Political Science 101 FINAL

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There are currently how many members in the US senate?


Nevada has how many judicial districts?


The optimum sample size is?


The last time it took either major party (democrat or republican) more than one ballet at their National Convention to nominate a candidate for the presidency was?


The term of office for the US house of representatives is

2 years

The Nevada senate contains how many members?

21 members

Nevada Governor must be at least

25 years of age

Justices on the Nevada Supreme Court must be at least

25 years old

How many votes in the electoral college will be minimally necessary to win the presidency in the next election?


The term of office for a Nevada state senator is?

4 years

The Nevada assembly contains how any members?

42 members

There are currently how many members of the US House of Representatives?


How many total electors will there be in the electoral college in the next presidential election? It has been the same number for as long as there have been 50 states


How many electoral college electors does Nevada currently have?


The length of a term for a Nevada Judge is?

6 years

The term of office for a US senator is

6 years

The number of Judges on the Nevada Supreme Court is?


How many justices are currently on the US Supreme Court


Is a type of election that allows citizens to remove an official from office without having to wait until the next election

A Recall

Which of the following is NOT a form of direct democracy

A Supreme Court nomination

Federal government is designed for a very specific purpose defined by federal law is called: The money can be used only for that very specific purpose and these grants generally come with numerous conditions attached in order for a state to be eligible to receive the money

A categorical grant

Which of the following is protected by the 2nd amendment in the US Constitution

A citizens right to own and bear firearms

Double jeopardy is

A constitutional prohibition against a government prosecuting someone more than once for the same crime

James Q. Wilson defined political culture as

A distinctive and patterned way of thinking about how political and economic life ought be carried out

Which of the following Is NOT part of the federal election campaign Act of 1974?

A limit on the number of terms a member of congress could serve

A group of individuals who join together to form an organization that, among other things, chooses nominees as candidates for elected office, is called?

A political party

Statistical formula that takes into account an array of factors, such as candidates popularity or the state the national economy, in an attempt to project the winner of an election is called?

A prediction model

A survey poll that is intended to affect public opinion rather than accurately measure it is called

A push poll

Is a type of ballot proposition such that if it passes, the legislature cannot amend or repeal it. It can only be amended or repealed directly by voters

A recall

Is a system where political parties take responsibility for offering the electorate a distinct range of policies and programs (distinct from other parties), thus providing a clear choice, and are subsequently held accountable for the success or failure of their policies and programs in a subsequent election cycle

A responsible party system

The Theory of post-materialism asserts that post-materialists value

A sense of belonging, self-expression, and protection from the environment

Means that 50% plus one vote or more is all that is necessary to pass a law

A simple majority vote

The idea that a victorious presidential candidate is entitled to appoint anyone he wishes to jobs in executive agencies is referred to as

A spoils system

It means that the case has been accepted for review (appeal). The court wants to review the decision of the lower courts

A writ of certiorari

Is the threshold barrier requirement that asserts that the court will dismiss any case without deciding the "merits" if the court believes the appeal is, for example, intended to delay execution of the sentence

Abuse of process

Refers to making policy that the agency's ultimate boss perfers (usually the president) It primarily comes from the ability to hire and fire or impose other punishment upon subordinates


Means that even if one candidate is closer to the voter in ideological or policy space then the other candidate, both are so far from the voter in policy space that the voter is not enthusiastic enough about either candidate to go cast a vote


Which of the following types of speech are not protected by the first amendment whereby the government has an easier time restricting the speech (without the Supreme Court overturning the law)

All of the answers (commercial speech, obscenity, fighting words)

Alexis DeTocqueville, in his book Democracy in America, asserted that the stability of American democracy (at least by the 1830s when he traveled throughout the country) was due to : or what we call today political culture

Americas "mortal and intellectual characteristics"

Allows citizens to place a policy question on a ballot and if a majority of voters approve it, it becomes law. It is a way to get around the legislature to make a law

An Initiative

An excessive bail is

An amount more than reasonably necessary to assure that the defendant appears in court

A government to government agreement between two or more heads of state is concluded entirely without the US senate knowledge and/or approval is called

An executive government

Is a conception of the ideal social order. It represents a set of consistent political beliefs

An ideology

A federal law that directs states and cities to take certain actions without federal monetary aid to cover the cost of implementation is called

An unfunded mandate

Is the authority of a court to hear a case after it has been argued in and decided in a lower federal or state court. Such courts decide only matters of law and procedure and not guild or innocence in a criminal case or liability of a civil case

Appellate jurisdiction

The term democracy (Demos Kratia) was originally associated with


The Theory of rising expectations

Asserts that once a group believes that their poor or opposed conditions can be escaped they begin to push harder for change

Are more or less enduring orientations towards an object or situation and pre-dispositions to respond positively or negatively toward the object or situation


A Legislature is divided into two separate chambers (or houses)


Constitutional powers are given to the states (compared to the nation) are : This was the intent of the farmers

Broad and mostly unspecified

The Supreme Court case that struck down the "separate but equal" doctrine as unconstitutional was : It related to the issue of segregation and overturned a 58 year old decision by the court

Brown V. Board of education 1954

Refers to attempts to influence others to contribute to a candidate or campaign and collecting their donations so as to raise more money than they amount permitted by the Federal Election Commission regulations


One form of symbolic speech permitted by the Supreme Court (as First amendment protected speech) in Texas v. Johnson 1989 is: the reason is that t he government has no legit compelling interest in banning it

Burning a flag

Was established by the Pendleton Act in 1889 so that government jobs would be obtained via a civil service exam. It also provided job protection for government employees so that they could not be fired upon the whim of the president, such as for being a member of the opposing political party

Civil Service system

Is the perfect but intentional breaking of the law to make a political point or as a form of political protest

Civil disobedience

Is theory of philosophy that asserts that the proper role of citizen is to benefit the common good through civic virtue, or their dedication to government at any cost of their individual interests. It is also known as collectivism

Classical Republicanism

Argues that the process people go through to make a vote decision is basically "social interaction" it represents a sociological explanation for voting

Columbia model of voting

The theory of Federalism in which the national government sits as a "watchdog" over state policy making to ensure that state policies conform to minimum standards established by the national level, is called : "The no child left behind Act" is an example

Conjoint federalism

When opinion does not differ from the typical response to a question (a substantial percentage of a sample agree on an issue) It suggests that there is what on an opinion?


According to your brilliant professor, the US states has a type of government know as what? It is the only form that includes limits on the majority's power

Constitutional democracy

When federal judges interpret the meaning of the constitution, the decisions are considered what? which are as binding as the ordinary statutory law

Constitutional law

Articles of confederation : This is a characteristic of all confederations

Created a loose organization of independent states with a weak central government

Is defined in the law as a situation in which an employer, supervisor, or co-worker does or says things that make a person feel uncomfortable because of his or her gender. It does NOT need to include a demand for sex or sexual favors in exchange for a job benefit like a pay raise, promotion or transfer

Creating a hostile work environment

Theories are written in the language of values


The fact that more people are losing their political part identifications, and more people are never adopting one in the first place, is known as


In the United States, no government at any level would be considered legitimate if it were not in some sense


The tearing down of legal barriers so that any person can go to any public school or restaurant they wish, regardless of race or ethnic identification is called


Political Machines are

Disciplines political parties that command support by providing benefits, such as jobs to voters

Means making policy that solves the reverent problem or accomplishes the goal of the agency


Is the extent to which people believe their actions can impact public affairs and the actions of the government


Refers to the ability to act quickly with minimum disruptions of service


Culture is organized around the value of equality. It is high on the group dimension and low on the grid dimension. Its philosophical heroes are Karl Marc and Martin Luther King.


Means that all the judges assigned to a district court or to a circuit court of appeals will preside over a single case. The objective is to unify the understanding or interpretation of a section of law or the constitution

En Banc

Was handed down by the Supreme Court and it means that evidence obtained In violation of the constitutional cannot be used at trial against the defendant

Exclusionary Rule

The : asserts that "a person charged in any state with Treason, Felony, or other crime, who shall free from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed the state having jurisdiction of the crime

Extradition clause

culture is organized around the value of apathy (the idea that ones destiny is not under ones control). It's members tend not to vote or get politically active because it does not make a difference to the outcome. The are high on the Grid Dimension and low on the group dimension


Refers to a system in which there is a national government but also state and local units of government. Each can make some final decisions over some governmental activities. It means that the national and the state government each exercise direct authority over individuals


Those who supported the constitution during the ratification period were called : They later used the name for their political party which was established by Alexander Hamilton


According to the intent of the farmers of the constitution, powers given to the nation were

Few and explicitly listed in the constitution

Since the nations founding under the constitution in 1789, power and generally

Flowed to the nation at the expense of the states (centralized)

One of the basic liberties sought by the American colonists through independence from Britain was

Freedom from taxation without representation

The U.S. constitution's : requires that a state must respect the decisions of other states and the court rulings of other states

Full faith and credit clause

Believe that the constitution should be read to fit with the original understanding of the founders. They are willing to make large scale changes to established laws in order to return to that understanding. They are sometimes called "strict constructionists" or "originalists"

Fundalmentalist judges

Are socialization patterns in which a generation of adults who grew up during a certain decade or period appears to have its own political and social outlook and thereby differentiating itself from the previous generations

Generational effects

The person that started the first professional polling from the United States was?

George H Gallup

Model of political participation is the view that too much public participation in politics is a bad thing and that many people are not informed enough to cast appropriate votes


In cases alleging gender discrimination, the government need only show a substantial justification, rather than a "compelling" reason, to explain the differential treatment of men and women. This standard is called

Heightened scrutiny

According to the Grid-group analysis, the three active political cultures in the United States are the individualistic, egalitarian, and : cultures. To answer this question is most interested in maintaining order and "virtue"


Characterisitics of the agencies within the United States Government?

Hierarchy; division of labor; job specialization; standard operating procedures

According to the genius that is teaching this course, the benefits to a society for being a democratic nation includes

Higher quality of life, social piece, and prosperity. All of the answers

Is a basic conception of the ideal social order. It concerns itself with issues of how society ought to be organized. Examples include fascism, communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism


Means a citizen did not vote because he or she detected little to no difference between the candidates in ideological or "policy space". It does not matter to the voter which candidate wins because there is not a lot of differences between the candidates.


culture is organized around the value of liberty (and privacy). Its members believe that the only rules that should bind a person are the rules one imposes upon the self. It is also sometimes called the market culture, or alternatively, the libertarian culture. It is low on the group dimension and low on the grid dimension. Their philosophical here is John Locke


What is NOT currently taxed in Nevada?

Inheritance of property, property moving through the state, medicine and unprepared non-cooked food

The legally required mixing of races in public schools is called


How strongly people hold their beliefs, values, attitudes, or opinions an indication of?


The number of electoral votes that each state gets to cast for president

Is equal to its number of US representatives and US senators

According to the Nevada constitution, the state legislature

Is in session for 120 days every other year

The US House of representatives

Is the most representative institution of the American Government

which of the following did US Supreme Court accomplish with its 1965 decision in Griswold world Connecticut

It established a basic constitutional right to privacy in the 9th amendment

The Farmers of the American government believed that if you give someone a little bit of power: it is why they separated the branches of government. Your instructor calls the notion "the power principle"

It will be used to get more power and ultimately come to be abused

Model of political participation explains whether people vote or not on the basis of the context of the election, including whether its expected to be close and whether the rules encourage or discourage participation.


Laws passed by mostly southern states that kept the races separated in public places such as restaurants, hotels, railroads, streetcars, schools and cemeteries were called

Jim Crow laws

The political philosophy of what? Forms the intellectual foundation of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles ofConfederation, the U.S. constitution and the bill of rights. He argued that liberty is the noblest objective of government.

John Locke

Those who believe the government is little more than a front for major corporations and wealthy people would most likely be attracted to the thinking of

Karl Marx

Exists when a political opinion exists as potential , but not yet formed or crystallized. It is unmeasured opinion and is not measurable at that moment.


A test established by the US supreme court in 1971 which asserted that any government policy (that is being challenged for violating the establishment clause of the constitution) must have a secular purpose, must not advance or inhibit religion, and must not foster an "excessive government entanglement" with religion, is called the

Lemon Test

A test of potential judicial nominees position on some "key issue" of importance to the president (that serves as a condition of being nominated by the president to be a judge on a federal court) or for the senate to confirm the person as Jude. Abortion rights is an example

Litmus test

Argued in his letter from Birmingham Jail, that nonviolent and intentional lawbreaking (of unjust laws) was justified for people who cannot participate in the making of the law. He was not the first to assert the idea (that was the farmers and the Abigail Adams) but he exploited the idea to push for civil rights of minorities


The what was signed by King John of England in 1211 AD after being cornered in a field south of London. It essentially represented the king ceding powers over to a group of nobleman and required their approval of certain types of actions, including raising taxes and going to war

Magna Carta

Prefer to uphold the decisions of the political branches of government (congress and president) unless those decisions clearly violate the constitution

Majoritarian judges

The Supreme Court claimed the power to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by congress and actions of the executive in the case of : This power is otherwise known as judicial review. It is the most important case ever decided by the U.S. Supreme Court

Marbury Vs. Madison (1803)

Is a theory that in a two party race, if voters select candidates on thesis of ideology and everyone participates equally, the party close to the middle (of the liberal-conservative continuum, or any constitution) will win

Median voter theorem

The psychological approach to the study of voting which asserts that "attitudes" affect voter choice is called

Michigan Model

Refers to gathering detailed information on cross-sections of the electorate to tract potential supporters and tailor political messages for them. This is also called narrowcasting


Persons born between 1992 and 2003 are part of a generation known as?


Prefer to decide only the specific case that is before them and only the narrow issue(s) that the case raises. That is, they do not seek to develop broad "constitutional principles" but simply want to resolve disputes by deciding a winner and a loser. They leave basic questions undecided

Minimalist judges

Voters who are in the middle of the ideological scale and who do not hold consistently strong views about whether government should be involved in peoples personal lives are referred to as?


Is the notion that there is a particular way for a nation to achieve peace and prosperity, which is through democracy, free markets (capitalism) and globalization (interdependency). These things represent social, economic and political development

Modernization theory

If the government convinces the Supreme Court that it needs to place a restriction on the right or liberty protected by the constitution, the government then

Must use the least restrictive means to impose on the liberty that still allows the government to accomplish its legitimate purpose

The presiding officer of the Nevada Senate is called?

Nevadas lieutenant governor

Which of the following, when explaining the best way to rule principality in his book The Prince, asserted that it is good for a leader to be loved and feared but that this is rarely possible, therefore it is better to be feared than to be loved

Nicolo Machiavelli

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled (and the civil war settled) that states cannot declare acts of congress unconstitutional. In other words, states do not have the right of : It would have been a judicial review power for the states


The Attitudinal precedence effect means?

Once people make a decision they become more committed to it as time passes

Is a document that lays out a party's core beliefs, policy positions and policy proposals for each presidential election. It is finalized at the party's national convention

Party Platform

Is the internal structure of a political party at the county, city, state and nation levels.

Party as an organization

Is a psychological attachment or allegiance to a political party.

Party identification

Is a political system in which government programs and benefits are awarded based on a political loyalty to a party or politician

Patronage system

Believe that, in order to improve the constitution in their view they should interpret it in broad terms and then expand democratic ideals. They are sometimes called "activist" judges which means they like to make law as well as interpret it

Perfectionist judge

The Supreme Court case that upheld the "separate but equal" doctrine (as constitutionally permitted) was

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

Is the condition in which differences between parties and/or the public are so stark that disagreement breaks out, fueling attacks and controversy


Is the extent to which people believe the government acts in their best interest

Political trust

Jeffersonain Theory basically meant what? It favored strict majority rule

Power in society and power within the legislature should be kept at the lowest level possible

It is believed by how many that Nevadas entry into the union of states was rushed because

President Abraham Lincoln was concerned that he would lose his reelection bid unless Nevada was in the union

A system of drawing legislative districts so that the larger populated states receive more representatives than smaller populated states is called

Proportional representation

The US House of representatives and the senate can legally do business when there is what? which means that there is a majority of members present in the respective chamber


Means making sure that the policy represents the wishes of the American people


The threshold barrier from bringing a case into federal court that requires that some action are subject to legal challenge has been taken that has caused irreparable damage, or about to be taken that would have effect


Asserts that vote choice is the result of a voters cost benefit analysis of the benefits derived from the potential election of each alternative candidate, and suggests that the voter will vote for the candidate that maximizes the voters benefit. Economic approach to voting.

Rochester model

The right to privacy, read into the constitution by the Supreme Court, was extended to abortion in the case of

Roe v. Wade (1973)

The doctrine of : means that some individual rights contained in the bill of rights restrict STATE actions and forces states to respect certain constitutional rights of citizens. It is closely associated with the 14th amendment in the constitution

Selective incorporation

If a senator from a state where a district court vacancy occurs (has no judge due to a death or resignation) but that senator opposes the presidents nominee for the court, that senator colleagues will generally refuse to confirm the nominee as Judge. The practice is called

Senatorial courtesy

The revolt 1786-1787 by Massachusetts farmers protesting heavy debts and debtor's prisons is referred to as what? It helped convince states that either the federal nor state government were functioning properly

Shays Rebellion

Which of the following if any are reasons why bail may be denied to a defendant (check all that apply)

Significant risk the defendant will fee, the defendant poses a risk to others, the changes concern grave offenses (serious or heinous crimes)

The presiding officer of the Nevada state assembly is called?

Speaker of the assembly

Asking the same question across various points in time gives an indication of what kind of opinion?


Means that once the supreme court has resolved an issue, such as a ruling that segregated schools are unconstitutional, the court will respect that decision in later cases, even if there have been new appointments to the court, it is not an obligation, but a conventional practice of the court

State decisis

Alexander Hamilton's view of presidential power that asserted that a president can do anything the constitution does not expressly forbid him from doing (as long as it is in the nation interest) is referred to as

Stewardship theory

Were ballet polls by nineteenth-century newspaper to predict the outcome of elections.

Straw polls

Is a court order to appear in a courtroom at a certain time and place to give testimony about a case


Refers to the right to vote. It is also called the franchise


The first : amendments to the U.S.constitution are called the Bill of Rights


Is the alliance between the individualist and hierarchy cultures, it has dominated U.S. politics for most of its history. These two work together to achieve commonly desired outcomes in the political process, though not for the same reasons

The "establishment"

Why is congress allowed to regular discrimination in the private sector (non-government entities) such as with the civil rights act of 1964

The 14th amendment in the US Constitution gives them that authority

Government agencies and other organizations, and private companies, with more than 25 employees, are barred from discriminating against a disabled individual and must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled employees. This is due to

The Americans with disabilities act 1990

Legitimate government authority of the United States is based on the notion of

The Content of the governed

What was the name of the period from about 1904 to 1824 in which there was little to no party competition in America? It was named because of the lack of bitter partisan conflict

The Era of good feeling

The group that supported the ratification of the US Constitution during the ratification period and later evolved into the nations first political party was?

The Federalists

The law passed by congress in 1933 that sought to streamline and encourage voter registration by providing forms to register at various state offices and agencies is known as

The Motor-Motor law

The intent of the : was to merely revise the articles of the confederation and protect state power as much as possible. Under this proposal states would each get one vote in the national legislature, same as under the Articles of confederation

The New Jersey Plan

George Washington, as military commander, designed an award using a royal color that was given to military enlisted men as well as officers. It illustrated his dedication to social equality. Prior to this, only officers were were given awards for bravery. General Douglas MacAruthur later(during WWII) restricted it to persons wounded in combat

The Purple Heart

Whether the following political parties currently favors government, lower taxes, and the free market economic system?

The Republican Party

A decision on whether to remove a president (or other federal official) from office following an impeachment is made by

The US Senate

The national legislature would have the power to veto state laws under : It proposed very strong centralized national government for the benefit of larger states. So much so it was rejected at the constitutional convention

The Virginia Plan

Which of the following are among the constitutional powers of the president (powers granted by the constitution)

The appointment power; the pardon power; the power of commander-in-chief; the veto power

The three-fifths compromise is

The argument that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of allocating the number of seats a state would have in the house of representatives

After the end of the American revolution, from 1781 to 1788, the newly formed United States was governed under the rules provided in

The articles of confederation

Was an alliance between the egalitarian culture and the fatalist culture. It represented a challenge to the "values" of the culture alliance that has dominated American politics for most of its history. It became dominant again in the 1960s, but collapsed at the end of the decade

The counter-culture

Determines whether warrants shall be issued in terrorism and national security cases. This court was created in 1978 and its proceedings occur in secret. "spy court"

The foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court

In the house of representatives, generally after a bill is reported from the specialized committee that had original authority over a bill, it goes to what? which will determine how debate and amendment activity will take place on the floor

The house of rules committee to be assigned a special rule

Allows voters to void a current law by having that law placed on the ballet. If a majority approves it, the law is null and void

The initiative

The : refers to the difficulty in allowing the majority its right to govern while also protecting the majority from the tyranny of the majority. That is, there can by the tyranny by the majority and tyranny by the majority.

The madisonian dilemma

Is the top level of a political party. It coordinates national presidential campaigns

The national committee

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland that : It was a case where Maryland tried to tax a federal bank out of existence

The national government has "implied" powers in addition to its enumerated (listed) powers in Article I, section 8 of the constitution

Does not stress the common good, or the prosperity of the government and society, but rather the interests and individual rights of the citizen. According to this theory, individuals are free to pursue his or her own interests and are protected by the government in their rights to do so. It is sometimes referred to as "rugged individualism"

The natural rights philosophy

If a person says to the police "I want a lawyer"

The police can no longer attempt solicit incriminating statements from the person

Corruption of blood, which is prohibited in the constitution refers to

The punishment of the relatives of a convicted person

The fact that voter turnout has be declining since 1950s; despite increased education and income levels, and the removal of legal barriers to voting

The puzzle of participation

The conventional practice of the US Supreme Court is for a minimum number of its justices to agree to accept a case on appeal. That conventional practice is referred to as

The rule of four

Which of the following is the key to understanding the 4th amendment to the US Constitution?

The word "unreasonable" that is, the 4th amendment protects people from searches and seizures

Which of the following is true about American presidential elections?

There are no statistical differences between voters and non-voters in terms of candidate preference and issue positions

Are minor political parties that present an alternative to the two dominate political parties in American political system.

Third parties

The philosopher : argued that without a powerful government, the strong would take advantage of the weak (engage in killing, robbing and raping). He favored highly powerful centralized government.

Thomas Hobbes

Which of the following is explicitly prohibited by the United States constitution?

Titles of nobility

The approach to free speech and free press taken by the US supreme court today is : It is also known as the "miller test" (from Miller v. California 1973)

To allow local communities broader powers to define and outlaw "obscenity" according to whether the average person, apply contemporary community standards or morality, judges the "speech" to lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value

Are polls that are used by the media to track the support levels for candidates over time

Tracking polls

According to the decisions in the Supreme Court currently only a jury can give a death sentence but in states where juries only "recommend" a death sentence, a jury can recommend death and then a judge may properly impose death as a sentence


In June 2003, supreme court struck down congress "defense of marriage act" which limited marriage to one man and a women, thus giving constitutional protection to gay marriage


Supreme Court exempted from the death penalty all defendants must meet their states definition of "retarded" but left it to each state to define what is meant by the term "retarded"


Which ever member has control over the agenda of a committee or chamber of congress can make any proposed alternative the final outcome of a voting process?


Which of the following are considered the trial courts in the federal court system?

US district courts

If no president wins a majority in the electoral college, who chooses the next president?

US house of representatives

A: of government allows national government the right to alter or even abolish local governments. Under this system, the lower units of government (like states and cities) merely implement the laws passed at the national level and have no independent policy making power

Unitary system

Noncontroversial or widely supported campaign issue on which the candidates are unlikely to differ

Valence issue

Is a basic proposition about what is right or wrong in a moral sense


Is used to calculate the rate of participation by dividing the number of voters by the number of people in the country who meet qualifications to cast a vote

Voter-eligible participation (VEP)

Required certain states or counties within certain states to submit all redraw legislative districts to the department of Justice for prior approval (before they could take effect). The US supreme court struck down this part of the law in summer of 2013

Voting rights actor 1965

Is used to calculate the rate of participation in elections by dividing the number of voters by the number of people in the country who are over 18 years of age

Voting-age population (VAP)

According to professor, the key to the fifth amendments requirement to be informed of ones rights as a suspect is

Whether questioning is done while the suspect is in custody (custodial interrogation)

If you were arrested, which of the following are basic constitutional rights you have as a suspect and which must read to you?

You have the right to remain silent or to stop answering questions at any time; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to for you free of charge by the court of law; you have the right to an attorney present during questioning

A law that declares someone guilty of a crime without trial in a court is called

a bill of attainder

If the house of rules committee reports and the house passes? to a bill, it means that no member may offer any amendments on the bill

a closed rule

The type of committee most likely to deal with a bill near the end of its legislative process is the

a conference committee

In the US supreme court in the case of Brandenburg versus Ohio (1968) decided that

a legislature must show that lawless action will result in the immediate wake of the type of speech it wants to restrict (also called imminent lawless action)

Pleading the fifth or "claiming the fifth" means

a person is excising their right to not speak to the police or prosecutors, or to testify at trial

A proper survey sample is based on selecting the appropriate set of people from a chosen population. When every individual in a chosen populations a known and equal chance of being included in the sample it is called

a simple random sample

The Supreme Court ruled in the pre-civil war of Red Scot v. Sandford 1857 that

a slave is not a citizen and has no rights under the constitution, including the right to sue in court

In the case of Miranda v. Arizona 1966, the US Supreme Court ruled

a suspect in custody of the police cannot be questioned until after he or she has been read his or her basic constitutional rights as a suspect

Punish people who commit an act when it was not a crime to do that act at the time. These laws also may increase the penalty for a crime and subject a violator to the new harsher penalty when the crime was committed before the penalty was charged

an Ex Post facto law

A type of survey or poll, that involves asking people how they voted as they leave a voting station (during an election) is called

an exit poll

If the house of rules committee reports and the house passes? To open a bill, it means that any member can offer an amendment of the bill

an open rule

power that the president shares with the Senate

appointing federal judges

A Nevada Governor must have lived in the state for how many years before taking office?

at least 2 years

When deciding conflicts because US and an individual the Supreme Court generally

balances the needs of society (acting through police, government) for public safety and other needs against the need of the individual to his or her privacy or liberty

The main political division at the American Constitutional Convention for which the delegates at great length and settled with the "Connecticut compromise" was

big states versus small states

A type of primary in which only registered members of the party can vote is called what? States that use them require voters to register with a party as well as register to vote.

closed primary

In the US senate, a filibuster by debate can be ended by invoking what? It requires a three-fifths vote of the full membership (60 senators)


A committee that exists in each house of congress that today makes the initial determination (recommendation to the respective political parties in the chamber) of who serves on which committee is the

committee on committees

A representative democracy allows individuals to gain political power through

competitive elections

Are individuals who distrust government, believing that private efforts are more likely to improve peoples lives, but in the social sphere they usually support traditional or conventional lifestyles and tend to believe that government can play a valuable role in shaping personal choices


James Madisons view of presidential power that asserted that a president can only do what the constitution or congress specifically authorizes him to is referred to as what?

constitutional theory

If congress wants a government restriction on an individual liberty upheld by the Supreme Court, it must

convince the court that it has a "compelling government interest" for doing so

According to the sociological model of voting, people who experience what? are less likely to vote, more likely to take more time to decide how to vote, and/or split their ticket


A member of congress may adopt what role orientation? It means they feel bound to always follow the wishes of a majority of their constituents (residents of their state or district) when they consider legislation. As such, they make frequent efforts to learn the opinions of voters in their state or district


A political system of government that has two separate centers of power (nation and state) each with final political authority to make policy in their respective spheres, is known as : It was the farmers original intent

dual federalism

The full faith and credit clause of the U.S. constitution means

each state shall respect the public acts, records, and judicial decisions every other state

The political opinions of most politically active and wealthy members of a community are known as

elite opinion

In Lawrence versus Texas (2003) the Supreme Court over turned its earlier decision in Bowers versus Hardwick (1986) and declared that

engaging in sodomy is protected by the constitution

The right of the president to withhold information from Congress or the courts is called

executive privilege

United States v. Nixon 1973

executive privilege exists but cannot be used to hinder a criminal prosecution

The threshold requirement for bringing a case into federal court that requires the person bringing the case to have tried all other forms of redress before coming into federal court is called

exhaustion of remedies

Changing position on an issue for reasons of political expediency is called


The term of office for a federal judge is

for life

The term of office for a Nevada Governor is?

four years with a limit of two terms

All 50 states and the district of Columbia use what to select electoral college electors

general elections

Drawing legislative district boundaries in a way to affect or predetermine the outcome of an election is called


According to the genius that is your professor, individuals have power when they are able to

get others to do what they would not do otherwise

A person experiences cognitive dissonance (mental discomfort) when

he or she is confronted with information that contradicts deeply held beliefs and values

The Supreme Court upheld Charles Schneck's conviction (in Schneck v. United States 1919) under the espionage acts because

his actions represented a clear and present danger in the nation

According to the Supreme Courts decision in Terry v. Ohio 1968, the police can legally "stop and frisk" a person

if the police officer has a "reasonable suspicion" that a crime is (or about to be) in progress

Multiple referral

made committees weaker by ending the monopoly of jurisdiction that committees were abusing

Represents a decision in the Supreme Court that reflects the agreed-upon (sometimes compromise) judgment of all the justices in the majority

majority question

Which of the following are constitutional eligibility requirements to be elected president?

must be resident of the US for at least 14 years; must be 35 years old; must be a natural-born citizen

Are the sources of error in public opinion polls in which individuals feel obligated to give opinions when they are unaware of the issue or no opinions about it


Is the authority of a court to be the first to hear a case. Such courts are considered trial courts

original jurisdiction

Are members of government who share the same party affiliation and work together to accomplish electoral and policy goals

party in government

The voters who can choose a party's nominee to run in election is referred to as?

party-line vote

Is a group that forms to raise and contribute funds to support electoral candidates that are subject to campaign finance laws

political action committee

The purpose of a filibuster in the US senate is to

prevent a vote be delaying action as a means to kill a bill or amendment

The Eighth Amendment of the US constitution

prohibits "cruel and unusual punishment" and excessive bail and fines

The theory of post-materialism asserts that materialists vaule

prosperity, a sense of security, and physical safety

Bakke v. Board of regents of the university of California 1978 that, regarding admission to public colleges or universities

racial quotas are illegal, but ran can be used as one factor among many to make admissions decisions

The deliberate intent of the Mcgovern-Fraser reforms in Democratic Party was to

reduce the influence of party leaders in choosing the party nominee for president

The Administrative procedures act of 1946

reduced the power of executive agencies by making it easier for the public to take an agency to court to challenge an agency decision

The congressional Budget and impoundment control act of 1974

required the congress to get prior approval before refusing to spend money

War Powers Act of 1973

requires a president to withdraw troops within (at most) 60 days of deployment unless both houses and congress approve the deployment

Ronald Ingleharts : asserts that substantial time lag is invovled in culture shifts (cultural change) because to a large extent, one's basic values in adulthood reflect the conditions that prevailed during one's pre-adult years.

socialization hypothesis

Defamation can come in the form of libel and slander. Slander differs from libel in that slander refers to

spoken statements

In addition to defining U.S. citizenship (being born on U.S. territory) the 14th amendment to the U.S. constitution also asserted that

states cannot deprive their citizens of their rights to U.S.citizens

The tenth Amendment asserts that powers are not given to the national government, or prohibited to the states, belong to the

states or the people, respectively

Is a decision to retire from congress based on the unlikelihood of winning the next election. It is often due tot he person being caught up in a scandal

strategic retirement

In cases alleging discrimination by race or national origin, the government must show a compelling justification for any laws, policies, or practices that result in racial discrimination. This standard of review by the Supreme Court is called

strict scrutiny

Are states that are not clearly pro-republican or pro-democrats and therefore are of vital interest to presidential candidates because they can determine the outcome a presidential election

swing states

D.U.I. checkpoints without the use of warrants is not a violation of the constitution because

the "stop" is brief and only a slight intrusion upon liberty (a brief seizure) and it is considered proper action by police to enforce laws against driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Seats in congress were allocated on the basis of both equality (in the senate) and population (in the House of Representatives) under the : It benefits both small and large states by allowing them to block each others proposed laws

the Connecticut plan

Which of the following is true about Nevada Constitution?

the Nevada constitution currently outlaws lotteries for profit

All federal revenue (tax) bills must originate in

the US house of representatives

David Easton defined politics as

the authoritative allocation of values and resources for a society

In order to qualify for "plain view" exception to the warrant requirement (and thus police can search without a search warrant ) is

the contraband must be obvious contraband and in plain view without officers having to move anything to find or get to it

The "calculus of voting" argues that people may not vote because of what? The equation is R =PB-C

the costs to an individual for casting a vote usually outweigh the potential benefits of doing so and, given the likelihood that the persons vote will not affect the outcome, it is irrational to vote.

The Key to the 6th amendment right to counsel (to have now provided at no cost) is

the defendant is poor and there is a possibility of at least one day in jail as a punitive sentence

The constitutional provision giving the U.S. citizens the right to challenge an unlawful imprisonment and, if successful, be freed from custody is called

the habeas corpus provision

According to the Supreme Court, congress and state legislatures must use : to impose upon a liberty and protect the public

the least restrictive means

The most gathering weakness of the Articles of Confederation was

the national governments inability to impose taxes

Constitutional privacy rights are generally found in : by the Supreme Court. This amendment implies that the US citizens have rights that may not be specifically mentioned in the constitution

the ninth amendment

Supreme Court ruled in the case of Buckley v. Valeo 1976 that?

the provision of the federal election campaign act of 1974 that limited campaign spending by candidates was an unconstitutional violation of free speech

Which of the following is NOT part of the Lemon test (permitting a law that restricts free exercise of religion) as handed down by the US Supreme Court in the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman 1971?

the religion at issue is either christianity, Judaism, or buddhism

The percentage of people chosen and contacted to participate in a survey and actually do so (complete the survey and return it is called)

the response rate

The doctrine of "preferred positions" means

the right of free expression, although not absolute, will take precedence over the most other constitutional rights, such as poverty rights

If no vice presidential candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes, the vice president is chosen by

the senate

The that approximately 50% of American voters who actually vote in presidential elections, despite the fact that the direct reward for doing so is almost always negative, is called what? It is almost always resolved by understanding that there are psychological benefits derived from voting

the turnout phenomenon

US Supreme Court ruled in Gideon v. Wainwright 1963 that

there is a basic constitutional right for governments at all levels (federal, state and local) to provide legal counsel free of charge poor defendants in criminal cases

According to the 22nd amendment, a person can be elected

to at most two terms as president

In the context of elections, the term"front-loading" means

too many states have their primary or caucus too early in the nomination campaign season

The 17th amendment to the U.S. constitution, which was ratified in 1913

took from states the authority to appoint U.S. senators and give power to voters of the state

A member of congress may adopt what role orientation? It means that he or she believes that they should exercise their best judgement in considering legislation, rather than strictly represent the wishes of the residents of their state or district


Term of office for a Nevada state assemblyman is?

two years

Is a division issue focused on a particular group of the electorate that candidates use to gain more support by taking support away from their opponents.

wedge issue

The Supremacy clause of the U.S. constitution means

when a national law conflicts with a state law, the national law takes precedence over the state law

Encourages government employees to report instances of bureaucratic mismanagement, financial impropriety, corruption, and inefficiency. It protects civil servants from retaliation, such as being fired, demoted, or relocated to a less desirable location for reporting abuses

whistleblower protection act

True or false: The practice of sodomy is currently protected by the US constitution


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