Physics 1 Final

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A driver brings a car to a full stop in 2.0 s. If the car was initially traveling at 22 m/s, what is the acceleration?

-11 m/s^2

The chipmunks dropped an acorn from the top of a tree. The acorn was 0.25 kg and had a velocity of 4 m/s when it hit the ground. How much kinetic energy did it have?


There is a 3-kg toy cart moving at 4 m/s. Calculate the kinetic energy of the cart.


A ball of 12 kg is attached to a string of 0.8 meter spun at 4 m/s. What is the centripetal force?

240 N

A basketball weighing 0.5 kg is flying through the air at 10 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?


A string is tied with a 0.500 kg object and swung around a person's head in a horizontal circle. The length of the string is 1.00 m. The maximum speed the object can be swung without breaking the string is 7.07 m/s. What is the force the string can withstand without breaking?

25 N

In the case shown below, the 1 kg rock rides on a horizontal disk that rotates at constant speed of 5 m/s about its vertical axis (dotted line). The radius of the disk is 1 meter. What is the magnitude of the friction?

25 N

Suppose you are spinning a child around in a circle by her arms. The radius of her orbit around you is 1 meter. Her speed is 1 m/s. Her mass is 25 kg. The magnitude and direction of tension in your arms is _____ N towards her

25 N

If a planet's orbital speed is 20 km/s at its average distance from the sun, which is most likely the orbital speed when it is nearest the sun?

25 km/s

If a spaceship traveling at 1,000 miles per hour enters an area free of gravitational forces, its engine must run at some maximum level in order to maintain the ship's velocity.


Kepler's laws of planetary motion were developed by Bernhard Kepler.


Measurements such as weight, temperature, time, and length are qualitative observations.


Quantitative data can be observed but not measured.


Scientific theories are deductive in nature.


Scientists discard a theory when public opinion disagrees with it.


The word "formula" is close in meaning to the word "hypothesis."


The force of gravity is constantly pulling a satellite toward the center of the Earth.


The steeper the line on a velocity-time graph, the faster the object's motion is changing.


The acceleration due to gravity is zero at the ____.

center of the Earth

The circumference of an orbit for a toy on a string is 18 m and the centripetal force is 12 N. The ______ force doesn't do any work because the toy's motion is perpendicular to the force.


If an object is moving with ______ velocity, then the instantaneous velocity at every moment, the average velocity, and the constant velocity are all the same.


For accelerated motion (the velocity is constantly changing), the position vs time graph will be a...

curved line

Kepler's _____ law states the path of each planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus.


_________ is a type force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching.


2,007,000 has ____ significant figures


How many significant figures are in the number 17.95?


If the velocity of an airplane is doubled, then its kinetic energy will increase by a factor of _____.


If a 65-kilogram astronaut exerts a force with a magnitude of 50. N on a satellite that she is repairing, the magnitude of the force that the satellite exerts on her is

50 N

A man weighing 490 N on earth weighs only 81.7 N on the moon. His mass on the moon is ___ kg. (Use g= 9.8 m/s^2)

50 kg

Sally's mass on Earth is 50 kg. What is her mass on the moon?

50 kg

Jake walks 4m due North and then 3m due West to take a walk. The distance that Jake walks is ___ m.

7 m

A 0.500 kg object tied to a string is swung around a person's head in a horizontal circle. The length of the string is 1.00 m and the maximum force the string can withstand without breaking is 25.0 N. What is the maximum speed the object may be swung without breaking the string?

7.07 m/s

A racecar is traveling at a speed of 80.0 m/s on a circular racetrack of radius 450 m. What is the centripetal force on the racecar if its mass is 500 kg?

7.1 x 10 ^3 N

The moon's mass is _____.

7.35 x 10^22 kg

A 2.00 kg ball is thrown upward at some unknown angle from the top of a 20.0 m high building. If the initial magnitude of the velocity of the ball is 20.0 m/s. What is the value of total energy?

792 J

Thomas the Giant Gorilla stood on a bridge 624 feet above the water below. He picked up a car threw it off the bridge with an initial velocity of 50 feet per second. How long will it take the car to splash into the water below?


How many significant figures are there in the number 2.3409500?


If an object is moving and it changes its position by 2 m in every 4 s starting from the origin, then the position vs. time graph will be _______.

A straight line with a positive slope

A rifle recoils from firing a bullet. The speed of the rifle's recoil is small compared to the speed of the bullet because the rifle has a great deal more ____ than the bullet.


Einstein agreed with Newton that an object with greater _____ has a greater effect on the objects around it.


Einstein developed his theory about gravity by using __________


What is the more common term for a quantitative observation?


Complete the sentence using word moon, gravity or force. The ______ interacts and moves under the influence of both the Sun and the Earth simultaneously.


What is the SI unit for weight?


If a velocity-time graph is horizontal, then velocity is _____ _________

not changing

When an object has orbital motion, its velocity and acceleration are ____________.


Physics is the branch of science that studies the ___ world.


The y-axis of a position-time graph represents _____.


Pick a correct term to fill in the blank: kgm/s2 , pounds, tons, kg One Newton equals 0.225 ________


Which equation is correct?

power = work/time

"The toy car is about 3 inches long" is an example of a ______ observation.


Which equation below is not valid for relating velocity, time, displacement, and constant (or average) acceleration?

(Vi2 + d)2 = Vf + a2 + 2t

Two stationary carts are tied together by a thread with a compressed spring held between them. When the thread is cut, the two carts move apart. After the spring is released, one cart m = 3.00 kg travels east with a velocity of 0.82 m/s. What is the magnitude of the velocity of the second cart (m = 1.70 kg) after the spring is released?

-1.45 m/s

A boat's initial velocity is 30 m/s. After 2.5 seconds, its velocity is 5 m/s. What is the boat's rate of acceleration?

-10 m/s ^2

A 0.50 kg ball traveling at 6.0 m/s due east collides head on with a 1.00 kg ball traveling in the opposite direction at -12.0 m/s. After the collision, the 0.50 kg ball moves away at -14 m/s. What is the velocity of the other ball after the collision?

-2 m/s

What is the average velocity in the time interval 5 to 6 seconds?

-27 m/s

The brakes on a 15,680 N car exert a stopping force of 640 N. The car's velocity changes from 20.0 m/s to 0 m/s. What is the change in the momentum of the car?

-32,000 kg m/s

A ball is thrown downward with an initial speed of 7 m/s. The ball's velocity after 3 seconds is ___ m/s. (g= -9.8m/s^2)

-36.4 m/s

A ball is dropped from rest from a high window of a tall building and falls for 4 seconds. Neglecting air resistance, the final velocity of the ball is ___ m/s. (g = - 9.8 m/s2)

-39.2 m/s

A pillow is thrown downward with an initial speed of 6 m/s. After 4 seconds, the pillow's velocity is ___ m/s. (g= -9.8m/s^2)

-45.2 m/s

An eraser is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s. The eraser's velocity after 7.0 seconds is ___ m/s.


A ball weighing 10 kg traveling at 1.4 m/s hits and rebounds back off a wall and now travels 1.4m/s in the opposite direction. What is the work done on it?


A weightlifter is holding a 200-kg barbell at a height of 1 meter above the ground. How much work is he performing? _____ Joules

0 J

A force of 6.0 N gives a 2.0 kg block an acceleration of 3.0 m/s2 to the right. The force of friction acting on the block is ___ N.

0 N

A force of 6.0 N gives a 2.0 kg block an acceleration of 3.0 m/s^2 to the right. The force of friction acting against the force pushing the block is ___ N.

0 N

A 5 kg block rests on a rough horizontal table. A rope is attached to the block and is pulled with a force of 11N to the left. As a result, the block accelerates at 2 m/s^2. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table is ___ (round to the nearest hundredth)


A 3 kg block rests on a rough horizontal table. A rope is attached to the block and is pulled with a force of 11N to the left. As a result, the block accelerates at 3 m/s^2. The coefficient of kinetic friction μk between the block and the table is ___ (round to the nearest hundredth)


A 3,000kg car rests on rough horizontal ground. A rope is attached to the car and is pulled with a force of 11,000N to the left. As a result, the car accelerates at 3 m/s2. The coefficient of sliding friction (μ) between the car and the ground is ___ (round to the nearest hundredth)


A 0.111 kg hockey puck moving at 55 m/s is caught by a 80 kg goalie at rest. With what speed does the goalie slide on the (frictionless) ice?

0.076 m/s

A 2.0 kg block rests on a rough horizontal table. A rope is attached to the block and is pulled with a force of 8.0 N to the left. As a result, the block accelerates at 2.5 m/s^2. The coefficient of kinetic friction μk between the block and the table is ___ .( Round to the nearest hundredth.)


A 20 kg block rests on a rough horizontal table. A rope is attached to the block and is pulled with a force of 80 N to the left. As a result, the block accelerates at 2.5 m/s^2. The coefficient of kinetic friction μk between the block and the table is ___ .( Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.)


Object A has a mass of 4.5 × 10^7 kg, while object B has a mass of 2.5 × 10^6kg. What is the gravitational attraction between two objects if the distance between them is 145 m? Estimate G as 6.67 × 10^-11 N (m/kg) ²

0.36 N

If the change in kinetic energy of a tennis ball hit by the racket is 29J, and the average force that the racket exerts on the ball is 80. N, what is the distance that the force is exerted over?

0.36 m

A truck pulled a car of 2,350 kg a distance of 25 meters. If the car accelerates from 3 m/s to 6 m/s, what's the average force exerted on the car?

1,269 N

A ball of 8.5 kg is thrown upwards 16 meters. What is the gravitational potential energy gained by the ball? Estimate g to 9.81 and keep 4 significant figures.

1,334 J

Typical Pressurized Water Reactors can produce 1100 to 1500 megawatts, or about _________ Joules/second.

1,500,000,000 J/s

Using this formula a = F/m, What acceleration results from exerting a 125N force on a 0.65kg ball?

192.3 m/s^2

Perform the following addition calculation and provide your answer with the correct number of significant figures: 0.01223 + 1.01 =


An object is swung in a horizontal circle on a length of string that is 0.93 m long. Its acceleration is 26.36 m/s^2. What is the time it takes the object to complete one horizontal circle?

1.18 seconds

If the position of a body is 3 m, 6 m, 9 m, 12 m at instants 2 s, 4 s, 6 s and 8 s respectively, what is the instantaneous speed of the body from the slope of the position vs. time graph for the given data?

1.5 m/s

An astronaut is walking on the moon, we know that the moon has a mass of 7.36 × 10^22 kg and a radius of 1.73 × 10^6 m, then what acceleration the man would feel (in m/s^2, G = 6.67 × 10^-11 N (m/kg) ²) ?

1.64 m/s^2

What is the change in gravitational potential energy of the apple if it falls the amount shown? Estimate g to 9.81m/s2 and keep 3 significant figures.

1.72 J

What is the speed of a boy moving around a circular park of radius 6 m if he goes once around the park in 20 s?

1.88 m/s

What is the gravitational attraction between the Earth and the Moon? The Earth has a mass of 5.97 × 10^24 kg, while the moon has a mass of 7.36 × 10^22 kg. The average distance between them is 384,400 km. Estimate G as 6.67 × 10^-11 N (m/kg) ²

1.98 x 10^20 N

Earth's mass is 5.98×10^24 kg and the moon's mass is 7.35×10^22 kg. If the distance between the earth and the moon is 384,000 km, what is Earth's gravitational force on the moon?

1.99 x 10^20 N

A bus travels 6 km east and then 8 km south. The magnitude of the bus's resultant displacement is ___ km.

10 km

A car of mass 700 kg and moving at a speed of 30 m/s collides with a stationary truck of mass 1400 kg, and the two vehicles lock together on impact. The combined velocity of the car and truck after the collision is ___ m/s.

10 m/s

An object of mass 10 kg is in a circular orbit of radius 10 m at a velocity of 10 m/s. What is the acceleration of this object?

10 m/s

In the following graph, what is the object's average velocity?

10 m/s

What is the period of an object that makes 6 revolutions a minute? ___ seconds

10 seconds

If the gravity force between planet A and B is 5,000 N, now replace planet B with a bigger planet C with double mass of planet B, then what is the force between A and C (in N) ?

10,000 N

A car with a mass of 1,200 kg traveling westward at 30 m/s is slowed to a stop in a distance of 50 m by the car's brakes. What was the braking force?

10,800 N

An object of mass 10 kg is in a circular orbit of radius 10 m at a velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate the centripetal force (in N) required to maintain this orbit.

100 N

If a 65 kg student exerts a force of 100 N on a 100 kg desk, the magnitude of the force that the desk exerts on him is

100 N

A man weighing 980 N on earth weighs only 163 N on the moon. His mass on the moon is ___ kg. (Use g= 9.8 m/s^2)

100 kg

James Bond is trying to escape his enemy on a speedboat, but his boat won't start and remains stationary in the water. His enemy's boat is twice the mass of Bond's and collides with his boat at 50 m/s. After the collision, the enemy boat is completely stationary. How fast is Bond's boat moving? ____ m/s

100 m/s

A roller coaster of mass 2000 kg is rolling down a track with an instantaneous speed 10 m/s. What is its kinetic energy in Joules?

100,000 J

Sara goes to her apartment on the fifth floor by elevator from the ground floor. The whole journey is 18.0 meters. If Sara has mass 60 kg, what is the gravitational potential energy gained by her? Estimate g as 9.81m/s^2.

10595 J

A 50.0 kg woman climbs a flight of stairs 6.00 m high in 15.0 s. How much power does she use?

196 W

Kim took 5 hours to complete a journey with an average speed of 80 km/h. For the first 3 hours, she travelled at an average speed of 60 km/h. What was her average speed for the remaining time of the journey? ___ km

110 km

The weight of a person on earth is 700 N. If the value of acceleration due to gravity on moon is just one-sixth that of Earth, then what will be the weight of the person on moon, if the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is 9.8 m/s^2?

116.7 N

If an object can make 10 revolutions in two minutes, what's its period?

12 seconds

Calculate the amount of work must a 60 kg runner do to accelerate from rest to a velocity of 2 m/sec?

120 J

The average force of a baseball is 18.9 N. Its mass is 0.145 kg. Find the acceleration.

130 m/s^2

An automobile rounds a curve of radius 50.0 m on a flat road. The centripetal acceleration to keep the car on the curve is 3.92 m/s^2. What is the speed necessary to keep the car on the curve?

14 m/s

The average mean distance of Saturn from the sun is ______.

1427 x 10^6 km

The weight of a cart with a mass of 150 kg is ___ N. (Use 9.8 m/^s2 for the acceleration due to gravity.)

1470 N

The average mean distance of Earth from the sun is ______.

149.6 x 10^6 km

The linear momentum of a truck of mass 5000 kg that is moving at a velocity of +30 m/s is ___ kg ⋅ m/s

150,000 kg x m/s

The brakes on a 15,680 N car exert a stopping force of 640 N. The car's velocity changes from 20.0 m/s to 0 m/s. What is the mass of the car? (Estimate 10 N/kg for g.)

1568 kg

A person is lifted 24 meters by the elevator in a building. If the person has a mass of 74 kg, what is the gravitational potential energy gained by the person? Estimate g to 9.81 and keep 5 significant figures.

17,423 J

Calculate the average force that must be exerted on a 0.145 kg baseball in order to give it an acceleration of 130 m/s^2.

18.9 N

Arrange Kepler's laws in order: The ratio of the squares of the periods of any two planets revolving around the sun is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their average distance from the sun. The path of each planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus. As a planet moves in its orbit, a line from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

2, 3, 1

Perform the following calculation and provide your answer with the correct number of significant figures: 0.1886 x 12 =


A kangaroo jumps up with an initial velocity of 36 feet per second from the ground (assume its starting height is 0 feet). Use the vertical motion model, h = −16t2 + vt + s, where v is the initial velocity in feet per second and sis the height in feet, to calculate the amount of time the kangaroo is in the air before it hits the ground again. Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary. Time in air: ______ seconds

2.3 s

A force of 10 N acts on a mass of 5 kg producing an acceleration of 1.5 m/s^2. What is the magnitude of the force of friction acting on the mass?

2.5 N

The friction of the water on a boat produces an acceleration of −10 m/s^2. If the boat is traveling at 30 m/s and the motor is shut off, how long does it take the boat to slow down to 5.0 m/s?

2.5 seconds

A person throws a shot put from height of 5 feet with an initial vertical velocity of 40 feet per second. Use the vertical motion model, h = −16t^2 + vt + s, where v is the initial velocity in feet per second and s is the initial height in feet, to calculate the amount of time the shot put is in the air before it hits the ground.

2.6 s

A boy with a mass of 30.0 kg rides a merry-go-round with a radius of 1.5 meters and a velocity of 0.38 m/s. What is the centripetal force on the boy? ___ N

2.9 N

Jake and Amir are both standing on identical skateboards and perform a physics experiment in which they push off one another to move. Jake is taller and more massive than Amir. If Jake pushes with 20 N of force, what force would he feel backwards away from Amir? F = ___ N

20 N

A barge is pulled down a canal by a horse walking along the bank. If the angle of the rope is 60∘. The force exerted is 400 N and the barge is pulled 100 m. How much work does the horse do?

20,000 Nm

An airplane starts from rest and accelerates at a constant 3.00 m/s2 Its final displacement is 600 m. What is the time value?

20.0 s

Suppose that the potential energy of a body at a certain height is 200 J. If the body falls, what is its kinetic energy just as it reaches the ground?

200 J

A satellite has a mass of 3.25 × 10^3 kg, while the Earth has a mass of 5.97 × 10^24 kg. What is the gravitational attraction between them if the distance between them is 80,420 km? Estimate G as 6.67 × 10-11 N (m/kg) ²

200 N

When a 45 N object falls to the ground from a height of 4.6 m. How much work is done by the force of gravity?

207 Nm

A runner weighing 70 kg, moving at a speed of 8.8 m/s, rounds a bend with a radius of 25 m. What is the centripetal force needed to keep this runner on the curve?

217 N

A driver brings a car to a full stop in 2.0 s. Its acceleration is −11 m/s^2. How far did the car travel while braking?


A 1500 kg car starts at rest and speeds up to 3.0 m/s. The gain in kinetic energy is 6750 J. We define efficiency as the ratio of output energy (in this case kinetic energy) to input energy. If this car's efficiency is 0.30. How much input energy was provided by the gasoline?

22,500 J

A small car with a mass of 800 kg is moving with a velocity of 27.8 m/s. What is the momentum of the car?

22240 kg m/s

A 2.00 kg ball is thrown upward at some unknown angle from the top of a 20.0 m high building. If the initial magnitude of the velocity of the ball is 20.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the final velocity when it strikes the ground? (Note: Ignore air resistance.)

28.1 m/s

The radius of the planet Mercury is 2.43×10^6m and its mass is 3.2×10^23kg. What is the speed of a satellite in orbit 265,000 m above the surface?

2800 m/s

The average mean distance of Earth from the sun is 149.6×10^6 km and the period of Earth is 1.0 year. The average mean distance of Saturn from the sun is 1427×10^6 km. Using Kepler's third law, what is the period of Saturn?

29.46 year

A skier starts from rest at the top of a 45.0 m hill, coasts down a 30∘ slope into a valley and continues up to the top of a 40.0 m hill. Both hill heights are measured from the valley floor. Assume the skier puts no effort into the motion (they always coast) and there is no friction. How fast will the skier be moving on the valley floor?

29.7 m/s

A person weighing 645 N climbs up a ladder to a height of 4.55 m. What is the increase in gravitational potential energy?

2935 J

0.0000000000000366 has _____ significant figures.


A person throws a ball from height of 6 feet with an initial vertical velocity of 48 feet per second. Use the vertical motion model, h = −16t2 + vt + s, where v is the initial velocity in feet per second and s is the height in feet, to calculate the amount of time the ball is in the air before it hits the ground again. Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary. Time in air: ______ seconds

3.1 s

A person throws a baseball from height of 7 feet with an initial vertical velocity of 50 feet per second. Use the vertical motion model, h = −16t2 + vt + s, where v is the initial velocity in feet per second and s is the height in feet, to calculate the amount of time the baseball is in the air before it hits the ground. Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary. Time in air: ______ seconds

3.3 s

A box is initially at rest on a horizontal, frictionless table. If a force of 10 Newton acts on the box for 3 seconds, what is the momentum of the box at the end of the 3 second interval?

30 N

If you punch a wall with a force of 30 N, what force will you feel on your fist? F = ___ N

30 N

A geosynchronous orbit is an orbit in which the satellite remains over the same spot on the planet as the planet turns. This is accomplished by matching the velocity of the satellite to the velocity of the turning planet. The orbital radius of a geosynchronous satellite is 4.23×10^7m (measured from the center of Earth). What is the speed of the satellite in orbit?

3070 m/s

An astronaut rides in a circular training accelerator at 16 m/s. If the radius of the accelerator is 8.0 meters, what is his centripetal acceleration? ___ m/s^2.

32 m/s^2

The brakes on a 15,680 N car exert a stopping force of 640 N. The car's velocity changes from 20.0 m/s to 0 m/s. What is the car's initial momentum?

32,000 kg m/s

A 50kg boy stands on rough horizontal ground. The coefficient of static friction, μs, is 0.68. The maximum static friction between the boy and the ground is ___ N.

333 N

A block weighing (Fg) 50 N is resting on a steel table (µs = 0.74) . The minimum force to start this block moving is ___ N.

37 N

What is the momentum of a 533 kg blimp moving east at +75 m/s?

39,975 kg x m/s east

The weight of a girl with a mass of 40 kg is ___ N.

392 N

What is the velocity of a ball swung around on a rope with radius .25 meters and period .40 seconds? ___ meters/seconds

4 m/s

What is the acceleration of a boat if it starts from rest and then reaches a velocity of 24 m/s in 6.0 s?

4 m/s^2

A boat sailing against the current experiences an acceleration of -11 m/s2. If the boat's initial velocity is 44 m/s upstream, how long until it comes to a stop?

4 seconds

A 0.5 kg ball is at the top of a ramp which is 8 meters high. How much kinetic energy does the ball have at the bottom of the ramp?

40 J

A toy plane with a mass of 1.5 kg is flying in the air at 8.0 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?


One of the Lady Spartans was falling to the ground after dunking the winning basket. At the end of her fall, she was falling at 4 m/s. If she was 60 kg, how much potential energy did she have at the top of her jump?


Sally's mass on Earth is 50 kg. What is her weight on Earth?

490 N

A 2-kg ball rolls down the hill. By the time it is at the bottom, the ball's Kinetic Energy is 25 J. What is its velocity at the bottom of the hill?

5 m/s

A white pool ball of mass 1.0 kg moving at 10 m/s collides with a 1.2 kg red pool ball initially at rest. After the collision, the white pool ball continues in the same direction with a velocity of 3.0 m/s. Neglecting friction, the velocity of the red ball after the collision is ___ m/s. (Round to the nearest tenth) .

5.8 m/s

If a 2.00 kg ball is thrown straight upward and its maximum height is 25.51 m. What is the value of KE at this instance? (g = 9.8 m/s^2).

500 J

The weight of a boy having a mass of 50 kg is ___ N.

500 N

A 700 kg car makes a turn going at 30 m/s with radius of curvature of 120 m. What is the force of friction between the car's tires and the road?

5250 N

An airplane accelerates with a constant rate of 3.0 m/s^2 starting at a velocity of 21 m/s. If the final velocity is 60 m/s, what is the displacement during this period?

527 m

The 1 kg rock is tied to a string and swung in a circular path as shown. The 1 meter string is tied to a post, and during the motion, the string has a 30° angle with the post. The rock makes 100 rounds in 1 minute. The centripetal force on the rock is ___ N.

54.8 N

A 0.111 kg moving hockey puck is caught by a 80 kg goalie who then slides on the frictionless ice at 0.076 m/s. What was the initial velocity of the hockey puck?

55 m/s

A scooter has a mass of 250 kg. A constant force is exerted on it for 60.0 s. During the time the force is exerted, the scooter increases its speed from 6.00 m/s to 28.0 m/s. What is the change in momentum?

5500 kg m/s

A car travels 4 km due north and then 2 km due west going from town A to town B. The distance traveled by the car is ___ km


If an object can make 10 revolutions in a minute, what's its period?

6 seconds

Consider a neutron star of radius 10 km that spins with a period of 0.8 seconds. Imagine a person is standing at the equator of this neutron star. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of this person.

6.2 x 10^5 m/s^2

The rock is tied to a string and swung in a circular path by a boy as shown. The radius of the circular path is 0.6 meters and the rock makes 100 rounds in 1 minute. The velocity of the rock is ___ m/s

6.3 m/s

What is the velocity of a rock that is 0.02 kg and has 36 J of KE?


An astronaut weighing 588 N on earth notices that he weighs only 98 N on moon. His mass on moon is ___ kg.

60 kg

An airplane accelerates with a constant rate of 3.0 m/s^2 starting at a velocity of 21 m/s. If the distance traveled during this acceleration was 535 m, what is the final velocity?

60 m/s

An airplane starts from rest and accelerates at a constant 3.00 m/s^2 for 20.0 s. What is its displacement in this time?

600 m

The radius of the planet Mercury is 2.43×10^6m and its mass is 3.2×10^23kg. Find the period of a satellite orbiting Mercury 265,000 m above its surface?

6000 seconds

A roller coaster of mass 2000 kg is rolling down a track with an instantaneous speed of 10 m/s. The roller coaster has a force of unknown magnitude act on it, so now it is traveling at only 6 m/s. What was the work done on it?

64,000 J

As we know, the moon is a satellite of our earth, what is the theoretical period of the moon? The average radius of the moon's orbit is 3.84 × 10^8 m and the mass of the earth is 5.97 × 10^24 kg (in hours, G = 6.67 × 10^-11 N (m/kg) ²) .

657.8 hours

A moving car of mass 500 kg collides with a stationary truck of mass 1500 kg, and the two vehicles lock together on impact. The combined velocity of the car and truck after the collision is 20 m/s. The velocity of the car before the collision is ___ m/s.

80 m/s

Sally's mass on Earth is 50 kg. What is her weight on the moon?

81.6667 N

An NFL place kicker is practicing his extra-point kicks. He kicks the football into the wall of his living room and it hits at a speed of 83 mph (or 37.1 m/s). If the wall did not move at all, how fast would the ball bounce back? (Assume a perfectly elastic collision and ignore friction.) Note: Type your answer as m/s.

83 m/s

A person feels an attractive force 625 N from earth, what kind of force will he feel if his mass is gained by 2/5?

875 N

A car is brought to rest in a distance of 484 m using a constant acceleration of −8.0 m/s^2. What was the velocity of the car when the acceleration first began?


A cell phone weighing 80 grams is flying through the air at 15 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?

9 J

A 0.050 kg bullet strikes a 5.0 kg wooden block with a velocity of 909 m/s and embeds itself in the block which then flies off its stand. What was the final velocity of the bullet?

9 m/s

Find the acceleration of a car with the mass of 1,200 kg and a force of 11 × 10^3 N.

9.2 m/s^2

The mass of a car is 2,400 kg and its momentum is 22,240 kg m/s. What is its velocity?

9.27 m/s

What is the acceleration of an object at sea level on Earth, if the Earth's radius is 6.378 × 10^6 m, and the mass of the Earth is 5.97 × 10^24 kg?

9.79 m/s^2

What is the rate of acceleration due to gravity?

9.81 meters per second

A skier starts from rest at the top of a 45.0 m hill, coasts down a 30∘ slope into a valley and continues up to the top of a 40.0 m hill. Both hill heights are measured from the valley floor. Assume the skier puts no effort into the motion (they simply coast) and there is no friction. How fast will the skier be moving on the top of the 40.0 m hill?

9.9 m/s

A hydraulic system at the mechanic shop can perform up to 180,000 Joules of work in a day. If throughout the day it can lift 10 cars from the ground to a height of 2 meters, how much can the cars each weigh in Newtons?

9000 N

A 0.050 kg bullet strikes a 5.0 kg wooden block and embeds itself in the block. The block (with the bullet embedded) flies off its stand at 9.0 m/s. What was the original velocity of the bullet?

909 m/s

A scooter has a mass of 250 kg. A constant force is exerted on it for 6.0 s. During the time the force is exerted, the scooter increases its speed from 6.00 m/s to 28.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the force exerted on the scooter?

917 N

Lily took 6 hours to complete a journey at an average speed of 58 km/h. For the first 4 hours, she travelled at an average speed of 64 km/h. What was the distance for the rest of the journey? ___ km

92 km

Assuming no friction, what is the minimum work needed to push a 1000 kg car 45.0 m up a 12.5∘ incline?

95500 J

A 3-kg toy cart is moving at 4 m/s. Calculate the kinetic energy of this cart if it were moving TWICE as fast.

96 J

Sasha lifts a couch 8.2 meters from the ground floor of her house to the attic. If the couch has a mass of 120 kg, what is the gravitational potential energy gained by the couch? Estimate g as 9.81 m/s^2.

9653 J

The weight of a box having a mass of 100 kg is ___ N.

980 N

The Pacman arcade game went out of order at Fat Max's Arcade. Max is dragging it 5 meters across the ground and out of the store with a rope tied to the center of the game and pulls at a 45º angle. What is the force he exerts if he performs 3,500 Joules of work?


Which of the following questions can be answered using physics? Select all that apply

All four answers (Why do the stars shine? Why do your hands get warm when you rub them together? Why does the moon move? How does the moon move?)

A roller coaster begins at rest 120 m above the ground, as shown. Assume no friction from the wheels and air, and that no energy is lost to heat, sound, and so on. The radius of the loop is 40 m. Find the speed of the roller coaster at points B, C, D. Note:- Use g=10 m/s^2

B = 34.6 m/s C = 49 m/s D = 28.3 m/s

A geosynchronous orbit is an orbit in which the satellite remains over the same spot on the planet as the planet turns. This is accomplished by matching the velocity of the satellite to the velocity of the turning planet. The orbital radius of a geosynchronous satellite is 4.23×10^7m (measured from the center of Earth). What is its period?

Both A and B

A roller coaster begins at rest 120 m above the ground, as shown. Assume no friction from the wheels and air, and that no energy is lost to heat, sound, and so on. The radius of the loop is 40 m. Find the speed of the roller coaster at points E and F. Note:- Use g=10 m/s^2.

E = 40 m/s, F = 49 m/s

Who explained gravity as a result of the warping of space-time?


A spaceship traveling at 1,000 miles per hour enters an area free of gravitational forces and free of air resistance. The pilot can slow the ship down by shutting off the engine for a while.


After a rocket ship going from Earth to the moon leaves the gravitational pull of Earth, it can shut off its engine and the ship will continue on to the moon due to the moon's gravitational pull.


An orbiting satellite experiences no force due to the Earth's gravity.


Susan drops her camera in the river from a bridge that is 250 feet high. How long does it take the camera to fall 250 feet?

It takes 4 seconds the camera to fall 250 feet

Who described gravity as a force of attraction between all objects with mass in the universe?


SI unit of gravitational constant 'G' is _____.


The circumference of an orbit for a toy on a string is 18 m and the centripetal force is 12 N. Does the centripetal force do any work on the toy when it follows its orbit for one cycle?


Which of these statements is one of Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion?

Planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus

What is true about the graph above?

The object is accelerating, the object is moving in the positive direction, the object has a velocity greater than 0

A position-time graph shows how far an object has traveled at any given time since it started moving.


A spaceship traveling at 1,000 miles per hour enters an area free of gravitational forces and free of air resistance. The ship's inertia means that shutting down the ship's engines will not slow it down.


Action and reaction forces are not balanced forces because they act on different objects.


After a rocket ship going from Earth to the moon leaves the gravitational pull of Earth, it can shut off its engine and the ship will continue on to the moon due to inertia.


An object can have a velocity of zero but still have an acceleration.


Newton's law of gravity was accepted for more than 200 years.


In a velocity-time graph, ____________ is represented by the slope, or steepness, of the graph line.


Pick the correct word to fill up the blank in below question: velocity, combustion, acceleration, gravitation, force If a race car wants to change its velocity then a net force is required to cause the necessary _________.


The slope of a velocity-time graph will give _____.


What does the slope of the line represent on a velocity vs. time graph?


force = mass x ________


Einstein's concept of gravity involves ________

all of the above

Energy is:

all of the above

Important physics concepts include

all of the above (motion, forces, energy)

The amount of work done depends on the __________.

amount of force and distance the object moves

What is the formula for calculating the average velocity of a moving object?

average velocity = change in d/change in t

Complete the sentence using word balanced, normal or tension. Equal and opposite forces that act on the same object are called _____ forces.


Velocity is a measure of both speed and. _______ of the motion of an object.

direction, dimension (either works)

What does the area between the line and the x-axis represent on a velocity vs. time graph?


Potential energy due to an object's compression or extension is called _____ potential energy.


When both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved, the collision is an ______ collision.


Kepler's first law states the path of each planet around the sun is ________ with the sun at one focus.


Power is defined as the rate at which ______ is transformed.


What is the law of conservation of energy?

energy can be changed from one from to another form but cannot be created nor destroyed

The reaction to an action is always __________

equal in strength and in the opposite direction due to the action

Einstein's theory of gravity is widely accepted today because it has been supported by __________


A butterfly is hit by a garbage truck on the highway. The force of the impact is greater on the butterfly.


Einstein explained gravity with his theory of universal gravitation.


If an object that weighs 20 N is lifted from the ground to a height of 0.32 meters, then the increase in the object's gravitational potential energy would be approximately 4.4 J.


Newton's law of gravity explains why gravity occurs.


When you paddle a boat in the water, the force of your paddle will push the water which will apply an equal force back on you. There is very little resistance to this motion because there is a limited ____ force between the canoe and the surface of the water due to the smooth surface.


Potential energy due to the position of an object above Earth's surface is called _____ potential energy.


Which of the following is the appropriate fill in the blank to the question: inertia, friction, gravitational Earth is attracted to the sun by the latter's __________ force.


Pick the correct word to fill up the blank in below question: magnetic field, atmospheric layers, gravitational pull, attraction force. A rocket ship going from Earth to the moon must leave the _______ _____ of Earth due to its mass.

gravitational pull

If Earth's radius shrank to one-half of its current size, but its mass remained the same, this would quadruple the strength of ________ on the surface


Write an equation for the following situation. A rocket is launched from a height of 3 m with an initial velocity of 15 m/s.

h(t) = -1/2(9.8)t^2 + 15t + 3

1.00 _____ = 746 watts


Work is done when force is applied _________

in the same direction that the object moves

Outside wooden steps may get slippery when they are wet. How could you make them less slippery?

increase friction, give the steps a rougher surface, use non-slip treads, cover them with paint that contains sand

Most collisions are _______ because some amount of kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.


__________ collisions occur whenever kinetic energy is not conserved, primarily when an object's height is increased after the collision or when one of the objects is compressed.


Which of the following word is the correct match to answer the below question: inertia, gravity, centripetal force The _________ of the motion of Earth's velocity keeps the planet from falling into the sun.


A sprinter reaches a velocity of 2 m/s in just 1 second. At a constant rate of acceleration, how long does it take for her to double this velocity?

it takes her just 1 second more to double her velocity

Air is forced from the bottom of a rocket and it lifts off. This force causing the rocket to lift off is a(n):

reaction force

Pick the correct word to fill up the blank in below question: force, gravitation, friction, resistance, pull, acceleration If an object is in free fall it will experience air ___________ which generates a drag force.


As a planet moves in its orbit, a line from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times. This is Kepler's ____ law.


Which of the following is a result of the transfer of energy?


Einstein's concept of gravity is similar to what happens when you place a bowling ball on the surface of a trampoline. In this analogy, if the bowling ball represents Earth, then the surface of the trampoline represents _______ - ______


The closest meaning to the word hypothesis is ______.

suggested explanation

A rifle recoils from firing a bullet. The speed of the rifle's recoil is small compared to the speed of the bullet because _____.

the rifle has a great deal more mass than the bullet

Newton's ______ law of motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


The x-axis of a position-time graph represents _____.


The x-axis of a velocity-time graph represents _____.


To make a position-time graph, you plot position relative to the starting point on the y-axis against the corresponding ____ on the x-axis.


1.00 watt = 1.00 J/s


A butterfly is hit by a garbage truck on the highway. The force of the impact is the same for both.


Elastic collision is a collision in which there is absolutely no loss of kinetic energy.


On a standard position vs. time graph, the distance between two points on the horizontal axis represents the time interval, and the distance between two points on the vertical axis is the displacement. The slope of the line represents the average velocity.


The collision between two hydrogen atoms is elastic and therefore momentum is conserved.


The steepness of a line graph is called its slope.


A velocity-time graph shows how __________ changes over time.


Momentum is equal to mass multiplied by ________.


The slope of a position-time graph can be used to find the moving object's _____.


The y-axis of a velocity-time graph represents _____.


What does the slope of a position-time graph represent?


Power is measured in Joules per second, which is also the ______-


In physics, the use of force to move an object is called _____.


If a velocity-time graph is horizontal, then acceleration is ________


What is the average velocity in the time interval 3 to 4 seconds?

0 m/s

George ran 50 meters to the right and then turned around and ran 50 meters back to the left. What is his total displacement?

0 meters

How many digits should be to the left of the decimal when writing a number in scientific notation?


The scientific method involves several steps. According to the concept, what is the most common order to conduct those steps when applying science to solve a problem?

1) identify the problem 2) make a hypothesis 3) gather data 4) test the hypothesis 5) review the results

A runner increases his velocity from 0 m/s to 20 m/s in 2.0 s. What was his average acceleration?

10 m/s^2

A train travels from Stockholm to Copenhagen. The journey is 500 kilometers long and takes 5 hours. What is the train's average speed (in km/hr) over the course of the trip?


A bus travels 4 km due north and then 3 km due west going from bus station A to bus station B. The magnitude of the bus' displacement from station A to station B is ___ km.

5 km

"It is 250,000 miles from the earth to the moon" is a qualitative observation.


A scientific investigation is valid if every step in the scientific method is present and carried out in a specific order.


An object with zero acceleration must have zero velocity.


For an object that experiences constant non-zero acceleration, Vf = Vi


If a hypothesis is rejected by the observations from an experiment, then the experiment is a failure.


In the study of physics, the "Universal Gas Law" is not considered a law at all.


Qualitative observation requires numerical data to describe research.


Scientists always support each other and attempt to prove accepted theories correct.


When a theory has been known for a long time it becomes a law.


If an object has zero acceleration, does that mean it has zero velocity?


Oil dropping down the inner side of a tube confirms it is an organic compound. This is a _____ analysis.


Can a line on a position-time graph have a negative slope?


Which of the following is the formula for acceleration?

a = change in v/ change in t

An example of a qualitative observation is:

animal behavior

Average speed is calculated by dividing distance traveled by time. How is average velocity calculated?

displacement divided by time

In a swimming meet, the swimmers swim a total of 8 laps of a 50-meter-long swimming pool. What is the distance traveled by a swimmer in this meet? What is the swimmer's displacement?

distance = 400 m, displacement = 0 m

It is not possible to accurately calculate instantaneous velocity.


If an automobile slows from 26 m/s to 18 m/s in a period of 4.0 s, what was the average acceleration?

-2.0 m/s^2

A runner decreases his velocity from 20 m/s to 10 m/s in 2.0 s. What was his average acceleration?

-5 m/s^2

A submarine took 9 hours to complete a journey. For the first 5 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 106 km/h. For the rest of the journey, it travelled at an average speed of 125 km/h. What was the total distance of the journey? ___ km

1030 km

A train travelled from City A to City B. For the first 14 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 120 km/h. For the next 10 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 90 km/h. What was the average speed of the whole journey? ___ km/h

107.5 km/h

If a falling rock undergoes a △v of 112 m/s due to an "a" of 9.8 m/s^2, how long did it fall?

11.4 seconds

with an average speed of 80 km/h. For the first 3 hours, she travelled at an average speed of 60 km/h. What was her average speed for the remaining time of the journey? ___ km

110 km/h

You walk 6 blocks east, 2 blocks north, 3 block west and then 2 blocks south. The total distance you travel is ___ blocks.


Natalie leaves a history classroom and walks 3 meters north to a drinking fountain. Then she turns and walks 10 meters south to an art classroom. The total distance that Natalie traveled is ___ meters

13 m

Which of the following expresses the answer to 2.995 ÷ 0.16685 with the correct number of significant figures?


A fast Humvee drove from desert A to desert B. For the first 12 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 185 km/h. For the next 13 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 160 km/h. What was the average speed of the whole journey? ___ km/h

172 km/h

If a fish experiences an "a" of 9.8m/s^2 over a period of 1.84s, what was the △v?

18.0 m/s

What is the average velocity in the time interval 1 to 3 seconds?

20 m/s

Which of the following expresses the answer to 10.5 + 11.62 with the correct number of significant figures?


If the acceleration of a motorboat is 4 m/s^2 and the motorboat starts from rest, what is its velocity after 6 seconds?

24 m/s

How many significant figures are there in the number 405,000?


Which of the following expresses the number 0.00000341 in correct scientific notation?

3.41 x 10^-6

The velocity of a car increases from 2.0 m/s to 16.0 m/s in a time period of 3.5 s. What was the average acceleration?

4.0 m/s^2

An automobile slows from 26 m/s to 18 m/s. Its acceleration is −2.0 m/s^2. How much time does it take for the vehicle to slow down?

4.0 s

A lizard ran 3 meters from his rock to his friend's house. He ran back halfway and stopped. What is his distance traveled? distance traveled = ____ m

4.5 m

Jack travelled 360 km at an average speed of 80 km/h. Elaine took 1.5 hours more to complete the same amount of distance. What was Elaine's average speed for the whole journey? ___ km/h

60 km/h

Tyler travelled from Town F to Town G. For the first 2.5 hours, he travelled at a constant speed of 60 km/h. For the next 1.5 hours, he travelled at a constant speed of 80 km/h. What was the average speed for the whole journey? ___ km/h

67.5 km/h

A train travelled 3/5 of a journey in 6 hours. Then, it travelled the remaining 300 miles in 4 hours. What was the total average speed for the whole journey? ___ mph


1732.2097 has ______ significant figures


Which of the following is a quantitative observation?

A leaf is 10 cm long

Qualitative observations use the sense of _____ to observe the results.

All of the above

Which of the following is something that a physicist would study?

All of the above (gravity, force, friction)

Which of the following are rules for determining the number of significant figures?

All of them (All non-zero digits are significant, all zeros between non-zero digits are significant, all beginning zeros are not significant, ending zeros are significant if the decimal point is written)

Physics involves using ____ to understand the world we live in. Select all that apply

All three options (theories, laws, equations)

______ is the change in position of an object.


_____ is the length of the route between two points.


Common topics that physics include: (Select all that apply)

Forms of energy, sound, and magnetism

What describes the velocity of the object at a given moment in time?

Instantaneous Velocity

_____ is the branch of science that studies the physical world.


An object with a negative acceleration could NEVER have a positive velocity.


What is a hypothesis referred to as after being verified by a large number of independent experiments?


An object with zero acceleration is not changing its velocity.


Human sense impressions are subjective and qualitative making them difficult to record or compare.


If you go three times around a complete circular lawn of radius R and reach the starting point, then the displacement is zero.


Physicists hope to offer a better understanding of how the universe works.


Physics includes the study of using radio waves to explore stars and identify other planets.


Scientists may discard theories if contradictory observations are found.


Using this formula Vf = Vi + at, If a vehicle starts from rest and accelerates forward at 4.5 m/s^2 for 8s, what is the final velocity of the vehicle?

Vf = 36 m/s

If dx denotes the change in position of an object and dt denotes the corresponding time interval, then instantaneous velocity is given by:


संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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