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Viktor Orban

- Head of Fidesz party in Hungary -Undermined democracy by: - use of electoral system -judicial changes - actions towards the media - actions towards NGOs - Academic freedom

Why is AfD more popular in the East?

- Party system is less anchored in the east (legacy of one-party rule) - People feel left behind in the east - legacy of the east German regime

Explain the AfD's ascension to power

- began as a protest party against the eurozone bailout of Greece, then shifted to an anti-muslim, anti-immigrant message - AfD voter is better educated and has a higher income than the average German - Attracted traditional conservatives as the CDU has shifted to the left - Has polled well in the east

Explain immigration's effect on populism

- mass immigration has made European communities more diverse - EU single market allows for the free movement of people throughout the EU - This challenges the political dominance of native-born whites - Challenges notions of national identity - Economic fears about jobs, etc.

Define Mueller's authoritarian populism

2 key tenants: 1) antipluralist 2) uses democratic institutions to consolidate power and destroy democracy

What are 2 notable populist victories of 2016?

Trump and Brexit Referendum

Who tends to vote for right-wing populist parties?

-Older, less-educated people in deindustrialized cities -cultural conservatives -some xenophobes or racists -former communist party voters

4 tenants of right-wing populism

1) Anti-establishment, anti-elites: mainstream political parties, bankers, EU 2) Cultural conservatism: traditional family, fear of crime, nostalgia for an imagined past 3) anti-immigrant: a threat to national identity 4) Calls for an end to free trade, immigration controls, law and order

Explain the 8 right-wing populist party successes

1) Austria: Freedom Party entered a coalition with center-right party in 2017 2) Denmark: DPP is 2nd largest party 3) France: FN's Marine Le Pen came in 2nd place in both rounds of presidential voting 4) Netherlands: Freedom Party came in 2nd place in 2017 election, but shut out of governing coalition 5) Germany: AfD is the 3rd largest party after 2017 elections, but not in the coalition government 6) Sweden: Sweden Dems are the 3rd largest party 7) UK: UKIP imploded in 2017 election but was replaced by the Brexit party 8) Hungary and Poland

Explain globalization and neoliberal policies

1) Globalization and deinsdustrialization have created new insecurity and new social risks and winners and losers 2) Globalization led to neoliberal practices - European governments retreated from a commitment to full employment and generous welfare state programs

4 causes of the populist surge

1) Globalization/ end of the postwar boom and rise of neoliberalism 2) mass immigration 3) the EU 4) Great Recession and the Migration Crisis of 2015

Explain how the Great Recession and Migration Surge led to populism

1) Great Recession -produced mass unemployment and austerity -bankers were bailed out by taxpayers while ordinary people suffered 2) Migration crisis -coincided with poor growth -EU didn't have a coordinated response -Terrorist attacks created security concerns

What have been the responses from mainstream parties

1) Ostracism: refusal to work with populist parties or govern with them (Germany, Sweden SAP and Greens government) 2) adopt some of their programs to avert their threat (Brexit and conservatives in UK) 3) Work with them openly: Denmark, DPP dictates immigration policy

Explain the three left-wing populist party successes

1) SYRIZA in Greece, it headed the gov't until the 2019 election 2) Spain- Podemos party has never gotten into government 3) Italy is unique- populist parties did well in 2018 election but there was no clear victor (coalition collapsed)

Left-wing populist parties (3 tenants)

1) anti-establisment, anti-elitist 2) call for a fair distribution of gains of economic growth to lower and middle classes who have been left behind 3) often are against free trade, globalization, and EU policies

How should the EU respond?

1) establish fiscal federalism in eurozone (permanent institutions to help struggling countries, end austerity) 2) Rebalance ECB (low inflation + economic growth + employment) 3) EU financing to member states for skills training and continuing education for jobs in new economy 4) Devise a common and fair EU response to immigration

3 tenants of populism

1) it is anti-elitist -populists claim to represent the morally good people and fight against corrupt elites -they argue that the system is rigged in favor of the elites -populists want to mobilize the people against the elites 2) populists claim exclusive representation of "the people" - the people are whoever supports the populists 3) populists work within democratic rules of elections (majority rules), but also act in ways that are profoundly illiberal (intolerant of minority rights or institutional checks and balances)

What does Galston say?

1) protect dem institutions 2) acknowledge differences as healthy pluralism 3) Immigration policy should acknowledge control of the borders 4) inclusive economic growth

Explain the EU's effect on populism

1) the EU's single market meant the dismantling of protectionist policies, freedom of movement, and more power centralized in Brussels 2) the Eurozone framework doesn't really pay attention to balanced growth and instead gave preference to low inflation rather than balancing that with economic growth and employment 3) EU seen as distant, bureaucratic, elitist, with a pro-business bias

What do levitsky and ziblat say about solutions?

1) work through democratic means 2) respect opponents ex: PM Johnson suspending parliament for 5 weeks

Define anti-pluralism and explain its 4 tenants

Anti- pluralism- populism does not accept the opposition as legitimate 1) populists don't like legislative debates 2) debates are unnecessary since populists can discern the will of the people 3) politics is not about negotiation and compromise 4) populists claim to be the exclusive moral representative of the people

What are Liberal democracy's two defining elements according to Mounk?

Democracy- as majority rule (winning elections) Liberalism- respect for individual rights, civil liberties, minority rights, checks and balances on arbitrary rule

According to Levitsky and Ziblatt do populists respect the democratic rules of the game?

Populists engage in constitutional hardball. Technically within democratic rules, but may change rules through legal means, no compromise

What is populism? Define it.

Populism is a political logic, not necessarily a coherent ideology. It may manifest itself as a party. Not limited to the left or right.

What does Judis say the response to populism should be?

Populism is an early warning sign that not all is well with capitalism and democracy Have some good points

Explain how populists use democratic means to undermine institutions and democracy

They use the state to go after their opponents. Often seek to enhance the executive branch over other branches and the media.

Can authoritarian populism exist on both the right and left and give examples?

Yes. Right- Nial Farage- UKIP, Marine Le Pen, FN, Viktor Orban- Fidesz, Trump, Erdogan Left- Chavez in Venezuela

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