Plyometric exercises

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depth jump

Step from plyo box and land on both feet, jumping as high as possible upon landing

toe jogging

don't allow heel to touch ground (quick reaction)

4-hurdle drill set up

2 pairs of hurdles separated by 18 inches. Each hurdle in the pair is separated 12 inches

straight leg jogging

don't allow or minimize leg flexion in prep for impact of plyo

Balance test positions

double leg and single leg variations of 3 positions: standing, quarter squat, half squat


flexing knee to allow heel to touch butt

Bounds usually cover distances

greater than 98 feet

Progress jumps over a barrier by

increasing the height (cone to hurdle)

Jumps in place should have

very little lateral or horizontal motion


exaggerate form of reciprocal upper and lower extremity movement


exaggerated movement with greater horizontal speed, volume measured by distance or number of reps

Distance between 2 plyo boxes depends on

experience and ability, the greater the distance between boxes, the higher the intensity. Start with boxes 24 inches apart

2-hand side-to-side throw

face partner and raise med ball into into position over one shoulder with flexed elbows. Throw towards partners by extending elbow and catch ball over opposite shoulder and repeat throw.

double-leg jump to box

face plyo box (6-42 inches) begin with countermovement and jump on top of box with both legs, landing in a half squat position. Step down from box and repeat

single-leg jump to box

face plyo box (6-42 inches) begin with countermovement and jump on top of box with one leg, landing in a half squat position. Step down from box and repeat

squat box jump

facing plyo box with hands clasped behind head, begin countermovement. Land on both feet in half squat, step down from box, repeat

single-leg tuck jump

high intensity jump starting on one foot. Begin with countermovement, jump up and pull knee of jumping leg to chest with both hands. Land in starting position, repeat, then switch legs.

cycled split squat jump

high intensity jump that starts in a lunge position. Start with countermovement, jump w/ arm assistance as needed, and switch position of legs

pike jump

high intensity vertical jump beginning with a countermovement. Jump up, keeping legs straight and lift them in front while trying to touch toes with the hands.

single-leg hop

high intensity, keep nonjumping leg flexed during exercise jump. Explosively forward assisting with double arm movement

To increase intensity of zigzag hop drill, try

hopping on one leg

After landing, the zigzag hop requires

immediately changing direction and jumping to the outside of the next hurdle

For a less intense version of the zigzag hop drill, place hurdles

in a straight line and hop over one at a time

box drills

increase the intensity of multiple hops and jumps by using a box to either jump on or off

backward skip

jump backwards with one leg and flex hip/ knee of nonjumping leg to 90 degrees while assisting w/ double arm movement

Jump over barrier

jump over either a cone or hurdle with both legs by using hip and knee flexion, keeping knees and feet together without lateral deviation

power skip

lift one leg approximately 90 degrees and jump forwards with nonjumping leg moving into greater flexion. Use double arm action to assist upward movement and repeat skip with opposite leg

power drop set up

medicine ball is dropped by a partner on plyo box to someone laying supine on ground with elbows extended and shoulders at 90 degrees flexion.


mimics running to enhance proper lower body technique, emphasizes posture/ movement technique

4-hurdel drill starts

on right foot while the hurdles are to the athlete's left. Begin with countermovement and jump left over first hurdle using arms to assist. Land on right foot and jump over the next 2 hurdles on the same leg

After jumping the first 2 hurdles, the 4 hurdle drill requires the athlete to land

on their left leg and jump right over the first hurdle with the same leg and arms to assist. Then, jump over two hurdles and land on right foot


one leg is lifted about 90 degrees of hip and knee flexion, reciprocal arm action. Jump forward on one leg with opposite leg flexed, land in starting position with same leg and repeat w/ opposite leg

power drop

partner should drop ball over other person's arms and this person catch with both arms and immediately throw ball back up


prepares for impact and high-intensity plyometric

Intensity level of the front barrier hop can be increased from medium to high by

progressively increasing height of barrier or hopping on one leg

double-arm alternate-leg bound

push-off with left foot and bring right leg forward by flexing thigh into position with knee at 90 degrees. During flight phase, reach forward with both arms. Land on right leg and repeat on opposite side immediately.

depth push-up

push-up position with a med ball and elbows extended at start. Remove hands from ball and drop down with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Chest should almost touch med ball while flexing elbows. Place palms on ball and repeat

skipping emphasizes

quick takeoff and landing, mimics plyo

single-arm throw

raise med ball (1-5 lbs) in one hand to 90 degree shoulder abduction and 90 degree elbow flexion. Throw ball to rebounder and allow external rotation

During flight phase of single-arm alternate-leg bound

reach forward with left arm

side skip

reciprocal arm action while up and to the side, keep leg flexed until landing. Repeat with opposite leg

multiple hops and jumps

repeated movement and combination of jumps in place and standing jump

front barrier hop

requires 2 barriers. Facing the first barrier jump over with both legs, using hip and knee flexion to clear the barrier. Immediately after landing, jump over next barrier

Countermovement for plyometric throws

requires cocking the arms backward

After completing a a set of split squat jumps,

rest and switch front leg

A bound is an exaggeration of

running gait w/ the goal of covering as much distance as possible each stride

45 degree sit-up

sit on ground with trunk at 45 degree angle, and partner should throw med ball to outstretched arms. When catching, allow minimal trunk extension and return ball

height of the box depends on

size of athlete, landing surface, goals of the program

alternate-leg push-off

stand facing box w/ one foot in top of box. Use double arm action when jumping up by pushing off box foot, repeat movement and reverse feet each repetition

single-leg push-off

stand facing plyometric box with one foot on ground and one on the box w/ heel near edge. Jump up using foot on box to push-off while using double arm action

lateral box jump

stand to one side of plyo box with feet shoulder with apart and jump on top with both legs. Land on both feet in a half-squat, step down, and repeat on opposite side

lateral push-off

stand to one side of plyo box with one foot on ground and other on box. Jump up using foot on box to push off and use double arm action

side-to-side push-off

stand to one side of plyo box with one foot on ground and other on box. Jump up using foot on box to push off and use double arm action. Land with opposite foot and on opposite side of box

split squat jump

start in a lunge position and begin with countermovement. Explosively jump up, using arms to assist as needed. Emphasize max height and power while maintaining lunge position

squat jump

start in a squat position (thighs slightly above parallel with ground) with fingers interlocked behind head. Explosively jump to maximum height and land in squat position

squat depth jump

start on plyo box, step off, and land in squat position with both feet. Jump as high as possible and land in squat position

drop freeze

start w/ toes close to edge of plyo box (12-42 inches high) and step from box, absorbing impact on landing

Single-leg ankle hop

start with one foot off the ground with knee flexed during exercises before countermovement begins and hop with movement occurring mainly at the ankle joint

single-leg depth jump

step from box and land with one foot. Then, jump as high as possible.

depth jump to 180 degree turn

step from plyo box and land with both feet. Then, jump as high as possible and turn while in the air to land at a 180 degree to face opposite direction.

depth jump with lateral movement

step off plyo box (12-42 in.) and have partner point a direction before landing. Upon landing, sprint the direction

depth jump with standing long jump

step off plyo box and land with both feet. Then, jump as far forward as possible

when stepping off of plyo box

step straight out w/o adjustments that may change height which exercise is performed


targets change of direction, includes shuttle, shuffle, pattern, stride drills

If the lunge is too deep during cycled split squat jumps,

the SSC may not be able to contribute effectively to other jumps

chest pass

throw med ball (2-8 lbs) towards partner who is 10 ft away. Throw by extending elbows and repeat

2-hand overhead throw

throw medicine ball with both arms towards partner 10 ft away. Partners can bounce ball on ground in between and catch rebound

To make a vertical jump high intensity

try a single-leg position and repeat jumps with the opposite leg after a brief rest

depth jumps

use gravity and the athlete's weight to increase exercise intensity

2 foot ankle hop

vertical jump that begins with countermovement and motion occurs primarily at the ankle joint. Land and repeat after hopping up.

lateral barrier hop

with barrier on one side, jump horizontally over barrier with both legs while keeping knees and feet together. After landing on other side, immediately repeat towards starting side

Single-arm alternate-leg bound

Jog and start drill w/ left foot forward. During push-off, bring right leg forward by flexing thigh to parallel position and knees at 90.

Standing jump

emphasize horizontal or vertical component, max effort with recovery between repetitions

jumps in place

emphasize vertical component of jumping and perform jumps repeatedly without rest between jumps

depth jump to second box

2 plyo boxes, step from box and land with both feet and jump onto 2nd box. Step straight out and minimize time on ground

box drills use plyometric box that is

6-18 inches

double-leg tuck jump

Begin with a countermovement and explosively jump up w/ double arm action. Pull knees to chest w/ both hands and release prior to landing.

Double-leg vertical jump

Begin with countermovement and explosively jump using double arm action to assist and reach for a target

Jump and reach

Upright stance with double arm swing at top of jump to reach for an object/ target. Emphasize vertical height with min. delay between jumps

Depth jump procedure

athlete assumes position on box, steps off, lands and immediately jumps vertically, horizontally or to another box


based on forward step lunge exercise, may be multidirectional

Foot on box jump should land

before the foot on the ground does in the single-leg push-off box drill

standing long jump

begin with countermovement using double arm action and jump max horizontal distance

double-leg hop

begin with countermovement, use double arm movement and jump as far forward as possible

double leg zigzag hop

diagonal jumps between 10 hurdles 18-24 inches apart in a zigzag. Start outside first hurdle with elbows flexed and held at sides. Jump to the outside of the second hurdle while keeping shoulders perpendicular

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