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Demonstrate basic terms and functions of the computer.

A kindergarten teacher would like to expose her students to the computer. After a brief observation of the students sitting on the computer she noticed they did not have a knowledge base of how to properly use the computer. Which would be the teachers' next step?

The International Literacy Association (ILA)

An eighth-grade English teacher would like to find a national literacy organization in order to examine expert views on common core state standards related to disciplinary reading. Which of the following organizations might meet the teacher's needs?

Apply their learning to real life.

As an informal assessment, a high school career and technology teacher has students create a short video resume in addition to a written resume and cover letter with the goal of landing the job of their dreams. The assessment is most beneficial because it allows students to —

Mr. Bates should allow them to pursue individual interests, and to explore complex, challenging tasks.

Mr. Bates has several gifted students in his sixth-grade class who are underachievers. Which strategy might help him address this concern?

Auditory learners

Mr. Bates uses mainly a lecture style of teaching to present information to his middle school students. This type of teaching would best meet the needs of which type of learner?

The computer program provides grades to be kept in an efficient and organized manner.

Mr. Blackwell records his students' grades electronically using a web-based application provided by the school district. What is the primary benefit of using the application software?

Reporting his concern to the child protective services agency.

Mr. Miles is concerned that Mike is being abused at home. Which of the following is best appropriate step for Mr. Miles to take?

explaining how a management system now in place has had a positive effect on the student's behavior.

Mr. Wheeler, a fifth-grade teacher, contacts another grade-level teacher to partner with his class virtually through a video call platform called Skype, since both classes are working on the same lesson. The other teacher, Mr. Groves, agrees to have his class participate in the activity with one exception: he tells Mr. Wheeler: "As long as Bill," an ADHD student in Mr. Wheeler's class, "is not paired with anyone in my class." Mr. Wheeler can most appropriately handle the situation by —

How long will this lesson take?

Ms. Gonzalez routinely assesses her teaching style, instructional strategies, strengths and weakness. Which one of the following questions would not support the idea of self-assessment and reflective teaching?

Digital Citizenship

Promoting respect for others helps to establish a safe and positive classroom environment. Students should also extends these values as users in the current high tech environment. Which of the following skills best promotes courtesy and respect in the digital environment?

An opportunity for the teacher to explain why the suspension should not be carried out.

School administrators notify a teacher that they intend to suspend her. They provided the teacher with written notice of the intent and the dates the suspension will be effective. The administrators also provided the teacher with an explanation of why they are taking the action of suspension. The due process would also include —

Working with students to develop a rubric that defines the relative importance of content and design features

Teachers on a middle school teaching team are planning to have their students prepare multimedia presentations as part of a multidisciplinary unit. The teachers want to ensure that the presentations are substantive and that students do not focus on the design of their presentations at the expense of content. The teachers could address this issue most effectively by taking which of the following steps before students begin work on their presentations?

Go to summer school at the local university to get the necessary classes to become certified as an ESL teacher.

The fifth-grade social studies teacher is getting more and more English language learners (ELLs) in her classroom each year. She wants to make the learning meaningful to them and is looking for ways to improve her professional knowledge and skills about teaching these students. She decides to —

Wait a couple of weeks as you get to know the students better and then start enforcing the rules and consequences.

The fourth-grade teacher is a first-year teacher and is having difficulty with behavior management. She talks with her mentor and is given advice. Which of the following is the least likely to help with the problem?

Inclusive of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The proficiency levels of beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced-high are —

Joining the social studies professional organization and coaching professional organization and reading those journal articles online or in print.

The volleyball coach is very involved each season in volleyball or assisting other coaches. In addition to coaching, he also teaches one section of American History. He is not able to attend weekend workshops or conferences because of games and can best be involved in professional development by —

All the possibilities for cooperative learning and the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning.

When teachers organize students into cooperative learning groups, all of the following should be decided and discussed before group work begins except —

The rubric is a criterion-referenced assessment.

A biology teacher used a rubric to score a science project. The chart below represents a portion of the rubric. Which of the following statements about the rubric is accurate?


A child watches a teacher conduct a science experiment. The teacher uses three beakers of varying sizes, but the liquid amounts in each beaker is the same. A child who cannot understand how the liquid amounts could be the same is in Piaget's __________________ stage of thinking.

Provide the rubric to students before they complete the assignment.

A biology teacher used a rubric to score a science project. The chart below represents a portion of the rubric. It is a good practice for teachers to —

List key elements to assess.

A biology teacher used a rubric to score a science project. The chart below represents a portion of the rubric. What would be a reasonable first step in developing a rubric for grading?


Directions: Click the correct box. Which are the appropriate responses associated with teachers interacting appropriately with all families in various situations, including those families that have diverse characteristics, backgrounds and needs?

good teachers collaborate to support students' learning and to achieve campus and district goals.

Mr. Hardy's fellow teachers jokingly call him "superman" because he is such a great teacher, and because he works closely with other teachers of the interdisciplinary team at the high school to plan instruction that is integrated into social studies, science, and English classes. Mr. Hardy most likely believes that —

May develop precocious sexual interests.

Mrs. McCaffery, a health teacher, is discussing the typical sequence of physical development in adolescence with her middle school students. She's aware that the timing and rate at which puberty occurs vary widely. These differences mean that some of Mrs. McCaffery's students may be completely mature, while others have not begun puberty. Mrs. McCaffery is also likely to be aware that early-maturing girls —


The chart below lists suggested characteristics of the STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) test and the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skill) standards. Complete the chart below to indicate whether each statement is True or False.

"Let's improve these scores. I want you to help me make a rubric to use for your math papers."

The seventh-grade math teacher is not pleased with the quality of work that some of the students are tuning in for a grade. He has tried to communicate what he wants the students to know and do. Which communication would be best?

Explain the appropriate time to get mats out but still be supportive of Tim's intention.

Five-year-old Tim is beginning to become more active in the classroom. One day, when it was still too early for nap time, he goes to the back of the room to get his mat. In trying to get his mat out, all the other mats belonging to his classmates come tumbling down and scatter all over the floor. What should his teacher, Mrs. Laslow, do in response to make sure this incident will not happen again?

Computer skills should be taught primarily in the context of what students are learning in their regular classroom.

A first-grade teacher accompanies his class to the school's computer lab three times a week for computer instruction. Which of the following is the most important educational principle that should be followed with regard to this program?

An informal reading inventory

A middle school English language arts teacher is working to determine why her student, Johnny, struggles with comprehension. Which of the following assessment formats would most likely provide the information she needs?

"Don't use wait time; too much wait time is no good."

A new teacher asks her mentor, Mr. Lara, for assistance in improving her questioning techniques. She requests that he come to her classroom and observe her teaching and then give her suggestions about ways to improve. Mr. Lara observes her teaching a class of twenty 9th graders and makes the following notes about her teaching: Teacher: "Gabby, what does parallel mean?" Gabby: "Those two lines are like a railroad track." Teacher: "That's an interesting definition." Teacher: "Miguel, are perpendicular lines parallel?" Miguel: "No" Teacher: "Gabby, what is the answer to problem number 4?" Gabby: "Parallel" What suggestion should Mr. Lara not give to the new teacher?

She believes in asking higher-level questions.

A new teacher asks her mentor, Mr. Lara, for assistance in improving her questioning techniques. She requests that he come to her classroom and observe her teaching and then give her suggestions about ways to improve. Mr. Lara observes her teaching a class of twenty 9th graders. Weeks later Mr. Lara returns to her classroom at her request. The teacher does the following activity: The following geometric figures are on the board: Teacher: "The first triangle is an isosceles triangle. The second triangle is an isosceles triangle. The third triangle is not an isosceles triangle. Based on your observations alone what should be the definition of an isosceles triangle?" What does this question illustrate about the geometry teacher's questioning techniques?

Have the students compare and contrast a book with its movie version about the battle of the Alamo.

A requirement of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for fourth-grade Social Studies is that students use critical thinking skills to make informed decisions. How might the teacher best accomplish this in a unit about early Texas history?

They may not be able to show their problem- solving strategy on paper without using manipulatives first.

A second-grade teacher is observing her students problem-solve Math word problems. What is perhaps the most important drawback when students go directly to writing a number sentence first in order to solve a problem?

Talk to the student and try to determine why the student is getting so upset.

A seventh-grade student has been getting very angry and yelling at his friends. It takes just the slightest provocation to get him irritated. Several of the other students express concern and tell the teacher that they are afraid of him. What is the first step the teacher should take to address this problem?

provide the father with the son's grades.

A seventh-grade student is caught in the turmoil of a family divorce. The student explains that his father moved out of the family home and is living somewhere else. This separation is very hard on the student and his grades have been much lower than usual. The father did not see the report card that went home and when he learns of the boy's failure in math from a friend he demands to see the grades. The mother refuses to show the father the report card and calls the school and tells them not to give the grades to the father. The father comes to the middle school and requests to see the math grades. In this situation the math teacher must —

Use only narrative writing prompts to confusion.

A sixth-grade English teacher would like to accommodate English language learners as they respond to writing prompts in the classroom. Which of the following activities would least likely support this goal?

The teacher affirms the student's effort and especially any part of the answer that is correct. If possible, he guides the student's thinking toward the correct answer.

A teacher is facilitating a class discussion and a student offers an incorrect or only partially correct answer to a question. Of the following responses by the teacher, which one is most likely to create an environment where students feel safe to participate in class discussions and activities?

A. the classroom climate impacts construction of knowledge. B. the classroom climate promotes emotions that impact attitude.

A teacher promotes an inclusive environment through differentiating and building meaningful relationships with students. Inclusive education is important because — (Select all that apply.)

A. The weekly quiz results provide ongoing feedback to students. B. The weekly quizzes can provide accountability to students. C. The weekly quiz results provide information about the effectiveness of instruction. D. The weekly quiz results can help show a need for a change in instructional strategy.

An eighth-grade math teacher gives weekly math quizzes to gauge student understanding and retention of concepts. Which of the following are benefits to this ongoing assessment? Select all that apply.

B. language that is appropriate to students' ages. C. interests of the student.

An elementary teacher is creating a reading benchmark assessment for her second-grade class. It is imperative that the teacher align the benchmark assessment questions with the — (Select all that apply)

Sharing with parents the student's work portfolio for the nine weeks and any teacher notes.

At the end of the nine-week grading period, the school offers parents the opportunity to come to school for a parent-teacher conference. The chemistry teacher sends home a note to parents notifying them of the dates and times that are available for the conferences. She explains in the note the purpose of the conference and requests parents notify her if the scheduled time is convenient or to suggest an alternative time. During one of the conferences the parents ask the teacher why their son is making a C for the nine weeks when their daughter always made As in Chemistry. She should be able to explain this by —

The teacher wants to assess prior knowledge of the topic.

Before beginning a unit on marine mammals, a teacher asks students the question, "What do you know about the ocean?" Which of the following statements reflects the primary reason for this question?

Investigate the relationship between Manifest Destiny and westward growth.

Eighth-grade students have recently completed a unit on westward expansion. Which of the following student activities would demonstrate the highest level of critical thinking?

Developmental Delay Speech problems in toddlers (language delay) Problems with using fingers to grasp a spoon (motor skill delay) Cannot walk by age 18 months Does not smile at people by age 3 months Learning Disability Lack of interest in storytelling (language) Difficulty understanding questions (language) Minimal interest in print (emergent literacy skills) Dyslexia Poor balance (motor skills) Dyscalculia Other Health Impaired ADHD Autism Intellectual disability

Complete the table to show the appropriate characteristics that describe a learning disability, a developmental delay or other health impaired condition in students in early childhood through grade 4. Click in the box next to the characteristic that applies to the correct classification.

A. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development E. Bandura's theory that people learn from one another

Educational theories help teachers understand how students learn to make meaning through interaction and communication and provide teachers with guidance on how to use technology in teaching and learning. Which of the following theories provide direction for both the effective design of digital resources and how a teacher can best use those resources with students? Select all that apply.

encourage the students to do their best work and offer praise.

In Mr. Perez's fourth-grade class, all of the students participate in an Author Study. He makes available books that are on the students' interest and ability levels. Then, letting children select a book, he divides the students into pairs according to their selections. Each student is responsible for reading a book of choice. The team may approach the Author Study in various ways. Some of the activities Mr. Perez suggests are: read other books by the same author.e-mail a question to the author.write a dialogue journal between yourself and a character in the book you're reading. At the completion of the project, the team will present their Author Study by way of dramatization, a poster board, or a talk show format. Mr. Perez asks the students to self-assess their work by completing a rubric. They are asked: Is your presentation neat? Is your presentation easy to understand? Did the presentation meet the goals and objectives? Did I participate equally with my partner? Mr. Perez understands the Author Study project will require work and cooperation between team members. The majority of the students want to do well for the sake of learning, but several students are not as enthusiastic as he would like. To keep the students motivated and involved in their own learning, Mr. Perez should —

the teacher should provide hands-on materials to practice new concepts.

In a classroom of students at the beginning and intermediate levels of English proficiency in listening and speaking, which of the following activities would the teacher implement to reinforce new concepts?

A. Highlight the talents of students with disabilities. B. Pair students who are from different cultures. C. Invite guest speakers from diverse cultures and with diverse experiences. D. Encourage students to share their backgrounds, cultures, or talents. E. Arrange cooperative learning groups with a variety of skill levels.

Middle level learners are building their sense of identity and are concerned with their relations with peers. The teacher's goal is to create in the classroom a sense of community, belonging and trusting relationship among students so they can become motivated to achieve academically because they feel welcomed in the classroom. What types of activities can a teacher do to help students develop their sense of identity and develop their relations with peers? Select all that apply.

using eye contact

Mr. Lewis, a math teacher at the high school, has been evaluated by the principal for two years and each year the principal notes that Mr. Lewis needs to examine his questioning techniques. Which of the following would not improve his questioning techniques?

Making sure he has everyone's attention before he begins the next subject area.

Mr. McCullough teaches in a self-contained classroom in which history immediately follows the language arts block. Several students continue working on their writing assignment after the history lesson has started. Which of the following would best help Mr. McCullough achieve a smooth transition between subject areas?

Positive, because it communicates positive expectations about the student.

Mr. Philips served on the ARD committee that reviewed the academic progress of Natasha, a sixth grader, who scores on- level on achievement tests but who is hearing-impaired. The IEP developed by the committee specifies that Natasha be placed in Mr. Philips' classroom. During one lesson, Mr. Philips indicates to Natasha that she is to answer his question. Then he waits patiently for her to respond. How would you evaluate this approach of Mr. Philips to the student?

a means for managing the administrative workload that is required of teachers.

Mr. Rene uses the computer in the classroom to keep track of expenditures that he accumulates over the year. He also uses a program that creates seating charts, record student grades, input and monitor data, edit lesson plans, and upload lessons and homework assignments to his school website. The most likely benefit of the computer programs Mr. Rene uses is to provide —

It represents Mr. Schultz's commitment to plan and adapt lessons to address all students' diverse backgrounds and needs.

Mr. Schultz has his six-grade students explore how carbon is taken from the atmosphere by observing and interacting with a touch- screen diagram that illustrates the carbon cycle before he discusses it with them. After debriefing the students, he shows a video that illustrates that plants, performing the process of photosynthesis, describe one way carbon is taken from the atmosphere. He then has the students work in pairs to write how the photosynthesis process takes place. Mr. Schultz always asks himself how science lessons he plans to meet the needs of his students might be interpreted by the various cultures represented in his class. What is the primary reason that this is such an important consideration for him?

Have students use productivity tools to communicate information.

Mrs. Green is helping her students with creating slide shows for presenting their upcoming project on Continents. She tells the students this technology allows them to insert figures, pictures and icons, and recommends them to minimize the verbosity and make text and visuals as large as possible in their presentations. At the end she reminds the students they are responsible for locating relevant information including geography, climate and countries' populations as the content of their presentations. The reason Mrs. Green incorporated the slide show as part of the research project is most likely to —

Model for the students how to create a slide show, go over the outline of the project, and remain open for questions.

Mrs. Green is helping her students with creating slide shows for presenting their upcoming project on Continents. She tells the students this technology allows them to insert figures, pictures and icons, and recommends them to minimize the verbosity and make text and visuals as large as possible in their presentations. At the end she reminds the students they are responsible for locating relevant information including geography, climate and countries' populations as the content of their presentations. Which of the following will best ensure that Mrs. Green has given explicit directions for both assignments?

A. Collaboration and reflection B. Creative and critical thinkers C. Confidence and vocabulary

Mrs. Hebler is creating a grading rubric to evaluate a newsletter project her 9th-grade students are working on. The students are creating their own newsletter for their families. The project involves the use of a digital camera to capture images and video, desktop publishing software and a web page authoring tool. The newsletters will be shared with family and friends via the class web page instead of the conventional printed media. The students work in small groups. The activity sheet distributed in class calls for the students to cover the following topics in the newsletter: MATHEMATICS -Topics I'm confident with/need more practice with -Creation of word problems SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES -Reflect on topics -Create "trivia" quizzes for family members to answer BEHAVIOR/EFFORT IN CLASS -I'm most proud of... -Behavior points earned in class FAMILY ENGAGEMENT -Monthly selfies (taken with computer's webcam - most laptops have a built-in camera) -Thank you notes to family members -Quizzes and word problems for family members to solve Creating original texts using technology is an effective strategy for students to learn the curriculum and for improving learning outcomes for the reasons listed below. Select all that apply.

ensure appropriate education for students with disabilities like this one.

Mrs. Hoff, a third-grade teacher, is preparing a unit for her social studies class on communities. Students will work together in groups to discuss the components that are needed to make a community. With the individual portion of the unit, Mrs. Hoff will require students to demonstrate their understanding of communities by planning a community of their own. She designs a packet that outlines requirements for the assignment and includes Internet resources where students can turn to for assistance. She sends the packet home with the students and post the information about the activities of this unit on her school web page. George, a student confined to a wheelchair in the class, has difficulty using his arms and his legs. Mrs. Hoff wants to approach the principal about providing a special computer device for George to help him keep pace with his brilliant mind. Before going to the principal Mrs. Hoff reviews the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and realizes that it is her responsibility, as a teacher, to —

The legal and ethical requirements regarding copyright, privacy, and acceptable use policies.

Mrs. Hoff, a third-grade teacher, is preparing a unit for her social studies class on communities. Students will work together in groups to discuss the components that are needed to make a community. With the individual portion of the unit, Mrs. Hoff will require students to demonstrate their understanding of communities by planning a community of their own. She designs a packet that outlines requirements for the assignment and includes Internet resources where students can turn to for assistance. She sends the packet home with the students and post the information about the activities of this unit on her school web page. Before posting the information on her school web page, Mrs. Hoff must adhere to which of the following guidelines?

Send home a written report on the work the students have done so far and ask the students to return it the next day along with a parent's signature.

Mrs. Jakes' second-grade class is beginning an integrated unit that will focus on important historical figures of the state of Texas. As part of the activities the class will create a bulletin board called "The Wall of Fame" where the biographies of these famous Texans will be highlighted. Next, she plans to extend the concept of autobiography by telling the students they too will join "The Wall of Fame." Before the project is complete, Mrs. Jakes wants to share information with parents on each student's progress. What form of communication would be the most effective?

engage the parents in various aspects of the educational experience.

Mrs. Jakes' second-grade class is beginning an integrated unit that will focus on important historical figures of the state of Texas. As part of the activities the class will create a bulletin board called "The Wall of Fame" where the biographies of these famous Texans will be highlighted. Next, she plans to extend the concept of autobiography by telling the students they too will join "The Wall of Fame." But for that, the students must first conduct an interview with their parents, asking such questions as "How did I get my name?" or "Where was I born?" Mrs. Jakes' primary objective for this exercise would be to —

More common among girls than boys.

Mrs. McCaffery, a health teacher, is discussing the typical sequence of physical development in adolescence with her middle school students. She's aware that the timing and rate at which puberty occurs vary widely. These differences mean that some of Mrs. McCaffery's students may be completely mature, while others have not begun puberty. As a health teacher, Mrs. McCaffery is likely to be aware that nutritional deficiencies among her students are —

Have less self-confidence than early maturers.

Mrs. McCaffery, a health teacher, is discussing the typical sequence of physical development in adolescence with her middle school students. She's aware that the timing and rate at which puberty occurs vary widely. These differences mean that some of Mrs. McCaffery's students may be completely mature, while others have not begun puberty. Mrs. McCaffery is likely to be aware that late-maturing boys —

Teachers need to discipline and interact with students by using appropriate language and communication skills.

Mrs. Orlando frequently has to remind her kindergarten students of the classroom rules and procedures. When Marty turns all of the chairs over she says, "Please put the chairs back in the upright position. Chairs are for sitting on." This action is most likely based on which of the following?

Use drama in class often, but make sure the activities align learning objectives, instructional strategies, and assessments.

Mrs. Rollins teaches sixth-grade language arts and has a real love of using drama in her class to help students understand works of literature. Most of her students find the use of drama in class fun and motivating. When planning for her class, which of the following should be Mrs. Rollins' approach to incorporating the use of drama into her class?

A. The teacher is modeling the value of other cultures. B. The teacher is modeling acceptance of differences in people. C. Students gain a sense of the greater world around them. D. Students develop critical thinking skills when analyzing information. E. Students have an avenue for exploring ways to address their own biases.

Mrs. Sessler studies world geography and current events with the students in her eighth-grade classroom. She cultivates an attitude of respect for the cultures and people that her students encounter in these studies. Which of the following are benefits for students from this classroom instruction? Select all that apply.


Mrs. Young is introducing a new lesson unit to her sixth graders entitled Surface Area of Cylinders. Mustafa is an English language learner (ELL) in her class. The first thirty-five seconds of the teacher's introduction of the math topic to the students is depicted in the picture above, under the label Teacher. The text labeled Student, in the picture, depicts what Mustafa understood in the introduction.

Assess and guide individual and group collaborative skills.

Ms. Albuquerque, a tenth-grade English language arts teacher, assigns her students to cooperative learning groups in which they help each other plan their essays, critique each other's drafts, and help each other with editing. While the students are working, it is important that she actively monitor the groups at all times in order to —

Evaluate the most immediate needs of the family and express interest in helping.

Ms. Brazzell, a third-grade teacher, learns in a parent-teacher conference that a parent who has three small children to support has just been laid off. Ms. Brazzell suggests that a local family service agency might be able to help and arranges a meeting with the school counselor, parent, and member of the agency. What should be the primary goal of this meeting that the teacher has arranged?

A. Students have many opportunities to experience success in the classroom. C. A sense of community is developed in the classroom.

Ms. Gibson uses instructional strategies such as call and response, cooperative learning, and differentiated instruction with her sixth- grade students to build connections between academic learning and students' diverse backgrounds. Which of the following are benefits of these types of instructional strategies? Select all that apply.

"Think about what you did here. You must use the information that I give to you."

Ms. Jackson, the six-grade math teacher, wants to encourage all of the students in her class to perform at their highest level in mathematics. She believes that timely effective feedback will develop skills and confidence. Knowing what effective feedback sounds like, which of the following is the least effective statement to make to a student having problems with writing equations that represent problems related to the area of rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles?

Immediate rewards

Ms. Saenz is a first-year teacher. After several weeks of school she finds that the children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have difficulty achieving at the same level as the other children in the classroom. She consults with her mentor teacher about ways to increase the achievement of the many lower- socioeconomic-class children in her class. Which of the following will the mentor teacher most likely advise Ms. Saenz to consider using?

Producing the timeline of events regarding exploration to America from 1600 - 1700.

Sixth-grade students have recently completed a social studies unit in which they studied exploration to the New World. Which of the following student activities would demonstrate the highest level of critical thinking?

performance-based assessment.

Some of the teachers at the middle school prefer to use a form of assessment that examines student academic growth over time by collecting work selected by the student and the teacher to include in a portfolio. Mrs. Payne, the sixth-grade science teacher, thinks that the best way to see if her students understand a science process is to use assessment that requires the student to demonstrate the knowledge to the teacher, for example, demonstrating evidence of chemical reactions. The type of assessment that Mrs. Payne is referring to is —

A criterion-referenced test

Students at Scarborough middle school are regularly assessed using various methods. Some of the teachers were discussing about using the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) as a form of assessment. Some are of the opinion that it is a snapshot of one day in school and should not be used to evaluate students' learning. Other teachers believe that the STAAR test is a good test to assess schools and school district performance. Many think that is "high stakes testing." The STAAR test is actually —

Encouraging the use of higher-order thinking skills.

Students in Mr. Coleman's six-grade English class are asked to read and actively engage in discussion after the completion of a story or book. Mr. Coleman regularly asks questions such as, "Justify your reasons for making the previous statement," "Critique the following conversation that took place between the main characters in the book," "Establish the way you think the author should have ended the book," or "Predict what you think will happen in the next chapter." In asking these questions of his students, Mr. Coleman's focus is most likely on —

Develop a sense of involvement and responsibility in relation to the larger school community.

Students in Mr. Rivera's social studies class at Wimbledon high school, became quickly very proficient at using an application software that helps create anything from rugged terrains to floorplans. The application is easy to use and with a just a few clicks users can furnish their plans with a huge library of objects the application has available. The principal has announced the school is going to build a new cafeteria and is asking all students for input. The high school has 1,300 students. The lunch experience is awful. During lunch students have to wait in long lines, rush to finish, and some eat in makeshift lunchrooms. The situation is so bad that only half of the students eat cafeteria lunch. The food is the not the problem, but how it is served. To address the issue, using the application software, Mr. Rivera groups his students such that each group focuses on a different aspect of the design to produce a world-class lunch experience. The students have two weeks to present their design to the principal. By having the students engage on this project Mr. Rivera will most likely help them —

the clarification of the role and responsibility the paraprofessional will have in the classroom.

The primary consideration when placing a paraprofessional in the classroom is —

Use verbal communication so that the explicit message is understood.

The principal has received several complaints about the art teacher. Students complain that he makes fun of the work students do in his classroom. The principal cannot imagine what these complaints are in reference to and has planned a meeting with the art teacher to discuss the situation. The principal informs him that several excellent students reported that, "he rolls his eyes at my artwork." The art teacher is quick to explain that he rolls his eyes when the work is excellent. The principal suggests that the best way to communicate with students is to —

the use of an external factor as a tool to promote student learning.

When a large oil company wants to drill on the site of the old university building, the town becomes embroiled in a bitter controversy over whether or not to allow the drilling. Mr. Jacobs, the twelfth-grade social studies teacher, decides to use the controversy as the basis for a class discussion. This discussion will most likely bring to the classroom —

A. These materials encourage interaction. C. These materials help generate interest. D. These materials aid in knowledge construction. E. These materials help accommodate various learning styles.

Which of the following are reasons that children in grade levels EC-4 benefit from having hands-on, manipulatives during learning activities? Select all that apply.

Student-centered instruction and authentic tasks

Which of the following is an element of constructivism approaches to teaching?


Which of the following is the act designed to ensure that students in grades 5-8 learn what they are intended to learn in a class?

Monitor learners' progress toward learning goals and objectives.

Which of the following is the best approach to assessment that teachers should take in the early childhood and elementary grades to evaluate student learning?

A. Individual passwords are issued to student. C. Students are told about the importance of keeping their passwords private. E. Passwords should not be shared aloud in class.

Which of the following should a teacher consider to maintain data security and confidentiality of student computer passwords? Select all that apply.

Middle graders learn well when given opportunities to explore and interact.

Which of the following statements best describe learning for middle grade students?

Modeling prosocial behaviors for students daily.

Which of the following strategies is most effective in promoting prosocial behaviors in 5 year olds?

A student with unmet physiological needs may show little interest in academic performance.

sequence of physical development in adolescence with her middle school students. She's aware that the timing and rate at which puberty occurs vary widely. These differences mean that some of Mrs. McCaffery's students may be completely mature, while others have not begun puberty. When Mrs. McCaffery sends three-week progress reports home, one-third of her students are failing. She wonders if physiological needs may be playing a role in her students' lack of academic achievement. Which of the following best describes the role of physiological needs in students' academic performance?

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