If you use a slow shutter speed to take a picture would you most likely use a small f-number or big f-number?
Big f-number because if you use a slow shutter speed you need to have a smaller aperture opening or you will not get the proper exposure. To get the smaller aperture open g you bed a big f-number.
What type of ISO would you use in low light conditions?
High ISO because it makes your camera more light sensitive, which makes it better to use indoor or at night
What type of ISO would be better to use for stop action shots?
High ISO because it's more light sensitive, which will allow you to use a faster shutter speed.
Explain in details how exposure is related to the shutter lead and f-stop(aperture)
To get the correct exposure you must have the right amount of light coming into the camera. To get the right amount of light coming into the camera. To get th right amount of light coming into the camera you need to correct balance (setting) between your shutter speed and f-stop.
What is the advantage of using lower iso?
Better quality
What three factors control depth of field?
Aperture opening (f-stop), focal length (length of the lens), distance between camera and focus object
Name the four factors that effect exposure
Available light, shutter speed, f-stop/aperture, ISO
What is depth of field?
Depth of field is the area that is in focus on a photograph
What devices on the camera controls depth of field?
What is the disadvantage of using a lower ISO?
Less light sensitive
What is the one thing that makes photography possible?
If you were a portrait photographer would you use a higher or lower ISO number?
Lower because it's better quality
Explain advantages of using a higher ISO number
More light sensitive
What is the disadvantage of using a higher ISO
Poor quality in your photo
What device on the camera controls motion?
Shutter speed
What two devices control how much light comes into the camera?
Shutter speed and f-stop(aperture)
How do you control depth of field with these three factors?
Smaller aperture opening (higher f number) greater the depth of field. Larger the aperture smaller the depth of field. Longer focal length (longer the lens( shorter the depth of field. Shorter the focal length the bigger the depth of field. Closer you are to the focused subject less the depth of field. Further back you are greater the depth of field.
Why will using a higher ISO allow you to get more depth of field?
The higher ISO will make your camera more light sensitive. If your camera is more light sensitive you can use a smaller aperture opening (high f-number). Using a smaller aperture opening/higher f-number will give you more depth of field.
How do you get blurred action?
Use a slow shutter speed
How do you get stop action?
You would use a fast shutter speed