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Combining elements of several sources to help make a point

Who was Abbe Sieyes? What was the Third Estate?

French writer that talked about the Third Estate being more then just poor people but being citizens of France. The Third Estate was the French bourgeoisie and working class (commoners) before the French Revolution Her writing reflects increased economic importance of the urban middle classes.

-reliant on permanent agriculture -organized as a loose confederation of city- states -ruled by a bureaucracy of hereditary nobles a. Aztec b. Inca c. Maya d. Olmec


In the late nineteenth century, the development of the philosophy of Social Darwinism served to justify: a. the political and economic dominance of wealthy industrialists b. the necessity of labor organization for the survival of workers c. the reshaping of the natural landscape to suit the needs of economic growth d. the establishment of state welfare programs and relief organizations


The split among Muslims into Shi'a and Sunni branches in the seventh century stems from a dispute over which of the following issues? a. how the rightful leaders of the Muslim community should be chosen b. which region should host the capital city of the empire c. whether converts to the faith should be sought and welcomed d. how to respond to military threats form the Byzantine Empire


Which of the following federal policies contributed to the growth of suburbs in the United States during the 1950s? a. the construction of interstate highways b. legislation of mass transportation discrimination c. improvement of mass transportation systems d. funding for the creation of parks and public recreation areas


Which of the following policies would most likely be enacted by a country undergoing a transition from a command to a market economy? a. selling state-owned enterprises to elements within the private sector b. erecting protective trade barriers to limit imports and exports c. transferring oversight of five-year plans from the gov't to corporations d. est. a mechanism for implementing counter-cycle fiscal policy


Which of the following resources could a world history teacher best use to supplement this information to help students understand the nature of slavery in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world? a. a plantation owner's account of the daily operations of a Jamaican sugar plantation b. a table providing data on the number of free black inhabitants in Jamaica in 1713 c. a map showing the areas of Jamaica with the largest concentration of slaves d. a chart showing the number of slave imports to Jamaica for 1715-1750


A direct result of the production of an agricultural surplus in early civilizations was the: a. development of systematic, organized religious beliefs b. specialization of labor and increased economic complexity c. destruction of nomadic, non-agricultural societies d. creation of legal codes that reinforced communal land ownership


A high school science teacher could best use which of the following examples to illustrate the influence of physical geography on the historical development of a region? a. the development of the caste system in South Asia b. the spread of Greek culture in the Mediterranean basin c. the diffusion of Islam into Southeast Asia and West Africa d. the expansion of the slave trade into the Atlantic Ocean basin


A high school social science teacher plans to take an interdisciplinary approach to instruction during a unit on the U.S Civil War. The teacher could best use which of the following activities to introduce this approach? a. tracing the writing and popularization of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" b. comparing the development of northern and southern states during the first half of the nineteenth century c. reading and discussing excerpts from transcripts of the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates d. reviewing the coastal geography of the United States and comparing the coastlines of northern and southern states


A significant cause of the early nineteenth-century revolutions against Spanish rule in Latin America was the desire of Creole elites to: a. eradicate the political and social privileges of the Catholic Church b. remove the administrative and economic restrictions imposed by mercantilism c. combat the growing military power of the United States in the region d. create a democratic political system encompassing the mesitzo population


A social science teacher could best use which of the following examples to illustrate the concept of sovereignty? a. a large nation takes control of a smaller nation's territory through military force b. an autonomous region within a nation exercises authority within regional borders c. one nation transfers territory along its border to a second, contiguous nation d. a nation establishes restrictions on its leaders' power by adopting a constitution


A twelfth-grade economics teacher wants to help students develop an understanding of how the public and private sectors interact in a mixed economy like that of the United States. Which of the following activities would best help students understand this? a. students construct a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the laissez-faire and centralized planning models of a national economy. b. students compile a list of private-sector economic activities and brainstorm government activities that could affect each one. c. students graph statistics of annual employment growth in the public and private sectors and analyze patterns and trends. d. students research the relationship of each department of the federal government to the components of gross domestic product.


During a unit on geography, a high school social science teacher could best use a world population cartogram to promote students' understanding of: a. changes that occurred in total world population over a given time period b. the relative size of the population of different countries or world religions c. difference in the population growth rate of each country or world religion d. the nature and scope of world population movements over a given time period


During a unit on political science, a social science teacher sets understanding issues, processes, and procedures relayed to international relations as a learning goal for students. Which of the following extended activities would best support students in achieving this learning goal? a. working in groups to prepare and deliver presentations on the activities of various international organizations b. as a class, planning and conducting an in-class simulation of a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly c. independently researching a current international issue and writing a report explaining the issue and proposing a response d. working in pairs to research disputes considered by the International Court of Justice and conducting debates on the disputes


One of the primary purposes of the Marshall Plan was to: a. advance a framework for cooperation with the Soviet Union in rebuilding Eastern Europe b. revitalize Western Europe in order to create a market for American manufactured goods c. strengthen the hold of Great Britain and France over their colonial possessions in Africa and Asia d. promote free elections and the spread of democratic politics in Eastern Europe


Temperance movement and the establishing of public education can best be understood primarily as responses to which of the following developments? a. the geographic expansion of the nation b. immigration and urbanization c. tensions with southern sectional interests d. the growth of organized labor


The Federal Reserve typically reduces interest rates during a recession in order to est. which of the following incentives? a. encouraging household saving to increase the supply of money b. encouraging borrowing to fuel increased household spending c. encouraging the consumption of domestically produced goods d. encouraging bank lending to increase entrepreneurial activity


The works of the Harlem Renaissance broke with older literary and artistic traditions of African Americans primarily by: a. agitating for direct political action to improve social conditions in both North and South b. reclaiming an affirmative cultural identity and self-determination with African roots. c. including music as a form of expressing the tensions of life in an oppressive society d. involving the mass participation of African Americans across social classes



belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism.

A high school teacher could best illustrate the effect of industrialization on a nonindustrial society in the nineteenth century by providing instruction on: a. the conduct of the slave trade in East Africa b. the spread of electrification in Polynesia c. the decline of cotton textile exports from India d. the displacement of indigenous peoples in Argentina


An important similarity between the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1945-1949 was that both revolutions: a. were responses to the rapid industrialization of their respective societies b. divided large agricultural estates in favor of small peasant holdings c. were influences by the devastating impact of war on their respective countries d. sought to stabilize their societies' economies through foreign investment


Artists and writers associated with the romantic movement reacted to spread of industrialism primarily by: a. participating in utopian communities b. depicting the harsh realities of modern life c. emphasizing emotion responses to nature d. favoring abstraction over literal realism


In addition to the sectional conflict over slavery, a Marxist interpretation of the causes of the U.S Civil War would most likely emphasize which of the following factors? a. the resistance of southern political elites to a centralizing federal gov't b. demographic trends that shifted political power decisively to northern states c. the conflicting economic goals of industrial agrarian capitalists d. intractable cultural difference between northern and southern populations


Scientists consider the Amazon Rainforest critical to Earth's biodiversity and to controlling the atmospheric carbon that is driving climate change. These essential resources has long been threatened by rampant deforestation, typically the result of logging or clearing land for agriculture. Efforts by nations in the region succeeded in reducing rates of deforestation by more than 80 percent between 2004 and 2012. Sadly, policies protecting the rainforest have been undermined by powerful ranching and logging interests. In 2016 alone, deforestation rates increased 29 percent. The author's statement that efforts to protect the Amazon Rainforest were undermined by ranching and logging interests is best characterized as: a. a fact b. an interpretation c. an assertion d. an informed opinion


The Great Awakening contributed to the social and cultural circumstances behind the outbreak of the American Revolution by encouraging ordinary people to: a. turn away from religion and embrace secular thought of the Enlightenment. b. advocate for the separation of religious and spiritual matters form political life c. question authority and participate actively in debate about their religious leaders d. demand political independence from Great Britain


The historical era that witnessed the origins of Confucianism can most accurately be characterized as a period of: a. rapid economic growth and increased social mobility b. nomadic invasion and disruption of Chinese political unity c. frequent warfare and the breakdown of traditional hierarchies d. political expansion and absorption of non-Chinese cultural values


The methodology of ethnography would most likely be critical in exploring which of the following social science topics? a. impact of environmental changes on regional access to resources b. effectiveness of gov't policies in promoting social reform c. the effect of power dynamics in determining values within a group d. the influence of economic factors on the decision of individuals


Which of the following developments has been most significant in the decline in manufacturing employment in the United States and Illinois since 1970? a. increases in global manufacturing capacity b. the growth of worldwide markets for U.S goods c. advances in technology that minimize labor needs d. the expansion of employment in the U.S service sector


Which of the following functions is a primary purpose of the United Nations in the twenty-first century? a. facilitating international cooperation among criminal justice systems b. promoting global trade by negotiating agreements that reduce obstacles c. coordinating international responses to humanitarian crises d. combating global inequality through debt relief and developmental assistance


Which of the following statements most accurately explains why Ming China ceased its voyages of exploration in the Indian Ocean basin during the fifteenth century? a. The Confucian worldview was hostile to foreign ideas and influences. b. Ming emperors feared the expansion of Portuguese power in the region. c. the empire's resources were reallocated to defend China's northern frontier. d. demand for Chinese silks declined in the Middle East and Western Europe.


The formation of identity and the ability to solve abstract problems are changes associated with: a. toddlerhood b. late childhood c. early adolescence d. emerging adulthood

c Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development

A high school history teacher is preparing a lesson on the relationship between cultural developments in the North American colonies and the origins of the American Revolution. Which of the following resources would be most appropriate for this purpose? a. a graph indication changes in diversity of the population of the colonies from 1730 to 1770 b. a map showing the location of universities in the New England and Middle Atlantic colonies c. a table characterizing the most popular books purchased in Boston and Philadelphia c. 1770 d. an excerpt from a sermon delivered at an Anglican Church service in North Caroline during the Stamp Act crisis

c high literacy rate was a crucial factor in the creation of an educated and inquisitive population

A historian analyzing the relationship between patriarchal social orders and gender roles in the history of China from the Han to the Qing Dynasty would most likely utilize which of the following historical groups? a. chronological thinking b.historical context c. patterns of continuity and change d. cause-and-effect relationships

c historical analysis that addresses a specific theme that spans a long period of time and crosses chronological divisions addresses patterns of continuity and change over time

Historical interpretation...

changes over time

idiomatic expressions

common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning that differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest

An important cause of the conquest and annexation of the Philippine Islands by the United States was the desire to: a. develop naval bases to oppose the expansion of Japanese power b. extract natural resources for the development of industry in the pacific c. demonstrate support for the rebellion against French rule in Vietnam d. secure access to Chinese markets for U.S. manufactured goods


A social science teacher frequently presents students with a graph or data display related to the current unit of study and guides them in analyzing the data using relevant terminology. Afterward, the teacher asks students to write a short paragraph that explains their understanding of the concept or finding the data display represents. In their paragraph, they must use at least five discipline-specific terms associated with the unit. In addition to promoting students' ability to interpret data displays, the teacher's practices are likely to support students' content-area reading and concept development primarily by: a.providing them with practice tracing an author's argument, claims, and evidence presented in a social science text. b. helping them recognize the organizational text structures commonly used in social science texts and the vocabulary associated with each structure. c. enhancing their ability to distinguish between various graphic and textual features typically found in social science texts. d. reinforcing their understanding of new vocabulary and ability to use target vocabulary in the social science classroom.


Historical analysis of the experiences of indigenous peoples and African Americans in the United States emerged in the context of which of the following developments? a. the reform and abolitionist movements of the 1840s b. the beginnings of the progressive movement of the 1890s c. the flowering of literary modernism during the 1920s d. the process of decolonization during the 1960s


The Lincoln-Douglas debates during the Illinois campaign for U.S. Senate in 1858 centered primarily on which of the following issues? a. the constitutionality of secession b. the increase of violence against abolitionists c. the legitimacy of the Dred Scott decision d. the expansion of slavery into the Western territories


The critical attitude towards human perfectibility that emerged in twentieth-century philosophies such as existentialism may be best understood as a response to: a. the inability of science to improve human standards of living b. the decline in adequate state funding for scientific research c. the revival of fundamentalist religions critical of scientific rationality d. the destruction wrought by scientific technology in the world wars


The efforts of post-Civil War Reconstruction were most successful in which of the following ways? a. advancing the political rights of African Americans and other minorities b. addressing economic inequality among the classes in the South c. removing Confederate sympathizers from positions of power d. increasing educational opportunities for African Americans in the South


The introduction of Islam into sub-Saharan West Africa by the tenth century CE occurred through which of the following circumstances? a. missionary activity to the interior from coastal trading outposts b. expansion of Somali and Ethiopian pastoral peoples across the Sahel c. military conquest by the Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphates d. diffusion along trans-Saharan gold and salt trading routes


Which of the following developments most contributed to the emergence of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain during the late eighteenth century? a. the implementation of government regulations protecting children and the poor b. the discovery of new coal deposits and refinements in the processing of metallic ores c. the introduction of vaccinations against epidemic diseases and advances in public sanitation d. the consolidation of agricultural lands and the migration of agricultural laborers to urban centers


Which of the following factors best explains why the Western Roman Empire collapsed and broke into regional kingdoms in the fifth century CE, while the Eastern Roman Empire maintained its political and territorial integrity? a. The Eastern Roman Empire was able to convert Germanic peoples to Christianity b. The more centralized Western Roman Empire was weakened by an inefficient bureaucracy c. The Western Roman Empire was divided by religious conflict d. The more urbanized Eastern Roman Empire possessed greater financial resources


Which of the following issues contributed most to international conflict in North Africa and Southwest Asia during the twentieth century? a. the emergence of democracy in competition with traditional monarchies b. the increased occurrence of drought and resulting competition for water sources c. the spread of Christianity as a religious doctrine in competition with Islam d. the presence of petroleum and resulting competition over access to this resource


Which of the following social institutions typically plays a significant role in transmitting elements of culture from one society to another and across generations within societies? a. family groups b. government structures c. economic markets d. religious organizations


Which of the following statements related to the inhabitants of Cahokia in the period from approximately 950 to 1250 CE is best supported by archaeological evidence? a. they developed a highly organized matriarchal society b. they waged wars of conquest with inhabitants of the Ohio Valley c. they created a sophisticated system of record keeping and writing d. they engaged in elaborate networks of trade via river systems


What developments was a direct result of ideas expressed by James K. Polk? a. Kansas-Nebraska Act b. creation of a system of national parks c. prohibition against the expansion of slavery d. annexation of Texas and Oregon

d Polk was elected on a platform favoring expansion and the immediate and controversial annexation of these two states. His vision echoed the the idea of the Manifest Destiny

A social science teacher could best use which of the following examples to illustrate the influence of mass media on public policy? a. a political candidate makes extensive use of social media to reach potential voters b. complaints from parents/guardians lead to the cancellation of a popular television show for teenagers c. televised town hall meetings with the governor of a state earn strong ratings d. a newspaper series on nursing homes is followed by investigations and new regulations

d mass media typically influences the public policy process by influencing the policy agenda

Anticipation Guide

helps pique students' interest in the content of a new social science test and set a purpose for their reading which fosters reading engagement

A researcher studying early modern Europe would be most likely to use parish baptismal and burial records in investigating which of the following research topics?

patterns of change in birthrates and mortality rates burials and baptisms=demographic changes

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