Political geography Key issue 2

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The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves

Nation states in the former soviet union -Central Asian States

-5 states of Central Asia carved out former Soviet Union. -5 provide an important reminder that multi-national states can be more peaceful than nation-states. -Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are stable nation-states Tajikistan is a nation-state that suffered from a civil war between Tajiks (former communists) and alliance of -Muslim fundamentalist and Western oriented intellectuals -In Tajikistan 15% of population was made homeless during the war and lasted between 1992 and 1997 -Kazakhstan is a peaceful multinational state divided between Kazakhs that make up 67% of the populations and Russians at 18% -Kyrgyzstan is a multinational state that had ethnic conflict and the country has 69% Kyrgyz, 15% Uzbeks, and 9% Russian

Nation state vs. Multinational states -Multi-ethnic state

-A state that contains more than one ethnicity. -No state is going to have 100% a single ethnicity. -States with the least diversity are examples of nation-states. -11 of 18 least diverse states are in Europe -18 of 20 most diverse states are in Africa

Russia: The largest multiethnic state -Russians in Ukraine

-After break up of the Soviet Union prospects for independent Ukraine were high because of assets such as coal deposits, steel industry, and proximity to wealthy countries of western Europe. -Crimea is 10,000 square mile peninsula has been an area of conflict with 24% Ukrainian, 10% Tatar, and 6% others -Russia took control of Crimea in 1783 In 1954 Soviet government transferred responsibility of Crimea to Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic -When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991 Crimea became part of the Ukraine until Russia invaded it in 2014 and claimed it as there's -They claimed that Crimean people supported the action but the world identifies Crimea as part of the Ukraine but there hasn't been a way to remove Crimea from Russia and restore it to the Ukraine


-All of earths land has been allocated to a collection of 200 sovereign states. -There are some territories that have not achieved self-determination and statehood. -A sovereign state runs only the colony's military and foreign policy (controls the colonies internal fairs)

Nation states in the former soviet union -The Caucasus

-Area about the size of Colorado. -Situated between the Black and Caspian seas and gets its name from the mountains that separate Russia from Azerbaijan and Georgia. -When region was part of the Soviet Union the government promoted allegiance to communism and the Soviet state and quelled disputes among ethnicities Breakup of the union created the 3 states -Armenia and Azerbaijan are good examples of nation-states but they have fought over democratic boundaries -Georgia is a multinational state experiencing uprisings and independence movements by several ethnic groups

Nation states in the former soviet union -The Caucasus (Armenia)

-Armenians controlled an independent kingdom in the Caucasus more than 3,000 years ago. -They lived as isolated Christian enclave under the rule of Turkish Muslims. -They converted to Christianity in 303 -A century ago, 1 million Armenians were killed by Turks After WWI the allies created an independent state but it was soon swallowed by its neighbors. -In 1921 Turkey and the Soviet Union divided Armenia between them and Armenians compromise 98% of the population of Armenia making it the most ethnically homogeneous country in the region

Colonies -Distribution of colonies (Hong Kong and Macao)

-Attached to the mainland of China as a republic. -Hong Kong was a colony of the UK and returned to China in 1997. -A year later Portugal returned to its colony of Macao. -The 2 have autonomy in economic matter but China controls foreign affairs and defense

Colonies -Distribution of colonies (Greenland)

-Autonomous unit within the Kingdom of Denmark. -Runs its internal affairs but Denmark control foreign affairs and defense.

Nation states in the former soviet union -The European states

-Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine and between Russia to the east and European democracies to the west. -Belarus made a transition from Soviet Republic to independent nation-state -Moldova and Ukraine have experienced ethnic tensions that in the case of Ukraine have led to open warfare

Colonies -Colonialism

-Colonies were once widespread over Earth's surface. -Colonies are established over 3 basic reasons (Gold, gold, and glory). -Colonial era began in the 1400s. Eventually European states lost most of their Western Hemisphere colonies. -Promote Christianity -Extract useful resources and to serve as captive markets for their products -Establish relative power through the number of colonies claimed -U.S. gained independence in 1776 and most Latin American states between 1800 and 1824 so Europe turned to African and Asian countries -UK put colonies on every continent and had the largest colonial empire -France had the second largest territory mostly in West Africa and Southeast Asia -Most African and Asian colonies became independent after WWII -15 African and Asian states were members of the U.N. and established in 1945 compared to 106 in 2012

Colonies -Distribution of colonies (Puerto Rico)

-Commonwealth of the U.S. -They are citizens of the U.S. but don't participate in elections or have a voting member in congress

Nation state vs. Multinational states -Self-determination

-Countries do this to preserve and enhance distinctive cultural characteristics. -Ethnic groups do this by pushing the creation of nation-states because of the desire to self-govern. -There is no perfect nation-state because the territory occupied by an ethnic group and the boundaries of a country never corresponds -Ethnic composition of Japan is 98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, and 0.6% other

Development of states -Ancient states

-Development of ancient states can be traced back to the Fertile Crescent in Southwest Asia. -Fertile crescent formed an arc between the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea. -I was also the center for land and sea communications in Ancient times.

Nation state vs. Multinational states -Multi-ethnic revival in Europe

-During 1930s the Nazis claimed that all German-speaking parts of Europe is one nationality and should be 1 state. Nazis kept expanding into central Europe. -Germany today resembles little to what it was prior to the 20th century and when it was the GDR and GFR. -In other multinational states one ethnicity tries to dominate the other (especially if there is more in number) into their culture characteristics. -Nationalism was a means for the dominant social classes to maintain power over workers because he believed people would identify with other working class people and not ethnicities. -When WWI Europe decided to divide itself into nation-states like Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union had to be broken up. -War was declared when Nazis invaded the non German speaking Poland -Following WWII Germany was 2 states from 1949 to 1990 -Europeans thought ethnicity had been left behind as an insignificant relic -Yugoslavia was a failed nation state

Russia: The largest multiethnic state -History

-During the existence between 1922 & 1991 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) was the worlds largest land area state. -Soviet Union had 15 republics based on its 15 largest ethnicities. -Breakup of U.S.S.R. resulted in conversion of 15 republics into independent states. -Before the breakup of the Soviet Union Russians made up 51% of the population, Ukrainians 15%, Uzbeks 6%, and other 28% as other ethnicities recognized by Soviet gov. -15 states are Russia, 3 Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), 3 European states, Central Asians states, & 3 Caucasus states -With the breakup Russia is the world's largest multinational state with 81% Russians and 39 recognized ethnic groups with 19 left over

Nation states in the former soviet union -Three Baltic states

-Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are known as the Baltic states based on their location on the Baltic sea. -They have clear cultural differences and distinct historical traditions. -Independent states between 1918 and 1940 when Soviet Union annexed them under Nazi Germany -Lithuanians and Roman Catholics speak a language from the Balto-Slavic branch -Latvians are Lutherans and speak a language from the Baltic group -Estonians are protestants and speak a Uralic language

Nation states in the former soviet union -The European states (Moldova)

-Ethnically indistinguishable from Romanians and was part of Romania until Russians seized it in 1940. -Changed back from a republic to an independent state in 1992 Moldovans pushed to be a republic of Romania again because of economic development and to reunify the ethnic group. -When Moldovia became a soviet republic in 1940 its eastern boundary was the Dniester River -Soviet government transformed the size by about 10% making the Ukraine 1,200 square mile -Majority of inhabitants are Trans-Dniestria are Ukrainian and Russian and oppose the Moldovas reunification with Romania

Nation state vs. Multinational states -Multi-national state

-More than one ethnicity with self-determination. -In some places ethnic groups recognize and respect the distinctive traditions of other ethnicities. -Some places each ethnic group may control gov. functions in the region they inhabit -Some places ethnicities contribute to cultural features to the formation of a single nationality -U.S. has a lot of ethnic groups that all consider themselves as belonging to a single U.S. nationality

Development of states -States in the 20th century Europe

-Most of its territory was controlled by emperors, kings, and queens. -After WWI the leaders of the victorious countries met at the Versailles Peace Conference to redraw the map of Europe. -Goal was to divide Europe into nation-states. Tope chief advisor President Woodrow Wilson played a major role in the decision. -New states and boundaries were created to adjust to areas of where people speak the same languages but some haven't survived as nation-states

Nation state vs. Multinational states -Multi-ethnic revival in Europe (Czechoslovakia)

-Multinational state that was transformed into 2 nation-states. -States were Czechia (Czech Republic) and Slovakia. -Slovaks make up 1% of Czechia's population -Czechs less than 1% of Slovakia's population

Nation states in the former soviet union -The Caucasus (Azerbaijan)

-Trace their roots to Turkish invaders who migrated from Central Asia in the 8th and 9th century and merged to existing Persian population. -In 1828 treaty allocated northern Azeri territory to Russia and Southern territory to Iran and west part is separated from the rest of the country by a 25-mile corridor that belongs to Armenia. -Armenians and Azeris have achieved nation-states -After there independence from the Soviet Union the two went to war over boundaries. -War concerned possession of Nagorno-Karabakh a 2,000 square mile enclave with Azerbaijan that is inhabited primarily by Armenians but placed under Azerbaijan's control by the Soviet Union during the 1920s -1994 fire left the Nagorno-Karabakh part of Azerbaijan but acts like an independent republic called Artsakh

Development of states -Medieval states

-Political unity in the ancient world reached its height with the establishment of the Roman Empire. -At height they controlled 38 provinces and used the same laws created in Rome. -Walls helped the Roman army defend the Roman frontiers. -Empire collapsed in 15th century due to internal disputes. -Neighboring states under the unified control of the monarch created modern states like England, France, and Spain. -Roman empire controlled most of Europe, Southwest Asia, and North Africa from Spain to Iran and Egypt to England -European part of the Empire was fragmented into estates owned by competing monarch, dukes, barons, & other nobles -Monarchs and emperors emerged as rulers at the beginning of 1100

Nation states in the former soviet union -The Caucasus (Georgia)

-Population is more diverse than in Armenia in Azerbaijan. -Georgia's cultural diversity has been a source of unrest. -Other countries recognize the independence of the 2 countries and they operate as separated from Georgia. -Georgia has 71% of Georgians, 8% American, 6% Azeri and Russian, 3% Ossetian, and 2% Abkhazian, Greek, and other ethnicities. -During 1990s Abkhazians fought for control of the northwestern portion of Georgia and declared Abkhazia to be an independent state. -In 2008 Ossetians fought a war with the Georgians that resulted in the Ossetians declaring the South Ossetia portion of Georgia to be independent -Russia recognized Abkhazia and south Ossetia is independent countries have sent troops there

Russia: The largest multiethnic state -Location of ethnicities

-Russia's ethnicities are clustered into 2 principal places. -Local government units with a large ethnic population are allowed to designate the ethnic language as an official language in addition to Russian. -One ethnicity clusters along borders of neighboring states such as Buryats and Tuvinian near Mongolia, and Chechens, Dagestani, Kabardins, and Osetians near the 2 former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia -Other ethnicities are clustered in the center of Russia by the Volga River basin and Ural mountains such as Bashkirs, Chuvash, and Tatars who were conquered by the Russians in the 16th century by Ivan the terrible

Nation states in the former soviet union -The European states (Belarus)

-Speak east Slavic languages. -Trace their heritage back to medieval Europe. -Became distinct ethnicities from Russians after they were isolated from each other after invasions -Mongolians, Poles, and Lithuanians beginning in the 13th century. -Russians conquered in the late 18th century. -Display distinct differences from Russia after 5 centuries of exposure to non-Slavic influences.

Nation states in the former soviet union -The European states (Ukraine)

-Speak east Slavic languages. -Trace their heritage back to medieval Europe. -Became distinct ethnicities from Russians after they were isolated from each other after invasions -Mongolians, Poles, and Lithuanians beginning in the 13th century. -Russians conquered in the late 18th century. -Display distinct differences from Russia after 5 centuries of exposure to non-Slavic influences.

Nation state vs. Multinational states -Multi-ethnic revival in Europe (Yugoslavia)

-Split of the state was a conversion of Slovenia in 1991 from a republic in Yugoslavia became its own state. -Other portions became nation-states only after ethnic cleansing and other atrocities.

Colonies -Distribution of colonies

-U.N. identifies 17 places that is "non-self-governing territories". -All but Western Sahara are islands. U.N. does not list uninhabited territories and territories that have considerable autonomy in self-governing. -Of the 17 Western Sahara is the most extensive with 103,000 square miles and most populous with 500,000 -Next most populous are French Polynesia and New Caledonia (both controlled by France) with around 250,000 inhabitants each -Least populated island is Pitcairn Island which is 14 square miles, a possession of the UK -The island in South Pacific was settled in 1790 by British mutineers from the ship Bounty and 50 islanders survived by selling fish and postage stamps

Development of states -Ancient states (City States)

-What the first states in Mesopotamia were called. -Walls separated the inner city and the agricultural land. -Countryside gave people extra defense against attack by other city-states. -On the east side Mesopotamia was centered around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. -Fertile crescent went through the Mediterranean coast in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. -Mesopotamia was organized into a succession of empires such as Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians -Rivers are set in present day Iraq -Nile River in North Africa is sometimes considered part of the crescent


A sovereign state comprising a city and its immediately surrounding countryside

Multiethnic state

A state that contains more than one ethnicity

Multinational state

A state that contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities


A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity


A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than completely independent


An attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory

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