Philosophy Final Exam

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We examined the scenario about the person who decides not to leave the room in order to comfort the patient, but who is actually locked in without realizing it

when trying to find out whether the (PAP) principle is true.

In the thought experiment about Fred,

Fred lies about being able to see more colors than the rest of us. the neuroscientist who already knows everything about the neurophysiology of Fred's color experiences does not learn anything new when Fred's optical system is transplanted into his body. Fred is a brilliant neuroscientist. Answer: none of the above.

"I have hands" is a conceptual belief.


. In the first stage of the imitation game, the computer is programed to trick the interrogator into thinking it is a woman.


A counterexample to some argument is another argument that has the same logical form as the original argument and which includes only false statements.


A sound argument could have a false conclusion.


According to Ayer, free acts lack causes.


According to Descartes, I know something with certainty just in case I believe it very strongly.


According to Jackson, the qualitative what-it's-like-ness of our experiences is a non-physical property of our soul.


According to the classical analysis of knowledge, if you have a justified belief, then you have knowledge.


According to the classical analysis, false beliefs can be knowledge.


According to the exclusion principle, to be justified in believing something, it is enough if I can exclude the everyday possibilities of error for my belief.


According to the principle of alternate possibilities, sometimes there are alternate possibilities that we have to take into consideration.


All utilitarians are hedonists.


An invalid argument always has a false conclusion.


Ayer claims that a free action is one that is not determined by earlier events.


Ayer would agree that the garden of forking paths metaphor accurately describes what it takes for an action to be free.


Descartes argues that the causal relation between the mind and the body should be understood as analogous to the relation between a sailor and his ship.


Descartes argues that the mind is divisible, while the human body is indivisible


Descartes argues that the mind is divisible, while the human body is indivisible.


Descartes believes that for all he knows, he might be deceived by an evil demon.


Descartes is a skeptic.


Descartes rejects Leibniz' law.


Descartes thinks that he can know about the things in the world more easily than he can know about his mental states.


Descartes thinks that the dream argument and the evil deceiver argument are equally powerful: both are used to put both empirical and conceptual beliefs into doubt.


Descartes would say that the reason why when I get a paper cut, I typically feel pain is that the mind and the body were created by God so as to be in perfect harmony.


Descartes would say that the reason why when I get a paper cut, I typically feel pain is that the mind and the body were created by God to be in perfect harmony.


For Warren, being human is the correct criterion for moral status.


Frankfurt argues that moral responsibility requires the power to do otherwise.


Global skepticism is the view that we can't know anything about the future.


Hedonism is the view that only beauty is intrinsically good.


In a valid argument, the conclusion may be false even if all the premises are true


In the first stage of the imitation game, the computer is programed to trick the interrogator into thinking it is a woman.


In the scenario presented by Thomas Reid, a prince and a cobbler swap bodies.


Interactionism is the view that there is causal interaction between physical objects


Interactionism is the view that there is causal interaction between physical objects.


It was argued in lecture when discussing the ship of Theseus puzzle that the original ship is identical to both the replacement and the reassembly ship.


Jackson argues that it is possible for the mind to exist without the body


Jackson argues that it is possible for the mind to exist without the body.


Kantian ethics is a form of Consequentialism.


Leibniz would argue that, when I decide to raise my arm, it is the decision that causes me to raise my arm.


Malebranche would claim that when Peter decides to move his arm, it is the decision that causes Peter's arm to move.


Mill is a non-consequentialist in Ethics.


One of Descartes's chief goals in the Meditations is to defend skepticism about the external world.


R. Descartes is a property dualist.


Rawls argues that one deserves to keep all the products of one's natural talents


Rawls is an egalitarian


Rawls thinks that one should maximize the maximum level of welfare in our society


Rawls thinks that one should minimize the minimum level of welfare in our society


Searle argues that computers will never pass the Turing test for mentality.


Thomson argues that abortion is always morally permissible.


Thomson argues that abortion is never morally permissible.


Turing argued that a computer that can play the imitation game successfully can be said to think only in a metaphorical sense.


You can never tell whether an argument is valid solely on the basis of information about the truth values of the premises and the conclusion of that argument.


The following argument commits which fallacy? "Raising a child is like growing a tree. Sometimes violent things, such as cutting off branches, have to be done to force the tree to grow straight. Similarly, corporal punishment must sometimes be inflicted on children to force them to develop properly."

false analogy

The example "The moon is made out of blue cheese" was used in lecture in order to show that

false beliefs can not be knowledge

We used the scenario about kleptomania to argue that

for an act to be free, the decision must be relevant to the person's behavior.

A successful counterexample to an argument is such that

its conclusions may be true its premise may be false it may be a valid argument Answer: None of the above

In Descartes' view,

knowledge about reality is inferred from knowledge about appearances. it's easier to know about other minds than about one's own. none of the above.

Descartes argues that

knowledge about the external world is based on knowledge about his own mind.

If the conclusion of an argument is false, then the argument

may be valid

If an argument is valid and has a true conclusion, then the argument

might have a false premise

Searle argues that

the mind is to the brain as the software is to the computer hardware. running a complex computer program is sufficient for thought. syntax is enough for semantics. running a complex computer program is not enough for the high level of understanding humans possess, but is enough for a lower degree of understanding. Answer: none of the above.

The following was discussed by us as an objection against Turing:

omputers can't think because they lack originality. computers can't think because they lack consciousness. computers can't pass the Turing test because, unlike humans, they never make mistakes. Answers: all of the above.

It was objected in lecture against Cultural Relativism that

on this view, the customs of a culture cannot be criticized from outside that culture. on this view, the customs of a culture cannot be criticized from inside that culture. the view entails that the most atrocious cruelties conceivable are merely wrong for us and never wrong period. Answer: all of the above.

Thomson would agree that

ou have a moral duty to let the violinist use your kidneys for nine months. unplugging the violinist violates his right to life. you have a moral duty to care for the person plant until it can be safely removed from your house. Answer: none of the above.

The short story "The Meeting" is about

preforming a brain transplant

The classical analysis of knowledge is an account of

propositional knowledge

Searle argues that

running a computer program is not sufficient for understanding Chinese.

The example about the person incapable of torturing a baby for $10 was used in lecture in order to

show that the Principle of Alternate Possibilities is false.

The example about the person incapable of torturing a baby for 10$ was used in lecture in order to

show that the Principle of Alternate Possibilities is false.

Which of the following is NOT on the list of indubitable beliefs that Descartes comes up with in the second Meditation?

that is a book

Descartes would agree that the following belief is put into question by the dream argument:

that is a philosophy book

Descartes would agree that the following belief is put into question by the dream argument:

that is a puppy

Descartes would agree that the following belief is put into question by the evil demon argument:

the Pythagorean theorem

Which of the following is Pollok's skeptical scenario?

the brain in a vat scenario

Which of the following is J. Pollock's skeptical scenario?

the brain in the vat scenario

Jackson argues that

the complete physical story about color vision fails to cover qualia.

If an argument is valid and has a false premise, then

the conclusion might be false

The following was discussed as an objection against Kantian ethics:

the conflict of duties problem.

The central philosophical problem that the aliens from "They are made out of meat" are puzzled by is

the mind body problem

Kant would agree that

the only thing that is intrinsically good is a good will. the moral character of an action depends on the agent's motivation. moral rules are absolute. Answer: all of the above.

The following was presented in lecture as an objection against the soul theory of personal identity:

the possibility of purely physical persons.

The following was presented in lecture as an objection against the soul theory of personal identity:

the possibility of reincarnation.

The following was discussed as part of the mind-body problem:

the problem of consciousness. the problem of intentionality. the problem of subjectivity. Answer: all of the above.

We used the fortune teller example to argue that

true beliefs can be unjustified

In lecture, we used beliefs based on hunches (such as the one about your favorite soccer team winning to show that

true beliefs can fail to be knowledge

An argument is sound if and only if it is

valid and the premises are true

We examined the scenario about the person who decides not to leave the room and to comfort the patient

when trying to find out whether the (PAP) principle is true.

"1+3 = 4" is an empirical belief.


Searle argues that running a complex computer program is necessary for intentionality.


Searle argues that running a complex computer program is not enough for the high level of understanding humans possess but is enough for a lower degree of understanding.


Searle argues that running a complex computer program is sufficient for intentionality.


Searle argues that the mind is to the brain as the software is to the computer hardware.


Skepticism about the external world is a type of global skepticism.


Skepticism about the external world is the view that there are no external objects.


Skepticism about the external world is the view that there is no external world.


So-called "identical twins" are identical in the numerical sense.


So-called "identical twins" are numerically identical.


The classical analysis of knowledge was proposed for the first time by R. Descartes.


The point of Descartes' passage about the sailor and his ship is to criticize interactionism.


The term 'qualia' refers to an extinct bird species.


The view according to which we cannot know whether God exists is a version of global skepticism.


According to the classical analysis of knowledge, a belief can be knowledge only if it is true.


An invalid argument can have all true premises and a true conclusion.


Ayer argues that free will should be contrasted with constraint, not causation.


The following claim is about syntax: "The word elephant has eight letters."


The knowledge argument was designed to prove physicalism wrong.


The point of Turing's imitation game is to help us find out whether computers could think.


Utilitarianism is a form of Consequentialism.


Warren argues that abortion is always morally permissible.


An argument is sound if and only if it is

valid and the premies are true

The following is a conceptual belief:


Which of the following is a prime number?


The following was discussed in lecture as an objection to Locke's theory of personal identity.

Answer: all of the above. cases of complete and irreversible amnesia. the implication that we were never very little. the transitivity objection.

The thought experiment about the prince and the cobbler has been used in lecture

Answer: all of the above. cases of complete and irreversible amnesia. the transitivity objection.

According to Ayer, an action is unconstrained only if

Answer: all of the above. it is preceded by a decision process. the decision process is relevant to the person's behavior. it is not compelled by another.

The thought experiment about the prince and the cobbler has been used in lecture

Answer: all of the above. to undermine the body theory of personal identity. to undermine the brain theory of personal identity. to support the memory theory of personal identity.

According to the classical analysis of knowledge, to be a piece of knowledge, a belief has to be:

Answer: all of the above. true justified

Being a mammal

Answer: neither A) nor B). is a necessary condition for being an animal. is a sufficient condition for being a racoon. both A) and B). neither A) nor B).

Hard determinism

Answer: none of the above. is one and the same thing as Determinism. is a type of Compatibilism. is a form of defined as the view that we have no free will.

It is Descartes' view that

Answer: none of the above. for all he knows, he might be dreaming. for all he knows, he might be deceived by an evil demon. for all he knows, he might be a brain-in-a-vat.

According to Locke, later B is the same person as earlier A if and only if

B can remember some thoughts or experiences A had.

Who claims that mental events have physical effects?


Who wrote the Meditations?


Determinism is the view that

Every action is caused by prior events. We don't have free will. both. Answer: neither.

In the second Meditation, Descartes argues that the following belief is indubitable:

I am thinking

The following is an empirical belief:

I have a body

Give an example of a possibility of error for the belief that there is a sparrow over there.

I hear something in the trees and I see that it is a sparrow. Just because you hear and see something doesnt mean it is actually there. You could be mistaken about it, because you don't know for sure. You could be imagining it or you could think it is a sparrow when really it is a differnet bird.

According to the exclusion principle,

I know that p only if I can rule out all skeptical scenarios for the belief that p.

Descartes would agree that the following belief is put into question by the evil demon argument:

I see a duck

According to Descartes, the following belief is NOT indubitable:

I see a myrtle

Which of the following answers corectly characterize personal identity as studied in this course?

Identity is understood in the numerical sense. Identity is understood in the diachronic sense.

Jackson argues that

Mary acquires only new ability knowledge and no propositional knowledge upon leaving the room. Mary acquires only new acquaintance knowledge and no propositional knowledge upon leaving the room. while in the room, Mary becomes acquainted with the entire color spectrum except for a particular shade of blue. Answer: none of the above.

Jackson argues that

Mary acquires only new ability knowledge and no propositional knowledge upon leaving the room. ¬¬¬ Mary acquires only new acquaintance knowledge and no propositional knowledge upon leaving the room. ¬¬¬ while in the room, Mary becomes acquainted with the entire color spectrum except for a particular shade of blue. Answer: none of the above.

The Meditations were written by

R. Decartes

Which of the following philosophers is an interactionist?

R. Decartes

Who wrote the Meditations?

Rene Descartes

In the Jones scenario presented in lecture

Smith does not interfere with Jones's decision process in any way.

Which is a counterexample to the following argument? Some young persons are liars. No mathematicians are liars. Therefore, some mathematicians are young persons.

Some dogs are collies. No cats are collies. Therefore, some cats are dogs

Define Substance Dualism.

Substance Dualism means that there are two differnet kinds of substances which are bodies, and minds. Bodies are material substances and minds are immaterial substances.

The following was presented in lecture as an objection against the body theory of personal identity:

cases of multiple personality disorder.

According to Utilitarianism, an act is morally right if and only if

it produces the greatest overall balance of pleasure over pain.

Here is a claim: To know that I'm taking an exam, I need to be able to rule out all scenarios in which I am not taking an exam. Which of the following is true?

The skeptic agrees with this claim. Descartes agrees with this claim. Answer: All of the above. None of the above.

Which of the following claims are about syntax?

The words 'grass' and 'green' have the same number of letters

Which of the following claims is about syntax?

The words 'grass' and 'green' have the same number of letters.

In the scenario we used to explain Reid's transitivity objection to Locke,

a prince and a cobbler have the same memories and thus are one and the same person. :a prince and a cobbler have the same memories and thus are one and the same person. a travelling salesman turns into a gigantic bug. a brave, young officer is killed on the battlefield. Answer: none of the above.

When presenting the thought experiment about Fred, Jackson claims that

after having Fred's optical system transplanted into his body, the neuroscientist who already knew everything physical about Fred learns something new.

Turing argues that

computers will never pass the Turing test because they lack originality. computers won't be capable of thought because they can't have qualia. computers won't be capable of thought because they lack a soul. Answer: none of the above.

Turing argues that

computers will never pass the Turing test because they lack originality. computers won't be capable of thought because they can't have qualia. computers won't be capable of thought because they lack a soul. Answer: none of the above.

We used the acting at gunpoint case to argue that

an action is free only if it is not compelled by another.

We used the scenario about extreme obedience to argue that

an action is free only if there is a deliberation process.

Abortion is immoral because it is not right to intentionally terminate a pregnancy.

begging the question

The argument "Richardson is the most successful mayor the town has ever had because he's the best mayor of our history" commits which fallacy?

begging the question

The following argument commits which fallacy? "Ending one's own life is morally permissible because people are rightfully in charge of their own lives. And this is so because people have the freedom to determine their own destiny. And this follows from the fact that people have the moral right to decide whether they live or die. And this is true because ending one's own life is morally permissible."

begging the question

The government has no right to spy on its citizens because citizens have a right to privacy. And this is true because such a right is guaranteed by the constitutionâ which follows from the fact that our founding fathers recognized the sanctity of individual privacy against the intrusive power of the government. And, of course, this is true because the government has no right to spy on its citizens.

begging the question

To allow every man unbounded freedom of speech must always be, on the whole, advantageous to the state, for it is highly conducive to the interests of the community that each individual should enjoy an unlimited liberty of expressing his sentiments.

begging the question

What fallacy is committed in the following passage? "Free speech is for the common good since unrestrained expression of opinion is in people's interest."

begging the question

Which of the following is a transitive relation?

being identical to

How is A for B? A = being a brother; B = being a male sibling

both necessary and sufficient

How is A for B? A = being a human male with a niece or a nephew; B = being an uncle

both necessary and sufficient

3. Who claims that mental events have physical effects?


According to the classical analysis of knowledge, Susan may know that David lives in Corpus Christi

even if David in fact lives in San Antonio even if susan does not believe that David lives in Corpus Christi even if susan lacks justification for believing that David lives in Corpus Christi Answer: None of the above

A counterexample to the Principle of Alternate Possibilities is an agent who

has moral responsibility but lacks the power to do otherwise.

Cartesian certainty

has to do with the strength of one's evidence.

Cartesian certainty

has to do with the strength of ones evidence

The imitation game

has two stages, and in each of them one of the players is a computer. is a game in which a computer analyzes how a man and a woman answer various questions, the goal being to identify their gender. is a test for mentality proposed by F. Jackson. Answers: none of the above.

The following argument commits which fallacy? "Bill Gates and Warren Buffet give millions of dollars to charitable causes every year. It must be the case that all wealthy people give huge amounts of money to charity every year."

hasty generalization

What fallacy is committed in the following passage? "You should buy an iPhone. They're great. I bought one last year, and it has given me nothing but flawless performance."

hasty generalization

You should buy an iPhone. They're great. I bought one last year, and it has given me nothing but flawless performance.

hasty generalization

In lecture, we used the scenario about the pessimist who learns that his relative has cancer to show that

having a true belief is not sufficient for knowledge.

Searle argues that

he mind is to the brain as the software is to the computer hardware. running a complex computer program is sufficient for thought. syntax is enough for semantics. running a complex computer program is no¬t enough for the high level of understanding humans possess, but is enough for a lower degree of understanding. Answer: none of the above.

Which of the following is correct?

identify is transitive relation

Princess Elizabeth argued that

if the mind and the body are two distinct kinds of substances, then it's hard to understand how the mind and the body could possibly causally interact.

The view that some events are not necessitated by prior events, but are rather random occurrences is called


A sensation of red

is a conscious state. is an intentional state. is a subjective state. Answer: all of the above.

The conclusion of a counterexample

is false

An argument is sound just in case:

it is valid and all the premies are true

Descartes offers the following as evidence for believing that the mind and the body are two distinct substances:

my mind is known by me with certainty to exist, while my body is not. I can coherently conceive of my mind existing without my body, and thus it is (in some broad sense) possible for my mind to exist without my body. my body is divisible into part, while my mind is not. Answer: all of the above.

How is A for B? A = being a brother; B = being a male twin


How is A for B? A = being alive; B = having a right to life


How is A for B? A = being an animal; B = being a lizard


How is A for B? A = being exposed to the influenza virus; B = getting the flu


How is A for B? A = being female; B = being an aunt


How is A for B? A = taking the exam; B = passing the exam


How is A for B? A = the presence of oxygen; B = combustion


How is A for B? A = studying hard for the exam; B = getting an A on the exam

neither necessary nor sufficient

How is A for B? A = watering the roses regularly; B = the roses flourishing

neither necessary nor sufficient

I bought the shirt for you because your friend Steve has one just like it which he loves, and you guys wear your hair the same, wear the same kinds of pants and shoes, and like the same music and TV programs. I thought you would probably like the shirt, too.

no fallacy

In a VALID argument, it is possible for the premises to be

some true and some false, all true, all false,

2. Descartes defends the following view on the mind-body problem:

substance dualism

Descartes defends the following view on the mind-body problem:

substance dualism

How is A for B? A = being a brother; B = being male


How is A for B? A = being human; B = being a mammal


How is A for B? A = stabbing David to death; B = killing David


Being a leopard is

sufficient for being a mammal

Searle argues that

thinking isn't mere symbol manipulation based on syntax.

The point of Warren's thought experiment about space explorers is

to show that the right to life of a potential person is overridden by an actual person's right to life, health and freedom.

A valid argument can include all false statements.


According to Leibniz's law, if A is identical to B, then A and B have exactly the same properties.


According to Mill, happiness is pleasure and the absence of pain.


Ayer argues that there is a conflict between free will and indeterminism.


Ayer is a compatibilist about free will.


Ayer would agree that all actions are fully fixed by events in the distant past and the laws of nature.


Compatibilism was defined in lecture as the view that determinism is compatible with the existence of free will.


Descartes believes that knowledge requires certainty.


Descartes claims that he can coherently imagine that he exists as a purely thinking thing, without being attached to any body.


Descartes is a foundationalist about the structure of knowledge.


Descartes is a foundationalist.


Descartes' method of hyperbolic doubt requires believing only things that are immune from doubt.


Interactionism is the view that the mind and the body causally interact.


It is possible for a valid argument to contain only false statements.


It was argued in lecture that the addict scenario shows that one can have moral responsibility even if the agent's decision process is not relevant to their behavior.


Moral relativism is the view that there are no absolute truths in morality.


Occurring earlier than... is a transitive relation.


Physicalism is the view that everything in the universe is physical.


Princess Elizabeth objected against Descartes that there is a tension between substance dualism and interactionism.


Rawls thinks that one should maximize the minimum level of welfare in our society


Searle argues that syntax is not enough for semantics.


Skepticism about other minds is the view that for all I know, there might not be any other minds.


Skepticism about the external world is the view that we can't know whether there are any external objects.


The following claim is about semantics: "chien means in French dog."


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