PPR EC-12 Practice Questions

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63. How do experts advocate that teachers communicate with their students' parents?

Asking each student's parents which forms of communication work best for them

During a lesson about the American Revolution, the teacher asks students the following questions. • Why did the Americans rebel? • Where did the Revolution begin? • What is a Patriot and what is a Tory? By asking these questions, the teacher best demonstrates an understanding of how to

Assess students' recall of the content.

an elementary school teacher presents a lesson in which students write a positive statement about each of their classmates. Which of the following is a primary purpose of the activity?

Promoting a respectful learning environment

How can teachers interact with diverse students to clarify class goals and purposes for attaining communication goals?

Support student comprehension by providing analogies and metaphors.

A group of teachers work together to create a common assessment for an upcoming unit. Which of the following collaboration among the teachers on the assessment?

Tracking changes

Among strategies that the U.S. Department of Education (ED) includes in its model for parent involvement, which is described accurately?

Training parents to help children achieve academically rather than influence school policy

A high school teacher is creating a mathematics unit assessment for the class. It is most important for the teacher to align the assessment questions with the

material taught during the mathematics unit.

Among these ways in which students acquire skills, which is most common during early childhood?

learning by playing

According to Piaget's cognitive theory, how are schemata best defined?

mental constructs

Of the following terms, which one means thinking and learning about one's own thought and learning processes?


What is the correct behaviorist term for strengthening a behavior by taking away something?

negative reinforcement

A primary benefit of using classroom portfolios for assessment purposes is to

provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their progress.

In order to provide the most beneficial feedback to students on their research papers, a teacher should

schedule individual conferences to address comments and questions

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. A primary benefit of creating the list of people to interview is that it will facilitate

scheduling to maximize learning opportunities

According to research findings, which of these predict(s) parents' involvement in their children's education the most?

school policies, teacher practices

Which of the following is the most effective way for a teacher to establish a solution-focused approach to parent-teacher conferences?

seeking to establish a partnership with each parent

Which of these most accurately describes the relationship of the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators and the American Association of Educators Code of Ethics for Educators?

these two codes are very similar

Which of these is associated with prerequisite knowledge and skills in the STAAR Curriculum Framework?

vertical alignment

Which of these is the best example of an instructional objective in math for grade K?

"Given hundred boards and worksheets, students will answer questions about adding by tens with 90% accuracy."

In curriculum design, what is/are included in the definition of scope?

- Breadth and depth of subject content covered in instruction - Curricular coherence through longitudinal instruction in content - Learning objectives reflecting national, state, and local standards - teacher expectations of student performance

75. To assess whether their classrooms are active learning environments, what should teachers measure?

- how deeply students are engaged - ho many students are working on task - how much time students are working on task - how strongly students are attending and engaged

Before students begin their research, Ms. Soto posts the broad mathematics goal on the chalkboard. The following is the class discussion. Ms. Soto: OK, I have written the mathematics goal on the board, "To practice estimation skills." We completed an estimation unit about a week ago. We used a jar of jelly beans to start out the unit... does anyone remember what estimating is in measurement? Corey: It's when you figure how much something weighs or how many things there are, or someone like that. I mean, not exactly how much, but around how much. Ms. Soto: Yes, that's correct. You give an educated guess. We estimated how many jelly beans were in a jar and size of the size of the jelly beans. Now, for our research, we are going to use estimation to help others understand the size of the animal based on things that we already know. For example, let's look at this science textbook. We don't know how much it weighs, but what can you tell about its weight? [No one volunteers to answer the question]. Well, let's see, is the textbook heavier or lighter than this magazine? Several students: Heavier! Ms. Soto: Good! Now what's another question you could ask to help us estimate its weight? Amanda: You could ask if it's heavier or lighter than a student dictionary , and it's lighter. [The conversation continues, and students practice estimating the relative heights and volumes of different objects]. Ms.Soto: So for each of the endangered animals you research, you will be responsible for helping us understand its height and weight in terms of estimation based on things that we already know. For example, an African elephant can weigh more than four tons and stand twelve feet tall. In terms that we can understand, that's the weight of three average-sized cars and the height of a tall man standing on the shoulders of another tall man. Which of the following excerpts from the discussion best indicates that Ms. Soto adjusted instruction based on students' needs?

...is the textbook heavier or lighter than this magazine?

Legal blindness is defined as which of the following visual acuity measures on an eye test?


66. Relative to digital technology, which of the following units of data is the biggest?

A Terabyte

68. What supplies systems and computers with data over a network?

A Server

54. What is the correct meaning of cognitive dissonance?

A feeling of discomfort due to contradictory information

67. Which of these computer-related items is an input device?

A mouse

One day a week, a middle school social studies teacher holds a class discussion on a current event. To prepare students for the discussion, the teacher sends home an article and a list of online sites related to the topic. The teacher also suggests that students watch the news for additional information regarding the issue. Which of the following is a primary benefit of the teacher's actions?

Accommodating students' differing access to resources

Which of the following reflects a general principle for teachers to apply in responding to student diversity in their classrooms?

Ask students more open-ended questions

71. The rules of most acceptable use policies (AUPs) include which of the following?

AUP rules prohibit violating laws and user or network security.

What is the first way in which teachers can apply processes of acquiring and integrating new knowledge to help ELL students access meaningful learning?

Activate prior knowledge

Effective teacher strategies for organizing and managing learning environments that result in high student engagement and low misbehavior include which of these?

Alerting student attention through a focus on the entire class

At the beginning of the school year, a middle school science teacher presents a lesson demonstrating safe practices in the science lab. Which of the following activities is the most effective informal assessment of the lesson?

Allowing students to explore safety equipment at various laboratory stations

62. Which of these is true about effective nonverbal communication by teachers?

Appropriate movements expressing energy and enthusiasm work.

85. How should teachers arrange classroom furnishings and materials to create supportive climates?

Arrangements should support collaboration among students.

A teacher allows students in a seventh-grade science class to choose objects from home or from the classroom to use for a demonstration. By allowing the students to choose the objects for the demonstration, the teacher primarily addresses the typical adolescent's developmental need for


13. What is one valid guideline for teachers to avoid problems with classroom diversity?

Avoid using idioms, translate or explain any they do.

To recruit parents as allies to reinforce school expectations at home, teachers should establish and communicate high standards and expectations at the beginning of the school year. Why?

Because research finds parental expectations strongly predict student achievement

Why did the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) rewrite the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators in 2002?

Because the old code had all of these drawbacks

After reading from a science textbook written in English, an English-language learner at the advanced-high level of proficiency completes the following activity card by listing a definition for precipitation, listing its part of speech, and listing an example: precipitation - moisture falling to the ground. -noun -rain Which of the following is a primary purpose of the activity?

Building academic vocabulary

Among the following auditory disabilities, which one does not involve any part of the hearing mechanism?

Central auditory processing disorder

50. Of the following, which do Cloze procedures involve on the part of the student?

Changing incomplete sentences to complete sentences

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. Which of the following is a primary purpose of providing the handout?

Clarifying expectations of the students regarding the learning activities

Which of the following strategies employed by a middle school teacher best conveys high expectations to students?

Communicating consistently to students that they have the skills and support necessary to succeed.

Which of these is/are a subtype(s) of criterion validity?

Concurrent validity and predictive validity

Before students begin their research, Ms. Soto posts the broad mathematics goal on the chalkboard. The following is the class discussion. Ms. Soto: OK, I have written the mathematics goal on the board, "To practice estimation skills." We completed an estimation unit about a week ago. We used a jar of jelly beans to start out the unit... does anyone remember what estimating is in measurement? Corey: It's when you figure how much something weighs or how many things there are, or someone like that. I mean, not exactly how much, but around how much. Ms. Soto: Yes, that's correct. You give an educated guess. We estimated how many jelly beans were in a jar and size of the size of the jelly beans. Now, for our research, we are going to use estimation to help others understand the size of the animal based on things that we already know. For example, let's look at this science textbook. We don't know how much it weighs, but what can you tell about its weight? [No one volunteers to answer the question]. Well, let's see, is the textbook heavier or lighter than this magazine? Several students: Heavier! Ms. Soto: Good! Now what's another question you could ask to help us estimate its weight? Amanda: You could ask if it's heavier or lighter than a student dictionary , and it's lighter. [The conversation continues, and students practice estimating the relative heights and volumes of different objects]. Ms.Soto: So for each of the endangered animals you research, you will be responsible for helping us understand its height and weight in terms of estimation based on things that we already know. For example, an African elephant can weigh more than four tons and stand twelve feet tall. In terms that we can understand, that's the weight of three average-sized cars and the height of a tall man standing on the shoulders of another tall man. Ms. Soto mentions the jelly bean activity primarily to do which of the following?

Connect ideas to prior knowledge

Relative to assessment, what is a definition of statistical reliability?

Consistency in a test's results across repeated administrations

Which of the following defines discriminant validity in assessment?

Constructs expected to be unrelated are tested and are found unrelated.

Ms. Tatum is teaching a mathematics unit that is an essential core of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). According to the suggested district timeline, she has only one more day to finish teaching the unit; however, based on the students' performance, she requires three additional days to teach the unit. Which of the following is the best practice for addressing the students' needs?

Continuing with her lesson plans to ensure that the students have the opportunity to complete the entire unit

Which of the following teacher strategies best promotes ongoing communication to enhance parental involvement in student learning?

Creating an accessible class blog to provide parents with a forum for open discussion.

Which of the following learning processes produces the result of reconstructing or repositioning a belief system or value system?

Creating cognitive dissonance with an existing position

Which of the following approaches would most effectively support kindergarten students social development when they participate in learning center?

Creating opportunities for interaction among students during learning center activities.

Which of the following approaches would most effectively support kindergarten students' social development when they participate in learning centers?

Creating opportunities for interactions among students during learning center activities

In a middle school classroom, which of the following methods for returning graded papers most effectively and appropriately maximizes instructional time?

Distributing graded assignments quietly while students complete seat work.

Mr. Marin, a middle school teacher, wants to establish a productive learning environment for his students. Which of the following should Mr. Marin focus on first?

Developing a feeling of trust between the students and the teacher

Mr.Marin, a middle school teacher, wants to establish a productive learning environment for his students. Which of the following should Mr. Marin Focus on first?

Developing a feeling of trust between the students and the teacher.

How can teachers establish positive, productive learning environments for students whose developmental levels vary within the same classroom?

Do not expect new preschoolers' sharing, but do model, encourage, and reward it.

For the units in her high school physics class, Ms. Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloway's feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students' lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her mentor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below. - Too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. - Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. - Students sometimes misplace or lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. Ms. Galloway's system for noting problems with completed assignments will primarily benefit students by which of the following?

Developing students' sense of personal responsibility for their own achievement

For the units in her high school class, Ms.Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and for Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloway's feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her mentor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below: -too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. -Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. -Students sometimes misplace of lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. Ms. Galloway's system for noting problems with completed assignments will primarily benefit students by which of the following?

Developing students' sense of personal responsibility for their own achievement.

Su-Mei, a high school English-language learner, is at an intermediate level of English-language proficiency. She can communicate and understand a wide range of everyday topics but has difficulty understanding complex content material in class lectures. Which of the following strategies is the most appropriate for her teachers to use to help her comprehend academic content?

Discussing learning objectives at the beginning and end of class

When Claire disrupts the class, the teacher's most appropriate course of action is to

Document Claire's behavior and implement the consequences detailed in her behavioral plan

Claire is a 10-year-old student who is unable to focus on any academic task for more than a couple of minutes at a time. She spends much of her work time tapping her pencil, bothering others, rummaging through her desk, or crawling on the floor. She is currently receiving special education services and has a behavioral intervention plan (BIP). When Claire disrupts the class, the teacher's most appropriate course of action is to

Document Claire's behavior and implement the consequences detailed in her behavioral plan.

Which of these is NOT a pair of low-impact teacher interventions that prevent undesirable student behaviors from escalating?

Embarrassing and punishing students in front of classmates to prevent rebellion

Which of the following steps should a high school teacher take first when introducing procedures at the beginning of the year?

Explaining the details of the procedures

After teaching a unit on the War of 1812, a teacher assesses the students' learning by asking them to summarize the war, first as if they were a United States journalist and then as if they were a British government official. Which of the following teaching strategies does the assignment primarily use?

Exploring multiple perspectives.

After meeting with her mentor teacher, Ms. Galloway devises a folder system for student work. Each student is given a record sheet stapled inside a folder for keeping all lab work together during the semester. The folders are kept in boxes on a table in the back of the classroom, with each class having its own in-box and out-box. When lab notes and reports are ready for Ms. Galloway to review, students place their folders in the in-box. After Ms. Galloway looks through a folder and notes any problems, she places the folder in the out-box. Students pick up their folders as soon as they enter the classroom and place them in the appropriate box at the end of the period. The following is part of a record sheet from one student's folder. Which of the following is a primary purpose of the teacher's comment section on the record sheet?

Facilitating individual communication with students

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. Which of the following best describes Mr. Wylie's role during the interview day?


89. What has been determined through research about family involvement in education?

Family involvement has been found through research to benefit each of these variables.

According to Piaget, which of the following is the last stage of cognitive development?

Formal operational stage

What is an accurate finding about how gender and race differences can influence teacher and student communication?

Gender and race can influence teacher perceptions of behaviors by different students.

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which stage is typical of adolescence?


What is an effective interaction technique related to individual student age differences for teachers to accomplish communication goals?

Give students concepts and vocabulary slightly above their current levels at all ages.

Middle school science students are creating a multimedia presentation about different types of soil. The students are required to include pictures of various types of soil and an explanation of the attributes of each soil type. which of the following best ensures that students can include pictures in the presentation without breaking copyright laws?

Having students use photographs that they took with a digital camera.

Which of these most accurately reflects expert recommendations of effective strategies for resolving classroom conflicts?

Have students track conflicts over time and discuss reactions.

Middle school science students are creating a multimedia presentation about different types of soil. The students are required to include pictures of various types of soil and an experiment of the attribute of each soil type. Which of the following best ensures that students can include pictures in the presentation without breaking copyright laws?

Having students use photographs that they took with a digital camera

Ms. Ellis, a high school biology teacher, is struggling to maintain student engagement throughout her lessons. Although she has begun to use several motivational strategies, the situation has not improved. The most appropriate next step for Ms. Ellis to take is to discuss the issue with the

Head of the science department

86. To communicate high expectations to all students, what should teachers do?

Identify which students they expect less from as early as they can.

Because Matthew is a student who is struggling in mathematics, his teacher schedules a conference with his parents. Which of the following is the best way for the teacher to begin the conference?

Identifying Matthew's strengths in other subjects before addressing his mathematics grades.

A high school student expresses political and religious views during class and often asks career-oriented questions. the student is most likely in which of the following stages of Erikson's stages of psycho social development?

Identity versus role confusion

In Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which stage(s) and nuclear conflict(s) is/are typically encountered during the teenage years?

Identity vs role confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation

Which of the following is a general education teacher's primary responsibility in teaching special education students?

Implementing modifications for students according to their Individualized Education Program (IEP)

To communicate effectively with all students in diverse classrooms, which of these is NOT a recommended teacher technique for transitions between topics?

Implicit transitions requiring student inferences

45. In the development step of direct instruction procedures, what should teachers do?

In addition to explaining material clearly, give sufficient examples of it.

A new elementary school teacher attends a writing workshop that addresses strategies for improving student writing. After the workshop, the teacher can best help students by

Incorporating the strategies into current and future lesson plans.

A third-grade teacher has several English-language learners (ELLs) at varying language proficiency levels in the class. Which of the following best ensures that the ELLs will participate in whole-class discussions?

Increasing with time to allow ELL's to process information before contributing ideas.

Use the conversation between Minh, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the questions that follow. Ms. Stevenson: Minh, I saw you at the football game last Friday. Did you have a good time? Minh: Yes, I am liking American football. I am liking every sports. Ms. Stevenson: You should join a team here at school. Minh: I am studying. Ms. Stevenson: Oh, I see. Well, I hope you'll get some free time soon. Minh: I hoping. During the conversation with Minh, Ms. Stevenson primarily uses which of the following techniques to create a productive classroom envionment?

Interacting with her students on a personal level

Ms. Soto, a fourth-grade teacher, begins a unit about endangered animals with her class. Read the following excerpt from the student assignment sheet. Our Precious Animals Goals: Mathematics: To practice estimation skills by writing estimation statements about the endangered animals Science: To understand factors that contribute to the endangerment of animals Social Studies: To learn about various world cultures and land formations English/Language Arts: To incorporate research into a concise computer-based slide show and to write song lyrics There are hundreds of endangered animals in our country alone and many more around the world. Over the next three weeks, we will be studying such endangered animals. You will be assigned to a group of 3-4 students and to a specific region of the world. Each group will be asked to research ten animals within the group's assigned region that are considered endangered and present the information to the class. Which of the following terms best characterizes the project described?


Use the conversation between Minh, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the questions that follow. Ms. Stevenson: Minh, I saw you at the football game last Friday. Did you have a good time? Minh: Yes, I am liking American football. I am liking every sports. Ms. Stevenson: You should join a team here at school. Minh: I am studying. Ms. Stevenson: Oh, I see. Well, I hope you'll get some free time soon. Minh: I hoping. Minh's speech can best be classified as being at which of the following English-language proficiency levels?


What defines validity in terms of assessment?

Internal consistency reliability

Which type of reliability indicates whether an assessment gets reliable results across its individual items?

Internal consistency reliability

47. Which of the following correctly sequences the steps in a direct instruction procedure?

Introduction/Review; Development; Guided Practice; Closure; Independent Practice; Evaluation

Which teacher behaviors reflect strategies for supporting education through partnering with the families of students?

Inviting parents by building rapport at the beginning of the year

To make a classroom emotionally safe, what can teachers include among rules for both their students and themselves to follow?

It is never okay for any of us to insult any others.

48. What is a characteristic of indirect instruction?

It is teacher facilitated rather than teacher directed.

52. According to research into achievement motivation, what is the role of student self-determination?

It strengthens student motivation for learning and performance.

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Alternate 2 Curriculum Framework documents identify which of the following?

Knowledge, skills, and expectations tested in high school

In his social learning theory, what does Bandura mean by reciprocal determinism?

Learning mutually involves individual, behavior, and environment.

Jim leaves class each day to take medication in the nurse's office. A student asks the teacher why Jim leaves each day. Which of the following is the most appropriate teacher response?

Letting the student know that Jim is fine and will return shortly

Which of these is NOT one of the major personality structures proposed by Sigmund Freud in his psychoanalytic theory of development?


During a face to face conference about a student, which of the following strategies best ensures open communication between the teacher and parents?

Limiting the use of education-specific terminology

During a face-to-face conference about a student, which of the following strategies best ensures open communication between the teacher and parents?

Limiting the use of education-specific terminology

Which of the following is a common symptom of spina bifida?

Lower-body paresis

After meeting with her mentor teacher, Ms. Galloway devises a folder system for student work. Each student is given a record sheet stapled inside a folder for keeping all lab work together during the semester. The folders are kept in boxes on a table in the back of the classroom, with each class having its own in-box and out-box. When lab notes and reports are ready for Ms. Galloway to review, students place their folders in the in-box. After Ms. Galloway looks through a folder and notes any problems, she places the folder in the out-box. Students pick up their folders as soon as they enter the classroom and place them in the appropriate box at the end of the period. The following is part of a record sheet from one student's folder. A primary benefit of the folder system is that it

Maximizes time for students' learning.

which of the following is a realistic role for a mentor teacher in supporting a first yer teacher?

Modeling instructional strategies for the new teacher

The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Kindergarten Mathematics (3) for number, operation, and quantitative reasoning expects students to do which of these involving addition and subtraction?

Model, solve word problems with objects/drawings, and explain strategies

When conducting a class discussion, a high school teacher makes eye contact with individual students and listen intently to their responses. Which of the following classroom management techniques does the teacher's conduct best exemplify?

Modeling desired behaviors

After meeting with her mentor teacher, Ms. Galloway devises a folder system for student work. Each student is given a record sheet stapled inside a folder for keeping all lab work together during the semester. The folders are kept in boxes on a table in the back of the classroom, with each class having its own in-box and out-box. When lab notes and reports are ready for Ms. Galloway to review, students place their folders in the in-box. After Ms. Galloway looks through a folder and notes any problems, she places the folder in the out-box. Students pick up their folders as soon as they enter the classroom and place them in the appropriate box at the end of the period. The following is part of a record sheet from one student's folder. The student folder can best be used as a tool for which of the following?

Monitoring students' understanding of the content

What is true about acceptable use policies (AUPs) that users must agree to before obtaining network IDs and accessing the Internet?

Most public schools today have AUPs.

Use the information below to answer the question that follows. - Offering student choices - Incorporating real-world applications - Designing appropriately challenging tasks A high school teacher can expect implementation of the listed strategies to primarily increase student


Use the information below to answer the question that follows. -offering student choices -Incorporating real-world applications -Designing appropriately challenging tasks A high school teacher can expect implementation of the listed strategies to primarily increase student


Erin is a kindergartner who can skip, jump, dress herself, and trace a square. Which of the following best describes this area of development?

Motor Development

A teacher would like to create a more collaborative environment in the classroom but does not know how to implement strategies to do so. Which of the following would be the best first step in developing more collaboration?

Observing another teacher who effectively implements collaborative activities on a regular basis

Which of the following is a characteristic of K-12 ELL students at the Beginning proficiency level in Listening, according to the Texas ELPS descriptors?

Observing others for cues, but not requesting clarifications

Among the developmental stages Freud identified in his theory of psychosexual development, which ones occur during infancy and early childhood through elementary ages?

Oral, Anal, and Phallic

Use the information below to answer the question that follows. -Allows for purposeful selection of student work -Promotes self-reflection on accomplishments - Provides an emphasis on improvement -Encourages meaningful goal setting

Portfolio assessment

Which of the following classroom management approaches for high school students is based on Skinner's theory of operant conditioning?

Praising students who are on task while correcting students who are off task.

After the groups have compiled their research, students are to choose and present relevant facts. Ms. Soto brings them to the school computer lab to give them time to create their group slide shows. Before having the students begin their assignment, Ms. Soto reviews how to create a slide show with the students. After their group presentations, students are given an assignment that will count as their final assessment for the unit. They are to choose one endangered animal from their group and compose song lyrics to the tune of a nursery rhyme or popular song. The song lyrics should describe the animal. Which of the following will best ensure that Ms. Soto clearly explains the directions for the slide show assignment?

Providing a visual example of a completed assignment

A teacher can best simplify language for an English-language learner with which of the following strategies?

Reducing the number of pronouns used in spoken instructions

If a teacher suspects a student is being abused or neglected, it is the teacher's primary responsibility to

Report the suspected abuse or neglect to law enforcement or family protective services within 48 hours.

Claire is a 10-year old student who is unable to focus on any academic task for more than a couple of minutes at a time. She spend much of her work time tapping her pencil, bothering others, rummaging through her desk, or crawling on the floor. She is currently receiving special education services and has a behavioral intervention plan (BIP) Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teacher to seek support in teaching Claire how to better manage her behaviors?

Requesting that Claire's behaviors be reevaluated by an Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) Committee.

Claire is a 10-year-old student who is unable to focus on any academic task for more than a couple of minutes at a time. She spends much of her work time tapping her pencil, bothering others, rummaging through her desk, or crawling on the floor. She is currently receiving special education services and has a behavioral intervention plan (BIP). Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teacher to seek support in teaching Claire how to better manage her behaviors?

Requesting that Claire's behaviors be reevaluated by an Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee

Emily, a student in Ms. Hess's class has recently been boasting to other students about her connections to a local gang. Emily's friends are intrigued and preoccupied by what she says and does, and they are also showing an interest in the gang. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the teacher to take in the situation?

Requesting that a law enforcement officer educate all of the students on gang activities and possible consequences

While reviewing student data from a recent mathematics exam, a high school teacher notices that a majority of students do not understand a key concept. Which of the following actions should the teacher take first to address the students' deficiency in understanding?

Reteaching the essential concept before covering any new material

For the units in her high school class, Ms.Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and for Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloways feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her entor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below: -too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. -Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. -Students sometimes misplace of lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. To best help Ms.Galloway identify potential solutions for the listed problems, the mentor should suggest that Ms. Galloway

Review research-based educational articles about managing materials.

Middle school students are working in cooperative learning groups on a project. While monitoring the classroom, the teacher notices that some students are not actively working on the project. Which of the following techniques should the teacher implement first to address the issue?

Reviewing assigned roles for the project with members of each group.

middle school students are working in cooperative learning groups on a project. While monitoring the classroom, the teacher notices that some students are not actively working implement first to address the issue?

Reviewing assigned roles for the project with members of each groups

A middle school teacher observes an unusually high number of behavior problems in one class. The students are violating multiple rules during a typical class period despite having watched a presentation on class expectations at the beginning of the school year. Which of the following strategies is the best next step for the teacher to take to help improve the behavior of the class?

Rewarding the class when the students keep violations below a predetermined number

Based on research findings, how does role-playing contribute to effective conflict resolution in the classroom?

Role-playing teaches perspective-taking and empathy.

A high school teacher has students keep a personal dictionary of content- related vocabulary words. The teacher first models for the students and then asks them to come up with personal learning connections for each word, such as graphics, lab notes, and references to enhance understanding. Which of the following skills will the activity most likely help the students develop?

Self-directed learning

Which of the following do experts advise for managing productive learning environments in the classroom?

Sequence tasks on a continuum from easiest to hardest.

According to the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, an educator can reveal Confidential information concerning a student only when the disclosure

Serves a lawful professional purpose.

A high school English-language arts teacher wants to ensure that students successfully complete a content-specific essay. Which of the following actions by the teacher will be best help students understand the teacher's expectations for the assignment's format?

Showing students examples of what to do and what not to do

A high school English-language arts teacher wants to ensure that students successfully complete a content-specific essay. Which of the following actions by the teacher will best help students understand the teacher's expectations for the assignment's format?

Showing students examples of what to do and what not to do.

Which teacher practice is an element of logically structuring classes for effective communication and interaction with classes of individually differing students?

Showing students how connected ideas relate to main themes

Of the following, which represents a Texas ELPS descriptor for ELL K-12 students at the Intermediate proficiency level in Speaking?

Speaking in simple sentences with mostly present tenses

Which of the following categories of cognitive disabilities most consistently includes the characteristic of a marked gap between intellectual ability and school performance?

Specific learning disabilities (SLDs)

51. Which of these represents a caveat concerning independent instruction?

Students must first have developed skills needed to work independently.

A teacher observes young children playing in the classroom to inform the kinds of play activities to offer them. To promote development, which students should the teacher offer opportunities for full cooperative play with others?

Students playing associatively with peers

A teacher finds a cell phone after students have left class. Which of the following is the most ethical way for the teacher to handle the situation?

Taking the phone to the school office as soon as possible

79. What is most true about the relationship of teaching and classroom management?

Teacher management decisions are more complex when instruction is more demanding.

61. What accurately reflects effective teacher verbal communication strategies with all students?

Teachers get attention, show transitions, and enable processing via strategic pauses.

Research studies have identified which teacher behaviors are based on different expectations of students?

Teachers reward less rigorous answers from low-expectancy students.

Among improvements cited by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) in its 2002 revision of the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, which choice most accurately represents one of these?

The revised Code states more specifically what is expected from Texas educators.

93. Which of the following is a right of teachers under the First Amendment?

The right to academic freedom of expression

The Texas ELPS describe ELL students in grades 2-12 at the Beginning level as having which characteristic in Reading or Writing?

Their English reading comprehension is limited to texts at their level.

Of the following, which most correctly represents informal assessments?

These are often performance based.

Which statement is most accurate in describing formal assessments?

They are frequently standardized tests.

How do teachers inform classroom behavior management with understanding of group dynamics, specifically individual students' group roles?

They develop friendly relationships with student leaders, instigators, and consciences.

72. How do teachers help students by making classrooms intellectually safe?

They enable every student to participate.

The Texas ELPS describe K-12 ELL students at the Advanced ELP level for Listening and Speaking as being able to do which of the following?

They mispronounce words, but unfamiliar others usually understand them.

According to the Texas ELPS, which of these correctly describes ELL grades K-12 students at the Advanced-High level in Listening and Speaking?

They rarely ask others to repeat, rephrase, or slow down their English speech.

When teachers giving direct instruction assign guided practice, which procedure should they follow for students who have not mastered the material?

They should offer them further direct instruction and help.

94. The IDEA guarantees due process rights to parents for which of the following?

To advance notice and refusal of all these special education stages

Which psychosocial stages did Erik Erikson say in his developmental theory are all experienced by children from birth through the elementary school years?

Trust vs. Mistrust, autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority

Ms. Yan is using a weekly interactive online journal to encourage her middle school students to write about mathematics and to discuss concepts with each other. Students write entries related to one of the topics Ms. Yan has posted. She hopes that the interactive online journal will encourage ongoing dialogue among her students, both online and during class. After the teacher briefly explains the process of making an entry in an interactive online journal, which of the following teacher actions would best ensure that the students are successful with the Journal?

Using a projector to display and model how to write a journal entry before students begin working

At the beginning of the school year, a sixth-grade language arts teacher gives students a hand-shaped cutout and tells them to write an "I" statement on it focusing on something they like to do in relation to language arts. Students then present their statements to the class and put their cutouts up on a classroom bulletin board. Which of the following teacher's goals is best achieved through activity?

Using students' diverse skills and interests to create a sense of community within the classroom.

To address diversity among students within classrooms, which of these is a recommended teacher practice?

Varying instructional methods for different student learning styles

76. Research finds which of these is true regarding classroom conflicts?

Violent actions share retribution goals.

57. What do research findings show about ELL/LEP student communication in classrooms?

When ELL/LEP students avoid answering questions, it may be because of any one, several, or all these

Grades 2-12 ELL students at the Intermediate Reading and Writing levels, according to the Texas ELPS, can do which of the following?

Write so readers familiar with ELL writing partially understand

While grading students' research projects, a teacher observes that many of the students document unreliable Internet sources. To best ensure students use the most reliable sources, the teacher should provide students with

a list of several school-subscribed Web sites.

For the units in her high school physics class, Ms. Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloway's feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students' lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her mentor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below. - Too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. - Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. - Students sometimes misplace or lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. Ms. Galloway's discussion with her mentor teacher is effective primarily because it involves

a reflective process for Ms. Galloway to use to improve her instruction

For the units in her high school class, Ms.Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and for Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloways feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her entor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below: -too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. -Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. -Students sometimes misplace of lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. Ms. Galloway's discussion with her mentor teacher is effective primarily because it involves

a reflective process for Ms. Galloway to use to improve her instruction.

A fourth-grade teacher reviews whole-number place before introducing decimal place value. It is evident that four students still struggle with the concept of whole-number place value. The teacher's best approach is to

adapt the lesson plans to include small-group instruction for those students who have not mastered the concept.

Ms. Yan is using a weekly interactive online journal to encourage her middle school students to write about mathematics and to discuss concepts with each other. Students write entries related to one of the topics Ms. Yan has posted. She hopes that the interactive online journal will encourage ongoing dialogue among her students, both online and during class. Ms. Yan wants to increase the level of ongoing dialogue and student investment in the interactive online journal. She could best promote positive student engagement by

allowing students to add new topics and questions to which other students respond

Mr. Smigla's students are reading a novel in history class. He provides twenty minutes for sustained silent reading each class period. Near the end of the established time frame, one of the students asks Mr. Smigla a question about a character in the novel. He answers the question, and this sparks a conversation about the novel that involves the whole classroom. The best way for Mr. Smigla to respond to this situation is by

allowing the students to continue the conversation while he monitors the discussion

If a high school student is interested in a subject but the school does not offer any classes in it, what is true about other ways the student can acquire skills in this subject? a. Independently reading books about the subject will not enable

an internship or apprenticeship will provide instruction, modeling, and hands on learning by doing.

. Some students find their successes due to their talent and/or hard work and their failures due to their lack of ability and/or not studying; others find their successes due to good luck or help from others and their failures due to bad luck or interference from others. What is motivation theory's term for this?


Which of these teaching/learning strategies associated with indirect instruction most promotes student visualization, organization, and application of ideas they have learned?

concept mapping

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. The project design primarily demonstrates Mr. Wylie's understanding of the importance of

connecting students' learning to the real world

Piaget described children as "little scientists" interacting and experimenting with the environment to learn about it and actively build their own knowledge. This reflects which type of philosophy and psychology?


What kind of validity indicates how representative a test is of every part or detail of a construct?

content validity

The Statement of Purpose of the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators requires which behaviors of Texas educators?

demonstrating integrity on a personal level

After meeting with her mentor teacher, Ms. Galloway devises a folder system for student work. Each student is given a record sheet stapled inside a folder for keeping all lab work together during the semester. The folders are kept in boxes on a table in the back of the classroom, with each class having its own in-box and out-box. When lab notes and reports are ready for Ms. Galloway to review, students place their folders in the in-box. After Ms. Galloway looks through a folder and notes any problems, she places the folder in the out-box. Students pick up their folders as soon as they enter the classroom and place them in the appropriate box at the end of the period. The following is part of a record sheet from one student's folder. The feedback provided by Ms. Galloway, as shown on the record sheet, is primarily effective because it provides

encouraging support.

In the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators Statement of Purpose, ethical conduct is included toward whom?

ethical conduct toward all these is required

Among legal rights and responsibilities of students, which of these is federal rather than varying by state or district?

free, appropriate public education

After the groups have compiled their research, students are to choose and present relevant facts. Ms. Soto brings them to the school computer lab to give them time to create their group slide shows. Before having the students begin their assignment, Ms. Soto reviews how to create a slide show with the students. After their group presentations, students are given an assignment that will count as their final assessment for the unit. They are to choose one endangered animal from their group and compose song lyrics to the tune of a nursery rhyme or popular song. The song lyrics should describe the animal. To make the final assessment most valid, the teacher should instruct the students to

include facts about the animal in the song.

Ms. Soto, a fourth-grade teacher, begins a unit about endangered animals with her class. Read the following excerpt from the student assignment sheet. Our Precious Animals Goals: Mathematics: To practice estimation skills by writing estimation statements about the endangered animals Science: To understand factors that contribute to the endangerment of animals Social Studies: To learn about various world cultures and land formations English/Language Arts: To incorporate research into a concise computer-based slide show and to write song lyrics There are hundreds of endangered animals in our country alone and many more around the world. Over the next three weeks, we will be studying such endangered animals. You will be assigned to a group of 3-4 students and to a specific region of the world. Each group will be asked to research ten animals within the group's assigned region that are considered endangered and present the information to the class. Ms. Soto allows each student to select two or three animals to research for the group. The purpose of allowing students to choose the animals is to

increase motivation

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. The project develops students' higher-order thinking skills primarily by promoting which of the following?

inquiry learning

An educational researcher gives the same test to two groups of students, then delivers an instructional intervention to one group, and then gives both groups the same test again. The intervention/treatment group scores much higher this time; the control (non-treatment) group scores essentially the same as the first time. The researcher concludes that barring other factors, the intervention was what raised one group's scores. What type of validity does this illustrate?

internal validity

A high school teacher realizes during a direct-teach lesson that many students seem confused and are not participating. To best respond, the teacher should continue the lesson by

making adjustments to the instructional approach.

While teaching a new science unit on weather, a teacher wants to measure the instructional effectiveness of lessons that have been presented against specific science TEKS. the best way to determine the lessons' effectiveness is to

monitor students' learning by asking specific questions and measuring students' performance on assignments.

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. Before arranging for his students to leave the school grounds for the project on Day 5, it is most important for Mr. Wylie to

obtain a consent form signed by parent from each student

Among school personnel, who is most likely to help classroom teachers by informing them about activities for developing fine motor and daily living skills?

occupational therapist

Which type of behaviorist conditioning changes voluntary behaviors through manipulating environmental variables?

operant conditioning

For the units in her high school class, Ms.Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and for Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloway's feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her mentor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below: -too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. -Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. -Students sometimes misplace of lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. The teaching approach Ms. Galloway uses with her students can best be described as developmentally appropriate because it provides

opportunities for reflection

For the units in her high school physics class, Ms. Galloway develops a series of experiments for students to work on independently at their own pace within a specified time frame. After each experiment, students turn in their lab notes and a detailed report, and Ms. Galloway notes any problems for students to review. Students determine how to improve and revise their work according to Ms. Galloway's feedback before they can move on to the next experiment. As the school year progresses, Ms. Galloway is very pleased with the overall improvement in her students' lab skills, scientific thinking, and writing skills. However, she feels overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends reviewing student work and maintaining student records. Ms. Galloway discusses the issue with her mentor teacher who helps her list the specific problems she is having, as shown below. - Too much class time gets wasted collecting and passing out student papers. - Too much time is spent sorting and matching lab notes and reports before they can be read. - Students sometimes misplace or lose part of their earlier sets of notes on a particular experiment, making it difficult to monitor their progress. The teaching approach Ms. Galloway uses with her students can best be described as developmentally appropriate because it provides

opportunities for reflection

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. To best help students accomplish their task on Day 4, Mr. Wylie should provide them with a

performance rubric

Elementary students are presenting to their classmates descriptive paragraphs that they wrote. The teacher asks students to name each new descriptive word they hear and post the new words on a word wall. The primary purpose of the activity is to

promote active engagement.

A class reads a novel about a man who returns to his homeland. The teacher extends the reading by having the students each create a family tree, research their family's homeland, model that country's traditional clothing, and share a food of that country. A primary benefit of including the project in the curriculum is that it

promotes acceptance of and respect for student's diverse backgrounds

A high school teacher observes that English-language learners (ELLs) at the beginning level of language proficiency in speaking do not participate in classroom discussions. The most effective way to help the ELLs is to

provide short sentence stems and terms related to the discussion for the ELL's to practice before participating.

An intermediate-level English-language learner (ELL) in a middle school class is having difficulty with writing. When responding to short-answer questions, the student, the teacher should

provide simple sentences.

Ms. Yan is using a weekly interactive online journal to encourage her middle school students to write about mathematics and to discuss concepts with each other. Students write entries related to one of the topics Ms. Yan has posted. She hopes that the interactive online journal will encourage ongoing dialogue among her students, both online and during class. Ms. Yan is aware that two of her students do not have computers at home, making it difficult for them to complete their weekly interactive online journl assignment. To best address this situation without depriving the two of important learning opportunities, the teacher should

provide them with Internet access during the school day to work on their journal assignment.

Which of the following is a common way for library media specialists to help classroom teachers and students?

providing access to information

44. Which of the following represents effective curriculum design in terms of sequence?

reading before writing

Mr. Chan is preteaching intermediate-level English-language learners key content-area vocabulary for an upcoming unit. He begins by telling them the definitions of the words. To most effectively help them comprehend the meanings, Mr. Chan's best next step is to have students

relate the words to their daily lives.

According to cognitive information processing theory, in which of these do people receive input from the environment?

sensory memory

Mr. Wylie, a seventh-grade Texas history teacher, is planning a unit to help his students understand the structure and functions of government as created by the Texas Constitution. To address the objective, he plans to have pairs of students work together to interview a city official. He gives students the following handout that provides a timeline of activities for student pairs to perform during the project. Straight From the Source: Learning About Our City Government Day 1 Brainstorm a list of ten to fifteen possible questions to ask a city official to help you learn how the Texas Constitution affects decisions that city officials make every day. The questions should elicit a variety of answers. Day 2 Share your list of potential questions in small groups to get feedback. Revise your questions. Day 3 Practice your interview using role-playing with at least two different members of the class (other than your partner). Take turns as the interviewer, asking your questions and taking notes. Day 4 Use your experiences from Day 3 to reflect on the quality and scope of your questions. Refine your list of questions based on your reflection. Day 5 Conduct yourself appropriately during the interview and take good notes. Write a summary of the information you learned from your interview. Day 6 Make a brief oral presentation to the class to share what you learned. PART 2 In preparing for the interviews, Mr. Wylie develops a list of officials who have an office in the city hall building. Then he contacts the officials to determine if they are interested in the project and their availability for interviews. To best help officials understand the expectations for the interviews, it is most important for Mr. Wylie to explain the

students' learning objectives to be achieved for the unit.

A father complained to Ms. Adair, a fifth-grade teacher, about an incident that occured between his son and another fifth-grade teacher, Ms. Riley. The father feels Ms. Riley has treated his son unfairly . To best maintain her professionalism in the situation, Ms. Adair should

suggest a conference between the student, the parent, and Ms. Riley

69. When you post a photo on Facebook, what are you doing?


After the groups have compiled their research, students are to choose and present relevant facts. Ms. Soto brings them to the school computer lab to give them time to create their group slide shows. Before having the students begin their assignment, Ms. Soto reviews how to create a slide show with the students. After their group presentations, students are given an assignment that will count as their final assessment for the unit. They are to choose one endangered animal from their group and compose song lyrics to the tune of a nursery rhyme or popular song. The song lyrics should describe the animal. The best reason for incorporating the slide show portion into the unit is to have students

use productivity tools to communicate to communicate information.

Use the conversation between Minh, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the questions that follow. Ms. Stevenson: Minh, I saw you at the football game last Friday. Did you have a good time? Minh: Yes, I am liking American football. I am liking every sports. Ms. Stevenson: You should join a team here at school. Minh: I am studying. Ms. Stevenson: Oh, I see. Well, I hope you'll get some free time soon. Minh: I hoping. Based on grammatical errors Minh makes in the conversation, he would benefit most from focused English-language instruction on which of the following skills?

using the correct form of present-tense verbs

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