Physio Test 1

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How do increased glucose availability in a pancreatic beta cell and the closure of the KATP channel lead to exocytosis of insulin-containing vesicles?

The closure of KATP channels causes membrane depolarization and the opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.

Which of the following describes the concentration of ions when the cell is at rest?

The concentration of potassium is higher inside the cell

In response to glucose in the stomach, mechanisms are stimulated resulting in release of insulin, which acts to increase glucose uptake and thus decrease blood glucose. This happens before blood glucose levels have increased. This response is best described as __________.

feedforward control

The sodium-potassium pump can transport _______.

only if sodium and potassium are available

A cell has a mutation in a sodium ion leak channel, and sodium cannot diffuse through this channel. What would you expect to happen to the resting membrane potential difference?

The resting membrane potential difference would be more negative, because there would be less diffusion of positively charged sodium ions into the cell.

Which of the following is NOT a means by which cell signal pathways are terminated?

The signal is terminated by the binding of an inactivator molecule to the signal molecule

Which of the following is NOT a reason why a solute would require facilitated diffusion?

The solute directly requires ATP for its transport

Which of the following statements about carrier proteins is FALSE? They might have to change shape slightly to accommodate a solute. They assist in simple diffusion. They are found integrated into the plasma membrane. They can become saturated if the maximum transport rate is exceeded.

They assist in simple diffusion

Which of the following statements about osmosis is FALSE? It is specific for the movement of water. It is passive. Water moves toward the solution with the lowest concentration of solutes. It is a type of diffusion.

Water moves toward the solution with the lowest concentration of solutes.

If a membrane is impermeable to solutes, which of the following is true

Water will move toward the more concentrated solutes

Choose the true statement. Neurotransmitters are a type of neurohormone. Steroid hormones are generally made in advance and stored until needed. Autocrine signals are produced by and act upon the same cell. Paracrine signals are used for long-distance communication.

Autocrine signals are produced by and act upon the same cell.

Why is the thick mucus in Daniel's lungs a sign that he might have cystic fibrosis?

Without the CFTR, mucus cannot be thinned

which would increase the rate of diffusion across a cell membrane

a decrease in membrane thickness

saturation occurs when

a group of carrier proteins is operating at its maximum rate

Which of the following describes a change from the resting membrane potential

a receptor potential, a synaptic potential, or an action potential

Match the type of transport with its description. A. secretion B. paracellular transport C. transcellular transport D. absorption from an organ's lumen to the extracellular fluid


what is the correct order of events for hormones activating Gs proteins?

activation of G protein, binding of GTP, activation of adenylate cyclase, conversion of ATP to cAMP

What is the mechanism of action of lipid-soluble hormones?

activation of genes, which increase protein synthesis in the cell

Match the transport process to its description. A. active transport B. passive transport the movement of molecules against the concentration gradient

active transport

The concentration of calcium inside a cell is 0.3%. The concentration of calcium outside the cell is 0.1%. How could the cell transport even more calcium to the inside?

active transport

After a lipid-soluble hormone is bound to its intracellular receptor, what does the hormone complex do?

acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA, activating a gene

What trophic hormone stimulates cortisol from the adrenal galnd?

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

In the simple endocrine reflexes, which structure contains the sensor cells that trigger hormone release?

an endocrine gland

What is the value for the resting membrane potential for most neurons?

-70 mV

Match the transport process to its description. A. simple diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. both D. neither a form of mediated transport

facilitated diffusion

What is the type of transport supplied by the glucose carriers in the activity?

facilitated diffusion

Which process uses clathrin in coated pits to bring substances into cells?

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Which of the following requires a membrane-bound carrier for transport?

facilitated diffusion

Which characteristic must a signaling molecule have in order to bind to a cytosolic or nuclear receptor?

it must be lipophilic

The channels that provide for the movement of potassium in the resting neuron are ____


Which of the following is a definition for homeostasis?

The ability of living system to maintain a relatively constant internal environment

A blood sample is found to have low levels of GHRH and very high levels of GH and IGFs. Where would the pathology be located in this example?

The anterior pituitary

Match the term with its description: A. threshold B. effector C. integrating center D. setpoint E. sensory receptor continuously monitors its environment for a specific variable

sensory receptor

Match the term with its description: A. threshold B. effector C. integrating center D. setpoint E. sensory receptor the desired target value for a parameter


In this activity, the solutes were transported through the dialysis membrane by _______.

simple diffusion

Which type of membrane transport generally requires that the transported substance dissolve in the lipid membrane

simple diffusion

Which is NOT a key concept or theme in physiology?

Flow charts and graphs

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are intermediary hormones stimulated by which of the following hormones?

GH (hgrowth hormone)

Which form of cell-to-cell communication uses the direct transfer of electrical and chemical signals?

Gap-junction signaling

What is the mechanism of action of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)?

It allows for the active pumping of chloride from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid

When of the following best describes the role of endocrine organs in both simple and complex reflex pathways?

to function as a sensor and integrating center

What is the role of the hypothalamus with regard to hormone release and endocrine function?

to release trophic hormones that stimulate the anterior pituitary

Match the type of transport with its description. A. secretion B. paracellular transport C. transcellular transport D. absorption in one side of a cell and out the other

transcellular transport

Which loss of function would occur if you were to sever the connection between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary?

The anterior pituitary would not release hormones in response to trophic hormone stimulation.

What energy is used to power the SGLT (Na+ - glucose secondary active transporter)?

The chemical gradient of sodium ions

What effect did increasing the extracellular potassium have on the resting membrane potential?

The resting membrane potential became less negative

How does the intracellular fluid compartment differ from the extracellular fluid compartment?

There is a higher concentration of potassium ions inside the cell than in the extracellular space

What happened when sodium chloride was added as a solute in the left beaker?

There was no change in the transport rate of glucose

A physician basing clinical decisions on primary research published in biomedical literature is doing ________ medicine.


A cell transports large molecules out of the cell by


Put the following events associated with thyroid hormone production and release in the correct sequential order. 1. Metabolism is regulated. 2. Iodine is concentrated by the thyroid gland. 3. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are produced. 4. Iodine is combined with the amino acid tyrosine.

2, 4, 3, 1

Through which membrane(s) would sodium chloride diffuse?

50 MWCO, 100 MWCO, and 200 MWCO

A friend of yours is working in a pharmaceutical development lab where they are working on a drug to cure Graves' disease. He poses the following four ideas listed below. Which would be the best solution? 1. a drug that stimulates the production of TSH from the anterior pituitary 2. a drug that breaks down the antibodies produced 3. a drug that stimulates the release of TRH from the hypothalamus 4. a drug that acts as an antagonist to TSH

A drug that breaks down the antibodies produced

What is a review article and why might it be beneficial for a novice in a subject matter to read

It contains a synopsis of recent research on a particular topic; because it gives a general summary of several technical papers, making it easier for a novice to understand

Which of the following is a specialized region of the circulation where a blood vessel connects two sets of capillaries?

A portal system

Which type of research study recruits and follows healthy subjects for a long period of time to determine the factors that contribute to the development of disease?

A prospective study

Which type of membrane transporter would be activated by a change in ion concentration?

A voltage-gated channel

The pituitary hormone that controls the release of hormones from the adrenal cortex is


The term cellular (metabolic) energy indicates any biological process requiring


Which of the following is the driving force for the sodium-potassium pump?

ATP hydrolysis

Facilitated diffusion and active transport differ in that

ATP is necessary for active transport, but not for facilitated diffusion

Match the transport process to its description. A. active transport B. passive transport the movement of molecules via proteins embedded in the cell membrane; requires ATP

Active transport

Which type of molecular movement requires an input of energy (for example, from ATP)?

Active transport

Target organ of Adrenocrticotropin (ACTH)

Adrenal gland

Which of the following statements regarding the anterior and posterior pituitary is correct?

Anterior pituitary is composed of endocrine tissue while the posterior pituitary is composed of neural tissue.

Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipocytes. It decreases hunger and feeding behaviors. Leptin release is relative to the size of adipose cells: The greater the adipocyte size, the more leptin they release. Leptin then acts at the hypothalamus to cause the release of αMSH, an appetite suppressant. In this reflex pathway, what is the response?

Appetite suppression

Which of the following is the best example of an antagonist?

Atenolol is a beta blocker drug that binds to β1-adrenergic receptors, decreasing blood pressure.

used when the independent variables are distinct entities

Bar graph

Which of the following is a similarity between ion receptor channels and G protein-coupled receptors?

Both bind extracellular ligands

Which of the following is a similarity between peptide and steroid hormones?

Both travel through the blood to bind receptors on target cells

What is the most important distinction between the membrane transporters known as channel proteins and those known as carrier proteins?

Channel proteins create water-filled passages for small substances that do not bind to the protein. Carrier proteins transport larger substances by binding to them.

Uric acid is transported across epithelial cells in the kidneys by an organic acid transporter (OAT) membrane transport protein. The presence of another organic acid, probenecid, causes a decrease in the uric acid transport rate. What characteristic of transporters is demonstrated by the decrease in uric acid transport in the presence of probenecid?


α-adrenergic receptors have a higher affinity for norepinephrine than for epinephrine. β-adrenergic receptors have a higher affinity for epinephrine than for norepinephrine. Which characteristics of receptor function do these statements describe?


Thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus sense the temperature of the blood. When blood temperature begins to decrease, the hypothalamus releases TRH that stimulates the release of TSH from the anterior pituitary gland. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone (TH). TH stimulates an increase in body temperature, which causes the hypothalamus to decrease release of TRH. Which type of reflex pathway is this thermoregulatory pathway??

Complex neuroendocrine reflex

When calcium becomes available inside a cell, it comes from

extracellular fluid and intracellular storage

Cells can decrease receptor activity through down-regulation and through which other mechanism?


Which of the following is the most accurate example of a primary endocrine pathology in the control of thyroid hormone secretion?

Dysfunction in the thyroid

The permeability of a membrane to a particular solute is related to which two variables, and what is the relationship?

It is directly proportional to lipid solubility and inversely proportional to the size of the solute

Which of the following is an example of the law of mass balance

Eating a salty meal causes the kidney to excrete sodium from the body

The human body is best described as always being in a state of equilibrium such that all body compartments are identical


You have decided to collect data on the effects of exercise on the heart rate of untrained female college students to see if there is a trend within the population. After careful screening, you select 25 subjects for your data collection. As a first step to obtain a control value, you measure the heart rates of the subjects while they stand on the treadmill. You then ask each of the 25 subjects to start walking on the treadmill at a speed of 2 miles per hour (MPH) for 3 minutes. The subjects are then instructed to increase the speed on the treadmill in increments of 0.5 MPH and to stay at each speed for 3 minutes until they reach 4 MPH. At each speed increment, you measure the heart rates of the subjects after they have walked for 2 minutes. Once all of your data is collected, you construct a graph and place a best-fit line to see if there is a trend between your independent and dependent variable. Which of the following represents the dependent variable?

Heart rate

How do endocrine hormones reach their target cells?

Hormones are transported through the blood stream to target cells

Which of the following is NOT a typical way that hormones function?

Hormones control the size and shape of target cells.

A brain region that contains several collections of neuronal cell bodies that provide a connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system.


(a) Hyposecretion from damage to the pituitary hypothalamus ______ Anterior pituitary ______ Adrenal cortex_______ Symptoms of deficiency choose from: decreased ACTH Increased cortisol secretion Increased CRH secretion Decreased cortisol secretion Increased ACTH secretion

Hypothalamus: Increased CRH secretion Anterior pituitary: Decreased ACTH secretion Adrenal cortex: Decreased cortisol secretion

(b) Hyposecretion from atrophy of the adrenal cortex hypothalamus ______ Anterior pituitary ______ Adrenal cortex_______ Symptoms of deficiency choose from: decreased ACTH Increased cortisol secretion Increased CRH secretion Decreased cortisol secretion Increased ACTH secretion

Hypothalamus: Increased CRH secretion Anterior pituitary: Increased ACTH secretion Adrenal cortex: Decreased cortisol secretion.

Which second messenger causes the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum


If TRH levels increase, what will directly happen to the levels of TSH and thyroid hormone?

Increase; increase

Trauma to the anterior pituitary caused secondary hyposecretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). What would you expect to happen to the levels of thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) and thyroid hormones (TH)?

Increased TRH and decreased TH

Which of the following would increase the rate of facilitated diffusion?

Increasing the steepness of the concentration gradient

The stalk that connects the pituitary gland to the brain


Which of the following is the best example of a first messenger in a signaling cascade?

Insulin, which causes the target cell to take up glucose from the blood

Which type of receptor alters the cytoskeleton when a ligand binds to it?

Integrin receptor

Which of the following is the best example of a second messenger?

Intracellular Ca2+

Where is most of the water in the body located?

Intracellular fluid

When you eat a large meal and your body absorbs a lot of glucose and that makes its way to the interstitial fluid before going into the cell. 100% of the glucose should be absorbed into the cell from the interstitial fluid. Why does nearly all of the glucose enter the cell, rather than only half of it?

It is modified by the cell, so there is still more glucose on the outside of the cell than inside it.

The primary determinant of the resting membrane potential

K+ permeability

The membranes of neurons at rest are very permeable to _____ but only slightly permeable to ____

K+; Na+

Sodium and potassium ions can diffuse across the plasma membranes of all cells because of the presence of what type of channel?

Leak channels

Which of the following can be true of both active transport and facilitated diffusion?

Lipid-insoluble solutes are transported across the membrane by a carrier protein.

Heating an area of the skin can cause sweat glands in that area to begin making and releasing sweat. This is an example of which type of control system?

Local control system

Place the events associated with a complex neuroendocrine pathway in the correct sequential order. Efferent neurons stimulate G cells Gastrin stimulates parietal cells A meal containing proteins enters the stomach Afferent neurons send information to the nervous system in the gut lining G cells release gastrin in the circulation The parietal cell releases hydrochloric acid.

Meal containing proteins enters the stomach --> Afferent neurons send information to nervous system in the gut lining --> Efferent neurons stimulate G cells --> G cells release gastrin in the circulation --> Gastrin stimulates parietal cells --> Parietal cell releases hydrochloric acid.

You are interested in learning more about Parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder that mainly affects motor function. Which is the best source to begin your investigation?


The resting membrane potential of the cell

Membrane potential of -70 mV

The point at which there is no net movement of K+ into or out of the cell

Membrane potential of -90 mV

Match the transport process to its description. A. simple diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. Both D. Neither conform(s) to the properties of specificity, competition, and saturation

facilitated diffusion

For each of the following, indicate whether the condition will cause the membrane potential to become more positive, more negative, or largely unchanged when compared to the normal physiological resting membrane potential. Triple the number of Na+ leak channels Double the number of K+ leak channels Double the size of the cell without adding channels Double the number of closed channels for K+ Decrease the concentration of Na+ outside the cell by half Double the concentration of K+ outside the cell

More Positive: Triple the number of Na+ leak channels Double the concentration of K+ outside the cell More negative: Double the number of K+ leak channels Decrease the concentration of Na+ outside the cell by half Largely unchanged: Double the size of the cell without adding channels Double the number of closed channels for K+

The concentration of which two ions are highest outside the cell?

Na+ and Cl-

The concentrations of which two ions are highest outside the cell

Na+ and Cl-

The Na+-K+ pump actively transports both sodium and potassium ions across the membrane to compensate for their constant leakage. In which direction is each ion pumped

Na+ is pumped out K+ is pumped into the cell

Although it plays a role, it is not a primary determinant of the resting membrane potential

Na+ permeability

What prevents the Na+ and K+ gradients from dissipating?

Na+-K+ ATPase

Which is a difference between endocrine and neural control systems?

Nature of the signal, speed, specificity, duration of action.

A new chemical signal is discovered. It is secreted in low concentrations from keratinocytes in the skin, and it binds to receptors on nearby melanocytes in the skin. Can this chemical signal be classified as a hormone?

No, because it does not travel to distant targets through the blood

Is Marvin's high blood glucose level the direct cause for concern expressed by the nurse?

No. Blood glucose levels are always high in the body and should therefore not be a cause for concern.

Choose the correct example of signal amplification

One hormone molecule causes the activation of more than one second messenger molecule.

Predict what you think will happen to the ions in each compartment as soon as we allow potassium to move.

One ion moves down its gradient

What effect did decreasing the extracellular sodium have on the resting membrane potential?

Only a small change occurred, because the resting neuron is not very permeable to sodium

Which of the following is a neurohormone?


After treatment with intravenous fluids, Mrs. M. is feeling better and is able to talk with her doctor. She tells you she has finally agreed to have a colostomy −− an operation in which part of her large intestine is removed, leaving an opening on her abdomen (a stoma) where the intestinal contents are emptied into a colostomy bag. She refused this operation for years because her aunt had an ileostomy and struggled with fluid balance and managing her ileostomy bag. In Mrs. M's aunt's ileostomy, all of the large intestine was removed. In Mrs. M's colostomy, only part of the large intestine will be removed. How will water balance be different in patients with an ileostomy versus a colostomy? Choose the best answer.

Patients with an ileostomy will have more problems with water balance because they have less intestinal surface to absorb solutes into the blood

Hormones made of many amino acids are classified as ____

Peptides or proteins

what is the role of activated protein kinases?

Phosphorylate proteins

Which body compartment has the smallest volume?


An extension of the neural tissue of the brain, sometimes referred to as the neurohypophysis.

Posterior pituitary

Which of the following describes the movement of ions by the sodium-potassium pump?

Potassium is moved into the cell

Which molecule of the GPCR-adenylyl cyclase signal transduction system phosphorylates proteins to create the cellular response?

Protein kinase A

Order the following in the correct sequential order of stimulation of the anterior pituitary Release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from hypothalamic neurons Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) binds to ovary, promoting follicular growth and development and release of estrogen Stimulation of endocrine cells in anterior pituitary Release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) enters into general, systemic circulation Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) travels through portal system circulation

Release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from hypothalamic neurons Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) travels through portal system circulation Stimulation of endocrine cells in anterior pituitary Release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) enters into general, systemic circulation Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) binds to ovary, promoting follicular growth and development and release of estrogen

Ions are unequally distributed across the plasma membrane of all cells. This ion distribution creates an electrical potential difference across the membrane. What is the name given to this potential difference?

Resting membrane potential (RMP)

You have decided to collect data on the effects of exercise on the heart rate of untrained female college students to see if there is a trend within the population. After careful screening, you select 25 subjects for your data collection. As a first step to obtain a control value, you measure the heart rates of the subjects while they stand on the treadmill. You then ask each of the 25 subjects to start walking on the treadmill at a speed of 2 miles per hour (MPH) for 3 minutes. The subjects are then instructed to increase the speed on the treadmill in increments of 0.5 MPH and to stay at each speed for 3 minutes until they reach 4 MPH. At each speed increment, you measure the heart rates of the subjects after they have walked for 2 minutes. Once all of your data is collected, you construct a graph and place a best-fit line to see if there is a trend between your independent and dependent variable. What type of graph would be the most appropriate to present these data?

Scatter plot

Using the scenario pathway in Part I, what is the role of the gastrin-producing G cell in this neuroendocrine pathway?

Second integrating center

Take a second and use the information given about the starting conditions to fill in the values for total body solute, volume, and osmolarity. Use S=V*O Solute: 300 Volume: 3 Osmolarity: 300 Solute: 900 Volume: 3 Osmolarity: 300 Solute: 300 Volume: 1 Osmolarity: 300

Solute: 900 Volume: 3 Osmolarity: 300

Why do some normal cells fail to respond to a chemical signal?

Some cells lack the appropriate receptors.

A new hormone is discovered. Analysis suggests that it is synthesized on demand and has a long half-life in the bloodstream. It seems to activate gene transcription in its target cells, though no cell surface receptors can be identified. Which type of hormone is this most likely to be?

Steroid hormone

Place the phrases that represent neural communication pathways in the correct sequential order. Spinal cord integrates and interprets signal Signal travels along an afferent neuron Signal travels along an efferent neuron Signal arrives at the target tissue Stimulus activates sensor

Stimulus activates sensor --> Signal travels along an afferent neuron --> Spinal cord integrates and interprets signal --> Signal travels along an efferent neuron --> Signal arrives at the target tissue

Which of the following is a similarity between neural and endocrine reflexes?

Stimulus intensity can be increased with increased signal

The pituitary hormone that controls hormone synthesis and release from the thyroid gland is


Why would tasting salty sweat on the foreheads of babies lead a midwife to assume that the baby might be afflicted with cystic fibrosis?

The CFTR allows for chloride to leave the sweat and re-enter the cells, creating a hypotonic sweat.

How is the function of the CFTR altered in someone with cystic fibrosis?

The CFTR channel is absent

The hormone cortisol is secreted in a circadian rhythm, with the highest levels at breakfast time and lowest around midnight. Which statement is the most likely explanation of this observation?

The homeostatic setpoint for cortisol varies over a 24-hour cycle

If the release of the thyriod hormone (TH) was regulated by a long-loop negative feedback, where would you find the cells that are inhibited by TH binding?

The hypothalamus

What happens to facilitated diffusion when the protein carriers become saturated?

The maximum rate of transport will occur

Which of the following statements about facilitated diffusion is FALSE? The movement of the solute is passive. The movement requires a carrier protein. The movement of a given solute usually occurs in both directions (into and out of the cell). The movement of the solute is with its concentration gradient.

The movement of a given solute usually occurs in both directions (into and out of the cell).

With the experimental conditions set at 10 mM glucose and 9 mM albumin, and the 200 MWCO membrane in place, which of the following is true of the net movement

The net movement of water is toward the albumin

Mrs. Johnson goes to visit her doctor because of some health issues that she has been having. One of the tests revealed that she had no circulating concentrations of vasopressin. Further analysis of her hypothalamus and posterior pituitary were performed to see what might be causing this problem. Predict which of the following might explain Mrs. Johnson's condition. Choose the best answer.

The neuronal cell bodies in the hypothalamus are damaged.

According to Fick's law of diffusion, diffusion rate is proportional to the surface area of the membrane, the concentration gradient, and which other variable?

The permeability of the membrane

The resting membrane potential depends on two factors that influence the magnitude and direction of Na+ and K+ diffusion across the plasma membrane. Identify these two factors.

The presence of concentration gradients and leak channels

Which of the following statements about receptor potentials is FALSE?

The receptor potential is carried by neuroglia

Which of the following would result in NO change in osmotic pressure across a membrane The solutes can diffuse through the pores and the concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane. The concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane. Water is moving with its concentration gradient. The solutes can diffuse through the pores.

The solutes can diffuse through the pores and the concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane.

Both insulin and glucagon are peptide hormones that target liver cells. The response of the target cells to each of these two hormones is opposite. This information implies that

The two hormones bind to different cell surface receptors and each of the two hormones uses a different second messenger.

what does it mean if an article has been peer reviewed?

The work has been read by an anonymous panel of scientists qualified to judge the science

The plasma membrane is much more permeable to K+ than to Na+, why?

There are many more K+ leak channels than Na+ leak channels in the plasma membrane.

Which of the following statements makes an accurate distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes occurs when cells of the pancreas stop making insulin while type 2 diabetes occurs when the cells are no longer sensitive to insulin.

You have decided to collect data on the effects of exercise on the heart rate of untrained female college students to see if there is a trend within the population. After careful screening, you select 25 subjects for your data collection. As a first step to obtain a control value, you measure the heart rates of the subjects while they stand on the treadmill. You then ask each of the 25 subjects to start walking on the treadmill at a speed of 2 miles per hour (MPH) for 3 minutes. The subjects are then instructed to increase the speed on the treadmill in increments of 0.5 MPH and to stay at each speed for 3 minutes until they reach 4 MPH. At each speed increment, you measure the heart rates of the subjects after they have walked for 2 minutes. Once all of your data is collected, you construct a graph and place a best-fit line to see if there is a trend between your independent and dependent variable. Which of the following represents the independent variable?

Varying walking speeds

The posterior pituitary gland secretes

Vasopressin (ADH)

What is the most likely explanation for the increased concentration of Mrs. em's blood?

Water has moved from her blood into her intestinal contents, leaving solutes behind

A true endocrine gland of epithelial origin, sometimes called the adenohypophysis

anterior pituitary

place each of the following hormones into the correct collumn indicating whether it is released in the anterior or posterior pituitary. Prolactin ACTH ADH TSH FSH QXT GH LH

anterior pituitary: Prolactin, Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), Thyrotropin (TSH), Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Growth hormone (GH), Luteinizing hormone (LH) Posterior pituitary: Vasopressin (ADH), Oxytocin (QXT)

Neurotransmitters and neurohormones both

are released by neurons and affect only cells with a specific receptor.

The conducting region of the neuron is the ______


You want to display data on the finish times of the 10 fastest race horses in a single race at the Kentucky Derby. Which type of graph would be best to display this information?

bar graph

Steroid hormones are lipophilic. This allows steroid hormones to _____.

bind to intracellular receptors

Match the membrane protein with its function. A. transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell B. form cell-to-cell connections C. bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell D. ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein transporter

bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell

Inositol triphosphate is a second messenger that

binds to the calcium channel of the endoplasmic reticulum

Think about the following examples of homeostatic regulation: In response to an increase in plasma K+ concentrations, the hormone aldosterone brings K+ levels back to normal. In response to a decrease in plasma Ca2+ concentrations, parathyroid hormone brings Ca2+ levels back to normal. Which of the statements below is true?

both are examples of negative feedback regulation

Which body fluid compartment contains higher levels of Na+, Cl-, and HCO3-?

both plasma and interstitial fluid

Match the transport process to its description. A. simple diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. Both D. Neither The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

both simple and facilitated diffusion

During depolarization, which gradient(s) move(s) Na+ into the cell?

both the electrical and chemical gradients

The amplification of the signal from a water-soluble hormone is achieved through an increase in _______.

cAMP in the cytoplasm

When adenylyl cyclase is activated,

cAMP is formed.

The ion that controls the widest variety of intracellular activities is _____.


the neurotransmitter epinephrine _____

causes some blood vessels to dilate and others to constrict, because different blood vessels have different receptors for epinephrine

What keeps intracellular receptors from binding to DNA before a hormone binds to the receptor?

chaperone proteins (chaperonins)

Gated channels for sodium ions may include

chemical gated (respond to ligands) voltage gated (respond to electrical signals Mechanical gated (respond to pressure)

Which system(s) does NOT exchange material with the internal and external environments?

circulatory system

A simple endocrine pathway will include which of the following?

classic hormone sensor target tissue endocrine organ circulatory system

What is the function of the ventral hypothalamic neurons?

control secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Which of the following hormones has intracellular receptors? epinephrine cortisol insulin


If glucose levels are low, how would you predict activation of the beta cell and insulin release to change?

decrease; decrease

Which of the following would decrease the rate of facilitated diffusion?

decreasing the number of carrier proteins

Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers Na+ enters the cell


Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers membrane potential is 0 mV


Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers to +30 mV from resting potential


Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers to -50 mV from resting potential


Patients with hyperinsulinemia may have a decreased number of insulin receptors on their cell membranes. This is an example of


A(n) ___ changes physiological variables in order to restore and maintain homeostasis.


Match the term with its description: A. threshold B. effector C. integrating center D. setpoint E. sensory receptor the organ or gland that performs the change


The inside of a resting cell is slightly negative relative to the outside. This is an example of

electrical disequilibrium

Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers any value other than 0 mV, regardless of relationship to resting potential

electrical polarization

When the solutes are evenly distributed throughout a solution, we say the solution has reached _______.


An integrating center

evaluates incoming signals and compares it with the setpoint

Match the membrane protein with its function. A. transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell B. form cell-to-cell connections C. bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell D. ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein structural proteins

form cell-to-cell connections

Signal molecules that are broken down most rapidly, resulting in very brief effects, are _____

gases such as nitric oxide

The binding of lipophilic messengers, such as steroid hormones, to their receptors triggers

gene transcription

You conduct an experiment on twenty 18-year-old male subjects to see how various intensities of exercise influence heart rate. Which is/are a dependent variable

heart rate.

Which of the following search combinations would render in the most accurate results if you wanted to know if there was a link between the consumption of high fructose corn syrup and the incidence of type II diabetes?

high fructose corn syrup AND the incidence of type II diabetes

Choose the appropriate term to fill in the sentence: When Mrs. em ate, her intestinal contents became more concentrated than her blood. This means her intestinal contents were __________ to her blood and her blood was __________ to her intestinal contents.

hyperosmotic; hyposmotic

Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers Cl- enters the cell


Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers to -90 mV from resting potential


Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, synthesized


Which two organs of the body release hormones that lead to the release of thyroid hormone?

hypothalamus and anterior pituitary

A scientifically logical guess is a


Which of the following does NOT describe the plasma membrane?


Where are the neurohormones released by the posterior pituitary produced?

in the neuronal cell bodies found in the hypothalamus

Thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus sense the temperature of the blood. When blood temperature begins to decrease, the hypothalamus releases TRH, which stimulates the release of TSH from the anterior pituitary gland. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone (TH). TH stimulates an increase in body temperature, which causes the hypothalamus to decrease the release of TRH. In this reflex pathway, what is the response?

increased body temperature

Which of the following will increase the rate of Na-K transport?

increasing the number of membrane pumps

dentify to which variable (independent or dependent) each phrase is properly associated by matching them with the correct bin below.

independent variable: The variable manipulated by the experimenter; plotted on the horizontal x-axis Dependent variable: The variable measured by the experimenter, plotted on the vertical y-axis

A(n) ____ delivers information about environmental stimuli from the periphery to the control center. Changes physiological variables in order to restore and maintain homeostasis

input signal

A(n) _____ synthesizes information coming in from many sensory pathways and sends out the proper response.

integrating center

Which term best describes the part of a control system that receives information about a homeostatically regulated variable and initiates an appropriate response?

integrating center

You conduct an experiment on twenty 18-year-old male subjects to see how various intensities of exercise affect heart rate. Which is/are an independent variable?

intensity of excercise

Which body fluid compartment contains high levels of K+, large anions, and proteins?

intracellular fluid

The most rapid intracellular responses to signals result from activation of receptors that are also _____.

ion channels

First how does the solution's concentration compare to that of the body? Is the solution we are adding hyposmotic, isosmotic, or hyperosmotic?


Match the membrane protein with its function. A. transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell B. form cell-to-cell connections C. bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell D. ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein enzymes

ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein

A horse runs 10 races, each a mile long, during a 6-month period, and you are interested in determining if the horse's race finish time changes with experience. Which type of graph would be best to display this information?

line graph

used when the independent variable on the x-axis is a continuous phenomenon (i.e. time)

line graph

The most important factor determining whether a signal molecule will bind to cell-surface or intracellular receptors is the

lipid solubility of the ligand

Homeostatic control that takes place at the tissue or cell by using paracrine or autocrine signals is called

local control

Vasodilation of blood vessels supplying muscles in response to increased carbon dioxide during exercise is an example of

local control

The typical concentration of sodium is ____

lower than potassium intracellularly.

target organ of Prolactin (PRL)

mammary gland

Which is NOT a basic method of cell-to-cell communication?

mechanical signals

"Glucose is transported from the blood into cells by transporters in response to insulin." This type of explanation is


Which of the following is NOT a functional region of a neuron

medullary region

Permeability is a property of


Osmotic pressure is measured in units of

mm Hg

Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion both

move solutes with their concentration gradient

In an epithelium, the apical membrane is also known as the ____ membrane


target organ of Growth hormone (GH)

muscles and bones

What is the most important regulatory factor controlling the circulating levels of thyroid hormone?

negative feedback

Compared to the outside surface, the inside of a resting cell membrane is

negatively charged

Match the transport process to its description. A. simple diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. Both D. Neither The use of ATP to move molecules


All molecules secreted by nerve cells (neuromodulators, neurotransmitters, and neurohormones) are known as


How would you classify the type of chemical released by the posterior pituitary (e.g., classic hormone, neurotransmitter, etc.)? Choose the best answer.


Specialized neurons in the brain respond to changes in blood osmolarity (solute concentration). When blood osmolarity strays outside the homeostatic range, these neurons release a neurotransmitter that stimulates neurons of the posterior pituitary, which respond by releasing a different chemical into the blood that will travel via the circulatory system to the kidneys. How would you classify this type of simple reflex?


How will the solute we are adding in the solution be distributed among the body compartments? In other words, does the solution contain penetrating solutes that enter cells, nonpenetrating solutes that stay in the ECF, or a combination of both?


Let's consider a scenario in which the resting membrane potential changes from −−70 mVmV to +70 mVmV, but the concentrations of all ions in the intracellular and extracellular fluids are unchanged. Predict how this change in membrane potential affects the movement of Na+Na+. The electrical gradient for Na+Na+ would tend to move Na+Na+ __________ while the chemical gradient for Na+Na+ would tend to move Na+Na+ __________.

out; in

A(n) ____ will deliver a chemical that will affect the target organ/effector. It can be carried out by a neuron, or a classic hormone released into the blood.

output signal

Target organ of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

ovary or testis

Target organ of Luteinizing hormone (LH)

ovary or testis

Which of the following hormones is regulated by a neuroendocrine ("letdown") reflex?


Match the type of transport with its description. A. secretion B. paracellular transport C. transcellular transport D. absorption between adjacent cells

paracellular transport

Match the transport process to its description: A. active transport B. passive transport The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

passive transport

The study of body function in a disease state is called


Diacylglycerol is produced from

phosphatidylinositol biphosphate

Cyclic AMP is degraded by _____.


Which intracellular substance degrades cAMP, thus inactivating the response to a hormone?


Water-soluble hormones affect target cells by binding to ______.

plasma membrane receptors

Bulk flow is fluid flow as a result of a(n) _____ gradient


which anterior pituitary hormone is the only one that has a nonendocrine cell as its target


The pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammary glands is


Cyclic AMP activates

protein kinase A

homeostasis is the ability of the body to

quickly restore changed conditions to normal

which membrane proteins bind ligands and trigger another membrane event?


In the sequence of events mapped out in Part I, what is the response?

release of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cell

Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers K+ leaves the cell, bringing its potential back to the resting value


Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers to -70 mV from -50 mV


Match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70 mV. A. electrical polarization B. hyperpolarization C. depolarization D. repolarization E. more than one of the answers to -70 mV from -90 mV


Compared with endocrine reflexes, neural reflexes ____.

respond rapidly but are short

A(n) ____ results from changes in organ activity. It can cause a change in the original stimulus.


There are 10 cloned horses, born on the same day, with identical chromosomes. They each follow the same physical training regimen, but are given daily injections of different concentrations of a particular vitamin. They all run the same race. Which type of graph would be best to explore a relationship between race finish time and vitamin dose?

scatter plot

Used to show the relationship between two variables. A best fit line can be used to indicate a trend in the data.

scatter plot

Match the type of transport with its description. A. secretion B. paracellular transport C. transcellular transport D. absorption movement from the extracellular fluid into the lumen of an organ


A(n) ____senses changes in physiological variables


In order to prevent damage due to overstretching, skeletal muscles contain specialized sensors. As a muscle stretches, information from these sensors is sent via afferent neurons to the spinal cord where the information is integrated. After integration is complete, an output signal is sent via efferent neurons to the muscle, preventing it from being stretched further. This is an example of what type of reflex pathway?

simple neural

Which of the following properties will allow a substance to pass through a cell membrane by simple diffusion?

small and lipophilic

Which of the following solutes would move the fastest

sodium chloride

Which of the following generated osmotic pressure? Glucose sodium chloride sodium chloride, glucose, and albumin generated osmotic pressure. albumin

sodium chloride, glucose, and albumin generated osmotic pressure.

Establishing the resting membrane potential requires energy through the use of the _______

sodium-potassium pump

The pituitary hormone that stimulates cell growth and metabolism in many tissues is


Protein receptors exhibit

specificity, competition, and saturation.

complex endocrine pathway

stimulus --> hypothalamus --> trophic hormone --> anterior pituitary --> trophic hormone --> endocrine gland --> Hormone --> target tissue --> Response.

long loop negative feedback

stimulus --> hypothalamus --> trophic hormone --> anterior pituitary --> trophic hormone --> endocrine gland --> hormone --> either hypothalamus or anterior pituitary

short loop negative feedback

stimulus --> hypothalamus --> trophic hormone --> anterior pituitary --> trophic hormone --> hypothalamus

Drag and drop each of the following components of all reflex pathways so that they occur in the correct sequential order.

stimulus --> sensor --> Afferent signal --> integrating center --> efferent signal --> effector --> response

Coupled transporters that move solutes in the same direction are called


Hypophysectomized rats (those that have had their pituitary glands removed) grow faster when given both GH and testosterone together than when given either hormone separately. What is this type of interaction called?


Hormones are not typically considered to be cytokines because hormones are ____ like cytokines.

synthesized in advance and stored, not

Your instructor announces a pop quiz;. This stimulates a reflex pathway that stimulates your sympathetic nervous system to increase your heart rate. In this reflex pathway, your heart is the ________.


Cells that respond to signals are usually called


"Glucose is transported from blood into cells because cells require glucose to meet their energy needs." This type of explanation is


A cell is immersed in a beaker of solution. The cell membrane is permeable to water but impermeable to solutes. If the intracellular concentration is 10 mM and the solution is 20 mM, which of the following is true?

the cell will shrink.

On average, the resting membrane potential is -70 mV. What does the sign and magnitude of this value tell you?

the inside surface of the plasma membrane is much more negatively charged than the outside surface

What would the levels of TRH be in a person that has Graves' disease? Why?

the levels of TRH should be low because thyroid hormones is on a negative feedback loop

Physiology is the study of

the normal function of living organisms

For solutes that move by simple diffusion, which of the following does NOT affect the rate of simple diffusion across a membrane?

the potential energy of the solute; the membrane pore size

If a scientific model is supported or verified repeatedly by multiple investigators, it may become a


A cell that is permeable to Solute X is placed into solution containing a higher concentration of X. Diffusion occurs until equilibrium is attained. At this time,

there is no further change in concentration of Solute X

Match the term with its description: A. threshold B. effector C. integrating center D. setpoint E. sensory receptor the minimum stimulus to trigger a response


target organ of Thyrotrophin (TSH)

thyroid gland

Which hormone's receptor is always bound to DNA, even when the receptor is empty?

thyroid hormone

Describe the function of an afferent neuron

to deliver information about the physiological variable to the integrating center.

Match the membrane protein with its function. A. transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell B. form cell-to-cell connections C. bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell D. ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein receptors

transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell

If you give a patient who recently developed diabetes a shot of insulin and blood glucose levels do not change, what type of diabetes does he or she most likely have?

type 2

Most amine hormones are derived from


Growth factor hormones, such as insulin, bind to which type of receptor?

tyrosine kinase receptors

Which of the following are released by the posterior pituitary?

vasopressin, oxytocin

Which of the following is NOT a passive process? Osmosis Facilitated diffusion filtration vesicular transport

vesicular transport

What type of hormones bind to receptors located on the cell membrane?

water-soluble hormones, such as insulin and epinephrine

A hypertonic solution:

will induce cell shrinkage

Which of the following websites would be best if you wanted to learn about the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy on reducing the symptoms associated with menopause?

Which of the following adrenergic receptors increase cAMP levels

β receptors

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