PHED1164 Quizzes :)

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Which of the following is a benefit of fitness and wellness?

Decreased time that is takes for the heart rate to return to normal after exercise.

Which of the following is not a beneficial weight management tip?

Eat only fruits and vegetables

The best weight control program includes a long-term commitment to:

Eating a balanced diet and exercising

The best way to prevent low back pain is to

Exercise your core, correct posture, lift heavy objects correctly, and improve overall health.

A warmer muscle has a decreased ROM


Aerobic exercise does not require oxygen to produce ATP.


Aerobic, strength, and flexibility are the order in which you must complete your workout to see the most positive change.


Anaerobic exercise does require oxygen to produce ATP.


Exercise is a type of physical activity that is not planned or structured, and uses repetitive bodily movements with the intent to improve a component of Health.


Fartlek training is defined as periods of slow running with longer periods of water breaks


Fiber is a carbohydrate that is digested by the body.


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are considered safe by most developed nations.


If you are trying to gain weight it is not necessary to do any cardiovascular exercise.


If you have a body mass index greater than 20% you are considered overweight.


Instagram and YouTube are always a reliable place to get training tips.


Malignant tumors are tumors that are not cancerous.


Muscle will turn to fat when not used


Once you lose weight, you will not have to be committed to your physical fitness or healthy diet anymore.


Overweight and obese are the same thing.


Personal Trainers are required by state law to by certified.


Range of Motion (ROM) is the ability to change directions rapidly.


Risk factors are lifestyle and genetic variable that may lead to disease or death, and one that is not modifiable is Obesity


Strength training does not help increase lean body mass.


VO2max is also known as submaximal oxygen uptake.


When starting an exercise program, you should start with a short duration with high intensity and gradually increase the minutes and intensity to avoid undue fatigue and exercise-related injuries.


You must exercise in the morning to receive positive benefits.


You need a pre-workout supplement.


Which one of the following is not a component of skill?


When a muscle has too much tension, this causes it to relax:


The primary mover while performing a leg lift is

Hip Flexors

In order for you to have success with your fitness and wellness goals an individual should include all of the following except:

Include the 6 dimensions of skill related fitness

Which of the following is possible if the shoulder press is performed with the bar behind the head?

Increased risk of shoulder injury

Which of the following exercise isn't known to cause impingement syndrome?

Lateral Deltoid Raises

To contribute MOST positively to a healthy lifestyle a person should...

Maintain cardiovascular fitness through aerobic activity.

When seeking a qualified personal trainer, the most respected certifications are.


If you are pregnant you can jog as your workout.

Only if you were jogging before you became pregnant.

Specificity of Training

Only the muscles trained will adapt and change in response to a given exercise

Which of the following is the most effective method of stretching for increasing ROM?


All of the following are benefits of health related fitness except:

Reduces resting metabolic rate

Which of the following is not a benefit of Functional Training

Requires a gym membership

Which of the following exercises is most likely to cause impingement syndrome

Shoulder Lateral Raise

The following are all types of flexibility techniques

Static, ballistic, dynamic, PNF

Leg lifts/throws are contraindicated because _____________.

The hip flexors are recruited placing compressive forces on intervertebral discs

75% of Americans are either overweight or obese.


ATP is required for you to be able to live and exercise.


Age is a contributing factor to flexibility?


All STD's are 100% preventable.


An activity tracker is an electronic device that has an accelerometer that tracks footsteps, calories, heart rate and quality of sleep.


Cancer is the abnormal. Uncontrolled growth of cells, which left untreated, will ultimately cause death.


Cardiovascular Endurance - The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to the muscles to meet the demands of physical activity.


Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes.


Compressive forces on the spine for an isometric side bridge are within the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health guidelines


Curl-ups on a "swiss" ball are very hard on the discs in the back


Exercise accentuates weight loss while on a negative calorie diet.


Exercise is the second most component of weight control


Functionally, the job of the abdominals is to stop motion, not create motion


I can use the LSC-Cy Fair fitness center free as long as I am a current student.


Inactivity for even a few days reverses your cardio respiratory gains.


Normal blood pressure is characterized as systolic less than 120 and diastolic less than 80.


Periodization is the best way to get training results


Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles and produces health benefits.


Some exercises should be used with caution or not used at all because they are "high risk" exercises


Stage 2 High Blood Pressure is characterized by having systolic pressure at 140 or higher or diastolic pressure at 90 or higher.


The concept of periodization provides a theoretical training model that organizes the manipulation of the training variables for a specific period of time.


The term wellness can be defined as a state of optimal health and well-being, not simply the absence of illness, but an improved quality of life.


There are safe alternatives for most "bad" exercises.


There's no such thing as an ideal abdominal exercise for everybody


Tight hip flexors can contribute to gluteal amnesia?


To lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume.


VO2max is the amount of oxygen the body is able to utilize per minute of physical activity.


We do not get calories from vitamins, minerals, and water.


You can be too flexible?


You should seek medical clearance if you answered yes to any of the PAR-Q questions.


Fad diets typically

all of the above

To successfully control your weight you must

all of the above

Trans Fat is

all of the above

Why do most people not eat right?

all of the above

Benefits of a cardiorespiratory program include:

all of these choices

Low back pain is associated with:

all of these choices

Which is the definition of hyperlaxity?

allows the joints to achieve a ROM that exceeds the normal range of motion

This form of stretching is characterized by its rapid, jerky movement:


The amino acids that our body makes are called


Wellness is defined as:

constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential of well-being

The most effective frequency of stretching is:


Which method of stretching is acceptable to do after the warm-up and before the workout?


The current fad diets of low carbohydrate/ high proteins can lead to.

heart disease

The main function of minerals is to

help regulate body functions

Which of the following is not a benefit of flexibility training?

increases strength when used after the warm-up

A plank is an example of a _________ contraction


When a muscle experiences hypertrophy, it gets ______


The main elements in amino acids are

nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen

What is the most critical public health problem for the 21st century?


How many people die a year as a result of poor diet and lack of physical activity?

over 650,000

All of the following foods have a high glycemic index except?


The main function of vitamins is to

promote specific chemical reactions in the cells

When a muscle experiences atrophy, it gets ______


The most common method of stretching is:


The main function of carbohydrates is to

supplies energy during exercise

The main function of fat is to

supply energy at rest

Which is the definition of elasticity?

the ability to return to original resting length after passive stretch

What is the easiest way to tell if you are drinking enough water?

the color of your urine

Regarding an eccentric muscle contraction:

the length of the muscle lengthens

Regarding a concentric muscle contraction:

the length of the muscle shortens

Regarding an isometric muscle contraction:

the length of the muscle stays the same

Which is the definition of plasticity?

the tendency to assume a new and greater length after passive stretch

What percent of Americans will acquire an STD?


A good exercise prescription should include the following:

All the above

According to The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Any compressive force above 3,300 newtons is unsafe

Progressive Overload

As adaption occurs, an increase in the stimulus is necessary

According to iEMG, a good exercise choice for the Pectoralis Major (chest) would be:

Decline dumbbell bench presses

Which of the following can cause a posterior bulging disc in the lumbar spine?

Excessive forward spinal flexion

For you to manage your weight long term you do not have to modify your behaviors.


Hyperflexion of the knee or neck is a safe way to increase range of motion


It's beneficial to do weighted squats and deadlifts every day?


When a muscle stretches too fast, this causes it to contract:

Muscle Spindle

In order to reach your health and wellness goals you must include all of the following except:

Stress Management

Health is characterized by a complete state of well-being.


Probiotics are the good bacteria in your stomach.


Which of the following is not a starch?


The amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius is a


What affects your body weight?

diet, heredity, exercise

If the caloric intake is too low the body will?

slow the metabolic rate

Fat that is solid at room temperature is:

trans fat and saturated fat

The ideal workout routing would be performed in the following order:

warm-up, workout, cool-down, stretch

To calculate your basal metabolic rate women multiply their body weight by ________ and men multiply by ______.

10, 11

What is the recommended number of steps that you should take each day?


The recommended repetition range is ______ to improve strength in middle-aged and older individuals

10-15 reps

The recommended repetition range is ______ to improve muscular endurance

15-25 reps

The minimum number of calories needed in a day is approximately...

1500 for men and 1200 for women

To improve strength and power, _______ sets are recommended


The formula to determine your estimated max heart:

207-(Age x 0.7)

How often during the week do you need to exercise for health benefits?

30-45 min. /3-5 days

How many minutes should you perform cardio exercise if you want to maintain health:

30-45 minutes

Which of the following is not considered a part of Tabata training:

30-60 seconds of high intensity exercise followed by 15-30 seconds of rest

Each pound of fat represents ____________ calories.


Each gram of carbohydrate provides the human body with how many calories?


When computing the caloric composition of food, one must remember that carbohydrates contain _____ calories per gram, fats contain _____ calories per gram and protein contains _____ calories per gram.


How many minutes should you perform cardiovascular exercise if you want to lose weight?

45-60 minutes

How many times a week should you exercise if you want to lose weight


Water makes up __________ percent of the body weight.


What resting heart rate is considered good?


A novice lifter should train at what percentage of 1-RM?


The THR intensity zone you should exercise in if you want to maintain health


What THR intensity zone is considered vigorous intensity:


Each gram of fat provides the human body with how many calories?


The following exercise doesn't put excessive stress on the lumbar spine (lower back)

?? Idk but its not Feet on Bench Dumbbell Chest Press, thats what i chose :(

Hyperextension is

A joint extended beyond the normal range of motion

SMART goal includes all of the following except


Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands

Adaptation will be specific to the demands of the exercise.

Energy drinks are known to cause.

All of the above

The most common cancers are?

All of the above

Benefits of resistance training include:

All the above

Excessive sitting can result in:

All the above

What affects the ROM around a given joint?

All the above

Cardiac Output is:

Amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute of time.

Stroke Volume is:

Amount of blood pumped in one heart beat

Recovery Time is:

Amount of time for the body to return to resting levels after exercise.

Repetitive Microtrauma is:

An injury which results from chronic repetitive motions that violate the integrity of our joints

The following are phases of Periodization

Anatomical Adaptation, Hypertrophy, Maximum Strength, Power

Lat Pulldowns behind the neck

Are potentially dangerous for the shoulders

Hyperflexion is

Bending a joint more than normal. Closing the angle at the joint

Which of the following is not considered cardiovascular exercise:

Billiards (Pool)

One of the following is not one of the dimensions of wellness:


Which 3 nutrients provide energy (calories) for the body?

Carbohydrates, fat, & protein

Impingement Syndrome is

Caused by rubbing of the supraspinatus against the acromion

Which of the following is NOT a health related component


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