Pokémon Adventures Character

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Red (Yellow chapter)

At the beginning of the second chapter, two years after the end of the previous chapter, Red receives an invitation to battle Bruno of the Elite Four at Mt. Moon. During the battle, Bruno stops to let several Diglett and Dugtrio pass and then Agatha uses her mind controlling powers over him to render him incapable of further battle. Red is then confronted by Lorelei and Agatha, who want him to join them in their quest to wipe out humanity for the sake of Pokémon. They also want information about Giovanni so they can find the Earth Badge to power the Badge Energy Amplifier that Agatha retrieved at the Silph Co. rubble. When he tells the truth, Lorelei freezes him in a block of ice, making everybody think that he has disappeared since nobody else had seen him for over a month. Only Pika escapes and makes it to Professor Oak's laboratory, where he teams up with Yellow. Red's frozen ice sculpture is found by Brock in Mt. Moon, but Red is nowhere to be found. Even Bruno, looking for Red so they could finish the battle that they started, can't trace him. As revealed at the end of the chapter, Giovanni eventually rescued Red, enabling him to seek out his friends and help them fight the Elite Four on Cerise Island. Red arrives just in time to save Bill and Lt. Surge, finally finishing his battle with Bruno.


Black is first seen waiting for a package that is being delivered to his house after waiting all night in the rain. After receiving the package from a mailman, he immediately opens it and finds three Pokémon, Oshawott, Tepig, and Snivy, and three Pokédexes inside. He jumps in glee and accidentally releases the Pokémon from their Poké Balls after his cold causes him to sneeze and drop the box. The three Pokémon quickly get into a fight and Tepig runs off while Black follows it. He eventually finds Tepig on a tree being attacked by an unknown Pokémon. Using his deduction skills, he has his Munna, Musha, eat his dreams, allowing him to find out the attacking Pokémon. Using his abilities, Black and the Tepig defeat the Pokémon, a Sewaddle. Black is able to convince the Tepig to go with him and they set off to start their journey. Before leaving, Black flies to a library to find out the evolved form of Tepig so he can think of a proper name for him. Tepig, mistaking that Black isn't happy with his current form, runs off; Black follows him once more. Black finds Tepig in a cave, sulking and after trying to get him to calm down, accidentally causes a wild Woobat to attack them. Black manages to get Tepig to defeat the Woobat and decides to name him "Tep" instead of a name based on his final form; the two then set off to finally start their adventure. On Route 1, Black meets Hiker Andy and defeats him in his first Battle. Black finds out that Andy used to have the same dreams as he does, to beat the Pokémon League, but because of his weakness to heat, he had to give up. After putting out a fire, Black manages to convince the Hiker to restart his journey, even letting him join in his morning routine. Black, Bianca, and Cheren in their first Gym battle Later, when doing his normal routine, Black inadvertently interrupts an Xtransceiver commercial shooting. He meets White, the representative of the BW Agency and she tries to convince him to help her by letting his male Tepig, Tep, be partnered with her female Tepig, Gigi, in a movie shooting. Suddenly, five crew members are knocked unconscious and Black is suspected of being the attacker. Black proves his innocence by finding the real culprit, a Galvantula, and defeating it. Black is then pointed out that he, in the process of defeating the Galvantula, destroyed all the camera equipment. He is prevented from getting in trouble for this by White who claims they just hired him and puts the cost for all the damages on the BW Agency. Black is forced to help White till he pays off his debt, fifty paychecks worth of commercials. He now refers to her as "Boss". The night after, Black and White camp outside and are attacked by an unseen Pokémon. Using his abilities, Black finds out that the Pokémon attacking them is a Timburr that is helping a group of people in knight uniforms known as Team Plasma build a stage. The next day, Black and White witness one of Team Plasma's "sages", Ghetsis, make a speech that causes the people around them to start releasing their Pokémon. Enraged, Black goes to try to stop Ghetsis from making any more speeches only to be stopped by a young man named N who has the ability to understand Pokémon by listening to their hearts. Black and N battle each other, only for Black to suffer a painful defeat while N uses the opportunity to listen to the hearts of Black's Pokémon to see if Pokémon and humans can truly be together. Later, Black and White travel to Striaton City so Black can compete in his first Gym battle. There, he encounters Cheren and Bianca who are furious at him for leaving without them and breaking their Pokédexes, leaving his as the only working one. Their fighting causes the Gym Leaders to allow Cheren and Bianca to join the Gym battle along with Black. Together, they traverse through the Gym and face off against the Gym Leaders and succeed in defeating all three of them. After winning, Black apologizes to Cheren and Bianca by giving them a pair of Xtransceivers so they can keep in touch. Later, while traveling to the next town, Black is attacked by an unseen Pokémon after Musha flies off. He wakes up inside of the laboratory of Fennel, a Professor researching Pokémon Trainers and powers that dreams possess. They decide to go look for the runaway Musha and Fennel decides to join them after learning that Musha is a Pokémon that can help with her research. They go to the Dreamyard and find Musha being held captive by some Team Plasma Grunts. Black faces the Grunts in battle and manages to defeat them and regain Musha. After Fennel obtains some Dream Mist for her research, Black and White say their goodbyes. Black and White soon arrive in Nacrene City to do BW Agency advertising. After dealing with a pair of trouble-making Pokémon, Black goes to the Nacrene Gym to battle its Gym Leader, Lenora. Despite her powerful Pokémon and smart tactics, Black manages to defeat Lenora, winning the Basic Badge in the process. Having finished everything they needed to do in Nacrene, a frustrated Black attempts to go to the next town but White keeps going into the various stores in town. They soon see Lenora's husband, Hawes, running around in terror because someone had stolen the Dragon-type Pokémon Fossil at the museum. After using Musha to find clues, Black encounters the Gym Leader Burgh as he tries to find the thieves. With Burgh's help, Black defeats the Team Plasma members that stole the Fossil and gives it back to the museum. Afterwards, Black and Burgh say their goodbyes and promise to meet again in Castelia City for his Gym battle. Black reciting his pledge After going through Pinwheel Forest, Black and White are attacked by another unseen Pokémon. After meeting the president of the Battle Company, Geoff, they find out the attacker was the legendary Pokémon Virizion. Upon arriving in Castelia City, Black and Tep encounter a lost boy crying inside of a building. Black leaves Tep to watch the child while he finds someone to help him. Unbeknownst to Black, the boy is actually a mischievous Zorua in disguise that wreaks havoc throughout the city while Tep chases after it. Eventually, the Zorua escapes, while Black has no idea what really happened while he was away. After doing more sightseeing, Black is informed by White that he has paid over half of what he owes to her and she intends to pay for his expenses as long as he advertises the BW Agency. After Black accepts, he notices that Tep is about to evolve, an action White refuses due to the possibility that it might affect Tep and Gigi's popularity and hurt sales. Black then goes to have his Gym battle against Burgh and quickly maneuvers through the Gym's honey walls and faces the Gym Leader in battle. Despite remembering White's protests, Black allows Tep to battle in the Gym, Tep evolving in the process and defeating Burgh's Dwebble and winning the battle for Black. After Black beats Burgh, Iris arrives with an unconscious Bianca who had her Pokémon stolen from her. Using Musha, Black finds the thieves—Team Plasma—and rescues Bianca's stolen Litwick from them. Afterwards, Black decides to rename Tep "Nite" since he evolved into a Pignite. Upon the request of Professor Juniper, Black and White go to Liberty Garden to investigate a Pokémon called Victini. Using Musha, Black finds an injured Victini being chased by three members of Team Plasma, who claim to be trying to protect it from any potential attackers. With Victini's assistance, Black defeats the Team Plasma members and drives them away, allowing Victini to leave and move about freely. Later, Black and White travel to the Desert Resort on their way to Nimbasa City. Due to the powerful sandstorm, Black is forced to wait until White comes back with clothes that will allow them to move about the sandstorm unharmed. As he waits, Black meets Grimsley, one of the Unova Elite Four. Together, they uncover a Team Plasma Grunt sneaking around the area and capture him. Later, Grimsley gives Black the option of battling him at the cost of his hard-earned Gym Badges. Although Black wanted to battle Grimsley, the thought of losing his Badges if he loses the fight causes him to faint by exhausting his mind. Black later awakens in Nimbasa City, having been taken there by White on Brav's back. Black witnesses White put on the newest tourist attraction for Nimbasa City, the Pokémon Musical, and is shocked to see her skills in management. There, Black meets Elesa, the Nimbasa Gym Leader, who tells him to wait until they start their Gym battle. After the Musical ends, Black and Elesa go to the Nimbasa Gym, where they begin their battle. During the battle, Black gets stuck on the Gym's roller coaster cars, but he decides to continue battling despite being trapped inside. With the help of Tula, Musha, and Nite, Black defeats Elesa and earns the Bolt Badge. Before he can get his Badge, Black is sent to the roof of the Gym, where he encounters the legendary Pokémon, Thundurus. Thundurus quickly shocks Black, freeing him from the roller coaster's car. Black saying farewell to White Later, Black searches for White, who had gone missing. He quickly finds her being held in the arms of an older man, unconscious. Black immediately attacks the man to try and rescue White, but is easily defeated. He soon finds out that the man is Marshal, one of the Unova Elite Four, who had found White unconscious near the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel. Black takes White off Marshal's hands and brings her to the hospital. Later, White awakens in the hospital and reveals that earlier, she was attacked at the Ferris Wheel by N, who convinced Gigi to join his side. Angry, Black tries to get answers from the Servine N gave to White, but is outsmarted at every turn. After getting out of the hospital, Black and White meet Baker Chris, who reveals to them about the Battle Subway, another recent Nimbasa tourist attraction. They go to the Battle Subway, where they find Marshal battling the Unova Champion, Alder. Learning about the Battle Subway gives White the idea to try and learn to battle by testing it out for the mayor. As she tries to capture her first Pokémon, Black helps White by capturing a wild Tirtouga as a demonstration. Later, Black learns that the Tirtouga was Marshal's, but was released due to it being hard to control for him. At the Battle Subway, Black and White are forced to separate with each other, but Black lends White his Brav so that she will have three Pokémon to battle with. As Black prepares to head to Driftveil City, he finds out that the Driftveil Drawbridge is stuck, preventing anyone from crossing it. After getting help from Elesa, Black manages to cross the bridge, only to find the culprit who messed with the bridge, a wild Zorua, harassing him. Using its Illusion Ability, Zorua manages to confuse Black, but it is eventually defeated and runs away. Afterward, Black meets Clay, the Driftveil Gym Leader, who explains that the Zorua had been causing trouble for him. Upon arriving at Driftveil City, Black meets up with Cheren again. There, Cheren gets his Snivy stolen by Team Plasma, forcing the two to try and get it back. They go to the Cold Storage, where they fight the Team Plasma Grunts that stole Snivy. With the moves they taught their Pokémon at the Move Tutor, Black and Cheren manage to defeat the Grunts. Later, Black goes to the Driftveil Gym to get his next Gym Badge, but finds out that Clay has closed the building because of his bad mood. As he waits for the Gym to reopen, Black tries to get his Tirtouga to listen to him, but it refuses to listen to his commands. Later, when the Gym opens up again, Black clears the challenge and meets up with Clay again. Clay tells Black that his Tirtouga will evolve into a Carracosta, giving Black the idea to name it "Costa." Clay also states that he heard about Black from the other Gym Leaders, who gave praise to the boy. Clay reveals that earlier, he dug up a mysterious stone at Twist Mountain. When Black asks him about this, Clay reveals that the stone is the Dark Stone, also known as one of Unova's legendary Pokémon, Zekrom. Clay promises to tell Black more about it if he can defeat him in battle. Although Clay's team proves to be strong, Black manages to defeat all of Clay's Pokémon, giving him the victory. Defeated, Clay reveals to Black that Lenora had been spied upon by Team Plasma, who they believe is aiming to steal the Dark Stone. Clay also reveals that the other Gym Leaders know about this and have decided to gather together and face Team Plasma to prevent them from stealing the Dark Stone. They travel to Mistralton City where they meet up with Burgh, Elesa, Skyla, and Brycen and prepare to wait for Lenora's signal. As they wait, Skyla takes Black to the Celestial Tower and forces him to ring the bell so that she could determine whether or not Black is good enough to help them. Dissatisfied with the sound of the bell's ringing, Skyla pushes Black off of the tower and takes him to the Mistralton Gym for a Gym battle. Due to Clay's warning that because of Team Plasma's actions, the League may be canceled this year, Black's ability to battle wanes due to him being stressed out. Black decides to take his stress and use it to face Team Plasma. After giving some encouragement to his team, Black defeats Skyla, earning him the Jet Badge. Skyla takes off with the other Gym Leaders to Nacrene City and has Black come along with them. After arriving, Black is tasked with finding the Dark Stone while the Gym Leaders face the Shadow Triad. After defeating the Plasma Grunts inside the museum, a loud rumbling noise leads Black outside to investigate it. Much to his shock, the Shadow Triad have revealed that they have captured the legendary Pokémon Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. The three Pokémon quickly overpower the Gym Leaders and knock them out. Despite Clay's protests, Black and his newly-evolved Nite try to save them, only to be easily swatted away. Although defeated, Lenora reveals that the battle destroyed the only key to where the Dark Stone is kept, which means that the Shadow Triad can't get the stone. Despite this, the Shadow Triad take the defeated Gym Leaders away while Black is forced to watch. However, he quickly finds out that Brycen managed to escape and has come to help him. Black, realizing that he already knows where the Dark Stone is being kept, takes Brycen to where he fought Lenora previously and finds the Dark Stone hidden there. Although happy to have found the Dark Stone, Black is attacked by Ghetsis, revealing that the Brycen that had escaped earlier was a Plasma Grunt in disguise. Black is knocked unconscious, while Ghetsis takes the Dark Stone to N so that it can be revived into Zekrom. Later, Black is found by the real Brycen, who actually managed to escape from the Shadow Triad. Brycen calls Drayden and informs him of what had happened. They reveal that the Light Stone, which holds the other Dragon-type of Unova, Reshiram, was in the same location as the Dark Stone the entire time. The Light Stone quickly rolls over to Black and chooses him as the hero destined to awaken it. Brycen decides that Black will need to become stronger for future battles and he takes the unconscious boy to begin training. Black is taken to the Tubeline Bridge, where he is tasked with having to break free from the ice chain around his leg created by Brycen's Cryogonal. Together with Nite, now named Buoh, Black manages to break free from the ice chain and complete the first step. After completing the second step, Black's final training is to defeat the Black Empoleon biker gang. With the help of Costa, Black is able to fully complete his training. Afterward, Logan takes Black to the Icirrus Gym so that he can have a Gym battle with Brycen. During the Gym battle, Brycen reveals that he has the Light Stone with him, and that he intends on giving it to Black after the battle. The final battle ends when Costa evolves into a Carracosta, giving it the power its needs to defeat Brycen's Beartic and earn the Icicle Badge for its Trainer. Once the battle is over, Brycen hands the Light Stone to Black. Black attempts to summon Reshiram, only to get no response. Despite this victory, Black is shocked to learn that Drayden has pushed up the League's date from three months to a week. He begins panicking at the thought of not being able to complete in the League and runs off with Iris following after him. Black's travels takes him to the Mistralton Cave, where he decides to catch one of the legendary Pokémon he heard about from Iris so that he could have a force to combat the ones used by Team Plasma. There, he meets Shōko of the Patrat show whose friend, Trish of the Riches, was captured by Virizion, Terrakion, and Cobalion after she tried to capture them herself.

Blue (FireRed & LeafGreen chapter)

Blue and Red are seen in the fifth chapter going to Professor Oak's lab at his request. Instead of finding the Professor there, they find a Fame Checker with a message telling them to return their Pokédexes. After returning the Pokédexes, they head to Vermilion City and board the Seagallop Ferry and meet up with Bill again. After some exploring, they find Green being attacked by an invisible Pokémon and attempt to rescue her. While Red saves Green, Blue attempts to attack the unknown Pokémon but it disappears before he can hit it. They take the unconscious Green to a Pokémon Center and find out that she was going to the Sevii Islands to meet up with the parents she was taken from when she was a child. Feeling that in order to beat the new enemy, they will need to become stronger and they are both attacked by the old woman of Cape Brink, Kimberly who aims to help them become stronger. After some reluctance, they accept the offer and travel to Kimberly's home to begin their training. After going through the first of the two trials they need to perform before the training can start, the two are shocked to find out that the third and last trial involves them battling each other. The two begin battling and neither are intending to lose the battle. Eventually, the battle ends in a tie and both Saur and Charizard end up learning the ultimate moves Frenzy Plant and Blast Burn, respectively. They find Kimberly being attacked by the creature that had attacked Green earlier and attempt to use their new skills to defeat it but miss due to a lack of practice. After it is revealed that the Pokémon was actually Green's Ditty on disguise, Blue asks the Transform Pokémon to use its shape shifting abilities to transform into the unknown Pokémon once more, this time figuring out that it can transform. They are called by Bill to go to the Icefall Cave on Four Island and get the Vs. Seeker from him. They find out that the mysterious Pokémon may in fact be controlled by Giovanni and are encountered by Lorelei, who wishes to help them fight against Team Rocket. Just then, they are attacked by Carr, a member of the Three Beasts along with his teammates, Sird and Orm. They manage to escape from their grasp thanks to Lorelei but find out that the Three Beasts have put a hit out on the Kanto Pokédex holders and that they will destroy the Sevii Islands if they aren't brought to them. Red goes to battle Carr on Five Island while Lorelei goes to Seven Island to battle Sird; Blue goes to Six Island to battle Orm. While they battle, Blue is overrun by Orm's Shuckle and he is told that they have Professor Oak held captive. The battle continues and Blue manages to defeat Orm and his Shuckle army. Hoping that Red may have gotten information on his missing grandfather, Blue flies on his Charizard to Five Island but is nearly shot out of the sky by the Speed Forme of Deoxys. Due to his painful defeat by the hands of Deoxys, Red becomes depressed, Green goes to try to cheer him up while Blue tells the rest of the group about his Grandfather's kidnapping. After Green finishes learning the third ultimate move, Hydro Cannon, and Red breaks out of his stupor, the group goes to defeat Team Rocket, this time with a new unexpected teammate, Mewtwo. They travel to Trainer Tower and find Professor Oak and Green's parents tied up on top of the roof. When Blue and Green try to rescue them, it is revealed that they were only 3-D images and they are captured by mechanical arms before being rescued by Mewtwo. Mewtwo points the way to the real versions of Professor Oak and Green's parents and Blue uses his Pokémon to try to free them. Before he can, Trainer Tower's mother computer, "R", attacks them and stops his Pokémon in their tracks. Blue manages to defeat R with his Porygon2, infiltrating its computer network while freeing Professor Oak and Green's parents in the process. Soon after, they are attacked by a small army of Deoxys clones and they are forced to fight them off. They are then confronted by Giovanni who traps Mewtwo in a binding armor and sends the Deoxys clones to attack them. Blue attempts to attack Giovanni but he is just knocked back to the ground while Giovanni leaves to let the Deoxys clones to kill them. While Green and Professor Oak go and build the new Pokédex and Kimberly takes Green's parents to safety, Blue and Red are forced to fight off the Deoxys clones. Blue manages to connect with Mewtwo, thus having the ability to read its thoughts; this allows him to come up with a plan to free it from the M2Bind. Using the power of the three ultimate moves, Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, and Hydro Cannon, Blue, Red, and Green manages to free Mewtwo from the M2Bind, allowing it to destroy R afterwards. Due to the previous battle being to exhausting, Blue lends his Charizard to Red so that he can chase after Giovanni and receives the new model Pokédex from Green. Later, Blue and Green witness the Team Rocket airship being blown up and set to crash into Vermilion City and rush to try to contain the damage. They find Silver and Giovanni surrounded by the flames of the rubble from the airship; Blue uses his Rhydon to rescue them. Although Silver thanks Blue for saving him, he states that he hates his father and Blue should've left Giovanni to die in the fire. Blue manages to convince Silver to change his mind after telling him about his past hatred of being the grandson of Professor Oak and how he is now proud to be called that. After Mewtwo and Yellow fall to the ground after being sent there by Red and Deoxys, Blue and Green notice the airship is about to crash and use their Pokémon to try to cushion the damage. Blue in the sixth chapter Eventually, their Pokémon are unable to hold the airship and further and it crashes into Vermilion City. Luckily, the airship is moved by an unknown force and floats to the ground safely; Blue and the other Pokédex holders are seen joining together in their victory. After Deoxys thanks Red for his help and takes off to a faraway region, they are approached by Sird, who had previously fallen off the airship after Carr took it over and tried to crash it into Vermilion City. Sird attempts to capture Deoxys but Red, Blue, Green, Silver, Mewtwo, and Yellow (who was being held by Red) jump in front of the beam and are turned into stone as a result. He, along with the other four who were turned to stone, were shipped to the Battle Frontier in a box by Professor Oak to be revived.

Blue (Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter)

Blue first appears in the third chapter to take on the role of the Viridian City Gym Leader after Red declines the offer of the position. After capturing several Pokémon that were attracted to the Gym because of the Pokémon March Radio that was being played, he is given the title without the need for proper registration. He informs Red of a way to heal the frostbite that he had gotten from Lorelei's ice cuffs and lets him borrow his Charizard to help him get there easier. He also mentions Sabrina possibly being there, also healing her frostbitten wounds. Later, Blue, along with the Kanto and Johto Gym Leaders, travel to Indigo Plateau to take part in the tournament being hosted there. Picking the white Apricorn that determines the match up, Blue is put against his old master, Chuck. While waiting in his room for his match, he gets a call telling him that his match is coming up and contemplates about Red giving him his Gyara for his Charizard. He feels a powerful wave of heat and leaves the room to find Silver attacking him. Believing that the other was the one who had created the intense heat, they have a brief battle that ends when they find the real culprit, an Entei. They battle the Entei with their Gyarados but it attacks with a Flamethrower and disappears. He tells Daisy about what happened and goes to his match against Chuck after Silver runs away. Having flashbacks to the time when they train together, Blue battles and eventually defeats his former master with his newly trained Rhydon. Once Team Rocket attacks Indigo Plateau, Blue, along with the other Gym Leaders, attack the grunts to try to prevent them from leaving the Magnet Train. As the Magnet Train speeds off in order to get the Gym Leaders away from the stadium, they are all rescued by the now-healed Red. While the Gym Leaders fight off the remaining grunts, Blue and Red go ahead on Blue's Rhydon and head back to the Stadium. While digging, they are encountered by their old enemies, Bruno and Koga who help them dig through the rock and reveal the plans of the Masked Man. Following Red's spoon of fate, they end up in the Ilex Forest where they witness Green battling Karen and Will with her recently captured legendary birds. Blue and Red join the fight by taking command of Zapdos and Articuno, respectively. After a long battle, the two legendary Pokémon are calmed down by the efforts of many Pokémon sent by the people of Kanto and Johto to help them. With Ho-Oh and Lugia gone, Blue, Red, and Green go to battle the Masked Man and are joined by Silver, Yellow, and Crystal. As the battle continues, the Masked Man uses his powers to freeze the Pokédex holders in a block of ice. After a combination of the water from Mt. Silver and the powerful flames of Entei, Blue and the others are freed from their icy prison and use their powers to help Gold, who has gone inside of the Ilex shrine to battle the Masked Man from inside. After the Masked Man is defeated, Blue attempts to arrest Silver for his previous thefts of Professor Oak's Pokédex and Professor Elm's Totodile. Before he can, Gold suddenly reappears and shows a fake picture that he previously made and states that Silver is not the one on the picture and thus, isn't the one who had done those crimes.

Blue (Red, Green & Blue chapter)

Blue was first seen by Red when he was battling a Mew with his Charmander, only to recall it after he thought it was too strong for him. This angered Red to a point that he decided to challenge Mew himself, only to be quickly defeated. Blue then told Red that he needs to know when he's outmatched and leaves. He then encounters Blue again who is attacking any Pokémon he sees to tell if they are worthy of catching, accidentally hitting Red's Poli in the process, but eventually the Pokémon he wanted to capture in the first place appeared, Kangaskhan, however it got away after Red healed the baby Kangaskhan who had been poisoned by a Poison-type Pokémon. It is this incident where a rivalry develops between these two. He is next seen in Pewter City with intent on challenging Brock and is later seen battling him with his newly evolved Charmeleon. He then goes to the Pokémon Tower after meeting Mr. Fuji, only to be caught under the control of the Gastly, until Red defeats them and frees him. The two of them eventually run into Koga, who has been controlling the Gastly this whole time, however Blue eventually has his Charmeleon cut Koga's Arbok in half, making Koga swear a personal vendetta against him. Blue's original design During the course of their adventures, Red and Blue accidentally traded Pokémon, including his new Porygon, which the man at the front desk of the Game Corner said would be very difficult to train since he didn't catch it himself. This caused Blue's Machoke to evolve, and Blue took the opportunity to teach Red's Pokémon more exotic, varied, and useful moves. Red's training on Blue's Pokémon made them more playful and lighthearted, something that greatly annoyed Blue. After he unsuccessfully tries to enter Saffron City, he returns to Pallet Town to tell Red about the barrier. He tells Red that he believes from a picture he took that Saffron City is Team Rocket's hideout, and Blue in turn learns that his grandfather is missing. He then tells Red that since it is his grandfather that is missing, that he should be the only one to save him, and wants him to back off, although Green finally convinces the two of them to work together. They get separated in Silph Co. and ends up running into Koga on 2F, who, instead of allowing Blue to reach his Poké Balls, subdues him with his Muk. He tells Blue that rather than kill him on the spot, he wants to use him to get his grandfather to cooperate with them, to which Blue refuses. He then takes a Razor Wind to the chest and is seemingly rendered incapable of moving. When Red appears after defeating Lt. Surge, Koga traps him too. Blue reveals that he was really wearing a reflective pendant given to him by Oak and that allowed him to have his Pidgeot attack Koga before he could kill both of them. Koga then calls his Articuno and freezes the two of them, only for Koga to realize that Blue previously called out his Charizard to keep the room warm enough for them to melt the ice. Koga was then subsequently defeated. Green then took Koga's Soul Badge and gave it to Red. They split up, Red to help Green, and Blue to save his grandfather, who was trapped in the basement, which he found out using Koga's Golbat. He finds his grandpa and realizes that all of the people from Pallet Town are tied up just a floor below them. He comes back in order to help Red and Green fight Sabrina and Thu-Fi-Zer, and, after Red's Saur evolves and Green's Clefairy evolves into a Clefable, they defeat Sabrina and Thu-Fi-Zer is split. At the Pokémon League tournament, Red's Venusaur barely defeats Blue's Charizard. This tames their rivalry as the two finally begin to respect each other, and begin to become friendly rivals. Blue's cockiness becomes subdued as the story continues, and his personality becomes less mocking and more aloof and quiet. He is also able to rely on instinct more and constantly adapt his strategy. He often becomes flummoxed by Green's hyperactive meddling in everyone's affairs.

Gold (Emerald chapter)

During the Emerald chapter, Gold, along with Crystal, traveled to the Battle Frontier in order to bring the petrified Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Silver out of their stone state by wishing upon the phantom Pokémon Jirachi and stop the armored man known as Guile Hideout. Disguised as Guile Hideout When he first arrived, he disguised himself as Guile Hideout hoping to trick the real one's Pokémon into letting him get to Jirachi. This plan failed however and Gold was forced to use the ultimate Fire-type attack, Blast Burn, which Gold learned on Two Island thanks to the help of Kimberly. This becomes the first attack the villain's reflective sword could not deflect. He also later adds that learning the technique, unlike his three predecessors and those to follow, took two whole months. Now ready to take Jirachi back from Guile Hideout, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald prepare to face off their foe. This required Gold and Crystal to give the metal rings of Kimberly the ultimate attacks to the starters of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and Silver (who was still petrified). When Gold spoke to Emerald, he made the younger boy rethink his relationship with Pokémon. This allowed Emerald to finally teach his Sceptile the powerful Frenzy Plant, and in turn free the petrified Pokédex holders with the help of Jirachi. Gold then combined forces with the other nine Pokédex holders in order to destroy the great sea monster that had manifested itself above the Battle Tower. With the beast finally gone, the five petrified Pokédex holders back to life and Archie seemingly dead, Gold went and fought in a tournament in the Battle Dome against the other Pokédex holders, which he, at some point, lost (the only other Trainer to have been confirmed to lose is Crystal, who lost against Green in the first round).

Gold (Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter)

During the first part of the third chapter, Gold is the main protagonist. He first meets Joey by helping him get a bag filled with Pokémon that was to go to Professor Elm, but was stolen by a Murkrow. Then Gold gets his bag stolen when he decides to help Joey by going to deliver the package to Professor Elm and then go to Professor Oak in Cherrygrove City (mainly because he wanted DJ Mary's autograph). On his way to Professor Elm's lab, and arrives there just as Silver is stealing Totodile. Gold tries to battle Silver thinking that he is the one who stole his backpack with all of his family Pokémon in it, using Elm's Cyndaquil, which he names Exbo, but Silver gets away after Team Rocket, the real culprits behind his bag, knocked him out from behind in the middle of the battle. He is then asked to file a report against him by a police officer who almost arrested him for burning Professor Elm's field but he fakes it on purpose because he wanted to go after Silver himself. Gold then runs into Professor Oak, and after learning about the Pokédex and how Silver stole one, he wants one to level the playing field. While Oak initially says no, Gold eventually wins him over with his love and trust for Pokémon earning him a Pokédex. When Gold reaches Violet City, he realizes that Polibo was missing from his bag and tried his best to find it, but couldn't. He then stops a robber with a herd of Donphan and learns that Silver had headed for Sprout Tower and rushes off there and defeats a whole mass of Sages and their Bellsprout to find Silver again and finish what he started. After as long battle he had the chance to take Totodile back to Professor Elm, but when he reaches out to it bites him and returns to Silver, showing that Totodile has actually grown attached to him. Their battle had then released a giant iron ball and it chased them down until Exbo heated it up and Totodile used Ice Punch to suddenly cool it down and smash it up. After this Silver manages to escape once again. He then met up with the same police officer he met when he needed to describe Silver but it turned out to be Falkner who was training to become the new Gym Leader of Violet City since his father went missing. With Gold's help, he caught a Skarmory and then they parted. Then he met Bugsy at the Ruins of Alph and, thinking that he was a girl, asked him out only to reveal he was a male. The two of them then enter the Ruins of Alph to help save Bugsy's lost companions but instead run into Team Rocket, who trapped them using a Spinarak's Spider Web. Gold, however, had Exbo use SmokeScreen to get the Unown that were awakened by them get caught in the web, and take out their anger on the members of Team Rocket. Gold then defeats a Granbull who had been stealing Pokémon from fisherman and when the Granbull gave back the Pokémon it turns out it took Gold's Polibo. Professor Oak's aide then comes to him with Togebo's Egg and Professor Elm asks Gold to take it with him with hopes of it hatching. Gold then meets Kurt, and after making fun of his Apricorn Balls, Kurt challenges him to catch a Pokémon with one: if he lost, he had to become Kurt's apprentice. Gold chooses the Green Apricorn and a Friend Ball is made and since Kurt's granddaughter wanted to have a Friend Ball but Kurt would not make her one, Gold decided to use it to catch a friend for her. This was a Teddiursa which lived on a mountain Kurt told her to never go to. Gold decided to take her there and saw Silver trying to catch and Ursaring with a Heavy Ball, something that annoyed him since Kurt said only worthy Trainers could handle his balls meaning Silver was worthier than him. He found a Teddiursa and tried to catch it to no avail. He ended up getting in Silver's way a lot and Silver lost his Heavy Ball when Aibo ran into him. Gold then learned from Silver that he needed to hit Teddiursa's crescent moon on its head and Gold got back his Heavy Ball by using his billiard cue and Friend Ball to ricochet both of them back to their respective Trainers. Silver once again disappeared and Gold completed his task and gave Teddiursa to Maisy. Gold then goes through the Ilex Forest but finds himself hopelessly lost. He then finds the unconscious Charcoal Kiln and his Farfetch'd and decides to carry them, but he realizes that a Gastly has possessed them from how unusually heavy their bodies were. After a bit of battling with Gastly a Houndour, a Delibird, and an Ariados appear to battle alongside the Gastly and then a Masked Man appears and reveals them to be his Pokémon and warns Gold to leave this forest. He quickly has his Ariados tie Gold up and simply disappears when he comes to the realization that his small scuffle with Gold has caused Celebi to flee from his grasp again. Gold then goes to Goldenrod City and runs into a rogue Smeargle that paints over his face, much to his ire. A man then comes up to him and wants Gold to make an appearance on their Radio Show, which Gold accepts since he would be no longer be broke and he would get to finally meet DJ Mary, only to discover in horror that the Smeargle belonged to her. Gold and Whitney then got into a heated argument but when the director of the radio show found that the show's ratings were through the roof he proposed they have a race. Since the race was sponsored by Miracle Cycle, Gold initially couldn't ride his skateboard like he wanted to but he found a way to compromise by putting the handles from one of the bikes onto his skateboard to make a scooter. While Gold was promptly behind Whitney was stalled by a Sudowoodo disguised as a tree. Gold had his whole team attack it and saw how Polibo's Water Gun made it react more than Exbo's Ember attacks. When a Rhydon came up and kidnapped Whitney, Gold was able to figure out that the tree was a Sudowoodo. He was able to convince the Sudowoodo that it was strong and after it defeated the same Rhydon it was hiding from, it wanted to go with him, which Gold allowed, naming him Sudobo. While Gold was asleep one night after being kicked out of several arcades for cheating by using Aibo's Poké Ball disguised as a cue ball, his Egg gets stolen by a Gligar. He does not wake up to notice it but his Pokémon go after it to save the Egg. In the process the Egg hatches into a Togepi, Togebo, who defeats the Gligar with ease even though it had just hatched. He only wakes up after Togebo defeats the Gligar with Metronome and it crashes right next to him. When Gold told Professor Elm he was at first ecstatic, only to become furious when he realized that Togebo became a natural at billiards, poker, and dice due to Gold's influence when it was an Egg. Elm then had Gold take Togebo to the Day-Care Center where the old lady there convinced him to do their work by disguising it as a training for his Pokémon. It did pay off though when Exbo evolved into a Quilava. The Day-Care Couple then had Gold go fetch Jasmine, whose Pokémon were the parents of Togebo. Jasmine had been at Ecruteak City at the time an earthquake hit and was trapped inside the Tin Tower. When he made it to her he found Silver carrying her and he thought he had hurt her, although Silver simply found her unconscious and decided to save her. Gold then was simply given Jasmine and Silver walked away. Gold was able to get Jasmine out right before the rubble collapsed by having Amphy run her to safety, but him and Silver were trapped. Mud started to press up against then and they only made it through when Polibo evolved into a Poliwhirl and further into a Politoed thanks to Silver's help and the King's Rock the Day-Care Couple gave to Gold before he departed. He then found out that Team Rocket was, once again, the cause of the earthquake. After Gold and Silver defeat the Team Rocket Grunts, Gold wonders whether or not Silver has ever enjoyed a battle, and requests one against him, to which he accepts. The battle starts out and remains pretty even, even against Silver's newly evolved Kingdra, until Silver uses a Tyranitar borrowed from Lance, which is able to wreak havoc on Gold's whole team with its Sandstorm but is able to defeat it with Togebo, however Togebo gets squashed and Gold is defeated. Silver then departs for the Lake of Rage with Gold insisting on coming with him. Gold then follows Silver to the Lake of Rage, and he helps Silver in catching the Red Gyarados by distracting the other Gyarados, and once their leader was caught by Silver, they went away. However, they run into the Masked Man again and the two of them fight over who's to battle him. Shortly after the battle begins he reveals that he kidnapped Silver as a child and that he escaped, and that he's the real leader of the resurrected Team Rocket. Silver then gained Gold's respect and the two bounced back. Gold and Red heading off to Mt. Silver at the end of the third chapter Gold and Silver realize that they share a common enemy and battle the Masked Man together at the Lake of Rage, but they are defeated and sent crashing toward the now-frozen Lake of Rage, and their fates are left unknown for a while. It is later revealed the two boys are in Whirl Islands, as rescued by Entei, where they are found by Lt. Surge, and their missing valuables, including the Red Gyarados, are returned. They meet Crystal after she nearly drowns in the wreckage and battle the rabid Lugia that starts attacking them, and they are all nearly defeated until his Quilava, Silver's Croconaw, and Crystal's Megaree all evolve into their final forms. The tables nearly turned when Gold even disabled the giant bird's Aeroblast attack by placing his billiard cue inside its mouth to keep it from closing with the aid of his new Mantine and Remoraid getting him close enough, but Gold fails at catching it due to not having his billiard cue, and it is later discovered that someone managed to catch it before they did when the Poké Ball Crystal kicked turned out to be empty. Having failed to track it down with the Area function of the Pokédex, Gold and Crystal then head to the opening ceremony of the Pokémon League, where all 16 Gym Leaders of Kanto and Johto have gathered to battle each other, to try to determine which one of the Gym Leaders is the Masked Man. They battle Sham and Carl in the Control Room and end up winning with a powerful Mega Drain, but are locked in until Crystal's Parasect melts the door. The Masked Man then appears at the scene with both Lugia and Ho-Oh and starts wreaking havoc before heading to the shrine in Ilex Forest, where the final battle then takes place. Gold battles the Masked Man and finds out his real identity by smashing his mask after a clever combination that corners the villain, but to avoid defeat, the dastardly man threatens to crush Pika and Chuchu's Egg if he attacks once more. Gold is horribly beaten by the nemesis, but his efforts of attempting to protect the Egg in his arms cause it to hatch into Pichu, which inherits his personality as a result. After being reassured of his ability as the Hatcher of the Pokédex holders, he then follows the villain back in time with Silver and Crystal on the three legendary beasts, and eventually manages to escape after freeing Celebi. At the end of the Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter, Gold goes to train under Red on Mt. Silver.

Blue (Emerald chapter)

For the most part of this chapter, he, along with four other Pokédex holders, remained turned into stone. It was only at nearly the end of the chapter that he and the others were liberated by Emerald with the help of the wish-granting legendary Pokémon Jirachi. Once revived, Blue and the others find out that they are currently in a battle against the evil Guile Hideout and his monster Kyogre that he created with the power of Jirachi. Blue and the other nine Pokédex holders fight off Guile's army of rental Pokémon before being flooded by the power of the monster Kyogre. After Gold and Red destroy Guile's armor, Blue and the others are seen with their Pokémon, ready to defeat the monster Kyogre. With the combined powers of the four ultimate moves, Hydro Cannon, Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Volt Tackle, they manage to blow up the monster Kyogre, defeating it once and for all. The next day, after Guile is finally defeated, Blue and the others celebrate their victory and joins in a Battle Dome tournament that was suggested by Red, however, neither his victories or losses are known.

Red (FireRed & LeafGreen chapter)

From this chapter onwards, Red wears the new FireRed jacket and hat along with the same shoes and jeans from previously. Red and Blue meet at Professor Oak's lab, where they find messages mysteriously asking them to leave their Pokédexes and head to Vermilion City. Once there, the two board the Seagallop Ferry to the Sevii Islands, where they also find Green being attacked by Deoxys. They are soon confronted by the new Team Rocket Admins, the Beast Warrior Trio, as well as Deoxys, who is under control of Giovanni. As it turns out, Professor Oak has been kidnapped by Team Rocket again. Red undergoes special training under Kimberly on Boon Island, where his Venusaur learns the legendary Grass-type move Frenzy Plant. However, he is still defeated by Deoxys, who he shares a strange connection with. Red loses his confidence, but eventually regains the will to fight in order to understand the meaning of his connection to Deoxys. Red in the sixth chapter Mewtwo shows up and offers to battle under Red's command to get revenge on Deoxys. The two arrive at the Team Rocket helicopter hovering above Viridian City, where Giovanni is searching for his long-lost son. After a very long and fierce battle, Mewtwo manages to defeat Deoxys. However, victory is short as Carr, one of the Beast Warrior Trio, rebels against Team Rocket and, after placing his Forretress all over the helicopter and ordering them to use Explosion, takes over the helicopter. While Deoxys transports everyone else aboard to safety, Red stays behind to defeat the Forretress and stop the aircraft from blowing up over Vermilion City. In the process, he discovers that Deoxys absorbed a sample of his blood when it broke free from Team Rocket's lab. At the end of the chapter, Red is turned to stone along with the other main characters by Sird's beam intended for Deoxys.

Green (Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter)

Green appears in the third chapter as a major supporting character. In her first appearances, she is only mentioned by Silver, who describes their past kidnapping at the hands of the Masked Man. She makes her first appearance in person in Heckled by Hitmontop, where she has Silver Teleported away so that he would be safe and not have to be involved with the final battle against the Masked Man. She then travels to the Ilex Forest to prevent the Masked Man from capturing Celebi. There, she is attacked by Will and Karen, fellow Masked Children who use Ho-Oh and a captive Silver to defeat Green by using her past against. After reconciling with Silver, Green manages to overcome her childhood trauma and reveals that captured Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Together with Red and Blue, Green uses the birds to free Ho-Oh and Lugia from the Masked Man's control. With Will and Karen defeated, Green, Red, and Blue join up with the other Pokédex holders to defeat the Masked Man once and for all. She helps combat the Masked Man's ice dolls while Gold, Silver, and Crystal personally battle the Masked Man in the Crack in Time. Once they are defeated, Green and the other Pokédex holders help Gold destroy the GS Ball, freeing Celebi from the Masked Man's control and defeating him once and for all.

Green (Red, Green & Blue chapter)

Green first appears in Wartortle Wars, where she scams Red out of his money by selling him fake items. Angered, Red hunts her down to get what was taken from him back. After chasing Green down and defeating her, Red reclaims his stolen money, only to find out that Green managed to steal his Badges. Later, she is attacked by Team Rocket, who were after the data disk with information on Mew that she stole from them. She manages to fend them off with her Ditty, who uses its Transform to take the form of the opponents' Pokémon to defeat them. After escaping with Red, who had disguised himself as a Rocket Grunt to get close to Green, the duo begins tracking Mew with the stolen data disk. Green reveals to Red that she intends on capturing Mew to make money off of it. To keep Team Rocket busy, she has Ditty take Mew's form to lead the villains away. They manage to find it, but Team Rocket catches up to them and tries to take Mew for themselves. Mew retaliates by defeating Team Rocket and leaving Red and Green unharmed. Mew leaves, and although she didn't get to capture it, Green is content with selling photographs of it to the newspaper. She thanks Red for his help and returns his stolen Badges to him. Green is later seen failing an attempt to get into Saffron City. She spots Blue and tells him about the barrier around the city, suggesting that they team up. She later manages to convince Red and Blue to team up and remove the barrier, allowing her to sneak inside Silph Co. while they do all the work. After getting inside, Green is attacked by Sabrina, one of the Team Rocket commanding officers. Although Sabrina proves to be a powerful opponent with her psychic abilities, Green manages to get away by playing mind tricks and getting through Sabrina's illusions. She continues on through the building by disguising herself as Sabrina and encounters Red with the Pokémon Badge Energy Amplifier. She lies to Red how it works by stating that it powers a Pokémon's strength, when it's really made to create a new Pokémon entirely. She trades the Marsh Badge she stole from Sabrina for Red's Moon Stone. When Sabrina finds them, Red attempts to use the Amplifier to power up Pika, only for it not to work since the two Badges Green returned to him earlier were actually fakes. She takes the Amplifier and leaves Red at Sabrina's mercy. While the others are busy, Green puts the two remaining Badges in the Amplifier, which activates and fusing Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres into Thu-Fi-Zer. Seeing Thu-Fi-Zer causes Green to faint from shock, forcing Red to protect her while she's unconscious. In her stead, he uses the Moon Stone he traded with her to evolve her Clefy into Clefable. Clefy manages to damage Thu-Fi-Zer, but not enough to defeat it. Green eventually wakes up and helps defeat the bird Pokémon with a combination attack between Blasty, Charizard, and Saur. Thu-Fi-Zer is separated back into Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, who fly away back to the wild. After the battle had ended, Green avoids celebrating with her allies since Blue's grandfather, Professor Oak is there with them. Afterwards, she competes in the 9th Pokémon League tournament, breezing through the qualifying elimination rounds. In the semifinals, she faces the mysterious Dr. O. By using bird Pokémon, Dr. 0 exploits Green's ornithophobia and manages to defeat her. Her opponent is revealed to actually be Professor Oak in disguise, who reveals that he knows about her childhood trauma and that she was the one who stole his Squirtle. Breaking down in tears, Green confesses to Professor Oak about why she stole his Pokémon. Professor Oak forgives Green and bestows to her the third Kanto Pokédex. Although he won the battle, Professor Oak gives the win to Green, effectively making her the second runner-up the tournament, after Blue and Red.

Silver (HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter)

HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter Silver in the ninth chapter In the ninth chapter, Silver flies to the Whirl Islands and enters Lance's chamber with the help of his Pokémon. There, he tries calling out to Lance to ask him about the apparent revival of Team Rocket, but gets no answer. He is attacked by the Blackthorn Gym Leader, Clair, who is also searching for the currently missing Lance. They are attacked by a large group of Koffing, but Silver easily defeats them with his Pokémon. When one of the Koffing tries to escape, Silver has his Sneasel take the item it was holding in its mouth, a Plate. After his Sneasel and Murkrow evolve into Weavile and Honchkrow, respectively, Silver flies off to the Safari Zone after getting a clue to Lance's current whereabouts. After arriving at the Safari Zone, Silver encounters Eusine, who is trying to sell his poorly-drawn images of Suicune. There, they are attacked by Petrel, one of the Four Generals of Team Rocket. Silver manages to defeat Petrel, and takes the Plates he had in his possession. After Petrel escapes, Silver tries to search for more of the Plates, but is unable to find any. Soon after, he encounters Crystal, who came to the Safari Zone on a trip with the children from the orphanage she works at. Upon Eusine's suggestion, Silver and Crystal decide to go meet the Ecruteak Gym Leader, Morty, who can find Lance with his psychic powers. After arriving at Route 38, Silver is pinned to a tree by another of the Four Generals of Team Rocket, Ariana. As Crystal battles Ariana alone, Silver manages to piece together that the Plates each correspond to sixteen of the seventeen Pokémon types. With this knowledge, Silver gives the Earth Plate he stole from Petrel to his Rhyperior. He has Rhyperior attack Ariana with a powerful Earth Power, which manages to distract her long enough for him to escape. Although he regrets having to leave Crystal behind, Silver decides to go to the Ecruteak Gym and go to Morty. Upon arriving at the Gym, Silver is approached by the Gym Leaders of the Violet, Cianwood, and Azalea Gyms, Falkner, Chuck, and Bugsy. They reveal that because of several requests to use Morty's powers, they have been asked to guard the Gym for him. Due to not having time, Silver is forced to battle the three, but the battle is ended once it's revealed that Silver's Rhyperior is the Rhydon that Blue used to own. Silver reveals that after the events of the Emerald chapter, he and Blue went to his hideout to get his father. However, due to it being over several months since he had Ursaring bring Giovanni there, the both of them are missing. Although they failed to find Giovanni, Silver has Blue trade his Rhyperior to him, allowing it to evolve into its final form. Blue decides to let Silver keep Rhyperior, as he needs a sixth Pokémon to replace Ursaring. Chuck, being Blue's former master, decides to allow Silver into the Gym because Blue is friends with Silver. Upon entering the Gym, Silver is shocked to see Gold is there as well. Before Silver can ask Morty to help him, the legendary Pokémon, Arceus appears and blows away the Gym with a powerful attack. The attack knocks Silver and Morty unconscious, while Gold goes to face Arceus by himself. Later, Silver awakens in the destroyed Ecruteak Gym and prepares to go and follow Gold. Before he leaves, Silver has Morty use his clairvoyance to map out each of the locations of all the remaining Plates. Silver has his Weavile carve marks into trees, which are then picked up by other wild Sneasel and Weavile all around Johto. As he goes to obtain the remaining Plates, Silver calls Gold to find out his location so that he can arrive there after finishing his mission. Sometime later, with the help of the wild and trained Sneasel and Weavile of Johto, Silver obtains the remaining thirteen Plates and goes off to find Gold. Soon after, he finds Crystal, injured after a battle with Arceus and left on top of a tree. He thanks Crystal for helping hold back Team Rocket and takes her to the Ruins of Alph, where Gold currently is. Upon arriving, they find Gold in battle with Arceus and rush in to help him. Arceus reacts to the Plates inside Silver's pocket, which causes it to send Silver, Gold, Crystal, and the four Generals into a snow-filled area called the Sinjoh Ruins. Upon entering, Silver, Gold, and Crystal find Arceus being dragged onto the Mystri Stage by the Four General's Pokémon. With Arceus as their hostage, the Four Generals force Silver to hand over his Plates. Silver and the others try to stop the Generals, but are blocked by Petrel, Ariana, and Proton, who stall them long enough for Archer to use the Plates to activate Arceus' Multitype Ability. With the power of Arceus's different types, Archer wreaks havoc while Silver, Crystal and Gold are powerless to stop him. Soon, Archer reveals his true plan with Arceus: to re-create the legendary Pokémon, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina for their boss, Giovanni. Hearing Giovanni's name startles Silver, which allows Petrel to sneak up on him and reveal that he learned that Silver is the son of Giovanni because of Carr. Petrel has his Golbat use Lick on Silver, which blinds Silver and paralyzes his throat, making him mute. Petrel reveals that he intends to betray his teammates by convincing Giovanni that he tried to protect the injured Silver from Archer and the others who had harmed him. Although Silver questions why he would go along with the plan, Petrel reveals that since Silver is Giovanni's son, he will most likely turn out as evil as his father. Silver realizes that Petrel is right, and that he cannot escape his fate of being connected to evil. Silver decides to kill himself by jumping towards the three Pokémon being created by Arceus, forcing Petrel to try and stop him. Crystal tries to stop Silver, but Gold reveals that it's all a ruse, and that Silver lent his Feraligatr to him. With the power of the Ultimate Moves, Gold and Crystal destroy the Pokémon that Arceus created. Having stopped Team Rocket's plan, Arceus sends the Four Generals flying and completes itself by absorbing the Plates. After Crystal heals Silver with Parasee, the three are shocked to find the pieces of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina that were destroyed are quickly reforming. Archer reveals that even though they appeared to have destroyed the trio, all they did was temporarily stop the process from completing. Since Arceus had finished completing itself, the process that created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina started again, allowing it to finish. Archer begins going crazy, and begins claiming that everything is destined; the creation of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, Arceus completing itself, the world becoming Team Rocket's, all destined. His insanity begins to scare his teammates, which leads to Petrel attempting to escape by disguising himself as Giovanni. Then, Giovanni appears before all of them, but Silver quickly assumes it's just a disguised Petrel. The real Petrel appears with his disguised ripped apart by Silver's Ursaring, revealing Giovanni to be the real one. Giovanni reveals that he didn't come alone, as Lance and Pryce soon join him. The three Trainers begin combating the Pokémon, and manage to hold them off for a little while. When Gold questions how Pryce returned, the man reveals that the one who saved him from the crack in time was Celebi, who could see the destruction that Arceus would bring with the legendary Pokémon it created. When Giovanni, Lance, and Pryce take their battle outside, Silver and Crystal follow them, while Gold stays behind to calm Arceus down. Giovanni's disease begins affecting him, forcing Silver to step in and defend his ailing father from Giratina. After Gold calms Arceus down, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina leave, ending the battle completely. After Giovanni gets his disease cured, he offers Silver a position in Team Rocket. Silver refuses, and instead decides to get stronger so that he can one day change his father's evil ways. Proud of his son's decision, Giovanni entrusts Lance and Pryce to train Silver so that he may one day face his son in combat. Later, Silver gains in interest in Proteam Omega, a show that was created by the Radio Director. Much to Gold's annoyance, Silver begins frequently visiting Gold's house to use his television.

Green (HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter)

In Dealing With A Koffing Fit, Silver reveals that Green was the one that gave him the Dusk Stone and Razor Claw, which later allowed his Murkrow and Sneasel evolve into Honchkrow and Weavile, respectively.

Silver (Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter)

In his quest to take down the Masked Man and Team Rocket, Silver allied himself with Lance and stole a Totodile from Professor Elm's lab. In stealing the Pokémon, Silver made himself a rival in Gold, who thought that he was the one who stole his backpack that had all of his Pokémon in it and later because of his theft of Totodile. Before they could finish their first battle which had taken place at Professor Elm's lab right after Silver stole Totodile, Gold was knocked unconscious by several members of Team Rocket, who Silver subsequently defeated. During the battle, Gold was able to burn his hand forcing Silver to throw one of his gloves off. As a result, Gold learned from the name emblazoned in the glove that the boy's name was Silver. Gold then tried to track him down for a while after learning from Professor Oak that Silver stole a Pokédex as well. Silver then goes to Violet City and talks to Lance in the Sprout Tower, running into Gold along the way and almost losing Totodile, until it was revealed that Totodile actually wants to stay with Silver because it bit Gold when he tried to get it back. When an iron wrecking ball was launched at them, Silver and Gold teamed up with their respective starters (Exbo and Totodile) to destroy the ball by rapidly heating the ball and then cooling it. Silver then disappeared again, with Totodile evolving into Croconaw. Silver then takes a Black Apricorn to Kurt, who makes a Heavy Ball for him, saying that he only gives his Balls to Trainers he feels are qualified and that Silver is good enough. Silver used this Heavy Ball to capture an Ursaring. However, Gold ran into him while he was in the middle of the capture. Gold got in his way several times (for example when Aibo ran into Silver and made him drop his Heavy Ball). Silver then told Gold how to properly use Kurt's Balls. He stated that every Pokémon has a point that the Trainer must hit with the Ball in order for it to work (for Teddiursa, the crescent moon on its forehead and for Ursaring, its belly, for example). Gold repaid Silver by using his Friend Ball and billiard cue to knock back Silver's Heavy Ball, and were both able to catch their targets. Silver then, once again, disappeared. He appeared at the Slowpoke Well in the middle of Team Rocket's Slowpoke Tail scam and defeated all of the Grunts single-handedly. Ursaring's claw marks were seen on one part of the well, so people quickly realized that it was him. Silver then appears in Ecruteak City, looking over the damage from the air with his Murkrow. Jasmine's Amphy's flare then caught Silver's attention and he found her in the Tin Tower and decided to help her, only to run into Gold who thought he did harm to her instead. Before Gold could spark a battle, Silver just handed her over to him and left. However a mudslide left them trapped in the tower but Silver got Gold's Polibo to evolve into a Politoed and get them out right before they drowned in the silt, only to find out Team Rocket was the cause of the earthquake. Once Silver and Gold defeat the grunts they retreat and Gold requests a battle, to which Silver accepts. After a long battle he reveals several new additions to his team, a Kingdra that evolved during the exchange with Politoed, and a Tyranitar that wasn't his and thereby, could not control. He almost defeated Gold's whole team with it, but Togebo was able to defeat the Tyranitar. Silver commanding an attack on the Mask of Ice The two boys eventually realized they share a common goal, however, as Gold was also trying to defeat the Masked Man. Together, Gold and Silver battled the villain at the Lake of Rage. It was here that the Masked Man revealed Silver's past to Gold; how he was kidnapped by him as a child. With Silver finding out about his origin, he gained Gold's sympathy and respect. The two bounced back but were defeated, with their fates left unknown for a while. It is later revealed they were in Whirl Islands, unconscious for a long time and watched over by Entei. They were found by Lt. Surge, and also met Crystal and battled a Lugia that started attacking them, but failed to catch it. Silver then headed to the opening ceremony of the Pokémon League in an attempt to find the Masked Man, but Green teleported him away from there to save him. In the final confrontation in Ilex Forest, Silver fought Will and won. Later, together with Gold and Crystal, he dove after Pryce into the time portal. The Pokédex holders made it out unharmed, but Pryce was stuck inside.

Blue (Yellow chapter)

In the Yellow chapter, Blue is first seen defeating a Gastly that all of the good Gym Leaders and Yellow were fighting. He then reveals that it had belonged to Agatha whom he had battle previously at the Kanto Power Plant due to the grudge she has toward his grandfather. He then says that he had cut off all contact with him just so nobody could listen in. Before he leaves Yellow wishes to train with him, which he allows. Younger Blue under Chuck's training Then he recalls to Yellow the time when he battled against Agatha. It was back during the time of the first chapter when Red was battling Giovanni. Blue had just caught a Lapras that another boy named Evan was eyeing because he wanted a strong Pokémon so he could enter the Power Plant to save his Haunter which disappeared into there. He talked to his grandfather and he had heard similar rumors so Blue decided to investigate. He defeated several Magneton along the way before he finally encountered Agatha. After Evan let it slip that Blue was Oak's grandson she decided to destroy him instead of toy with him like she had planned initially. She had her Gengar use Hypnosis on him and then use Dream Eater to drain his power. His dream was of when he was training with Chuck and he made him do things without the help of his Pokémon and after he complained, Chuck made him realize that not only must a Pokémon be strong to defeat an opponent, but so must a Trainer. He then has his Golduck transfer his thoughts into his Pokédex for Evan to read and have him learn the same lesson, so he could rescue his Haunter which was in Poké Ball behind Agatha so its attack would disrupt Gengar's Dream Eater. This plan works and after Blue escapes, Agatha disappears before he could get any answers on how she knows his grandfather. He tutors Yellow in more intense strategies for battles. It is during this training that Blue learns that Yellow doesn't know the basics of Pokémon. All of her Pokémon were given to her, she didn't know what moves Ratty knew and cried when it evolved since she didn't think it was Ratty anymore, and couldn't catch a simple Caterpie because she didn't want to hurt it so Blue had to catch it for her. He later teamed up with Yellow to defeat an entire pack of Mankey but when it became clear that Yellow could not defeat the leading Primeape he took it upon itself to defeat it with his Porygon. Yellow then goes off to continue training on her own. He then appears to Blaine at Cerise Island and the two of them try to take on the Elite Four, only for them to run into the three Rocket Admins, Koga, Lt. Surge, and Sabrina. Later, he is paired up with Koga by Sabrina's Spoons of Destiny. Before he finds an opponent, he returns Golbat to Koga, which he had kept with him ever since the incident at Silph Co. The pair of them fight Agatha of the Elite Four once again but, during the battle, Blue and Golbat are separated from Koga. Agatha's Haunter then paralyzes Blue by using Lick on his eyes. He is forced to use Koga's Golbat once again, applying its echolocation to realize that there was another Golbat coming at him. After a while of evading the Golbat, Koga started throwing shuriken balls containing Paralyze Heals, one of which got to Blue and he was able to rejoin the battle, and defeat Agatha. Although it turns out that Agatha wasn't really defeated and was actually having her Gengar become Koga and Blue's shadow and was slowly sucking the life out of them and due to Koga's quick loss of blood Gengar was able to get away with this for a moderate time. They figured it out, however, and it was defeated.

Green (FireRed & LeafGreen chapter)

In the fifth chapter, Green wears a change of clothing that she received from Silver. After some searching, Green has made it her mission to meet up with her long-lost parents, who she found are now living in the Sevii Islands. While on the boat traveling to One Island, she is attacked by an invisible Pokémon, who attempts to suck her into a black hole. When her parents see this, they rush over to meet their daughter and are accidentally sucked into the black hole instead. Shocked from seeing this, Green falls into a brief coma after Red and Blue come to rescue her. Green eventually wakes up and learns that the Pokémon who kidnapped her parents is named Deoxys and was under the control of Team Rocket, who have her parents held captive. After helping Red out of his slump from his defeat by Deoxys's hands, Green decides to learn the Ultimate Water Attack, Hydro Cannon, from Kimberly and rescue her parents. Together with Red, Blue, and Mewtwo, they travel to the Trainer Tower to rescue Green's parents and Professor Oak. After succeeding, Professor Oak has Green take him to where the Pokédexes Team Rocket stole from him are being held. Professor Oak manages to put together Red, Blue, and Green's new Pokédexes, though at the cost of two of the original three. The commotion exhausts everyone, leaving Red to face Giovanni alone with Mewtwo. After traveling back to Kanto, Green helps stop the Team Rocket battleship from crashing into Vermilion City. Although Team Rocket is defeated and Deoxys freed from their control, Sird, of the Three Beasts, attempts to recapture it. Green, Red, Blue, Silver, Yellow, and Mewtwo all jump in the way of Sird's attempt, but are turned into stone in the process.

Silver (FireRed & LeafGreen chapter)

In the fifth chapter, inspired by Green meeting her parents, Silver renews his quest to find the truth about his own past. This journey takes him to Viridian City, where he meets Yellow, who reads the mind of his Sneasel, who has a memory of the statue of Giovanni that further supports Silver's theory that he grew up in Viridian. Silver dressed as Team Rocket's heir Soon, two admins of Team Rocket, Sird and Orm, arrive and confronted Yellow and Silver in battle. After the battle, Sird revealed that Giovanni is, in fact, the father of Silver. After hearing this, Silver fainted and was taken by Sird to the Team Rocket Battle Airship in order to reunite the boy with his father. When he awakes, Silver refuses to accept that Giovanni is his father and that he is the heir of Team Rocket. Although Silver was initially unhappy about his true heritage, Blue helped him realize that Giovanni has his good qualities, and Silver uses his Ursaring to help rescue his father. He then helped the other Pokédex holders support Red to keep the Battle Airship from crashing in Vermilion City. They celebrated the victory, but soon after their win, Sird turns Silver and his friends to statues with a beam intended for Deoxys.

Red (Red, Green & Blue chapter)

In this saga, Red is the main protagonist, and his main rival is Blue. Red was first seen showing off his catching abilities to a group of little kids, but once they mentioned Professor Oak and his grandson, they left. He then sees a few Team Rocket Grunts and overhears them talking about Mew. He manages to find it, only to see that Blue, who he didn't know yet, was already battling it with a Charmander. Seeing Blue quickly recalling his Pokémon angers Red to a point where he sends out his own Poliwhirl on it and is easily defeated. He then receives some words of wisdom from Blue and decides to suck up his pride and go to see Professor Oak. Red enters the seemingly empty lab and notices a Bulbasaur, only to be found by Professor Oak and mistaken for a thief. All of the Professor's Poké Balls are then set loose, and Red volunteers to get all of them back. He does so, except for one last Pokémon - the same Bulbasaur from earlier, which he eventually finds in the Viridian Gym. He manages to calm Bulbasaur down only to be attacked by a wild Machoke. Red then figures out how to use Solar Beam on his own, impressing Oak to the point of giving him a Pokédex and Bulbasaur to keep. He is then sent along by Professor Oak to capture as many Pokémon as he can, and encounters Blue again in Viridian Forest. The two boys fight over a Kangaskhan, and Red finally learns Blue's name and status as Oak's grandson, beginning a rivalry with him. Red later manages to catch a menacing Pikachu that was destroying industry in Pewter City. He then runs into Blue again, learns of the Boulder Badge and decides to challenge Brock and earn Gym Badges. After blowing through the preliminaries with Saur and Poli Red realizes that he needs his newly caught Pikachu to beat Brock's Onix. After a rocky first part of the match, Red earns Pikachu's trust and he defeats Brock. He later encounters Misty and her Gyarados which had been stolen and went into an intense rage, horribly injuring Misty and her Staryu in the process. After re-capturing the Gyarados for Misty, Red learns about Team Rocket through Misty and Oak, and sets off to Mt. Moon after them with Misty. They win a battle against Team Rocket even after the admin Koga uses an injection to make his Rhyhorn evolve into a Rhydon. While staying in Misty's mansion, Misty defeats Red to make him see that they need to be stronger if they want to defeat Team Rocket. After several days of training, he defeats her and wins the Cascade Badge. After stowing away and getting kicked off the S.S. Anne, Red meets the Pokémon Fan Club Chairman, learning from him that his Abra, along with other Pokémon, are being stolen. This leads him back to the S.S. Anne, where he runs into the owner, Lt. Surge. Lt. Surge, another one of Team Rocket's admins, throws Red and Poli overboard, only to trigger Poli's evolution into a Poliwrath, saving Red from drowning. Later, Red enters a bike racing contest and uses his Pokémon to give him a good lead, until he and several of the racers are stopped dead by a Snorlax. By using his Bulbasaur covered in honey he catches the Snorlax and wins the race, however all of his prize money is spent to feed it. He then journeys into the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town to rescue Blue who has mysteriously disappeared. He finds Blue possessed by a Gastly owned by Koga. Red then watches Blue defeat and slice Koga's Arbok in half, and gains some respect towards Blue. Later, Red is scammed out of his money for fake items by a mischievous girl called Green. He chases her down and gets his money back, only to realize that his first two Badges, the Boulder Badge and the Cascade Badge, are gone. He then deduces that the stolen Squirtle mentioned by Professor Oak must have been taken by Green and evolved into Wartortle. Upon hearing some Team Rocket grunts mentioning her, Red infiltrates Team Rocket to see what they know about Green, and finds her surrounded by a group of Team Rocket members looking for a mysterious chip she stole, containing information about Mew. Even after everything Green did to him, Red saves her from Team Rocket. After that, the two of them go after Mew only to find that Team Rocket made it to it again, and Red has to stall them in order for Mew to get away. After this altercation, Green leaves, but not before leaving Red's Badges entrusted in his pocket. Red with his team from the first volume's cover Red then accidentally gets his Pokémon swapped with Blue near Celadon City. When he tries to battle with them they refuse to obey him, but later he decides to play with them while Blue trains Red's Pokémon with more exotic and useful moves. Blue's Pokémon become more kind to Red and more lighthearted overall, something that greatly annoys Blue when he gets his Pokémon back. Red then goes to Erika and challenges her, but she first requires that he proves himself by catching an Eevee. Eventually, with Bill's help, Red finds and catches a strange Eevee with the ability to swap between any of its evolved forms, due to a special device implemented in its ear. He then goes to find Erika and asks why Eevee is like this, and challenges her to a Gym battle. Erika easily defeats Red, and says that she will kill Eevee due to its deformity. Once Red uses Pika to protect Eevee, Erika reveals that it was simply a test and the real people that made Eevee like this were Team Rocket. Red next visits the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City, and although he isn't supposed to do anything except watch, he smuggles in a Poké Ball and catches a Nidoqueen, angering two Nidoking that were fighting over her. He manages to escape them but is then taken by a Victreebel to be eaten for an evolution ritual for the Bellsprout and Weepinbell. He gets away from them only to run into the Nidoking again, resulting in a fight between Nidoking and the Victreebel. Red uses this to catch both Pokémon, and catches many others before he is finally found by the Safari Zone Warden. He then unknowingly helps Rocket boss Giovanni, whom he believes is just a researcher, get some Fossils and get to Pewter City through Diglett's Cave, only to see that Pewter Museum of Science is set ablaze by two Magmar. He battles the Magmar with Giovanni studying his moves. Giovanni eventually deduces Red is not a threat to Team Rocket since he lacks in cruelty, unfairness, and brutality. Red is then sent on his way, but not before Giovanni gives him an Old Amber. Wanting to reach the Seafoam Islands, Red then goes to the bottom of a lake to retrieve the HM for Surf. He is instead confronted by a Dragonite and decides to use all of his other Pokémon to distract it, only to have their combined weight crush the HM and trap Red's leg under a rock. He is eventually rescued by Misty, who appears and drives the Dragonite off with her Starmie and Gyarados. Misty then trades Red's Krabby for her Gyarados, who knows Surf. On Seafoam Islands, Red encounters Team Rocket again, who are searching for Articuno. He then reaches Cinnabar Island, spotting Team Rocket once more and secretly watching them battle Blaine's Pokémon from the edge of a cliff. A member spots him and threatens to throw him off the cliff if he doesn't surrender. Blaine appears but with his Gyarados, and the two of them easily overpower the grunts until they reveal their secret weapon, a Moltres. The grunts disperse and Moltres gives chase to the two of them on Blaine's Rapidash. When nothing that they do works, Blaine spots Red's Old Amber and has him revive it as fast as he can. He gets it revived into an Aerodactyl and with that, he is able to drive Moltres away. Later, when Red, Blue, and Green all fail to get into Saffron City, Red goes to Pallet Town to ask for Professor Oak's advice, only to realize that there is nobody there except for Sabrina and her Kadabra, masquerading as Oak. Sabrina, Team Rocket's third admin, then appears to him and pins him to the floor with her psychic powers, challenging him to go back to Saffron City. Blue then arrives and tells him that Saffron must be Team Rocket's headquarters, and they find out that Vee is missing. Saffron City is protected from invasion by a large psychic barrier, so with some urging from Green, Red and Blue team up. With Pika's Substitute and Blue's Golduck's Confusion, the two of them locate the source of the barrier, Sabrina's Mr. Mime, and defeat it, allowing access to Saffron City. After a trap door splits him up from Blue while inside Silph Co., Red runs into Lt. Surge, who has been equipped with many gadgets involving electricity and Electric-type Pokémon, powered by Zapdos. Red sends out Saur in defense and uses Razor Leaf to cut the electrical cords, causing Lt. Surge to get electrocuted. Red swipes the Thunder Badge from him as well as a pair of gloves, and finds Koga standing victorious over Blue. Red tries to stop Koga from killing Blue, but is restrained by Koga's Grimer. After a hard battle with the legendary Articuno, the same one that Red had saved earlier, the two boys defeat Koga. Red takes the Soul Badge from him, and the two split up once again. He runs into the Badge Energy Amplifier room, where he meets Green, who hands him the Marsh Badge in exchange for his Moon Stone. Red fits his seven Badges into the Amplifier and points it at his Pikachu, when Sabrina appears, and though he points it at Pikachu, the Amplifier does not work. Green then reveals that the two Badges that she returned to him earlier were fake, and escapes with the Amplifier, leaving Red to fight Sabrina. Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno are merged together when Green inserts the real Badges in, creating a new Pokémon. Combining their attacks, Red, Blue, and Green eventually defeat it. Red then journeys back to Cerulean City to capture the "monster Pokémon", which turns out to be Mewtwo. After attempting to catch it, Red and his Pokémon are almost sucked into Mewtwo's Psywave. They are saved by Blaine, and Red uses his whole team to fool Mewtwo and catch it with a Master Ball for Blaine. Red frozen on Mt. Moon Later, Red encounters Yellow being attacked by a Dratini in Viridian Forest. He helps her catch a Rattata and explains how battling and catching Pokémon works. He takes her back to Viridian City and finds that Team Rocket has been releasing abused Pokémon into the Forest to make them stronger. He also learns that the Gym Leader there has been absent for a very long time. Entering the Gym, Red finally meets Giovanni again, who reveals his true intentions behind the incident at Diglett's Cave. Giovanni then challenges Red with a catch: if Red loses he has to join Team Rocket. After a very intense and long battle, Red defeats Giovanni. He is offered to become the new Gym Leader of Viridian, but he first wishes to become a better Trainer and goes off to Indigo Plateau. With the Badges he gained, Red is able to enter the Pokémon League, where he faces Blue in the final match. Just as Oak notes how Blue has become more instinctual like Red, Red in turn has become more calm and is able to use knowledge as well as instinct. He defeats Blue and his Charizard with Saur and emerges as the Champion of the 9th triennial Pokémon League competition. This makes him interesting to the Elite Four, who are watching the battle from the side.

Blue (HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter)

It is revealed that the Rhyperior that Silver is shown to possess is in fact, Blue's Rhydon evolved after they traded. Blue was shown in his updated design and to have gone with Silver to find Giovanni after the Pokédex holders' victory in the Battle Frontier against Guile Hideout; however, Giovanni was nowhere to be found due to the fact that more than three months had passed between the time they were petrified and freed.

Red (Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter)

Red first appears in the Gold, Silver, & Crystal chapters in Quilava Quandray when Gold sees him in a photo at the Day Care Center showing him as one of the previous winners of the Pokémon League. Red is offered the newly open position of Viridian City Gym Leader, and even though he passes the test easily, he has to turn it down due to injuries he suffered from being frozen. He is also asked to help Yellow deal with finding Lugia in Johto, but also turns it down for the same reason. He learns from Blue where to heal his wounds and leaves to recuperate at the springs in Mt. Silver with Blue's Charizard and Green's Blastoise, where he meets Sabrina, also there to heal the same injuries. Sabrina informs him of the Gym Leaders meeting in the Pokémon League, and he later arrives at the scene in time to save Blue, Brock, and Erika from a train crash. Red and Blue then travel underground with Blue's new Rhydon towards Ilex Forest, where the villainous Masked Man headed. Along the way, they meet Bruno and Koga, two former enemies, who help them on their way and tell them about Celebi. When they arrive at Ilex Forest, Red, Blue, and the other main characters then team up with several legendary Pokémon to help fight the Masked Man. During the battle Red finally learns that Yellow is a girl. At the end of the story, Gold becomes impressed with Red and goes to train under him at Mt. Silver.

Red (HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter)

Red makes a brief cameo appearance in a flashback when Gold talks about his training with him on Mt. Silver in the Gold, Silver, & Crystal chapter.

Red (Emerald chapter)

Red, along with Blue, Green, Silver, and Yellow, were transported as statues in boxes on the S.S. Tidal by the other main characters to the Battle Frontier for their salvation. For most of this chapter, Red, along with four other Pokédex holders, remained frozen in stone. It was only towards the end of the chapter that he and the others were liberated by Emerald with the help of the wish-granting legendary Pokémon Jirachi. Free again, Red and the others helped fight Guile Hideout. In the aftermath of the battle, Red and the other Pokédex holders participated in the Battle Dome tournament, which ultimately concluded in Emerald claiming the Tactics Symbol.

Silver (Emerald chapter)

Silver remains a statue for most of this chapter, and is only set free towards the end, when Emerald wishes Jirachi to do so. Along with the other Pokédex holders, Silver then joins the fight against Guile Hideout and his Feraligatr helps obliterate the giant Kyogre monster with its Hydro Cannon.

Gold (HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter)

The chapter opens up with Gold facing the Pokémon Arceus with his entire team. Despite his best efforts, none of his attacks seem to affect the Alpha Pokémon, which responds by attacking his Pokémon with a powerful roar. He tells his Pokémon to hold on and wait for Silver to arrive and help. A few weeks earlier, Gold and Whitney travel to the Pokéathlon Dome so that they can compete in the Pokéathlon. After a forced change of clothes, Gold begins his challenge with the Jump Course, which he wins with the help of Sudobo, Sunbo, and Togebo. There, he encounters his idol, DJ Mary, along with the Radio Director, who were hosting the event. Gold at the Pokéathlon In the Speed Course, Gold faces another competitor, Jet, who manages to beat him at Hurdle Dash and Pennant Capture. In the final round, Relay Run, Gold faces Jet one last time. His opponent clearly outmatches him, but Gold and Togebo manage to beat Jet, earning Gold yet another medal. Having beaten four courses, Gold decides to challenge the final one, the Power Course. There, he encounters the Elite Four, Will, Karen, Koga, and Bruno, who have come to the Pokéathlon to compete and advertise the Pokémon League. Gold decides to challenge them, only to be clearly outmatched in the Circle Push and Goal Roll games. In the final round, Block Smash, Gold, Aibo, Polibo, and Exbo face off against Bruno and his Machamp. Although he proves to be a powerful opponent, Gold uses a cunning strategy to beat Bruno, winning the final course and medal in process. After congratulating his victory, Bruno reveals that he knows that Gold is at the Pokéathlon for another purpose other than just to compete. With his cover blown, Gold reveals that Professor Oak had reluctantly asked him to meet up with Lance at the Pokéathlon because Lance has information on the newly-revived Team Rocket and the Pokémon Arceus. After finishing his story, a Dragonite emerges from a nearby lake and begins to attack the Pokéathlon Dome. With Togebo, Gold defeats the Pokémon and figures out that it belongs to Lance. Disappointed that Lance clearly is not going to show up, Gold forces the Radio Director to take him to Ecruteak City so that he can see the Kimono Girls. At the Ecruteak Dance Hall, an infatuated Gold watches as the five Kimono Girls dance. Soon after, Aibo evolves into an Ambipom after doing some training with Polibo and Sunbo. He also meets Morty, the Ecruteak Gym Leader, and learns of his ability to track people with his clairvoyance. They go to the Ecruteak Gym, where Gold gives Morty a piece of Lance's torn clothes that he retrieved from the battle with the Dragonite in order to find Lance. Although Morty is unable to give an exact location on Lance's exact location, he is able to give a drawing of where he currently is. There, Gold meets up with Silver, who had made an appointment with Morty through the help of his friend, Eusine. Gold attempts to catch up with Silver, only for Arceus to appear and blow away the Ecruteak Gym with its powers. Silver and Morty are knocked unconscious, leaving Gold the only one awake to combat Arceus. Gold attempts to face Arceus, but none of his team's attack are able to damage it. Arceus quickly leaves, angering Gold into following it while taking an unconscious Bugsy along for the ride. They follow Arceus to the Ruins of Alph, where they find an injured Lance. Lance reveals that he was ambushed by someone, which is why he didn't appear at the Pokéathlon. Lance praises Gold's skill at beating the Pokéathlon, but believes that he will be unable to calm Arceus down due to Gold not connecting with Togebo enough. Angered by Lance's words, Gold goes back to face Arceus when it finally lands. Gold faces Arceus in battle again, only to have the same result as earlier. Arceus uses its powers to create a powerful barrier around them, locking Gold and his Pokémon inside. Arceus continues attacking, forcing Gold to dodge all of its attacks. Gold reveals that he doesn't intend to give up and wishes to learn more about Arceus. Outside the barrier, Silver and Crystal arrive to help. Reacting to the Plates in Silver's pockets, Arceus opens the barrier to let them in, along with Archer, Ariana, Petrel, and Proton, who sneak inside. Arceus uses its powers to transport all seven of them to a snow-filled area. Upon entering the ruins, they find Arceus being dragged onto a stage by the Four Generals. There, Archer reveals that they landed at the Sinjoh Ruins, a mysterious area where the cultures of Johto and Sinnoh meet. Petrel forces Silver to hand over the Plates to Archer, who proceeds to force Arceus to use its powers. Gold, Silver, and Crystal attempt to stop him, but are blocked by Ariana, Petrel, and Proton. Archer uses the Plates to force Arceus to activate its Ability, Multitype, so that it can use its various types to attack Gold, Silver, and Crystal. Archer praises the trio for helping them use Arceus for their goals when they were just trying to help Arceus. Archer has Arceus use its power to create the three legendary Pokémon Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Silver attempts to distract the Four Generals by feigning suicide, allowing Gold and Crystal to attack while their guard is down. With the assistance of Silver's Feraligatr, Gold and Crystal destroy the legendary Pokémon before they fully form with the Ultimate Attacks. With the three Pokémon destroyed, Arceus retaliates against the Four Generals by blowing them away and absorbs the Plates into its body. Although they believed themselves to have won the battle, the Pokémon Arceus created quickly reform themselves. Archer reveals that once the creation process begins, it cannot be stopped, and was only halted temporarily so that Arceus could complete itself. Although the situation seemed hopeless, Lance arrives with two allies, the former enemy Pryce, along with the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni. The three Trainers begin combating the Pokémon, and manage to hold them off for a little while. When Gold questions how Pryce returned, the man reveals that the one who saved him from the crack in time was Celebi, who could see the destruction that Arceus would bring with the legendary Pokémon it created. After everyone else leaves to take their battle outside, Gold remains in the Sinjoh Ruins to calm Arceus down. Gold sends out his entire team to try and face Arceus, but they are quickly swatted away and defeated again. The only one left standing is Togebo, who Gold refuses to let fight as he does not fully trust in his power. Despite this, Togebo refuses to listen to Gold's commands and continues to hopelessly attack Arceus. Seeing how determined Togebo is causes Gold to remember how they are both treated as last resorts, which puts them in similar situations. Gold decides to trust in Togebo, and sends him to attack Arceus. Togebo evolves twice into Togetic and Togekiss, respectively, and delivers a Double-Edge attack, which doesn't hurt Arceus, but calms it down enough to end its rage. With the battle over, Arceus flies to parts unknown, but Gold decides to follow it to give Arceus a proper send off. After returning, Gold says his goodbyes to Crystal and Silver. Just then, the Radio Director shows up, revealing that he has decided to go into the television business. Silver gets an interest in the show the Radio Director created and frequently visits Gold's house to use his television

Green (Emerald chapter)

Two months after the events of the fifth chapter, Professor Oak has been frantically searching for a way to free the petrified Pokédex holders. He manages to discover the mythical wish-granting Pokémon, Jirachi, who is going to awaken at the site of the Hoenn Battle Frontier. After getting permission from Scott, Green and the other Pokédex holders are shipped to the Battle Frontier while Emerald searches for Jirachi. At the end of the sixth chapter, Emerald manages to convince Jirachi to free Green and the others from their stone prison. Along with the other nine Pokédex holders, Green defeats Guile Hideout, who used Jirachi's power for his own gains. At the end of the chapter, she competes in a tournament against her friends held in the Battle Dome. Although her final ranking is unknown, Crystal states that her first opponent was Green, who defeated her.

Yellow (Emerald chapter)

Two months after the final battle, Mr. Briney shipped Yellow and the other four petrified Pokédex holders, via the S.S. Tidal, to the Battle Frontier. The five were placed on the top floor of the Battle Tower disguised as actual statues. Due to a report Kimberly had snatched from Team Rocket, Prof. Oak learned that the wish granting powers of the mirage Pokémon Jirachi were the only way to revive the Dex holders. Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold and Crystal were sent to the Battle Frontier at different times in order to capture Jirachi and protect it from Guile Hideout, who was also after the wishing Pokémon. When Emerald finally came to terms with his own feelings about Pokémon, he was able to reverse the petrifaction of his five seniors. Yellow then joined the epic battle against Guile Hideout's Sea Beast that had taken the form of Kyogre. She was a part of the final blow to the beast by having her Chuchu use the ultimate electric attack, Volt Tackle. After the crisis was over, Yellow entered a tournament between the Pokédex holders in which she lost at some point.

Green (Yellow chapter)

Two years after the events of the Pokémon League, Green decided to search for the bird Pokémon that kidnapped her. Her journey led her to learn about the Elite Four, who she found out from an ally that they plan on using the power power of a bird Pokémon. After finding Pika running away from one of the Elite Four's Pokémon, she meets Yellow, a young girl with the same powers as the Elite Four's leader. Green decides to use Yellow in gathering information on the Elite Four so that they can be defeated. She sends Yellow disguised as a boy to find Pika and investigate what happened to the missing Red. Green makes her first appearance in the second chapter listening in on the battle between Yellow and Lorelei. She berates Yellow for ignoring her orders to not give away her name to the enemies, but also notes that it probably would not have stayed a secret for long anyway. After Yellow and Bill manage to escape Lorelei, Green steps in and prevents Lorelei from tracking them. She then disappears before being spotted. Later, she sneaks into Bill's house to get data from the Pokémon Storage System to find out if the missing Red is still alive. After being mistaken for a burglar, Green explains to Bill that she was the one who sent Yellow on her quest. She also reveals that the Elite Four are behind the bird Pokémon that kidnapped her years ago. After hearing her story, Bill reluctantly decides to help Green, and while they find out Red is alive, a Hitmonlee destroys Bill's computer before they can figure out where he was last seen. Green manages to defeat Hitmonlee only to figure out that it was only a decoy to Lance in Vermilion City. Later, they arrive at Cerise Island and meet up with Yellow. They sneak past Lorelei's guard Pokémon and enter the volcano's interior, where they meet up with Blue, Blaine, Sabrina, Koga, and Lt. Surge. The eight decide to work together and split up into four pairs of two and fight one of the Elite Four. Using her Spoons of Destiny to pair the groups, Sabrina is paired with Green and the two set off to face Lorelei. After exploring more of the volcano, Green and Sabrina are attacked by Lorelei, who uses her abilities to tie the girls together with ice handcuffs. Due to their inability to work together properly, Green is accidentally knocked unconscious, leaving Sabrina to do the fighting by herself. When Sabrina is defeated, Green reveals that she was conscious the entire time. Green manages to steal the ice dolls that were keeping the handcuffs on her and Sabrina, but the commotion causes the handcuffs to break, separating Green's arm from her body. Once Lorelei claims victory, the severed arm reveals itself to be a disguised Ditty, who captures and defeats Lorelei. Hearing that Green was conscious the entire time angers Sabrina, who yells at Green for not telling her about what she was planning. With all the battles except for Yellow's over, Sabrina leaves Green alone. Annoyed, Green notes how the Elite Four were so strong that she had to use all of her Pokémon except for Snubbull, her seventh one. When she notices a giant bird Pokémon appearing at the top of Cerise Island, she rushes over to the top, where she encounters Blue and Red. They have their Pokémon send energy to Yellow, giving her the strength to defeat Lance once and for all. After the final battle had ended, Green calls her friend and tells them about the bird Pokémon Lance tried to control. While she is not sure whether it is the bird that kidnapped her years ago, Green asks her friend to investigate it in the Johto region.

Yellow (Yellow chapter)

Two years later, when Red mysteriously goes missing after receiving a battle invitation from Bruno of the Elite Four, Yellow just as mysteriously shows up in Professor Oak's lab, disguised as a boy. She takes Red's Pikachu, Pika, and promises to find Red. Oak doesn't trust her and he makes her battle his Spearow with her Doduo. She defeats him and doesn't even injure either Pokémon, allowing her to gain Oak's trust. She is then fishing in Viridian Forest when Pika wanders off and sees Bill drowning. Pika runs back to Yellow and she reads his mind and rescues Bill from a Seadra which she catches and releases after healing it. Bill then stays with her for a while, and the two of them run into Lorelei of the Elite Four, who explains everything to them, which Yellow seemed to already know. They escaped her and her Dewgong, but she later found them in a cave and attacked them with her Cloyster. She was attempting to bury them alive in that cave by combining Dewgong's and Cloyster's attacks to form an Ice Spike Cannon. Yellow then had Pika act as a decoy for a bit by throwing his Poké Ball out through a small crack and then got him back in. She read his mind and got out of the cave by using the same tactic except with a fake Poké Ball as a decoy. They are chased by Lorelei and when they jump into a lake she freezes it over, and starts to ask questions about Yellow's ability. While she was asking these questions, Ratty was biting through the iceberg and they were freed and before Lorelei could once again call out her Pokémon to stop them, Green appeared and knocked her Poké Ball away. Lorelei then contacted Agatha and told her about Yellow's ability, proclaiming her to become a potential threat and that she is now a target of the Elite Four as well. She then is found by Erika who hears about her from Misty and wants to put Pika under her care. After hearing about a Red look-a-like Pika rushes off. The look-a-like turns out to be a Super Nerd who was hired by Agatha to kidnap Pika. After chasing him for a while the super nerd uses his Persian to Scratch on the walls to hurt Yellows ears and make her lose her focus, he then uses his Marowak's Bonemerang laced with spores from his Paras in order to incapacitate her Pokémon. She later recalled her Pokémon and healed them, taking a Bonemerang to the ribs because of it. She then had her Pokémon execute a plan that she thought of before she was knocked out. She had Dody and Ratty dig up pieces of metal and had Pika zap them, and since the Super Nerd was in an electric proof suit, they hit him. Before the good Gym Leaders of Kanto can fully examine him a Gastly appears and tries to whisk him away. When Blaine tries to have his Growlithe use Fire Blast to take it out it almost hits a Caterpie which Yellow manages to save. Blue appears and defeats Gastly, telling the Gym Leaders that that it belonged to Agatha of the Elite Four. Yellow then asks to train with him, which he allows, but before she leaves, Misty gives her Omny and Brock gives her Gravvy. When training with Blue she then found out that the Caterpie she had saved followed her all of the way to their training area. After Blue tells her to catch that Caterpie it becomes clear that Yellow doesn't actually know the basics of Pokémon. She didn't know what Ratty's attacks were, she didn't know what Evolution was and cried when Ratty evolved, and all of the Pokémon she owned she obtained other than through battle. She then decided to have her new Caterpie which she named Kitty get to know Pika while she got Vermilion Flowers, which are supposed to be a Caterpie's favorite food, only to find that the two of them were asleep after Pika saved it from death multiple times (from a cliff, several cacti, and three Pidgeotto). After training Dody and Ratty for about a week she then attempts to train the Pokémon she gained from the Gym Leaders but without their respective leaders they were confused and refused to listen to Yellow. A pack of Mankey then appeared because they were hungry and planned on eating Yellow and Blue and Blue instructed Yellow to defeat the Primeape leader while he took out the front lines. When it became clear that she couldn't he used his Porygon to defeat it and the pack ran away. Yellow then healed the Primeape and told Blue that she would continue to train on her own. Since she didn't have a Pokémon that could Surf Blue told her to take the SS Anne where she ran into the Team Rocket Elite Trio. They exploded the SS Anne using a Slowpoke and Yellow takes them on wanting to see how much Blue's training has payed off. When all of the passengers fall off the boat as a result of the bomb she has Caterpie use String Shot to make buoys to ensure the passenger's safety. She then defeats the Rockets quite easily with the small help of the Pokémon Fan Club Chairman. The Chairman then learns of Red's kidnapping. She then learns of the legendary evolutionary stones that evolve Pokémon but do not disappear after use. She tries to get it only to be swarmed by a group of Tentacool. She then finds out the reason was that a baby Tentacool was stuck under a rock and she and Gravvy move it, almost dying but the baby Tentacool allowed her to breathe underwater out of gratitude. She then finds out that the only stone still there was the Leaf Stone and that Red must have taken them to evolve Vee (Blue previously made her memorize all of Red's entries so that was how she learned of Eevee). It is later revealed that it was in fact Green who sent Yellow on this quest and disguised her as a boy, also bugging her hat so she could track her location and hear her talking. When Yellow is trying to find a Pokémon that can Surf she hears of a Vermilion Surfing Contest with the prize being a Dragonair that could Surf for her. She borrows a Slowpoke from a swimmer but before the event starts, the Dragonair is revealed to belong to Lance and with one blast, he destroys Vermilion City, although since Vermilion Surfing Contest is such a big event he knew there would be few fatalities. After finding out that Yellow's Pikachu was Pika he attempts to take it simply to calm Agatha and Lorelei who were angry that it eluded both of them. After being tossed around Pikachu learned Surf by manipulating its Substitute and then Lance disappeared. After sleeping in a forest of Exeggutor and Oddish she found that they were abnormally migrating from Professor Oak due to the attacks of the Elite Four destroying habitats and throwing the balance of nature out of balance. When she came back to Cinnabar Island she saw a man training his Arcanine and an unknown Pokémon (later revealed to be Mewtwo). The man then takes Yellow back to his Gym and reveals himself to be Blaine wearing a disguise. The two of them then learn that Brock had found something on Mt. Moon, an ice sculpture of Red frozen in ice. After learning from Blaine that the Elite Four HQ was at Cerise Island and that the respective cities of the good Gym Leaders of Kanto were under attack the two of them decided to attack Cerise Island but travel there via different routes. Once she reaches Cerise Island she meets up with Blue and they stealthily navigate the island by having Jigglypuff fly them across shrouded in Horsea's Smokescreen. Once the map Yellow obtained was eaten by a Slowbro they followed it to a cave and found Blaine, Blue, Koga, Sabrina, and Lt. Surge. Yellow and Blaine with their Spoons of Destiny In the final battle on Cerise Island, Sabrina's Spoons of Destiny choose Blaine as Yellow's partner. The two of them intrude on Bruno's battle with Lt. Surge and Bill, but they are blocked out by a barrier. When Electrode's Explosion goes off it sends up a tsunami that drenches Blaine and Yellow, washing off her hat and revealing her ponytail, revealing to all that she was actually a girl. The two of them find themselves facing Lance in a fierce and long battle. In the beginning Blaine had Yellow stay back and he battle Lance with Mewtwo single handedly and almost defeated him until their emotional connection made them pass out. Although Blaine was aware that this may happen he decided to let Yellow finish off Lance's weakened Pokémon while Blaine went for Lance's Poké Balls so he couldn't call upon any other Pokémon. Although the Poké Balls were destroyed Lance revealed that he had already sent his Pokémon out of their Poké Balls before the battle even started. Lance then revealed that he was also a blessed Viridian Trainer like Yellow and had the same powers that she had. After dragging the battle to the top of Cerise Island which was a volcanic crater Lance was able to gain an advantage with bubbles that were invisible to light by coloring them red, blue, and green. Giovanni then comes to Yellow's assistance but that forces the final Badge that Lance needed to power his Badge Energy Amplifier, which he had enlarged to become Cerise Island. He used the Amplifier to summon Lugia, controlling it so it would help him wipe out humanity. Without a Pokédex to stop her team from evolving, she let her team completely evolve (including Kitty who evolved twice in a row, and Gravvy, who most often doesn't evolve except by trade). With all of her team's newfound power Yellow was able to channel all of their energy and have Pika use an attack known as Megavolt, an attack 10× more powerful than a regular thunderbolt, defeating Lance and scaring Lugia away. After it all ends, she returns Pika to Red, who is left the only main character unaware of Yellow's real gender.

Yellow (FireRed & LeafGreen chapter)

While the other Pokédex holders of Kanto were fighting against Deoxys in the Sevii Islands, Yellow was living an ordinary life. One day, she went to the Gym in Viridian City, where she hoped that she would see Blue. He was, however, not there but had a hologram of himself instead. It asked her for a battle, which Chuchu wanted to do but the two lost horribly to Blue's well trained Pokémon. After leaving the Gym, Yellow bumped into Silver, who she remembered from the battle against the Masked Man two years before. He revealed to her that he came to Viridian in order to try to find his parents, who he hadn't seen since he was a child. Yellow offered to help by seeing into Sneasel's memories but was turned down because Silver had tried before with Lance's powers. However, she did read Sneasel's mind and detected a faint, recently unlocked memory of the statue that resided inside the Gym. The two Pokédex holders raced in and looked at it. Silver then demanded Yellow to tell her who the statue was of and she explained that the statue was of Giovanni, the previous Gym leader of Viridian City and the true leader of Team Rocket. They left the Gym and Silver told her that he was going to find Giovanni and find out how they were related, which Yellow pleaded him not to do, reminding him that he was dangerous. An airship appeared over them that had the symbol of Team Rocket on it. An aircar was then released from it. After Silver used his Gyarados against it, two people came out, stating that they were there to take Silver away. The two introduced themselves as Sird and Orm, then challenged Yellow and Silver to a Tag Battle, which Silver accepted for the two. Yellow was attacked by Orm's Jumpluff and appeared to be near defeat as the grass types spores float around the battlefield until she used her powers to move Poké Balls to send her Omny outside the range of the spores and had it attack Sird, Orm and Jumpluff, who was frozen by Omny's Blizzard. After Orm used his Black Pokédex, which was made by the third Elite Rocket Carr, to scan the levels of Yellow's party and called Yellow's Pokémon weak, Yellow lashed out, telling them to leave Viridian Forest as it had been the stage of far too many battles already. It was then that all of Yellow's Pokémon's levels skyrocketed into the 80's. After this level increase, the four battlers on the ground noticed that the Team Rocket Airship had turned into the Stadium Mode. While they were watching the events above them unfold, Sird told Silver that his father was Giovanni, which shocked the two Pokédex holders. Sird took advantage of Silver's state of disbelief by putting the boy to sleep and taking him up to the airship with her and Orm, leaving Yellow to follow them. While flying with the use of Kitty, Yellow used Ratty to make a hole on the side of the Airship so that they could get in. She then infiltrated the place, her mind set on finding Silver. However, she gets lost and finds her way out on to the Mid Air Battle Stadium that Red and Mewtwo are fighting against Giovanni and Deoxys on. Surprised to see Red, she nervously calls out to him, who is equally as shocked to see her as she is to see him. He then asks her why she is there. She starts to explain but soon turns to Deoxys, wondering if the DNA Pokémon is the one who just spoke to her in her mind. Yellow then realizes that Deoxys is trying to tell her something and it hasn't got much time left. After learning the Pokémon's name, she concentrates on it and is shocked by what she hears. She then turns and tells Red that Deoxys told her that it is him. After learning of Deoxys's past from Sird, Yellow is shocked and demands to know where the first Deoxys, Individual 1, is. Sird tells her that it had been abandoned and Yellow feels sorry for the weak Deoxys that is in her arms. She then realizes that Sird had yet to tell them why Individual 2 thinks he's Red. Sird tells Yellow to concentrate on Deoxys's background story as she reads its mind. However, as Sird explains, now that they have Giovanni's son Deoxys is useless. Suddenly, the Airship starts shaking and they all realize that the ship is about to explode. As the stadium closes in, Yellow, Red, Mewtwo and Deoxys make it into the Airship and Red tells them that they need to stop the ship from exploding. He then takes Deoxys, but Yellow isn't sure if it's a good idea to take the weakened Pokémon but Red reassures her. Yellow then starts to doze off and Red realizes that she has used to much energy by reading Deoxys's mind. Red then sends Giovanni, Silver, Yellow and Mewtwo to the ground thanks to the black hole that Deoxys was able to make. Yellow, worried about Red, protests but he walks away. However, Yellow grabs a hold of Red's finger with her fishing rod and tells him not to go because she has to continue to explain about Individual 2. Meanwhile, Chuchu spots her partner Pika and leaves its Poké Ball. Yellow doesn't notice and continues, explaining that Giovanni had collected Red's blood five years previously and had used it to create Deoxys, making the DNA Pokémon consider Red its ancestor. Now finished telling Red everything, she falls through the black hole, leaving her hat at the spot where she just stood. She comes out of the black hole, unconscious due to the energy loss that she had suffered. She stayed in that state, even during the final battle, for the rest of the chapter. She received a Pokédex from Red, and was soon turned to stone afterward.


White first appears watching the shooting for a Xtransceiver commercial when she encounters Black shouting out his ambition to become a Master Trainer. When she discovers he has a male Tepig, she decides to hire him, due to her believing she had needed to bring only a female Tepig, only to learn she really needed both genders. When Black is suspected of sabotaging White's commercial shooting, she tries to prove his innocence (actually just trying to not get him arrested, due to the fact that if he was arrested, so would his Tepig) and watches as he finds the real culprit, a Galvantula, and defeating it at the cost of the shooting equipment. She pays for the destroyed equipment and states that she hired Black for her company, forcing him to call her "Boss." The night after, White and Black camp outside and are attacked by an unseen Pokémon. Using his abilities, Black finds out that the Pokémon attacking them is a Timburr that is helping a group of people in knight uniforms known as Team Plasma build a stage. The next day, White and Black witness one of Team Plasma's "sages", Ghetsis, make a speech that causes the people around them to start releasing their Pokémon. When an enraged Black tries to stop them from making anymore speeches, White stops him because it isn't his business. While they talk about whether or not Team Plasma is correct, White is called away for business reasons. After talking to the director, White returns to back where Black was only to find him in battle with someone else. In the ensuing battle White learns that the person Black is fighting is named N and he has the ability to hear the voices of Pokémon, allowing him to communicate with them. After Black is defeated, White becomes convinced that N is a part of Team Plasma and becomes disgusted at their actions. Black denies this and states that even if he is a part of Team Plasma, N is a good person. Afterwards, they travel to Striaton City so Black can challenge the Gym; while Black challenges the Gym, White goes off somewhere else. After the Gym battle, White meets Black's childhood friends, Cheren and Bianca and advertises her BW Agency to them; the two groups then go their separate ways. After encountering Fennel and Amanita at the Site of Dreams, White and Black arrive in Nacrene City. After advertising her BW Agency and convincing an accordion player to appear in one of the Agency's shows, White and the others find that the accordion had been stolen. As Black uses his abilities to find the thieves, a Scraggy and Scrafty, White explains to everyone else about how Black can use his Munna to increase his senses. After the thieves were defeated and the shooting went off without a hitch, White gives Black his Tep back and he goes off to his Gym battle. After Black leaves, the director gives White an offer to plan a campaign in Nimbasa City. Later, while Black is having his Gym battle, White and the director discuss with the mayor of Nimbasa City about what they can come up with to make the city livelier. After hearing some ideas, White nervously comes up with the idea of a musical, an idea that the mayor loved. After White returns to Black who had just defeated the Nacrene Gym, she excitedly exclaims her joy about the mayor using her idea to make Nimbasa a tourist attraction and drags him out of the Gym so they can prepare to leave. White after losing Gigi to N Afterwards, White and Black go through Pinwheel Forest where they are attacked by an unseen Pokémon that rips up their clothes. After traveling through the Skyarrow Bridge, White and Black encounter the Battle Company's president disguised as janitor Geoff who tells them that the Pokémon that had attacked them was Virizion. After saying goodbye to Geoff, they arrive in Castelia City. After arriving in Castelia, White notices that Black's Tep is about to evolve into a Pignite and forcefully prevents this from happening as to prevent the Tep and Gigi duo from being broken. Although Tep did evolve during the Gym battle at the Castelia Gym, White was able to come up with a new way for their performance so the new Nite and Gigi duo would not be broken up. After leaving Castelia, White and Black arrive in Route 4 but cannot progress to Nimbasa because of a powerful sandstorm. After getting some supplies to help them get out of the sandstorm, White finds an unconscious Black and an unconscious Plasma Grunt at the gateway and has Black's Brav carry them to Nimbasa. After explaining the situation to Black after he wakes up, she drags him to the building where the Pokémon Musical will be held. White goes and starts organizing the Musical by having the BW Agency's Pokémon do a rehearsal; her skills in organization shocks Black in the process. After the Musical goes on, White notices how all of the people and Pokémon have come closer together and it brings a tear to her eyes. Suddenly, White is knocked by a mysterious figure and is pushed into the Nimbasa ferris wheel. As she regains her composure, White notices that the person who pushed her was in fact, N. When N asks her about why she created the Pokémon Musical, White reveals her reasons to him. N replies that some Pokémon may like to perform but by only focusing on that part of the Pokémon, their other traits will be suppressed. In Gigi's case, N refers to her ability to battle and evolve. N then has his Servine attack Gigi in order to have her fight back and show just how strong she is to White. N comes to the conclusion that by focusing on Gigi's talents in performing, White had been neglecting her true strengths in battle, a fact that Gigi agrees to. When White decides that it is time to escape, she attempts to jump off the Ferris wheel and asks Gigi to do the same. Surprisingly, Gigi goes to N's side, shocking White who falls out of the car and onto the ground below. Gigi and N watch from the car as White lies on the ground, crying because of Gigi's betrayal. Later, White is found by Marshal, one the Elite Four, who had found her lying on the ground unconscious next to the Ferris wheel. He hands White over to Black and tells him to take her to a hospital. Before doing so, Black notices that the Servine N gave to her is following them and wonders why. White later wakes up at the hospital to find Black next to her, having fallen asleep while waiting for her to wake up. Immediately after, White notices Servine watching her from behind a veil and screams in fear. Later, White explains to Black what had happened to her when she met N at the Ferris wheel. This infuriates Black and he attempts to get information on N from Servine, who he believes to be a spy. After Black fails, they are approached by Baker Chris who takes them to the newly made Battle Subway so they can find Marshal in order to ask for information about when he rescued White. Upon arriving, they find Marshal and the Pokémon League Champion, Alder, about to battle each other. After Alder and Marshal finish their battle, White is introduced to Marshal by Black and she thanks him for helping her at the Ferris wheel. After meeting up with the Mayor of Nimbasa City again and explaining White's situation to him, Marshal reveals that he only saw White and Servine when he found her. While Black learns about the Battle Subway, White watches Alder play with some wild Pokémon and realizes that he can connect with them, regardless of their beauty or strength. She states that she accepts Gigi's decision to join N but believes that she will return to show business one day. White then decides to take part in the Battle Subway as well. White and Black saying their goodbyes Before taking part in the Battle Subway, White attempts to capture a wild Deerling but fails in the process. Due to her taking part in the Battle Subway, White has temporarily closed the BW Agency and needs her own Pokémon to use in battling. After angering it enough, the wild Deerling attacks White only to be stopped by the Servine that was following them. To her surprise, the Servine listens to White when she commands it to attack. With some help from Black, White manages to capture the Deerling while he captures a Tirtouga. As she prepares to go onto the Subway, she has a tearful goodbye with Black as he remembers the journey they had together. As the train leaves, Black gives White Brav due to her needing three Pokémon to use in the Battle Subway. While on the Battle Subway, White has terrible luck and is unable to win any battles. She soon meets the Elite Four member Shauntal who had snuck onto the train to find inspiration on writing a story. They are soon caught up in a battle between the Legendary Pokémon Thundurus and Tornadus. Despite Shauntal's attempts at provoking them even more to get the inspiration she wanted, the two Pokémon are calmed down and taken away by Landorus. After all is said and done, they board the train and head off to Anville Town. Sometime before arriving at Anville Town, White's skills at battling have significantly improved. In addition to becoming a better Trainer, she had obtained three new Pokémon: Dorothy the Stunfisk, Nancy the Alomomola, and Sally the Solosis. After doing some exploring, White meets up with Bianca, who reveals that she had become depressed because of her father's repeated pestering, preventing Bianca from becoming any stronger over the course of her journey. To cheer her up, White takes Bianca to Café Sonata to help her get a start in the music business. However, once they enter the building, they find out that it has been ransacked by a wild Vullaby that had been pursuing a Meloetta. With Bianca and Meloetta's help, White defeats and captures the Vullaby, which she names Barbara and plans to use in villainous roles. Afterward, Bianca decides to give up her recently repaired Pokédex to White and instead become an assistant to Professor Juniper. Later, White returns to Black, but their happy reunion is quickly halted when they see that a battle with N and Alder had ended in N's favor. N asks if White wants him to return Gigi, or let her stay with him. White states that since she didn't care about battles, she couldn't be the judge of whether battling was good for Gigi or not; but now that she has learned about battles, it should be Gigi's choice to stay or come back, not hers or N's. N attempts to praise White for her answer, but Black angrily pulls her away from him. N attempts to leave, but a Samurott belonging to Cedric Juniper stops him from going away. Cedric reveals that he had come to get N to reveal the location of the kidnapped Gym Leaders, and has Black and White help battle him. They manage to win, but N escapes after Black falls unconscious when Musha decides to leave his Trainer. During the Pokémon League, Brycen begins to investigate the Hood Man due to believing that he may have something to do with the kidnapped Gym Leaders. To help with this investigation, he enlists the help of White. White's first step is to investigate Marlon after his defeat at the hands of the Hood Man. After gaining his trust, she finds out that the Hood Man had managed to get into the League without collecting a single Gym Badge. Although she begins suspecting him because of this, Marlon suggests she look after Cheren instead, as he finds him to be the more suspicious one. Her investigations lead her to Petashi next after she notices him cheering for Cheren in his battle against the Hood Man. Her attempts to talk to him prove troublesome because of Petashi's shyness around girls. She decides to investigate Hood Man and Gray next and quickly discovers that both of them after affiliated with Team Plasma. She is discovered and captured by Gray, who reveals himself to be Zinzolin, one of the Seven Sages of Team Plasma. She is saved by Looker, who leaps in and captures Zinzolin. She uses the opportunity to tell Black the truth about the two, but the Hood Man uses his Beheeyem to Teleport White away. White awakens in N's room inside Team Plasma's Castle. There, she meets Anthea and Concordia, who tell her about N's past and how he gained the ability to hear the hearts of Pokémon. She meets up with Gigi again, who was released by N along with his other Pokémon. Gigi tells White that she wants to come back to show business. White decides to accept the request, although she still considers Gigi to be N's Pokémon. White, along with Gigi, rushes off to tell Black about what she had just learned about N.


X is first seen winning a Kalos Junior Tournament as a small child. While his friends come to celebrate his victory, they are immediately crowded on by the press, who ask if X will become a Gym Leader or even an Elite Four member. Years later, X has become a shut-in and refuses to leave his room. Despite his friends' daily efforts to get him outside, he refuses because of his fear of having the public's eye on him. Suddenly, the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal appear and begin destroying Vaniville Town in their clash against each other. Y tries to warn X about what is going on, but he refuses to listen to her because the reporters Alexa and Viola are outside recording the commotion. X is soon attacked by Team Flare, who are after the Mega Ring on his wrist. Y and Garu try to save X, only to be easily swatted away. Suddenly, Kogaru reacts to X's Mega Ring, which allows her to evolve into Mega Kangaskhan and easily defeat the villains, forcing them to retreat. After Xerneas and Yveltal had left, the five group together in the ruins of their destroyed town. They decide that with their homes gone and certain things they need to accomplish, they all need to head off. Although X does not want to go, Y tells him that he has no choice now that he's homeless. Y forces X into a new change of clothes and has him sleep in a tent on her Rhyhorn since he refuses to move otherwise. With that, the five friends set off together. After arriving in Aquacorde Town, the others stay at an inn while X sleeps outside in the tent. Unbeknownst to them, the inn was actually a trap set up by Team Flare, which led to Y, Trevor, Shauna, and Tierno being trapped inside while Aliana and Mable attempt to capture Kogaru when X isn't looking. Y manages to escape and informs X of what is happening to Kogaru. Angered, X attempts to have Kogaru Mega Evolve again, only for it to fail. Instead, X uses Chespin to battle Team Flare, and succeeds in rescuing Kogaru, defeating Aliana and Mable, and rescuing the rest of X's friends from the inn. The group soon arrives in Santalune City, where they meet up with Viola again. Viola reveals that she is the Santalune Gym Leader and offers to help the group by offering sanctuary at her Gym. Although Y said to not trust adults, the group decides to trust Viola's word, which angers Shauna into running away for going against what they said earlier. Later, X battles Viola at the Gym while Y, Trevor, and Tierno investigate the photos Viola took at Vaniville Town. There, X reveals where he obtained his Mega Ring. They are soon attacked by Celosia of Team Flare, who had Shauna possessed by a Honedge and kept under her control. Celosia uses Shauna to steal Garu's Kangaskhanite and knocks Viola unconscious. Celosia attempts to escape, forcing X to pursue her. As he chases her down, X is approached by Korrina, who has her Lucario Mega Evolve.


Y is first seen congratulating her friend X for winning a tournament when they were kids. When they group together with Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna, they are all pushed away by the paparazzi looking to interview X. Years later, the pressure from the press and gossip from people has caused X to become a shut-in that refuses to leave his room. Despite his friends' daily efforts to get him outside, he refuses because of his fear of having the public's eye on him. Y attempts to try and persuade X to come out with various stuff from around Kalos, but he refuses each time, angering her. Soon after, Y is approached by Alexa, a reporter, and her sister Viola, a photographer. They explain that they wish to interview Y, as she is an up-and-coming Sky Trainer. Y tells the two that she hates reporters because they're the very reason why X refuses to come out of his house. Suddenly, the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal appear and begin destroying Vaniville Town in a battle against each other. Y tries to warn X about what is going on, but he ignores her once he sees Alexa and Viola recording the battle. Y takes the initiative and has her Rhyhorn get her friends to safety while she goes back to retrieve X. Upon arriving, she finds X being attacked by Team Flare for his Mega Ring. Although she tries to fight back, Y is easily knocked back and put in danger. Seeing all the commotion causes Kogaru to get angry, which allows her to become Mega Kangaskhan with the use of X's Mega Ring. Kogaru manages to easily fend off the Team Flare members and force them into retreating. With the battle over and the Legendary Pokémon gone, the five friends group together in the rubble of their now-destroyed home town. They decide that with their homes gone, and certain things they need to accomplish, they all need to head off. Although X still refuses to to go, Y tells him that he has no choice now that he's homeless. Y forces X into a new change of clothes and the five friends set off together. The group travels to an inn in Aquacorde Town to stay for the night. She attempts to call her mother and inform her of what happened, but gets no response. When she attempts to tell X about her attempt to call her mom, the innkeeper attacks Y and reveals herself to be allied with Team Flare. The innkeeper battles Y while Aliana and Mable attack X outside while he's alone. With Yako-chan's assistance, Y manages to get outside and finds Aliana and Mable attempting to kidnap Kogaru. Y informs X of what's going on and helps him fight off the two Team Flare members. When X's attempt to have Kogaru Mega Evolve fails due to her being away from her mother, they instead use the Froakie and Chespin that Trevor got from Professor Sycamore. With the help of the two Pokémon and the Pokédexes, Y and X defeat Aliana and Mable as well as rescue their friends from the inn. They decide to run away from Aquacorde and hide from suspicious people by camping outside. The group continues on the Santalune City, where they gather supplies for their journey. Y contributes by buying extra clothes for her friends. She makes a set of rules for the group to make sure that they don't get attacked by Team Flare again. They soon meet up with Viola again, who reveals her status as Gym Leader and offers assistance to them. Although distrusting of reporters, Y decides to trust Viola, and the others agree with her decision. The only exception is Shauna, who runs off frustrated that Y would go against her word to not trust adults.

Yellow (Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter)

Yellow has become a normal citizen of Viridian City once more until her Uncle Wilton calls for her and suggests that she head to Johto to search for information about the mysterious being that appeared atop Cerise Island the year before. Yellow decides to go and heads out along with her new Pikachu, Chuchu, and Pika, whom she borrowed by Red when he left for Mt. Silver. She arrived in Ecruteak City just after a major earthquake. While she was there, she ventured into the Burned Tower, which accidentally released the Sacred Beasts Raikou, Suicune and Entei which were sealed in time. This was because the Rainbow Feather and the Silver Feather were in her hat after she received them from Green. After this she went to Olivine City, where she met Crystal. The two then teamed up and headed to the Whirl Islands. There, they fought against Lugia, which Yellow identified as the mysterious beast from before. Afterward, she was washed away. Later on, she awoke in the Pokémon Day Care on Route 34, where she protected the Day-Care Couple from Team Rocket. After this, she went to the Ilex Forest, where she fought, along with the other Pokédex holders, against the Masked Man. When Pryce escaped into the voids of time, Yellow gave up her hat and the feathers with it to allow Gold, Silver and Crystal follow him. When Gold's Pichu came out of the void, she decided to name the then unknown species Pichu because it was the child of Pika and Chuchu.

Yellow (Red, Green & Blue chapter)

Yellow makes her first, unnamed appearance in Drat That Dratini, towards the end of the first chapter, when Red saves her from a rampaging Dratini. Red then helps Yellow catch her first Pokémon, a Rattata, and leaves a strong impression on her with his words about raising Pokémon with a kind and gentle heart and his actions to save Viridian Forest from the menace of Team Rocket. Yellow makes a later appearance after Red's battle with Giovanni, after he falls unconscious. Yellow had found Red at the edge of the forest, and healed Red to good health.

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