philosophers; Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
Rousseau-Can you Rebel
You can always rebel because all forms of government are oppressive.
Thomas Hobbes-Ideal Form of Government
A government that controls everything in order to keep peace.
Thomas Hobbes-Ideal Form of Government
Absolute Monarchy-1 person in power
Rousseau-State of Nature
As long as people followed the basic rules their lives were good. Men were independent and if they weren't equality disappeared. Before property people were good.
Thomas Hobbes-State of Nature
Constant fighting, everyone was at war with each other. Bad state of nature.
John Locke-Form of Government
Thomas Hobbes-Role of Religion in the Government
Government has to control Religion or there will be chaos
Rousseau-Ideal Form of Government
Government isn't needed because their state of nature is good
John Locke-Can you rebel
If the legislature takes away your rights you can rebel.
John Locke-Role of Religion in Government
It's not the governments job to control religion, however, they can try to persuade people.
John Locke-State of Nature
Mans state of nature is a state of perfect freedom where men can do whatever they want and use their possessions. Men=good
Rousseau-Forms of Government
No government
Rousseau-Role of Religion in the Government
No government so there isn't a role for government
Thomas Hobbes-Can you rebel
No! "When men live without a common power to keep them in awe, they are in a state of war."
John Locke-Ideal Form of Government
The whole goal of the government is to try to protect the good nature and property.