PHYS Final

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4.) Complete the following sentence. The various colors of visible light differ in

both frequency and their speed in a vacuum

3.) A coil of wire carries a current I as shown in the figure. If the observer could "see" the magnetic field inside the arrangement of loops, how would it appear? (picture test 3)

c ( all into paper)

2.) Three 15-ohm and two 25-ohm light bulbs and a 24 V battery are connected in a series circuit. What is the current that passes through each bulb?

0.25 A

1.) A charge Q exerts a 1.2 N force on another charge q. If the distance between the charges is doubled, what is the magnitude of the force exerted on Q by q?

0.30 N

3.) A 0.60 T magnetic field is directed perpendicular to the plane of a circular loop of a radius 0.40 m. What is the magnitude of the magnetic flux through the loop?

0.30 Wb

2.) Three resistors, 50-ohm, 120-ohm, 180-ohm, are connected in series in a circuit. What is the equivalent resistance of this combination of resistors?

350 ohm

2.) When a light bulb is connected to a 4.5 V battery, a current of 0.12 A passes through the bulb filament. What is the resistance of the filament?

38 ohm

4.) Two mirrors are arranged as shown in the drawing. light is incident from the right on the first mirror at an angle of 70 degrees. The light reflects toward the second mirror and is reflected at angle theta. Determine the angle theta

65 degrees

2.) The current through a certain heater wire is found to be fairly independent of its temperature. If the current through the heater wire is doubled, the amount of energy delivered by the heater in a given timer interval will

Increase by a factor of 4

2.) Which one of the following statements concerning resistors in series is true?

The current through each resistor is the same

1.) Complete the following statement: When a dielectric with constant k inserted between the plates of a charged isolated capacitor

The electric field between the plates is reduced by a factor of k

1.) Which one of the following statements best describes the equipotential surfaces surrounding a point charge?

The equipotential surfaces are concentric spheres with the charge at the center

4.) Which one of the following statements is not a characteristic of a plane mirror?

The image is real

4.) An object is placed 6.5 cm from a thin converging lens with a focal length of 14 cm. Which one of the following statements is true concerning the image?

The image is virtual and 12 cm from the lens

1.) Two point charges are arranged along the x-axis as shown in the figure. At which of the following values of x is the electric potential equal to zero?

+0.29 m

1.) The electric potential at a certain point in space is 12 V. What is the electric potential energy of a -3.0 micro-C charge at that point?

-36 micro-J

1.) A proton moves in a constant electric field from point A to point B. The magnitude of the electric field is 6.5 x 10^4 N/C. If the distance from point A to point B is 0.50 m, what is the change in the proton's electric potential energy, EPEa- EPEb?

-5.1 x 10^-15 J

3.) A beam consisting of five types of ions labeled A, B, C, D, and E enters a region that contains a uniform magnetic field. The field is perpendicular to the plane of paper. All ions travel with the same speed. Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field if Ion A travels in a semicircular path of radius 0.50 m at a speed of 5.0 x 10^6 m/s

0.21 T

3.) The current in the secondary coil of a step-up transformer is 1.25 A when the current in the primary coil is 0.30 A. Determine the turns ratio, Ns/Np of the transformer.


4.) Makenzie walks directly towards a plane mirror at a speed of 0.30 m/s. Determine the speed of the image relative to her.

0.60 m/s

2.) A 75-W and 50-W incandescent light bulbs are designed for use with the same voltage. What is the ratio of the resistance of the 75-W bulb to the resistance of the 50-W bulb?


4.) The speed of lignt in material A is 1.4 times as large as it is in material B. What is the ratio of the refractive indices, na/nb, of these materials?


2.) Three resistors are connected in a circuit as shown. Using Kirchoff's rules, determine the current in one of the 16-ohm resistors

0.75 A

4.) When a certain light rays pass from a vacuum into a block of an unknown material, the measured index of refraction of the material is 3.00. What is the speed of light inside the block?

1.0 x 10^8 m/s

3.) A loop of wire with a weight of 0.55 N is oriented vertically and carries a current I= 2.25 A. A segment of the wire passes through a magnetic field directed into the plane of the page as shown. The net force on the wire is measured using a balance and found to be zero. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field? (picture test 3)

1.2 T

4.) When a ratio telescope observes a region of space between two starts, it detects electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength of 0.21 m. This radiation was emitted by hydrogen atoms in the gas and dust located in that region. What is the frequency of this radiation?

1.4 x 10^9 Hz

4.) A fish swims 2.00 m below the surface of a pond. At what apparent depth does the fish appear to swimm if viewed from directly above? The index of refraction of water is 1.33

1.50 m

4.) A lineraly polarized beam of light is incident upon a group of three polarizing sheets which are arranged so that the transmission axis of each sheet is rotated by 45 degrees with respect to the preceding sheet as shown. What fraction of the incident is transmitted ?


2.) Three parallel plate capacitors, each having a capacitance of 1.0 micro-Farad are connected in parallel. The potential difference across the combination is 100 V. What is the charge on any one of the capacitors?

100 micro-Farad

2.) A 4-A current is maintained in a simple circuit with a total resistance of 2-ohm. How much energy is delivered in 45 seconds?

1440 J

2.) What is the total power dissipated in the two resistors in the circuit shown?

15 W

3.) Two coils share a common axis as shown in the figure. The mutual inductance of this pair of coils is 6.0 mH. If the current in coil 1 is changing at a rate of 3.5 A/s, what is the magnitude of the emf generated in coil 2? (picture test 3)

2.2 x 10^-2 V

2.) How many electrons flow through a battery that delivers a current of 3.0 A for 12 S?

2.2 x 10^20

2.) Three resistors, 4.0 ohm, 8.0 ohm, 16 ohm, are connected in parallel in a circuit. What is the equivalent resistance of the combination of resistors?

2.3 ohm

1.) A total charge of -6.50 micro-Culombs is uniformly distributed within a sphere that has a radius of 0.150 m. What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field at 0.300 m from the surface of the sphere?

2.89 x 10^5 N/C, radially inward

3.) An electron is moving with a speed of 3.5 x 10^5 m/s when it encounters a magnetic field of 0.60 T. The direction of the magnetic field makes an angle of 60.0 degrees with respect to the velocity of the electron. What is the magnitude force on the electron?

2.9 x 10^-14 N

1.) A completely ionized beryllium atom (net charge= +4e) is accelerated through a potential difference of 6.0 V. What is the increase in the kinetic energy of the atom?

24 eV

1.) The magnitude of the electric field at a distance of two meters from a negative point charge is E. What is the magnitude of the electric field at the same location if the magnitude of the charge is doubled?


4.) An object is placed near two perpendicular plane mirrors as shown in the figure. How many images will be formed?


2.) Three Parallel plate capacitors each having a capacitance of 1.0 micro-Farad are connected in parallel The potential difference across the combination is 100 V. What is the equivalent capacitance of the combination?

3 micro-Farad

1.) A conducting sphere has a net charge of -6.4 x 10^-17 C. What is the approximate number of excess electrons in the sphere?


4.) An object is placed 1 m in front of a plane mirror. An observer stands 3 m behind the object. From what distance must the observer focus his eyes in order to see the image of the object?

5 m

1.) An ac current has an rms value of 3.5 A. Determine the peak value of the current.

5.00 A

3.) A circular loop is placed perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of 0.75 T. due to external forces, the area odf the loop decreases at a rate of 7.26 x 10^-2 m^2/s. Determine the induced emf in the loop.

5.4 x 10^-3 V

3.) An overhead electric power line carries a maximum current of 125 A. What is the magnitude of the maximum magnetic field at a point 4.50 m directly below the power line?

5.56 x 10^-6 T

2.) A non-ideal battery has a 6.0-V emf and an internal resistance of 0.6 ohms. Determine the terminal voltage when the current drawn from the battery is 0.5 A

5.7 V

4.) A scuba diver shines a flashlight from beneath the surface of water (n= 1. 33) such that the light strikes the water-air boundary with an angle of incidence of 37 degrees. At what angle is the beam refracted?

53 degrees

3.) A 1.2 kg-rod that has a length of 1.0 m and a resistance of 5.0 ohm slides with constant speed down a pair of frictionless vertical conducting rails that are joined at the bottom. Other than the rod, the rest of the circuit is resistanceless. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude 3.0 T is perpendicular to the plane formed by the rod and the rails as shown. Determine the speed of the rod

6.5 m/s

3.) Determine the energy stored in 7.09 x 10^-7 H inductor that carries a 1.50 A current

7.98 x 10^-7 J

1.) If the work required to move a +0.25 C charge from point A to point B is +175 J, what is the potential difference between the two points?

700 V

4.) Light propagates from soda lime glass (n= 1.518) into Pyrex glass (n= 1.473). Determine the critical angle for this situation

76.01 degrees

2.) Determine the length if a copper wire that has a resistance of 0l172 ohm and a cross sectional area of 7.85 x 10^-5 meter squared. The resistivity of copper is 1.72 x 10^- 4 ohm* meter.

785 m

4.) An object with a height of 4.0 cm is placed 30.0 cm from a lens. The resulting inverted image has a height of 1.5 cm. What us the focal length of the lens?

8.2 cm

1.) What is the electric flux passing through a Gaussian surface that surrounds a + 0.075 C point charge?

8.5 x 10^9 N*m^2/C

2.) A resistor dissipates 1.5 W when it is connected to a battery with a potential difference of 12 V. What is the resistance of the resistor?

96 ohms

2.) Which one of the following situations results in a conventional electric current that flows northward?

A beam of electrons moves southward

4.) Which one of the following will not generate electromagnetic waves or pulses?

A steady direct current

3.) Which one of the following statements concerning transformers is false?

A transformer can function with either an ac current or a steady dc current

3.) A metal ring is dropped from rest below a bar magnet that is fixed in position as suggested in the figure. An observer views the ring from below. Which one of the following statements concerning this situation is true?

As the ring falls, an induced current will flow counterclockwise as viewed by the observer.

3.) An electron enters a region that contains a magnetic field directed into the page as shown. The velocity of the electron makes an angle 30 degrees with the +y axis. What is the direction of the magnetic force on the electron when it enters the field?

At an angle of 30 degrees below the positive x axis.

4.) An object is placed at the focal point if a converging lens of focal length f. What is the image distance

At an infinite distance

1.) Four point charges, each of the same magnitude, with varying signs are arranged at the corners of a square as shown. Which of the arrows labeled A, B, C , and D gives the current direction of the net force that acts on the charge at the upper right corner?


3.) A long, strait wire carries a current I. If the magnetic field at a distance d from the wire has a magnitude B, what is the magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance 2d from the wire?


1.) An electron traveling horizontally enters a region where a uniform electric field is directed upward. What is the direction of the force exerted on the force exerted on the electron once it has entered the field? (picture from test 2)


4.) Complete the following sentence: When electrons from a heated filament accelerate through vacuum toward a positive plate,

Electromagnetic waves will be produced

1.) Complete the following statement: The electron volt is a unit of


2.) Complete the following statement. The unit kilowatt per hour measures


1.) Two positive point charges Q and 2Q are separated by a distance R. If the charge Q experience a force of magnitude F when the separation is R, what is the magnitude of the force on the charge 2Q when the separation is 2R


1.) Complete the following statement. When an ebonite rod is rubbed with animal fur, the rod becomes negatively charged as

Negative charges are transferred from the fur to the rod

3.) A conducting bar moves to the left at a constant speed v on two conducting rails joined at the left as shown. As a result of the bar moving through a constant magnetic field, a current I is induced in the indicated direction. Which one of the following directions is that of the magnetic field?

Out of the page

3.) A conducting loop of wire is placed in a magnetic field that is normal to the plane of the loop. Which one of the following actions will not result in an induced current in the loop?

Rotate the loop about an axis that is parallel to the field and passes through the center of the loop

4.) Which one of the following types of wave is fundamentally different than the other four?

Sound waves

3.) A proton traveling due west in a region that contains only a magnetic field experiences a vertically upward force (away from the surface of the earth). What is the direction of the magnetic field?


4.) The bending of light as it moves from one medium to another with differing indices of refraction is due to a change in what property of light?


1.) A parallel plate capacitor with plates of are A and plate separation d is charged so the the potential difference between its plates is V. If the capacitor is then isolated and its plate separation is decreased to d/2, what happens to its capacitance?

The capacitance is twice its original value

3.) Two conducting loops carry equal currents I in the same direction as shown in the figure. If the current in the upper loop suddenly drops to zero, what will happen to the current in the lower loop according to Lenz's law?

The current in the lower loop will increase.

3.) Which one of the following statements concerning the magnetic force on a charged particle in a magnetic field is true?

The magnetic force depends on the component of the particle's velocity that is perpendicular to the field

3.) Which one of the following statements best explains why a constant magnetic field can do no work on a moving charged particle?

The magnetic force is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle.

2.) Complete the following statement: The electromotive force is

The maximal potential difference between the terminals of the battery.

1.) Which one of the following statements best explains why tiny bits of paper are attracted to a charged rubber rod?

The paper becomes electrically polarized by induction

2.) The potential difference across the ends of a wire is doubled in magnitude. If Ohm's law is obeyed, which one of the following statements concerning the resistance of the wire is true?

The resistance is not changed.

2.) Which one of the following statements concerning resistance is true?

The resistance of a metal wire changes with temperature.

Complete the following statement: The magnitude of the magnetic force that acts on a charged particle in a magnetic field is independent of

The sign of the charge

1.) Complete the following statement: The magnitude of the electric field at a point in space does not depend upon

The sign of the charges causing the field

1.) Which one of the following statements is true concerning the work done by an external force in moving an electron at constant speed between two points in an electrostatic field?

The work done depends only on the displacement of the electron

4.) Complete the following statement: Fiber optics make use of

Total internal reflection

4.) Which of the following colors of visible light has the highest frequency?


3.) Which one of the following statements concerning permanent magnets is false?

When a permanent magnet is cut in half, one piece will be a north pole and one piece will be a south pole.

1.) A cubical Gaussian surface... What is the total electric flux that passes through the cubical Gaussian surface? (picture from test 2)

Zero N*m^2/C

1.) A charge q= -6.0 micro-C is moved 0.25 m horizontally to point P in a region where an electric field is 250 V/m directed vertically, as shown. What is the change in the electric potential energy of the charge? (picture test 2)

Zero joules

4.) Complete the following statement. The term dispersion refers to the fact that the index of refraction of certain materials

depends on the wavelength of light

2.) Which one of the following circuits has the largest resistance?


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