PLessy v Ferguson, Crash Course episode 23, US HIS Industrialization

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Political Machines

"Boss Tweed" = William Marcy -the leader of the Democratic Party Headquarrers in NYC: Tammany Hall -He became a symbol of graft: corruption

Social Commentary

"Gilded Age" 1870s to 1900 -the facade of wealth masked the corruption of government and big business

Who was Andrew Carnegie?

''He was a Scottish American Industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the 19th Century. He was also one of the highest profile philanthropists of his era and had given away almost 90 percent - amounting to, in 1919, $350 million of his fortune to charities and foundations by the time of his death.''

Who was John D. Rockefeller?

''He was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He was a co-founder of the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business. He revolutionized the petroleum industry, and along with other key contemporary industrialists such as Andrew Carnegie, defined the structure of modern philanthropy.''

what facts of the case were presented to the court?

-13th and 14th amendments -State said it was "equal but seperate" -Plessy said it was unequal and unconstitutional

Workers Seek a National Voice

-1869- The Knights of Labor formed. made up of skilled and unskilled workers. -demanded an 8 hour work day higher wages -safety codes for factories opposed child labor -supported equal pay for women supported restrictions on immigration

Knights of Labor

-1880s under leader Terrence Powderly the Knights grew rapidly -The Knights of Labor fell apart after losing a series of major strikes

Public Opinion

-Believed businesses should have the right to hire and fire as they please -saw wage demands as leading to higher prices -Haymarket Affair of 1886, a bomb exploded during a demonstration of striking workers at Haymarket Square in Chicago

Election of 1900

-Bryan ran against McKinley and was defeated -This brought an end to the Populist Party

New Type of Business Organization

-Corporation- a company chartered by a state amd recognized in lae as a separate "person" -Shareholder- investor in the corporation (partial owner) limited liability -corporations could raise bast sums of money to build and expand -They made modern industrial production possible

Booker T Washington

-DuBois disagreed with Booker Washington -African-American should seek gradual equality and focus on job training

Problems of Farmers

-Farmers' Indebtness -high interest on loans -periodic natural disasters -wiped out crops

Closed Shop

-Gompers worked to achieve job security for union members by seeking closed shop- places where only union members could be hired -The AFL was weakened by its continuing exclusion of unskilled workers -As of 1910, less than 5% of American workers were unionized.


-He was a philanthropist -Rockefeooer gave millions away to education and science Ex: University of Chicago, Rockefeller Foundation

what was the issue that was stated before the supreme court in this case?

-Homer PLessy sat on white side of train -broke Louisiana State Law -Plessy is white with black ancestry; still counts as a black person

The Populist Party

-In 1892, farmers gave their sipport to the Populist Party -It was a new national party that represented the common man

Laws Against Anti-Competitive Practices

-Interstate Commerce Act (1887) -prohibited unfair practices by prohibited unfair practices, such as charging higher rates for shorter routes -The Interstate Commerce commission established to enforce the act.

Thr Pendleton Act

-It created a Civil Service Commission -This ended the spoils system and led to more qualified and permanent civil servants

Granger Case Lead to Railroad Regulation

-Munn vs. Illinois (1877) state governemnt has the power to regulate private industries (a farmer victory) -Wabash vs. Illinois (1886) railraods were not subjecr to regulation by the states because railraods were engaged in interstate commerce -A Farmer's defeat

Development of a National Market

-Shipping raw materials and finished goods became more expensive. This led to -department stores -chain stores -mail order house -advertising to sell the same goods throughout the country in magazines and newspapers was used.

Helping the Urban Poor

-Social Gospel Movement called for stopping child labor and safer working conditions through charity and justice -Salvation Army YMCA emphasized the Christian duty to help the less fortunate

Dominating the Market

-Standard Oil controlled 90% of the oil refining in the United States. -In 1882, his company became a trust, a combination of companies formed by a legal agreement to reduce competition.

Growth of a Railroad

-The Central Pacific Railroad Company constructed 690 miles of track eastward from Sacramento Pacific -had to blast through Siera Valleys -brought over workers from China -The Union Railroad Company laid 1,087 miles of track westward from Omaha (will meet central pacific at some point) The two lines connected at Plomontory (Summit) Utah to form the first continental railroad.

Government's Attitude Towards Unions

-The Greater Influence of Business- many politicians saw worker demands as greedy -Protector of the Economy- 1895 the Supreme Court applied the Sherman Anti-Trust Act against unions (strikes illegally restrain trade)

Political Machines

-Thomas Nast -political cartoonist ecposed Boss Tweed's corruption -deomcratic party = donkey -republican party = elephant -his santa claus became the American ideal

Andrew Carnegie

-a penniless Scottish Immigrant -he paid his workers low wages and forced them to work 12 hour shifts -he crushed attempts to start a labor union -the wealthy should use their wealth for philanthropy

Tin Pan Alley

-a section in NYC where song-writing and musical ideas mixed together to form American popular music -this was the capitl of music publishing for home use and for Vaudeville

Settlement House Movement

-a settlement house was an all-purpose community center fir the poor in city neighborhoods -provided child care, nursing services, English lessons -Jane Addams lived and volunteered at Hull House in Chicago

Problems of Farmers

-agricultureal productivity inceased and crop prices fell -high costs railroad rates and practices were unfair to small farmers

Cyrus Field and Alexander Graham Bell were responsible for two revolutionary breakthroughs in communication. What were they?

-chain stores -mail order catalogs

What was the effect of the courts decision?

-doctrine said "seperate but equal" so it was law -legitimized segregation under "jim crow" laws

WEB DuBois

-founder od the National Association for the Advancement of Colorful People -Washington founded Tuskegee Institute

The Populist Party Platform 1896

-government owenership of railroads, telegraphs, and telephones -graduated income tax to tax the wealthy at a higher rate -immigration restrictions with quotas -shorter work day 8 hours

Cons of Big Businesses

-have an unfair competition advantage against small businesses -sometimes exploit workers -are less concerned with were they do business and pollute the area -have an unfair influence over government policies affecting them

Pros of Big Businesses

-large businesses are more efficient leading ti lower prices. -can hire large amounts of workers -can produce goods in large quantities -have the resources to support expensive research and invent new items

Hours, Wages and Conditions

-long hours -low wages -poor conditions -boring repetitive tasks

Political Machines and Bosses

-machines provided jobs and city services to immigrabrs and the poor in exchange for their votes. -their power relied upon voting -control of government agencies -support of business leaders

Reasons for Rapid Urban Growth

-new farm machinery required less farm workers -cultural opportunities -job opportunities due to the rise of industry -unprecedented levels of immigration

What inventions did Thomas Alva Edison's laboratory produce?

-phonograph -electric generator -light bulb -battery -motion picture

"seperate but equal"

-promoted class system -people think we can all have same rights but be seperated by race, wealth, and religion

Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

-provided for regulation of railroads by the Intertate Commerce Commisiion -this ended the era of laissez-faire economic policy

Government's Role in Laissez-Faire

-provided laws to protect property and enforce contracts -established a system of patents to promote inventions -enacted tariffs to protect manufacturer

The Rise of Unions

-some workers formed unions in order to act as a group instead of individuals. -unions organized strikes to obtain better working conditions -Carnegie and others refused to negotiate with others -In 1892, striking union members and hired security forces fought each other at Carnegie's Homestead plant.

Civil Service Reform

-spoils system- government jobs were used to reward people who made contributions to politicians -many of them were not qualified

Child Labor and Lack of Security

-textile mills and coal mines used child labor -about 1/5 of all American children worked outside the home in 1910 -workers did not have: unemployment insurance workers compensation for injuries -paid sick days

Legacy od Populism: The Role of Third Parties

-third parties provide an outlet for minorities to voice grievances and generate new ideas -some populist proposals were later adopted by one of the major parties

The Populist Party Platform 1892

-unlimited coinage of silver - farmers wanted inflation (devalues dollar) -direct elections of senators- instead of state legislators -term limits for President - 1 term -secret ballot - voter protection

America Industrializes

1865 to 1900 -shifting focus to urban areas -era called Gilded Age (era of change) -new materials that are more economical, revolutionary, and time saving

John D. Rockefeller

1870- He formed Standard Oil Company -It refined crude oil into kerosene 1879-It became a monopoly -having complete control over the supply of a product or service or enough control to manipulate the market

Thomas A Edison

Electric Lightbulb 1879

Entrepreunership & Philanthropy

Entrepreneur- a person who starts a business in the hope of making a profit Gilded Age- entrepreneurs became immensely wealthy and maintained lavish lifestyles Robber Barrons- (captains of industry) the public saw them as ruthless and immortal

What are fixed costs in business?

Fixed costs are costs a company pays even if it's not operating (loans, mortgages, and taxes).

In order to make rail service safer and more reliable, the country was divided into _________________.

Four time zones.

what three things help us to understand the rapid authorization that happened after the civil war?

Geography: large land and resources Law Demography

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Gompers worked for winning: -economic improvements'-higher pay -8 hour work day -better working conditions

How did high tariffs hurt many Americans?

High tariffs caused the prices for goods to be higher for the consumer. When the price of goods rise, it makes it harder for the common consumer to afford their necessities.

The African American Response

Ida B Wells - organied a national anti-lynching crusade -lynching- murder by hanging -used as a tactic to terrorize African Americans, especially the South

Ellis Island

Immigration Center, NYC

Homer Plessy

In 1892, took a seat in the "whites only" car of a train and refused to move. He was arrested, and convicted for breaking Louisiana's segregation law.

Problems in New Cities

Inadequate Public Services -cities lacked the ability to deliver hospitals, police forces, schools, fire departments, street cleaning, garbage collecting


Individualism- Americans could go as far as their talent and desire would take them -Horato Alger- wrote 100 rag to riches novels

How did Standard Oil find a way around laws against monopolies in 1882?

Instead of buying a company outright, Standard Oil had stockholders of that company give their stock to Standard Oil trustees in exchanges for shares in the trust and its profits.

How did new technologies affect all Americans?

It influenced the revolution of innovative thinking. Technology has made life in America much easier than before. Now we can communicate in faster ways, cook our food at a faster temperature, obtain better knowledge about our health.

who became the wealthiest individual in the world??

John D. Rockefeller because he owned so much of the oil companies

Justices Brown and Harlan

Justice Harlan says no to discrimination while Justice Brown says yes

The Rise of Nativism

Nativists-those born in America who believed immigrants were inferior -they wanted to restrrict immigration

Elisha Otis

Passeneger Elevator 1852

President Garfield's asassination in 1882 led Congress to pass the

Pendleton Act

Why was the petroleum in high demand, even before its use as fuel for automobiles?

Petroleum could be turned into kerosene which was used in stoves and lamps.

Both railway lines met at ________________, ______________ in the year 1869.

Promontory Summit, Utah.

How did a growing population help the nation's industrialists?

Provided people when abundant work force and also credited greater demand for consumer goods that are manufactured by companies.

What new developments in retail sales occurred in the late nineteenth century?

Retailers began issuing mail-order catalogs in order to reach the millions of people who lived in rural areas. Their huge catalogs were widely distributes through the mail.

This wealth led to accusations of swindling and bribery, resulting in many of the railroad owners being called __________________.

Robber Barons.

Horizontal Integration

Rockefeller forced railroad companies to give him special, secret rates for shipping his oil, while they charged his competitors higher prices. By using horizontal Integration the strategy of acquiring similar companies in the same industry

Why do corporations issue stock?

Selling stock allows a corporation to raise money while spreading out the financial risks.

Elias Howe

Sewing Machine 1846

Laws Against Anti-Competitive Practices

Sherman Anti Trust Act (1890) Purpose: stop monopolies from engaging in unfair practices that prevented fair competition.

How did the creation of transcontinental railroads benefit the United States?

Supplies and mail moved quickly and cheaply.

Alexander G Bell

Telephone 1976

The Rise of Segregation

The Black codes of the 1860's and later, Jim Crow Laws were intended to limit African Americans' access to most public facilities, including restaurants,s schools, and hospitals

What encouraged the growth of the advertising industry?

The Creation of giant manufacturing companies in the United States pushed retailers to expand in size as well.

The most successful transcontinental railroad was the ______________ Railroad, which did not accept any federal land grants. __________________ built and operated this railroad.

The Great Northern became the most successful transcontinental railroad. James J. Hill built and operated the Great Northern Railroad.

After the Civil War, what happened to the United States's Gross National Product (GNP)?

The Real Gross National Product (GNP) went up over the years for the most part,

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

The Supreme Court supported the constitutionality of state segregation laws (Jim Crow Laws) by rulung that the SEPARATE-BY-EQUAL -states could provide segregated facilities to different races as long as they were equal in quantity

One railroad line, the ___________________ pushed westward from Omaha, Nebraska, in the year ______________.

The Union Pacific Railroad began pushing westward from Omaha, Nebraska, in 1865.

How was the United States different from Europe in regard to tariffs?

The United States was all open trade while Europe was divided into states, each with its own tariffs.

The railroad boom began in the year ___________ with the _________________ Act.

The railroad began in 1862 with the Pacific Railway Act.

Who are people that risk capital in order to organize and run a business?

They are called entrepreneurs.

How did railroads help the nation to develop?

They brought settlers and miners to the region, and carried the resources back to factories.

How were large corporations able to operate in poor economic times?

They were able to operate during the tough times while smaller business couldn't. When the economy returned back to normal big business had little competition.

What did laissez-faire supporters believe about the role of government in economic affairs?

To allow business to function without restrictions.

Christopher Sholes

Typewriter 1867

How did large corporations achieve economies of scale?

With the money raised from selling stock, corporations could invest in new technologies, hire large workforces and purchase machines. This greatly increased their efficiency.


a theory that the government should not interfere in the operation of the free market.

This railroad was the only one not eventually forced into _______________ .


Cornelius Vanderbilt

became rich from his business of shipping

what are two terms to describe the wealthy businessmen at the end of the 1800's?

captains of industry and robber barons


cheapest way to come to America

what natural resources did the US have at the end of the 1800's

coal, iron, steal, and wheat

Tammany Hall, NYC

democratic party headquarters

Ethnic _________ formed

ghettos -area where immigrants lived -quickly built inferior housing

Initial Immigration Hardships

immigrants were poot and unfamiliar with American customs. They worked at unskilled jobs for long hours and low pay

what was one of the biggest contributors to the increase in the American population at the end of the 1800's?

immigration because it boosted the economic growth

What was the decision of the court?

in favor of the state because of Louisiana Law -state had seperated blacks and whites for different social purposes, yet treated equally

what was the name of the first national labor union?

knights of labor

What do laissez-faire supporters believe about tariffs?

laissez-faire advocates favor individual self-interest and competition, and oppose the taxation and regulation or commerce.

To get more land grants, investors began bribing ______________________.

members of Congress.

Immigrants appreciated __________ for themselves and their children


what type of issues did the American federation of labor focus on?

pay, hours, and safety

Social Darwinism

roots- darwin's theory of evolution -Herbert Spencer- applied the theory to society -It was used to justify laissez-faire capitalism

Problems created by growing cities: social tensions

the rich lived next door to the poor. seeing their luxuries distressed the poor and increased social tensions and crimes

what inventions during the civil war helped with the industurial boom that followed?

the telegraph, clothing, and transcontinental railroads

examples of how the railroad improved our economy

time zones, national brands and markets, and also provided a large amount of jobs

who were the "unsung" heroes of industrialization


The ___________________ scandal involved several members of Congress who had brought shares in a construction company.

Credit Mobiliar

Election of 1896

Democrats nominate William Jennings for President "Cross of Gold" Speech priased farmers and denounced bankers. He lost to WIlliam McKinley (probusiness)

Urbanization: The Growth of Cities

Demographers revealed the rapid growth was a result of industrialization

What is a holding company?

A company whose primary business is owning a controlling share of stock in other companies.

Orville and Willbur Wright

Airplane 1903

The process of Americanization

Americanization- learning to dress, speak, and act like Americans -America was seen as a melting pot in which immigrants were melted down and reshaped -public schools assisted in this process

What id a corporation?

An organization owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a person, made big business possible.

Mark Twain

Author of the Gilded Age

What innovation changed the textile industry?

Automatic loom.

1855 - The _____________ made production of steel more economical 1859 - ________ used for steam power, _____________ and the internal combustion engine will be used extensively

Bessemer Process; coal; petroleum products -Bessemer Process revolutionize plows for farmers, skyscrapers, bridges, etc. -Pennsylvania was the HUB for coal

How did big business change at the end of the nineteenth century?

Big business changed at the end of the nineteenth century because of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution made it easier for business to make their products.

Vertical Integration

Carnegie bought -Iron Ore Fields -Coal mines -Ships so he could mine his own iron ore and ship it to his steel mills in Pennsylvannia

The Central Pacific Railroad employed about 10,000 workers from ______________.


The __________ were the first to ever be denied entry into the US


What was the effect of mass production on shoemaking?

Cobblers had nearly disappeared.

Land grants helped railroad entrepreneurs such as ______________ and ________________ become extremely wealthy.

Cornelius Vanderbilt and Jay Gould

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