Police Administration Final Exam

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Henry Fayol recognized that his scalar principle could produce disastrous consequences if it were followed strictly because it would hamper swift action. He therefore developed _________________ or ________________________ as a means of addressing this problem.

Fayol's gangplank or horizontal bridge

The two amendments to the US Constitution state that "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law". What are they

5th and 14th Amendments

development of codes of ethics for police officers coincided with

the professional era

What are the two Hot Spots Policing tactics commonly used in policing

Directed Patrol and Saturation Patrols

Any evidence obtained in violation of one 4th Amendment rights is not admissible in criminal court and fall under what rule exception

Exclusionary Rule

The supreme court essentially barred the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal prosecution to prove guilt. This action was otherwise known as the

Exclusionary Rule

To enforce the protections guaranteed by the 4th Amendment's search-and-seizure requirements, the courts have fashioned the so-called _________________ which prohibits the use of evidence obtained in violation of the 4th Amendment in criminal proceedings

Exclusionary Rule


An organization where someone has authority over someone else

Which step of the six step intelligence cycle is defined as the conversion of raw information into intelligence 1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination

Analysis and production

All of the Above

Which of the following might be useful during the assessment step in the traditional action research model?

True or False: Taller organizations are complex and may react slowly during crisis situations as effective communication is hampered by the number of different levels present within the chain of command


True or False: The Bivens action is a judicially created counterpart to a Section 1983 tort action


True or False: The CompStat process allows organizations to quickly learn what works and what does not, while providing a flexible methodology to try innovative programs and promising strategies


True or False: The use of sick or vacation days may be permitted in conjunction with a request for FMLA leave; the use of those days does not count as part of the 12 week FMLA period


True or False: Totally random unscheduled drug testing is unacceptable but that particular officers can be required to submit to urinalysis if there exists a reasonable suspicion that the officer has been using a prohibited substance or is involved in an accident involving citizen safety


Another common mistake made in workplace communications which leads to conflict is letting _____________ drive decisions


Positive stress has been called:


Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as to be productive, employees should be allowed to share new ideas


Crime mapping is:

part of crime analysis

Organizational development (OD)

An organizational improvement where an Educational strategy employing widest possible means of experience-based behavior to achieve more and better organizational choices

Under the SARA model, officers rely on problem analysis guides that direct officers to examine offenders, victims, the social, economic, and physical environment


Selective traffic enforcement

Analysis of traffic accident patterns so that the kinds of violations that cause accidents in certain locations at certain times or suppressed

_____________ and _______________ do not become intelligence until they are interpreted, evaluated, and used as a means to inform crime prevention and reduction strategies

Data and information

The sued person is called the _________________ and is often referred to as the "tort feasor"


In the City of Canton v. Harris, the Supreme Court held that adequate police training may form the basis for a civil rights claim "where the failure to train amounts to __________________________ to the rights of persons with whom the police come into contact" and that such official indifference amounts to "policy or custom"

Deliberate Indifference

What branch of government is a police department a part of

Executive branch

This type of power is derived from a person's expertise and skill 1. legitimate 2. expert 3. reward 4. coercive 5. referent


The __________________ Act was signed into law in 2009 which held a discrimination charge under EPA has to be filed within ___________ days of the date of the original compensation decision leading to the charge or within __________ days in jurisdictions that have state or local laws prohibiting the same kind of compensation discrimination

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 180 and 300

True or False: In Monell v. Department of Social Services, the Supreme Court made it clear that local government entities will be liable under Section 1983 only when that government policies or official procedures can be shown to be responsible for the violation of federally protected rights


True or False: In the strong Mayor form of government, the Mayor is elected to office and serves as the chief executive of the city


True of False: Coaching, when provided by a carefully selected peer or supervisor, can be an invaluable tool for assisting officers in accepting change.


True or False: According to the IACP, a sound pregnancy policy keeps trained and experienced female officers as long as reasonably possible and does not compel light duty until medically necessary, defers types of training that could interfere with the pregnancy, preserves seniority and all other employment rights, recognizes pregnancy as a transient or temporary condition, is based on medically sound information and not stereotypes, and prevents Title VII liability.


True or False: According to the supreme court, removing urine from an individuals body is a search within the meaning of the 4th Amendment


True or False: Although Title VII contains no references to lesbian, bisexual, gay, or transgender people (LBGT), EEOC asserts that they are included within the meaning of the "sex" class of Title VII


True or False: Although freedom of speech is one of the most fundamental of all constitutional rights, the Supreme Court has indicated that the State has interests as an employer in regulating the speech of its employees that differ significantly from those it possesses in connection with regulation of the speech of the citizenry in general


True or False: Employees seeking FMLA must give the employer 30 days notice except for unforeseeable circumstances in which case the employee must explain and provide answers to any questions about why the request was unforeseeable


True or False: Honoring the immigration detainer is voluntary, not mandatory, although past practice has overwhelmingly been to do so.


True or False: If properly classified, exempt employees have no FLSA rights


True or False: In the strong Mayor form of government, the city council constitutes the chief legislative and policy making body


True or False: In the strong Mayor form of government, the city manager is accountable to the elected members of the city council as a body rather than to any individual council member


True or False: Narrow spans of control make police departments taller


True or False: Substantive due process requires that the rules and regulations on which disciplinary action is predicated be clear, specific, and reasonably related to a valid public need


True or False: Successful tall departments must develop policies and procedures that overcome problems created by increased complexity


True or False: The FLSA does not require holiday, vacation, or sick leave days; shift differential pay, hazardous duty compensation, overtime pay for working holidays, specific work schedules, fringe benefits, meal breaks, a written notice of the reason a person is fired, or any type of severance pay or package


True or False: The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study found no significant differences in reported crime, arrests, traffic accidents, fear of crime, or security measures among the three types of districts


True or False: The Supreme Court has held that off-duty officers act under the color of State law and are subject to Section 1983 liability while working in a private security or special patrolman capacity


True or False: The complexity of a police department is increased by the proliferation of levels because they can negatively affect communication up and down the chain of command.


The National Association of Police Organizations

What is the umbrella organization for the estimated 4,000 police unions and fraternal organizations throughout the United States?

consolidation phase

What stage of union development occurs when the union gains a degree of acceptance by management?

collective bargaining

What term describes the action of an organization in bargaining for or acting as a negotiating agent on behalf of a group or collective of employees?


a sense that police were, if not everywhere, at least around the corner

For a supervisor to be held liable under Section 1983 for the actions of a subordinate, there must be what between him/her and the unconstitutional conduct of a subordinate

an affirmative link

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as decision making process must be balanced


elements that must be in place if a Section 1983 lawsuit is to succeed

color of law and federal rights violation

closed loop system

introduction of information about how well or how to poorly the system is working-gives feedback

the main reason police officer job applicants are rejected

prior drug use

Police officers enjoy _ from suit for reasonably mistaken beliefs.

qualified immunity

defense that is available to defendants in Section 1983 lawsuits

qualified immunity

a refusal to succumb to sexual advances

quid pro quo

In the past, the courts use this when discrimination occurred

quota system

What is the first step in planning a budget?

ranking the department's goals

During the ____________________, progress was made toward reducing corruption, fraud, waste and abuse in government, developing the civil service system, emphasizing proper recruitment, selection, training and promotion of governmental employees, rescuing the public's business from highly partisan/machine politics, developing new theories, models, and practices related to organizations

reformation period

Whites who feel they have been put at a disadvantage because of affirmative action claim

reverse discrimination

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as organizational objectives

subordination of individual interest

What term describes resources previously committed to a program that make it impossible for the department to enact changes in current procedures or operational policy?

sunk costs

Under Section 1983 what can be named as defendants in a lawsuit

supervisors, cities and counties, individual officers

Research has shown that which of the following is the most stressful event in a law enforcement officer's professional life?

the death of a partner in the line of duty

A critical element of Section 1983 is that the violation must have occurred while the officer was acting ___________________ - that is while the officer was on duty and acting within the scope of employment as a sworn police officer

under the color of law

Intentional torts are therefore _______________ and __________________ acts such as assault, false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution.

voluntary / deliberate

Essentially, evidence based policing means that police agencies should assess research related to ___________________________________________________________ and adjust their organizational strategies appropriately

what works and what doesn't work

__________% of officers reported an average of 6.5 hours of sleep or less per night


elements that are acceptable to all sides

A successful negotiation results in:

Which of the following is NOT a problem that commonly results from a lack of sleep?


Rolls of a computer in criminal activity

1- The computer as a target 2-Computer as a tool for the commission of a crime 3-The computer incidental to the crime itself

Maslows five level hierarchy

1-Basic needs- food clothing shelter 2-security needs - protection against physical and psychological threats 3-social needs - love friendship Camraderie 4-self-concept needs - recognition respect esteem 5-ideal self needs - for filling individual potential

Five types of police information systems

1-Data collection 2-Data collation 3-Analysis/interpretation 4-dissemination 5-feedback and a valuation

4 general models of motivational systems

1-Force & coercion-work because they have to 2-economic/machine - work in order to obtain the tangible rewards that employment offers. 3-affective/affiliation - workers may be motivated to work because of their social needs (hawthorne)

6 basic functions of police management

1-System building 2-planning 3-organizing 4-staffing 5-directing 6-controlling

Peelian reform

1-The police should be organized along military lines 2-securing in training proper person is essential 3-police should be hired on a probationary basis 4-The police should be under governmental control 5-please strength should be deployed by time in area 6-police HQ should be centrally located 7-police recordkeeping is essential

3 levels of management in police organizations

1-chief administrative level 2-command level 3-supervisory level

4 issues in contemporary police administration

1-civil liberties and police legitimacy issues 2-mass media and social media issues 3-New crimes such as computer or cyber issues 4-Technology issues

Three factors in intergroup behavior

1-cooperation-work together toward a common goal 2-competition-Vie with one another in order to achieve greater productivity 3-conflict-The result of competition for limited resources and rewards

Police departments need to perform three types of analysis

1-crime in problem analysis - collect analyze data on crime and related problems in the community 2-operations analysis - examine patrol, investigations and other operational tasks. Seeks to improve effectiveness 3-administrative analysis-involves the study of internal procedures and practices for the purpose of identifying problem areas and making improvements

Three identifiable characteristics of the emergent system

1-elaboration-initial stage of emergent system 2-differentiation-things become valued differently 3-standardization-norms develop in the emergent system they give group members clues

2 key indicators of cohesiveness within an Organization

1-employee turnover 2-attendance

5 steps of the planning process

1-ends analysis - focuses on either kinds of problems or the organizations mission goals and objectives simply identifies the purpose of the planning exercise 2-forecasting - planning becomes explicitly future oriented 3-means analysis - every aspect of matter must be thoroughly researched and considered before a final plan is devised 4-implementation - systematically impliminted & carefully evaluated 5-evaluation - information about whether or not the problem was solved

Three prerequisites for rational management according to James Q Wilson

1-goals must be sufficiently operational 2-Organization must have the technology to achieve it's goal 3-Organization must be reasonably free to apply a suitable technology to give an objective

Police executives responsibility in motivation of employees

1-identify common sources of motivation for many employees and work to make them positive as possible 2-identify impediments to motivation and minimize them 3-empower supervisors so they have training in authority they need to meet motivational needs of subordinates

Police performance of valuation is needed at three levels

1-individual performance appraisal 2-evaluation of programs and strategies 3-evaluation of overall organizational performance

2 Basic roles of the police executive

1-internal matters - they focus on the organization itself 2-External matters - they interact with their environments

Three important sets of characteristics in police leadership according to Haberfeld

1-leaders nurture and serve others 2-leaders are just an honest and have a sense of fairness 3-leaders are committed to the common good in public interest

3 Functions of leadership

1-leadership function by definition of structure 2-leadership by coordination control-involves most of the leaders routine decision making 3-leadership by goals and Norm clarification-leader assists the group in defining acceptable and unacceptable behavior and developing the objectives of group activity

2 Core values in emergent systems

1-loyalty 2-individualism

Ohara's 6 organizational failures

1-normal accidents 2-structural failures 3-oversight failures 4-cultural deviation 5-institutionalization 6-resource divergent

3 major sub systems in police organizations

1-operations 2-administration 3-auxiliary services

4 sources of organizational policy

1-originated policy - emanates from within the organization defines long-range purpose. 2-appealed policy - comes from with in developed haphazardly as they are repealed or passed up chain of command often confusing 3-implied policy - impression given by the organizations actions rather than words 4-external imposed policy - outside the organization comes from courts or other governmental agencies

Theory X

1-people don't like to work and will avoid it 2-people must be forced to work 3-people are inherently ambitious and irresponsible

Three cornerstones of traditional police strategy for dealing with prime

1-preventive patrol 2-immediate response to calls 3-follow up investigation

Consequences of the development of emergent systems

1-productivity - output of labor contributed by members of the organization 2-satisfaction - how members of the group feel about their work 3-growth - employers change for the better

Three general purposes of individual performance appraisal

1-provide information for personal research 2-provide input to staffing decisions 3-provide feedback to employees

4 types of police plans

1-reactive plans - occurs in response to a crisis or a decision forest on the department from the outside 2-contingency plans - attempt to prepare in advance for possible occurrences 3-operational efficiency plans - improve routine operations 4-strategic plans - the organizations mission and primary goals and objectives

3 aspects of group social system within an organization

1-required System - activities sentiments and interactions that are necessary for group survival 2-personal System - all the personal predispositions that members of an organization bring to the workplace 3-emergent System - total of the behavior in a group setting

2 most important behavior modifications for police administration to consider

1-reward 2-recognition

5 approaches for improvements in Modern perspectives on management

1-strategic management 2-command accountability management 3-emotional intelligence management 4-Learning organization management 5-servant leadership management

Subsystems the police organizations maybe studied from three different perspectives

1-traditional/structural perspective 2-human perspective 3-strategic management perspective

Theory Y

1-workers expend energy in work they enjoy 2-if work is satisfying it will be performed well 3-Control and punishment are not the only methods to motivate work 4-workers are capable of directing them selves 5-Direct relationship between worker commitment and awards

The "Life Experiences / Life Chances Model" does which of the following: 1. Examines the influence of officers ascribed and achieved status attributes, as measured by their socio-demographic and work experience characteristics. 2. Addresses the efforts of officers work orientation on their receptivity to planned organizational change. 3. Asserts that officers receptivity to change is a function of their perceptions of the extent to which their agency is prepared for such a change.

1. Examines the influence of officers ascribed and achieved status attributes, as measured by their socio-demographic and work experience characteristics.

What are the two models of "directed change"?

1. Lewin's three step model 2. Traditional action research model

What are the 3 models regarding officer receptivity to planned organizational change?

1. Life experiences / life chances model 2. Officer / organizational subculture model 3. Organizational / structural model

4 major dimensions of community policing-The COP strategy was developed in the 1980s and had important implications for police administration

1. Philosophical dimension-The need for police to provide tailored personal service to the public 2. Strategic dimension-assures that agency's policies are consistent with the community oriented philosophy 3. Tactical dimension-positive interactions with the public partnerships and a problem-oriented approach to police work 4. Organizational dimension-directly addresses the changes in police organization

3 primary characteristics of systems

1. They are comprised of subsystems that may be looked upon as systems in and of themselves 2. They are made up of factors that interact and/or are interdependent 3. They are established for the purpose of meeting specific goals and objectives

3 strategic elements of community policing

1. alternative police operational strategies 2. sharper geographic focus 3. stronger emphasis on prevention

3 most important tactical elements of Community oriented policing (COP)

1. positive interactions with the public 2-partner ships 3-problem-oriented approach to police work

3 primary goals of any police department

1. protect life 2. protect property 3. maintain order

After the police academy and by completion of 2 years of service, the sole or predominate orientation toward being a state agent fades under the ___________________________, ____________________________, and __________________________, which is often antithetical to the values espoused in the academy. In short, officers go from "nobody who breaks the law deserves a break" to "you have to approach things realistically, few situations are the same, sometimes you need to cut somebody some slack".

1. weight of new experiences 2. the views of veteran officers 3. the policing culture

A feeling of discomfort with old behavior

A key motivator in the unfreezing phase of change is:

Resonant leader

A leader who has not only self-awareness but the ability to use these in dealing with his employees

This radical islamic group is a geographical region of northwest Africa, comprising the Atlas Mountains and the modern day countries of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Western Sahara, and Libya 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)

Participation management

An approach to management that Includes non-managerial employees in the management process. Participation gives employees a greater feeling of belonging. Involvement of employees and management increases efficiency and effectiveness.

Management by objectives (MBO)

An approach to management that is Based on worker self-control rather than control imposed by management

Sir Robert peel

Metropolitan police act of 1829 1-police administration should be a centralized organization was graded authority 2-police administration should be selective and stringent on personal standards

An employee can works about how many hours per year


The case remains the dominant test for use-of-force considerations

Graham v. Connor

This Supreme Court case defined the concept of search and seizure.

United States v. Jacobsen

According to organizations design, this type of differentiation is usually based on _______________activity


A minimum wage of not less than _________ an hour is permitted for employees at least 16, but under 20 years of age during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer. Thereafter; such employees must be paid the minimum wage.


The federal minimum wage is now __________


Explain the difference between reliability and validity in measuring police performance.

- Activity is reliable to the extent that the repeated or independent measurement yields the same score - validity of data is the extent to which it accurately represents actual performance

Identify several methods of reducing employee dissatisfaction with performance appraisals.

- One valuable approach is to focus appraisal as much as possible on performance rather than on personality. Characterize the process as an ANALYSIS rather than as an evaluation. - careful training for those who do the evaluating. - engaging the subordinate in the process of analyzing performance also encourages

examples of promoting accountability from the OUTSIDE are

civilian review, accreditation, civil liability

areas covered by the IACP Code of Ethics

. use of force, police officer responsibilities, cooperation with other agencies

A sleep deprivation study found that not sleeping for 17 hours impaired a person's motor skills to an extent equivalent to having an toxicity of _________


A sleep deprivation study found that not sleeping for 24 hours impaired a person's motor skills to an extent equivalent to having an toxicity of _________


Weber's bureaucratic model depicts two important features

1. the principle of hierarchy 2. a division of labor that results in specialization

The following constitutional rights are often invoked by the public or subordinates when suing supervisors

1. 1st Amendment 2. 4th Amendment 3. 5th Amendment 4. 14th Amendment

Conceptualizing terrorism from a different perspective provides us with an opportunity to learn about our adversaries and hopefully exploit their weaknesses. Mickolus conceptualizes terrorism in 4 distinct typologies, based on actors. What are they

1. International terrorism 2. Transnational terrorism 3. Domestic terrorism 4. State terrorism

A plan can be categorized by use and are delineated into five groups

1. Administrative and management plans 2. Procedural plans 3. Operational plans 4. Tactical plans 5. Strategic plans

Federal officers can be sued under one of two complaints

1. Bivens action for a violation of constitutional rights 2. Tort action against the United States under the Federal Tort Claim Act (FTCA)

Many police agencies have redesigned their organizations to reflect larger spans of control or management and flatter organizational structures. These organizations have three major organizational levels

1. Chief 2. Division 3. Bureau

The top five terrorist targets in order are:

1. Iraq 2. Pakistan 3. Afghanistan 4. India 5. Yemen

What are the three things in Merton's Criteria

1. Knowing 2. Doing 3. Helping

There are two general types of situations in the disciplinary process in which an employee of a law enforcement agency can claim the right to be protected by the guarantees of due process. What are they

1. Liberty rights 2. Property rights

Under the basic types of police tort actions, law can be divided into two parts

1. Criminal law 2. Civil law

What are the four basic structural types of design that can be found within police organizations

1. Line 2. Line and staff 3. Functional 4. Matrix

What is the definition of SARA

1. Scanning 2. Analysis 3. Response 4. Assessment

The Kotter Model of Successful Change is composed of eight steps

1. Establish a sense of Urgency 2. Form a powerful coalition 3. Create vision 4. Communicate the vision 5. Empower others to act on the vision 6. Plan for and create short term vision 7. Consolidating improvements and creating still more change 8. Institutionalizing new approaches

The courts have given increased attention to cases in which it is alleged that the police officer failed to provide needed medical care to people with whom the officer came in contact. These cases are based on four categories of recovery. What are they

1. Failure to recognize and provide treatment for injury 2. Failure to provide treatment on request 3. Failure to provide treatment on recognition of an injury 4. Negligent medical treatment

A police department can be divided into three levels with various mixes of three broad categories of skills associated with them. Name them:

1. Human Relations Skills 2. Conceptual Skills 3. Technical Skills

The FBI disseminates information in three standard formats

1. Intelligence Information Reports (IIR) 2. FBI Intelligence Bulletins 3. FBI Intelligence Assessments

Crimes exemplified in the FBI Crime Index are

1. Murder 2. Aggravated assault 3. Robbery 4. Rape (sexual battery) 5. Burglary 6. Larceny over $200.00 7. Auto theft 8. Arson

Most suits against police officers fall into three general categories of torts. What are they

1. Negligence torts 2. Intentional torts 3. Constitutional torts

The two areas of negligence that have been the greatest sources of litigation under Section 1983 in recent years have been

1. Negligent Supervision 2. Negligent Training

Three cases that still have a major impact on today's community policing philosophies include

1. Newport News VA 2. Chicago IL 3. Minneapolis MN

Due process for police officers fall into two categories

1. Procedural due process 2. Substantive due process

Sexual harassment has been categorized into two categories

1. Quid Pro Quo (something for something) 2. hostile environment (prohibited and unwelcomed behavior)

The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study examined three types of patrol services or districts to see what differences each made. What were they

1. Reactive districts: Received no regular patrol; officers who responded to calls entered and left the district by the shortest routes 2. Proactive districts: saturated with two to three times the normal amount of patrolling 3. Control districts: Maintained regular or normal patrolling

The three branches or stems of traditional organizational theory are

1. Scientific management 2. the bureaucratic model 3. administrative or management theory

Maslow's needs hierarchy from top to bottom

1. Self actualization needs - testing one self. Gaining a sense of mastery 2. Self-esteem needs - desire for reality based positive image of ones self 3. Belongingness and love needs - Affection of parents, spouse, children and acceptance in the department 4. Safety needs - Desire not to be harmed, financial security and secure in ones job 5. Physiological needs - Basic needs, shelter, food and water

What are the Big Five Personality Traits

1. Surgency (extrovert, energy, need for power) 2. Conscientiousness (dependability, personal integrity, need for achievement) 3. Agreeableness (Cheerful, nurturing, need for affiliation) 4. Adjustment (emotional stability, self-esteem, self-control) 5. Intellectance (curious, open-minded, learning oriented)

Name a trilogy of major events that rocked policing

1. The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study 2. The Rand Criminal Investigation Study 3. The Team Policing Experiments

There are two basic situations in which a police regulation or other action can be found to be an unreasonable infringement on the free speech interests of an officer. What are they

1. The action is overly broad 2. The way in which government action is applied

Weber's pure bureaucratic model of organizational structure included the following characteristics

1. The organization of offices follows the principle of hierarchy 2. There is a right of appeal and of statement of grievances from the lower to the higher offices 3. Specified areas of competence, meaning a division of labor, exist 4. Official duties are created by a system of rational rules, such as policies and procedures 5. Administrative actions, decisions, and rules are recorded in writing , creating an institutional memory 6. The authority associated with a position is the property of the office or job and not of the occupant of the position 7. Employees are appointed on the basis of qualifications and specialized training 8. Organizational members do not own it

In Graham v. Connor, the Supreme Court established a major three-prong test of reasonableness for all use-of-force cases. Name them

1. The severity of the crime at issue 2. Whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others 3. Whether he is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.

Under the exempt employee professional duties, duties as identified in the three-pronged duties test are

1. salary test 2. duty test 3. discretion and independent judgement test

Identify three purposes served by individual performance appraisals.

1. They provide information for personnel research 2. They provide input to staffing decisions 3. They provide feedback to employees

There are three basic types of tort actions that can be brought against police for misconduct:

1. Traditional state law torts 2. Section 1983 torts 3. Bivens torts

James Q Wilson identified three distinctly different styles of law enforcement, all of which were reflective of the political culture of the communities they served

1. Watchman style 2. Legalistic style 3. Service style

Lawsuits against supervisors may be classified into three general categories

1. according to who committed the act 2. according to the law under which the supervisor is sued 3. according to status

The IACP recommends avoiding the following during pregnancy

1. alternating shifts 2. defensive tactics training 3. actual firearms training 4. patrol duties 5. extensive exposure to automobile exhaust fumes 6. standing for more that 30 minutes at a time 7. lifting more than 25 pounds 8. exposure to high concentrations of toxins

An immigration detainer could be issued under the following circumstances

1. an individual had been charged with, but not yet convicted of a crime 2. individuals with no criminal history, but for whom final orders of removal from the United States has been issued by an immigration judge 3. if ICE determined an individual posed a significant risk to national security, border security, or public safety

Reports of sexual misconduct may be made with any of the following:

1. any departmental supervisor (including outside of the normal chain of command) 2. the internal affairs unit 3. the cities human resources department 4. any assistant city manager or the city manager 5. the state civil rights commission 6. the federal equal employment opportunity commission

To be classified as an exempt employee, an employee must

1. be paid a predetermined and fixed annual salary 2. be paid more than $913.00 weekly or $47,476.00 annually 3. primarily perform bona fide executive, administrative, or professional duties

FMLA was amended in 2009 and added two additional circumstances in which FMLA leave may be requested

1. because of qualified exigency arising out of the fact that the spouse, child or parent of a police officer is on active duty in the armed forces or has been notified of an impending call to active duty 2. to care for a covered military service member's serious illness or injury, if the eligible police officer is the child, spouse, parent, or next of kin of the service member

The level of complexity within a police organization is largely determined by the amount of horizontal and vertical differentiation that exists. Size is often, but not necessarily related to complexity. According to Hodges and Anthony, the differentiation process can occur in two basic ways in police agencies

1. bottom up 2. top down

Max Weber identified three sources of authority

1. charismatic 2. traditional 3. rational-legal

Three types of lawsuits

1. civil liabilities 2. criminal liabilities 3. administrative liabilities

Grounds for disciplinary action include but are not limited to

1. conduct unbecoming an officer (Lying) 2. social network sites (can be used to impeach an officers credibility) 3. sexual conduct and sexual orientation (fall into two general categories: adultery and homosexuality)

What represent the three most widely used information technologies in policing today

1. crime analysis 2. geographical information systems (GIS) 3. artificial intelligence

What are the five (5) keys of dealing with workplace conflict

1. define acceptable behavior 2. hit conflict head on 3. understanding the WIIFM factor 4. the importance factor (pick your battles) 5. view conflict as opportunity

EEOC's enforcement of the law is based on four (4) theories of discrimination. These theories apply both to Title VII violations and to the other job discrimination laws that EEOC administers

1. disparate treatment 2. adverse impact 3. harassment 4. retaliation

Police should focus more on what two things in an effort to forge new alliances with the community

1. service orientation 2. building key partnerships with churches, youth centers, and other neighborhood groups

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management serve as a guideline for decision-making and management actions. They are drawn up by means of observations and analyses of events that managers encounter in practice.

1. division of work or specialization (employees specialize in different areas and have special skills) 2. authority and responsibility (management has the right to give orders to its employees) 3. discipline (obedience to laws, policies, procedures and orders) 4. unity of command (a subordinate shall only be directed by a single supervisor) 5. unity of direction (same goals and objectives) 6. subordination of individual interest (organizational objectives) 7. compensation must be fair and uniform to people with the same jobs, qualifications and experience 8. centralization (decision making process must be balanced) 9. scalar chain (hierarchy) 10. order (employees must have the right resources to function properly) 11. equity (employees must be treated kindly and equally) 12. stability of personnel (minimum turnover and familiarity with job) 13. initiative (to be productive, employees should be allowed to share new ideas) 14. Esprit de Corps (managers are responsible for the development of morale, harmony and union of personnel)

4 important values to a police departments mission that deserves special emphasis

1. efficiency-honest concern for efficiency in the expenditure of public funds 2. legalitypolice carefully operate within the law 3. equity-all actions be guided by principles of fairness 4. accountability-must be un challenged

What are the two branches to traditional leadership theory

1. great man 2. the traits approach

Some of the more common ways in which activities of personnel are grouped within a police organization are as follows

1. grouping by clientele 2. grouping by style of service 3. grouping by geography 4. grouping by time 5. grouping by process

Several important observations flow from the balancing act officers do with state and citizen agents. They are as follows

1. however official sounding the law and public policy are, their implementation is to some extent idiosyncratic 2. the latent power of personal experience on the street is somewhat of an antidote to the expectations of doctrine 3. unaccounted for by advocates for the uniform, and therefore theoretically equitable, implementation of public policy is the personal circumstances of street officers

There are three basic categories of the performance based budget

1. input 2. output 3. outcome/impact

French and Raven concluded that there are five types of power

1. legitimate 2. expert 3. reward 4. coercive 5. referent

There are six major types of budget formats

1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

All supervisors are responsible for preventing sexual harassment by

1. monitoring the workplace on a daily basis 2. ensuring employees understand their rights and requirements to comply with the law and this policy 3. taking immediate corrective action when misconduct is observed even if the involved employee is outside the normal chain of command 4. reporting allegations and observed misconduct in writing to the office of the Chief of Police within 24 hours of occurrence

Employees are grouped into two categories for purposes of overtime pay

1. nonexempt 2. exempt

Who can be sued

1. officers 2. supervisors 3. city or county

Garrity requires that before a police agency can question an officer regarding an issue that may involve disciplinary action against the officer for refusal to answer questions, the agency must do the following:

1. order the officer to answer the questions 2. ask questions that are specifically, directly, and narrowly related to the officers duties 3. advise the officer that the answers to the questions will not be used against the officer in criminal proceedings

Specialization presents a number of advantages for large departments

1. placement of responsibility 2. development of expertise 3. promotion of group esprit de corps 4. increased efficiency and effectiveness

These five categories are referred to as "protected classes" under Title VII (1972) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

1. race 2. color 3. sex 4. national origin 5. religion

In Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill, the Supreme Court concluded that a pre-termination hearing was required before the discharge of two public employees. The court held that due process required the following

1. reasonable notice 2. an opportunity to respond 3. failure to respond

The intelligence cycle consists of these six steps

1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination

Retaliation can take one of two forms

1. retaliation for participation 2. retaliation for opposition

Middle management leaders perform activities such as

1. setting goals with subordinates 2. conducting studies that improve the police department 3. writing policies for approval of the command staff 4. preparing unit reports 5. implementing improvements within their domain 6. writing performance appraisals

McClelland and his associates studied the power motivation of police leaders extensively and concluded that there were three types of power

1. socialized power 2. personalized power needs 3. affirmation needs

According to the Argyris: Immaturity-Maturity Theory, Argyris views formal organizations as having certain properties that are barriers to the development of maturity. What are they?

1. specialization reduces worker initiative because employees repeatedly perform unchallenging tasks 2. the workers chain of command and narrow span of control make workers submissive, passive, and dependent

Street level bureaucrats, such as police officers working in the field, are the face of government, meeting with members of the public and using their discretion on how to implement public policy. In doing so, officers operate out of two modes

1. state agents 2. citizen agents

1956 Kenneth boulding identified nine different levels of systems

1. static-frameworks 2. simple dynamic systems-machines 3. cybernetic systems-thermostats 4. self-perpetuating systems 5. genetic social systems-plants 6. animal systems-animals 7. human systems-people 8. social systems-organizations 9. transcendental systems-unknown

There are two types of crime mapping

1. statistical spatial analysis 2. spatial modeling

There are three major perspectives on the purpose of intelligence and analysis

1. the analysis of data (or the making of intelligence) should render facts and figures, identify trends and patterns, and provide statistical support on past events 2. analysts not only should be responsible for providing historical data but also should force policy makers and decision makers to confront alternative views of specific events, potential threats, and/or foreign situations 3. focus squarely on the prediction of future events

Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), covered employers must grant eligible employees a total of 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any 12 month period for one or more of the following four reasons. What are they

1. the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee 2. placement with the employee of an adoptive or foster care son or daughter 3. care of an immediate family member, spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition 4. medical work when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition

According to Loudermill, in public employment discharge cases, the following factors are considered

1. the employees interest 2. the employers interest 3. preventing mistakes

Under the Organizational Structure and Design, Tansik and Elliot suggest that, when we consider the formal structure (or pattern of relationship) of an organization, we typically focus on what two areas

1. the formal relationship and duties of personnel in the organization 2. the set of formal rules, policies, procedures, and controls that guide the behavior of organizational members within the framework of the formal relationships and duties

It appears that ones right to speak openly about the policies of a police department may well depend on four important factors. Name them

1. the impact statement on the routine operations of the department 2. the truth of the statements 3. the manner in which the statements are made regarding existing policy orders involving chain-of-command and state whistle blower regulations 4. the position occupied by the officer

The Hawthorne effect is named after what was one of the most famous experiments in industrial history. Previous studies, in particular Frederick Taylor's influential ideas, had focused on the individual and on ways in which an individual's performance could be improved. Hawthorne set the individual in a social context, establishing that the performance of employees is influenced by their surroundings and by the people that they are working with as much as by their own innate abilities. The Hawthorne Studies concluded that

1. the level of production is set by social norms, not by physiological capacities 2. often workers react not as individuals but as members of a group 3. the rewards and sanctions of the group significantly affect the behavior of workers and limit the impact of economic incentive plans 4. leadership has an important role in setting and enforcing group norms

Two components of Ethical leadership are

1. the moral person (fair and principled decision maker, who is altruistic, cares about people and the broader society) 2. the moral manager (proactively strives to reinforce followers ethical behavior)

In Katz v. United States, the Supreme Court established a two-pronged test that accounted for both property and the privacy expectations of a person. The two prongs are

1. the person has an expectation of privacy 2. the expectation of privacy is reasonable in the fact situation

GINA recognizes six narrow exceptions to acquiring genetic information

1. the water cooler situation 2. accidental discovery 3. employee gives written consent 4. when information is required as part of FMLA or similar state or local law provision to establish the medical necessity for which the employee is asking for leave 5. genetic testing that monitors the biological effects of toxic substances in the workplace 6. law enforcement agencies may request genetic information from employees to determine if they have contaminated forensic evidence and to identify human remains

Organizational humanism (OH) shares the human relations distaste for traditional organizational theory. OH differs from traditional organizational theory in three fundamental ways

1. the work intrinsically, in and of itself, should be satisfying and help to motivate workers 2. organizations must pay attention to the on and off the job needs of workers 3. work shouldn't be just something that people endure to make a living

Under ICE's Priority Enforcement program, ICE will seek to gain custody of those convicted of certain specific serious offenses, have intentionally participated in gang activity, or pose a threat to national security. The new detainer form requires that a basis of probable cause be recorded on it, such as

1. there is a final order of removal 2. removal proceedings are pending against the individual 3. statements to the immigration officer and/or other reliable evidence

Flat organizational structures associated with wider spans of control offer numerous advantages over the more traditional tall structures. What are they

1. they shorten the lines of communication 2. the route of communication is more simple, direct, and clear than in tall organizations 3. distortion in communication is minimized by a reduced number of people being involved

What are the 12 main elements of a due process hearing

1. timely and adequate notice 2. a chance to make an oral statement or argument 3. a chance to present witnesses and evidence 4. confrontation of adverse witnesses 5. cross examination of adverse witnesses 6. disclosure of all evidence relied upon 7. a decision based on the record of evidence 8. a right to retain an attorney 9. a publicly compensated attorney for an indigent 10. a statement of findings of fact 11. a statement of reasons or a reasoned opinion 12. an impartial deciding officer

Name the six theories of leadership

1. traditional leadership theory 2. behavior and leadership styles theory 3. contingency and situational theory 4. transactional and transformational theory 5. comparison of charismatic and transformational theory 6. the new leadership; servant, spiritual, authentic and ethical leadership

Organizational design focuses on two spatial levels of differentiation

1. vertical 2. horizontal

Supervisors and city/county can be held liable in two ways. Name them

1. vicarious liability 2. direct liability

There are a number of reasons as to why Intelligence Led Policing has become popular. They are

1. widespread recognition of the ineffectiveness of the standard policing model and the difficulty in implementing problem oriented policing 2. departments are increasingly faced with financial constraints 3. more sophisticated technologies in information retrieval and analysis of police information have generated interest in systematic approaches to crime

According to the FMLA, an eligible worker is defined as a person who has worked for the employer 12 consecutive months and at least _________ hours immediately prior to the request for FMLA leave


Beginning in __________, England's London Metropolitan Police created a full time paid police force that was professional in the sense of that's how officers habitually earned their living


The Reformation period was from _________________


Title 42 U.S.C. Section _ allows people to sue police officials for constitutional rights violations.


An officer / organizational subculture does which if the following? 1. Examines the influence of officers ascribed and achieved status attributes, as measured by their socio-demographic and work experience characteristics. 2. Addresses the efforts of officers work orientation on their receptivity to planned organizational change. 3. Asserts that officers receptivity to change is a function of their perceptions of the extent to which their agency is prepared for such a change.

2. Addresses the efforts of officers work orientation on their receptivity to planned organizational change.

This type of theory is more compatible with the bureaucratic model than with the scientific management because it concentrates on broader principles

Administrative theory

An organizational / structural model does which of the following? 1. Examines the influence of officers ascribed and achieved status attributes, as measured by their socio-demographic and work experience characteristics. 2. Addresses the efforts of officers work orientation on their receptivity to planned organizational change. 3. Asserts that officers receptivity to change is a function of their perceptions of the extent to which their agency is prepared for such a change.

3. Asserts that officers receptivity to change is a function of their perceptions of the extent to which their agency is prepared for such a change.

According to the Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures, if the passing rate on the test for any race, sex, or ethnic group is less than ________ or 80% of the passing rate for the group with the highest passing rate, an adverse impact exists

4/5's (4/5' Rule)

Many private and public employers must pay overtime when the number of hours worked exceeds _______ hours during a week; for such employers, a work week may start on any day and consists of _________ consecutive 24-hour periods that total __________ hours.

40 / 7 / 168

The US ranks __________ in the world when considered on a scale that measure property damage, loss of life, injury and other socioeconomic indicators


Title _______, US Code, Section ___________ is a law passed by Congress in the aftermath of the Civil War and commonly referred to as the Civil Rights Act of 1871, was designed to secure the civil rights of the recently emancipated slaves

42 / 1983

According to FLSA officers can accrue up to ________ hours of comp time


This Amendment to the US Constitution protects the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures

4th Amendment

This amendment to the US Constitution protects an individual from being compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself

5th Amendment

Police employers can use a work period that ranges in length from ________ to not more than ________ consecutive days

7 / 28

If a violent crime is involved, law enforcement agencies have checked the immigration status and/or contacted ICE nearly _________ percent of the time


Position power

A source of influence that is Completely independent of the individual leader

a means by which police unions go about expressing their dissatisfaction with management

A vote of no confidence for chief, taking out newspaper ads, and picketing are:

The "Four Is" transformational leadership is comprised of what: A. Idealized Influence (IL), Inspirational Motivation (IM), Intellectual Stimulation (IS), Individualized Consideration (IC) B. Idealized Influence (IL), Inspirational Motivation (IM), Intellectual Stimulation (IS), Intellectual Influence (II) C. Idealized Influence (IL), Inspirational Motivation (IM), Individualized Stimulation (IS), Individualized Consideration (IC) D. None of the above

A. Idealized Influence (IL), Inspirational Motivation (IM), Intellectual Stimulation (IS), Individualized Consideration (IC)

This type of theory is also referred to as the management theory and the principles approach, sought to identify generic or universal methods of administration

Administrative theory

Differential response to crimes

Abandons traditional practice in immediately responding to our calls

______________________ was a psychologist who developed the needs hierarchy to explain individual motivation

Abraham Maslow

Explain the difference between absolute and relative methods of evaluating individual performance.

Absolute method- require that each employees performance be measured against an absolute standard. These standards can be objective (completes reports by the end of shift) or subjective (uses sound judgment) Relative method-require between and among employees, a relative appraisal might simply involve ranking employees from best to worst on the soundness of their judgments.

This radical islamic group is a violent Islamic seperatist group operating in the southern Philippine Island of Mindanao 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

This case (_____________________) concluded that police officers commuting to and from work in an agency provided take home car are not entitled to be compensated under FLSA unless they perform some substantial police functions

Adams v. United States

Two key components of CompStat are to force police commanders to____________________ and _______________________ in their areas of responsibility and to address them immediately

Address crime and social problems

This type of plan includes formulation of the department's mission statement, values, goals, and polices and procedures; the organizational structure, the functions, authority, and responsibilities of positions and units; the allocation of resources; sick leave, vacation time, court appearances, and other related topics 1. Administrative and management plans 2. Procedural plans 3. Operational plans 4. Tactical plans 5. Strategic plans

Administrative or management plans

This Federal Act only forbids age discrimination against people who are 40 or older and work in organizations with 20 or more employees

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Under the spiritual leadership, __________________ is produced by a sense of harmony, wholeness, and well-being that springs from care, concern, and appreciation for ourselves and others 1. Vision 2. Altruistic love 3. Hope/Faith

Altruistic love

This radical islamic group was established in 1988 by Usama bin Laden in Afghanistan as a resistance movement against the invasion by the Soviet Union and remains a viable terrorist group aimed at destroying western influence and establishing a world islamic state 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)


This radical islamic group is also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and more recently as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ASIL) 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

This radical islamic group is a militant group following the ideological philosophies of the larger Al-Qaeda 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

Planning occurs at what levels of a police agency?

All levels

Under the SARA model, officers evaluate the impact and the effectiveness of their responses


The final phase of the budgeting process is:


This type of leader is keenly aware of how they think, behave, and are seen by others 1. Authentic 2. Ethical 3. Transformational 4. Servant 5. Spiritual

Authentic leaders

This type of leadership is defined as being deeply aware of how you think, behave and are seen by others; being aware of your own and others values/moral perspectives, knowledge, and strengths; understanding the context in which you and others operate; and being grounded by confidence, hopefulness, optimism, resiliency, and high morale character 1. Authentic 2. Ethical 3. Transformational 4. Servant 5. Spiritual

Authentic leadership

A police leader with personalized power needs will tend toward being _______________________, making most decisions and tightly controlling work


This type of leader makes all decisions, closely controls work, and is a micro-manager (my way or the highway) 1. Authoritarian 2. Democratic 3. Laissez-faire Leader

Authoritarian leader

Autocratic style of leadership

Authoritarian makes decisions and carries them out based on personal beliefs .generally seen as a liability

This style of leadership ultimately leads to problems because the lack of trust becomes apparent, officers chafe at the tight control, morale suffers, and departmental performance declines, often accompanied by a spike in turnover by officers seeking a better work environment

Authoritarian power

This case (______________________) stated that police officers were not entitled to compensation when putting on and taking off their uniforms and accompanying gear

Bamonte, Cota, Perine v. City of Mesa


Behaviorally anchored rating scales

This police department became the model for professional policing


Compstat was started under the leadership of what New York City Police Commissioner

Bill Bratton

This type of analysis approach is often used during periods of retrenchment when organizational growth has declined because combining tasks such as those found in patrol and traffic bureaus can consolidate jobs or even units

Bottom up approach

This type of analysis approach tends to harness the experience of individual officers, produce an often needed team oriented environment with officer squads, reduce opposition to innovation in police strategies and operations, generally increase overall officer morale, and most surprisingly, reduce the number of incidence of use of excessive force in metropolitan police departments

Bottom up approaches

This was the first Exclusionary Rule case. It didn't establish the Exclusionary Rule but the court excluded evidence because of how it was obtained

Boyd v. US

In this Supreme Court case, the court ruled that the suppression of any evidence by the prosecution favorable to the accused violates the due process clauses of the 4th and 14th Amendments of the United States Constitution.

Brady v. Maryland

What term describes the act of acquiring and managing resources?


Bureaucratic style of leadership

By the book. Will likely consult superiors first.

The first state to impose minimum standards of training for police officers was


This type of crime analysis uses computer case management in which large amounts of data are complied and indexed for each retrieval of specific items

Case analysis and management system (CAMS)

Under the five practices of the exemplary leadership model, searching for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for innovative ways to improve and experimenting and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from experience describes what 1. Model the Way 2. Inspire a Shared Vision 3. Challenge the Process 4. Enable Others to Act 5. Encourage the Heart

Challenge the Process

This Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court greatly strengthened the rights of accused persons in criminal cases

Chief Justice Earl Warren

A tenured public employee who is entitled to just cause protection by virtue of the civil service laws, collective bargaining agreement, city code, contract, or police manual is entitled to due process protection under what Supreme Court decision

Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill

Which case did the supreme court find that public employees possessing property interests in their employment have a right to notice and an opportunity to respond before termination

Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill

This type of power is the expectation that you will be disciplined for your failure to conform to legitimate expectations 1. legitimate 2. expert 3. reward 4. coercive 5. referent


The accurate and timely intelligence and statistical crime information based on geographical settings and/or areas, rapid deployment of resources, effective tactics and strategies of enforcement that focus on visible street crime or quality of life crimes and relentless follow-up and assessment are the four core principles that highlight a police department's model of _______________


Using the most accurate and timely information and data available to the police, opening lines of communication both horizontally and vertically within the organization, activating the community at large and improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the police falls under what policing strategy


Which step of the six step intelligence cycle is defined as gathering raw information based on requirements. Activities such as interviews, technical and physical surveillances, human source operation, searches and liaison relationships result in the collection of intelligence 1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination


Transformational leadership consists of several factors referred to as the "Four Is". The use of "Four Is" was studied by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) detachment where they concluded that transformational leadership increased __________________, _______________________, and ______________________.

Commitment, work satisfaction and motivation

What is the process that looks at the individual needs of the community and then designs proactive strategies to stop or prevent crime


These two types of policing strategies are much more hierarchical and emphasize the top down approach

CompStat and Intelligence Led Policing

In present practice, __________________ policing is an active approach to crime control with three complimentary elements which include community partnerships, problem solving, using the scanning, analysis, response and assessment (SARA) and organizational transformation

Community Oriented Policing (COP)

The failure of traditional law enforcement methods to curb rising crime rates during the 1970's and 1980's and to reintegrate the police with society gave rise to a new movement generally referred to as _____________________ or ___________________

Community Oriented Policing (COP) or Community Policing

Decentralization of authority, a flattened hierarchy, a reduced number of specialized units, an emphasis on teamwork and increasing non-sworn personnel are the most common types of reconstructing associated with ___________________ what type of policing

Community Policing

Team policing increased appreciation of the capabilities of patrol officers and helped set the stage for __________________ which exploded during the 1980's.

Community Policing

What type of policing embraced the Peelian principle of police as members of the public giving full-time attention to community welfare and existence

Community Policing

_______________ Policing is characterized by ongoing attempts to promote greater community involvement in the police function. This movement focused on programs that fostered a commitment to crime prevention, public scrutiny of the police, accountability of police actions to the public, customized police service, and community organization

Community Policing

These two type of policing strategies are bottom up philosophies that place street officers at the forefront of problem identification and subsequent solution

Community and problem oriented policing

Increasing accountability at the supervisory and command levels is an important element of _____________________. This program is often characterized by strong role definitions, tighter lines of control, and smaller spans of management


In the early 1990's, community policing was greatly enhanced through a management accountability process known as ________________

Compstat (Computer Statistics)

In Minneapolis, the CompStat program was referred to as the

Computer Optimized DEployment - Focus On Results (CODEFOR)

The word CompStat is derived from which words

Computer and Statistics

These types of skills include the ability to understand and to inter-relate various parcels of information that may seem unrelated, or those for which the meaning or importance is not immediately apparent 1. Human Relations Skills 2. Conceptual Skills 3. Technical Skills

Conceptual skills

This type of tort, duty to recognize and uphold the constitutional rights, privileges, and immunities of others is imposed on police officers and other criminal justice practitioners by statute, and violation of these guarantees may result in a specific type of civil suit or tort

Constitutional tort

Participative style of leadership

Consults members before making decisions

What is defined as a public injury, an offense against the state, punishable by fine and/or imprisonment?


What is the process of identifying patterns and relationships between crime data and other relevant data sources to prioritize and target police activity

Crime Analysis

____________________ is critical when deploying resources based on new policing strategies such as hot spots policing, directed patrol and saturation patrols, and predictive policing

Crime analysis

Involvement crimes

Crimes experienced by a victim or witness while they are occurring

important civil rights cases

Davis v. City of Dallas,Washington v. Davis,Griggs v. Duke Power Company

A choice among possible courses of action is a...


What term describes a choice among possible courses of action?


Cognitive nearsightedness, the assumption that the future will repeat the past, oversimplification, over reliance on one's own experience, preconceived notions/confirmation bias, unwillingness to experiment and reluctance to decide/procrastination are common errors in _______________________

Decision Making

This type of leader encourages individual or group participation in matters affecting the organization (let's talk about it) 1. Authoritarian 2. Democratic 3. Laissez-faire Leader

Democratic leader

This department in is the 3rd largest department and has the 9th largest budget in the federal government

Department of Homeland Security

Fear, anger, sense of failure, and pride which is dysfunctional are the four (4) broad categories of __________________________

Destructive emotions

In Hot Spot Policing, what type of patrol usually involves directing patrol to specific locations during their patrol shift to address crime

Directed Patrol

Zero Tolerance Policing has been re-labeled as ____________________ in some circles.

Disorder Policing

Which step of the six step intelligence cycle is defined as the last step in the distribution of raw or finished intelligence to the consumers whose needs initiated the intelligence requirements. 1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination


This type of terrorism is defined as actions conducted by groups within a nation, usually against the government or specific groups within the nation-state. 1. International terrorism 2. Transnational terrorism 3. Domestic terrorism 4. State terrorism

Domestic terrorism

In what Supreme Court case was the practice whereby local law enforcement would illegally obtain evidence then hand it over to the feds on a silver platter for prosecution in the federal criminal courts. Otherwise known as the Silver Platter Doctrine

Elkins v. United States

Zaccaro, after examining research finding, concluded that some traits are precursors of leadership effectiveness. _________________ and __________________ intelligence appear to be among them.

Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence

Politician (executive style)

Emphasizes external role of the police executive. Protects the police departments interest by meeting with community and government groups. Defends the department from external threats

Statesman (executive style)

Emphasizes leadership among the troops. Delegates most management tasks and concentrate on charting overall course of the organization. Rarest and most needed style

Administrator (executive style)

Emphasizes the internal role of the police executive. Concentrate on planning organizing staffing. Believes he is a manager first and cop second

In this supreme court case, the court held that such employees have a diminished expectation of privacy and that drug testing is a minimal intrusion that is far out-weighed by the government's interests to keep the public and citizenry safe

Employees Union v. Von Raub

Under the five practices of the exemplary leadership model, recognizing contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence and celebrating the values and victories by creating a spirit of community describes what 1. Model the Way 2. Inspire a Shared Vision 3. Challenge the Process 4. Enable Others to Act 5. Encourage the Heart

Encourage the Heart

Key federal laws prohibiting job discrimination are administered by the Department of Justice's _______________________________ and the ________________________________

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and US Department of Labor (USDOL)

The Fair Standards Labor (FSLA) was amended in 1963 by the _____________________. Its main objective is to eliminate discrimination in wages based on gender

Equal Pay Act (EPA)

Several key decisions were made by a split vote of the Supreme Court and drew heavy criticism from law enforcement officers and others as handcuffing police in their struggle with lawlessness. One of these cases affirmed that a suspect is entitled to confer with an attorney as soon as the focus of a police investigation of the suspect shifts from investigatory to accusatory

Escobedo v. Illinois

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as managers are responsible for the development of morale, harmony and union of personnel

Esprit de Corps

This type of leadership is the consistent demonstration of moral values through personal actions, in interpersonal relationships, and the communication of those values to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision making 1. Authentic 2. Ethical 3. Transformational 4. Servant 5. Spiritual

Ethical leadership

Distinguish between monitoring and evaluation.

Evaluation of programs and strategies sometimes require outside assistance (skills/expertise). Outside evaluation is recommended whenever a neutral, unbiased assessment is particularly necessary. Inside evaluations dont have the same credibility. Evaluations have provided valuable information for use in police planning and decision making.

In this type of policing, the ultimate goal was to provide practitioners with sound empirical evidence to help them make informed decisions regarding related policies and programs

Evidence Based Policing

Public employees who can legitimately claim liberty or property right protections of due process for their jobs are guaranteed an __________________

Evidentiary hearing

The key issue for law enforcement agencies and other types of commonwealth organizations is finding a way to accommodate pressures from two sources

External democratic control and internal control

Impasse resolution procedures

Fact finding, arbitration, and mediation are included in what kind of procedures?

The purpose of the Federal Act is to establish national minimum wage, work hours, overtime pay, child labor and required record keeping standards

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

True or False: Police Officers do not have the same individual rights that all citizens within the United States are afforded under the US Constitution


This can impair an officer's mental and physical ability, create a cycle of fatigue, limit job performance and damage an officer's health


Managing criminal investigations (MCI)

Federally funded program of investigative improvement. Included components like solvability factors case screening case and he instrument etc.

Even though the tenure of police chiefs across the nation has somewhat improved since the study was conducted, the national average is still only about ____________ years with most Chief's still having no contract or agreement

Five (5)

This type of management can produce better communication within the organization, increase the sense of fiscal and personal responsibility, provide greater organizational flexibility, and increase delegation by supervisors

Flatter organizational structures with wider spans of control

Top cop (executive style)

Focuses more on leading and managing. Heavily involved and police operations takes charge.

What do administrators do to reduce uncertainty about the future by predicting environmental conditions?


refers to the research and analysis of societal trends and forecasting the future environmental picture as it relates to the police department.


In the tort of negligence, the consequences need only be __________________


In this Supreme Court case, the court ruled that the officer could not be fired for his refusal to waive his constitutional right to remain silent

Gardner v. Broderick ( a police officer declined to answer questions put to him by a grand jury investigating police misconduct on the grounds that his answers might tend to incriminate himself)

The Father of Scientific Management is

Frederick W Taylor

In its ruling, the Supreme Court set forth a basic standard for disciplinary investigations of police officers. The court ruled that although a police agency can conduct an administrative investigation of an officer, it cannot in the course of that investigation compel the officer to waive his or her privilege against self-incrimination


Under the spiritual leadership, ______________ is a belief rooted in values, attitudes, and behaviors that reveal officers are certain of reaching their goals 1. Vision 2. Altruistic love 3. Hope/Faith


This basic type of police organizational design structure requires specific units to be responsible to a variety of other unit commanders, critical information is assured of reaching other line officers, and sharing is promoted while competing loyalties are diminished. The major disadvantage of this type of design structure is that it increases organizational complexity 1. Line 2. Line and staff 3. Functional 4. Matrix

Functional Structure

The ______________________ not only acts as a centralized host for intelligence information and analysis but also serves as a conduit for disseminating critical information to other regional, state, and national authorities

Fusion Center

This agency acts as an effective and efficient mechanism for exchanging information and intelligence, maximizing police resources, streamlining public safety operations, and improving the ability to fight crime and terrorism by merging data from a variety of sources

Fusion Center

The transformation of local police agencies into intelligence led organizations involves the creation of a task and coordination process, the development of core intelligence products to lead the operation, the establishment of standardized training practices and the development of protocols to facilitate intelligence capabilities. They are key components of ______________.

Fusion Centers

This Federal law includes information about an individuals genetic tests and the genetic tests and medical histories of family members

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

Several key decisions were made by a split vote of the Supreme Court and drew heavy criticism from law enforcement officers and others as handcuffing police in their struggle with lawlessness. One of these cases affirmed the equal protection under the 14th Amendment requires that legal counsel be appointed for all indigent defendants in all criminal cases

Gideon v. Wainwright

In this Supreme Court case, the Prosecution's failure to inform the jury that a witness had been promised not to be prosecuted in exchange for his testimony is a failure to fulfill the duty to present all material evidence to the jury, and constitutes a violation of due process.

Giglio v. United States

The ____________________________ doctrine recognizes that public officials who exercise discretion in the performance of their duties should not be punished for actions undertaken in good faith

Good-faith Immunity

The Court determined in this case that an objective reasonableness standard should apply to a civilian's claim that law enforcement officials used excessive force in the course of making an arrest, investigatory stop, or other "seizure" of his person.

Graham v. Connor

According to the Knapp Commission, this term was used to describe police officers who "accept gratuities and solicit five, ten, twenty dollar payments from contractors, tow-truck operators, gamblers, and the like but do not pursue corruption payments".

Grass Eaters

The Commission to Investigate Alleged Police Corruption (known informally as the Knapp Commission) was created to investigate corruption within the New York City Police Department. The Knapp Commission Report on Police Corruption identified two particular classes of corrupt police officer, which it called __________________ and _________________________

Grass Eaters and Meat Eaters

According to the two branches of traditional leadership theory, this type of theory believed that leaders were unusually gifted individuals who made history 1. Great Man theory 2. Traits approach

Great man theory

This man is better known for his tireless efforts to improve the caliber of personnel by establishing police training in 1908, encouraging officers to attend college classes, introducing intelligence and psychological testing for officers and recruiting college students

Gus Vollmer

This man mobilized officers from bicycles to patrol cars, introduced a police signal system to dispatch, established a modern records system, used crime analysis to establish and staff geographical beats, created the first scientific crime laboratory and the 1st lie detection machine

Gus Vollmer

This man was the father of modern law enforcement

Gus Vollmer

This radical islamic group is the largest and most politically powerful group expressing radical islamic ideologies to justify the liberation of Palestine and the destruction of Israel 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic)

Explain the halo, leniency, and career effects that sometimes interfere with performance appraisal.

Halo effect- supervisors tend to let their rating of an employee on one measure affect that employee's ratings on other measures. Supervisor leniency- most supervisors are extremely reluctant to hurt an employee's feelings and therefore tend to avoid the inevitable conflict that would result from a very low rating. Career effect- this limitation pertains to changes in employee performance from year to year. Ratings are expected to gradually improve during the early years of a police career, but in most instances, once a high rating is achieved it tends to persist.

This radical Islamic group is formerly part of the larger radical Islamic movement in Pakistan and Afghanistan called Harakat al-Ansar and operates primarily in Kashmir and can link direct associations with bin Laden and original Al-Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)

What type of policing looks at crime numbers and the harm that crime itself causes and explores the inherent harms in different types of police activities

Harm-focused Policing

______________________ was a French coal-mine engineer, director of mines and modern management theoretician. His scientific management theory forms the base for business administration and business management. In the academic world. He is founder of the 14 Principles of management and the five functions of management.

Henry Fayol

___________________________took issue with administrative theory. He noted that if you narrow the span of control to five or six employees, you make the organization taller creating more layers and greater vertical complexity and that decreases efficiency because a matter going up the chain of command is more time consuming as each layer considers how to handle it.

Herbert Simon

This radical islamic group is primarily focused in Lebanon and Syria and represents the radical Shiite fundamentalism perspective as opposed to the other radical Sunni Islamic perspective 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)



Historically, police employee unions have been found at what level?

This type of policing forces the police to identify specific areas with undue concentrations of crime and then direct their resources to those places

Hot Spots Policing

This type of policing includes directed patrols, saturation patrols, aggressive traffic enforcement, zero tolerance, disorder enforcement, drug buy and bust programs and problem oriented policing techniques

Hot Spots Policing

This type of policing reflects the direct application of empirical data (through various crime analysis and information technologies) that show that crime is not randomly dispersed but rather is concentrated in isolated areas

Hot Spots Policing

These types of skills involve the capacity to interact positively with other people and are used at all levels of a police department (examples are motivation, conflict resolution, and interpersonal communication skills) 1. Human Relations Skills 2. Conceptual Skills 3. Technical Skills

Human relation skills

This type of budget incorporates features of several different types of budgets 1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

Hybrid Budget

Which of the following are steps in the planning process?

Identify Objectives, Identify current arrangements, understand the premises, identify alternatives, implement the plan.

According to the Argyris: Immaturity-Maturity Theory, Argyris believes that as one moves from infancy toward adulthood in years of age, the healthy individual also advances from ___________________ to _____________________

Immaturity to Maturity

An immigration detainer is essentially an ______________________________

Immigration Hold Request

one side is demanding more than the other will offer

In collective bargaining an impasse is usually reached when:

Paradigm shift

In the 1990s many police departments changed their vehicle pursuit policies to make them more restrictive as a result of numerous lawsuits. This dramatic change from one set of rules to another is called a:

Under the five practices of the exemplary leadership model, envisioning the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities and enlisting others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations describes what

Inspired a Shared Vision

What is data and information that have been evaluated, analyzed, and produced with careful conclusions and recommendations


_-led policing is the enhancement of police intelligence-gathering capability.


Criminal intelligence flows up the organizational pyramid to executives who set priorities and develop strategies aimed at prevention and enforcement and then communicate these priorities back down the organizational chart for operational tasking

Intelligence Led Policing

This type of policing is an information organizing process that allows police agencies to better understand their crime problems and take measure of the resources available to be able to decide on an enforcement tactic or prevention strategy best designed to control crime

Intelligence Led Policing

This type of policing utilizes criminal intelligence analysis as a means to accomplish crime prevention and reduction through best practices and partnerships with other entities

Intelligence Led Policing

This type of crime analysis also becomes the basis for intelligence led policing

Intelligence analysis

This type of crime analysis uses the identification of networks of offenders and criminal activity, often associated with organized crime, gangs, drug traffickers, prostitution rings and terrorist organizations

Intelligence analysis

An __________________ tort is one in which the defendant knowingly commits a voluntary act designed to bring about certain physical consequences


The types of torts under state law that commonly are brought against police officers can be categorized as

Intentional or Negligence Torts

What type of tort is an involuntary commission of an act that to a substantial certainty will injure another person

Intentional tort

This type of terrorism is defined as actions conducted in the international arena by individuals that are members of a nation state 1. International terrorism 2. Transnational terrorism 3. Domestic terrorism 4. State terrorism

International terrorism

This radical islamic group came from Al-Qaeda, however; the group now represents a major radical islamic movement across Iraq and Syria 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS)

This radical islamic group is an Indonesia based terrorist group active throughout Southeast Asia 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Jamaah Islamiya (JA)

__________________ applied the Exclusionary Rule to state criminal courts

Mapp v. Ohio

This Supreme Court case established a two-pronged test that accounted for both property and the privacy expectations of a person

Katz v. United States

In this Supreme Court case______________________, the principle was established that under FMLA, a man cannot be denied FMLA leave on the basis of gender to be the primary caretaker for a serious ill family member

Knussman v. State of Maryland

This type of leader takes a passive hands off approach (whatever) 1. Authoritarian 2. Democratic 3. Laissez-faire Leader

Laissez-faire Leader

This radical islamic group is one of the largest and best trained fighting groups in the Pakistan-Afghan region 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT)

_______________ and ______________ go hand in hand. Don't fear conflict; embrace it - its your job!

Leadership and conflict

This style of law enforcement is found in cities with heterogeneous populations and reform-oriented professional governments 1. Watchman style 2. Legalistic style 3. Service style

Legalistic Style

This type of power is the belief that someone has the right to make demands on how you do your job 1. legitimate 2. expert 3. reward 4. coercive 5. referent


This type of budget is the oldest and simplest budget format and remains widely used today. The amount that is requested, recommended, appropriated, and expended is associated with a particular item or class of items which appears as a separate numbered line in the budget 1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

Line Item Budget

This basic type of police organizational design structure is the oldest, simplest, and clearest form of organizational design. Authority flows from the top to the bottom of the organization in a clear and unbroken line, creating a set of superior-subordinate relations in a hierarchy commonly called the chain of command 1. Line 2. Line and staff 3. Functional 4. Matrix

Line Structure

This basic type of police organizational design structure provides expert advise to line units in special knowledge areas, relieves line managers from performing tasks they least prefer to do or are at least qualified to do, achieves department wide conformity in activities that affect the entire organization and reduces or eliminates special problems such as corruption 1. Line 2. Line and staff 3. Functional 4. Matrix

Line and Staff Structure

This type of crime analysis is a graphic portrayal of associations and relationships among people, organizations, events, activities, and locations from a given point in time

Link analysis

Diplomatic style of leadership

Makes decisions without consulting anyone. Uses gentle methods of persuasion and appeals to reason

Several key decisions were made by a split vote of the Supreme Court and drew heavy criticism from law enforcement officers and others as handcuffing police in their struggle with lawlessness. One of these cases banned the use of illegally seized evidence in criminal cases in the states by applying the 4th Amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures

Mapp v. Ohio

This basic type of police organizational design structure is in the formation of specific groups of individuals, combining varied talents and levels of expertise in order to fulfill a designated mission or goal. This type of design structure has been successful only in the short term delivery of police services. 1. Line 2. Line and staff 3. Functional 4. Matrix

Matrix Structure

He is known as the founder of modern sociology

Max Weber

According to the Knapp Commission, this term was used to describe officers who "spend a good deal of time aggressively looking for situations they can exploit for financial gain". An example of this is shaking down pimps and illicit drug dealers for money, not only for the material profit to the officers, but for the relief from guilt that the officers derive by convincing themselves that their victims deserve such treatment."

Meat Eaters

This type of organization structures are set up to run like a machine, tightly controlled, error free, and producing a sustained, unflawed output. They incorporate many features of the bureaucratic structure (hierarchy, chain of command and specialization) Much of the communication is top down. They are also called closed systems because their boundaries are regarded as being fairly impermeable to outside influences

Mechanistic Organizational Structure

Free reign style of leadership

Minimum direction avoid making decisions when possible

Several key decisions were made by a split vote of the Supreme Court and drew heavy criticism from law enforcement officers and others as handcuffing police in their struggle with lawlessness. One of these cases required police officers, before questioning suspects, to inform them of their constitutional right to remain silent, their right to an attorney, and their right to have an attorney appointed if they cannot afford to hire one.

Miranda v. Arizona

Under the five practices of the exemplary leadership model, clarifying values by finding your voice and affirming shared ideals and setting the example by aligning actions with shared values describes what

Model the Way

Distinguish between monitoring and evaluation.

Monitoring involves systemic collection of information about program and strategy inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes. It does not permit managers to draw scientifically valid conclusions about cause and effect, but it does allow them to determine whether programs and strategies are being implemented as intended. It can also provide information about the status of a crime, citizen satisfaction, and other outcome indicators. Basically, all the benefits of EVALUATION except the discovery of CAUSE-and-EFFECt relationships. Monitoring can be accomplished through the utilization of the operational and management information systems.

In this case, the court concluded that when a police officer is alleged to have acted improperly that the officer can be sued in federal court by alleging that he or she deprived the searched person of his or her constitutional rights under the 4th Amendment to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures

Monroe v. Pape

The most influential college cop was a man by the name of ____________________

OW Wilson

This radical Islamic group is a fundamental group stemming from the writings of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb in 20th Century Egypt 1. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 3. Al- Qaeda 4. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 5. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 6. HAMAS otherwise known as the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement or Harakat al-Muqawamah al Islamiyyah (Arabic) 7. Hezbolah 8. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) 9. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Islamic State (IS) 10. Jamaah Islamiya (JA) 11. Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) 12. Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

The Supreme Court ruling in _________________ v. __________________ on June 26, 2015 legalizing same-sex marriage tends to support the equality of gay and lesbians in the workplace.

Obergefell v. Hodges

Change taking place in the work environment, dispersed workforce, either by time or geographically, new and experienced workforce, administrative requirements, the extent of coordination and employees expectations are factors that ________________ the Span of Management 1. Narrow 2. Expand


This type of soldiering came from the natural inclination of employees not to push themselves

Natural Soldiering

In this type of lawsuit, Defendants are not liable unless they foresaw or should have anticipated that their acts or omissions would result in injury to another

Negligence suits

The administrator and/or supervisor have the duty to develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures. Administrators and supervisors must provide clear instruction and direction regarding the position of police officer, be widely disseminated, and be accompanied with training so that all officers understand the significance of the manual otherwise they can he held liable for ________________________

Negligent Direction and Supervision

In this definition, the law enforcement administrator and the local government entity have a duty to "weed out" those obviously unfit for police duty otherwise they can be held liable for ____________________

Negligent Hiring

The local unit of government and the administrator or supervisor of a police department have an affirmative duty to train their employees correctly and adequately otherwise they can he held liable for ________________________

Negligent Training

Police administrators who know or should have known of individual acts or patterns of physical abuse, malicious or threatening conduct, or similar threats against the public by officers under their supervision must take immediate action or they can be held liable for _____________________________

Negligent assignment, retention and entrustment

Who was one of the first police executives to explore systematically the relationship between specialization and the organizational structure

O.W. Wilson

Change agent

Objective and impartial outside consultant.

Discuss the relative merits of objective and subjective measures of police departments.

Objective measures- numbers of arrests or amount of crime, have the value of precision, they are easier to defend when questioned Subjective criteria- such as citizen satisfaction with the police department or an officers judgment, is generally more susceptible to error and thus more open to question and challenge. It is essential to include multiple aspects of performance as well as to employ multiple measures of performance

Before a search can be effectuated, the police must have _________________ to believe that a crime has been committed and that evidence relevant to the crime will be found at the place to be searched.

Probable Cause

This type of plan are often called work plans and describe specific actions to be taken by line units. Work plans are usually short and terse, giving both direction and time constraints in accomplishing a given task 1. Administrative and management plans 2. Procedural plans 3. Operational plans 4. Tactical plans 5. Strategic plans

Operational plans

This type of organization recognizes that they have permeable boundaries and are therefore co-dependent with the larger environment in which they are embedded. These organizations are adaptable and nimble on their feet and are considered open systems

Organic Organizational Structure

A rational coordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose or goal, through division of labor and function and a hierarchy of authority and responsibility is defined as an


What is the process of determining formal structure of task and authority relationships


Factors that affect decision making include:

Outside pressures, sunk costs, Personality Characteristics

Describe the three recommended components that the National Commission on Productivity developed:

Performance A- this measure would be a reflection of resource utilization and could be monitored from year to year in one police department or used to compare two or more departments. National averages could be developed using this method. Performance B- provides useful information for evaluating an agency's response times to different types of calls for service. Percentage of all emer calls responded to in less than 5min (common standard) or the percentage of low-priority calls responded to in less than 30 minutes. Performance C- provides a productivity indicator of arrest quality. It reports arrests by amount of time invested rather than merely number of arrests.

This type of budgeting is the practice of developing budgets based on the relationship between program funding levels and expected results from that program. This budgeting process is a tool that program administrators can use to manage more cost-efficient and effective budgeting outlays. 1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

Performance Budget / Performance Based Budget

The injured party initiates the lawsuit is called the


This type of budget is in effect an integration of a number of techniques in a planning and budgeting process for identifying, costing and assigning a complexity of resources for establishing priorities and strategies in a major program and for forecasting costs, expenditure and achievements within the immediate financial year or over a longer period. 1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

Planning Programming Budgeting System

Which step of the six step intelligence cycle is defined as management of the entire effort, from identifying the need for information to delivering an intelligence product to a consumer. The executive assistant director for the national security branch leads intelligence planning and direction for the FBI 1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination

Planning and direction

Requirements related to the minimum standards for employment for police officers are administered through state organizations, often termed ___________________________which generally operate under four broad mandates which include establishing minimum standards for employment in a state, county or local law enforcement agency, articulating academy and annual training requirements for police officers, conducting and encouraging research designed to improve all aspects of law enforcement, and removing the certification of police officers for certain disciplinary or criminal violations, effectively revoking their licenses to be a sworn officer

Police Officers Standards and Training (POST)

Blue flu, work slowdowns, and work speed-ups

Police actions taken in the wake of failed contract negotiations have included:

ban on polygraphs, due process protections, advance notice that an officer is being investigated are

Police bill of rights

economic benefits, recognition of their organizations, a voice in management policies

Police employee unions seek to achieve:

Evidence based policing also reinforces the concept of _______________________ _________________________

Police transparency

This type of policing is a proactive approach to crime and disorder that uses information and analytical tools to achieve the goal of crime prevention while requiring fewer resources

Predictive Policing

This type of policing is based on directed, information-based patrol; rapid response supported by fact-based prepositioning of assets; and proactive, intelligence-based tactics, strategy and policy

Predictive Policing

Civilian review has gained popularity because

Presumably it is more objective, It is more satisfying than internal review for complainants, It can deter police misconduct

This term requires that each lower level of organization be supervised by a higher level results not only in the use of multiple spans of control but also in different grades of authority that increase at each successively higher level of the organization

Principle of Hierarchy

Expectancy theory

Probabilities of peoples actions leading to desired outcomes (employees are guided by what they see as the probabilities of their actions leading to desired outcomes)

Which of the following are steps in the strategic planning process?

Problem Identification, Identification of Alternatives, evaluation of alternatives strategies, Selection of the strategy to be implemented.

In 1983 under the direction of Chief Daniel Stephens (Newport News VA Police Department), Chief Stephens developed a new approach to policing called ___________________

Problem Oriented Policing

This innovative style of community policing focused on the department's traditional response to major, recurring problems and its goal was to reassess the traditional, incident driven aspects of police work, fundamentally changing the way the Newport News Police Department viewed its mission

Problem Oriented Policing

This type of due process refers to the legality of the procedures used to deprive police officers of status wages, such as dismissal or suspension from their job

Procedural due process

Which step of the six step intelligence cycle is defined as converting the vast amount of information collected into a form usable by analysis 1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination

Processing and exploitation

This type of budget is a planning tool that links the expenditures for each program to the achievement of goals. Its basic components include a program structure, the attachment of goals to each program, and a line item budget for control 1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

Program Budget

The more substantial and meaningful type of due process guarantee is that pertaining to the protection of ones ___________________



Public sector collective bargaining effectively came into being in the:

The high court extended procedural safeguards to defendants in criminal cases precisely when the ________________________ was high and there was great _____________________________to do something about it

Public's fear of crime and social pressure

The __________________ investigation study concluded that the preliminary investigations conducted by patrol officers provided the information that led to the solution of most crimes

Rand Criminal

Weber's bureaucratic model rested on what he called

Rational Authority (legal basis for the existence of the department. Authority is granted to positions within the organization, such as Sergeants, Lieutenants, and Captains)

What is it called when the tenured public employee is entitled to oral or written notice of the charges against him and an explanation of the employer's evidence.

Reasonable Notice

This type of power is when a person becomes liked or respected to such a degree that subordinates willingly follow orders 1. legitimate 2. expert 3. reward 4. coercive 5. referent


Which step of the six step intelligence cycle is defined as intelligence requirements that are established by the director of national intelligence according to guidance received from the president and the national and homeland security advisors. The attorney general and the director of the FBI participate in the formulation of national intelligence requirements 1. requirements 2. planning and direction 3. collection 4. processing and exploitation 5. analysis and production 6. dissemination


This is an effort to impose liability on supervisors for the tortious conduct of their employees and is based on the common-law doctrine of the _________________________

Respondent Superior otherwise known as Vicarious Liability

Under the SARA model, officers seek the assistance of citizens, businesses, other police units, other public and private organizations, and anyone else who can help develop a program of action.


This type of power is the ability to compensate others for their compliance 1. legitimate 2. expert 3. reward 4. coercive 5. referent


This Supreme Court case ______________________ said that only those cases where the search was deemed to be shocking would the evidence be excluded

Rochin v. California

25 percent

Roughly what percentage of police chiefs surveyed have reported that they DO NOT operate under a union contract or collective bargaining agreement?

In Hot Spot Policing, what type of patrol usually concentrates additional officers on specific locations and specific times

Saturation Patrol

Under the SARA model, officers are encouraged to group individual, related incidents that come to their attention as problems and define these problems in a more precise and useful terms



Scanning analysis response assessment

The acronym SARA refers to:

Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Evaluation

A ________________ occurs when an expectation of privacy that society is prepared to consider reasonable is infringed


This Federal Law is the primary civil rights statute involved in litigation against municipal and state police officers

Section 1983

Target hardening

Seeks improvements to crime prevention. Doors windows locks etc.

A ________________ of property occurs when there is some meaningful interference wit an individuals possessory interests in that property


This type of leader looks to the needs of others 1. Authentic 2. Ethical 3. Transformational 4. Servant 5. Spiritual

Servant leaders

This style of law enforcement is oriented towards the needs of the citizens 1. Watchman style 2. Legalistic style 3. Service style

Service Style

In this Supreme Court case, the court held that illegally seized drugs in the possession of an officer could be used in administrative discharge proceeding against the officer

Sheetz v. Mayor and City of Baltimore

What Supreme Court case stated that once the primary source (the tree) is shown to have been unlawfully obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence (the fruit) is also inadmissible

Silverthorne Lumber Company v. United States

______________ is how knowledge is translated into action


In this supreme court case, the court upheld a mandatory drug testing program in cases in which the government had no reasonable suspicion about any particular public employee but had a substantial interest in maintaining public safety

Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives Association

This type of power tends to help people around them and have a stabilizing effect, are restrained in their use of power, share some of the power with subordinates, and are restrained and polite, helping people to achieve their potential 1. socialized power 2. personalized power needs 3. affirmation needs

Socialized power

COPE citizen oriented policing enforcement

Squads designed for the purpose of reducing crime in target neighborhoods

Planning revolves around two concerns: concern for the system and risk. Concern for the system includes which key ingredients?

Stability, purpose, entirety

The simplicity of the work, efficient use of information technology, the quality, skills and capabilities of subordinates, the skills and capabilities of the supervisor, the quality of the department's training program, and the harmony of the workforce are factors enabling an increased _____________________________

Span of Management

This term is broader than the span of control and encompasses factors relating to an individual's capacity to oversee the activities of others directly

Span of Management

A manager's _______________________ is the number of employees that he or she can effectively be in control of at any one time

Span of control

This term is used to describe the number of personnel a supervisor can personally manage effectively

Span of control

This is one of the basic features of traditional organizational theory

Specialization or division of labor

This type of leader is interested in their own and their followers spiritual survival 1. Authentic 2. Ethical 3. Transformational 4. Servant 5. Spiritual

Spiritual leaders

This type of terrorism is defined as actions conducted by governments against their own population 1. International terrorism 2. Transnational terrorism 3. Domestic terrorism 4. State terrorism

State terrorism

This type of crime analysis is often used to determine the effectiveness of police over a given period of time, or in the evaluation of specific policing strategies

Strategic Crime Analysis

This type of plan is one that an organizational management activity can use to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment 1. Administrative and management plans 2. Procedural plans 3. Operational plans 4. Tactical plans 5. Strategic plans

Strategic plans

The type of due process is the requirement that the basis for government disciplinary action be reasonable, relevant and justifiable

Substantive due process

This type of soldiering came from workers not wanting to produce so much as to see their quotas raised or other workers thrown out of jobs

Systematic Soldiering

Systems concept- how to design and operate a police organization

Systems concept was introduced because the adoption of systems principles results in superior model of policing that eclipses conventional management practice in every aspect

This type of crime analysis is often used to detect patterns of crime that cluster in specific locations during various time periods

Tactical Crime Analysis or Crime Specific Analysis

This type of plan involves planning for emergencies of a specific nature at known locations. Some tactical plans are developed in anticipation of such emergencies as the taking of hostages at a prison or a jailbreak and ares subject to modification or being discarded altogether in peculiar and totally unanticipated circumstances. 1. Administrative and management plans 2. Procedural plans 3. Operational plans 4. Tactical plans 5. Strategic plans

Tactical plans

According to Sherman's model of Triple T Strategy, what involves assessing relative levels of harm and allocating police resources based on this measure


What does the Triple T Strategy stand for

Targeting, testing and tracking

Situational crime prevention

Tayloring crime prevention responses to the specific characteristics of the crime problem being addressed

This type of policing was a bold reform effort to reshape how police resources were used to reduce the amount of specialization by using patrol officers in a variety of roles, such as plainclothes assignments

Team Policing

These types of skills vary by level within a police department. As one progresses upward toward middle and top management, the range of technical skills narrows and conceptual skills come to predominate. In that upward progression, the character of the technical skills also changes from being operations oriented to management oriented and gradually includes new elements, such as budgeting, planning, and the kind of decision making that increasingly requires the use of conceptual skills 1. Human Relations Skills 2. Conceptual Skills 3. Technical Skills

Technical skills

This type of crime analysis uses computerized reports derived from court ordered long distance telephone billings of suspects in illegal narcotics trafficking

Telephone toll analysis

If a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing suspect, he or she may not use deadly force to prevent escape unless "the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others. Name the case

Tennessee v. Garner

___________________ tests the basic social structure of dependence and trust


According to Sherman's model of Triple T Strategy, what looks at examining research for evidence of success (or failure) to determine how a strategy is working


This Federal Act was enacted in 1990 to guarantee equal opportunity to jobs for qualified individuals with disabilities and to provide covered individuals with other protections

The American Disabilities Act

Is a non-profit agency founded in 1967 and today is one of the most highly respected sources of legal advice and training for police officers

The Americans for Effective Law Enforcement (AELE)

In January 1993, Mayor Richard Daley and then Police Superintendent Matt Rodriguez designed a new program designed to move the department from a traditional, reactive, incident driven agency to a more proactive community oriented department. This program was called

The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS)

The __________________ had a number of key features aimed at improving and expanding the overall quality of police services in the city of Chicago, as well as reducing crime. These key features included crime control and prevention, neighborhood orientation, increased geographical responsibility, structural response to calls for police service, proactive problem solving approach, combined community and city resources for crime prevention and control, emphasis on crime and prevention analysis through the CompStat process, training, communication and marketing and evaluation, strategic planning, and organizational change

The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS)

What strategy developed in Chicago was designed to identify and solve problems of crime and disorder and to improve the quality of life in all of Chicago's neighborhoods

The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS)

This agency was established with the support of the IACP, NSA, PERF, and NOBLE as an independent accrediting body for law enforcement agencies.

The Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)

This massacre in North Carolina in 1979 was one of the most brutal and widely witnessed assaults on civil rights

The Greensboro Massacre

This was an event which took place on November 3, 1979, when members of the Communist Workers' Party and others demonstrated in a "Death to the Klan" march in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States. The CWP engaged in a shootout with members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. Four members of the Communist Workers' Party, and one other individual were killed and eleven other demonstrators and a Klansman were wounded.

The Greensboro Massacre

This type of model resulted in more staff positions to do specialized work, an emphasis on both line inspection of officers and staff inspections of functions, written policies and procedures, enhanced training, increased accountability, and the widespread adoption of the bureaucratic form of organization which remains today

The Military Model

Identify three recommended components of a comprehensive police agency performed evaluation system

The National Commission on Productivity sought to develop measures of police agency productivity that would be meaningful and practical, focusing particularly on patrol performance and crime control measures. SEE CHART- PAGE 371

The key concept from this document emphasized strength integration of intelligence into the overall mission of the police organization - intelligence led policing

The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP)

This Federal Act was enacted in 1978 and is the primary law prohibiting discrimination against pregnant women and is applicable to businesses with 15 or more employees and all public employers

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)

Identify the best way to reduce the problems that vague goals cause for police performance measurement

The best way to reduce this problem as it affects performance measurement is to employ multiple measures. A much more sensible and valid evaluative approach would be to identify several components of police departments, as reflected in differing viewpoints on the police function, and then to measure performance in each of these areas.


The heart of unfreezing is making people receptive to:

Coaching can be a critical part of the change process because if focus on

The individuals own agenda


The most controversial impasse resolution procedure short of a strike is:


The most dramatic police strike in terms of loss of life, destruction, and public attention occurred in:


The principle means by which police officers get their jobs done without resorting to force

May be rooted in a past experience or past reinforcement history of those facing change.

The root causes of resistance to change in police agencies:

This statement is true

The vast majority of police departments use an internal process to handle complaints

In 1960, Douglas McGregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals (employees): one of which is negative, called as Theory X and the other is positive, so called as Theory Y. Police departments have historically been dominated by which theory

Theory X (the department is in control)

According to the Theory X and Theory Y assumptions, which theory is supporting subordinates by giving them the resources to do their jobs and creating an environment where they can be self-controlling, mature, contributing, and self-actualizing within the context of the agency's mission and goals

Theory Y

Identify the traditional method of evaluating overall police agency performance

They are evaluated on the basis of a few statistics collected as part of the national UCR published annually by the FBI. Stats include number of serious crimes, number of arrests, value of recovered stolen property and the serious crime clearance rate.

A study conducted in California showed that the average tenure of a police chief in that state was less than ________ years before the chief was fired or resigned

Three (3)

What Federal Law stated that "Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any State or Territory, subjects or causes, to be subjected, any citizen of the United States, or any other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress"

Title 42 US Code Section 1983

This Title regulation under GINA forbids the use of genetic information by health insurers

Title I

This Title regulation under GINA regulates the use of genetic information in the work setting

Title II

This Federal Act prohibits discrimination in hiring, pay, promotion, firing, wages, job assignments, fringe benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment because of race, color, sex, national origin or religion

Title VII (1972) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

This type of analysis approach is often used in growing organizations because it is easy to visualize the set of tasks to be accomplished and then to break these sets down into specific task and sub-tasks

Top down analysis

This type of analysis approach invites resistance from rank and file officers who feel that their ideas are disregarded and not valuable to leadership

Top down approach or top down reform

What is defined as a private injury inflicted on one person by another person for which the injured party may sue in a civil action


Span of control

Total number of subordinates reporting to a single superior

According to Sherman's model of Triple T Strategy, what is an effort to continually check performance and implementation, through programs that might include CompStat and even review of body worn camera data


Linkage blindness

Traditional failure of a police department to foster cooperation with other departments

According to the two types of traditional leadership theory, this type of theory is relatively stable predispositions to behave in certain ways; examples include being energetic, emotionally stable, and extroverted 1. Great Man theory 2. Traits approach

Traits approach

Under the Transactional and Transformational Leadership theory, Burns concluded that they are polar opposites. Most leader-follower relationships are transaction based and that this type of leadership they must give something to get something. What type of leader is this

Transactional leadership

This type of leader is concerned about organizational outcomes or results 1. Authentic 2. Ethical 3. Transformational 4. Servant 5. Spiritual

Transformational leaders

Under the Transactional and Transformational Leadership theory, Burns concluded that they are polar opposites. Most leader-follower relationships are transaction based and that this type of leader motivate followers to elevate their game, to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the unit or department, making more and larger contributions than they had expected to make. What type of leader is this

Transformational leaders

Under the Transactional and Transformational Leadership theory, Burns concluded that they are polar opposites. Most leader-follower relationships are transaction based and that this type of leadership emphasizes upper levels of Maslow's needs hierarchy (esteem and self-actualization) to motivate followers. What type of leader is this

Transformational leadership

This type of terrorism is defined as actions conducted in the international arena by individuals that have no nation-state. 1. International terrorism 2. Transnational terrorism 3. Domestic terrorism 4. State terrorism

Transnational terrorism

True or False: The courts have consistently held that an employee acquires a protected interest in a job (property interest of right) only when it can be established that there exists a justifiable expectation that employment will continue without interruption except for dismissal or other discipline based on just or proper cause.


True or False: The ultimate challenge in problem oriented policing is not the identification of problems but rather the integration of the community with police in developing effective ways of dealing with them


True or False: Under FMLA requirements, employers may require a medical certification of the condition of a covered family member or that of an employee. The employer may seek a 2nd medical opinion about such certification.


True or False: Under Loudermill, a pre-termination hearing is not meant to resolve all the issues, but merely to give the employee an opportunity to respond to the facts upon which a charge is based, since a post termination hearing would still be available to address more subtle or complex issues


True or False: Under Maslow's needs hierarchy, a person does not move from one level to the next higher until the majority of the prior level needs are met


True or False: Unless there is direct personal participation by police supervisory personnel, they are not generally liable for Section 1983 damages


In 1978, the EEOC developed these guidelines and the purpose of the guidelines was to create a single set of principles designed to help covered employers comply with federal laws prohibiting employment practices that discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion and national origin

Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures

how much money officers in neighboring jurisdictions make

Unions find salary surveys helpful in order to determine:

This Supreme Court case requires that officers have reasonable knowledge of what the law prohibits in a search

United States v. Leon

This type of crime analysis uses charting that depicts key events of criminal activity in chronological order

Visual investigative analysis (VIA)

According to organizational design, this type of differentiation is based on levels of authority, or positions holding formal power within the organization


Under spiritual leadership, __________________ refers to a future state which appeals to a police departments members in a way that makes them want to achieve it 1. Vision 2. Altruistic love 3. Hope/Faith


Spiritual leadership emerges from the interaction of _____________, _____________________, and ____________________

Vision, altruistic love, and hope/faith

This style of law enforcement emphasizes maintenance of order and is found in economically declining cities with traditional political machines 1. Watchman style 2. Legalistic style 3. Service style

Watchman Style

In what case did the Supreme Court conclude that any evidence obtained by a federal agent in violation of one's 4th Amendment protections is inadmissible in federal criminal court

Weeks v. United States

Life experiences model

Which model regarding change examines the influence of officers; ascribed and achieved status attributes?

All of the Above

Which of the following is a recommendation that can help managers seize opportunities for change in their departments?

_____________________ said the Exclusionary Rule is not applicable to the state criminal courts

Wolf v. Colorado

This type of budgeting is a method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each new period. Zero-based budgeting starts from a "zero base," and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs. Budgets are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period, regardless of whether the budget is higher or lower than the previous one. 1. line item 2. program 3. performance 4. PPBS and zero based 5. priority based 6. hybrid

Zero Based Budget

This philosophy of policing focus on targeting police responses to less serious crimes in the areas, addressing the counter-intuitive argument that disorder may elicit more fear than actual crime

Zero Tolerance Policing

Sources of stress for police officers include:

administrative practices and the public, the public and other agencies, the criminal justice system

Which of the following is NOT an example of burnout?


Residency requirements

are the exception

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as management has the right to give orders to its employees

authority and responsibility

Which of the following is used to describe reactions to stress that may be caused by fear of reprisal from the department?


A police _ helps protect officers when they are being investigated for possible misconduct.

bill of rights

a disability can be

both mental and physical

refers to acquiring and managing resources.


Which term refers to the progressive loss of idealism, energy, purpose, and concerns that result from the conditions of work?


form of citizen review that vests the receipt and investigation of complaints in the hands of civilians

civilian input mode

Features of police work that contribute to family problems include:

changing work schedules, emotional exhaustion, identity problems

Under the two modes of street level bureaucrats, this type of agent will bend or ignore laws and policies

citizen agents

a system whereby employees are hired, retained, advanced, disciplined, and discharged on the basis of merit

civil service

Clear, concise, accurate, and timely ______________ of information will help to ease both the number and severity of conflicts


Which of the following are basic functions of budgets?

control, management, planning

Lawsuits are of significant concern to police administrators because they

cost a great deal of money, drive up insurance premiums, tarnish the department's image

The purpose of ________________ is to organize massive quantities of raw information used in automated records system and to forecast specific, future events from the statistical manipulation of these data

crime analysis

Besides civilian review, citizen complaints, civil liability, and accreditation, what other external accountability mechanisms are there

criminal prosecution

According to Crank, Regoli, and Culbertson, which career stage occurs when a new police chief enters office?


According to Crank, Regoli, and Culbertson, police chiefs who have made a career out of administration have reached which stage?


The purpose of the Exclusionary Rule is to ___________________________

deter police misconduct

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as obedience to laws, policies, procedures and orders


when members of a protected class are not adequately represented in the selection process

disparate impact

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as employees who specialize in different areas and have special skills 1. division of work or specialization 2. authority and responsibility 3. discipline 4. unity of command 5. unity of direction 6. subordination of individual interest 7. compensation must be fair and uniform to people with the same jobs, qualifications and experience 8. centralization 9. scalar chain 10. order 11. equity 12. stability of personnel 13. initiative 14. Esprit de Corps

division of work or specialization

From 1961 through 1966, a period frequently referred to as the __________________________, the supreme court took an activist role becoming quite literally givers of the law rather than interpreters of it

due process revolution

To identify problem officers early on, some police departments have instituted _ systems.

early warning

Proactive stress management strategies include:

employment screening with an eye toward stress prevention, physical fitness programs, spouse programs

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as employees must be treated kindly and equally


Rather than focusing on how to do police work, as in community policing, or utilizing a generalized problem solving approach to crime, as in problem oriented policing, __________________ is a paradigm that utilizes the scientific method to identify, implement, and modify the methods that are most effective in reducing crime

evidence based policing

The _ requires that evidence obtained in violation of the Constitution cannot be admitted in a criminal trial to prove guilt.

exclusionary rule

The major goals of community policing are not to only reduce crime but also, more significantly, to increase ___________________among residents

feelings of safety

Under the span of control, no one should directly supervise ____________ or at the most ____________ subordinates whose work was unrelated

five / six

In determining whether unwelcomed sexual conduct may have established a hostile environment, a variety of factors such as ____________, _________________, and ______________________

frequency, severity and whether the conduct is intimidating or humiliating

The vast majority of law enforcement agencies require

high school diploma or an equivalent

The Bivens action only applies to the _________________, not to the ____________________

individual / government

The ultimate goals of _____________ and ____________ are to provide accurate information concerning the future in order to avoid decision and policy pitfalls and bureaucratic blunderings and chart out courses of action directly aimed at achieving specific objectives

intelligence and analysis

Codes of ethics and _ help promote accountability from inside the police department

internal affairs


is a problem of incompatibility between the person and the environment, occurs when the individual is overwhelmed by a negative environmental factor, occurs when the person does not match the job.

The tort of _____________ involves conduct that presents an unreasonable risk of harm to others that, in turn, is the proximate cause of the injury


The Supreme Court held that "single acts of police misconduct" do not, by themselves, show that a city policy was involved in the alleged tortious act. Generally, a plaintiff must show a pattern of _______________ or ________________ by the agency

negligence or deliberate indifference

open loop system

no provision made for feedback. The system functions in one way

There are five generally recognized categories in which stress symptoms may appear. Which of the following is NOT one of those categories?


Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as employees must have the right resources to function properly


Identifying what jobs need to be done, determining how to group the jobs, forming grades of authority, equalizing responsibility and authority are major concerns in _________________


Errors in decision making include:

oversimplification, assuming the future will repeat the past, cognitive near-sightedness

CompStat is _________________ and __________________ and stresses the need to focus on current problems rather than on past incidents

problem-oriented and preventive

Code of Ethics

promotes accountability from the inside

Graham also offered one of the most important narratives about police use of force from Justice William Rehnquist. Justice Rehnquist stated that "The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a ____________________ on the scene, rather than with the ________________________

reasonable officer / 20/20 vision of hindsight

the development of a pool of sufficiently qualified applicants from which to select officers


Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as hierarchy

scalar chain

Listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people and a sense of community are characteristics of what type of leadership


The coach can provide _______________ and ___________________ support for the change process and can help the individual being coached in such a way to make it easier to be implemented.

social / emotional

This type of crime mapping is concerned with the technology and application of data

spatial modeling

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as minimum turnover and familiarity with job

stability of personnel

The key in negligence suits is the ____________________ of the ______________________ _______________________ _______________________, also referred to as _________________________________.

standard, reasonably prudent person, reasonableness

Under the two modes of street level bureaucrats, this type of agent believes in following the law and policies

state agents

This type of crime mapping focus on the spatial relationship between crime points in a particular area

statistical spatial analysis

The focus of ____________________ is on recent criminal incidents through the examination of characteristics such as how, when and where the activity has occurred in order to aid suspect identification and case clearance

tactical crime analysis

tests the courts use to determine whether a department is discriminating against a protected class?

the McDonnell Douglas rule,population comparisons,four-fifths rule

a method is perhaps the most accurate method of selecting and promoting personnel

the assessment center

ensures that recruits have the basic competencies to perform as police officers

the field training officer (FTO) program

xclusionary rule has been expanded because of

the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine

Causes of police fatigue include:

the lack of a standardized schedule, shift length and commuting, commuting and pay

A _ is a civil wrong for which a person can recover damages from another person.


Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as a subordinate shall only be directed by a single supervisor

unity of command

Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management is described as same goals and objectives

unity of direction

Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to McHenry?


According to Becker's Criteria, If you can get people to call you one, ____________________

you are one

Politics v politics

Politics-use of partisan political influence on police department decisions politics-manner of governance the science of politics intended to serve the will of the people

Behavioral Sciences

The concept of Organizational Development (OD) is grounded largely in:

The workers are not supportive of the change

There are several conditions that indicate that a contemplated change should not be made. Which of the following is not one of those conditions?

True or False: Organizational Development (OD) is an applied behavioral science method of changing organizations through long-term efforts designed to improve the work culture and work processes.


Discovery crime

Victim or witness becomes aware of the crime afterwards occurred

They have a working knowledge of the formal and informal organization

What is an argument in favor of internal change agents?

A new police chief has been appointed and implements change just show members of the police department who is boss

Which of the following is not a typical reason for planned changes to occur within police organizations?

It identifies who should be considered for promotion

Which of the following is not an argument commonly made for involving rank-and-file officers in the decision making process?


Which of the following is true concerning directed change? It is:

It focuses on whole systems

Which of the following statements is most accurate with regard to the Organizational Development (OD) methodology?

The Mayor

Which type of individual would not normally be considered a change agent?

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