POL 202 InQuizitive's

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Which of the following are equilibrium outcomes in the Stag Hunt?

Cooperate, cooperate defect, defect

set standards of behavior

The Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which entered into force in 1950, provides extensive details on the housing, food, clothing, hygiene, medical attention, and religious, intellectual, and physical activities of prisoners of war.

Accountability tends to be stronger in authoritarian states than in democratic ones because there are fewer people that need to be held accountable.


Collective action problems most often occur with what?

the provision of public goods


-Insurgencies often involve hit-and-run tactics. -Insurgencies do not rely on capturing and holding territory. -Insurgencies try to blend into the civilian population.

Choose all of the following that are levels of analysis in international relations. (correct ones only)

-international level, domestic level, transnational level

By what year had the Cold War ended?


State A and State Z both want a piece of territory known to have diamond mines. The experts in the Department of the Interior in State A think the total value of the mines is $70 billion. The government of State A is certain that it would be able to take over the territory in a war.State A's Department of Defense says it would cost $15 billion for the military to fight a war with State Z to obtain control of the mines. State A's Commerce Department estimates the cost of loss of life, interruption of trade, and more at $10 billion.


the ____permanent members on the United Nations Security Council have the most power not just because of their permanent seats on the Council but also because they have ___

5, veto power

Order the following actors from those with the most influence on foreign policy decision making to those with the least.

A dictator, an elected president, national council of agriculture employers, spencer jones, registered voter


A group of countries agree not to trade with other countries that do not enforce certain air pollution limits on their manufacturers. Owners in a condo association each pay dues that are then applied toward snow removal, roof repairs, and insurance for the building


A state wants to expand its borders to include a nearby region with plentiful natural resources. A CEO of a Fortune 500 company wants to do more business overseas.

During the late nineteenth century, we saw a renewed push by imperial powers to colonize what part of the world?



American and French troops agree to withdraw from Lebanon in the wake of terrorist demands that occupying forces must leave.

Which of the following political systems are characterized by anarchy

Anarchic: the international system in the mercantilist era, the international system after the United Nations was formed in 1949, the international system during World War II, international trade in the Pacific Ocean under the International Law of the Sea treatyHierarchic:the United States federal system, the state of Alaska

Identify which of the following countries were part of the Central powers and which were part of the Allied powers during World War I.

Central: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire Allied: France, Great Britain, Russia

respects state sovereignty

China imposes tariffs of 105 percent on chickens from the United States in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Chinese steel and tires. The United States loans $12 billion to Mexico to bail out Mexico from its financial crisis. The United States sends federal troops to enforce a court order to desegregate Little Rock High School in Arkansas.

Put the following important moments in the history of the United Nations in order from earliest to most recent.

Cold war, Kuwait, Crisis in Rwanda

Israel and Iran are engaged in a struggle for control of the Middle East. Israel currently has nuclear weapons, but Iran is developing them. Israel decides to bomb Iranian nuclear sites before Iran can complete a nuclear weapon -->

Commitment Problem

Japan and China both claim territory in the East China Sea. Because China's larger economy will allow it to increase its military spending in the future, Japan decides to build up its naval presence around the islands now to deter China.-->

Commitment Problem

Of the following scenarios, which are examples of compellence and which are examples of deterrence?

Compellence: US to USSR: Remove your missiles from Cuba or we'll invade; the US to Iraq: Saddam Hussein has 24 hours to step down as president or we'll invadeDeterrence: the US to Syria: if you use chemical weapons, we'll attack; US to USSR: If you install missiles in Cuba, we'll invade; France to Germany: respect Poland's borders or we'll declare war

Match each theory to the statement that it would most likely support. Constructivism: Realism: liberalism:

Constructivism: Ideas and culture are powerful concepts in international relations Realism: security is the primary concern of states liberalism: international institutions can help states cooperate

In 1950, communist North Korea invaded noncommunist South Korea. The United States joined South Korea to repel the attack. The United States was successful, and North Korea retreated to its side of the 38th parallel. At this point, China, which was also communist, told the United States that it would enter the war in support of North Korea if the United States advanced past the 38th parallel. The United States did not believe China; U.S. troops advanced, China entered the war, and in 1953 the prewar status quo was returned in which the Korean peninsula was divided between North and South at the 38th parallel.Which options among the following could have made China's threat more credible?

Correct answers:- After making its threat, China recruits 100,000 new infantry- The Chinese leader says he will resign if China does not successfully defend NKIncorrect answers:- China closes its embassy in WA DC- China sends a message to the NK leader urging him to continue fighting

Which of the following statements would someone who subscribes to the liberal theory of international relations be likely to agree with?

Correct answers:-Democratic institutions are the most effective at harmonizing domestic interests.- Incorrect answers:-The state is the most important actor in international relations.-Institutions are important inasmuch as they shape norms of behavior.

The city of Jerusalem is one of the most contested pieces of territory in the world. Both Israelis and Palestinians desire Jerusalem as their capital. What makes this conflict so difficult to resolve?

Correct:-A lack of trust between Israelis and Palestinians means that both sides doubt the other would honor a commitment over time to share the territory.-The placement of Al-Aqsa Mosque on top of the Temple Mount makes it difficult to divide the territory in a way that is satisfactory to both sides.-Israel has publicly claimed that Jerusalem cannot be divided; this ties the hands of Israeli leaders, making it costly for them to compromise. Incorrect:-The costs of war don't matter when the object states are fighting over is indivisible.-Current military technology means that defense has the advantage over offense, thus leading to stalemate.

Choose all of the following that are ways an alliance might affect the bargaining over the decision to go to war.

Correct:-An alliance can alter the chances of sides reaching a bargain.-Alliances can change participants' beliefs about what third parties will do in a conflict.-An alliance can shift the bargaining range between different sides in a conflict. Incorrect:-Alliances can make war more likely by lowering the costs of war for both sides of a conflict

Two countries rely on water from a river that runs through both. The two countries bargain over how much water each country should be allowed to take. While Country A has historically controlled the bulk of the river, Country B is going through a period of rapid economic growth; in ten years, Country B is projected to be much more powerful than Country A. This economic growth would be slowed significantly in war, however, because Country A's air force could destroy Country B's ports. Which of the following statements are true?

Correct:-Country A may be better off in waging war now because the war outcome it can obtain now is preferable to any outcome ten years in the future.-Country B has an interest in agreeing to let the United Nations monitor and enforce the current water arrangement. Incorrect:-Country B has an interest in waging war in ten years because the war outcome it could obtain then is preferable to any outcome it could obtain today.-Neither country A nor country B have an interest in waging war, because war is costly.

According to the textbook, which of the following are plausible explanations for why democracies do not fight with other democracies?

Correct:-Democracies regard one another as part of a community of states with shared liberal values, which include nonviolence in their interactions with one another.-Democratic processes are relatively open and are reported by a free press.-Democratic leaders have an easier time making credible threats because they face higher audience costs. Incorrect:-Democracies change leaders more frequently than do nondemocracies, meaning that aggressive foreign polices are changed before war starts.-Democracies go to war to convert nondemocracies to democracy; thus, there is no need to fight other democracies.

Which of the following statements correctly describe the interests and interactions at play in the Falklands War?

Correct:-Following the war, Argentina's leaders were ousted, whereas British prime minister Thatcher was reelected, illustrating the political costs for the losing side.-Facing popular unrest at home, the Argentine junta gambled for resurrection by initiating a conflict with Great Britain over the Falkland Islands. Incorrect:-British prime minister Thatcher was pressured into fighting an unpopular war by the military-industrial complex.-The Argentine junta knew that the feelings of nationalism sparked by initiating a conflict with Great Britain would provide a lasting bump in their popularity at home.

Which of the following were causes of World War I?

Correct:-Germany feared Russia's growing power.-Germany believed that attacking first would give it a military advantage. Incorrect:-A rising Germany saw an opportunity to take advantage of a France that was declining in power.

Which of the following statements is a correct description of Prisoner's Dilemma and Chicken game dynamics?

Correct:-In Prisoner's Dilemma, player 1's worst outcome is cooperate, defect. In Chicken, player 1's worst outcome is defect, defect. Incorrect:-In Prisoner's Dilemma, player 1's best outcome is cooperate, cooperate. In Chicken, player 1's best outcome is cooperate, defect.-In Prisoner's Dilemma, player 1 always chooses defect. In Chicken, player 1 always chooses cooperate.

Choose all of the following that are reasons why balance of power theory does not fully account for all alliance decisions.

Correct:-Not all alliances form with balance of power as a goal.-Balance of power doesn't account for shared culture or religion.-Not all strong powers trigger balancing against them. Incorrect:-Alliances rarely form in the international system.

Several conditions are more likely to help a collective security organization function, including which of the following?

Correct:-Powerful member states must agree to the desirability of collective action.-One or more member states must value the collective good highly enough to pay the cost to achieve it Incorrect:-Member states must believe they will not be entrapped by their partner states.-States cannot have veto power.

To figure out the bargaining range, states must know the costs of war for both sides. However, states have private information about their own capabilities and resolve for fighting a war, making it hard for each side to calculate an opponent's costs. Which of the following are reasons why State A might not want to share information about its costs of war with State B?

Correct:-State A might want to give the appearance that its costs are lower than they are to make the bargaining range more favorable.-Sharing the information might reveal a military tactic that reduces its effectiveness; thus, the act of sharing the information will raise state A's costs.Incorrect:-If state B knows that it is more powerful than state A, then state B is more likely to attack.-The goods that states fight over usually cannot be divided or compromised; thus, war is inevitable no matter what the costs are.

Assume that two states, A and B, are bargaining and that war will occur if they fail to reach a peaceful resolution. The expected war outcome and the costs to A and B are such that a bargaining range exists that both sides prefer to war (as in the figure). Which of the following situations are sufficient to make the bargaining range disappear?

Correct:-The leader of state A expects to enjoy political benefits from waging war that are greater than the costs of war to A and the costs of war to B. Incorrect:-The leader of state A expects to enjoy some political benefits from appearing as a strong leader, but the political costs from loss of life and national treasure would be greater.-The leader of state A expects to enjoy political benefits from waging war that are greater than A's costs of war but less than B's costs of war.

The concept of state sovereignty can be traced back in part to the 1648 Peace of Westphalia and is one of the institutional norms that underpins world politics in the modern era. Which of the following are core elements of state sovereignty?

Correct:-The sovereign possesses ultimate authority over the people and territory of a given realm.-All sovereign states are formally equal or have the same legal status. Incorrect:-Sovereignty is absolute and cannot be challenged by outside nations.

If groups within a state place a high value on goods that can be acquired by war, which of the following are likely consequences of their influence?

Correct:-The state will make larger demands of the opposing side.-The set of bargains acceptable to the state shrinks. Incorrect:-The state will always fight wars to acquire the goods.-The influence of such groups will increase if the wars are successful and diminish if they are not.

Two states, Atlantis and Midgar, have long contested ownership of a section of land between their two countries. Atlantis decides to form an alliance with Hyrule to help in its struggle with Midgar. How would this alliance change the bargaining interaction between Atlantis and Midgar relative to the status quo? Choose all that apply.

Correct:-The value of a potential war to Midgar decreases.-Because Atlantis would pay a smaller cost to go to war, it shifts the bargaining range toward Atlantis's ideal outcome.-Because of Hyrule's help in winning a likely war, the bargaining range shifts toward Atlantis's ideal outcome. Incorrect:-The costs of a potential war for Midgar decrease

Which of the following options describe scenarios that give one side a first-strike advantage?

Correct:-a hill that gives occupiers the ability to easily shoot at anyone who approaches-ability to launch a nuclear weapon that destroys the other side's weapons arsenalIncorrect:-the belief that the territory in dispute is sacred and cannot be divided-publicly declaring a commitment not to back

Which of the following could be sources of future bargaining power?

Correct:-a nuclear weapons program-an island in the middle of a strategic sea route Incorrect:-a military advantage to attacking first-a public declaration of the intent to fight

How do international institutions affect cooperation among states?

Correct:-by making it easier to make decisions collectively-by providing mechanisms for resolving disagreements-by setting expectations for how members will behave-by providing information about members' compliance with the rulesIncorrect:-by imposing punishment on states

Which institutional attributes of a democracy contribute to the democratic peace?

Correct:-large segments of society that are eligible to vote-competition for political office Incorrect:-high human and economic costs of war-professional foreign service corps that gathers reliable intelligence on other states


Country A and Country B agree that Country A will not have to repay its debts to Country B's treasury. A group of friends decide the person with the most-recent birthday will pay for the group's dinner that night.

Match the following interest groups discussed in the chapter with the main source of their influence on policy.

Cuban American Lobby: Voters US Military: Information United Fruit Company: Money

Which of the following is an accurate interest-group-based explanation for the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba, a policy that lasted more than 50 years?

Cuban Americans who fled Castro's regime lobbied for the US gov to take action against Castro (undermine his regime)

Order the following types of governance structures from most common to least common in the world as of 2021.

Democracy, multiparty autocracy, Single party autocracy, monarchy

verify compliance

Every five years, the countries that have ratified the Paris Climate Agreement are required to report on their progress toward meeting their climate commitments.

All countries are governed by states.


Put the following periods of history in chronological order.

First to last:Mercantilist Era, Pax Britannica, Great Depression, WW2, Cold War

defensive measures

France increases the security around its ports in order to stop a terrorist attack from occurring.defensive measures

During the nineteenth century, ____was the most powerful state in the world and could be considered a _____ for much of that period because of its predominance.

Great Britain, hegemon

Place the following events related to World War II in chronological order.

Hyperinflation occurs in Germany, Germany invades and occupies Poland, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, US drops nuclear bombs on Hiroshima

Russia and Japan fought over control of Manchuria and Korea. Believing Japan's military to be weaker than its own, Russia rejected Japan's proposal to divide the territories and lost the war. -->

Incomplete Information

The United States invaded Vietnam to prevent South Vietnam from being unified under the North's communist regime. The United States lost the war by underestimating North Vietnam's willingness to fight. -->

Incomplete Information

After King Henry III died, Henry of Navarre and Isabella of Spain both claimed the French throne. Spain invaded France in an attempt to install Isabella. --


Institution Interaction Interest

Institution: a set of rules within a community that structure interactions in specific ways Interaction: the ways in which the choices of two or more actors combine to produce political outcomes Interest: what actors want to achieve through political action

In which of the following situations is an international institution such as the UN most likely to succeed?

International forces can keep the peace once combatants have decided to stop fighting

Choose all of the following about the gold standard that are true.

It allowed for easier exchange between international currencies. It meant that a country would allow its currency to be exchanged for gold at a preestablished rate. It facilitated international trade, migration, and investment.

In the century from approximately 1815 to 1914, how did Britain promote peace?

It maintained hegemony of the seas with the world's strongest navy. It balanced power in continental Europe to prevent the supremacy of any one country.

According to interest group theory, war is ____ likely if there is substantial trade between two countries, in part because of the interests of the businesses that profit from the trade.


Which of the following statements is the best description of economic developments following the Cold War?

Many formerly communist countries embraced capitalist economic reform including Vietnam and China. The European Union expanded its membership into eastern Europe. Every major country seemed committed to substantial involvement in world trade, investment, and finance.

• According to bargaining theory, war is ___ likely if leaders on both sides of a conflict expect to benefit from war.


• According to the logic of the diversionary incentive, a political leader facing defeat because of high unemployment is ___ likely to start a war than a political leader who can boast of successful job training programs.


After World War I ended in 1919, which countries were more powerful and which were less powerful, globally, than they were before the war?

More Powerful: United States Less powerful: Ottoman Empire, Germany

Two states, Q and R, are in conflict over R's policy of attacking Q's ships in neutral waters. Q is making threats to R in an attempt to compel R to stop this behavior. In this scenario, which actions make the threats more credible, and which make the threats less credible?

More:-Q moves a fleet of 10 battleships to R's coast Q's leader gives its battleship captains the authority to attack if they perceive a threat on Q's ships.-At a speech to the UN General Assembly, Q demands that R halt all attacks on Q's ships. Less:-Q increases military spending.-Q's leader tells its battleship captains that the decision to launch an attack must come directly from the leader's office.-Q sends a message through its ambassador to R's leader demanding R halt all attacks on Q's ships.

resolve disputes

Panama and Colombia are both members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In 2013, Panama requested that the WTO evaluate a complaint concerning a Colombian tariff affecting the importation of certain textiles, apparel, and footwear produced in Panama.

Compared to other periods in European history, the period between 1815 and 1914 was mostly characterized by

Peace and prosperity

Match each international agreement with the description of its purpose. League of Nations Peace of Westphalia Treaty of Versailles North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Peace of Westphalia- the settlement that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648 and that is often credited with creating the modern state system Treaty of Versailles- an agreement between the Allies and Germany that formally ended World War I and contained provisions for the payment of reparations by Germany League of Nations: a collective security organization founded in 1919 to bring the world's nations together to increase cooperation and guarantee peace NATO: an alliance formed in 1949 among the United States, Canada, and most of the states of Western Europe, which pledged to consider an attack on any one of them as an attack on all

Label the following conflicts as examples of preventive war or preemptive war.

Preemptive War: In 1967, Egypt amassed troops on the Israeli border and imposed a blockade. Israeli then attacked the Egyptian air force. Preventive War: In the early 2000s, the US argued that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was developing a nuclear weapons program. Believing Iraq would soon deploy nuclear weapons, the US attacked Iraq.

The leader of Eastlandia wants to remain in office. A domestic oil company in Eastlandia is worried that the current leader of Northlandia, a foreign oil producing state, will nationalize its oil fields, jeopardizing the company's profits. Environmental groups in Eastlandia are concerned about the effects of the use of oil on the climate and so desire a switch to alternative energies, which is more likely to happen if the domestic oil company loses profits and power. The people in Eastlandia desire a low cost of energy. What will the leader of Eastlandia do?

Relatively small groups can be more effective at cooperating to further common interests than large groups, but access to political power is determined by institutions.

South Korea and North Korea are in conflict over political control of the Korean peninsula. South Korea and its powerful ally, the United States, hold joint military exercises in South Korea. North Korea then tests four ballistic missiles, firing them into the Sea of Japan. In response, South Korea asks the United States to deploy attack drones along its border with the North. North Korea then announces it has increased its nuclear arsenal from 20 warheads to 45.What concept is best illustrated by this hypothetical scenario?

Security dilemma


Several states wish to slow down the warming of the oceans. State J and State K wish to increase the amount of trade between their countries.


State A and State B wish to determine where to draw a disputed border between their countries. State X and State Y have to settle a dispute over fishing rights in a large lake they both share access to.

violates state sovereignty

The Israeli intelligence agency kidnaps Adolf Eichmann from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The United States, acting on its own, uses a drone to kill a member of the Taliban in Pakistan.

Which of these statements about the League of Nations are correct?

The League was created to ensure collective security among its members. The League of Nations was formed in the wake of World War I.

Which of the following actions are examples of mercantilist policy?

The Spanish government controls its colonial gold mines in Mexico and Peru. The Dutch government grants a trade monopoly to the Dutch East India Company.

reduce cost of joint decision making

The UN Security Council has 5 permanent and 10 rotating members. To be approved, new resolutions considered by the Council must receive affirmative votes by at least 9 of the 15, including the concurring votes of the 5 permanent members.

Which of the following factors contributed to the process of decolonization in which former colonies achieved political independence from their colonizers?

The United States did not want to undermine its argument about the evils of Soviet domination. Countries in the developing world turned inward, relying less on economic support from abroad and more on national industrial development of markets and products. European powers were weakened by two devastating world wars. American businesses desired fuller access to the markets of the developing world.


The United States is worried about a terrorist network in Afghanistan so it launches military drone attacks to try and take out the network's leadership.

In the period between 1870 and 1914, the international monetary system was based on

The gold standard

The concept of the state is used in two different ways in international relations. These are which of the following?

The state itself has certain national interests, such as security and power. The use of states-as-actors is a convenient shorthand for the decisions that individuals (such as political leaders) make in the name of the state.

Choose all of the following statements about theories in international relations that are true.

Theories can be used to predict future events. Theories help us describe events. Theories might prescribe policy responses.

In the 1960s and 1970s, how did newly independent nations in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean respond to perceived economic inequalities in their relationship with the advanced industrial world?

They sought to organize as cartels to raise the prices of raw materials. The most successful raw material cartel was the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which led to a rise in the price of oil. This caused alarm in many developed countries, including the United States.

Which of the following are institutions?

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons prohibition of slavery UN General Assembly


Two states decide to go to war over contested territory.

Which country spent the most money on its military in 2020?


Since 2000 there have been a number of military conflicts and diplomatic disputes around the globe. Which of the following pairs of countries or groups have experienced tensions, and even conflict, in the last 20 years?

US and Russia, China and Japan, Arabs and Kurds

Match each Bretton Woods institution to its original purpose.

World Bank: Encouraging private investment in developing countries General Agreement on tariffs and trade: reducing trade barriers International Monetary Fund: Supervising the reformed gold standard


a proposal to use a gun duel to resolve a disagreement

Prisoner's Dilemma

an agreement on how much oil each country can sell

Where there is no central government and no international police force, political scientists call this______ . According to the ______ theory of international relations, with no external restraint on the use of military force, every state must first and foremost look out for its own survival and security.

anarchy, realist

In some situations in international affairs, two or more actors have to choose an outcome that will make one better off at the expense of another. We call this approach ____ Other situations involve actors having common interests and trying to figure out a coordinated way to achieve those. We refer to this solution as _____

bargaining, cooperation

One of the most important challenges to American hegemony in the twenty-first century has come from the rise of ___ whose growing military power and massive economy have strained its relationship with the United States over the last 10 years.


Scholars point to grievances and greed as the two main sources of conflict that lead to ___ wars.


A war that takes place within a state is known as a(n) ____ war, whereas violence perpetrated by individuals or nonstate actors that specifically targets noncombatants is known a___

civil, terrorism

Imagine that, in collaboration with the United States, South Korea decides to install an antiballistic missile defense shield. China threatens to bomb the installation to prevent the system from becoming operational. In this scenario, which of the following terms best describes China's action?

coercive diplomacy

Collective security organizations face two problems in keeping the peace. First, the tendency of member states to free ride means there is a ____problem. Second, the mix of interests that member states bring to the table can lead to a ___problem in trying to resolve issues, such as identifying an aggressor in a conflict.

collective action, joint decision-making

Even when a bargain exists that both sides would prefer to war, several types of problems can lead to war. The Prisoner's Dilemma illustrates one of these problems. Which one?

commitment problem

Of the three main bargaining failures that can lead to war, which provides the best explanation for why civil wars often last for many years, if not decades, before there is some kind of settlement or decisive military outcome?

commitment problems

____occurs when two or more actors adopt policies that make at least one better off without making the others worse off, whereas ___ involves two or more actors deciding how to distribute something.

cooperation, bargaining

The Mars Climate Orbiter was lost in 1999 when it came too close to Mars as it tried to maneuver into orbit and was destroyed by the planet's atmosphere. An investigation determined that the calculation error was a result of NASA scientists using metric units of measurement while a contractor used English system units. The loss cost NASA millions, and the contractor was embarrassed. This is an example of a failure of what?


Rebel groups in the Darfur region of Sudan have been unable to come to terms for peace at least in part because they do not agree amongst themselves about what such a peace should look like. This is an example of the ___problem. In a different conflict, the Russians were willing to bear significant costs to triumph over Chechnyan separatists in part because they feared that letting one separatist group leave would lead to others wanting to do the same. This speaks to the____ problem that can sometimes make civil wars intractable

credible commitment, indivisibility

Different interest groups lobby their legislature for the international trade policies they would most like to see. Some favor higher trade barriers, whereas others prefer free trade. This is an example of which level of analysis?


The president of Freedonia issues the following public statement: "We warn the government of North Landia that if they choose to attack Freedonia's ally, South Landia, Freedonia's military will respond with an attack on North Landia." This statement is an example of which of the following?

extended deterrence, tying hands

Although states are made up of many different individuals and interest groups, when it comes to foreign policy, decisions are made to advance the national interest. For this reason, it always makes sense to consider the state as a single unitary actor.


Consumers have a shared interest in lower prices, and because consumers will all benefit in the form of lower prices if tariffs are reduced, it is likely they will succeed in organizing for a reduction in tariffs.


Over the past 70 years, territory has declined and trade has increased as a source of national wealth. Because terms of trade are harder to divide than territory, conflicts and wars among states are increasing.


The United States and the Soviet Union avoided nuclear war in the 1960s, despite major clashes over interventions in Cuba, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere, because the United States' European allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization threatened to dissolve the alliance if war broke out.


The most powerful countries of the P5 tend to supply the most personnel to peacekeeping operations.


The trend from the 1500s to today has been one of steadily increasing economic openness as countries have gradually reduced formal barriers to international trade and finance.


Most alliances over the past 200 years have been offensive alliances.

false; defensive alliances

In each of the following time periods, was global trade relatively high or low

global trade was high: 1980-2000, Pax Britannica Global trade was low: between WWI and II

Concerns about the military-industrial complex center around the flow of money: ___ give(s) money to ___, which then allocates taxpayer money to ___, which then spends the money in ways that benefit ___

industries, elected officials, the military, industries

Choose all of the following that are part of the framework used to build theories and explain why things happen the way they do in world politics.

interactions interests institutions

Which of these terms best describes economic organizations such as the United States Chamber of Commerce or Google, as well as organizations that focus on social or cultural issues such as the World Wildlife Fund or Greenpeace?

interest groups

Which of the following best describes how the concept of accountability applies to domestic politics and war?

it is the primary mechanism through which political institutions influence decisions about war

Choose all of the following statements that are correct about nationalism.

it may be one source of the rally effect it motivates people to act in support of the nation and its interests states often harness it to dampen domestic divisions over foreign policy

Two neighboring countries cooperate in policing their borders, have a trade agreement together, and preside over joint military trainings. Because there are multiple issues involved, it increases the chances that trade-offs can be made across these areas. This demonstrates what concept?


An individual is inspired by a terrorist organization into committing a terrorist act, even though he is not a member of the group

lone wolf attack

This logic ____ the probability of war between two democratic states because it is unlikely that both leaders simultaneously judge their chances to be high enough.


Which of the following are government bureaucracies in the United States?

marine corps, CIA, Department of State

The nineteenth century saw the end of _____ trade as the dominant economic approach of most European powers. A new paradigm of _____ trade replaced it, which fostered a burst of economic globalization.

mercantilism, free trade

Leaders in nondemocratic systems may be ___ willing than democratic leaders to gamble on wars in which they have a low chance of winning.


a democratic leader is ___ likely to be held accountable for the costs of war than is an autocratic leader.



negotiation Several Middle Eastern countries sign extradition treaties to make it easier to punish terrorists regardless of the territory in which they are captured.

The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran required Iran to roll back and freeze its____in exchange for the international community relaxing____. This bargain represented___

nuclear weapons program, economic sanctions, concessions by both sides

Which of the following are sources of power in coercive bargaining?

number of aircraft carriers robust economic growth

Peace enforcement

often involves combat more likely to include one of the P5 members acting in a central capacity

The United Nations engages in several kinds of intervention. Some, known as ____ involve actively inserting UN authorized forces into an ongoing conflict. Others, known as ___involve the host nation(s) asking for UN assistance in keeping a cease-fire and in verifying that the terms of peace agreements are being met by all sides.

peace enforcement, peace keeping

Each player has two possible strategies, cooperate or defect, which gives four possible outcomes: player 1 cooperates, player 2 cooperates player 1 cooperates, player 2 defects player 1 defects, player 2 cooperates player 1 defects, player 2 defects Order the four possible outcomes from best to worst from the point of view of player 1, whose actions are listed first.

player 1 defects, player 2 cooperates player 1 cooperates, player 2 cooperates player 1 defects, player 2 defects player 1 cooperates, player 2 defects

The United States and Serbia fight over repression of civilians.


The success of an alliance is based on which of the following factors? Choose all that apply.

preferring to fight together rather than abandon each other in time of war having strong mutual interests effectively signaling to potential opponents that allies are committed to the alliance limiting the risk of entrapment

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States would often engage in indirect conflict by each providing military support to opposing sides of a civil war located in a third state. These were examples of what kind of war?


The most dramatic ____effect ever recorded followed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which caused President George W. Bush's approval rating to jump immediately from 51 to 86 percent. In the years following the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq (part of the administration's response to the terrorist attacks), Bush's support____

rally effect, declined

Choose all of the following that are prominent theoretical perspectives in international relations.

realism, constructivism, liberalism

Whereas ____ place an emphasis on the role of the state in international relations and the difficulty in achieving cooperation, ____ believe that cooperation is possible, especially through the help of international institutions.

realists, liberals


rebel groups in Northern Ireland trying to leave the United Kingdom to join their territory with the rest of Ireland Russian-speaking rebels in the eastern portion of Ukraine wishing to become part of Russia, resulting in a civil war

The Soviet Union invades Hungary to restore a communist government.


If a state lacks or does not effectively communicate_____ to carry out a war, then any threats of war it makes lack___

resolve, credibility

Which two interests are most frequently attributed to the state itself?

security, power

Rebel groups and terrorists are both nonstate actors who have both similarities and differences in how they seek to advance their goals. Which of the following are examples of definitional similarities and which are examples of definitional differences?

similarities: using violence for political goals being weaker than their adversaries having difficulties in organizing individuals to engage in violence differences: primarily target noncombatants

Which of the following groups were feared by the absolute monarchs who ruled Europe in the nineteenth century?

socialists, democratic revolutionaries

According to realism, which of the following is the primary interest of all states?


Which of the following best summarizes the main point of realism?

states act to maximize power and security

Key argument of liberalism

states can often find groups for cooperation

Key argument of realism

states compete for power

Argentina and Britain fight over control of the Falkland Islands.


Iran and Iraq fight over oil fields near the Persian Gulf.



the Confederacy wanting to create its own state during the American Civil War South Sudan becoming one of the newest states in the international system after years of civil war


the United Nations (UN) A regional trade agreement specifies what kinds of trade barriers are allowed between member states.

Alsace-Lorraine is a wealthy territory on the border between France and Germany. France currently rules the territory. Imagine that Germany is more powerful than France. Germany desires the region and is threatening war if France does not cede control. France's interests in its economic and territorial integrity lead to the following ordering of possible outcomes: retain control of Alsace-Lorraine without fighting a war with Germany lose Alsace-Lorraine without fighting a war with Germany lose Alsace-Lorraine after fighting a war with Germany If Germany threatens war and France believes the threat, then France should concede control of Alsace-Lorraine. What statement best characterizes France's action?

the action by France is a best-response strategy

Key argument of constructivism

the key to international relations is ideas, culture, and norms, not material structure

Which of these is the best definition of the democratic peace?

the observation that there are few cases of war between mature democratic states

The bargaining model of war helps us to understand the conditions that might lead a state to threaten war. If a state is already getting from ___ at least as much as it expects to get through war, then it generally cannot gain by making a threat.

the status quo

Stag Hunt

the track gauge (spacing between the rails) on an intercontinental train track

A logically consistent set of statements that explains a phenomenon of interest is called which of the following?


Choose all of the following that are ways that terrorist groups organize themselves to make it hard for traditional military forces to defeat them.

they form networks of small cells, they hide within sympathetic populations

Civil wars today tend not to involve conventional warfare but instead strategies of insurgency and asymmetrical warfare.


Constructivists believe that actors' interests can be changed by changing their identities and their conceptions of themselves.


Economic instability was a key factor that contributed to the outbreak of World War II.


Formal organizations, such as the United Nations (UN) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and treaties, such as the Law of the Sea Treaty, are all examples of international institutions.


In recent decades, civil wars have been more common than interstate wars.


Research has found that wars that follow a large shift in power are more likely to be longer and more severe than wars that do not.


The first two European nations to fight for predominance in the New World were Spain and Portugal.



typically occurs after the conclusion of a conflict usually invited to intervene by participants

Compared to other periods in European history, the period between 1914 and 1989 was mostly characterized by

war and economic instability

Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between ethnic/religious divisions and civil war?

when ethnic or religious divisions are also marked by inequality or exclusion, they can lead to civil war

Which of the following is an example of entrapment?

while it is unclear whether the UK really wanted to go to war with Germany in 1914, they felt obligated to do so because of their alliance with France and Russia

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is an international organization with 57 member states. As one of its missions, the OSCE currently maintains an office in Albania that helps the Albanian government reform its electoral code, train the country's central election commission, and monitor elections. If you wanted to understand why the OSCE conducts election monitoring in Albania, what question would you most likely ask first?

who are the actors involved in the osce mission? and what are their interests

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