Physics Content Knowledge: 5265

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Newton's First Law

Law of Inertia. An object in motion (or at rest) will remain in motion at constant velocity (or at rest) unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Conservation of momentum

Momentum of a system remains constant when there are no net external forces acting on it.

Power (in terms of force)

P = F v

Power (from Work)

P = dW/dt P = W/t

Electric flux

Product of a surface area and the component of the electric field perpendicular to the surface, Φ=E*A


Production of light in a single plane of oscillation


Property of a conductor in which a change on the current flowing though it creates an EMF in the conductor.

Mechanical Energy

The sum of Kinetic and Potential energy.

Right-hand rule

The thumb is pointed in the direction of the current, your fingers in the direction of the magnetic field. your open palm is the direction of the force.


The time it takes for a complete oscillation(s)


The time required for a repeating motion to complete one cycle of its motion, usually measured in seconds.

Conservation of angular momentum

The total amount of angular momentum in an isolated system remains constant.

Conservation of linear momentum

The total linear motion of an isolated system is constant and has no forces acting on it from the outside. pi=pf or m1v1+ m2v1 = m1v1 + m2v2

Kirchoff's voltage law

The total of all voltage drops must add upp to the voltage that is supplied in the battery.

Escape Velocity

The velocity required to escape from the pull of an object's gravitational field.

Faraday's Law of Induction

The voltage induced in a coil is directly proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field through the coil. , V= -N(Δ(BA)/Δt)

"Captain" Kepler's Third Law

T² / R³ = 4π²/GM

Gravitational Potential Energy (Universal)

Ug = - (Gm1m2)/r

Gravitational Potential Energy (constant g-field)

Ug = mgh

Potential Energy

=mgh. The stored energy of a object due to position.

Gravitational Potential Energy

Energy stored by virtue of an object's position within a gravitational field. Measured in Joules. Ug=mgh

Spring Potential Energy

Energy stored in a stretched or compressed spring. Measured in Joules. Us=½kx²

Which law explains pressure dependence on temperature under constant volume (isochoric process)? Avogadro's law Gay-Lussac's law Charles's law Newton's law

Explanation: Correct answer: Charles's law According to this law pressure of constant amount of gas, at constant volume increases linear with increasing temperature. This dependence is graphically represented with straight vertical lines, named isochors

Which circuit does not show harmonic oscillation of either the charge or voltage? The LC circuit The RC circuit The Parallel RLC circuit The Series RLC circuit

Explanation: An RC circuit does not show harmonic oscillation. A series RLC and parallel RLC circuit show a change in charge and voltage respectively; and an LC circuit is a simplified RLC circuit in which resistance is assumed to be zero.

If an RC circuit is connected with a resistance R= 10 KΩ and capacitor C= 100 μF, what will be the value of its time constant τ? τ = 1 s τ = 6 s τ = 0 s τ = 10 s

Explanation: Correct Answer τ = 1 s Time constant of this RC circuit will be τ = 1 s as τ = RC = 10 KΩ x 100 μF = 1 s

Only 10% of the energy consumed by a 100 watt filament lamp is converted into light energy. What would be the velocity of an 800 Kg car if all the wasted energy in 1 hour was used to push it? 100 Km/hr 25 ms-1 102.5 Km/hr 90 Km/hr

Explanation: Correct Answer 102.5Km/hr Energy wasted in 1hr = The velocity of 800Kg car with 324000J energy:

Simple Harmonic Motion (acceleration)

a = -Aω² cos(ωt + ∅)

SHM: Maximum acceleration

a = Aω²

Tangential acceleration

a = r α

Centripetal Acceleration

a = v²/r a = r ω²

Mirror equation

(1 / f) = (1 / d-i) + (1 / d-0) f = focal length d-i = distance to image d-0 = distance to object

Characteristics of a real image

1. Inverted 2. Reflected rays converge 3. Can put it on a movie screen

Characteristics of a convex mirror:

1. Smaller; 2. virtual, 3. upright, 4. behind mirror

Characteristics of objects in plane mirrors

1. objects are equidistant 2. objects are inverted 3.Objects have same height/width

Chacteristics of a convex image (mirror):

1. provides a wider field of vision (think bus wingmirror) 2. things on edges appear far away 3. All distances are distorted.

Capacitors in Series

1/Ctotal = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + ...

Resistors in Parallel

1/Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ...

Energy transformations

A change from one form of energy to another

Pascal's principle

A change in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid will be transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid.


A coil which stores energy in the magnetic field. Combines like resistors in when in parallel and when in series.

Elastic Collision

A collision in which colliding objects rebound without the loss of kinetic energy.

Inelastic Collision

A collision in which objects stick together, some kinetic energy is lost, momentum is conserved.

static equilibrium

A condition where there are no net external forces acting upon a particle or rigid body and the body remains at rest or continues at a constant velocity.


A device that converts light energy into electrical energy.


A device that increases or decreases the voltage of alternating current.


A device that measures potential differences in volts and is placed in parallel across a part of the circuit.


A device used to convert chemical energy into electric energy. A group of voltaic cells connected together in a series or parallel connection.


A device used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.


A device used to measure current by placing it in series with the circuit.


A fluid's resistance to flow.

Restoring force

A force that always acts to pull a system back toward equilibrium.

Normal force

A force that is directed perpendicularly to a surface when two objects are in contact.

Frictional Force

A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact.


A force's ability to cause an object to rotate, measured in mN.

Electric charge

A fundamental property of matter that can be either positive or negative

Kepler's second law

A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.

Bar magnet

A magnet in the form of a bar with magnetic poles at each end.

Permanent magnet

A magnet made of material that keeps its magnetism.


A material that has almost zero resistance when it is cooled to low temperatures.


A material's opposition to the flow of electric current.


A quantity that includes both magnitude and direction.


A quantity that includes magnitude only.

Magnetic field

A region surrounding a magnet in which ferrous materials or charged particles experience a force.


A resistant force that is always opposite the direction of oscillation. The wave does work against the force and therefore loses energy. The amplitude decreases over time


A type of lever that is a wheel with a groove in its rim, which is used to change the direction or multiply a force exerted by a rope or cable.

Longitudinal Wave

A wave in which energy transfers parallel to the oscillation of molecules

Newton's Third Law

Action-Reaction. For every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force.


Allows the flow of electrons. Metals such as copper is said to be a good one.

Critically damped

Amplitude decreased rapidly.

Alternating Current

An electric current that changes it's magnitude and direction according to a regular frequency


An electrical device used to store electrical charge. When in parallel combines like resistors in series, and when in series combines like resitors in parallel.

Simple machine

An elemental device that either alters the direction or magnitude of a force.

Linear Momentum

An object's mass times its velocity. Measures the amount of motion in a straight line. momentum = p = m•v = mass • velocity

Law of reflection

Angle of incident = angle of reflection

Why does a plastic rod have a negative charge after being rubbed with a piece of fur? A.The fur gives up protons to the rod. B.The rod gives up electrons to the air. C.The fur gains protons from the rod. D.The rod gains electrons from the fur.

Answer: D - The rod gains electrons from the fur.

Bernoulli's principle

As the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases.


Bending of a wave around/through an obstacle


Bending of a wave due to change in medium (thus speed)

When light travels from a thicker wavelength to a thinner wavelength, the light:

Bends away from the normal

Magnifying lens

Convex lens


Distance between two particles that are in phase

In the double slit experiment, if separation between slits (d) decreases, then

Distances bewtween fringes increases


C=q/V, too; ε0 ≈ 8.854×10−12 F⋅m−1 Units is Farads


Capacity to do work. Power x time.


Don't allow electricity to flow through it easily. non-metallic solids are said to be good examples.

Identify the chemical that has been banned due to the destruction of the ozone layer. Chlorofluorocarbons Ethanol Methylhexabromide Methyl alcohol

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) are chemicals which find their way to the stratosphere without being destroyed in the troposphere due to their low reactivity. Once in the stratosphere, the Cl and Br atoms are liberated from the parent compounds by the action of ultraviolet light. The Cl and Br atoms can then destroy ozone molecules through a variety of catalytic cycles. In 1987, representatives from 43 nations signed the Montreal Protocol to phase out the use of CFC's.

he frequency of a spring with a mass of 1kg is 1Hz. If the mass is replaced by one of 2kg, what is the frequency? 2 Hz 2√2 Hz √2 Hz (1/√2) Hz

Correct Answer: (1/√2) Hz Explanation: Frequency ν= (1/2π)√(k/m) =1. Thus k=(2π)2 . When m is replaced by 2kg, ν= (1/2π)√(k/m)= (1/2π)√(4π2/2)= (2π/2π)√(1/2)= 1/√2. The frequency therefore, is (1/√2) Hz.

Magnifying lens

Converging lens

Converging lens

Convex lens

An eye specialist prescribes spectacles with a combination of a convex lens of focal length 40 cm in contact with a concave lens of focal length 25 cm. What is the power of that lens combination? +1.5 D -1.5 D +6.67 D -6.67 D

Correct Answer: -1.5 D Explanation: The power of the lens combination is P=P1+P2= 1/f1+1/f2 = 1/0.4+1/(-0.25) = -1.5m-1 = -1.5 D.

If the temperature of the cold reservoir is Tc and the temperature of the hot reservoir is Th, what is the maximum efficiency of an operating heat engine? 1- Tc / Th 1-Th / Tc Tc / Th Tc / Th +1

Correct Answer: 1- Tc / Th Explanation: Carnot's theorem formally states that: No engine operating between two heat reservoirs can be more efficient than a Carnot engine operating between those same reservoirs. The efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between a cold and a hot reservoir with temperatures Tc and Th respectively is 1- Tc / Th.

What is the electric constant ε0 equal to? μ0c02 1/(μ0c0) 1/(μ0c02) μ0c0

Correct Answer: 1/(μ0c02) Explanation: The electric constant ε0 equal to 1/(μ0c02), in which μ0, or the magnetic constant has the defined value 4π × 10−7 H m−1, and c0, which is the speed of light in vacuum, has the defined value 299792458 m s−1.

The Series RLC circuit in the figure is connected to a variable frequency 200V source. L=5H, C=80 μF and R=40Ω. What is the rms potential drop across the resistor at resonance? 100/√2 V 100 V 200/√2 V 200 V

Correct Answer: 200 V Explanation: The rms potential drop across the resistor is Irms x R= 5 x 40= 200V.

A tsunami has a wavelength of 100 km and the water depth is 4000 m. ( g = 10 m/s2) What is the speed of a tsunami in the open ocean? 100 m/s 200 m/s 2000 m/s 5000 m/s

Correct Answer: 200 m/s Explanation: The tsunamis wavelength is much greater than the ocean depth, so it travels as a shallow water wave. In shallow water, wave speed depends only on the water depth, v = √(gh) = √(10 m/s * 4000 m) = 200 m/s ... about the speed of a jet plane

In an AC's main power supply the root mean square voltage is 230V and the frequency is 60 hertz. What is the approximate amplitude of the peak voltage? Assume √2= 1.414

Correct Answer: 325V Explanation: The peak voltage amplitude is equal to √2 Vrms. Here Vrms=230V, therefore Vpeak= √2 Vrms = 1.414 x 230 ≈ 325V . The peak voltage amplitude calculation is not dependent on the frequency.

What can be used to make a low-pass filter? A capacitor A capacitor and resistor in parallel A capacitor and resistor in series Two capacitors in parallel

Correct Answer: A capacitor and resistor in series Explanation: A capacitor and a resistor in series forms a configuration that can be used as a circuit for filtering signals. If the output is taken across the capacitor the circuit behaves as a low-pass filter and if the output is taken across the resistor the circuit behaves as a high-pass filter.

What remains constant throughout its journey if a comet is revolving around the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit? Kinetic energy Potential energy Gravitational pull Angular momentum

Correct Answer: Angular momentum Explanation: The kinetic energy of the comet changes as its speed in the orbit keeps changing. The potential energy and gravitational pull changes, because the distance of the comet from the sun keeps changing. Only the angular momentum remains constant.

Who discovered a neutron's anti-particle? Bruce Cork James Chadwick William Prout Erwin Schrodinger

Correct Answer: Bruce Cork Explanation: Correct answer: Bruce Cork Antineutron is the neutron's antiparticle which Bruce Cork discovered in the year 1956.

When a particle moves in a closed loop, what is the name of the force that moves along the path and when multiplied by the distance traveled by the particle always equals zero? Circular force Inertial force Non-conservative force Conservative force

Correct Answer: Conservative force Explanation: A conservative force is defined as a force with the property that when a particle moves in any closed loop, the force acting along the path multiplied by the distance travelled always equals zero. Examples include the gravitational force, spring force, etc.

What magnetic substance has the orbits and spin axes of electrons in its atoms so oriented that their fields cancel each other out? Paramagnetic substance type Ferromagnetic substance type Diamagnetic substance type None of the above

Correct Answer: Diamagnetic substance type The orbits and spin axes of electron in an atom are so oriented that their field cancel each other are the magnetic substances of diamagnetic type

A battery of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a pure resistive device of resistance R. What is the maximum power output ? E2/r E2/2r E2/3r E2/4r

Correct Answer: E2/4r Explanation: The current in the circuit is I=E/(R+r). Therefore the power output of the device is given by P=I2R=E2•R/(R+r)2 . For the given values of E and r, power output P will be maximum if dP/dR=0. Differentiating with respect to R, we get dP/dR=(1-2R/(R+r))•E2/(R+r)2. dP/dR=0 if R=r. Using R=r, the Pmax=E2/4r.

What is the force that holds the positive and negative charges of atoms and molecules? Gravitational force Magnetic force Electric force None of the above

Correct Answer: Electric force Explanation: Correct Answer: Electric force Electric force is defined as the force which holds the positive and negative charges that makes up atoms and molecules.

The electrostatic force between two charges placed in a vacuum is (F). If the charges are placed at the same distance apart in a medium of dielectric constant (K), what will be the force between them? F KF F/K K2F

Correct Answer: F/K Explanation: The Coulomb's Law for forces between two charges is F= (1/4πε0)q1q2/r2. Here, ε0 is being replaced by a medium with a dieletric constant K. ε0 has to be substituted by Kε0. The electrostatic force therefore, becomes F/K.

Identify the example of deposition. Melting of water into ice Formation of frost Dry ice evaporating Positive ions depositing on the negative electrode placed in a liquid

Correct Answer: Formation of frost Explanation: Deposition is a process in which gas transforms into solid (also known as desublimation). The reverse of deposition is sublimation. Deposition releases energy and is an exothermic phase change. One example of deposition is the process of formation of frost by which, in sub-freezing air, water vapor changes directly to ice without first becoming a liquid.

What should a fuse wire have? High resistivity and a high melting point Low resistivity and a high melting point High resistivity and a low melting point Low resistivity and a low melting point

Correct Answer: High resistivity and a low melting point Explanation: A fuse wire should have a high resistivity and a low melting point. When a high current flows through the fuse wire due to high resistance, heat equal to I2r is produced, which melts the fuse since it has a low melting point, and that interrupts the flow of the current.

How can a voltmeter measure voltages accurately? It must have a very low resistance. It must have a very high resistance. It must have a very high capacitance. It must have a low inductance.

Correct Answer: It must have a very high resistance. Explanation: Voltmeters are attached in parallel to the circuit components across which the voltage has to be measured. In order to prevent disturbance in the circuit due to the use of the voltmeter they have a very high resistance. This prevents the flow of current in the parallel path created due to the voltmeter and allows the circuit to remain as it was originally.

What occurs when a charged particle moves perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field? Its energy and momentum both change. Its energy changes but its momentum remains unchanged. Its momentum changes but its energy remains unchanged. Its momentum and energy remain the same.

Correct Answer: Its momentum changes but its energy remains unchanged. Explanation: Since the force exerted by the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of the particle motion, the speed does not change, but the velocity does. The momentum changes therefore, but the energy remains the same.

Identify the correct relationship between the displacement current JD, the electric field intensity E, and the polarization of the medium P. JD=ε0E+P. JD=E+ε0P. JD=ε0∂E/∂t+∂P/∂t. JD=ε0∂E/∂t-∂P/∂t.

Correct Answer: JD=ε0∂E/∂t+∂P/∂t. Explanation: The electric displacement field is defined as: D=ε0E+P where: ε0 is the permittivity of free space; E is the electric field intensity; and P is the polarization of the medium. Differentiating that equation with respect to time, defines the displacement current, which has two components in a dielectric, therefore: JD=ε0∂E/∂t+∂P/∂t.

A uniform wire of cross-sectional area A, and Young's modulus Y is stretched within the elastic limit. If S is the stress in the wire, what is the elastic energy density stored in the wire in terms of the given parameters? S/2Y 2Y/S S^2/2Y S^2/Y

Correct Answer: S2/2Y Explanation: Let the strain be ε. Then Y=S/ε or ε=S/Y. Now, energy density= ½ x stress x strain= ½ x S x S/Y= S^2/2Y.

Why does a balloon filled with helium stop rising after it has reached a particular altitude? The helium condenses and forms a liquid. The solar radiation changes the structure of helium. The density of air reduces. The density of air increases and the balloon bursts.

Correct Answer: The density of air reduces. Explanation: At a higher altitude, the density of air reduces. This decreases the buoyant force that is exerted on the balloon due to the air being displaced by the helium in the balloon. At the level where the weight of the balloon is equal to the buoyant force exerted on it, it stops moving higher.

What occurs in planetary motion? The speed along the orbit remains the same. The angular speed remains constant. The total angular momentum remains constant. The radius of the orbit remains constant.

Correct Answer: The total angular momentum remains constant. Explanation: The orbits of planets are elliptical. The speed of the planet and its angular speed or angular frequency keeps changing. Since no net torque acts on the planet, its angular momentum remains constant. The correct option is c.

A thin lens of optical power measuring 2.5 diopters has an object placed in front of it at a distance of 20 cm. What is the magnification of the object? Two (2) Four (4) 2.5 (Two point five) 20 (Twenty)

Correct Answer: Two (2) Explanation: M=f/(f-d0), in which f is the focal length, and d0 is the distance from the lens to the object. In the example, f=1/2.5= 0.4m. The object is placed at a distance d0=0.2m . The magnification therefore, is 0.4/(0.4-0.2)=2.

What is the kinetic energy during the oscillation when the elastic force is at its maximum? Zero At the maximum Equal to the potential energy 10 times higher

Correct Answer: Zero Explanation: Correct answer: Zero When the elastic force is maximal the body is far away from a position of stable equilibrium, potential energy has the highest value and the kinetic energy is zero, because the body speed is zero in that position.

Eight dipoles of magnitude q charges are placed inside a cube. What will be the total electrical flux through the cube? 8q/ε0 16q/ε0 q/ε0 Zero

Correct Answer: Zero Explanation: Since a dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges, the net charge of a dipole is zero. Hence, the total electrical flux through the cube is zero.

One of the postulates of the BOHR's model of a hydrogen atom states that only those stationary orbits are allowed for which orbital angular momentum is equal to an integral multiple of what value?

Correct Answer: h/2π One of the postulates of the BOHR's model of hydrogen atom states that Only those stationary orbits are allowed for which orbital angular momentum is equal to an integral multiple of h/2π Angular momentum = (m v) r m v r = n(h/2π)

For a bomb calorimeter calculation which expression is correct? q= m x S x ΔT q= S x ΔT q= S / ΔT q= m x ΔT

Correct Answer: q= S x ΔT For bomb calorimeter The amount of heat Q evolved or absorbed can be calculated by the following formula q= S x ΔT "ΔT" is the change of temperature on thermometer "S" is the specific heat of reaction mixture.

What does this reaction describe? + p → n + e+ + νe β+ Decay β- Decay Alpha decay Gamma decay

Correct Answer: β+ Decay Explanation: In β+ decay, energy is used to convert a proton into a neutron, a positron (e+) and a neutrino (νe): energy + p → n + e+ + νe . β+ decay can only happen inside nuclei when the value of the binding energy of the mother nucleus is greater than that of the daughter nucleus. The difference between these energies goes into the reaction of converting a proton into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino; and into the kinetic energy of these particles.

What scientist determined the radiation pressure? Maxwell Lebedev Bartoli Einstein

Correct answer: Lebedev. He determined the light pressure on the surface of solid body. The light pressure is small but responsible for the comet's tail when they pass close to sun.

What is the force that causes oscillations to come from a harmonica? Gravitational force Restitutive force Frictional force Tension forces

Correct answer: Restitutive forces These forces tend to return the body in the position of stable equilibrium. This property has the force of elasticity of metal spring.

Which process does not involve a local increase of entropy? Rusting of an iron plate Salt dissolving in water Diffusion of gas in a room Formation of ice in a refrigerator

Correct answer: formation of ice in a refrigerator Entropy increases in all processes that are spontaneous and this leads to a move to a lower, more thermodynamically stable, energy state. Among the options provided only the formation of ice in a refrigerator is not a spontaneous reaction as energy has to be supplied to achieve the same. The energy supplied is used to run the refrigerator, and the orderly ice cube has a lower entropy than the equivalent about of water. This is a process where entropy is decreasing locally.

How is the energy used when you put one foot in front of the other as you walk? Kinetic energy increases Kinetic energy decreases Both kinetic and potential energy increase Kinetic energy decreases and potential energy increases

Correct answer: Kinetic energy decreases and potential energy increases Our body acts as an inverted pendulum while placing each step. On placing the foot on the ground, the ground exerts a ground reaction force slowing down the movement thereby decreasing the kinetic energy and increasing the potential energy to maximum. This happens only when the foot touches the ground; until then the kinetic energy will be at its maximum.

Capacitors in Parallel

Ctotal = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4

Under damped

Decreases but still oscillates faster/further than normal

Electric potential energy

Energy a charge has due to its location in an electric field., U=kq₁q₂/r or U=Eqd

Conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes

Kinetic Energy

Energy of motion. Measured in Joules. K=½mv²

Direct Current

Electric current that is moving through an electrical circuit in one direction only.


Elements that conduct an electric current under certain conditions.

Electromotive force (EMF)

Energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt, given by qV where q is 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C and V is 1 volt.

Inertia of an object signifies the tendency of any matter to resist what kind of change? The center of gravity Velocity Weight Mass

Explanation: Correct Answer Velocity The definition of inertia states that it is that tendency of any matter which resists changes in its velocity.

In vertical motion a projectile has an acceleration of ay = -g. What is the acceleration of a projectile in horizontal motion? ax = 0 ax < 0 ax > 0 ax ≠ 0

Explanation: Correct Answer ax = 0 In any projectile motion horizontal acceleration satisfies the condition of ax = 0.

Identify the reason for why metals are good conductors of heat. Their surfaces are good reflectors of heat. There is a presence of a large number of free electrons. There is a violent movement of atoms. All of the above answers are correct.

Explanation: Correct Answer: There is a presence of a large number of free electrons. Presence of large number of free electrons, which conduct heat very effectively.

Calculate the amount of heat evolved in a glass calorimeter using the following information: Rise in temperature = 3.5K Specific heat of water = 4.2 Jg-1 K-1 Mass of the solution in glass calorimeter m = 200 g -2.94 kJ 2.94 kJ 29.4 kJ -29.4 kJ

Explanation: Correct Answer: -2.94 kJ q= m x S x ΔT q = 200 x 4.2 x 3.5 q = 2.94 kJ Because heat is evolve so q = -2.94 kJ

What is the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water through 1°C? 0.001 kcal 0.01 kcal 0.1 kcal 1 kcal

Explanation: Correct Answer: 0.001 kcal Heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water through 1°C is 1 cal = 0.001 kcal

Conductivity of a material can be explained with its resistivity measurement. What is the resistivity range of semiconductors? 10-6<ρ<1012 Ω m 106<ρ<1018 Ω m 10-1<ρ<102 Ω m 10-4<ρ<108 Ω m

Explanation: Correct Answer: 10-4<ρ<108 Ω m Resistivity range of semiconductors is 10-4<ρ<108 Ω m.

How much power will the motor consume in 2 hours for a 3 phase AC motor with the following specifications: V=400, I =90, Power factor = 0.8? 50 KWh 100 KWh 200 KWh 9 KWh

Explanation: Correct Answer: 100 KWh P=1.73 X V X I X P.F X T P= 1.73 X 400 X 90 X 0.8 X2 P= ~ 100 KW

What would be the initial speed with which a ball would be thrown in the air at a 30 degree horizontal projection to reach a distance of 500 meters in 4 sec? 125 m/s 250 m/s 144 m/s None of the above

Explanation: Correct Answer: 144 m/s Since R=v(hor)*t, R is 500 and t is 4 sec so, Vhor =125. But this is only a component. Vi =Vhor/cos30=144.34 which is option C.

What is the work done by the engine if a Carnot's engine is working between 27°C and 127°C and taking up 800J of heat from the reservoir in one cycle? 400J 200J 100J 300J

Explanation: Correct Answer: 200J The formula for efficiency of a Carnot's engine is 1-Tc/Th. First, the temperatures have to be converted to Kelvin. Tc= 27+273=300K and Th= 127+273=400K. The efficiency= W/Q = 1- 300/400= 100/400. Q which is the heat taken from the source is 800J. Therefore, the work is 800/4=200J.

If the relative humidity is 100% and the room temperature is 25°C, what should the temperature read in a wet bulb thermometer? 15°C 25°C 30°C 45°C

Explanation: Correct Answer: 25°C No evaporation occurs when the relative humidity is 100%. Therefore, the temperature in the wet bulb thermometer is not lowered.

A coil is placed in a magnetic field whose resistance is R. The flux linked with the coil is Φ. What is the amount of charge circulated in the coil if the magnetic field suddenly reverses in direction? Φ/2R Φ/R 2Φ/R Zero

Explanation: Correct Answer: 2Φ/R The total charge circulating in a coil is equal to Total charge in flux / total resistance The reversing of magnetic field causes a change of flux by 2Φ. Hence, Q = 2Φ/R.

What is the energy acquired if a particle carrying a charge of 2 C falls through a potential difference of 3.0 V? 5 6 7 8

Explanation: Correct Answer: 6 Q= 2 c ∆V = 3 volts ∆ K.E = q x ∆V ∆ K.E = 2 x 3 ∆ K.E = 6

What is the square root of a number expressed as 4.9 x 10^17? 49 x 10^16 7 x 10^8 7 x 10^4 49 x 10^18

Explanation: Correct Answer: 7 x 10^8 Given, The number is 4.9 x 10^17 √ (4.9 x 10^17) = √ (49 x 10^16) = √ (49) x √ (10^16) = 7 x 10^8

On what does the weight of an object depend? Mass Position Mass of another object All of above

Explanation: Correct Answer: All of above Weight is the measure of gravitational force between two objects. So, all of the above mentioned factors affect weight of an object according Newton's law of gravitation.

Which type of molecular motion contributes to internal energy? Translational Rotational Vibrational All of the above

Explanation: Correct Answer: All of the above All types of molecular motion contributes to internal energy.

A point has a negative charge (q) with mass (m) is in equilibrium under an electrical field in height (h) from the ground. What is the value and direction of this electrical field? E = mg/q to the top E = q/mg to the top E = mg/q to the down E = q/mg to the down

Explanation: Correct Answer: E = mg/q to the down Two forces exist here, mg to down and F=qE will be to the top for equilibrium. So mg=qE=>E=mg/q. On the other hand because the charge of q is negative direction of E is opposite with F and so is to down.

What is the change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at a constant temperature and pressure? Enthalpy changes Bond energy Heat of sublimation Internal energy change

Explanation: Correct Answer: Enthalpy changes Whenever a change of heat energy takes place at constant temperature and pressure, then it is called enthalpy changes of reaction.

It became possible to know the speed of light (186350 mile/hour) due to the efforts of Michelson. What clue helps to measure the speed of light? Air gap Deflection Interference fringes Reflected beams

Explanation: Correct Answer: Interference fringes Interference fringes made Michelson successful to measure the speed of light which is 186350 mile/hr.

It takes approximately 150 years to remove nuclear waste safely. What is a new system that is currently being tested may be able to remove nuclear waste within 30 years? STAPO MARS NISCO HICOS

Explanation: Correct Answer: MARS To remove nuclear waste safely and quickly, the MARS system is currently being tested.

What has the same dimensions as Planck's constant? Force/distance Moment of force Moment of momentum Momentum/distance

Explanation: Correct Answer: Moment of momentum [Planck's constant] = [Moment of momentum] = [momentum × distance] = ML^2T^-1.

To discover cathode rays, investigation was performed by Sir Joseph Thomson. What was his assumption concerning cathode ray particles? They are negatively charged. They are positively charged. They have a zero charge. They have a neutral charge.

Explanation: Correct Answer: Negatively charged Sir Thomson started his investigation of cathode rays with the assumption of negatively charged particles. This assumption helped him for the prediction of path of cathode rays when these rays are passed through magnetic and electric fields. Finally this assumption was proved true.

What is the SI unit of electric flux? Nm2 C-1 Nm C-1 Nm2 C Nm2 C-2

Explanation: Correct Answer: Nm2 C-1 ?e = E.A E = F/ q N/C So Unit of the flux will be Nm2 C-1

Why do we not use X-rays in RADAR? They can damage the target. They are absorbed by the air. Their speed is low. They are not reflected by the target.

Explanation: Correct Answer: They are not reflected by the target This is because RADAR makes use of the reflected electromagnetic waves.

What occurs when light waves enter glass? They bend toward the normal of the boundary between the glass and the air. They bend away from the normal of the boundary between the glass and the air. The light waves are not effected. The glass does not change the path of the light waves.

Explanation: Correct Answer: They bend toward the normal of the boundary between the glass and the air. The refraction of light when it passes from a fast medium to a slow medium bends the light ray toward the normal to the boundary between the two media. The amount of bending depends on the indices of refraction of the two media and is described quantitatively by Snell's Law.

To what is the energy of X-rays indirectly proportional? Frequency Wavelength Velocity Speed

Explanation: Correct Answer: Wavelength E = hν = hc/λ and p=h/λ.

Calculate the amount of heat evolved in a bomb calorimeter using the following information: Rise in temperature = 3.87K Specific heat =86.2 Jg-1 K-1 q = 333.59 kJ q = -333.59 kJ q = 33.359 kJ q = -33.359 kJ

Explanation: Correct Answer: q = -333.59 kJ q= S x ΔT As Rise in temperature = 3.87K Specific heat =86.2 Jg-1 K-1 By putting the values q= S x ΔT q= 86.2 x 3.87 q= 333.59 kJ As heat is evolved so q = - 333.59 kJ

What is the critical angle according to Snell's Law? 41.80 42.80 450 430

Explanation: Correct Answer: 41.80 Snell's law states Qc= Sin-1(n1/n2) Qc= Sin-1 1/1.5 Qc= 41.80

How can greater values of a charge transfer to a metal by using glass? Rub the glass with metal. Charge the glass by rubbing silk and then touch the glass with metal. Charge the glass by rubbing silk against it and then using the induction method the glass will charge the metal. It is not possible.

Explanation: Correct Answer: Charge the glass by rubbing silk against it and then using the induction method the glass will charge the metal. In the conduction a small value of charge is transferred to the metal because glass is a dielectric and all of its charges won't transfer to the metal, but in the induction method the stored charge in the metal will be bigger than the conduction.

Is it possible to apply the ideal gas equation on absolute zero? No, it is not possible. Under some conditions it is possible. Yes, it is possible. Rarely is it possible.

Explanation: Correct answer: No, it is not possible Ideal gas equation is applicable to gases at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. At higher pressure and lower temperatures there are significant deviations

What type of laboratory waste can be removed using a landfill, recycling, incineration, and neutralization? Metallic wastes Nuclear wastes Uranium wastes Chemical wastes

Explanation: Correct Answer: Chemical wastes Laboratory chemical wastes can be safely handled with fuel blending, Neutralization, landfill or recycling

For the ferromagnetic materials in the absence of outfield, what are the magnetic dipoles? They are parallel and with the same direction. They are parallel but not in the same direction. In the small area they are parallel and with the same direction. In the small area they are parallel and with random direction.

Explanation: Correct Answer: in the small area they are parallel and with the same direction. In the Ferromagnetic materials in the absence of outfield magnetic dipoles are in the small area parallel, with the same directions and these areas are located side by side such that the total field will be zero and along a neighborhoods areas dipoles direction construct a closed curve.

A gun with a mass of 5 kg fires a bullet with a mass of 10-2 kg at a speed of 500 m/s. What is the ratio of the distance that the gun moves backward while the bullet is in the barrel to the distance moved by the bullet? 0.5x10-3 1.0x10-3 1.5x10-3 2.0x10-3

Explanation: Correct answer: 2.0x10-3. Considering the bullet and the gun to be a single system, the linear momentum is conserved. Therefore mgvg=-mbvb or mg(Δxg/Δt)=-mb(Δxb/Δt) in which xb and xg are the distances moved by the bullet and gun. Hence, |Δxg|/|Δxb|=mb/mg=10-2/5=2 x10-3. This answer is independent of the speed of the bullet.

How do sound waves travel in helium? 2 times faster as compared to air 3 times faster as compared to air 2 times slower as compared to air 3 times slower as compared to air

Explanation: Correct answer: 3 times faster as compared to air In helium, the sound waves travel 3 times faster in comparison with air as mass of helium is lower compared to air. Hence, sound usually travels faster through materials having lower density.

What is the heat released per minute when a voltage of 10 V is applied across a resistor of 10Ω? 10 kJ 60 kJ 600 J 100KJ

Explanation: Correct answer: 600 J The power dissipated by a resistor is VI = I2R = V2/R. In this case, power = (10 Volts)2/10 Ohm = 10 Watts = 10 Joule/second. To get the heat dissipated per minute, multiply 10 Joule/second x 60 seconds/minute = 600 Joules or 0.6 KJ

Who established the relationship between the volume of gas and its temperature? Albert Einstein Amadeo Avogadro Joseph Luis Gay - Lussac Antoine Lavoisier

Explanation: Correct answer: Joseph Luis Gay - Lussac More than one century after Boyle's and Mariotte's experiments, this scientist established the relationship between gas volume and gas temperature. For certain amount of gas there is linear increase of volume with temperature on constant pressure.

Ampere's Law

For any closed loop path, the sum of the length elements times the magnetic field in the direction of the length element is equal to the permeability times the electric current enclosed in the loop.∑B(‖) ∆L = µ₀I

What is a direct consequence of the diffusion and exchange of gases that are inhaled and exhaled? Pressure of these gases Partial pressure of these gases Volume of these gases Temperature of these gases

Explanation: Correct answer: Partial pressure of these gases Gases diffuse from area of higher partial pressure to area with lower partial pressure. Oxygen from lungs ( ~105 Torr) will diffuse into blood ( ~ 40 Torr) . Carbon dioxide will diffuse from blood ( ~ 45 Torr)to lungs( ~ 40 Torr) and be exhaled.

What is true of a sine wave? Semi amplitude and peak amplitude are the same. Semi amplitude is three times the root mean of the square amplitude. Peak and peak-to-peak amplitude are the same. Peak mean square and root mean square amplitude are the same.

Explanation: Correct answer: Semi amplitude and peak amplitude are same in case of a sine wave, Semi amplitude and peak amplitude are same in value, whereas, peak-to-peak amplitude is 3 times root mean square amplitude.

What is the best conductor of electricity? Gold Copper Silver Bronze

Explanation: Correct answer: Silver Silver is the best conductor medium of electricity followed by gold and copper in the 2nd and 3rd place respectively, whereas copper is the most commonly used conductor.

Which waves cannot be polarized? Transverse waves in a string Sound waves in a gas Light waves in air X-rays

Explanation: Correct answer: Sound waves in a gas. Polarization is a property of waves that describes the orientation of their oscillation. For longitudinal waves such as sound waves in fluids, the direction of oscillation is by definition, along the direction of travel, so there is no polarization. Sound waves in a gas, therefore, is the one that cannot be polarized.

Which statements is not true? A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium. In a wave there is always a force acting upon the particles that restores them to their original position. Waves involve the transport of energy and matter. In a wave the particles of the medium (water molecules) simply vibrate about a fixed position.

Explanation: Correct answer: Waves involve the transport of energy and matter. This statement is not true. Correct statement is this: "Waves involve the transport of energy without the transport of matter."

What type of energy is used to start up a motorcycle? Mechanical Chemical Nuclear Solar

Explanation: Correct answer: Chemical. Gasoline's chemical energy turns into heat and then into kinetic energy of motorcycle in motion. Part of this energy is converted into sound.

Which radioactive waste classification requires cooling as well as shielding? LLW ILW HLW Exempt waste

Explanation: Correct answer: HLW High level waste requires shielding as well as cooling due to its sufficient radioactivity, producing heat of more than 2 kW/m3.

Which series does the hydrogen absorption and emission process start and end at the hydrogen's ground state? Lyman series Balmer series Paschen series Rydberg series

Explanation: Correct answer: Lyman series The series that correlate to the atomic transitions are formed as a result of the absorption and emission process. Thus, in the Lyman series, transition starts and ends with hydrogen's ground state, whereas, in the Balmer series, the transition starts with the excited state that occurs first.

What is the logarithmic law that establishes the level scale for volume? Malus's Law Joule's law Weber-Fechner's law Thermodynamics law

Explanation: Correct answer: Weber-Fechner's law. The subjective volume can not be measured quantitatively with accuracy but it is possible to make evaluations based on the intensity using this law. Humans feel the gradation of volume as logarithm of sound intensity.

The primary coil of a transformer has 400 turns, while the secondary coil has 2000 turns. The power output from the secondary coil at 1000V is 12 kW. If the resistance of the primary is 0.2Ω, that of the secondary is 2Ω, and the efficiency of the transformer is 80%, what is the power loss in the secondary coil? 72W 144W 216W 288W

Explanation: Current in the secondary coil=12000/1000=12A. Power loss= 12^2•2=288W.

A lamp is at a height of 4 m from a table. If the height of the lamp is increased to 5 m, what would be the decrease of the illumination on the table? 25% 36% 64% 72%

Explanation: Here, E1=I/4^2, E^2=I/5^2. E2/E1=16/25, (E2-E1)/E1=(16-25)/25= -9/25= -0.36= -36%. The negative sign denotes a decrease in illuminance.

What is a streamline? It is the path a particle travels in a moving fluid. It is a pattern that appears on a moving fluid if dye is continuously injected at a single point. It is a curving line tangent to the local velocity in a flow field. Both (a) and (c)

Explanation: Streamlines are a family of curves that are instantaneously tangent to the velocity vector of the flow. These show the direction a fluid element will travel in at any point in time. Streaklines are the locus of points of all the fluid particles that have passed continuously through a particular spatial point in the past. Dye steadily injected into the fluid at a fixed point extends along a streakline Pathlines are the trajectories that individual fluid particles follow. These can be thought of as a "recording" of the path a fluid element in the flow takes over a certain period. Item A is a pathline, Item B is a streakline and item C is a streamline. Some of these lines are identical under certain steady flow conditions, but steady flow was not specified in the question.

Two waves with frequencies 100 Hz and 90 Hz are traveling toward an observer. What is the beat frequency of the sound heard by the observer? 190 Hz 10 Hz 9000 Hz 47 Hz

Explanation: The Correct answer is: 10 Hz The periodic rise or fall of intensity due to a superposition of two waves of slightly different frequencies traveling in the same direction in a medium is called beat. If f1 and f2 are the frequencies of the two waves, the beat frequency is fb=f1-f2. Here, f1=100, f2=90. The beat frequency therefore, is 10 Hz.

A spring balance reads 10 kg when a container of water is suspended from it. What will be the reading of the balance when an iron piece of mass 7.9 kg suspended by a string is immersed with half its volume inside the water in the container? The density of iron is 7.9 times greater than the density of water, or 7.9 g/cc or 7,900 kg/m3. 10 kg 10.5 kg 13.6 kg 17.2 kg.

Explanation: The Correct answer is: 10.5 kg. Density of iron=7.9x103 kgm-3. Volume of the iron piece V= mass/density=7.9/(7.9x103)=10-3 m3. The volume of the iron piece under water is V/2 = 0.5 x 10-3 m3 The submerged iron displaces 0.5 x 10-3 m3 of water, or 0.5 kg of water. That displaced water buoys up the iron, and the iron adds an equal and opposite weight to the water. Thus, the reading on the scale will increase from 10 kg to 10.5 kg.

A train covers half of the distance of its journey at a speed of 20m/s and the other half at a speed of 30m/s. What is the average speed of the train during the entire journey? 24m/s 25m/s 26m/s 27m/s

Explanation: The Correct answer is: 24 m/s Let the total journey be 2x meters. A distance x is covered with a speed of 20m/s, and the remaining distance with a speed of 30m/s. Thus, the total travel time is x/20+x/30=x/12. Average speed=total distance/total time=2x/(x/12)=24m/s.

What would be the color of the sky as seen from the Earth if there were no atmosphere? Orange Blue Red Black

Explanation: The Correct answer is: Black The color of the sky is due to the color of light that is scattered the most by the particles in the atmosphere, which is blue. If there were no atmosphere, there would be no particles to scatter the light from the sun. Hence, the sky would look black. This is why the sky looks black in pictures taken from the moon, for example.

How many base units which can be used to represent all the other physical units does the International System of Units (SI) have? 9 6 7 8

Explanation: The SI or the International system of units has 7 base units which can be used for representing all the other physical units. These are metre, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin, candela and mole which represent length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, luminous intensity and amount of substance, respectively.

A compressed spring with a spring constant k is fixed at one end. It has a mass m that oscillates on a frictionless surface at the other end. What is the frequency of oscillation of the mass? 2π√(m/k) (1/2π)√(k/m) 2π√(k/m) (1/2π)√(m/k)

Explanation: The frequency of oscillation of a spring with a spring constant k and a mass m is given by (1/2π)√(k/m). When the arrangement is placed on a frictionless surface this is irrespective of the initial displacement that the spring is subject to.

An eye specialist prescribes spectacles with a combination of a convex lens of focal length 40 cm in contact with a concave lens of focal length 25 cm. What is the power of that lens combination? +1.5 D -1.5 D +6.67 D -6.67 D

Explanation: The power of the lens combination is P=P1+P2= 1/f1+1/f2 = 1/0.4+1/(-0.25) = -1.5m-1 = -1.5 D.

When finding the refractive index of a medium with reference to light, what is the reference medium to be used? Flint glass Air at standard temperature and pressure Vacuum Pure silicon

Explanation: The refractive index, n, of a medium is defined as the ratio of the velocity, c, of light in a reference medium to the velocity in the medium itself. For light, the reference medium used is vacuum, in which light travels at approximately 3x108m/s.

The human ear can only distinguish sounds which are 1/10th of a second apart. Sound travels at a speed of 343 m/s. Approximately at what distance would a reflecting object have to be for a human to be able to detect an echo? 34.3 m 68.6m 17.15m 42.4m

Explanation: The speed of sound is given as 343m/s. And for an echo to be audible the sound should take at least 1/10th of a sec to reflect back and reach the observer at the source. The time taken to travel 34.3m is .1 sec. Therefore, an echo from an object 34.3/2 = 17.15 m will be audible.

A wire of resistance 3.0Ω is stretched to twice its original length. What will be the resistance of the new wire? 1.5Ω 3.0Ω 6.0Ω 12Ω

Explanation: When the wire is stretched, its radius decreases. As the mass and density remain constant, πr12l1=πr22l2 and l2=2l1, r22= r12/2. If R1 is the original resistance of the wire, and R2 of the elongated wire, then R1=ρl1/πr12, and R2=ρl2/πr22. Thus, R1/R2=l2r12/l1r22=2x2=4, and R2=4R1=4x3=12Ω.

Monochromatic light is refracted from air into glass of refractive index μ. What is the ratio of the wavelengths of the incident and refracted waves? 1:1 1:μ μ:1 μ2:1

Explanation: va=nλa and vg=nλg. Therefore, λa/λg=va/vg. But va/vg=μ. Therefore, λa/ λg=μ. Hence, the ratio of the wavelengths of the incident and refracted waves is μ:1.

Force (from potential energy function)

F = -dU/dr

Hooke's Law

F = -kx, The stress applied to an elastic material is directly proportional to the strain produced.

Kinetic Friction

F = µ N

Static Friction

F ≤ µ N

Force of Gravity (universal)

Fg = (G m1 m2) / r²

Weight (Fg)

Fg = mg

The photoelectric threshold for a certain metal surface is 330Å. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the photo electron released by a radiation of wavelength 1100Å? 1 eV 2 eV 7.5 eV no electron is emitted

For electron emission the frequency of radiation should be greater than the threshold frequency. Frequency of a wave is inversely proportional to the wavelength. Hence here as the wavelength of light is 1100Å and the threshold wavelength is 330Å, the frequency of the incident light is below the threshold frequency, therefore no electrons are emitted.

Electrostatic force

Force between electrically charged objects.


Force per unit area.

Electric field

Force that a source charge would exert on a positive test charge q₀ within its proximity divided by that test charge; E = F/q₀

When going from a more dense medium to a less dense medium, the angle of refraction is:

Greater than the angle of incidence


Happens when particles are doing the same thing at the same time.

Inertia of a rod (axis at center)

I = 1/12 ml²

Inertia of a disk or cylinder

I = 1/2 mr²

Inertia of a rod (axis at end)

I = 1/3 ml²

Inertia of a solid sphere

I = 2/5 mr²

Malus' Law

I = I-0 ×cos²θ where "I" is light intensity

Parallel Axis Theorem

I = Icm + mh²

Inertia of a hoop

I = mr²

Inertia of a particle

I = mr²

Conservation of kinetic energy

In elastic collisions, kinetic energy is usually conserved. In inelastic collisions kinetic energy is lost in the form of heat.


Intrinsic property of a conductor denoted by ρ used to measure its resistance in the equation R = ρ L/A. L = length of the conductor, A = cross-sectional area.

Coulomb's law

Inverse square law, Electric Force = F = k * (q₁q₂)/r² = 1/(4πε₀) * (q₁q₂)/r

Luminous source

It produces its own light

If an object is in front of a convex mirror at the same distance from it as its radius of curvature, then

It will be smaller (ALWAYS smaller for convex mirrors!)


J = m∆v = ∆p = Ft = ∫F dt area under F-t graph

Kinetic Energy

K = 1/2 m v²

Angular momentum (solid rotating object)

L = I ω

Angular Momentum

L = Iω=r x mv, A measure of the amount of rotation an object has, taking into account its mass, shape and speed.

Angular momentum (linear moving object)

L = r mv sinθ or L = r x p

Huygens said:

Light is a wave

Newton said:

Light is tiny particles

Illuminated source

Light reflects off of it


Made from a coil of wire that acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it but stops being a magnet when the current stops.

Why is it impossible to isolate magnetic poles? Magnetic field lines always make complete loops. Current through wire produces a magnetic field oriented according to the right-hand grip rule. The torque N on a small magnet is proportional both to the applied B-field, and to the magnetic momentum of the magnet. A current-carrying wire experiences a sideways force in the presence of a magnetic field.

Magnetic field lines always make complete loops. Magnetic field lines neither start nor end (although they can extend to or from infinity). Since magnetic field lines always come in loops, magnetic poles always come in N and S pairs. Cutting a magnet in half results in two separate magnets each with both a north and a south pole. Option A is the only phenomenon which explains why magnetic poles cannot be isolated.


Mass per unit volume.


Measure of a capacitor's ability to store charge, calculated by the ratio of the magnitude of charge on one plate to the voltage across the two plates, expressed in SI units, farads.

Projectile motion

Motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) is thrown near the earth's surface, and it moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only.

Orbital motion

Motion that results from the combination of the objects forward inertia and the downward pull of gravity on the object

Dot Product

Multiplying two vectors by multiplying parallel components. Result is a scalar. A·B=ABcosθ=AxBx+AyBy

Cross Product

Multiplying two vectors by multiplying perpendicular components. Result is a vector. AxB=ABsinθ


Naturally occuring rocks that can attract metal objects. Can be used to magnetize metal objects.

Simple harmonic motion (SHM)

Occurs where there is a restoring force on an object that is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium.

What is the proportional relationship of the resistance (R) of a wire and the radius (r) of its cross-section? R is proportional to r. R is proportional to r2. R is inversely proportional to r. R is inversely proportional to r2.

R is inversely proportional to r2. Explanation: The resistance of a wire is given by R=ρl/πr2. Hence, the resistance increases with resistivity and length, and is inversely proportional to the area of cross-section. Thus, it is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of its cross-section.

Joule's Law

Rate of heat production is directly proportional to the resistance of the circuit and to the square of the current. H=I ²Rt = VIt H-heat, I-Current, V-voltage, t-time.


Ratio of the work done to the time needed to do the work.

Biot-Savart law

Relates a magnetc field to the magnitude, direction, length, and proximity of the electric current. dB = (µ₀ I dI x r^ ) / 4πr² where r^ is the unit vector pointing in the directin of r.

Resistors in Series

Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...


Scalar. Distance divided by time.


Scalar. How far something travels. Direction does not matter. Always a positive value.

Spherical aberration

Since mirrors aren't exact, rays won't go directly through the focal point and the image appears blury.


Something that changes the momentum of an object; the integral of a force with respect to time (Fnet*∆t)

Newton's law of universal gravitation

States that every object in the universe attracts every other object

Induced charge

Static charge caused by the presence of an already charged object

Period (in terms of angular frequency)

T = 2π / ω

Pendulum period

T=2π √(L)/(g)

Period of a physical pendulum


Period of a simple pendulum


Period of a mass-spring system



Takes a lot of time to return motion to normal.

According to the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), what is one (1) kilogram? The mass that takes 1 N of force to accelerate to 1m/s2 The mass of one (1) mole of iron atoms The mass of a cubic decimeter of water An amount of platinum-iridium that is taken to have a mass of one (1) kilogram

The Correct answer is: An amount of platinum-iridium that is taken to have a mass of one (1) kilogram. In 1889, the first CGPM sanctioned the international prototype of the kilogram, made of platinum-iridium, and declared: "This prototype shall henceforth be considered to be the unit of mass". Its record is kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, under conditions specified by the First CGPM in 1889, and is intended to end any ambiguity in popular usage concerning the word, weight.

Metal permeability

The ability of a metal to be magnetized. Substances such as iron, colbalt, and nickel have among the highest.

Gravitational acceleration

The acceleration of an object due to gravity (earth=9.82 m/s^2)

Centripetal acceleration

The acceleration of mass moving uniformly in a circle at a constant speed directed radially inward toward the center of the circular path.

Archimede's principle

The buyant force is equal to the wieght of the displaced liquid. If the weight of the liquid displaced is less than the weight of the object, the object will sink.

Angular acceleration

The change in rotational velocity, in rad/s²

Electric current

The continuous flow of electric charges through a material.

A battery of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a pure resistive device of resistance R. Identify the equation for the maximum power output of the device. R=r R=√2 r R=2r R=4r

The current in the circuit is I=E/(R+r). Therefore the power output of the device is given by P=I2R=E2•R/(R+r)2 . For the given values of E and r, power output P will be maximum if dP/dR=0. Differentiating with respect to R, we get dP/dR=(1-2R/(R+r))•E2/(R+r)2. Thus, dP/dR=0 if R=r.

Kirchoff's current law

The current that goes into a branch is equal to the current that comes out of a branch.

Centripetal force

The deflecting force, directed radially inward toward a given point, that causes an object to follow a circular path.

Gauss's law

The electric flux through a closed surface depends upon the charge enclosed in that surface., Φ=q/ε₀

Motional EMF

The emf produced across a conductor due to its motion through a magnetic field

Wave Propagation

The fact that one single coil on a slinky does not fact are pushing each coil in front of it

Lenz's Law

The induced magnetic field inside any loop of wire always acts to keep the magnetic flux in the loop constant.


The maximum displacement of the particles equilibrium

The maximum height attained by a projectile and its horizontal range are equal to each other if the projectile is projected at an angle. What is the equation for angle θ? θ= tan-1(2) θ= tan-1(3) θ= tan-1(4) θ= tan-1(5)

The maximum height of a projectile is v0^2(sin^2θ)/2g. And the horizontal range is v0^2(sin2θ)/g. For both of them to be equal, v0^2(sin^2θ)/2g = v0^2(sin2θ)/g or (sin^2θ)/2=sin2θ=2sinθcosθ or tanθ=4 or θ=tan-1(4) . Hence c is the correct choice. tan-1(4) = 1.3 rad = 76o above the horizontal - this is a short steep flight

Rotational Inertia or Moment of Inertia

The measure of how hard it is to change an object's rotational motion, in kgm²


The number of cycles an object completes in a unit of time, measured in Hz.


The number of oscillations per second(Hz) Is the inverse of the period(1/T)

Angular Velocity

The number of rotations something completes in an amount of time, in rad/s.

Kepler's first law

The orbit of each planet around the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.


The product of a force applied over a distance. Measured in Nm or Joules.

Coefficient of friction

The ratio of the weight of an object being moved along a surface and the force that maintains contact between the object and the surface.


The ratio of work done to the time needed to complete the work.

Poemer and Michelson talked about:

The speed of light

Spring Potential Energy

Us = 1/2 k x²


Uses magnets to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Ohm's law

V= IR. ,The direct current flowing in an electric circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied to the circuit.


Vector. How far something is from its starting position. Change of position. (∆x=x-x₀)


Vector. Rate of change of velocity. a=dv/dt


Vector. Speed and direction. Displacement divided by time.

Work (constant force)

W = F d cosθ

Transverse Wave

Where the particles oscillate perpendicular to the movement of energy


When forced vibration frequency matches the natural frequency

Light diffraction

When light bends around a barrier

Chromatic abberation

When light rays from a convex lens do not meet exactly at the focal point


When longitudinal wave molecules are close together

Total internal reflection

When no refraction occurs

Doppler Shift

When object is moving away: red shift When object is moving towards: blue shift


When the molecules of a longitudinal wave are separated apart.

Principle of superposition

When to waves meet, the displacement of the resulting waveform is equal to the vector sum of the two meeting waveforms.

The work energy relationship

Work done is equal to the change in mechanical energy of an object.

Electric potential

Work needed to move test charge. In an electric field, it is the work done per unit charge q to bring that charge from infinity to point P. Units are J/Coulomb

Potential difference

Work per unit charge required to move a charge between the points. V=work/charge

destructive interference

amplitude decreases

constructive interference

amplitude increases

Average Speed

average speed = distance / time

Going from a medium with a big N to a small N, the angle becomes bigger of smaller?


Diverging lens

concave lens

Kinematics: Don't need A

d = 1/2 (v+v₀) t

Tangential displacement

d = r θ

Kinematics: Don't need V

d = v₀t + 1/2 a t²

Lenses used for nearsightedness:

diverging lens


f = 1/T f = ω/2π

Escape Velocity

v = √(2GM/r)

Plane mirrors produce _____ images


Snell's law

nisinθi = nrsinθr Where n is the index of refraction of the two objects i = incidence r = reflection

Simple Harmonic Motion

occurs when a particle is displaced from its equilibrium position and the acceleration it experiences is proportional and opposite to its displacement


p = mv

Angular frequency of a simple pendulum

ω = √(g/l)

Angular frequency of a mass-spring system

ω = √(k/m)

Kepler's third law

r³ = kT², The square of the orbital period (T) is directly proportional to the cube of the average distance of the planet (r) from the sun.

Magnetic flux

the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle

Light traveling at an angle from a less dense a into a denser medium is refracted

toward the normal

Simple Harmonic Motion (velocity)

v = -Aω sin(ωt + ∅)

SHM: Maximum velocity

v = Aω

Instantaneous Velocity

v = dx/dt

Tangential velocity

v = r ω

Kinematics: Don't need D

v = v₀ + at

Average Velocity

v = ∆x/∆t or displacement divided by time

Kinematics: Don't need T

v² = v₀² + 2ad


when light of different wavelengths is refracted by different amounts, it results in the separation of the spectrum(rainbow)

Simple Harmonic Motion (position)

x = A cos(ωt + ∅)

Spring Oscillation

x(t)= Acos(wt + phi) w=√(k/m) =2π/T

If a ball dropped from a height H = 5 m and reached a depth of h = 15 m, what will be the deceleration caused by the water? 1.333 g 1 g 0 g 0.333 g

xplanation: Correct Answer: 1.333 g d_water=(1+H/h)g

Newton's 2nd Law

ΣF = ma

A wire of length (L) carrying a current (I) is bent into a circle. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the circle? πμ0I/L μ0I/2L 2πμ0I/L μ0I/2πL



τ = r x F τ = r F sinθ τ = I*alpha

Angular Frequency

ω = 2πf


∆x = x2-x1

Newton's Second Law

∑F=ma Net force = mass x acceleration

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