POSI Test 3

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Which states have partially closed/closed primaries?

Nevada, FL, NC

Which party benefited from the 1896 realignment, which was triggered by an economic depression following a banking crisis under President Grover Cleveland?

Republican party

__________ error (accuracy of a poll) is expressed as a plus-or-minus percentage.


Democratic voters tend to live in which of the following regions?

West Coast, Northeast, northern Midwest

The main opposition to the Democratic Party in the 1830s and 1840s was the _____ Party, which eventually died out.


Are Americans often inconsistent in their government policy preferences?


Compared to non-Hispanic white Americans, blacks and Hispanics are more likely to support which of the following programs?

economic assistance programs and affirmative action

Senior citizens in the United States have a _____________ rate of voter turnout than voters under the age of 30 do.

much higher

Free societies thrive on the _____ of citizens in the civic and political life of their communities.


Party identification can affect ________ perception, the process whereby people choose from incoming information those elements that support the things they already believe.


The strongest ideological party in the US was...

the Populist party

The proportion of eligible adult citizens who actually vote in a given election is known as _________ _________.

voter turnout

What is another name for the plurality system?

winner-take-all system

Which of the following age groups' views are most likely to be influenced when a major political development occurs, such as war or economic depression?

young people

Research indicates that peer influence can...

encourage those without strong opinions to conform to the group.

Even if a third-party candidates fails to win an election, the candidate has still done which of the following to help the third party succeed?

encouraged the major parties to address issues introduced by the 3rd party; drawn attention to an issue previously ignored by the two major candidates

Trump-era congressional Republican opinion (and policy support) regarding what issue is particularly representative of how abrupt shifts in opinion can change the boundaries of acceptable action?

free trade

To date, the internet has proven itself to be better than TV as a medium for...

fundraising and mobilizing supporters

In the United States, political opinions are affiliated more with ______ than with income.


What usually happens after a third party is relatively successful in attracting votes during a US national election?

one or both major parties will try to co-opt the issue or issues that made the third party successful

Local party organizations operate...

only during campaign periods

Which of the following do policy makers rely on when they want to develop and implement policies that reflect the views of the public?

opinion polls

The highlighting of candidates' attributes is called _______.


Which method of sampling gives everyone in a population an equal chance of being interviewed?

random sampling

Voting for a candidate's past performance rather than future promises is an example of what is called _________ voting.


On a ______, citizens vote for candidates from different parties.

split ticket

Which of the following are true of grassroots parties?

they operate at the local level; open to all citizens

According to the Department of Labor, roughly __________% of Americans participate in volunteer activities annually.


Over ____% of presidential campaigns spending is for media.


The clearest example of a party coalition are African Americans, nearly _____% of whom regularly vote for Democrats.


Which of the following explain why Europeans with less education and income vote at higher rates in their countries than their American counterparts?

Americans face more voter registration requirements; class-based European organizations encourage participation

Support for poverty programs is highest among which religious denominations?

Catholics; Jews

Which two political parties were competitive during the first party system?0

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between income and political participation in the United States?

Higher-income citizens are the most active because they have the resources to participate effectively

The mass killings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resulted in which of the following?

National School Walkout day; March for Our Lives demonstrations

Since 1968, has the Republican Party been weaker at the national level than it was in the decades after the Great Depression?


What problem has recently arisen in using telephone polling?

Nonresponse rates have increased sharply.

he party realignment tha tbegan in the 1960s was completed during what presidency?


Which of the following statements about political and community leaders are true?

The president has the greatest influence on public opinion; they influence people's opinions; their influence depends on their standing with the public

Which of the following are distinct disadvantages of the rise of candidate-centered campaigns?

They provide opportunities for powerful interest groups to donate money to candidates; they make it easier for officeholders to deny responsibility for government actions

How did many of the founders of the US view political parties?

They viewed them with suspicion

___________ are representatives who take their constituents' desires into account when taking positions on policy issues, but do not always do exactly as their constituents wish.


Which of the following are examples of the effect economic class has on political opinion?

Welfare assistance has higher support among lower-income Americans than higher-income Americans; Income levels affect Americans' opinions on some public policy issues

Which of the following statements describe the relationship between political leaders and political opinion?

When public opinion changes on a major issue, political leaders tend to change their positions in the direction of the opinion change; because they think public opinion is important, political leaders persuade the public to support the policies they wish to pursue.

What attitude is described in Arlie Russell Hochschild's "Strangers in Their Own Land?"

Working-class whites blame working-class minorities and immigrants for their failure to realize the American Dream.

What is a social or political movement?

a way for disenchanted citizens to voice their displeasure with government policy

Which of the following sum up the various functions of political consultants?

advising on how to run a successful campaign; production of promotional materials; gathering voter opinions

Generally, protests __________ have not been popular in the U.S.

against U. S. military action

The political socialization process takes place through ___________ of socialization.


In order to have the best chance to win in a two-party system, political parties normally...

align themselves near the middle of the voting spectrum

Which of the following would be considered expressions of public opinion?

approval ratings for a city's mayor; turnout at a political rally; participating in a telephone poll concerning candidates for national election

How can Americand participate virtually in politics?

by using resources and joining discussions on the internet

Although party organizations still manage many tasks related to elections, the lead rolls in elections now lies with the ________.


Research indicates that when public opinion changes on major political issues, public policy tends to ___________.

change in the same direction

People who believe that citizens ought to participate in political affairs are likely to describe voting as an exercise in _________.

civic duty

What protest movement of the modern era has had the most lasting effect?

civil rights

Which of the following refers to a situation in which multiple group loyalties diminish a person's identification with a single group?


In general, Americans who believe that the lifestyle choice is up to the individual are ____________.

cultural liberals

One characteristic of political socialization is that it is its effects are ________.


The overlap between groups has _________ in America's residential neighborhoods and workplaces.


The fact that more white women than white men vote for the Democratic Party is an example of a __________ gap.


Which of the following are true about political contributions called hard money?

given directly to candidate; money political parties give to candidates; spent as recipient chooses; subject to legal limits

The Tea Party movement did not support which of the following policies?

government subsidies for health insurance; higher taxes

The text explores which three major frames of reference through which Americans evaluate political developments?

group attachments, partisanship, ideological leanings

The socialization process results in schemas, or frames of reference, that...

help in forming a common cause; citizens use to evaluate issues and developments.

Which type of third party is highly organized around a framework concerning the nature and role of government in society?

ideologically oriented parties

Which of the following has the lowest voting rates?


For a movement to succeed, it must...

institutionalize its goals.

Which of the following refers to how strongly people feel about their position on an issue- for example, "very important" or "not important at all."


How did the Supreme Court rule on the Indiana law requiring citizens to obtain a government-issued voter ID card in order to vote?

it upheld the Indiana law

Which of the following characteristics of political campaigns have undergone change?

length, focus, and amount of money required for campaign

Today's political campaigns rely on which of the following to be successful?

media producers; pollsters; campaign strategists

The difference in the age of participating voters is more pronounced in....

midterm congressional elections

Although state parties do not work full time, they are ______ likely to have full-time employees than local parties.


Which of the statements about negative ads and negative campaigning are true?

negative campaigning in presidential elections was used as long ago when Thomas Jefferson ran for office; Abraham Lincoln was the target of insulting comments about his appearance during election campaigns.

Organizations that nominate and seek to elect candidates to government office are known as ...

political parties

In a proportional representation system, which of the following is true?

political parties win a number of seats in the legislature in rough proportion to the percentage of the vote each party receives


political philosophy expressing support for greater economic equality and for traditional social values

economic liberalism

political philosophy that believes governments should aid those in need

economic conservatism

political philosophy that believes that the free market should dictate the workings of the economy


political philosophy that supports individual liberty in both social and economic areas of life

A public opinion ______ is designed to estimate the views or sentiments of the public.


The politically relevant opinions that people hold and express openly are known as __________.

public opinion

Which of the following tactics were used to disenfranchise blacks in the post-Civil War South despite the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment?

publicized list of voters; literacy tests

Which of the following are part of the money chase of politics?

pursuing wealthy patrons and raising funds

Which of the following are ways that American children are taught patriotism in schools?

reciting the pledge of Allegiance; learning to admire the Founding Fathers

Which of the following statements describe how U.S. campaigns are both party centered and candidate centered?

same parties are represented nationwide and candidates organize their own campaigns

Which of the following are primary socializing agents for children that can have a formative influence on children's beliefs?

school, religious organizations, family

over 70% of Americans' political participation via community activities takes place in which of the following?

school-related groups; civic organizations; church-related groups

Harvard's Robert Putnam refers to the sum of face-to-face civic interactions among citizens in a society as ...

social capital

The tendency of people to pay more attention to issues highlighted in the media is an example of _________.


During the 1930s the Democratic Party became the party of federal power rather than the ______ party.

states' rights

What law did Congress enact in 1993 that required states to allow people to register to vote when applying for a driver's license or public assistance?

the Motor Voter Act

More people in the United States participate in the election campaigns than people in other countries do because.....

the United States has more elected posts than other countries do.

What sparked the Black Lives Matter movement?

the killing of unarmed young black men by police officers

Who oversees the day-to-day operations of the political party's national organization?

the national chair

According to recent polls, which of the following are men much more likely to support than women?

the use of military force

Of the following factors, which has the greatest influence on people's political opinions?

their partisan loyalty

Which of the following statements are true regarding U. S. elections?

they allow voters to choose party nominees; they are held more frequently than in other countries

America's plurality, or winner-take-all, system of electing candidates works to the disadvantage of....

third parties

Which of the following are roles that national political parties have?

to raise money for presidential and congressional campaigns; to seek media coverage of party positions and activities

Current election laws in the US favor...

two-party system

Which of the following forms of political participation require citizens to spend a comparatively large amount of personal resources?

volunteering in a political campaign; demonstrating for political causes

Suffrage is the right to ________.


Which amendment to the Constitution granted women the right to vote in the United States?


Which of the following statements is true regarding a single-member district electoral system?

The candidate with more votes than any opponent wins the election in the district

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