal sources are often ineffective. Some religions and cultures forbid the consumption of animal derivatives. Drugs derived from animal sources may contain potentially harmful pathogens

Drugs derived from animal sources are often ineffective

If there is a conflict between federal law, state law and facility policy and procedure; to which regulation must the surgical technologist adhere?

Facility policies and procedures must comply with both federal and state laws and may be even stricter. The stricter regulation always prevails.

Which law requires that all drugs be approved by the FDA prior to marketing? Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act ​ Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act ​Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)​ Fair Packaging and Labeling Act

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

The surgeon preference card is a form of standing orders. If there is a change in the order because of the patient's special circumstances, how will the change most likely be communicated to the surgical team members?

If any changes to the standing orders are required, they are most often issued verbally.

List four body functions that are regulated by minerals.

Many body functions are regulated by minerals. The list includes: Blood clotting Bone formation Component of certain enzymes and proteins Component of hemoglobin Digestion Energy production Energy storage and transfer Fluid and electrolyte balance Function of amino acids Function of certain enzymes Gene expression Glucose use Immunity Iron metabolism Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance Metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, and cholesterol Muscle contraction Necessary component of vitamin B complex function pH maintenance Prevention of dental carries (cavities) Production of energy Stress management Synthesis of nucleotides Synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids Thyroid function Thyroid hormone regulation Tooth and bone formation/strength Transmission of nerve impulses

The drug morphine is a controlled substance. According to the Controlled Substances Act, what is the schedule? Why?

Morphine is classified as a Schedule II drug because it has a currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. The risk of physical or psychological dependence is serious.

Which is an example of a brand name of a drug? ranitidine​ Motrin IB®​ acetaminophen​ acetylsalicylic acid

Motrin IB®

Which publication is an official listing of all of the drugs approved by the FDA? Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics​ National Patient Safety Goals​ American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Index​National Formulary (NF)

National Formulary (NF)

In which publication did The Joint Commission (TJC) make recommendations on the use of abbreviations in the healthcare setting? Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)​ National Patient Safety Goals​ National Formulary (NF)​ American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Index

National Patient Safety Goals

Is a prescription necessary to purchase an over the counter drug? Why or why not?

No, the term over the counter is used to describe drugs that can be purchased directly by the consumer without a prescription from a physician.

State the normal body temperature (measured orally) using both the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

Normal body temperature when measured orally is 37C or 98.6F.

List three or more possible consequences of a medication/solution violation.

Patient: - Temporary harm - Permanent harm - Death Practitioner: - Negative job performance review - Loss of employment - Loss of national certification - Involvement of legal action - Payment of a fine - Imprisonment There are several patient and practitioner consequences for violating federal law, state law, or facility policy when dealing with medications and solutions. Patient consequences include causing temporary harm to the patient, causing permanent harm to the patient, and causing patient death. Practitioner consequences include negative job performance review, loss of employment, loss of national certification, involvement in legal action, payment of a fine, and imprisonment.

Which publication should you use if you want to look up drug interaction information for Zithromax®? National Formulary (NF)​ American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Index ​Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)​ Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics

Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)

The drug propofol (Diprivan®) was discovered in 1986. Identify the drug classification and provide a brief description of how the drug is used.

Propofol is classified as a sedative and is used to induce (and maintain) general anesthesia during conscious sedation.

Why is it important for a surgical technologist to be familiar with the content of the state practice acts in the state where he or she is employed?

Roles of various medical practitioners are spelled out in the individual state's practice acts. The purpose of a practice act is to protect the public by identifying the scope of practice, setting practice limits, and defining the responsibilities of the practitioner. Penalties for noncompliance with the practice act are also described. Information pertaining to tasks that can be delegated to the surgical technologist is usually found in the medical practice act and the nurse practice act and although the title of surgical technologists may not be used, applicable terms include unlicensed assistive personnel and allied health professional. Laws contained within the practice acts vary from state to state, and it is the individual surgical technologist's personal duty to read, understand, and abide by the related practice acts.

drugs have no currently accepted medical use and have a high potential for abuse. Schedule I​​ Schedule III​​ Schedule IV​​ Schedule V

Schedule I

What are some of the benefits of rDNA Technology?

Some of the benefits of rDNA technology include minimizing or eliminating the risk of transmission of pathogens and reducing the risk of allergic reaction because the rDNA product contains minimal (or is free of) human and animal antigens.

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) recommends use of a zero before a decimal point if the decimal number is a fraction only. Why? Use information found elsewhere in this textbook to answer this question.

The ISMP recommends use of a zero before a decimal point if the decimal number is a fraction only to reduce the risk of error because a decimal point is easy to overlook and the fraction could be mistaken as a whole number (.5 could be mistaken for 5 if a leading zero [0.5] is not used).

What number does the Roman numeral II represent? Provide two examples of the use of Roman numerals in pharmacology.

The Roman numeral II represents the number 2. They are used to identify narcotic classifications and also on some written prescriptions.

Which organization is responsible for development of the Daily Reference Intake (DRI)?

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) is responsible for development of the Daily Reference Intake (DRI).

Which federal agency was created as a result of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970?

The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was founded in 1973 to enforce the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

Briefly describe the role of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was formed in 1930 and is responsible for overseeing the effectiveness, safety, and security of all drugs (human and veterinary), biological agents (including blood and vaccines), medical devices, cosmetics, and radiation-emitting devices. The jurisdiction of the FDA extends to safety and security of the nation's food supply as well.

What is the role of the World Health Organization in international drug safety?

The WHO collaborates with agency representatives from several national governments to provide support to those agencies to allow each nation to create standards for drug safety, effectiveness, and quality, thereby promoting patient safety, especially in developing nations. The goal is development and standardization of a set of international guidelines concerning drug manufacture, storage, distribution, and dispensation. The WHO is also involved in detecting and penalizing manufacturers and distributors of illegal drugs.

On his preference card (Figure 3-4); Dr. XYZ is requesting bupivacaine 0.5% to be available for postoperative pain control. What are the brand and chemical names for this product?

The brand names for the drug bupivacaine are Marcaine® and Sensorcaine® and the chemical name is 1-butyl-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)piperidine-2-carboxamide.

What are the dietary sources of calcium?

The dietary sources of calcium are dairy products and green vegetables.

Differentiate between vitamins and minerals. Use information from an outside source to answer this question.

The following table provides a brief comparison of vitamins and minerals: Minerals Inorganic (not derived from living organisms) From the earth and water (including plants and animals that acquire minerals from soil and water) Necessary for regulation of the heart rate, production of hormones, and maintenance of bone strength among other functions Vitamins Organic (derived from living organisms) From plants and animals Necessary for homeostasis

List the generic and the chemical names for the brand name drug Demerol®.

The generic name for the drug Demerol® is meperidine hydrochloride and the chemical name is ethyl 1-methyl-4-phenylisonipecotate hydrochloride.

Which type of drug nomenclature is preferred in the healthcare setting? Why?

The generic name is the preferred name in the healthcare setting because several manufacturers may market the same drug under different proprietary names. Healthcare facilities often change vendors to secure the best contracted price for pharmaceuticals.

Why is the military time keeping system preferred in the healthcare setting? Write the equivalent of 0300 using civilian time.

The military time-keeping system is preferred in the healthcare setting to eliminate any potential confusion between AM and PM that may occur within the civilian time-keeping system. 0300 is written in civilian time as 3:00 AM.

Explain why one milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter. When referring to volume, use of which term (ml or cc) is recommended by the ISMP?

The space occupied by one milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter; therefore, the terms are interchangeable. The ISMP recommends use of the term milliliter when referring to volume.

List the three types of drug nomenclature and provide a brief description of each

The term drug nomenclature represents a system for naming. The three types of names given to drugs are as follows: Chemical name, which provides the exact formula and molecular structure of the drug. Generic name, which is the nonproprietary name of the drug. Proprietary (brand/trade) name, which the manufacturer assigns to the drug for marketing purposes.

The term zoologic is used in this chapter to identify drugs from animal sources. Does this description include drugs from human sources?

The term zoologic includes drugs from all animal sources, including human sources.

Explain how to convert international units to milligrams.

There is no way to convert IUs to MGs

List three of the WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery that relate directly to medication use in the surgical environment.

Three of the WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery that relate directly to medication use in the surgical environment are rapid recognition and response to adverse drug reactions, recommended practices to avoid drug delivery errors (such as labeling techniques), and administration of prophylactic antibiotics. Answers related to the importance of each of the guidelines will vary, but should directly relate to a use example in the surgical environment.

The _____ provides information about the legal standards for drug quality, strength, and purity established by the federal government. United States Pharmacopeia (USP)​ Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics​ National Patient Safety Goals​ Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)

United States Pharmacopeia (USP)

List and describe the visual changes that can take place when mixing medications that would indicate incompatibility of the drugs. Should a drug mixture be used if an incompatibility occurs?

Visual changes that may take place when mixing medications that could indicate incompatibility may be seen as an unexpected color change, presence of precipitates (appearance of particles in the solution), formation of gas (appearance of bubbles), or turbidity (loss of clarity, cloudiness). A medication mixture should never be used if there is any sign of incompatibility.

List the information that must be present on a written prescription.

Written prescriptions should contain the following information: Name, address, and telephone number of the prescriber (may include the prescriber's license number and/or Drug Enforcement Administration number, especially if the prescription is for a controlled substance) Name, address, and age/date of birth of the patient Current date Name, strength, and amount of the drug Instructions for the patient concerning the route of administration, frequency of administration, and any precautions or restrictions Number of refills allowed, if any Signature of the prescriber Brand/generic substitutions, if allowed

Which is an example of a chemical name of a drug? Advil®​ aspirin​ acetylsalicylic acid​ acetaminophen

acetylsalicylic acid​

What should you do when a patient arrives if the surgeon issues a set of standing orders? contact the surgeon to verify that you can begin administering treatment to the patient ​ inform the patient that treatment can only be administered under the surgeon's direct supervision​ provide any type of treatment indicated by the standing orders other than administration of medication ​administer treatment as indicated by the standing orders without contacting the surgeon

administer treatment as indicated by the standing orders without contacting the surgeon

Adrenalin (epinephrine) is an example of a drug derived from mineral sources. plant sources. biotechnology. animal sources.

animal sources

When mixing medications, you should NOT follow the manufacturer's instructions assume that they are compatible apply sterile technique follow the most strict set of rules

assume that they are compatible

Which is an example of an herbal medicine? basil ​iron​ Nexium®​ prednisone


​Topical thrombin is derived from biotechnology.​ laboratory synthesis.​ mineral sources.​ plant sources.


Facility policies and procedures must comply with federal law, but not state law state law, but not federal law neither federal law nor state law both federal law and state law

both federal law and state law

Which is an example of a generic name of a drug? Mucinex®​ acetylsalicylic acid​ Sublimaze® ​ bupivacaine


Recombinant DNA refers to modifying a patient's DNA through the use of radiation. modifying a patient's DNA through changes in diet. combining genetic material from different sources to create new DNA.​ combining medications with the goal of modifying a patient's DNA.

combining genetic material from different sources to create new DNA

When you dilute a medication, you change its consistency without affecting its concentration decrease its concentration. add more solute ​reduce the amount of solvent

decrease its concentration

Compared to drugs developed from natural sources, synthesized drugs tend to be produced in smaller quantities.​ more expensive.​ easier to produce.​ significantly less effective.

easier to produce

How does the body typically obtain minerals? natural synthesis​ respiration ​food​ exposure to the sun


Which is NOT a dietary source of magnesium? fruits​ fish​ legumes ​grains


Which type of drug name is preferred for use in the healthcare setting? generic name​ chemical name​ proprietary name​ trade name

generic name

Which is an example of an alternative medication? ibuprofen ​insulin ​penicillin​ ginger root

ginger root

A drug will NOT be classified as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug if it presents minimal risk and maximum benefit.​ has a label that contains adequate information in a user-friendly format.​ has a strong potential for abuse or misuse.​ treats a condition that does not require monitoring by a physician.

has a strong potential for abuse or misuse

What does the abbreviation stat mean on a medication order? as directed​ immediately​ with food​ subcutaneous


Which mineral is a vital component of hemoglobin? fluorine​ zinc​ selenium​ iron


Which is NOT a potential consequence for the patient if a surgical technologist fails to comply with federal law, state law, and/or facility policies and procedures? loss of national certification ​mild discomfort​ death​ secondary infection

loss of national certification

​​Which is an example of a Schedule II drug? acetaminophen containing hydrocodone​ cough medicine containing codeine​ morphine ​heroin


Which is an example of a nutritional supplement? Benadryl®​ multivitamin​ fluoxetine​ adalimumab


Which information is NOT typically included on a written prescription? prescriber's telephone number​ patient's medical condition ​administration instructions for the patient​ name, strength, and amount of drug prescribed

patient's medical condition

Morphine sulfate is an example of a drug that comes from mineral sources.​ plant sources.​ animal sources.​ biotechnology.

plant sources

A(n) _____ is a written institutional rule or plan of action that addresses a specific need and requires compliance within that institution. procedure​ policy ​law​ act


Agonists are used to enhance the effects of another drug treat symptoms without any other drug give flavor to another drug prolong the action of another drug

prolong the action of another drug

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ​regulates potency of vitamin and mineral supplements protects the patient's right to privacy in all areas related to healthcare requires a prescription for the purchase of narcotics streamlines the approval process for treatment of rare diseases

protects the patient's right to privacy in all areas related to healthcare

When you reconstitute a drug, you give it to a patient directly from its original packaging mix it with another drug return it to its proper concentration ​increase its strength per volume

return it to its proper concentration

Break down the term "pharmacology" and provide definitions for the word root and the suffix.

root pharmac/o meaning drug suffix -logy meaning study

​If a prescription includes the abbreviation prn, it means that the medication should be administered intravenously.​ provided in tablet form.​ taken as needed.​ taken before meals.

taken as needed

Trace minerals are minerals that the body needs in significant amounts.​ the body needs in very small amounts. ​occur in nature in significant amounts.​ occur in nature in very small amounts

the body needs in very small amounts

The drug form does NOT determine how the drug is administered the strength of the drug the drug's pharmacokinetics how the drug interacts with the target receptor

the strength of the drug

​Iodine is necessary for muscle contraction.​ thyroid function.​ bone formation.​ glucose use.

thyroid function

2% lidocaine is _____ as strong as 1% lidocaine. equally​ half​ twice ​ten times


Which represents the largest amount? 1 milligram ​1 microgram​ 1 kilogram ​1 decigram

​1 kilogram

Calcium is necessary for which bodily function? thyroid hormone regulation ​digestion​ energy storage and transfer​ blood clotting

​blood clotting

Which is NOT a potential consequence for a surgical technologist who fails to comply with federal law, state law, and/or facility policies and procedures? criminal charges​ civil charges​ forfeiture of prior earnings​ job termination

​forfeiture of prior earnings

What should you do if the surgeon verbally orders a medication during a surgical procedure and you have clearly understood what he or she said? provide the medication as directed​ prepare a written prescription for the surgeon to sign​ ask the surgeon to repeat the order ​nothing—you can only provide medication with a written order

​provide the medication as directed

A practice act does NOT define the responsibilities of the practitioner set minimal staffing limits for a practice set minimal staffing limits for a practice describe penalties for noncompliance

​set minimal staffing limits for a practice

The body needs which mineral for fluid and electrolyte balance? fluorine ​copper ​sodium​ cobalt


Macrominerals are minerals that the body needs in significant amounts.​ the body needs in very small amounts.​ occur in nature in significant amounts.​ occur in nature in very small amounts.

​the body needs in significant amounts

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