Physiology Final Exam Review Questions

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Urinary buffers with a major role in excretion of net acid by the kidneys include A. Protein and bicarbonate B. Bicarbonate and calcium C. Phosphate and ammonia D. Phosphate and calcium


What are products of the citric acid cycle A. Pyruvate, 2 ATPs and NADH B. NADH, CO2 and acetyl CoA C. 2 ATPS, NADH and 2 CO2 D. Lactate, 2 ATPs and 2 CO2


Match the following with their function: type I alveolar cells

gas exchange

Acidosis _________________ plasma K+ levels due to __________________. A. increases, potassium exchange for hydrogen B. increases, potassium exchange for calcium C. decreases, potassium exchange for hydrogen D. decreases, potassium exchange for calcium


Arterial baroreceptors A. increase their firing rate as pressure increases B. decrease their firing rate as pressure increases C. respond directly to plasma [H+] D. Send signals directly to the heart


At rest, what is the relative contribution of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to the regulation of homeostasis A. Both systems are active but the parasympathetic predominates. B. Only the parasympathetic system is active. C. Both systems are active but the sympathetic predominates. D. Only the sympathetic system is active.


Blood flow through the pulmonary vascular bed Correct! A. varies directly with cardiac output B. is independent of changes in cardiac output C. decreases during exercise, since flow is re-directed to the working muscle D. is inversely proportional to cardiac output


Conduction velocity would be slowest in a(an): A. unmyelinated axon with a 0.5 um diameter B. myelinated axon with a 0.5 um diameter C. unmeylinated axon with a 2.0 um diameter D. myelinated axon with a 2.0 um diameter


In tissues with high cellular respiration, the high levels of CO2 being produced A. Decrease affinity of hemoglobin for O2 B. Increase affinity of hemoglobin for O2 C. Increase the local pH D. Result in decreased breathing rate


Maintaining normal levels of plasma calcium is focused on regulating A. Plasma free, ionized calcium (Ca2+) B. Plasma protein-bound calcium C. Intestinal secretion of calcium stimulated by vitamin D D. Mobilization of calcium from plasma protein by calcitonin


Movement of air into the lungs is the result of A. Contraction of muscles of the chest wall and diaphragm B. Positive pressure within the intrapleural space C. Increased surface tension in the alveolar wall D. Neural stimulation of elastic tissue surrounding the trachea


Plasma oncotic pressure influences the distribution of water between _______ compartments and is a function of ___________. A. plasma and interstitial, plasma protein concentration B. ECF and the plasma, ECF sodium concentration C. ECF and ICF, ECF protein concentration ECF and the ICF, ECF sodium concentration


Renin release A. is stimulated by a fall in GFR B. is inhibited when blood pressure falls C. is stimulated if GFR increases D. is stimulated by acetylcholine E. is stimulated by aldosterone


Some pregnant women develop a form of gestational hypertension known as preeclampsia. This disorder is often associated with a hypersensitivity to angiotensin-II. Why might hypersensitivity to Ang-II cause hypertension? A. Ang-II is a potent vasoconstrictor B. Ang-II directly reduces heart rate C. Ang-II is a potent vasodilator D. Ang-II can inhibit Na+ reabsorption


The largest single contributor to total peripheral resistance is A. resistance in the skeletal muscle vascular bed B. viscosity of blood in the capillaries C. resistance by kidney afferent arterials D. resistance in the pulmonary vascular bed


The ventricular diastolic phase is associated with A. ventricular filling and aortic elastic recoil B. ventricular contraction C. open aortic valve D. afterload E. open pulmonic valve


Thrombin A. plays a role in clot formation. B. is the major stimulus for platelet activation C. is the most important determinant of plasma oncotic pressure D. is critical for activation of von Willebrand Factor


Total peripheral resistance A. Contributes to blood pressure. B. is low when arterioles are constricted C. has no influence on blood pressure D. increases during exercise


Water will move into a cell if: A. water channels are present and intracellular osmolarity is higher than extracellular B. water channels are present and intracellular osmolarity is lower than extracellular C. water channels are absent and the extracellular osmolarity is higher than intracellular D. water channels are absent and the extracellular osmolarity is lower than intracellular


Which electrolyte imbalance could be due to an excess of exogenous administration of insulin. A. Hypokalemia B. Hyperkalemia C. Hypercalcemia D. hypocalcemia


Which of the following is TRUE concerning respiratory alkalosis A. hyperventilation may be the cause B. pH will decrease C. respiratory compensation will increase bicarbonate D. metabolic compensation will increase bicarbonate


Which of the following is responsible for the plateau during repolarization in the cardiac action potential: A. Influx of calcium B. Delayed influx of potassium C. Influx of chloride D. Delayed efflux of sodium


Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning the intracellular storage of glucose as glycogen A. maintains a glucose concentration gradient, decreases the osmotic effect of glucose B. decreases the glucose concentration gradient, increases the osmotic effect of glucose. C. decreases the glucose concentration gradient, decreases the osmotic effect of glucose D. maintains a glucose concentration gradient, increases the osmotic effects of glucose


In the following curve, the solid blue line represents normal. Select all of the following statement that are TRUE about the red and green curves A. red line=decreased affinity; green line=increased affinity B. the shift to the red line may be caused by decreased pH C. the shift to the green line may be due to high altitude D. red line=increased affinity; green line=decreased affinity E. the shift to the red line may be due to decreased temperature


Which of the following statements is TRUE A. Insulin stimulates glycogen synthase in the liver B. Insulin stimulates glucose uptake in the liver via GLUT2 C. Insulin stimulates triglyceride uptake in the liver via GLUT4 D. Insulin stimulates glucose-6 phosphatase in the skeletal muscle


Select all the possible changes that would cause stroke volume to increase. A. Increased preload B. Decreased diastolic blood pressure C. Sympathetic stimulation of the heart D. Decreased venous return E. Increased afterload F. Venous constriction


Select all of the following statements that are TRUE Correct! A. peripheral chemoreceptors sense pO2 and pCO2 B. central chemoreceptors sense pCO2 C. low pO2 sensitizes central chemoreceptors D. a low pO2 (less than 70) can stimulate increased respiration E. central chemoreceptors sense pO2 and pCO2


Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the digestion and absorption of fat. A. Absorption is via the lymphatics B. Absorption is via the circulation. C. Triglycerides are digested into fatty acids and a monoglyceride D. The digestion of fat requires bile acids and lipase. E. The digestion of fat requires amylase and pepsin F. Absorption of fatty acids into enterocytes is via secondary active transport


Order the following events in the digestion of carbohydrates (1-4) A-salivary amylase begins carbohydrate digestion B-glucose is transported out of enterocytes by GLUT2 C-brush border enzymes complete carbohydrate metabolism D-glucose is absorbed into enterocytes via SGLT


Select all that are TRUE of parathyroid hormone (PTH) Correct! A. secreted in response to low plasma Ca++ B. decreased renal reabsorption of Ca++ C. increases calcium release from the bone D. increases renal reabsorption of phosphate E. effects are antagonized by calcitonin


Sequence the steps of activating contraction in smooth muscle cells (1-4) A-Ca2+ binds to calmodulin B-Tropomyosin uncovers myosin binding sites on actin C-myosin light-chain kinase becomes activated D- Ca2+ binds to troponin E-phosphorylation of myosin light chain F- myosin binds with actin


Anaerobic metabolism of glucose A. can occur in skeletal muscles B. produces pyruvate as an end product C. requires oxygen D. produces less ATP per glucose than aerobic pathways E. occurs in the mitochondria


Select all of the following that would cause hyperpolarization A. efflux of K+ B. influx of Na+ C. efflux of Cl- D. influx of Cl- E. influx of K+


Select all that are TRUE of the CO2-bicarbonate buffer system A. requires carbonic anhydrase B. is limited by end-product accumulation C. is regulated only the by lung D. is an important extracellular buffer system E. the reaction is reversible and driven by mass balance


Select all the answers which are correct for both cardiac and smooth muscle cells: A. regulated by the autonomic nervous system B. regulated by the somatic motor nervous system C. contain troponin D. striated E. cells electrically coupled by gap junctions F. regulated by the sympathetic nervous system.


Alpha2-adrenergic receptors on presynaptic axon terminals, when stimulated, cause A. decreased release of epinephrine. B. decreased release of norepinephrine. C. increased release of epinephrine. D. increased release of norepinephrine.


At the neuromuscular junction A. Acetylcholine binding to acetylcholinesterase results in muscle contraction B. Opening of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors increases the sodium permeability of the skeletal muscle membrane at the neuromuscular junction. C. Action potential propagation to the lower motor neuron terminal opens voltage-gated Cl- channels triggering exocytosis of vesicles containing acetylcholine. D. Action potential propagation to the lower motor neuron triggers the opening of voltage gated Ca2+ channels allowing Ca2+ to flow into the cell and these Ca2+ ions can then bind to muscle proteins triggering contraction.


In response to severe blood loss, A. GFR increases B. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated C. Sympathetic tone decreases and parasympathetic firing increases D. More sodium is excreted. E. Renal blood flow increases


Most CO2 is transported through the blood A. Dissolved in plasma B. In the form of bicarbonate (HCO3-) C. Bound to hemoglobin D. Bound to albumin


Most filtered potassium is reabsorbed in A. The proximal tubule via Na+K+2Cl transporter B. The proximal tubule via active transport and paracellular reabsorption C. Thick ascending limb via Na+K+2Cl transporter D. Thick ascending limb via ENaC


Predict the effects of a compound that blocks beta 1 receptors during sympathetic stimulation A. Increased bronchodilation B. Decreased heart rate C. Decreased bronchodilation D. Increased heart rate


Select the answer which is FALSE regarding the somatic muscle neuron pathway: A. An action potential propagated to the nerve terminal of the lower motor neuron results in the opening of voltage gated Ca2+ channels. B. Acetylcholine is released into the synapse between the upper and lower motor neurons. C. An action potential propagated down the T-tubules leads to the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. D. Action potentials at the muscle cell membrane leads to calcium release and muscle contraction.


The absolute refractory period of a neuron: A. Occurs when the activation gate of the voltage gated sodium channels closes. B. Is caused by the closing of the inactivation gate of the voltage gated sodium channel. C. Is caused by hyperpolarization of the membrane. D. Is caused by the closing of the inactivation gate of the voltage gated potassium channel.


What acid-base disturbance would result from a decreased ability of the kidney to reabsorb bicarbonate and what might be the body's compensatory response? You Answered A. Metabolic alkalosis, respiratory rate decreases B. Metabolic acidosis, respiratory rate increases C. Respiratory alkalosis, increased renal excretion of bicarbonate D. Respiratory acidosis, decreased respiratory rate


What is a function of Schwann cells? A. Phagocytosis B. myelination in the PNS C. secrete cerebrospinal fluid D. conduct small electrical signals in the CNS E. myelination in the CNS


Which of the following is similar between autonomic and somatic motor neurons A. Neuronal stimulation can be inhibitory B. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter C. The presence of varicosities along the axon terminal D. Speed of propagation of the action potential


Order the sequence of sodium reabsorption in the kidney A- ENaC B- SGLT C- Na+K+2Cl


Which of the following is a therapeutic target for type 2 diabetes A. increasing glucagon release B. inhibiting SGLT2 transporters in the kidney C. increasing insulin release from beta cells in the pancreas D. stimulating gluconeogenesis E. increasing insulin receptor sensitivity F. inhibiting glycogen synthase


select all the possible ways neurotransmitter release could be inhibited: A. stimulating depolarization of the axon terminal. B. blocking Ca2+ influx in the axon terminal. C. blocking the voltage gated sodium channels in the axon. D. blocking repolarization of the axon terminal. E. stimulating ligand gated K+ channels at the dendrites and/or cell body of the neuron


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding bile salts A. metabolize triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids B. released in response to CCK C. stored in the pancreas D. emulsify triglycerides in the intestines E. required for digestion of proteins


Sequence the events of bicarbonate 'reabsorption' in the kidney (1-4) A-CO2 diffuses across the apical membrane red B- NHE secretes H+ into the tubular lumen C- bicarbonate is moved into interstitial fluid via Na+-Bicarbonate symporter D-carbonic anhydrase generates CO2 and H2O in the tubular lumen


Sympathetic tone A. means tonic release of acetylcholine B. increases if the rate of norepinephrine release decreases C. is the major influence on arteriolar diameter at rest D. increases in skeletal muscle during exercise


Sequence the following events in skeletal muscle contraction: (1-5) A-thin filament slides along thick filament Answered B- myofiber depolarization C-tropomyosin moves off the myosin binding domain of actin D-calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum E-myosin cross-bridges bind actin


Which of the following statements about the Na+/K+ pump is TRUE: A. It is a symporter B. It transports K+ into the cell and Na+ out of the cell C. It transports Na+ and K+ in a 2:3 ratio D. It is an antiporter E. It is a secondary active cotransporter F. Its activity requires ATP


Which of the following are TRUE concerning thyroxine (T4): A. Binds an extracellular receptor B. Regulates cellular metabolism and neural development C. Released in response to TRH stimulation of the thyroid D. Shorter half-life than T3 E. Most active form of thyroid hormone F. Synthesis requires iodine and thyroglobulin G. Elevated levels inhibit pituitary responsiveness to TRH


Changes in plasma volume are sensed A. by baroreceptors in capillaries and post-capillary venules B. by volume receptors in the hypothalamus C. as changes in blood pressure D. by receptors in the ICF compartment E. by osmoreceptors in the posterior pituitary


Diastolic pressure in capillaries is ______________ pressure in the vena cava You Answered A. lower than B. the same as C. higher than D. None of the choices are correct


End diastolic volume A. is also called afterload B. is unaffected by ventricular compliance C. can be influenced by venous return D. is another term for stroke volume


Expansion of the thoracic cavity increases its volume. This A. Increases the pressure within the cavity B. Has no effect on the pressure C. Decreases the pressure in the cavity D. Causes hypoxic vasoconstriction


Hypoxic vasoconstriction is A. Where the number of red blood cells is insufficient B. A systemic response throughout the cardiovascular system which minimizes tissue uptake of CO2 C. A mechanism to match vascular perfusion through pulmonary capillaries with alveolar ventilation and oxygenation D. A dangerous condition where low oxygen decreases blood flow through the pulmonary vascular bed


In Diabetes Mellitus: A. A medication which stimulated pancreatic beta cells would be beneficial to treat Type 1 diabetes B. glucagon levels in the blood will be high C. A medication which stimulated pancreatic beta cells would be beneficial to treat Type 2 diabetes D. A therapy that inhibits secretion of insulin would help restore normal blood glucose levels E. Activation of the SGLT2s would help restore normal blood glucose levels


In the distal tubule, when absorption of sodium _________, potassium secretion is promoted by ___________. A. Decreases, inhibition of the potassium pump B. Decreases, stimulation of the potassium pump C. Increases via ENaC, creation of an electronegative luminal environment D. Increases via SGLT, creation of an electronegative luminal environment


In the fasting state: A. Insulin and C-peptide levels in the blood will increase B. pancreatic beta cells will be stimulated C. glucagon will stimulate the breakdown of glycogen D. SGLT2 transporters can easily become saturated E. GLUT4 transporters will predominately be found in the membrane of skeletal muscle cells


Sinus bradycardia is defined by a resting heart rate less than 60 beats per minute in awake adults. Select a possible cause. A. increased S.A. action potential frequency. B. Decreased vagal (parasympathetic) activity C. Increased vagal activity D. increased adrenergic activity


The major constituent of plasma is A. Sodium B. red blood cells C. water D. albumin


Which answer is FALSE regarding the role of glucagon A. glucagon increases blood glucose levels B. glucagon is antagonistic to insulin C. glucagon signals skeletal muscle cells to release glucose to the blood D. glucagon is released from pancreatic alpha cells when blood glucose is low E. glucagon signals liver and skeletal muscle to breakdown glycogen


Which of the following is TRUE concerning an action potential in cardiac and skeletal muscle: A. Another action potential cannot be fired during muscle contraction in skeletal muscle B. Resting membrane potential is more positive than in neurons C. The refractory period in cardiac muscle is longer than skeletal muscle D. Depolarization requires voltage-gated potassium channels


Which of the following is innervated by sympathetic preganglionic neurons A. Intestines B. heart C. adrenal medulla D. sweat glands


Which of the following is not similar between ligand and voltage-gated sodium channels: A. Activation leads to depolarization B. Present in post-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons C. Activation leads to a graded impulse D. Localized in the lower motor neuron


Select all the answers that are similar in both skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. A. The length of time of the action potential B. Strength of contraction is graded dependent on motor unit recruitment C. Calcium binds troponin D. Actin and myosin arranged in sarcomeres E. Contraction and relaxation requires ATP


Select all the correct responses regarding hematocrit: A. Is the portion of the blood where you would find albumin B. Is the % of white blood cells to total blood volume C. Is the % of red blood cells to total blood volume D. Is an indicator of oxygen carrying capacity of the blood E. Is the portion of the blood where you would find hemoglobin


Which of the following hormones regulate the secretion of cortisol A. Glucagon B. Thyroxine C. CRH D. Cortisol E. ACTH F. Aldosterone G. GLP-1 H. TRH


Which of the following statements are TRUE concerning the aerobic metabolism of glucose: A. Hydrogens from acetyl CoA are required for electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation B. Oxygen is required for all three steps C. ATP synthase requires a high concentration of hydrogen in the inter membrane space D. The initial steps of glycolysis require ATP E. The citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondria F. Pyruvate is generated in the mitochondrial matrix G. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle each produce 2 ATP


Glucose uptake into muscle and fat cells: A. occurs by facilitated diffusion through GLUT2s B. occurs by co-transport C. is stimulated by glucagon D. occurs by facilitated diffusion through GLUT4s E. is increased in type 1 diabetic patients


Patient A's blood pressure is 135/100, and patient B's pressure is 115/70. Which of the following statements is correct? A. A likely has a higher stroke volume B. A's total peripheral resistance is clearly lower than B's C. A's pulse pressure is higher than B's D. A's left ventricle faces a higher afterload


Which is the correct sequence of events in the digestion of proteins A. Denaturation of proteins; enzymatic digestion of peptides; secondary active transport of amino acids into intestinal epithelial cells; active transport into the circulation. B. Enzymatic digestion of peptides; primary active transport into intestinal epithelial cells; generation of tripeptides in intestinal epithelial cells; exocytosis into lymphatic vessels. C. Enzymatic digestion of peptides; primary active transport of dipeptides into intestinal epithelial cells; digestion of dipeptides into amino acid; facilitated diffusion into lymphatic vessels. D. Denaturation of proteins; enzymatic digestion of peptide; secondary active transport of amino acids into intestinal epithelial cells; facilitated diffusion into the circulation.


Which of the Starling forces do you expect to be increased in someone with hypertension (elevated blood pressure)? You Answered A. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure B. Pulse pressure C. Plasma oncotic pressure D. Plasma hydrostatic pressure


Which of the following effects will increase the probability of an action potential firing A. Raising the threshold of the voltage gated sodium channel. B. Decreasing the amount of ligand gated sodium channels at a synapse. C. Increasing the permeability of potassium channels at rest. D. Increased opening of ligand gated sodium channels.


Which of the following is NOT a potential adverse effect of type 1 diabetes A. Ketoacidosis B. urinary tract infection C. dehydration D. weight gain


Which of the flowing is the correct sequence of the events in the aerobic respiration of glucose A. Citric acid cycle, glycolysis, electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation B. Glycolysis, electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation, citric acid cycle C. Citric acid cycle, electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation , glycolysis D. Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation


As an action potential is propagated away from the axon hillock, why does propagation continue in one direction? A. the region just in front of the action potential is in the absolute refractory period B. the region just in front of the action potential is in the relative refractory period C. the region just behind the action potential is in the relative refractory period D. Since so much sodium moved from the extracellular fluid into the neuron, there is not enough sodium left in the extracellular fluid to move through the open voltage gated sodium channels. E. the region just behind the action potential is in the absolute refractory period


From the options of physiological pairs, which options do not belong together? A. diastolic blood pressure: afterload B. Ejection: open aortic valve C. increased venous constriction: increased stroke volume D. decreased arterial constriction: increased stroke volume E. Altered ventricular contractility: parasympathetic stimulation F. venous return: preload


Select the option that can increase cardiac output: A. norepinephrine and epinephrine B. increased slope of pacemaker potentials of autorhythmic cells in the S.A. node C. increased ventricular preload D. constriction of veins E. All choices are correct


What variables influence blood flow? A. Sympathetic tone B. Cardiac stroke volume C. Upstream vs downstream pressure gradients D. Arteriolar diameter E. All choices are correct


Sequence the following events in norepinephrine release and inactivation (1-5) A- reuptake into the presynaptic neuron B- release from the presynaptic neuron C- stimulation of adrenergic receptor D-fusion of vesicles to plasma membrane E-opening of voltage gated calcium channels at the nerve terminal


Sequence the pathway of blood flow through the cardiovascular system starting at the right atrium. (1-7) A-Vena Cava B-Aortic valve C-Left ventricle D-Arterioles E-Venules F-Tissue capillaries G-Pulmonary vein


Match the following with their function: intercalated cells in collecting duct

H+ secretion

Match the following metabolic reactions with their function Urea Cycle

allows excretion of amino groups

Based on mass balance of the reaction: decreased CO2

decreased bicarbonate

Based on mass balance of the reaction: increased CO2

decreased pH

Match the following receptor with their function: M2 muscarinic


Based on mass balance of the reaction: increased bicarbonate

increased CO2

Match the following receptor with their function: beta1

increased heart rate

Match the digestive enzymes with their site of action and target: amylase

intestine; carbohydrates

Match the digestive enzymes with their site of action and target: lipase

intestine; lipids

Match the digestive enzymes with their site of action and target: trypsin

intestine; proteins

Please match the following buffer systems with the appropriate description: hemoglobin

intracellular buffer system

Match the following hormones with their function: insulin

leads to a decrease in blood glucose

Please match the following buffer systems with the appropriate description: phosphate

primary filtered buffer system in the kidney

Please match the following buffer systems with the appropriate description: bicarbonate

rapid acting plasma buffer

Match the following with their function: principal cells in collecting duct

sodium reabsorption

Match the following hormones with their function: secretin

stimulates bicarbonate secretion from the pancreas

Match the following hormones with their function: cholecystokinin (CCK)

stimulates bile acid secretion from the gallbladder

Match the following hormones with their function: Glp-1

stimulates insulin release

Match the digestive enzymes with their site of action and target: pepsin

stomach; proteins

Match the following with their function: type II alveolar cells

surfactant production

Please match the following buffer systems with the appropriate description: ammonia

synthesized in the kidneys to buffer secreted H+

Match the following metabolic reactions with their function: Glycolysis

the conversion of glucose to 2 pyruvates

Match the following metabolic reactions with their function: Cori Cycle

the conversion of lactic acid to pyruvate in the liver

Match the following metabolic reactions with their function: Lipogenesis

the generation of triglycerides

Match the following metabolic reactions with their function: B-oxidation

the production of acetyl CoA from fatty acids

Match the following receptor with their function: alpha1


संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Age of Opportunity: Ch.(s) 3 - 4

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ARE 136 CH 2, ARE 136 CH 3, ARE 136 CH 4, ARE 136 CH 5, ARE 136 CH 6, ARE 136 CH 7, ARE 136 CH 1

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