POLS CH 5 - Quiz

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1. Texas expanded access to absentee voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. o True o False

voter identification requirements

All of the following EXCEPT ____ are examples of ways that states have tried to make it easier to vote: - online registration - Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) - Facebook app - voter identification requirements


All of the following demographic characteristics except _____ strongly affect voter turnout rates? - age - income - ethnicity - gender - education

congressional delegation (always 2 Senators + ? House of Representatives - based on pop.) Minimum = 3 (e.g., Wyoming, Idaho, Montana)

Each state's Electoral College vote is equal to its ______. - population - congressional delegation - state legislature - governor

ranked choice

Maine is unique in that in 2016 it implemented a new voting system, referred to as ______ voting. - ranked choice - top rank - top choice - rank runoff

slick advertising commercials (these try to influence voters, not listen to them)

Politicians try to keep abreast of public opinion primarily though all of the following except _____: - social media - public appearances - talking with lobbyist, special interest groups - slick advertising commercials

party column

The ______ ballot arranges the candidates for each office in columns according to their party designation. - party column - straight ticket - Massachusetts - office group

Massachusetts (office-group ballot)

The ______ ballot is also referred to as a(n) office-group ballot. - Ohio - Indiana - Massachusetts - Nebraska

Indiana ballot (party column ballot)

The ______ ballot is also referred to as a(n) party-column ballot. - Ohio - Indiana - Massachusetts - Nebraska

voters will not receive their mail-in ballots in time to get them postmarked by the election

The concern of the Texas Tribune article about USPS woes and mail-in ballots it that __________. o voters will cast ballots fraudulently o voters will not receive their mail-in ballots in time to get them postmarked by the election o voters that vote absentee do not have to show ID o Texans who are not eligible to vote absentee will cast mail-in ballots

North Dakota

The only state that does not require voter registration is _____. - Vermont - New Hampshire - North Dakota - Maine

Voter impersonation when voting in-person

There are many forms of fraudulent voting, but only a few of them are addressed through the use of voter IDs. Which type of voter fraud below would voter IDs potentially help reduce? o Voter impersonation on a mail-in ballot o Voter impersonation when voting in-person o Voting while ineligible o False registration o Illegal assistance at the polls

Northern states - along Canadian border

Voter turnout is highest in which of the following: - Southern states - Midwestern states - Western states - Northern states

Overestimating voter fraud OR maybe using claims of voter fraud to suppress the vote

What is the common pitfall of discussions of voter fraud? o Overestimating voter fraud o Underestimating voter fraud o Confusing all election regularities with voter fraud o Not taking adequate steps to prevent voter fraud o Using claims of voter fraud to suppress the vote

Twenty-fourth Amendment

Which Amendment banned the use of poll taxes? - Fifteenth Amendment - Nineteenth Amendment - Twenty-fourth Amendment - Twenty-sixth Amendment

Fifteenth Amendment

Which Amendment gave black men the right to vote? - Fifteenth Amendment - Nineteenth Amendment - Twenty-fourth Amendment - Twenty-sixth Amendment

Nineteenth Amendment

Which Amendment gave women the right to vote? - Fifteenth Amendment - Nineteenth Amendment - Twenty-fourth Amendment - Twenty-sixth Amendment

Twenty-sixth Amendment

Which Amendment lowered the voting age? - Fifteenth Amendment - Nineteenth Amendment - Twenty-fourth Amendment - Twenty-sixth Amendment

legislative initiatives

Which of the following is NOT an example of voter direct democracy in action: - popular initiatives - popular referendums - legislative initiatives - legislative referendums


Which of the following races is most likely to be non-partisan? - presidential - state senate - state governor - mayor

The poor state of voter registration rolls leaves lots of room for political opponents to disagree over whether voter fraud is occurring.

Which option best describes the real conclusions of the Pew Research study? o State voter registration listings are well maintained and useful for finding instances of voter fraud. o State voter registration rolls are archaic but still provide clear evidence of widespread voter fraud. o The poor state of voter registration rolls leaves lots of room for political opponents to disagree over whether voter fraud is occurring. o Updating voter rolls is a waste of government resources.

Secretary of State

Which state official is usually in charge of running elections? - State Treasurer - Governor - Lieutenant Governor - Secretary of State


Which state was the first to create an Automated Voter Registration (AVR) system? - Oregon - Maine - New York - California

Australian ballot

Which type of ballot is typically used by most states across the U.S.? - Massachusetts ballot - Indiana ballot - Australian ballot - U.S. ballot

State law demanded only very lenient penalties, making this type of crime a low priority for counties.

Why have counties not aggressively enforced the previously existing laws against committing election fraud by misusing a mail-in ballot? o No one was committing that type of crime. o State law demanded only very lenient penalties, making this type of crime a low priority for counties. o Mail-in ballots make up a very small fraction of votes in any election. o Spending effort on policing this form of voting wasn't worth it. o Counties did not want to increase the difficulty of voting for senior citizens, who are the primary users of mail-in ballots

Residents that mail in their ballot can't physically show their ID, so the Voter ID law doesn't apply.

Since Texas already has a law requiring voters to show approved IDs in order to vote, why was the legislature concerned with passing a law to address voter fraud associated with mail-in ballots? o They were wasting their efforts because the Voter ID law already covered all types of voting. o The Voter ID law covers absentee voting, but not mail-in ballots. o The Voter ID law covers mail-in ballot voting, but not absentee voting. o The reason is unclear because mail-in ballots have never been the reason for any Texan to be charged with fraud. o Residents that mail in their ballot can't physically show their ID, so the Voter ID law doesn't apply.

False - New York has some of the most restrictive voting laws

Since it has long been under Democratic control, New York has some of the least restrictive voting laws in the country.


States with which political culture tend to have the most restrictive ballot access laws: - regressive - moralistic - individualistic - traditionalistic

True - they got angry and become more likely to vote

T/F: A University of Michigan study shows that voter ID laws actually had the effect of making Democrats more likely to vote.

False - 18 is the standard; exceptions: 17 yr olds can vote in a primary if they turn 18 before the general election; some local elections allow 16 yr olds

T/F: Although 18 years of age is the national standard for voting, some states allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in statewide elections.

False - powerful databases are a key tool used effectively by many politicians

T/F: Although candidates sometimes rely on databases to target supporters and tailor messages to them, this approach has not proven to be highly effective.

False - smaller counties in California and Colorado have held secession votes in recent years; a proposal for California to secede never made it off the ground

T/F: California has held a secession vote in recent years.

False - Americans have more elections, but lower turnout

T/F: Compared to other countries, Americans hold more elections and have higher turnout.

True - following the Civil War, the South was dominated by Democrats, however, now many southern states have become Republican strongholds

T/F: For about 100 years after the Civil War, the Republicans had virtually no presence in the South.

False - since the Supreme court tossed out a key section of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, Republican-controlled states try to make it harder to vote; prior to this, most states were trying to expand the right to vote

T/F: From 1920's to start o 21st century, most states focused on restricting voter participation, while currently most states are focusing on making it easier to vote.

False -

T/F: In 2014, the Government Accountability Office released a study that dismisses the notion that states that adopted strict voter ID laws saw election turn out drop, compared to states that hadn't adopted such laws.

False - only about half of all states allow ballot initiatives or referendums

T/F: Since America was founded on the principle of democracy, all 50 states provide an opportunity for voters to influence laws through direct democracy.

False - election laws vary greatly from state to state

T/F: Since federal elections are managed by the states, the states tend to have fairly uniform election laws.

False - most people vote strictly for one party or the other

T/F: Since most citizens vote for the person they believe to be most qualified to do the job, they often vote for candidates affiliated with different parties across the many different races that appear on a single ballot.

True - most but not all ?? is this correct

T/F: Some states require government-issued identification in order to vote.

False - documented cases of in-person voter fraud are rare

T/F: The Republican party has focused on voter ID requirements because voter impersonation has become a widespread issue that affects most state elections.

False - Maine and Vermont allow individuals currently serving in prison to vote

T/F: While some states have restored voting rights to former felons, no states allow individuals currently in prison to vote.

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