POL SCI 7 : Study Guide 2

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The belief that war was "almost bound to come eventually" illustrates the concept of the last move in the prisoner's dilemma, during which players come to believe they are playing the game for the last time.


What was the Little Entente?

A series of alliances between France and Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia

Consequences of German Unification? (Choose all that Apply)

A1. A change in the balance of power because Germany was a strong new great power A2. A change in the Security Dilemma because Germany was a geographically vulnerable

The widespread belief among the European military establishment that offensive strategies would hold the advantage in the next war was called ________.

Cult of the Offensive

According to historians, German power peaked in 1905, yet it did not launch a war until 1914?

Germany did not complete its naval program until 1914, which was needed to deter Great Britain.

Why did the United States enter World War I?

Germany's policy of unlimited warfare contributed to the sinking of American ship Lusitania

Which of Germany's borders were guaranteed by the Treaty of Locarno? (Choose all that apply.)

Germany's western borders (with France and Belgium)

According to the realist perspective, why was Germany more threatening to Great Britain than the United States when both Germany and the United States were gaining wealth and expanding their navies?

Germany, compared to the United States was geographically closer to Great Britain.

An Argument from the power transition school of realist theory may stress the decline of what hegemony in the early twentieth century as making World War I possible?

Great Britain

Which of the following states were designated as permanent members of the Council of the League of Nations? (Choose all that apply.)

Great Britain ; Japan

The term *Splended Isolation* refers to what aspect of British Foreign relations during most of the nineteenth century?

Great Britain avoided specific commitments on the European continent

The ________ contributed to the rise of hypernationalism in Germany because it created a whole new arms industry that promoted and thrived on accelerating arms races.

Industrial Revolution

Why would the realist perspective stress the growth of Germany's economy in the late 1800's?

It allowed Germany to convert it's wealth into military capabilities

The argument that World War II was singlehandedly caused by Adolf Hitler is an example of an argument from which level of analysis?

The individual level of analysis

What is self-determination?

The right of a nation to autonomy in deciding their own domestic identities

Which of the following events does the identity perspective identify as critical events in the timeline prior to World War II?

The rise of exceptionalism in the United States, fascism in Italy, and communism in the Soviet Union

According to the identity perspective, what factors are the domestic level of analysis caused World War I?

The rise of hypernationalism in Germany that stressed racial superiority and militarism ; The alliance of democracies precipitated by the development of liberal nationalism in the United States and Great Britain

According to the identity perspective, which of the following developments led to increased military competition before World War I?

The spread if Social Darwinism

Liberal Nationalism developed primary in what two states?

The united States and Great Britain

According to the liberal perspective, diplomacy failed to prevent war in 1914 in part because Germany mistakenly expected Great Britain to remain neutral.


Preemptive war is an attack against a state that is preparing to attack you.


The militarist mentality in Europe created the cult of the offensive, which led to the development of rapid mobilization plans and their interaction at the end of July 1914.


The realist perspective would not argue that the United States and Great Britain became allies because they shared similar cultural and political systems.


Held in 1899 and 1907, ________ brought large and small states into the diplomatic process and reformed the rules and methods of diplomacy.

Hague Conferences

When did Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact?


Which of the following is not an example of German military expansion before World War II?

Aggression in Ethiopia and Manchuria

According to the realist perspective, ________ tend to develop in a checkerboard pattern. An example is relations between France and Russia, Germany's two neighbors.


For the Soviet Union, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact, signed with Germany, was an example of which of the following behaviors?


What were the "willy-Nicky" Telegrams?

An exchange between the German kaiser and Russian czar prior to World War I

The Munich Conference of 1938, which involved Germany, France, Britain, and Italy, is an example of which of the following behaviors?


World War I began with whose declaration of war?

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

According to the liberal perspective, which of the following factors at the systemic process level of analysis caused World War I?

Automatic mobilization plans ; Growing but insufficient trade, social, and legal interdependence

According to a realist argument at the domestic level of analysis, German politics was ________, or united among various elite groups, which supported German aggression.


The ________ preserved peace among the great powers throughout the nineteenth century by creating a more multilateral and open system for settling disputes.

Concert of Europe

According to the liberal perspective, which of the following events at the domestic level of analysis contributed to the outbreak of World War II? (Choose all that apply.)

Divided domestic interests in the United States led it to reject membership in the League of Nations. ; The German economy collapsed following World War I.

Which of the following are factors that are typically stressed by the liberal or identity perspectives but sometimes added to realist arguments explain outcomes?

Economic Factors ; Bureaucratic Factors

According to an argument from the liberal perspective, what caused both the naval competition between Germany and Great Britain and the military provocation of France and Russia?

Kaiser Willhelm II's clumsy diplomacy

Which of the following mechanisms would the League of Nations use against any aggressor state?

Economic sanctions

According to the power balance school of realism, the emergence of hegemony threatens stability because the rising power is seeking to challenge the status quo.


Militant nationalism focused on political ideologies and called for wider participation and the rule of law in both domestic and international politics.


The Entente Cordiale between Great Britain and France became the Triple Entente with the addition of the United States as an ally.


The Zollverein was a military alliance system lead by Germany


The identity Perspective views the French Revolution as a key event in the timeline leading to World War I, as it influenced the rise of nationalism


The identity perspective emphasizes the weakness of common institutions initiated by the Hague Conferences and the collapse of the Concert of Europe conference system as causes of World War I.


The realist perspective argues that bureaucratic and cognitive factors influence perceptions of the value of offensive and defensive technology and strategy.


The alliance between which two countries in 1894 resulted in Germany having potential adversaries in both the east and the west?

France and Russia

In his famous Fourteen Points, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson advocated for which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

General disarmament ; Impartial settlement of colonial claims ; Freedom of the seas ; Internationalization of the Dardanelles

To argue that Germany was insecure because it was located in the vulnerable Northern plains of Europe is to argue the importance of which of the following?


The Treaty of Rapallo opened up full diplomatic relations between which two states?

Germany and the Soviet Union

What is the "blank check" that Germany gave to Austria-Hungary in early July 1914?

Germany committed to back ing Austria-Hungary's moves against Serbia, whatever they may be ; Germany committed to stay out of a war among great powers

Which of the following was not a stipulation of the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany was to be partitioned and occupied.

In the nascent collective security system developed after World War I, how would the new, centralized institution determine which state was threatening the system?

If the state violated the common institutional procedures for settling international disputes peacefully, it was seen as the threat.

According to the liberal perspective, each diplomatic blunder narrowed the options for the next decision, which eventually led to the ________ of the prisoner's dilemma, in which war seemed to be inevitable.

Last Move

What was the outcome of the Washington Naval Conference of 1921-1922?

It set ceilings on sea power, placing the United States on a par with Great Britain.

Which two countries invaded Manchuria and Ethiopia, respectively, in the 1930s, putting the League of Nations' commitment to collective security to the test?

Japan and Italy

Which of the following factors contributed to the weakness of the League of Nations?

Japanese and Italian aggression

According to the identity perspective, ________ focused on cultural and racial differences and advocated an aggressive, heroic approach to international relations.

Militant Nationalism

Which of the following varieties of nationalism focuses on cultural and racial differences and advocates an aggressive, heroic approach to international relations?

Militant Nationalism

According to the liberal perspective, which of the following factors made diplomacy less likely to prevent World War I?

Military mobilization plans called for an automatic escalation to war ; Civilian institutions in various states broke down

What were the two alliances that formed before World War I?

The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance

According to the ________ school of realism, the loss of hegemony threatens stability because the country in decline seeks to preserve the status quo and remain the hegemon.

Power Transition

According to the realist perspective, the encirclement of Germany led Germany to consider what type of war?

Preemptive War

According to the realist perspective, the balance of power was disrupted by ________ in 1871.

The Unification of Germany

According to the realist perspective, which of the following developments most contributed to the insecurity of European states before World War 1?

The Unification of Germany in 1871

Which state never joined the League of Nations?

The United States

Which Type of war might a country consider if it fears that the growth of power in another country may enable that country to attack it in the future?

Preventive war

According to one argument from the realist perspective, Germany feared that which country would surpass it in military and industrial power by 1916-1917?


In 1907, the Entente Cordiale became the Triple Entente when Great Britain and France included what third country?


Which two great powers confronted each other (although without going to war) during the Bosnian Crisis of 1908 and the two Balkans Wars in 1912-1913 and 1913?

Russia and Serbia

In what city was Arch Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, assassinated in 1914?

Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, Austria

What term refers to Germany's mobilization plan that called for an attack on France first by way of Belgium followed by an attack on Russia?

Schlieffen Plan

________ called for a German attack on France first, by way of Belgium (bringing Great Britain into the war), followed by an attack on Russia.

Schlieffen Plan

The conferences of socialist parties held in 1907, 1910, and 1912 were part of an international socialist movement called ________.

Second International

In which country did Russia have Vital interests at stake and thus pledged to aid in the event of war?


________ was a worldview that applied the concept of "survival of the fittest" to competition among people, societies, nations, and races.

Social Darwinism

Socialist Nationalism primarily stresses which of the Following ideas?

Social and Economic equality

Which of the following realist perspectives explains the breakdown of the balance of power between the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance, leading to the start of war in 1914?

Some realists argue that Germany launched a preventative war against Russia to maintain its position of power.

What had U.S. President Woodrow Wilson meant when he said he wanted "no odor of the Vienna settlement" during the treaty process at Versailles?

That the new approach to collective security should centralize military power, instead of decentralize power

The Argument that German unification significantly altered the balance of power in Europe operates at which level of analysis?

The Systemic level of analysis

Which of the following agreements was focused primarily on disarmament?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact

Which international institution embodied the concept of collective security?

The League of Nations

Why did the League of Nations fail? (Choose all that apply.)

The League of Nations failed to provide credible military commitments to defend all members. ; The principle of unanimity was undercut by the fact that all states had veto power, so the aggressor state could veto any resolution.

Under the Treaty of Versailles, what territory was permanently demilitarized?

The Rhineland

German leaders justified expansion and conquest as a quest for lebensraum, a term which refers to what goal?

The acquisition of more land as a living space for the German racial community

Why did Norman Angell, in a famous book written before World War I, argue that war is a "great illusion"?

The const of war include cutting off lucrative commercial and financial ties, making the costs of war higher than any benefits that might be gained

Arguing that German aggression was caused by "logrolling" coalitions among various elite groups, each of which had an independent interest in war or expansion, is an example of an argument from which level of analysis?

The domestic level of analysis

Arguing that the United States did not join the League of Nations because the American constitutional structure prevents Congress from giving up its power to declare war is an example of an argument from which level of analysis?

The domestic level of analysis

The argument that power politics among German landowners, industrialists, and the military drove German aggression operates at which level of analysis?

The domestic level of analysis

According to the liberal perspective, the argument that the iron-rye coalition in the German government that excluded the growing working class and its socialist leaders who held the majority in the Reichstag is an argument from which level of analysis?

The foreign policy level of analysis

Which of the following factors did U.S. President Woodrow Wilson believe would "make the world safe for democracy"?

The granting of autonomy or self-determination to national minorities

Which of the following perspectives would most likely argue that the United States didn't join the League of Nations because of a sense of American exceptionalism?

The identity perspective

Which of the following perspectives would most likely argue that World War II was caused by a united and powerful Germany, which disrupted the balance of power?

The realist perspective

According to some realists, the multipolar balance of power in Europe transitioned into a rigid bipolar balance, which eventually precipitated a preemptive war


Which of the following principles involves the participation of all states, great or small, in international institutions and decision-making?


Who believed that World War I was a product of the struggle for markets among capitalist countries?

Vladimir Llyich Lenin

A group led by which of the following people opposed American involvement in the League of Nations?

William Jennings Bryan and William E. Borah

During World War I, which U.S. president championed world views that emphasized open markets, the rule of law, and collective (rather than national) security?

Woodrow Wilson

German unification was preceded by the formation of ________, which lowered barriers to trade and promoted rapid industrial development.


What Customs union created by Prussia in the 1830's contributed to the rise of German power through the lowering of trade barriers that sparked rapid industrial development?


Otto von Bismark's skillful diplomacy prevented other great powers from aligning against Germany until after he left office


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