Physio VIVA

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Stroke risk factors

- Smoking - Drug use - High BP - Cardiac disease - Diabetes mellitis - Abnormal blood lipids - Lack exercise

Prevalence of COPD

1 IN 7 Aussies over 40 Indigenous Australians 2-3 times more likely

RA prevalence

1.9% of Aus populations, 13% of all arthritic conditions, can occur at any age, frequent onset in those aged 35-64, slightly higher prevalence in women, those is low SA areas, indigenous Australians have higher prevalence

OA prevalence

10% of population, incidence rising with ageing population

HF prevalence

4% of the population aged above 45 have HF Aboriginal Australians 2-3 times higher

Osteoporosis definition

A condition where bones becomes fragile, brittle and fracture more easily than normal bones . Even minor incidents can cause bone fracture Characterised by: - low bone mass - Micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue w resultant increase in fragility and risk of fracture

OA Diagnosis

Able to spot osteophytes, bone remodelling, joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis on X-RAYs. Arthroscopy Blood test can rule out RA

Stroke Definition

Acute loss of blood flow to brain due to infarct or hemorrhaging

Stroke management principles

Acute management - Focus on assessment, prevention of complications Rehab - Teaches skills that lost, new skills to compensate for permanent impairment LT management - Consider principles CC management

OA Physio Rx

Address impairments: reduce pain, increase ROM, restore muscle control Role in facilitating self management Unload joints with gait aids, braces, wedges in shoes Electrophysical agents, such as ultrasound Can refer to other specialists Rehab post surgery Prehab pre surgery Initial role in diagnosing OA, then refer

Paget's Demographics

Affects 4% of Australians, >55 years

Physio diabetes management

Assess RF, facilitate behaviour change, be alert for complications, rehab post amputation

RA pathophysiology

Auto immune disease Systemic illness (effects multiple organs in the body) Uncontrolled proliferation of synovial tissue Proliferation of macrophages and fibroblasts Lymphoctyes infiltrate peri vascular regions Proliferation of endothelial cells Blood vessels in area occluse Irregular growth of synovial tissue over time, forming invasive pannus tissue Pannus tissue invades/destroys cartilage and bone RA can involve the -eyes (scleritis) - lungs (can cause difficulty breathing) - heart (pericarditis) (myocarditis) (endocarditis) can cause chest pain and shortness of breath - blood and blood vessels (low levels of white blood cells, RBCs, spleen enlargement, ulcers of skin.

Diabetes Diagnosis

Blood test - Fasting blood plasma glucose test - Glucose tolerance test - Fasting test result, above 7mmol/L, Random test 11.1mmol/L - Haemoglobin at 6.5%+

RA diagnosis

Blood tests: Rheumatoid factor found in 80% of cases Citrulline antibody (anti CCP)- in most pts Antinuclear antibody (ANA) Measuring inflammation Ethrocyte sedimention rate (ESR) C-reactive protein Complete blood count X-RAYS: - early disease (normal or soft tissue swelling only) - Later (bony erosions notable) Joint fluid analysis

Paget's contraindications

Bone fragility represents a precaution for physical activity

OP diagnosis

Bone mass density is a predictor of fracture rate. Also used to monitor fracture rate during treatment. It is assessed via bone densitometry Clinical diagnosis: history of minimal trauma fracture, loss of height in middle aged to elderly, pain. Risk of fracture is assessed by BMD and assessment of risk factors. Established OP can be recognised through X-RAYS

OP pathophysiology

Bone models and remodels throughout life, with increasing age less bone is replaced than that is remodelled. Oestrogen deficiency (w menopause) increases remodelling intensity, which in turn accelerates bone loss. Bone loss is greatest in first 3-6 years post menopause then steadies, then accelerates after 70. Hypogonadism in men can also accelerate bone loss, where there is a gradual decline in testosterone

Paget's Pathophysiology

Bone tissues maintained by cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts, in PD balance b/w two groups of cells disturbed. Osteoblasts are too much bone tissue produced = enlargement. New bone= weak and unstable

Stroke pathophysiology

Brain cannot get enough blood, brain cells die due to lack of blood and oxygen Ischaemic changes due to loss of blood

OA pathophysiology

Breakdown and eroding of articular cartilage, ligaments, eroding of meniscus, often bony spurs (osteophytes) growing around edge of joint. Bone and synovial involved, joint swelling and inflammatory pain, often bursitis, inflamed tendon junctions.

OA differential diagnosis

Bursitis, tendinothopy, muscle spasm, damages meniscus, a vascular necrosis, pagers disease, stress fractures etc.

AS Diagnosis

CXrays (commonly normal stages) Blood tests: Gene called HLA-B27 associated w AS

Paget's Clinical features

Can be silent sometime only becomes evident when blood test or X-ray. Symptoms: Pain and aching in bones Deformed or misshapen bones Affected bone warmer If skull affected may experience headaches, vertigo or tinnitus

OP Clinical features

Can be silent, no symptoms in early stages but can be flagged by: - back pain, caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra - loss of height over time (vertebral fractures can be occult and asymptomatic, postural abnormality) - Fractures can cause prolonged handicap, alter QOL and be costly in terms of health expenditure.

CHD physio management

Cardiac rehab including learning more about condition, resuming more about condition, resuming normal activity, change lifestyle to improve health, manage medicine, know warning signs)

OP contraindications/precautions

Care with musculoskeletal techniques, attend to falls risk

RA aetiology

Cause is unknown however there are some common risk factors: - age (35-64) -family history - Environment (toxic chemical or infection in your environment) - gender (more common in women) - obesity -smoking

HF Aetiology

Causes: Heart attack, CHD (progresses to HF) Risk factors: Diabetes, HIV, thyroid condition Old age CHD, HA, damage to heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) - infection, alcohol abuse, meds Faulty heart valves Arrythmia Pregnancy High BP Myocarditis

COPD Pathophysiology

Changes in the large central airways, small peripheral bronchioles and lung parechyma. The normal inflammatory response increases, increases the number of macrophages, leukocytes which release elastases which causes lung destruction

CHD Clinical features

Chest pain tightness burning breathlessness pins and needles pain (chest, jaw, arms, shoulders, abdomen, sternum) Women's symptoms can be different- nausea, shortness of breath, fatigue, similar pain Symptoms are associated with exertion after a meal, however can be unexpected- ie. symptoms at rest, not eased with medication, unstable angina

RA definition

Chronic inflammation of the joints, can affect other organs, can potentially cause joint destruction and functional disability.

CHD diagnosis

Clinical assessment- raise suspicion of angina Further testing needed outside the scope of physio Coronary angiogram- dye in artery, xrayed ECG- echocardiogram, detects and record electrical activity Stress testing- increase heart rate, test heart Chest X-ray- reveal heart failure, if heart changed shape Blood test- assess RF, fats, sugar, proteins in blood, cholesterol

Coronary Heart Disease Definition

Consequence of narrowing coronary arteries, lack blood flow to heart

OP course and prognosis

Consequences of fractures can be ongoing: - mortality within one year for 20% of those with hip fractures - 50% of females don't return to prev. Functional levels - 20% of people require long term care - risk of future fractures rise with each new fracture (cascade effect)

HF Pathophysiology

Contraction/relaxation of heart inadequate Heart is weak, stiff, or both Accumulation of blood in left side makes breathing hard Accumulate in right side, fluid accumulation in legs, liver etc. Usually affects both sides but can be R/L sided

CHD Pathophysiology

Coronary arteries become less patent- due to plaque build up, athesclerosis (build up of fatty deposits of inner wall coronary arteries, clog arteries and reduce blood flow to heart) Unstable plaque (plaque with more fat, and thin cap which can crack-then sealed with a clot, inflamed) Lack of blood flow to heart- angina

Contraindications/Precautions for RA

Damage to lung tissue- limitations w physical exertion Cardiovascular disease- limitations w physical exertion Upper cervical spine instability, assoc. w/ ligament damage Inflammation of blood vessels can lead to nerve, heart, and brain problems Pericarditis and myocarditis can lead to congestive heart failure For the practitioner: take care w exercise prescription avoid high intensity exercise avoid joint mobilisation/manipulation avoid techniques that stress skin and bones

Clinical features of stroke

Depends on location of stroke eg: lesion to broca's speech area can lead to diffculty producing speech

HF Diagnosis

ECG- assess rhythm, duration, underlying conditions Chest X-ray- look at fluid congestion or other causes

Diabetes multi D team

Endocrinologist Podiatrist Dietition Diabetes nurse educator Renal physician Vascular surgeon Ophthalmologist Physio

AS Pathophysiology

Enthesitis: inflammation where soft tissue attaches to bone Common sites: tendo achilles, Costco Chondral joints, plantar fascia

RA physio Rx

Facilitate balance b/w rest and activity During quiet periods- ROM exercises, aquatic therapy, balance etc. Devices to assist ADLs Self management facilitation incl. risk management Referral- medical review, OT, podiatry

Paget's Management principles

Falls prevention, manage impairments Support self management Medication: Biphosphonates- slow progression, control bone building process to normal bone growth Pain killers (analgesics), non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Calcium and Vit D- for bone health Surgery- for complication of Paget's disease

Paget's Disease Physio management

Falls prevention, manage impairments Support self management

Paget's Disease Definition

Focal areas of excessive osteoclasts bone reabsorption accompanied by a secondary increase in osteoblasts bone formation. Can manifest as bone or joint pain

OA participation restrictions

Gardening, playing golf etc.

CHD Differential diagnosis

Heartburn Indigestion Lung issues Symptoms of angina w shoulder, arm (ask about exertion, present at rest, symptoms associated with arm movements, impairments such as loss of ROM, loss muscle tone, strength-indicate muscle tissue)

Diabetes aetiology

Hypoglycemia (too much glucose is blood) can lead to: Nephropathy- decreased effectiveness of kidney, may need dialysis or transplant Retinopathy- disease of eye can lead to vision loss Peripheral vascular disease- affect legs, feet, progessive, result in poor healing, skin lesions, amputation Neuropathy- loss of nerve function, in both diabetes types - can be sensory, autonomic, motor, slow progression, limb threatening

OP management principles

Identify and manage risk of falls through pharmacological interventions, lifestyle modifications). Rehabilitate after fracture Liaison with GP re bone density Exercise- weight bearing, high impact, strength, balance) Medication (biophosphonates, vit d, calcium) stop smoking Reduce alcohol intake Risk factor screening

Stroke aetiology

Infarction: -athesclerosis - thrombi (blood clots that stay there) -emboli (blood clots that move to another location) - small vessel occulation Heamorrage (bleed on brain): - hypertension - anticoagulation therapy -tumour erosing blood vessles - trauma

Ankylosing Spondylitis Definition

Inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine and large joints. Causes stiffness and pain in neck, back and pelvis as well as hips shoulders, eyes , skin, bowel and lungs

Stroke course and prognosis

Is variable can have no change or slow improvement Neuroplasticity and re education needed Most dramatic recovery takes place in initial days following stroke as swelling decreases

Osteoarthritis definition

Joint disease, breakdown of articular cartilage, deterioration of ligaments, often bony spurs grow around edge of joint.

Symptoms of RA

Joint swelling, pain, redness, stiffness (multiple joints often affected symmetrically) Fatigue (anemia due to reduces RBCs) Lack of appetite Low emotional affect Stiffness, prolonged Deformity of joints due to destruction of cartilage Deformity incl. hallucinate vagus, hammer toes, rheumatoid nodule Swelling Dryness of eyes/mouth (inflammation of glands) Chest pain Predisposition to infection (enlarged spleen) Rheumatoid nodules (lumps under skin) Ulcers

OA comorbidities

Lack of sleep, depression, fatigue, negative mindset or emotions, helplessness

CHD Demographics

Leading cause of death in Australia 20 Aus die every day

Diabetes prognosis

Leads to secondary complications including amputation etc.

Stroke physio management

Learn new ways to do activities affected by stroke Aim to stimulate brain to adapt Rehab should be scheduled therapy 2-3 hours a day, 2 hours active task practice ADL Sit-stand etc

CHD management principles

Lifestyle changes (slow down more rest, avoid large meals, avoid stress, smoke free, increase physical activity, healthy weight) Medication as prescribed (nitrates- relax, widens blood vessels allows more blood to heart), cholesterol lowering drugs, anticoagulants (reduce stress on heart)

Stroke prevalence

Major cause of death in Aus Hemorrhaging= 80% of deaths

OA Aetiology

More common in females and older individuals More common in lower SE areas

Anky Spon Prevalence

More common in males Symptoms of AS usually b/w 15-45 years

Osteoporosis demographics/ prevalence

More than 1 million people have OP, more common in females than males, prev. Increases w age Problem worsening w ageing population

RA Rx principles

No cure exists: - reduce joint inflammation - maximise joint destruction - reconstruct joints -rehabilitate Combination of -medication (1st line: aspirin, cortisone reduce pain/inflammation, 2nd line: disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, corticosteroids, biological DMARDs) - rest -strengthening exercises - joint protection -self management - surgery to repair or replace joints

OA course and prognosis

No direct cure, degenerative (worsening condition), some treatments can control the consequences

OA Rx Principles

Non pharmacological: Self management, exercise (obesity RF), pacing activity, joint protection, weight reduction, unload joints, laser, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, ultrasound, acupuncture. Pharmacological: Panadeine, stronger alangesia, non steroid anti inflammatory spies, glucosamine/chrondoitin (conflicting evidence), intra articular injection. Surgical: Osteotomy, joint replacement, fusion

RA Course and Prognosis

Often begins slowly - minor joint pain - stiffness -fatigue (chronic) Pts can experience periods w/o symptoms and periods of exacerbation, usual course involves joint destruction and functional disability. No cure

RA differential diagnosis

Often mistaken for other inflammatory conditions eg: - systemic lupus ether arises - ankolysing spondylitis - septic arthritis - tuberculous arthritis etc...

COPD course and prognosis

Often undiagnosed, think just normal part of ageing

COPD definition

Ongoing disorder to do with narrowing of airways, long term lung disease. Covers diseases such as bronchitis, emphysema

AS course and prognosis

Onset early adulthood, progressive (w progressive consequences- such as flexed spinal posture, and complications that occur secondarily eg breathing difficulties).

AS differential diagnosis

Other inflammatory diseases (eg. RA)

AS management principles

Physiotherapy (eg. Aquatic therapy) to keep the spine flexible/improve posture Medication such as analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid medicines or injections, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). A rheumatologist can diagnose AS and prescribe treatment (self management)

AS Aetiology

Predisposing factors are mostly unknown, potentially genetic

CHD Aetiology

Predisposing factors: Unhealthy eating Inactivity Overweight High BP, cholesterol Smoker Diabetes Lack of good social support Male Family history Ethnicity

COPD Aetiology

RF: smoking, exposure to irritants in the environment, genetics, parental smoking, asthma

Paget's Aetiology

Reason for accelerated bone growth unknown (potentially could be genetic and environmental factors, such as virus) Risk factors: ethnicity (more common in people from England, Scotland, Central Europe and Greece) Age (increasing age) Genetics (more likely if family history)

Physio COPD management

Respiratory physio: Techniques include airway clearance, breathing techniques, percussion, promote physical activity, prescribe breathing machines

OP Aetiology

Risk factors: - Advanced age - Family history - small or thin build - obesity - low levels of oestrogen - delayed puberty or early menopause - low levels of testosterone - low calcium intake - vit d deficiency - low physical activity levels - smoking - excessive alcohol intake - RA - chronic diseases - Steroid, gonadotropin releasing agonists, anti epileptics, anti depressants - malabsorption - organ and bone marrow transplant - inflammatory bowel disease - type 1 and 2 diabetes

OP Physiotherapy Management

Screening risk factors and manage RF. Referral for screening and management (BMD, pharmacology, vision correction, drug review etc) that is outside scope of physio Falls prevention Provision of gait aids Prescription of hip protectors

OP risk factors

Smoking, alcohol exposure, low BMI, corticosteroid use, fracture, prev. Fragility fracture.

Risk of falls Modifiable Risk Factors

Smoking, eyesight, nutrition, multi medication, tripping hazards)

COPD diagnosis

Spirometry- measures the speed at which lungs can filled and emptied

OA clinical features

Stiffness is joints after sitting down, after sleeping, slow sit to stand, pain in joints. Gait disturbance due to pain, potential limp, may have hair aid, inability to fully extend, difficulty to perform daily tasks. Not uncommon to see swelling and deformity in joint (varus and valgus deformity).

OP differential diagnosis

Symptoms associated with undiagnosed fracture need to be differentiated from other musculoskeletal presentations

Diabetes clinical features

Symptoms: Type 2 can be silent excessive thirst and urine fatigue, hunger, blurred vision, mood swings, sudden weight loss Type 1 has sudden onset and marked symptoms 4 T's- tiredness, toilet, thinner, thirsty

HF clinical features

Symptoms: bloated stomach chest pain coughing hard breathing, shortness of breath dizziness heart pounding, palpation appetite loss, nausea, fatigue, poor sleep, weakness

AS Physiotherapy management

Therapy to keep spine flexible/improve posture Education Exercise Access to support groups

COPD management principles

To optimize function: -stop smoking - pulmonary rehab (inc. physical activity) Medicine: -treat symptoms Pulmonary rehab: - decrease fatigue, hospitalization, dyspnea - Improve QOL, exercise capacity etc. Decrease deterioration: - Flu vaccinations - oxygen therapy

HF management principles

Treat disorder that causes HF Lifestyle changes: Weight, alcohol, smoking, diet, exercise, medication, drugs, surgery

Diabetes management principles

Type 1: - Insulin replacement - injections, pump - Monitoring - Regular activity, eating, weight loss Type 2: - Lifestyle changes - Is progressive - so may need to progess to medication, insulin Prediabetes: - Lifestyle changes: exercise, diet, weight loss - Eating - regular meals, high in fibre, low in fat and sodium - Dietician support - Regular activity

Diabetes prevalence

Type 1: Younger onset Type 2: later onset Males have higher prevalence Indigenous Australians have higher prevalence

HF Course and prognosis

Usually no symptoms to begin, shortness breath, fatigue develops prognosis- only 50% diagnosed will be alive 5 years later

Paget's Course and Prognosis

Usually slow progression Complications: OA in joints near bones affected by Paget's Fractures Hearing loss (pressure on nerves in ear) Paraesthesia: impinged spinal nerves Heart disease: increase no of blood vessels in affected bones, heart has to work harder

AS clinical features

Variable, pain and stiffness in the back, buttocks or neck. Symptoms worst after rest (for eg. Early morning) and relieved w exercise. Pain in tendons and ligaments, commonly anterior chest, heel or under the foot. Approx 5% of LBP is attributed to AS

Heart failure definition

When heart is incapable of accomodating venous return to meet the requirements of the body. Leads to reduced blood flow, congestion of blood in veins

Diabetes definition

Where body is unable to autonomically regulate blood glucose leading to too much glucose in blood Type 1: Body produces inadequate insulin as beta cells have been destroyed (autoimmune) Type 2: Decreases ability to use insulin, still created but not effective (insulin resistant)

COPD clinical features

Worsening dyspnea, progressive exercise intolerance, altered mental status Chronic bronchitis (blue bloater): Productive cough , progresses to intermittent dyspnea Frequent pulmonary infections Cardiac/respiratory failure over time Frequent cough Use accessory muscles for respiration Emphysema (pink puffer) Progressive dyspnea, late non productive cough Eventual loss of muscle bulk, respiratory failure Patients thin, little dry cough Assisted breathing with pursed lips, use of accessory muscles May have wheezing

Paget's Diagnosis

X-rays. Can be confirmed by bone scans or blood test that checks for an enzyme crucial to bone growth called alkaline phosphate

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