PHED 2070 First aid exam

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It is important to control severe bleeding from any child because A. Even a small amount of blood loss may be serious because of the child size B. Doing so will prevent damage to internal organs C. the sight of blood creates more anxiety in children D. The parent or caregiver will have more confidence in your skills

A. Even a small amount of blood loss may be serious because of the child size

How should you care for someone with minor frost bite on their fingers? A. Get the person to a warm environment and the rewarm his or her hands using skin to skin contact B. have the person shake his or hands vigorously until feeling is restored C. immerse his or her hands in hot water D. massage his or her hand vigorsly

A. Get the person to a warm environment and the rewarm his or her hands using skin to skin contact

A person you are helping is conscious and alert but is complaining of a severe headache, pain in his or her abdomen and nausea. You observe that the persons lips and mouth are very red and swollen. You suspect the person might had been exposed to poison. What is the first question you should ask? A. what did you eat or drink today? B. how much poison did you swallow C. how long have you been feeling this way D. What is your name and where do you live?

A. What did you eat or drink today?

You have bandaged a persons lacerated forearm. blood is soaking through the dressing and bandage. what would you do? A. apply additional dressings and bandages and call 911 or the local emergency if not done already B. transport the person to the doctor because there is nothing else you can do C. apply a tourniquet around the arm above the wound D. remove the dressing and bandage and start over with a tighter bandage

A. apply additional dressings and bandages and call 911 or the local emergency if not done already

You suspect mary has a seriously sprained her knee. to care for mary, you decide to apply a splint to her leg. the splint should include the A. bones above and below the knee B. knees only C. bone below the knee only D. entire leg and foot

A. bones above and below the knee

You are in a shopping mall and a person has a seizure. The seizure only last a few minutes, after which the person is awake and disoriented. what care should you provide o this person now that the seizure is over? A. check for life threatening conditions and possibly injury during the seizure while trying to provide some privacy to the patient B. Ask bystanders to stay and help in case another seizure occurs or the persons conditions worsens C. Stay with the person until he is able to leave on his own since the seizure is over and he will be fine D. call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number before checking for any life threatening conditions

A. check for life threatening conditions and possibly injury during the seizure while trying to provide some privacy to the patient

In stroke recognition, fast means A. Face, arm, speech, and time B. feet, airway, speech, and temperature C. fever, anxiety, stress, and taste D. flexibility, asthma, and sudden tightness in the chest

A. face, arm,speech, and time

Your friend has diabetes and tells you that he is feeling a little shaky. you notice that he looks ill and is quite pale. he is alert and responsive. you suspect he is having a diabetic emergency. which of the following would you do? A. give him orange juice B. have him lie down and elevate his legs C. give him some diet soda to drink D. call 911 or the local emergency number

A. give him orange juice

Which if the following identifies the progression that heat- related illnesses can follow from least to most severe? A. heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke B. heat cramps, heat stroke, heat exhaustion C. heat exhaustion, heat stroke, heat cramps D. heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat stroke

A. heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke

Which method is best used to immobilize a person with a suspected head, neck, or back injury A. hip and shoulder support B. head splint C. Beach drag D. clothes drag

A. hip and shoulder support

A person showing severe signs of chocking would include A. not being able to breathe or talk B. being able to talk and make sounds C. being able to cough loudly D, being able to talk breath and cough

A. not being able to breathe or talk

A victim suffering from hypothermia needs to be rewarmed but not to quickly, why? A. rapid rewarming can cause dangerous heart rythms B. rapid rewarming can cause loss of consciousness C. rapid rewarming can burn the victims skin D. rapid rewarming can result in muscle rigidity and spasm

A. rapid rewarming can cause dangerous heart rythms

The bodys first reaction to cold is to constrict the blood vessels near the skin, moving warm blood to the center of the body. What is the body's next reaction? A. shivering B. coughing C. sweating D. exercising

A. shivering

When someone faints, its for a short period and they will A. stop responding for less than a minute and then seem fine B. respond but be confused C. Stop responding for a long period of time D. respond but have difficulty breathing

A. stop responding for less than a minute and then seem fine

Which of the following is a sign of shock? A. sudden difficulty seeing B. sudden shortness of breath C. the tongue swells D. the skin becomes sweaty and pale

A. sudden difficulty seeing

The general guidelines for caring for someone with a sudden illness include A. immediately calling Ems personnel B. Keeping the person from getting chilled or overheated C. Rushing the person to the nearest hospital D. Having the person lie down to help get blood to the vital organs

B. Keeping the person from getting chilled or overheated

In which of the following situations would you remove a person from the scene? A. A vehicle collision in which both vehicles are off the side of the road and there is no fire or liquids leaking from the cars B. A vehicle collision in which one car is nose-down in a fast moving creek C. A vehicle collision in which both vehicles are off the side of the road and are exchanging information D. A vehicle collision in which one driver was on a motorcycle and was thrown clear out of the vehicles

B. A vehicle collision in which one car is nose-down in a fast moving creek

Heart- related illnesses include the following A. fainting and hyperglycemia B. Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke C. heat cramps, stroke, and insulin shock D. Hypoglycemia and sunstroke

B. Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke

General care for shock may include A. Leaving the patient to rest quietly so the victim can get better B. Helping the victim rest as comfortably as possible C. Cooling the victim to protect vital organs from further injury D. elevating the head so that the victim can see his or her surrondings

B. Helping the victim rest as comfortably as possibly

Which of the following are signs of shock? A. warm, red skin, hunger, and a headached B. Pale, Cold, Clammy, Feels weak and dizzy, and has thrist C. Warm dry skin, and isnt responding D. Cold, red skin and not responding

B. Pale, cold, clammy, feel weak and dizzy, and has thirst

A group of friends are playing football in the park. one of the players is hit in the chest and falls to the ground. he gets up holding his right chest area with his arm. which injury would be most likely? A. sucking wound chest B. rib fracture C. dislocated shoulder D. fracture of the scapula

B. Rib fracture

You come upon the scene of an accident and the victim is in a face down position. You suspect that the victim has a head, neck, or back injury, You also find that the victim is not breathing. How would you begin to care for the victims breathing emergency? A. perform rescue breathing on the victim in the position you found the victim B. Roll the victim onto his or her back but avoid twisting the spine C. Roll the victim on his or her back and preform the chin head tilt lift technique D. Do not perform rescue breathing until you have another person to help roll the victim on his or her back

B. Roll the victim onto his or her back but avoid twisting the spine

If you find someone with and illness or injury and they refuse care, you should A. take care of the person anyways B. Wait with the person for until advanced medical personal take over C. leave the person D. ask a bystander to assist you in providing them care.

B. Wait with the person for until advanced medical personal take over

What is the first step in caring for a wound with significant bleeding? A. Add bulky dressing to reinforce blood soaked bandages B. apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing C. apply pressure at a pressure point D. care for shock

B. apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing

minor internal bleeding should be cared for by A. calling 9-1-1 or the local emergency number B. apply ice to the injured area to help reduce pain and swelling C. applying firm pressure to the skin over the wound to slow the bleeding D. compressing a pressure point between the injured area and the heart

B. apply ice to the injured area to help reduce pain and swelling

A young woman is having trouble breathing an based on your check of the person, you suspect she is having a severe allergic reaction. what should you do? A. after about 15 minutes, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number B. call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personal to take over C. give the person a cool drink D. give the person abdominal thrust

B. call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personal to take over

Which of the following would you do first when giving care to a person who has an injury to the chest, abdomen, or pelvis? A. control possible bleeding B. call 911 or the local emergency number C. minimize shock D. determine exact location of injury location

B. call 911 or the local emergency number

You are applying a rigid splint to an injured wrist that is not bleeding. Which of the following would be most important to do before and after applying the splint? A. applying padding to the splint B. checking fingers for warmth and color C. supporting injury with a sling D. getting the persons consent

B. checking the fingers for feeling warmth and color

This sudden illness caused from too much or too little sugar in the persons blood is what? A. Allergic reaction B. Diabetic emergency C. seizure D. stroke

B. diabetic emergency

a person has sustained an injury to his shoulder in which the bone is separated from its normal position in the joint. The type of injury is called a? A. fracture B. dislocation C. sprain D. Strain

B. dislocation

Care for a person with heat exhaustion includes the follwoing: A. force the person to quickly drink water B. get the person out of the heat and into a cooler place C. put more layers of clothing on the person as a protection against the heat D. All of the above

B. get the person out of the heat and into a cooler place

A friend collapses. As she regains consciousness she has difficulty speaking and one side of her face and body appear to be paralyzed. These signals lead you to believe your co-worker has had a A. diabetic emergency B. had a stroke C had a seizure D. been poisoned

B. had a stroke

Which type of injury involves an open wound in which the bone has torn through the skin? A. dislocation B. Open fracture C. Sprain D. Strain

B. open fracture

When Caring for someone who might be having a seizure, you should A. Place a spoon or wallet between the persons teeth B. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury C. Try to hold the person still D. all of the above

B. remove all nearby objects that might cause injury

In general you should elevate a suspected musculoskeletal injury above the the level of the heart. you should not elevate an injury if A. a victim has no feeling in the extremity beyond the injury B. you suspect a dislocation or fracture C. ice has been applied to help reduce the swelling D> victim is having trouble walking or breathing

B. you suspect a dislocation or fracture

A person has sustained a chemical burn to his right eye. Which action would you take? A. encourage continuous blinking so tears can rinse the chemical from the eye B.flushing the eyes with running water until EMS personnel arrive C. using cool wet compresses over the eyes D. Providing no treatment: instead call EMS personnel immediately

B.flushing the eyes with running water until EMS personnel arriv

Which action would be the most appropriate when giving care to a person experiencing minor frostbite? A. calling 911 or the local emergency number B. placing the affected body area in hot water C using skin to skin contact to rewarm the body part D. rubbing the body part vigorously to generate heat

C using skin to skin contact to rewarm the body part

When washing your hands, you should rub the surfaces if your hands together for at least A. 5 seconds B. 10 seconds C. 20 seconds D. 1 minutes

C. 20 seconds

You suspect that a victim might have ingested poison but you are unsure about the severity of the problem. which action would be most appropriate? A. locate the drug or product containers to give to ems personal B. immediately give the person something to drink to dilute the poison C. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number D. Have the person vomit to get the poison out of the digestive system

C. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number

You should never rub an area of the body you think might be affected with frostbite because rubbing can A. deform the skin and underlying tissues when they are most vulnerable B. Crack the skin and cause external bleeding C. Cause further damage D. rewarm the affected area too rapidly

C. Cause further damage

Which of the following is a signal of a serious head , neck, or back injury? A. impaired hearing B. elevated body temperature C. Changes in level of consciousness D. An irregular heart beat

C. Changes in level of consciousness

When providing care to a person with a nose bleed, you should A. have the person lie down and pack the persons nose with gauze B. Have the person lean back and press both sides of their nose C. Have the person lean forward and press both sides of their nose D. have the person continue to blow their nose until the bleeding stops

C. Have the person lean forward and press both sides of their nose

Where is the best location to place a child up to one year of age to check for any signs or symptoms of illness of injury? A. Lying flat on a hard surface B. In your lap or arms C. In a parent and or caregivers lap or arms D. lying in the most comfortable position

C. In the parents and or caregivers lap or arms

If you suspect someone having a heart attack you should care for the victim by A. Placing a blanket over the person B. Taking their pulse and monitor them C. keeping the person calm and call 9-1-1 D. Helping the person walk to keep blood flowing

C. Keeping the person calm and call 9-1-1

The first step you would take to care for an elderly person who is suffering from a high body temperature as a result of extreme heat would be to A. call 9-1-1 B. Place victim in a tub of water C. remove victim from heat D. give the victim cold liquids to drink to lower body temperature

C. Remove victim from heat

In general care for a muscle, bone or joint injury include the following A. Reduce insulate compress and evaluate B. rest ibuprofen cool and evacuate C. Rest immobilize cold evaluate D. none of the above

C. Rest, Immobilize, Cole, Evaluate

Which is the proper order for applying a rigid splint to an injured wrist that is not bleeding? A. Secure the splint/ pad open areas/ check for feeling warmth and color/ place the rigid splint under the injured area and the bones that are above and below injury secure the splint recheck for feeling warmth and color B. Pad the splint/ apply the splint/ check for feeling and warmth/ secure the splint/ put arm in sling/ secure arm C. Support the injured part in the position in which you find it/ check for color warmth and feeling/ place the rigid splint under the injured area and the bones that are above and below/ secure the splint/ recheck for feeling, color and warmth D. apply splint/secure splint/ pad the splint/ check for feeling warmth and color/ put arm in sling/ secure the arm

C. Support the injured part in the position in which you find it/ check for color warmth and feeling/ place the rigid splint under the injured area and the bones that are above and below/ secure the splint/ recheck for feeling, color and warmth

Why is it important to support the victims head and spine when moving a victim? A. it is easier to take smaller steps while supporting the head and spine B. because the head and spine are the are the heaviest part of the body C. to prevent movement in case of a neck or spine injury D. its makes the victim more comfortable to handle

C. To prevent movement in case of a neck or spine injury

The most effective action you can take to prevent disease transmission when caring for a victim with external bleeding is to? A. Avoid touching your hands to your face B. wash hands thoroughly C. wear disposable gloves D. Provide care but dont touch any of the victims blood

C. Wear disposable gloves

You are involved in a car crash. As you attempt to leave your car, you notice that your right ankle hurts and you cannot support your weight. the driver of the other car is not yet moving and the car engine is still running. There is a liquid your believe is gas that is coming from the back end of the car, although there appears to be no immediate danger, what is your limitations and immediate concern for moving the victim? A. A dangerous condition because of the liquid spilling from the car B. An apparently unconscious victim in the other car C. Your physical ability as a result of the pain in your ankle D. No bystanders to help you move the person

C. Your physical ability as a result of the pain in your ankle

It is important to wear personal protection equipment because it A. Allows others to know your certified B. impresses people during treatment C. allows protection from bloodborne diseases D. Protects your hands and then you dont have to wash afterwards

C. allows protection from bloodborne diseases

When giving care to a person who has an injury to the chest, abdomen or pelvis, which of the following would you do first? A. Minimize shock B. control possible bleeding C. call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number D. 'determine the exact injury location

C. call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number

An electrical injury occurred to a co-worker, you should A. immediately go to them B. apply ice to the burn area C. call or send someone to call 9-1-1 D. Stay back until medical personal arrive and than assist

C. call or send someone to call 9-1-1

While your at the mall, you notice several bystanders who have crowded an elderly women. She is sitting on a bench and appears to be quite confused or dazed. as you approach the crowd you ask " whats going on ?" one of the bystanders says the women is asking for help. How would you approach this situation? A. immediately call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number B. shout at the woman- she may be hard of hearing C. introduce yourself speaking clearly and slowly at the persons eye level D. Help the women take any prescribed medications she may have

C. introduce yourself speaking clearly and slowly at the persons eye level

A person of an ingested person should be encourage to vomit A. if other means of helping the victim do not work B. whenever the ingested poison is a liquid C. only if advised to do so by a medical professional D. whenever the ingested poison is a solid

C. only if advised to do so by a medical professional

The four way poison can enter the body are A. Being injected, being inhaled, through eating/swallowing, or being ingested B. by being inhaled, through the skin, on the skin, or by injection C. Through the lungs, by being swallowed, through the skin, or by being injected. D. being absorbed, through the lungs, through the skin, or by injection

C. through the lungs, By being swallowed, through the skin, or by being injected

A person who has fallen is sitting on the ground complaining of pain in the lower left leg. Someone has already called EMS personal. How could you help care for this person while waiting for EMS to arrive? A. splint it to the other leg to prevent further injury B. Lift the leg up so you can put some blankets under it C.Have the victim rest in the most comfortable position. D. place a traction splint on the injured leg to reduce pain and swelling

C.Have the victim rest in the most comfortable position.

If an open wound continues to bleed after applying direct pressure A. add additonal dressing and continue to apply direct pressure B. do not remove any blood soaked bandages C. Ensure that 9-1-1 or the local emergency number has been called D all of the above

D all of the above

You are playing soccer when a player on the other teams falls, breaking his fall with an outstretched arm. When he gets up the player is holding his left arm close to his body and is complaining of shoulder pain, how would you initially care for this suspected injury? A. Have the person raise the left arm so that you can pad the underneath area before splinting. B. check for feeling and warmth C. Splint the upper arm to prevent shoulder movement D. Allow the person to continue holding his left arm close to his body

D. Allow the person to continue to hold his left arm close to his body

Which of the following is a signal of a mild reaction to a bite or sting? A. Redness of the face B. Redness throughout the body C. Redness on one side of the body D. redness at the entry site

D. Redness at the entry site

What sudden illness is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain? A. diabetic emergency B. Heart related Illness C. Heart attack D. stroke

D. Stroke

Which of the following is the best way to remove an embedded tick from the skin? A. With a gloved hand, apply both an antiseptic and antibiotic to the tick, the tick will let go by itself B. with a bare hand, use your fingernail or a plastic card and scrape it away slowly and steadily C. with a bare hand, apply petroleum jelly to coat the tick, the tick will let go by itself D. With a gloved hand , used fine tipped tweezers as close tot he skin and pull away slowly steadily and firmly.

D. With a gloved hand , used fine tipped tweezers as close tot he skin and pull away slowly steadily and firmly.

A women burned her hand in the lunch room, you should A. cool the burn with larges amount of cool water B. cover the burn loosely with a dry, sterile dressing C. Remove her from the source of the burn D. All of the above

D. all of the above

What is a common signal of sudden illness? A. changes in level of consciousness B. Loss of vision or blurred vision C. Signals of shock D. All of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following are considered Personal Protection Equipment? A. Gloves B. eye protection C. Face shield/pocket mask D. all of the above

D. all of the above

What care should you provide to person in shock? A. provide water and a fan to keep the person cool. B. Transport the person to an air conditioned area and apply cold cloths to their head C. Give the person food with sugar and assist them in walking D. call 9-1-1 and help them lie down and cover them to keep them warm

D. call 9-1-1 and help them lie down and cover them to keep them warm

Which is the first step you would take in caring for a victim with burns? A. cool the burned area to sop the burning B. call 9-11 C. remove the victim from the source of the burn D. check to see if the scene is safe

D. check to see if the scene is safe

If you are helping a person with a small burn, you should A. put ice on the burn until it takes the burning away B. pack the area in ice and cover it with a moist towel C. smother the area with cream and wrap with elastic dressing D. cool the area with cold water until it takes the burning away then cover it with a nonstick dressing

D. cool the area with cold water until it takes the burning away then cover it with a nonstick dressing

What precaution should you take in applying an insect repellent Containing DEET to children? A. Make sure children close their eyes tightly as you apply repellent to their faces B. only apply the repellent to childrens clothing C. apply the repellent every 2 hours for the greatest effectiveness D. do not apply repellent to the childrens hands

D. do not apply repellent to the childrens hands

You are caring for a victim of an automobile accident. The victim is complaining of pain in her abdomen, nausea, and extreme thirst. What condition might you suspect? A. a heart attack B. External bleeding C. a stroke D. internal bleeding

D. internal bleeding

The best way to immobilize an ankle or foot injury is with a A. traction splint B. Board C. Rigid splint D. Soft Splint

D. soft splint

Which of the following is the best way to remove and embedded tick from the skin? A. Apply petroleum jelly to coat the tick so the tick will release by itself B. use your fingernail to scrape it away slowly and steadily C. Light a match and attempt to burn the tick off the skin D. use fine tipped pointed tweezers pulling firmly upward as close as possible to the skin

D. use fine tipped pointed tweezers pulling firmly upward as close as possible to the skin

True or false: you arrive on the scene of an automobile accident. you notice fluid coming from the back end of one of the motor vehicles. you would immedately remove the people from the damaged vehicles.


True or false: you find a student with a pencil in their right eye. You would encourage the student to lie on the ground and persuade the student to let you wrap it in place to prevent movement.


While playing football, a friend gets hit in the abdomen. they have a bruise and show signs of shock what do you suspect is wrong? A. a had injury B. cardiac arrest C. bleeding internally D. they are fine, just a little shook up.

c. bleeding internally

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