pharmacology module 1 study questions

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4 times a day


true or false: illegible prescriber's handwriting is a major contributor to transcription errors


compare and contrast t.i.d. and q.8h administration times. Include sample administration times for each in your explanation

the abbreviation tid means 3 times a day with no specific interval between times. an attempt is made to give the 3 doses during waking hours. the abbreviation q.8h means every 8 hours. these doses would be given around the clock at 8 hour intervals. administration times for tid might be 0800, 1200, 1200 administration times for q8h might be 0600, 1400, 2200

what are the three steps of medication administration?

prescription, transcription, administration

cite four of the direct and/or indirect costs of medication errors

pt injury loss of life increase health care costs additional technology expenses to prevent error liability defense increased length of stay harm to the nurse involved in regard to his or her personal and professional status, confidence and practice

every 3 hours


identify one common "workaround" known to lead to drug administration errors during the use of an automated dispensing cabinet (ADC)

removing medication for more than one patient at a time from the ADC

what are the six rights of safe medication administration?

right patient right drug right amount right route right time right documentation





true or false: 10% to 18% of patients injuries are attributable to preventable medication errors


true or false: administering a drug late is a frequently underreported medication error


State the Six Rights of safe and accurate medication administration

the right patient must receive the right drug in the right amount by the right route at the right time, follow by the right documentation


three times a day

true or false: the nurse who administers a drug based on an incorrect or unsafe order share legal liability for patient injury that results from that drug


0.25 L

twenty five hundredths of a liter

0.25 mg

twenty five hundredths of a milligram


twice a day

2 T

two tablespoons



to ensure the accuracy of the order, what nursing action should you implement following the receipt of a verbal or telephone order from a licensed prescribing practitioner?

write down the order on the pt's chart or enter it into the computer record, read the order back, get confirmation from the prescriber that it is correct Before administering the medication, verify the safety of the order by consulting a reputable drug reference if you are unfamiliar with the order

describe a nursing action to prevent medication errors when receiving verbal drug orders

write out the order, read it back, get confirmation from the prescriber


per rectum

a pt is told to take 1/2 t of a medication. what is the equivalent dose amount in milliliters?




who determines the medication administration times?

hospital or institutional policy

350 mcg _____ mg ______ g

0.35 0.00035

one half milliliter

0.5 mL

six tenths gram

0.6 g

which of the following medical notations is (are) written in the recommended format? 0.75 mg .2 cm q.d.

0.75 mg

1.2 g _____ mg ______ mcg

1,200 1,200,000

one half fluid ounce

1/2 fl oz

38 degrees Celsius is equivalent to how many degrees Fahrenheit?


11.59 kg ________ g ________ lb

11,590 25.5 or 25 1/2

4 T _______ t _______ mL

12 60

5 fl oz ______ mL ______ L

150 0.15

a pt is being treated for an infection with two 250 mg tablets of cephalexin 4x daily for 10 days. how many grams will he receive in the total dose amount over 10 days?


8:03 am in military time


11:35 pm in military time


two hundred fifty thousand units

250,000 units

56 oz _______ lb _______ kg

3.5 or 3 1/2 1.59

101.5 degrees F is equivalent to how many degrees Celsius?


four teaspoons

4 t


4 times a day

your pt drinks the following for breakfast: 3 fl oz orange juice, 8 fl oz coffee with 1 fl oz cream and 4 fl oz water. your pt's total fluid intake is _________ mL


56.2 mm ______ cm ______ in

5.62 2.25 or 2 1/4

1844 in traditional time

6:44 pm

198 lb ______ kg ______ g

90 90,000

37.2 degrees Celsius is equivalent to how many degrees Fahrenheit?


using the joint commission's official "do not use" list, correct the notations in the following medication order: NPRH insulin 20.0 U SC qd

NPH insulin 20 units SC daily

under the tongue


heparin 5,000 units subcut stat

give 5000 units of heparin subcutaneously immediately



what strategy is most effective in reducing Medication errors? a. partnership between the patient and health care providers b. double checking insulin dosage c. checking medications three times d. safe use of prescribing, dispensing and recording technologies e. strict adherence to the ISMP's List of error-prone abbreviations, symbols and dose designations


Toadol 60 mg IV stat et q6h prn, pain

give 60 milligrams of toradol intravenously immediately and every 6 hours when necessary for pain




after meals

Safe medication administration requires that you check the drug against the order three times. 1. when you first make contact with the drug 2. when you measure it 3.

after preparing the drug, just prior to administration

ad lib

as desired, freely


as needed


before meals

twice daily



by mouth

describe your action if no method of administration is written

contact the physician for clarification

which of the following statements is/are true? a. statistics show that 5% of all hospital injuries are attributable to medication errors b. according to the institute of medicine, most medication errors occur during the administration step of the medication process c. a nurse with more experience and education is less likely to make medication errors d. medication delivery process involves how many individuals and departments e. c and d



every 4 hours

true or false: studies indicate that nurses' education and years of practice are closely correlated to the incidence of medication errors


when should the nurse perform drug label checks?

first contact with drug, when measuring the dosage, just prior to administration

4 gtt

four drops



digoxin 0.25 mg po daily

give 0.25 milligram of digoxin orally every day

digoxin 0.25 mg po daily

give 0.25 milligram of digoxin orally once a day

Ativan 10 mg IM q. 4h prn, agitation

give 10 milligrams of Ativan intramuscularly every 4 hours as necessary for agitation

Mylanta 10 mL po pc et bedtime

give 10 milliliters of Mylanta orally after meals and at bedtime

morphine sulfate 15 mg IM q.3h prn, pain

give 15 milligrams of morphine sulfate intramuscularly every 3 hours as needed for pain

nitroglycerin 150 mcg SL stat

give 150 micrograms sublingually immediately

furosemide 20 mg slow IV stat

give 20 milligrams of furosemide intravenously slowly immediately

Synthroid 25 mcg po daily

give 25 micrograms of Synthoid orally once a day

librium 25 mg po q6h prn, agitation

give 25 milligrams of librium orally every 6 hours wehn necessary for agitation

naproxen 250 mg po bid

give 250 milligrams of naproxen orally 2 times a day

tetracycline 250 mg po qid

give 250 milligrams of tetracycline orally 4 times a day

Humulin N NPH insulin 30 units subcut daily 30 a breakfast

give 30 units of Humulin N NPH insulin subcutaneously every day 30 minutes before breakfast

procaine penicillin G 300,000 units IV qid

give 300,000 units of procaine penicillin G intravenously 4 times a day

decadron 4 mg IV bid

give 4 milligrams of decadron intravenously twice a day

lasix 40 mg IM stat

give 40 milligrams of lasix intramuscularly immediately

morphine sulfate 5 mg IV q4h prn, moderate to severe pain

give 5 milligrams of mophine sulfate intravenously every 4 hours when necessary for moderate to severe pain

Mylanta 5 mL po 1 h pc, bedtime, et q2h prn at noct, gastric upset

give 5 milliliters of Mylanta orally 1 hour before and 1 hour after meals, at bedtime and every 2 hours as needed at night for gastric upset

cefaclor 500 mg po stat, then 250 mg q.8h

give 500 milligrams of cefactor orally immediately, and then give 250 milligrams every 8 hours



Neo-Synephrine opthalmic 10% 2 gtt left eye q.30min X2

instil 2 drops of 10% neo synephrine ophthalmic solution in the left eye every 30 minutes for 2 applications

atropine sulfate ophthalmic 1% 2 gtt right eye q. 15 min X 4

instill 2 drops of 1% atropine sulfate ophthalmic in the right eye every 15 minutes for 4 applications

Cortisporin otic suspension 2 gtt each ear tid et bedtime

instill 2 drops of Cortisporin otic suspension in both ears 3 times a day and at bedtime

name 4 drugs or drug categories that have the highest risk of causing injuries when errors are made. how are the drugs designated?

insulin, opiates, and narcotics, injectable potassium chloride, and intravenous anticoagulants; high alert medications









a full term infant that weighs less that 2,5000 g at birth is considered small for gestational age (SGA). would a full term infant with a birth weight of 6 lb 4 oz be SGA?


do q.i.d. and q.4 have the same meaning? explain

no qid orders are given 4 times in 24 hours with no specific interval between times indicated in order, typically during waking hours; wheras q.4h orders are given 6 times in 24 hours at 4 hour interval



where are the two barcodes located that are scanned during medication administration?

on the pt identification band and on the medication

125 mcg

one hundred twenty five micrograms

which parts of the written medication prescription/order are included in the original Five Rights of medication administration?

parts 1-5: patient's name, drug, dosage, route, frequency

"the right ___________ must receive the right ___________ in the right __________ by the right ___________ at the right __________ followed by the right _____________"

patient, drug, amount, route, time, documentation

name the seven parts of a written medication prescription

patient, drug, dosage, route, frequency, date and time written, signature of physician/presciber

give two examples of acceptable patient identification according to the Joint Commission, using two unique person-specific identifiers

patients name and date of birth, patient name and ID number

after meals


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