Politics 4D Developed Examples

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HR (regional) are not protected due to African Union and ASEAN being ineffective

African Union and ASEAN are ineffective in their areas of the wrold. In the Philippines, over 3,000 supposed drug abusers have been killed by police forces and vigilant without any form of trial. President Rodrigo Duterte has compared himself to Hitler is his campaign to rid the country of drug abusers. ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on HR has done nothing to prevent the abuse of human rights showing sit ineffectiveness. Realists argue that this is inevitable in international anarchy, as Staes will not give up their sovereignty to a supranational human right sorganisain and so will only comply w hr when its in their own self-interst. Robert Cooper argues that Europe is an example of a post modern state which has banished balance of power politics and prioritises hr.

universal hr have been criticised as realists argue that the doctrine of universal rights should not guide state police as states pursue national interest

Billiard Ball Model states prioritise the well being of their own citizens over others Saudi Arabia abstained from the UN declaration of HR due to the important of religious authority in their state . States are sovereign; therefore, they should not have to abide by a universal state of human rights. China has executed more people than the whole world together, as they believe it is the best way to punish and deter others from crimes, especially with the crackdown on drugs

elements of clash of civ - cultural differences will dominate conflicts

Confucian values will confront Western or Islamic values, rise of identity politics, religious extremism ,such ISIS, AL-Shabaah and IRA, as well as mainstream political rise of the right in Israel, India and USA. Ayatollah Khamenei - ranian rebels slogan 'death to America' appear to support this argument. It goes without saying that the slogan does not mean death to the American nation; this slogan means death to the US's policies, death to arrogance." This can be seen during the 1990s in the ethnic tensions between Bosnians, Serbs and Croats in former Yugolsavia, as well as between Serbs and Kosovans in 199. It is further seen by the genocides that why have but they have been perpetrated since the end of the CW. Sudan against the Darfi minority, or by Saddam Hussein's government against Iraqi Kurds and Shiites. Conflict are described in Huntington's thesis is thus provoked and motivated by identity, rather than territorial ambitions

universal hr is not western imperialism as - made up by states to justify their actions

Critics of Asian values, have emphasized the promotion of universal HR and argue that the Asian values is a way for Asian culture to justify their authorisation regime and lack of human rights in their states such as China's treatments of Tibetans in Tibet and the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Chinese troops entered and opened fire on civilians

counter terrorism justifies restricted hr as Liberal Democratic societies are weak as rights such as freedom of movement and freedom of association, and legal or constitutional checks on government power can be exploited by terrorist groups that are covert and offer operate in small, loosely-organized cells

Effective counter-terrorism needs to deprive them of the advantages - so can only have selective and appropriate restrictions on individual rights and freedoms. Blair's response to 7/7 bombings (hit 3 trains and 1 bus) - Snooper's Charter (draft legislation proposed by Home Secretary Theresa May which would require Internet service providers and mobile phone companies to maintain records of each user's internet browsing activity, emails, voice calls and phone messaging services, and store the records for 12 months. - and increased detention period where terrorist suspects can be held up without charge for up to 90 day. Blair outlined 12 measures which could be interpreted as restricting rights and freedoms (people could be detained for up to 28 days, closure of places of worship) Freedom of Expression - can be restricted through the curbing of social media - is this right is not restricted as an act of counter terrorism - loosely group terrorist cells cab use social media to branch out and spread their ideas EG - The White Widow, Sally Jones was a regular propagandist on social media with more than 20 handles on Twitter, and recruited women to ISIS and provided advice to travel to Syria. She also encourages individuals to carry out attacks in Britain, offering guidance on how to make home-made bombs and shred pictures of herself posing with weapons. 2016 - roughly 30,000 people have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS and other extremist groups and number of foreign fighters from Western Europe has doubled since 2015. These statistics reinforce the idea that is freedom of communication is not curbed and human rights restricted then many more will continue to join terrorist organisations, unless governments intervene appropriately with their counter terrorism tactics

humanitarian intervention is a way of Western nations implementing imperialism onto other cultures

Intervention in Libya in 2011 had the effect of ridding Libya of its dictator, Gaddafi and implementing a form of democracy within the state. As many Africa and ME states do not follow democracies, this is argued to be a form of imperialism

role of NGO's protecting hr

NGOs protect HR by mobilising public opinion to pressurise governments into changing their behaviour towards hr and lobbying for the creation of domestic and int; hr laws. AI's campaign between 1972-73 for legislation on torture was instrumental in creation of UN declaration of torture 1975. TNC's such as NIKE how in the 90s had appalling working conditions, but improved it following an Intel campaign headed by NGOs agains Nike brand. HRW in 2017 - accused Syrian president Bashar al-Assad of deploying 'a war crimes strategy' in his country, while it has also been highly critical of the growing authoritarianism of China, Russia and Turkey, in which the rule of law is being undermined. In 2016, it accused Trump of a 'campaign fomenting hatred' and focused on the way in which European populism is undermining respect for human rights.

universal hr have been criticised as it is accused as culturally bias, reflecting on essentially Western, liberal model of human nature that emphasises rights and entitlements over obligations and social belonging

Post-colonialism portrays universal human rights as a form of cultural imperialism. These views have been advanced most clearly by Muslim thinkers who believe that human well-being is divinely ordained and by some Asian politicians who champion the notion of 'Asian Values. Cairo Declaration which is more important/relevant to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference - Islamic Perspective. PEW Research centre - 99% of Muslims agree with Sharia Law in Afghanistan. 32% of Turks believe in honour killings. Asian values - more focus on family

human rights are protected by International courts and tribunals

Started as ad hoc tribunals in 1990s to address war crimes and crimes against humanity in Yugolasvia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. Following the Treaty of Rome, the ICC was established in 2002 as the sole international court with global reach and the ability to prosecute individuals who have carried out abuses, Thomas Lubanga 2012, Congolese warlord who had recruited child soldiers to fight in the civil war as well as other war crimes. Intl, tribunals send out the signal that even had son states can be punished, former Liberian President Charles Taylor was convicted by the Sierra Leone tribunal for fuelling the Sierra Leone civil war in return for blood diamond and former President Gbagbo of the Ivory Coast is facing a trial at the ICC for murder area and other human rights abuses. Accountability.

January 2010: How and why has religion become more important in global politics. [15]


June 2014: To what extent is there a global "clash of civilisations?" [45]


elements of clash of civ - there are fault lines leading to inter civilisation conflicts

Theorist: Kashmir, Hindus were forced to flee, with all Hindus working in the civl service being asked to leave their jobs, if not they were put on a hit list. US congress described events as ethnic cleansing. Since 2015 Chechnya Jihadists with connections to IS and Al-Qaeda have cleansed the areas Rohingya leads to ethnic cleansing

There is significant evidence of cultural harmony and peaceful coexistence between different civilisations

Theorist: cultural difference does not necessarily lead to conflict Many large Muslim populations in non-Muslim states testify to greater diversity and cohesion EU integration (counter balance any tendencies that civilisation rivalry will create) The Bertelsmann Foundation study looked at the Muslim populations of five countries — the U.K., Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France — and found that 76 percent of second-generation Muslims learned the local European language as their mother tongue.Pakistan's education policy 2012 aimed to promote national cohesion by respected each others' faith, religion and culture Arab Spring is a testament to the fact that Muslim's are not incompatible with Western valleys of democracy and freedom, countries such as Turkey and Indonesia are proof to this, dignity and freedom are universal values that are not unique to the West, such as 2015 Myanmar, Auung San Suu Jyi ended absolute army rule illustrating democracy is universal

Conflict between Islam and West growing interdependence between Islamic states and West

Theorist: need to tackled global collective issues Promotion on Economic growth and prosperity Halting Nuclear Proliferation (Iran Deal?)

Terrorist groups

Theorists: Iran's inks to terrorist groups like Hezbollah in the Lebanon has led to fears that proliferation is an increasing threat DEVELOP FROM NOTES

offensive realists security dilemma and nukes

Theorists: John Mearsheimer causes states such as North Korea to build up a nuclear programme out of fear and paranoia from perceived offensive nuclear acts by other states, suggesting the threat of nuclear weapons should not be taken lightly and could be potentially used in an attack. Since the fall of the 'nuclear umbrellas' provided during the cold war by the two big superpowers, regional arms races such as between India and Pakistan have sparked, almost leading to nuclear war in 1998 with the Kashmir standoff when the states started testing their nuclear weapons one after another. In August 2017, the USA's decision to deploy high precision B61-12 nuclear bombs has caused concerns in Moscow with Putin issuing verbal reminders of Russia's own nuclear capabilities, demonstrating a realistic threat to global security. Putin reinforced this during the annexation of Crimea for a warm water port through with their nuclear weapons possession acting as a deterrent to the international community to condemn it or intervene, as the UNSC was not able to pass a resolution as Russia vetoed this.

Why are new wars caused by other factors Realist

Ukraine is not due to the civilisation conflict - it is Russia trying to secure hegemony and access resources in the Black sea. Realists also argued that during CW there was a degree os stability as MAD prevented open war and destruction, end of bipolar world as led to less stability. This unease is furthered with globalisation and the spread of technologies as heightened the fears of WMD falling into the wrong hands.Threat of conflict has become an increasingly real prospect not particularly through religious or cultural motives but by an increasing capability for non-state actors.

after the genocides, moral opinions are changing, more emphasis to promote human rights

Vietnam in CW, popular public opinion witnessing atrocities and impact of non-intervention such as Rwanda and Srebrenica argue that states should do more to protect the people by imposing human rights so it is not a form of imperialism but the promotion of HR

counter terrorism justifies restricted hr - politicians must set aside accepted moral rules in order to ensure the survival of the community

Waltz realists like Alan Dershowitz think "If torture is the only means of obtaining the information necessary to prevent the detonation of a nuclear bomb in Times Square, torture should be used--and will be used--to obtain the information.... No one who doubts that this is the case should be in a position of responsibility." 2005 Justice Department memo that the use of "enhanced techniques" of interrogation on Al-Q leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed including waterboarding, caused him to reveal info that allowed the US govt to thwart an attack on LA. UK Prevention on Terrorism Act 2005 - breach of HR, but it is for the greater good of the population as it is a response to a perceived increased threat of terrorism and the act allows the house arrest of suspected terrorist, where there is insufficient evidence to bring them to trial, seems better than allowing them to go about their daily lives.

Asymmetrical characterised by guerrilla or insurrectionary tactics

West more powerful, but ISIS use new guerrilla tactics - IED's suicide bombers - wars often harder to win. so take longer, Afghanistan 2001-2018

western hr clash with Asian/Islamic values

Western Notion of HR are not applicable to Asian states due to their cultural differences such as a belief in a collective identity and the family rather than the individualism that the UNDHR promotes. This was emphasized through the creation of the Bangkok declaration, which set out an alternative view of rights that the Asian cultures valued. Due to this, Asian cultures would argue that any effort by the Western world to impose their beliefs of HR onto them would be a form of western cultural imperialism. This is demonstrated of HR, due to the fact that they impose Shari'a law in their state, a strict form of Islamic rules on how to live in society - The West that view of HR argued to be the most advanced in Europe, but Islam followers argue that is simply with on the rules of their religion and as such argue that Western promotion of HR is a form of imperialism.

another reason why HR has been criticised due to states not being able to be held accountable for their actions?

all states would need to be held equally accountable before that law If international law, like domestic law, is to be legitimate, it must treat all states in the same way. This principle is undermined because powerful states often ignore international law if it is against their national interests. Russia has refused to cooperate with the UN in the establishment of an icc to investigate the shooting down of Flight MH17 over Ukraine. The USA has continually resisted calls form the UN to close down Guam. as Waterboarding, the indefinite internment of terror suspects at Guam and the USA moving terrorist suspects to states like Pakistan where they can be more discreetly torutred, also highlight the way in which states can undermine the principle the human rights can be universally applied. President Trump has said that in order to defeat terrorism 'we have to fight with fire.' He is assured that torture works and is prepared to us eat in order to protect US citizens. China executes more people per year than the rest of how world combined. It discriminates against the rights of Mongolians, Tibetans and Uighurs, and tightly controls religion. The human rights activist Liu Xiaobo who was awarded Nobel Peace Price in 2010, has been imprisoned for 11 years for the crime of subversion. Despite International calls for his release, China has responded that foreign critics should 'respect China's judicial sovereignty and,,,not do things that will interfere in China's international affairs'. The whole concept of human rights is, according to chines government an excuse for 'foreign infiltration'.

Blur with the distinction between soldier and civilian

before it was uniformed, but now it has civilians getting involved- Syria - over 1,000 rebel groups e.g. Free Syrian Army, the people who deserted the army (Assad's forces) (blur between who the military are fighting against. in Syria, we do not know who we are fighting against). Civilians more involved in conflict - (Syria) Yazidi women enslaved by ISIS - 6,000 raped by ISIS

Jan13: To what extent are international courts and tribunals effective in upholding human rights? (45)

look at other quizlet's against

Why are new wars caused by other factors liberals

poverty, inequality, instability in multipolar world Cultural conflict is not due to difference, its due to economic and political factors linked to power and wealth. For example the reason for the rise of ISIS is not only due to religion stems from the failure of the Iraq war, discrimination in Gov, poor economic circumstance in which Sunni's were marginalised.

terrorism is a threat due to increase resentment

theorist: Abu Ghraib/Guam

term terrorism is controversial due to diverse range of tactics

theorist: lack of similarities between some so-called terrorist acts an group means that the term can be assigned to anyone who uses voice in any way. The murder of MP Jo Cox was labelled by editorials (Telegraph/Guardian) as an 'act of far-right terrorism'. By labelling this as terrorism, it is being out under the same umbrella as 9/11 and 7/7 bombing. Those events involved more civilian deaths and created a greater climate of fear being than the murder of Jo Cox did, explain ing why some people are reluctant to label Cox's death as an act of terrorism. The definition of terrorism encompasses national liberation movements, international terrorism networks, resistant movements more and more, it is argued that the definition is too broad and makes the term futile. When some groups such as IRA and ANC are labelled terrorists in the same was as ISIS or murdered of Cox are labelled as terrorists it evokes controversy, as they cannot all possibly be encompassed in the same term as terrorism should apply the repeated mass killings.

Growing tensions between America and China are better understood in terms of great power politics and the pursuit of national interests rather than c.of.c

DEVELOP MORE Theorist: China's potential to overtake the USA as the world's largest economy represents an increase in the power of the Sinic civilisations. China's new bank ??? - Asian Infrastructure Investment bank/ 1 belt 1 road

HR are protected by regional hr organisations such as ECHR and Organisation of American states

ECHR is hugely successful - show by the fact that compliance with the ECHR' rulings is over 90%. Liberals would argue this is evidence of the fact states' domestic and foreign policy is partially guided by moral considerations and that regional human rights organisations are an effective way for states to cooperate together to protect human rights. Copenhagen Agreement (EU)

evidence of the growing impact of culture and religion in world politics, with the rise of forms of ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalism, particularly political Islam

Ethnic Cleansing Rohingya, Myanmar did not accept the citizenship of the Rohingya, leading 700,000 to flee to Bangladesh due to the constant violence, in Myanmar's crackdown on the Rohingya, Doctors Without Borders estimated 6,7000 Rohingya were killed in the first month alone --> worsened due to wave of births coming due to mass rapes and cyclone season in Bangladeshi area where refugee camps are Ethnic Nationalism EXAMPLE NEEDED

western human rights are essential to women's rights

Feminists in particular cannot justify the treatment of women is Middle Eastern States as such as the women were not allowed to be educated under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and that women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Feminists argue that women cannot fight for themselves and it is the West's responsibility to fight for their HR. The ICJ is a means of making sure people who do not have a voice gain justice that they deserve, in terms of reviving inalienable HR.

human rights are not protected due to the many flaws of the ICC and intl. courts

ICC does not have jurisdiction over 70% of the world's population since many Staes have not ratified the Treaty of Rome, including USA, China, RUssia, India. ICC is limited in holding individuals in these countries to account. ICC can only intervene in countries which have not ratified the Treaty of Rome if the UNSC Refers the country to the ICC> This is not effective - Syria - many HR abuses in Syria such as nerve gas attack April 2017 against its civilians, divisions within the UNSC man that it has not been referred to the UCC. ICC has only successfully convicted 4 individuals in 15 years, low rate of success. ICC had to drop charges against President Kenyatta of Kenya in 2014 for inciting post-election ethnic violence in 2007-8 as the Kenyan government refused to provide evidence necessary to find him guilty. Omar al-Bashir (Sudan Pres) has been able to travel freely around Africa despite ICC having issued a call for his arrest in 2008. ICC is not a powerful organisation. ICC's legitimacy been questioned by African sates who say it has an African' bias resulting in Burundi, Gambia and SA announcing their intention to leave the ICC, and African Union callings its members to leave ICC by 2017. If they all leave then the scope of the ICC to protect universal human rights will be even more severely limited.

counter terrorism doesn't justify restricted hr as it is counter productive to terrorism measures

Restricting the Human Rights and Basic Freedoms of anyone in an attempt to counter terrorism is not only wrong but also counterproductive, and can actually make the threat of terrorism a lot worse because it provokes a reaction by public and government so plays into the hands of the terrorists, so when governments use draconian measures and overreact to attacks they are just playing into the hands of the terrorists. In the EU in 2016 the chances of being killed by a terrorist was five times greater than being killed by lighting. However the chance of being murdered for other reasons that are not related to terrorism was 30 times greater than being killed in a terror attack, and the chances of being killed in a sporting accident was 51 times greater. The Anti-Muslim rhetoric and suggestions of limiting basic freedoms of Muslims (like the database) draws parallels in Nazi Germany, and only helps terrorist gains uproot from ordinary people and makes it easier to radicalise and recruit people. Donald Trump used the London terror attacks to justify his ban on travel to the US from several Muslim-majority countries and during Donald Trump's campaign he proposed creating a national database of the Muslims in the US. The rhetoric used by Donald Trump and others after attacks by terrorists alienates Muslim audiences from all around the globe. This is especially true of one of the frontrunners of the Presidential elections, as it would suggest to the world that these comments are not just the view of Donald Trump himself but that they are also a representative of the views of a great cross-section of the American public.

Cultural Conflict has been increasing, with tension between Islam and the West

Theorist: emergence of global terrorism and GWOT, shows c. of c. rise in islamic extremist to combat western influence. Ex: attack on the US World Trade Centre/ Pentagon (9/11), most devastating to occur on US soil since Pearl Harbour, Demonstration of violent Islamic extremism attacking the most iconic symbols of Western power and values. Islamic world represents an increasing threat to the West form multiple sources. Paris Attacks 2015 - killing 130 people, over 400 injured. (Manchester, London Bombings) Boko Haram's literal translation is 'Western Education is forbidden'. There are other groups - Al-Shabaab (Somalia), Boko Haram (Nigeria), ISIS (Iraq and Syria).

growing rivalry between USA and China can be seen as an example of civilisation tension

Theorist: rise of China being a part of Asian affirmation, which is based on distinctive values being drawn ,from Confucianism, as opposed to those of liberal democratic west Tension over HR violations China's firewall against Internet use, and China being world's greatest executor, killing more than all other countries combined by state execution - China's action is the South China sea throughout 2015. US warned China to stop and allied with its neighbors

Nationalist terrorism aims to overthrow occupation/colonial rule

Theorist: IRA bombed Harrods in 1983, it was a 'calculated atrocity'. 6 people were killed but the bomb could have been planted inside killed 100s. Old terrorists had rational objectives such as IRA. Many 'old' terrorists moved into politics working with former enemies. Martin McGuinness and Ian Pasley or Yosser Aefek and Yitzbak Rabin. Yet there was not 'calculation' in 9/11, where the largest killing is better. IRA leader Martin McGuinness claims IRA = freedom fighters legitimately fighting against British rule and the term 'terrorist' was only put upon them as a tactical demonstration by the British government. groups believe they were legit fighting for their rights and their critics who disagree. Both Mandela and McGuinness became the elected president/deputy first minister.

Conflict between Islam and West Many in the Islam world considered Western actions in Iraq and Afghanistan as acts of aggression and resent the continued support from certain western states for the Israeli state at the expense of the Palestinians

Theorist: ?? Check example is correct West operates double standards in the way it deals with different civilisation groups in global politics. America, moving their US embassy to Israel (their appointed centre) instead of Tel Aviv Israel in UN resolutions

elements of clash of civ - tensions between civilisations do exist and are main source of conflict between state and groups of people


civilisations are not homogenous and unified entities, rather they are complex and fragmented

Theorist: Amartya Sen Clash of Civ ignores diversities within each identified civilisation and overlooks the extensive interrelations between distinct civilisations Cultures are portrayed as being rigid with an unchangeable set of traditions. Civilisations are complex and fragmented, have always interpenetrated and incorporated features of one another, causing hybrid cultural identities. EX: In PEW survey 2012 - 84% of Lebanese want democracy. Majorities in Lebanon, Turkey, Tunisia and Jordan believe women should have equal rights as men, with more than 8/10 holding this view in Lebanon and Turkey. 63% of Turkish population in referendum in 2017 voted yes to enhance the powers of the scope of the Trash presidency.

Criticism of c.of.c Tectonic notion of civilisations and fault line conflict presents them being much more homogenous and distinct from one another

Theorist: Amartya Sen theory ignores diversities within each identified civilisation and overlooks the extensive interrelations between distinct civilisations Cultures are portrayed as being rigid with an unchangeable set of traditions. In reality, they are complex and fragmented, and incorporate features from one another, causing hybrid cultural identities. 92% of populations of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco and Turkey had a positive attitude towards a system of democratic government Majorities in Lebanon, Turkey, Tunisia and Jordan believe women should have equal rights as men, with more than 8/10 holding this view in Lebanon and Turkey.

Conflict between Islam and West globalisation increased the likelihood of conflict with a spread of Western values and inevitable backlash from the Islamic world.

Theorist: Ayatollah Khamenei It goes without saying that the slogan does not mean death to the American nation; this slogan means death to the US's policies, death to arrogance," he said.

Old and New Terrorism Aims

Theorist: Brian Jenkins 'terrorists want a lot of people watching, not a lot of people dead' Old Terrorism - political aims that are achievable (through negotiation) Ex: IRA carried out acts of violence, such as 1974 Birmingham pub bombings with aims of achieving end of British rule and a united Ireland. Aum Shinrikyo was a religious cult that favoured Japan severing ties with NATO and committed the Tokyo subway sarin attack 1995. New Terrorism - unrealistic and ambiguous aims, with no clear end goal and are based one religion. Ex. Unclear what ISIS long term plan is, their actions are more ambiguous, caliphate is very unachievable Jihadi John posted videos of beheadings and torturing innocent civilians ISIS 2017 NY attack, truck drove into civilians killing 8. Al-Qaeda and Charlie Hebdo There are many groups that espouse religion, but also have nationalistic principles, IRA and Hezbollah.

there are internal clashes between people and autocratic government in the Arab World (Arab Spring)

Theorist: Bruce Rutherford Liberal constitutionalism and Islamic constitutionalism... began to converge around advocacy of constraints on state power, improvements in the rule of law, and the protection of basic civil and political rights Tunisia 2013, people risked their lives for freedom and democracy, stand of between Ennhada and secular rivals, since Ennhada have become more tolerant and happy to work with secular groups and distance from political Ilam, showing Muslims and Secular Westernism can co-exist. Example of co-existance against an autocratic regime - 100,000 protestors sat in central Square of Horns calling for resignation of President Bashar al-Assad Bahrain, long held tensions between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims

9/11 Catastrophic Terrorism

Theorist: Chris Patten new terrorist cannot be negotiated with it was more barbaric, and the aim was to kill as many people as possible, use of passenger airplanes, global reach cells in different countries - Molenbeek, Brussels has become a 'terrorist breeding ground' where they have carried out the attacks in France (2015) and Belgium. There are cells globally - London - the Borough Market and Bridge Attack, Manchester. Social media has recruited 1,000 from UK, over 1,500 from Russia, and over 1,000 from France and Germany, just below - the number of foreign fighters recruited from western countries.

There is no one standard of international human rights.

Theorist: Edward Said Orientalism - What is right for one society may not be right for other societies, a position that suggests that the outside world should respect the choices made by individual nation-states the concept of human rights is too Eurocentric and does not take into account the competing claims of very different cultural traditions. Cultural relativists are that each culture determines the rights that is people enjoy ,and that the concept of a universal standard of hr is an example of Western cultural imperialism. the West seeks moral empire through the transmission of its values via the UDHR and ICC. Bangkok Declaration of Asian governments rejects the West's focus on the rights of individuals and instead focus' on communal rights that we all owe to soviet, emphasis on community that many states such as China sue to justify the death penalty. In large parts of the developing world, homosexuality is a crime, in 72 countries it is illegal and in 10, it is punishable by death. President Museveni of Uganda was criticised by the west for signing anti-gay legislation, which included the threat of life imprisonment, homosecuality is 'disgusting' and the outside world should 'respect African society and values. In Muslim countries, standards of human rights are determined by the ;higher law' of Islam. Iran is an Islamic theocracy in which eh Qu'ran is the ultimate authority in determining the meaning of the law. Saudi Arabia bases its legal system on a literalist Wahhabi interpretation o the Qu'ran, which sets it at odds with many of the UDHR's Enlightenment principles. On issues such s freedom of belief and gender equality, the West has been highly critical of Saudi Arabia's legal position. In response its leaders state its values are superior to those of the West, since they are divinely ordained.

Conflict between Islam and West global governance, considered a positive step towards ensuring the tensions between Islam and the West is reduced

Theorist: Fukuyama democracy will reduce the likelihood of conflict belief that the recognition of liberal democracy as the 'final form of human government'

Old and New Terrorism Tactics

Theorist: Walter Laquer "new terrorism is differs in character, aiming not as clearly defined political tactics but as the destruction of society." Old Terrorism - aim to show their point Ex: IRA, who bombed outside Harrods, not inside, killing only 6 people, which could have been much larger in a busier area New Terrorism - catastrophic Ex: Manchester Arena who detonated his suicide bomb as everyone was leaving the arena, causing maximum damage killing 22 people 2015 Paris Attacks - there were 5 coordinated attacks which killed 130 people, and projected the image of a powerful caliphate

Conflict between Islam and West Political Islam is considered to be intrinsically anti-western and committed to the removal of western values from the muslim world

Theorist: secular Iranian Ahmed western values are to the detriment of Islamic world and culture view that fundamentalist ideas and doctrines inevitably lead to a clash with the west which is manifested most dramatically in terrorist attacks. Paris and Manchester. Arrogant West and intolerant Islam.

globalisation making religion become a cause of conflict

Theorist:Sayyid Qutb in the 50s was disgusted when first visited the US and viewed that the society had a corruption of morals and virtues in western society through individualism --> provoked him to start Muslim brotherhood to counter secular values + influence of the west (esp in Egypt) triggered Islamic groups to feel hatred towards the west. al-Qaeda has promoted Islam as a means of opposing the West and Western values that are increasingly being spread due to the interconnectedness of the modern world m world as almost a kind of other, as seen by Bush's statement that he GWOT was a crusade. Religion has come to mean identity to a degree and has helped created a divided world. Iranian - Death to America - means they oppose American policies

growing concern of nukes Disarmament of nuclear weapons ( see terms of NPT) failed

Theorists: ( see terms of NPT) failed. US and Russia signed START in 2010 pledging to reduce their warheads to 1,500 deployed warheads and no more than 700 strategic deployed missiles and bombers by 2018. No country is doing this. UK is renewing Trident - see TB 124/5

wars are now associated with identity and culture

Theorists: Amartya Sen identity politics is most likely to lead to violence where is ti based on 'solitaristic' form of identity, which defines human identity in terms of membership of a single social group 'identity wars,' are wars in which the quest for cultural generation where people's collective identity is publicly and politically recognised as a primary motivation for the conflict Sudanese Civil War Northern Sudan (Muslims) and Southern Sudan (Christian black Africans), the government tired to impose a Sudanese national identity on the South, imposing Northern culture, and the introduction of Sharia Law in Sudan, triggered insurgencies from the South militia SPLA

States only follow hr principles which benefit their own national interest

Theorists: Hobbes and Machiavelli (realists) Morgenthau argued his 6 principles of realism that moral considerations do not play a part in world politics. Due to this - HR are a form of cultural imperialism, as if states are not willing to consider moral consultation and therefore act on them (humanitarian intervention) or promote human rights, then it must be a smokescreen and therefore form of cultural imperialisms, where states like US try to emphasise HR. (Critics of humanitarian intervention) Argued that states (global powers) only intervene to consolidate either global hegemonic status, so argue that the USA's intervention of Iraq was more for this and other reasons - oil supplies not hr and democracy. (even though they use extraordinary rendition)

Liberal thinkers such as see a high possibility of nuclear weapons being used offensively in the second nuclear age, giving them a much more dangerous weight than realists would admit

Theorists: Peter Sagan LOOK AT PAST PAPER YOU DID

Nuclear Weapons provide a balance of power

Theorists: Realists, Waltz proliferation is essential in creating a balance of power and hence peace and stability (vertical proliferation) . It is important to reach a power equilibrium between two unstable states. India and Pakistan have the tensions over the territory of Kashmir which was born fro the partition of India 1947, the acquisition of nuclear weapons deters them from further conflict, and has contributed to peace between them. As soon as one got nuclear weapons the other got it in 1998.

rogue states

Theorists: Waltz - Iran to dash for the bomb if Trump cancels deal- offensive realists - Iran's JCPOA, Trump's undermining of bill - Iran may feel as if they are able to carry on development

ultimate guarantee of non intervention

Theorists: Waltz The USA thus intervened against Iraq, but did not go against NK. This has major implications for Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. "We've got a powerful nuclear deterrent already in our hands, and we certainly will not keep our arms crossed in the face of a US pre-emptive strike." NK Foreign Minister - America has not invaded their oppressive regime, as they have been developing ICBM that would reach America Israel's possession has according to defensive realists, Waltz secured its survival in a volatile and inhospitable geo-political region.

nuclear arms control is difficult to bring about due to effective deterrence

Theorists: Waltz nuclear weapons as a symbol of power, rather than an actual weapon. This symbol is used only as a scarecrow, to deter any possible intruders. Iran is said to develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent against pressures from Israel and the West.

nuclear weapons allow peaceful political efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) deterrence

Theorists: Waltz reate a balance of power thus allowing for stability in international politics, which during prevented the outbreak of full scale war during the cold war. Realists suggest nuclear war between two nuclear powers is virtually unthinkable due to their devastating impact, as shown by the gradual cooperation between nuclear proliferated India and Pakistan starting from their Non Nuclear Aggression Agreement in 1992 pledging to not attack to 2016 with the Indian Prime Minister Modi meeting Nawaz Sharif in Lahore to resolve outstanding issues. This displays the importance of deterrence with nuclear weapons in promoting good interstate relations and preventing nuclear war. However, President Donald Trump's more aggressive approach towards Pakistan over reports of them harbouring Al Qaeda terrorists could cause an imbalance of power and provoke a more aggressive Pakistani stance to use their nuclear capability in offensive means. Although, this seems unlikely as it would risk being yet again subject to UN sanctions which caused Pakistan a total average annual cost of $456 million during 1991 to 1998, rendering their nuclear weapons ineffective.


Theorists: realists nuclear weapons is seen to mark out a state as a great power and grant them 'national prestige', as indicated by the nuclear weapons possessed by the 'veto powers' of the UNSC P5 acquired their nuclear capability during the Cold War and were the only states allowed to proliferate according to IAEA safeguards, have incredible vetoing powers and political influence that they would not want to lose. Britain's decision to reinstate its Trident nuclear programme in March 2016 seems largely down to it having the 5th largest economy in the world and to symbolise its continuation as a key player on the international stage. NATO additionally believes the potential deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe is necessary mainly as a symbol of it's transatlantic relationship and as a safeguard against Russian belligerence rather than offensively, increasing its defence budget from $930 million in 2005 to $2.1 billion by 2020. This desire to be in the 'nuclear club' and dictate world order shows these weapons as being merely a symbolic semblance of power and self-importance.

nuclear arms control is difficult to bring about due to sovereignty

Theory: Billiard Ball Theory every state is rigid and impregnable to intrusions form outside. While it may move along with other Staes for a time, nobody knows what happens inside. North Korea - singed NPT and seemed to be following it, but as soon as they felt threatened by the world community, they withdrew, declaring to have nukes. Koreans continued testing weapons despite the sanctions and condemning speeches.

counter terrorism justifies restricted hr as as its for the greater good (lesser evil)

When set against the wider benefits that are derived from protecting society at large. Terrorism aims at the very destruction of human rights & most importantly the right to life- therefore infringing the rights of suspected terrorist is still more moral than their actions The greater good may be served if violations on individual & minority rights help to preserve the rights of the majority. GCHQ hacked phone calls and emails of more than 1,600 targets in wake of paris attack- allowed them to identify extremist based in Syria and suspected of planning terrorist attacks in the west - enabled them to locate hostages after a kidnapping and rescue them — shows infringement of right to privacy resulting in a benefit to the greater good. We know that about 30 percent of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay went back into battle," said Gardner, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - had these been kept in guantanamo this would not have happened. January 2017, 714 detainees have been transferred from Guantanamo Bay. Of these, 121 (16.9%) are listed by them as confirmed of returning to terrorist or militant activities.

asymmetrical wars are difficult to win, large states have have public backing

developed states are held to higher international law - therefore can't use same tactics. 2013 - no attack was made on syria, despite Obama saying it was a red line, as American people did not want to go into Syria Pressure Groups - Droneswatch - unethical for states to use drones, as it kills civilians

counter terrorism doesn't justify restricted hr as terrorism is a hearts and mind issue and moral authority and soft power

errorism cannot be combatted through state security measures alone. Terrorism is a hearts and minds issue abut the mentality of society. Securing and maintaining moral high ground, by combatting terrorism whilst upholding human rights and basic freedoms - makes ethical and pol sense, to argue any different, frankly, is immoral. We cannot, and should not, devalue human life in the name of preserving it. Guam Bay sought to hold detainees in a place where neither US nor international law applies. Facilities have become emblematic of gross human rights abuses where inmates detained indefinitely without trial. 779 men taken to facility since 2002, only 7 of them convicted. -Sometimes prisoners are kept even after being cleared - 2016 - 107 detainees, 27 cleared - but still behind bars, most held w/o charge or trial - how, in any way is this fair and the horrific action they are putting them from - humiliating acts, extreme temperatures, use of forced positions, aggressive dogs. Even not effective - people lie/say what guards want them to to stop the torture. Noam Chomsky stated 'counter terrorism is terrorism by another name.' Via Drones, 30,000 civilians killed in Aleppo alone, from just Russian air strikes. New America Foundation estimates that between 2004-2010, 25% of victims civilians. Jameel Jaffer stated 'this is quite an awesome power, the power to label somebody as an enemy and then wipe them out without any judicial process of any kind.' Huffington post stated that 90% of people killed in recent drone strikes were not the target. New America Foundation discovered that 25% of deaths caused by US drone strikes were civilian. Can't bomb an ideology - only exacerbates situation. BUT - Obama said in 2016 - that drone strikes allowed minimal collateral damage while also allowing the killing of terrorist leaders.

Human rights cannot be enforced well due to the claims that international law is merely represent soft law

nation-sates remain sovereign over their internal affairs and can choose whether or not to accept outside jurisdiction in cases affecting their citizens. supranational authority, to which all states are equally accountable therefore undermines the potential for enforcing an international standards of human rights. The UK government is not only in defiance of ECHR by not allowing prisoners the vote and retaining life imprisonment for certain crimes, but from 2001, to 2005 the Blair government also 'derogated' from Article 5 when ti held foreign terrorist suspects in prison without trial. Saudi Arabia has also been criticised for flagrant human rights violations ,in 2015, the blogger Raif Badawi was sentenced to 1,00 lashes and 10 years in jail for 'insulting Islam'. Saudi Arabia also legally equates terrorism with atheism, while abandoning Islam for another religion is a capital offence (Apostasy).

civil wars rather than interstate wars

often related to the disintegration and collapse of states, sometimes linked to the pressures generated by globalisation. This has been caused by the spread of democracy and advance of globalisation and in the postcolonial world, where colonialism has left heritage of ethnic or tribal rivalry, economical underdevelopment and weak start power, hence the mergence of failed states 95% of armed conflict since 80s occurred in states rather than between them) after colonialism - we split up borders in between tribes, so tribes clashes e.g. Somalia - lack on interstate war due to globalisation and democracy

human rights are not protected due to state sovereignty

realists states are able to abuse human rights when ti is n their interest to do so, with minimal retribution in the global community. Especially with more epwoerful states who are wither immune to HR criticism or other sates do not dare criticise them in fear of jeopardising their trade or political relations. China greatly absuses human rights of the Uighur people in the Xinjiang province of China. the Chinese government has repressedthx Uighur poeple, who are predominately Muslim, from being free to practice their religion since the govt. has banned them from fasting during Ramadan, wearing headscarves or other Islamic clothing, going on pilgrimage to Mecca without authorisation. Minimal protest by other states at these abuses since China is a growing economic power, so states want to retain a good relationship with China.

terrorism is not a threat as there are few deaths in comparison to other global threats

theorist: 92 people due a day due to terrorist, 7,000 people due. away due to hunger. environment nuclear weapons - instability

term terrorism is controversial due to difference with new and old terrorism

theorist: Old terrorism has more political aims that are achievable (through negotiation). IRA carried out acts of violence, such as 1974 Birmingham pub bombings with aims of achieving end of British rule and a united Ireland. Aum Shinrikyo was a religious cult that favoured Japan severing ties with NATO and committed the Tokyo subway sarin attack 1995. New terrorism has unrealistic and ambiguous aims, with no clear end goal and are based on religion. It is not clear what ISIS want in the long run. other than being anti-west. Their actions are more barbaric. Brian Jenkins stated that 'terrorists want a lot of people watching, not a lot of people dead.' This is more applicable to old terrorism, new terrorism ignores this, using more brutal methods to kill as many as possible. Jihadi John of ISIS posted videos of beheadings and torturing innocent civilians. New terrorism - ISIS 2017 NY attack, truck drove into civilians killing 8. Al-Qaeda who claimed responsibility for Charlie Hebdo shootings. There are many groups that espouse religion, but also have nationalistic principles, IRA and Hezbollah.

term terrorism is controversial due to intrusive negative connotations

theorist: enoting a group as 'terrorists' it likens them to barbarians, such as ISIS and Taliban who senseless kill innocent civilians, thus delegitimising their motives and aims. So-called terrorists groups contest their label and claim they are freedom fighters rather than terrorists. Hamas views itself as a legit elected national liberation movement fighting for a rightful Palestinian state, which can be supported by the fact that they were democratically elected in 2006 Palestinian elections. This claim can be countered listing suicide bombings in kindergartens, pizzerias, markets and school buses. Thus, supporters and members o f Hamas maintain that they are 'freedom fighters' instead of terrorists against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, however their critics strongly disagree. Fight for equality in SA, Mandela and ANC are known as freedom fighters, a minority might argue that they were terrorists because during their fight for equality, they carried out acts of violence which harmed civilians - bombing headquarters injuring a bystander. NI - IRA leader Martin McGuinness claims IRA were freedom fighters legitimately fighting against British rule and the term 'terrorist' was only put upon them as a tactical demonstration by the British government. IRA were responsible for acts of violence scubas bombs in Kings Cross and Euston in 1973. Mandela and McGuinness became the elected president/deputy first minister.

terrorism is not a threat as we global security has increased

theorist: expand

Distinguish between different types of HR

theorist: look at Jan mock

term terrorism is controversial due to state terrorism being overlooked (in comparison to non state actors)

theorist: Chomsky and Falk define terrorism as simply the killing on innocent civilians, which encompasses both non-state and state actors Drones - US central command admitted 484 civilian deaths up to the end of April as a result of coalition strikes as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, which began in August 2014 in Syria Rohingya Muslim massacre 2017 - traditional view in Myanmar is that Rohingya's are outcasts and savages, thus giving authorities in Myanmar the right to kill them in claim they are protecting their people. This view in International contested, shown by UNSC statement condemning the violence. Mind of states they are legit killing in the interest of their civilians and their safety, but in the mind of the critics, they are killing and are legible to be defined as terrorisms.

terrorism is a threat due to globalisation

theorist: David Kilculken phones in Libya have increased by 200,000x, giving ISIL the possibility of a stronghold with better communication Theorist: Brigitte Nacos in her book Mass Mediated Terrorism explains how terrorist exploit globe information networks to proliferate their violent achievements known as the propaganda of the deed. Boston Bombers were radicalised by ISIL by Islamic teachings on Youtube. rise of technology, ISISL has created an iPhone app and uses Twitter as well as its magazine Dabiq. Sally Jones (white widow) was able to recur many foreign fighters, it has recruited over 1,000 from UK and 1,500 from Russia, she has over 30 social media handles, borders become penetrable ,and world become smaller.

terrorism is not a threat as it has been exaggerated by the media and the state to present a 'collective energy'

theorist: Ron Pearl and Noam Chomsky Neoconservatives use terorrism to put fear into citizens to reassert their own significant. Adam Curtis in the film 'Power of Nightmares' where he focused on Bush administrations' neoconservatives doing this tactic, but also terrorists themselves, specifically outlining Bin Laden and his public portrayal. Exaggeration by media and government.

terrorism is a threat due to the increasingly nature of new terrorism, harder to combat

theorist: Walter Laquer new terrorism differs in character, aiming not as clearly defined political tactics but as the destruction of society. theorist: Chris Patlen new terrorism cannot be negotiated with the spread of ISIS' ideology and the caliphate is a huge risk to global security, as even though ISIS were defeated in Syria, there are global cells that continue to threaten states. Attacks like Paris 2015, and Manchester 2017 demonstrate how the ideology has spread beyond Syria, and although its base may be defeated, the foundation for the group still remains

HR protected due to growing body of HR's international law

theorist: liberals UNDHR 1948 has been signed by 143 states, and International Bill of HR codifies these human rights, as well as the human rights outlined in the other Inerntiaonal Covenants, making them legally binding on states. Liberals argue that international law is an effective way to protect universal human rights because Staes will obey it due to the moral obligations it imposes on them. Citizens of a country often obey the law such as not to kill because they believe it is morally right, states will obey international human rights law because they have a moral sense of duty, resulting in the protection of universal human rights.

counter terrorism doesn't justify restricted hr as HR are universal, fundamental, absolute and indivisible

therefore any actions restricting them are simply wrong as morality to the average person is not regarding what is best for the greater good, it is about the intrinsic rightness or wrongness of certain actions. Political inconvenience or worries over security due to 9/11 terrorist attacks is not a good enough reason to deny their HR as it does not result in sufficient enough results, Amnesty International agree with this. Over last few years: have been 4,300 house searches in France that have resulted in a fraction of prosecutions. 2017 October: France declared an end to state of emergency 2 years after Paris attacks but replaced it with a counterterrorism law that extends the powers of the police to fight extremism like greater authority to conduct searches, close religious facilities, restrict movement of people etc. Aoláin, a special UN rapporteur said the bill could harm citizens' rights to liberty, security, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion b ut his anti-terrorism bill involves enshrining most of the special emergency police powers into common law, so that exceptional limits to freedoms intended for a special period of time would become the norm. It is dangerous for gov's to start trading human rights for greater good as it slides towards authoritarianism and undermine the values that separate us from the terrorists, the very values we should be fighting to protect. West protect Human Rights; yet act as hypocrites as after 9/11, emergency laws passed in UK 2008 tried to extend detention without trial from 28 -42 days fundamental violation of HRs and freedom Gordon Brown was stopped. China has used GWOT to justify its policies in the predominantly Muslim Xingjian Uighur Autonomous Region to stiffly Uighur identity, in august they were prevented from using its own language in schools and it was enforced at pre-school level: accused of cultural genocide (ancient Turkish language), there has been clashes in region (blamed on Islamism militants and separatists but rights groups say unrest is due to repressive policies) and have cracked down on expressions of individuality (communism). Under Articles 10 and 37 of the Chinese constitution, ethnic minorities have a right to preserve their own languages and traditions and students are supposed to be able "where possible [to] use textbooks in their own languages and use these languages as a media of instruction. Guantanamo Bay - extraordinary rendition - Shows that it is dangerous to violate HR for counter-terrorism as it often a lie that they are threats all to serve interests. 2001 - Bush Administration wrote a memorandum 'Possible Habeas Jurisdiction over Alies Held in Guam, Cuba' - document that legally permitted many war crimes and torture on behalf of the US as they apply to 'war on terror'. Binyan Mohammed: arrested in Afghanistan put in Guantanamo, and tortured in Morocco

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