Pie in the Sky

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ITB Pie in the Sky, what happened to the kitchen table while Jingwen was making the triple cookie cake?

A small patch of the table was singed off. P. 151

ITB Pie in the Sky, what did Jingwen think Birds of a Feather Café was?

A special bird café. P 34

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen call his grandparents?

Ah-gong and Ah-po p. 3

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Yanghao ask Jingwen to make?

All of the Pie in the Sky cakes. P. 111

ITB Pie in the Sky, what types of shows does Jingwen watch?

Animal documentaries p. 24

ITB Pie in the Sky, what was the most terrible thing that Jingwen did that his father didn't know?

He laughed at his father along with his classmates when he picked him up after school. P. 187

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Max say to Jingwen at the math fair?

He said he was sorry that he and Joe said what they said, and they were giant boogers. P. 372

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen realize that Ben was really saying at the park that day?

He said whipping egg whites by hand was really slow. P. 323

ITB Pie in the Sky, how does Jingwen know when to get off the bus at his school?

He sees when the other students from the school get off the bus and lets and follows them like fish in a giant school of fish. Pp. 22-23

ITB Pie in the Sky, where does Jingwen get extra money for the cake ingredients when he runs out?

He takes it from his mother's emergency money in the coffee tin. P. 207

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen do with the cake Ben gives to him?

He throws it away. P. 260

ITB Pie in the Sky, why did Mama's work schedule change to eleven p.m. to nine a.m.?

Her boss Heather asked if she wanted to change her shift to spend more time with the boys. P. 277

ITB Pie in the Sky, why can't Jingwen bring up Papa with his mother?

Her pockets are already full of seashells, and the biggest ones are from him. P. 176

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen find his mother placing on her bedroom wall late at night?

Her wedding picture. P. 366

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen decide they must do with the leftover cake-making ingredients?

Hide them. P. 157

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen learn about the tree his teacher, Mrs. Lim, wants him to make?

It is a chart that shows all of the people in his family from young to old. P. 213

ITB Pie in the Sky, why is Pie in the Sky Jingwen's favorite name for a cake shop?

It is the name his Papa planned to give his cake shop in Australia. p. 35

ITB Pie in the Sky, why did Jingwen say they won't make rainbow cake at Pie in the Sky?

It is too simple. P. 97

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen notice about the picture on Ben's family tree?

It shows Ben and his grandfather baking. P. 217

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen realize about Ben's cake he threw away?

It was apple mille-feuille p. 298

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does Jingwen think it was wrong to move to Australia?

It was his Papa's dream, and it is not right that they are here without him. P. 172

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does making the chocolate raspberry torte matter so much to Jingwen?

It was the last cake he made with his father. P. 232

ITB Pie in the Sky, why didn't they make rainbow cake at their old shop?

It was too fancy and expensive. P. 98

ITB Pie in the Sky, what is the first thing Jingwen notices in the library?

The computers. P 160.

ITB Pie in the Sky, why won't Jingwen move to sixth grade after fifth grade?

The principal says his English is poor and it will be easier for him to repeat fifth grade. P. 32

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen realize while he is looking at the cookbook with his mother?

That he understands many of the English words. P. 286

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen think he overheard Ben say about him on the playground?

That he was slow. P. 254

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen hear Joe say in the bathroom?

That they have to speak very, very slowly to Jingwen because he is slow. P. 44

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen say to his mother when she said the reason English is so hard for him is because he refuses to use it?

"I hate you." Pp. 311-312

ITB Pie in the Sky, how old is Jingwen?

12 p. 78

ITB Pie in the Sky, what hours does Jingwen's mother work at Barker Bakes?

4:30 p.m. until 3:30 a.m. p. 79

ITB Pie in the Sky, what type of cake did Jingwen want for his birthday party at school?

A cake that was purchased at another shop that his classmates know his family spent money to buy. P. 234

ITB Pie in the Sky, what kind of ghost does Jingwen become?

A ghost no one can hear or see. P. 273

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen's mother's boss give them at the café?

A milkshake. P. 269

ITB Pie in the Sky, what is Jingwen's email password?

janghaoisabooger p. 162

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Anna call the secret she will keep about the cake they shared with her?

A white lie. P. 196

ITB Pie in the Sky, who is Jingwen's next-door neighbor?

An old lady named Anna and her cat Ginger. P. 73

ITB Pie in the Sky, how old is Jingwen?

Almost 12 p. 24

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen's teacher give him to help with translations?

An electronic dictionary. P. 262

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Ben ask Jingwen in the first note he slips to him?

Are you okay? P. 200

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does Jingwen's mother say it is easier for Yanghao to learn English?

As you get older is becomes more difficult to learn a new language. P. 170

ITB Pie in the Sky, where did Jingwen and his mother find Yanghao?

At the police station. P. 355

ITB Pie in the Sky, at the beginning of the story, where is Jingwen traveling to with his mother and little brother?

Australia p. 1

ITB Pie in the Sky, how does Jingwen get the recipe for rainbow cake?

Ben gets it from Jingwen's mom's locker in Barker Bakes. P. 326

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen learn while eating cake with Ben?

Ben's grandfather has passed away. P. 224

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen ask Ben to do with him after he stood him up?

Bake a cake. P. 369

ITB Pie in the Sky, where does Jingwen's mother work?

Barker Bakes p. 15

ITB Pie in the Sky, how does Jingwen plan to get the recipe for rainbow cake?

By writing a letter to Ah-po. P. 139

ITB Pie in the Sky, what type of books does Jingwen first look at in the library?

Cookbooks p. 164

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Ben say when he sees Jingwen's cookbook? Cakes?

Cool. P. 122

ITB Pie in the Sky, what happened to Jingwen's father?

Eleven months ago, a car smashed into his car, and he died. P. 52

ITB Pie in the Sky, how does Jingwen decide to get cake recipes?

From cookbooks in the library. P. 265

ITB Pie in the Sky, how do Jingwen and Yanghao get more sugar for their triple cookie cake?

From their neighbor Anna. P. 149

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does Jingwen think he can't move on from his Papa's death like his mother and Yanghao?

He carries seashells filled with guilt in his pocket and they are so heavy he can only crawl. P. 288

ITB Pie in the Sky, how did Jingwen cover up the damage to the kitchen table?

He colors over it with a red permanent marker. P. 152

ITB Pie in the Sky, what did Yanghao do for the first four days of school?

He cried about not understanding English. P. 27

ITB Pie in the Sky, why won't Jingwen replay when his classmates say "wassup"?

He doesn't really know what it means, and it isn't in the dictionary. P. 29

ITB Pie in the Sky, why doesn't Jingwen watch the same shows he did back home?

He doesn't want to feel stupid by watching something he can't understand. P. 24

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen do when he sees Joe come out of Barker Bakes?

He hides behind a mailbox. P. 142

ITB Pie in the Sky, how is Yanghao injured while they are making apple mille-feuille?

He is hit by the stool that Jingwen used to turn off the fire alarm. P. 302

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen tell his mother he is sorry for?

He is sorry he killed Papa. P. 358

ITB Pie in the Sky, what message does Yanghao translate for Jingwen from his teacher?

He is supposed to stay back an hour after school each day for tutoring in English. P. 247

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does Jingwen turn down Ben's offer to eat lunch with him?

He is upset about his missing cookbook. P. 237

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does Jingwen think Mr. Fart hates him?

He keeps calling on him. P. 54

ITB Pie in the Sky, what happens to the rainbow cake from Jingwen's grandmother?

His little brother drops it as they are getting off of the plane. P.7

ITB Pie in the Sky, where did Jingwen learn the missing cookbooks were?

His mother had taken them to Barker Bakes. P. 243

ITB Pie in the Sky, what did Jingwen's family tell him when he first said he wanted to be a baker like his parents and grandparents?

His mother said no, she wanted better for him, but his father said he could be anything he wanted as long as he studied hard in school. P. 167

ITB Pie in the Sky, what happens when Jingwen thinks about his Papa?

His nose burns. P36.

ITB Pie in the Sky, who taught Jingwen how to mix cakes?

His papa p. 96

ITB Pie in the Sky, why is Jingwen upset when Yanghao says rainbow cake is Ah-po's cake?

His papa used to make them before he died. P. 133

ITB Pie in the Sky, where does Jingwen eat lunch?

In his classroom p. 41

ITB Pie in the Sky, how is the number of teachers Jingwen has in his new school different from his old school?

In his old school he only had one teacher who taught all the subjects, but at Northbridge Primary he has different teachers for different classes. P. 32

ITB Pie in the Sky, where was Jingwen's family's cake shop?

In their old house in the part that should have been the living room. P. 14

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen feel when he sees his mom happy at Barker Bakes?

Jealous p. 92

ITB Pie in the Sky, why is the chocolate raspberry torte ruined?

Jingwen added salt instead of sugar. P. 231

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Yanghao tell his mother is the reason he didn't eat his dinner?

Jingwen made a cake. P. 114

ITB Pie in the Sky, who is the narrator?

Jingwen p. 2

ITB Pie in the Sky, after 2 months in Australia, how does Jingwen feel?

Like he is on Mars. P. 11

ITB Pie in the Sky, what is the name of Jingwen's school?

Northbridge Primary School p. 12

ITB Pie in the Sky, what is the first cake Yanghao asks Jingwen to make?

Nutella cream cake p. 85

ITB Pie in the Sky, when does his family normally have rainbow cake?

Only on birthdays p. 2

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Yanghao call the Nutella that causes Jingwen to almost drop the jar?

Papa Nutella p. 89

ITB Pie in the Sky, what would Jingwen, and his Papa do on Sundays?

Practice making fancy cakes. P. 50

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen make Yanghao write before they can make more cakes?

Rules p. 135

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen decide to do with his leftover blueberry cheesecake?

Share it with Ben. P. 220

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does Anna come into the apartment?

She hears Yanghao crying. P. 241

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen learn about Ben's mom?

She is his mom's boss, Heather. P. 325

ITB Pie in the Sky, why does pet sitting Anna's cat, Ginger, worry Jingwen?

She may smell the cakes they are making when she picks the cat up. P. 189

ITB Pie in the Sky, why did Jingwen's grandmother give him the special cake he has on the plane?

She says he will be so happy in his new home he'll need to celebrate with this cake. pp. 2-3

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen learn when he reads the note from his principal?

She thinks fifth-grade English is too hard for him and thinks he should move down to fourth grade. P. 287

ITB Pie in the Sky, what did Mama do with the letter that came from Ah-po and Ah-gong?

She tore away the recipe for rainbow cake. P. 318

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen's mother threaten to do if he touches the oven without supervision again?

She'll have Anna babysit. P. 115

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen realize he has to do to not be an alien among the humans?

Speak the same as them. P. 25

ITB Pie in the Sky, why did Jingwen stop following his mom around the kitchen when he was younger?

Students in his old class said his shop only made cheap cakes and called him "smell like cake." p. 175

ITB Pie in the Sky, what do Jingwen's grandparents say he needs to do since he is the man of the house?

Take care of his mother and little brother. P. 78

ITB Pie in the Sky, when did Jingwen's father die?

Ten days before his tenth birthday. P. 242

ITB Pie in the Sky, how long did Jingwen learn it takes to learn a new language?

Ten hours a day for forty-eight to seventy-two days p. 40

ITB Pie in the Sky, what is Jingwen's one monster left to let go of?

The fancy cake his father bought for his birthday was ordered on the day of his father's crash. P. 314

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen learn happens at the end of The Little Prince?

The little prince gets a poisonous snake to bite him and dies. P.347

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen try to catch at recess?

The words the other kids yell. P. 41

ITB Pie in the Sky, why is Jingwen disappointed when he first opens his email?

There is no message from his best friend Xirong. P. 162

ITB Pie in the Sky, why did Jingwen's father say it was important to understand that their cakes weren't plain cakes?

They are humble cakes. They fill up the tummies of people who are less well off. Pp. 283-284

ITB Pie in the Sky, why did Jingwen's dad only take one piece of fruit when his mother would cut it?

They could only afford so much fruit, and he wanted his children to have more. P. 205

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen and Yanghao decide to do so they can eat cake plus their meals?

They decide to make smaller cakes. P. 155

ITB Pie in the Sky, what happens when Jingwen tries to learn English words?

They don't stick and his brain kicks out the words. P. 126

ITB Pie in the Sky, how have Jingwen's grandparents handled making all of the cakes on their own?

They have hired a diligent young baker. P. 77

ITB Pie in the Sky, why aren't Jingwen's grandparents coming with them to Australia?

They have to run their cake shop and they are too old and set in their ways. P. 3

ITB Pie in the Sky, what did Jingwen's classmates do on his first day of school?

They spoke with him or at him. P. 28

ITB Pie in the Sky, what did Jingwen's family do with leftover cakes from their cake shop?

They would drop them off at the temple for the orphans to eat. P. 154

ITB Pie in the Sky, why do Jingwen and Yanghao stay up all night after eating tiramisu?

Tiramisu means "pick me up" and the coffee in the cake keeps them awake. P. 212

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen realize about the other people on the bus?

To them he and his brother are the Martians. P. 19

ITB Pie in the Sky, how is their new apartment different from their old house?

Unlike their old house, this apartment is so tiny that you can see most of it from the front door. P. 76

ITB Pie in the Sky, how does Jingwen and his brother get to school?

Walk 15 minutes to the bus station, take bus 105 nine stops to the school. P. 12

ITB Pie in the Sky, what Sundays back at home did Jingwen like the best?

When his dad would drive the family to the beach. P. 65

ITB Pie in the Sky, how does Jingwen plan to help Yanghao remember Papa?

With Papa's cakes. P. 134

ITB Pie in the Sky, what does Jingwen tell Yanghao is the last Rule for Making Cakes?

Yanghao is never allowed to make cakes with Jingwen ever again. P. 333

ITB Pie in the Sky, what is the name of the Jingwen's little brother?

Yanghao p. 1

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