Pluralist Theory
Pluralist Theory
Average citizen can be politically influential through membership in varied groups and through voices of responsible journalists and intellectuals
Pluralist Theory
Consequence of varied groups participation is no presence of single, permanent structure of power
Pluralist Theory
In this society, each individual is rational and free and interests are taken into account one way or another by organizations (governments or corporations) that may be seen as having greater power
Criticisms of Pluralism
Individuals in positions of organizational power do not represent average membership and most members of voluntary organizations do not have access to power
Criticisms of Pluralism
Issues of concern for many people are frequently not dealt with by government because either these individuals are not in positions to make interests known, or their interests are of less concern than those of people who hold positions of economic and social power with values represented and reflected in government
Criticisms of Pluralism
Nondecisions and problems that never become publicly defined as issues must be examined
Criticisms of Pluralism
Pluralism examines issues but ignores values and biases built into political system which give real meaning to issues that do enter the political arena
Pluralist Theory
Power and powerlessness do not appear to be problems and sharing of power helps society to function
Pluralist Theory
Power is NOT concentrated but shared among variety of groups and individuals that are relatively autonomous of one another
Pluralist Theory
Power is mercurial and its distribution is somewhat balanced by existence of varied competing groups
Pluralist Theory
Society is fundamentally based on consensus of broad system of values despite composition of varied groups with differing specific interests
Pluralist Theory
Varied groups become politically active when political policies primarily concern issue that directly affects their narrow interests
Criticisms of Pluralism
Voluntary associations are no longer effective representatives of average citizen and have become oligarchic in nature