Practice Exam RBT 2

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When using prompts with an advanced learner, the therapist/RBT should_______. -Start with the most intrusive prompts to ensure success -Always try to use the least amount of prompting needed -Systematically decrease prompts when success doesn't immediately occur -Avoid hindering independence by using most-to-least prompting

Always try to use the least amount of prompting needed

Which of the following is not a member of the ABA treatment team? -Behavior Analyst (BCBA)/Supervisor -Parents/Caregivers -Therapist/RBT -Diagnosing Pediatrician

Diagnosing Pediatrician

The ________ is responsible for designing the treatment plan while the _________ is responsible for implementing the treatment plan. -Behavior analyst; Therapist/RBT -Therapist/RBT; Behavior analyst -Parent; Therapist/RBT -Speech Therapist; Behavior analyst

Behavior analyst; Therapist/RBT

Upon wrapping her last session on Friday night, Jane's client asks about her weekend plans. Which best provides an example of maintaining an appropriate level of privacy concerning life outside the professional relationship? -"I'm attending my friend's bachelorette party. It's going to be so awesome. I'm going to need all day Sunday just to recuperate!" -"Nothing much. Hopefully just relaxing." -"It's my sister's wedding this weekend. The groom is a real jerk so I'm actually not too excited." -"My boyfriend is taking me away on a really romantic weekend. I can't wait; it's our first trip together!"

"Nothing much. Hopefully just relaxing."

_________ generally have good communication skills, are learning abstract concepts, and can respond to social cues. -Advanced learners -Early learners -Older adults -Young adults

-Advanced learners

Before starting to work with a client in the school environment it will be important to do which of the following? -The direct staff or aide should have a conversation with the case supervisor regarding strategies to responding to possible threats to confidentiality -The case supervisor and direct staff should have a clear understanding of the client's rights and wishes for disclosing information in the school setting -Meet with the teacher and catch her up to speed about the client so that she understands how hard he has worked and is better able to support him in her class -A and B

A and B

When considering signs of abuse in individuals with disabilities, it is important to also remember that the symptoms of the disorder could possibly ______. -Mimic signs of abuse -Mask signs of abuse -Aggravate signs of abuse -A and B

A and B

Under the first guideline, the reliance of scientific knowledge is discussed. What does this guideline refer to? -Recommendations should be based in research -Be actively involved in conducting research -Avoid using unproven therapies in treatment -A and C

A and C

Which of the following is true regarding aversive stimuli? -Aversive stimuli should never be used -Provoke emotions -Noxious, uncomfortable, painful, or evokes fear when presented -A and C

A and C

Which does NOT describe the families generally affected by abuse and neglect? -Abuse is only an issue within lower socioeconomic families -Abuse can occur within any culture or religion -Abuse affects individuals across all levels of education -None of the above; these are all true statements

Abuse can occur within any culture or religion

Highly effective shadows_______. -Adjust and pay attention to the client all day long -Use strong and overbearing prompts to ensure the client is successful -Jump in and help the client complete the homework assignments to maintain passing scores -All of the above

Adjust and pay attention to the client all day long

Which best describes advanced prompting strategies as discussed within this training? -Ensure client gets the correct response the first time to avoid frustration -Aim to help the client learn to "figure out" the response more independently -Prompts are more direct, often giving the correct answer right away -More frequently used within structured teaching trials

Aim to help the client learn to "figure out" the response more independently

Activity schedules can be designed as posters, books, written lists, shelves and bins, or pictures on a key ring. When determining the format of the activity schedule, it is important to consider which of the following factors? -Whether the schedule needs to be portable or stationary -Whether the teacher or student will arrange the order of the schedule -Whether the activities on the schedule will be stable or variable -All of the above

All of the above

Activity schedules can be used in several ways to teach a variety of skills across many domains. Regardless of the type of activity schedule used or the tasks being taught, it is important to ______. -Always incorporate text with pictures on the schedule -Build flexibility into the activity schedules whenever possible -Avoid using physical prompts to teach steps in the schedule -All of the above

All of the above

Activity schedules can be used to address difficulties a client may have with _________. -Transitioning from one activity to the next -Staying on-task -Making appropriate play choices -All of the above

All of the above

Potential sources of protected health information include... -Conversations -Emails -Paper and electronic reports -All of the above

All of the above

Some common preventative strategies that were discussed are _________. -Functional Communication Training -Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors -wait for the client to de-escalate themselves -all of the above

All of the above

When working in the schools with clients there may be many situations that arise that can compromise confidentiality. Which of the following best describes the possible threats to confidentiality within the school environment? -Teachers- other teachers in the school often have questions and want to know how they can get an aide in their classroom -Parents- the parents of the other students are naturally curious and have questions -Students- the students in the school and classroom will often have questions as to why the aide is in their classroom or with a particular student -All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a common sign of abuse? -Unexplained injuries -Changes in behavior (e.g., scared, withdrawn, depressed, etc.) -Return to earlier behaviors (e.g., thumb sucking, bed wetting, etc.) -All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following statements are true? -All information regarding a client is privileged and cannot be released without written consent -Client confidentiality can be breached in the instance of suspected abuse -Professionals working with individuals with disabilities are legally mandated reporters -All of the above

All of the above

When protecting the client and therapist relationship which best describes the appropriate boundaries to set? -Personal and clinical boundaries -Clinical and emotional boundaries -Spiritual and personal boundaries -Educational and clinical boundaries

Personal and clinical boundaries

The guidelines for responsible conduct were developed by the _______ and are expected to be known and followed by all certificated individuals. -BCBA -BACB -BCaBA -None of the above


When working with an aggressive client the staff should always __________. -be aware of the exits, so that the clinician can get out of a dangerous situation, if need be -place themselves in the corner so that a client cannot aggress on them from behind -wear their lanyards, in case they get knocked out people will know who they are -leave the clients preferred items in the therapy room; even if they could be used as weapons

Be aware of the exits, so that the clinician can get out of a dangerous situation, if need be

All of the following are within the nine ethical principles discussed EXCEPT: -Accord client dignity -Ensure there is a scientific basis for any treatment -Be just / Treat others as you would want to be treated -Do no harm

Be just / Treat others as you would want to be treated

Which of the following are appropriate strategies for maintaining confidentiality when working in the community with clients? -It's best to let those around know up front what the client's diagnosis is so that if a behavioral outburst occurs they won't try to interfere -Pass out cards to everyone around that describe the client diagnosis- this usually helps satisfy their curiosity -Call the location ahead so they can prep the staff to not bother you during the outing -Be prepared for the worst and remain confident that you do not have to reveal the client's private information to any strangers in the community

Be prepared for the worst and remain confident that you do not have to reveal the client's private information to any strangers in the community

The types of prompts used to teach an early learner will ________ when teaching complex skills to an advanced learner. Which best completes the sentence? -Not be needed -Be the same -Be very different -Will always be ineffective

Be very different

It is crucial that therapists/RBTs have effective communication with the behavior analyst/BCBA, parents, and other involved professionals. Which of the following BEST provides an example of information that should be communicated to the behavior analyst/supervisor in a timely manner (i.e., should not wait for next meeting)? -In the colors lesson, the exemplar red is really close to being moved into random rotation with previously mastered colors -Parent mentions that they plan on taking a vacation later in the summer and will need to cancel treatment for a few days -Behaviors have dramatically increased unexpectedly or a new aggressive behavior has surfaced -Parent mentions that the client was sick over the weekend, but is luckily all better now

Behaviors have dramatically increased unexpectedly or a new aggressive behavior has surfaced

An activity schedule can be used to teach a client the ________. -Individual steps of a single task such as washing hands -Sequence of several different activities such as circle time, desk work, and recess -Reinforcers available during each activity during the school day -Both A and B

Both A and B

What should a clinician do if extra help is not effective or available? -Call 911 -Run and hide from the client -Lock the client in a room by him/herself -Call your supervisor to see what you should do

Call 911

Unknown shadows _______. -Step in only when necessary -Provide prompting in phase 1 -Disrupt the classroom to test the student's attention -Cannot be used in the classroom due to school regulations

Cannot be used in the classroom due to school regulations

The belief that a being has an innate right to be valued and receive ethical treatment is best described by which of the following terms discussed in this training? Autonomy Compassion Ethics Client Dignity

Client Dignity

An activity schedule may include icons, photographs, words, and objects. When selecting the type of materials to use, one must consider all of the following characteristics of the learner EXCEPT the client's ability to ________. -Discriminate pictures, icons, or words -Comply vocal with instructions -Comprehend icons or words -Grasp and manipulate small items

Comply vocal with instructions

Which of the following is an example of maintaining boundaries? -Attend client's birthday party during the weekend -Accept invitation to client's upcoming holiday party hosted at local restaurant -Exchange a haircut from client's mom who is a stylist for a Saturday make-up session -Declining an offer to babysit for a client over the weekend

Declining an offer to babysit for a client over the weekend

If a clinician has a locked arm, cupped hand that is placed on the forearm of a client, and fingers and thumbs pressed together are all characteristics of a good ________________. -defensive stance -protective stance -check-in -none of the above

Defensive stance

Sally supports a client at school each morning. One day a teacher approaches her and says she is so impressed with how Sally works with the client and is curious about the work the client does in the home setting. Sally tells the teacher all about the client's home program. What ethical guideline has Sally potentially violated in this situation? -Disclosure of private client information without proper consent -Insufficient ongoing data collection needed to assess progress -Engaging in an exploitative relationship -Engaging in a dual Relationship

Disclosure of private client information without proper consent

Which of the following is an example of engaging in appropriate professional conduct? -Show up to sessions on time -Dress appropriately for all client sessions (e.g., no low cut pants or shirts) -Always return emails and phone messages within 3 business days -All of the above

Dress appropriately for all client sessions (e.g., no low cut pants or shirts)

Any relationship other than a therapeutic one between a practitioner and a client best describes which of the following? -Mandated Relationship -Dual Relationship -Dangerous Relationship -Romantic Relationship

Dual Relationship

Prompts for ________ are more direct and used to teach repertoires of basic information in a DTT format. -Early learners -Advanced learners -Social skills -Independent skills

Early learners

A parent continuously tells a child he is unwanted and otherwise ignores the individual. What form of abuse best describes this parent's actions? -Physical -Neglect -Emotional -Sexual


Injury to the psychological capacity resulting in observable changes in behavior, emotional response, and cognition best describes what form of abuse? -Physical -Neglect -Emotional -Sexual


Monica has been a therapist on a client's case for some time and has established a good rapport with the parents. One day the parents ask Monica if she would babysit on the weekends for them and offer to pay her therapy rate. Monica really likes this client and agrees to babysit. Which best describes the ethical guideline in consideration here? -Not supporting individual rights of the client -Engaging in bartering / exploitative relationship with client -Excessive use of sugary reinforcers with no attempt to fade to more natural or nutritious reinforcers -Neglecting to support client autonomy

Engaging in bartering / exploitative relationship with client

Maggie is a full-time therapist/RBT and also attends graduate school. The routine of working all day and then attending school each night is starting to take its toll on Maggie. She finds herself so tired she is nodding off during therapy sessions with clients. In addition, she finds that she is starting to get frustrated when managing challenging behaviors during therapy sessions. Even though Maggie knows her current situation is compromising the quality of services she is delivering to her clients, she continues with her same routine and schedule without talking to her employer. What possible ethical guideline is Maggie violating? -Engaging in a dual relationship -Failing to seek additional training and support when working outside the scope of training and experience -Engaging in responsible conduct - refrain from providing services when personal circumstances may compromise the quality of services being delivered -Engaging in an exploitative relationship - she is taking advantage of the client by sleeping within treatment sessions

Engaging in responsible conduct - refrain from providing services when personal circumstances may compromise the quality of services being delivered

There are many ways that confidentiality may be compromised. In regards to a company's name, such as Autism Network, what are some potential ways to protect confidentiality? -Avoid leaving voice messages using the full company name -Wear your company's shirt to all sessions so the family can easily identify you -Ensure the company name and logo are listed on all data logs across the home, school, and community -Bring your company's training materials, clearly marked with the company name and logo with you across your work day so that you can be sure to review the documents in any free opportunities that may arise

Ensure the company name and logo are listed on all data logs across the home, school, and community

What BEST describes the ethical consideration that comes into play when soliciting referrals from current clients? -Dual Relationship - It is not appropriate to have a relationship other than a professional one with clients. -Competence- Should not be working outside one's scope of training and experience. -Maintaining Confidentiality- should not be discussing clients with significant others, friends, or family members. -Exploitive Relationship - Should not be putting clients in this position. This is taking advantage of a client who may not wish to provide a referral, but feels that they have to in order to have you continue to provide therapy to their child.

Exploitive Relationship - Should not be putting clients in this position. This is taking advantage of a client who may not wish to provide a referral, but feels that they have to in order to have you continue to provide therapy to their child.

In regards to the phases of school shadowing, students with ASD should ________. -Generally progress through one phase at a time -Use a visual schedule prior to entering school, but not once they are in school -Skip around in the phases, as needed based on the type of day they are having -Be given the same level of demands and expectations of the rest of the class in all phases

Generally progress through one phase at a time

An activity schedule would be most appropriate when teaching which of the following skills? -Getting dressed -Answering social identification questions (e.g. what is your name?) -Vocal imitation of sounds -Task analysis

Getting dressed

A prompt hierarchy____. -is only required for early learners -is chosen by the student -guides the therapist/RBT through the steps for teaching a new skill -Guides the therapist/RBT through the least-to-most intrusive prompt strategies

Guides the therapist/RBT through the least-to-most intrusive prompt strategies

A client's privacy is legally protected by.... -common sense -Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) -Protected Health Information (PHI) -Ethical guidelines

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

You are running late to your client appointment. You call the client to let them know but instead reach the client's voice mail. Which provides the best example of an appropriate message you might leave to ensure client confidentiality? -Hi, this is Jane from Team Autism Treatment. I just wanted to let you know that I will be a few minutes late to my session today -Jane here from Team Autism Treatment. Going to be late -Hi, this is Jane from TAT. I just wanted to let you know I'm running a few minutes late today, but will be there soon -Hi, this is Jane from TAT. I'm running late for Mathew's therapy session today

Hi, this is Jane from TAT. I just wanted to let you know I'm running a few minutes late today, but will be there soon

Risk factors discussed that result in a person being more likely to abuse another person (i.e., perpetrator) include all of the following except _______. -History of abuse -General lack of knowledge on child development -High levels of viewing violent television and movies -Substance abuse

High levels of viewing violent television and movies

When considering professional modes of communication, which of the following would NOT be recommended? [email protected] [email protected] -Work phone number [email protected]

[email protected]

Which best describes appropriate use of photographs with clients? -Molly takes a fun picture of her and client and saves it as the background on her phone. -In a team meeting it is decided that pictures of the client will be taken to be used within one of the client's lessons. In the team meeting the supervisor gets the parents written consent to take photos of the client in his next session. -At last week's autism awareness run a client and her family takes a picture with employees at the ABA agency they receive services from. The agency post pictures from the event on the company website to include the picture of the client. -June has the best session with her client Carmen. She takes a picture to remember the day and post it on Facebook with a comment about how awesome Carmen did in her therapy session today.

In a team meeting it is decided that pictures of the client will be taken to be used within one of the client's lessons. In the team meeting the supervisor gets the parents written consent to take photos of the client in his next session.

Which BEST describes the setting(s) in which therapists/RBTs may be required to provide therapy sessions? -In the school and community -In the home, school and community -In the home and school -In the home only- ABA is a home-based intervention

In the home, school and community

Which is NOT a risk factor that results in individuals with disabilities being at an increased risk for abuse? -Increased stress and burden on caregiver or parent -Individuals with special needs are usually alone and unsupervised -Individuals with special needs have limited safety awareness -Individuals with disabilities may have limited communication skills

Individuals with special needs are usually alone and unsupervised

What is a preventative intervention? -An intervention that would be used to prevent interaction with a client. -Intervening with clients to attempt to de-escalate them before a crisis behavior occurs. -Intervening because a client may hurt themselves or others. -An intervention that occurs when a client is in crisis.

Intervening with clients to attempt to de-escalate them before a crisis behavior occurs.

Matt is wrapping up his last session of the day. Its dark, raining out and prime traffic hour. The client's family insists he just stays over for dinner. That way the traffic will at least slow down by the time he leaves. Matt knows if he stays it will like save him an hour off the commute home so he accepts the offer. This is an example of what kind of dual relationship? -Romantic -Social -Financial -Clinical


Sally recently became "friends" on Facebook with her client's mom. They have been exchanging pictures and sending messages back and forth. This is an example of what kind of dual relationship? -Romantic -Social -Financial -Clinical


The long term goal is for the client to _____in the classroom. -Learn -Be -Help -Avoid participation


Julie currently works with two clients whose parents know each other and speak often. One day one of the parents begins to ask Julie several questions about the other client's progress. Julie knows the families are good friends so she updates the parent on the other child's program and the current challenges he is experiencing. What ethical guideline is Julie neglecting in this situation? -Maintaining confidentiality -Avoiding harmful reinforcers -Avoiding false, deceptive, or misleading statements -Maintaining client records

Maintaining confidentiality

Individuals that come into contact with children, individuals with disabilities, or senior citizens within the course of their work are considered _______. -Extremely patient and caring -Teachers and are required to report when abuse is confirmed -Trained professionals that can always be trusted -Mandated Reporters and must report any suspected abuse

Mandated Reporters and must report any suspected abuse

Failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter and medical care to a dependent individual would best be described as which form of abuse? -Physical -Neglect -Emotional -Sexual


Which of the following scenarios appropriately protect client confidentiality? -After work a few employees meet up for dinner at a local restaurant. They all enjoy unwinding from the day and sharing stories from the events of their day working with their clients. -Megan attended an autism fundraiser event and received a free bumper sticker that says, "I'm proud to work with individuals with autism!" To show her support she puts the bumper sticker on her car. -James is really eager to learn more about autism. He got some great new books and has been bringing with him each day so he can read during any down time. He usually leaves the books on the passenger front seat in his car or brings them in to the session if he knows there will be an opportunity. -None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following best describes a true statement regarding client confidentiality in the school setting? -Client information can be generally discussed with most teachers, but not other students -If parents of the peers ask any questions it is important to answer them as thoroughly as possible to avoid any conflicts in the school placement -Nothing about the client can be discussed with anyone without prior written consent from the parents -Client information can only be discussed freely with the classroom teacher and everyone else requires parent written consent

Nothing about the client can be discussed with anyone without prior written consent from the parents

Shadowing phase _______ requires 20% independence whereas shadowing phase _______ requires 75% independence. -Four; three -Three; Four -One; Two -One; three

One; three

Therapists/RBTs are responsible for collecting various types of data within ABA treatment sessions. Which of the following is NOT a type of data discussed within this training? -Skill acquisition -Behavior management -Session notes -Preference assessment

Preference assessment

When providing direct therapy sessions with clients, which of the following is NOT a therapist/RBT responsibility? -Preparation & Clean Up -Skill Acquisition Tasks -Program design and updates -Behavior Management

Program design and updates

The school shadow is meant to ________. -Assist the teacher and act as a teacher aide, taking notes on their assigned student's behavior -Prompt their assigned student when necessary, facilitate educational and social opportunities -Follow their assigned student and model everything they do to show them how they are acting -Observe their assigned student, but stay out of the way and avoid interaction so as not to disrupt the classroom

Prompt their assigned student when necessary, facilitate educational and social opportunities

A client continuously has trouble finding his homework folder in his messy backpack. The therapist/RBT asks, "Why can't you find your book?" and helps the client reenact finding his homework folder. Which best describes this type of prompt as discussed within this training? -Faded -Leading Question -Experiential -Real life

Real Life

Therapists/RBTs may be asked to assist with Parent Training. Which of the following best describes a Parent Training session? -Parents are asked to watch a video on their own time -Skills are modeled by the therapist and then parents are given hands on support as they learn to implement the new procedures with their child -Parents are observed interacting with their child and then given a list of things they need to improve on before the next training meeting -Parents are asked to list areas they would like additional information and support. The therapist then provides a list of books and research articles the parent can read on their own time to gain further information on the identified areas.

Skills are modeled by the therapist and then parents are given hands on support as they learn to implement the new procedures with their child

As discussed in this training, the _______ is responsible for designing the token economy; the _______ may be asked to assist with creating the materials. -Parents; Supervisor/BCBA -Therapist/RBT; Parents -Supervisor/BCBA; Therapist/RBT -Therapist/RBT; Supervisor/BCBA

Supervisor/BCBA; Therapist/RBT

When is the only time confidentiality can be breached without prior written consent? -When it is really important -When a verbal consent is giving instead -Suspected abuse -It is never okay to breach confidentiality without prior written consent

Suspected abuse

Once a client has become proficient at following an activity schedule and has learned the specified routine/task, it may be appropriate to fade the schedule so the client can complete the task(s) independently. Which of the following are strategies for fading an activity schedule? -Systematically removing steps from the schedule, starting with the last step and moving forward until the schedule is finally removed -Allowing the client to review the schedule before starting and then having the client complete the task independently without the schedule -Transferring the schedule to socially common materials such as a to-do list or day planner -All of the above

Systematically removing steps from the schedule, starting with the last step and moving forward until the schedule is finally removed

Dressing for a session is extremely important if the client has the potential to be aggressive. What should a clinician not wear? -Jeans -Sneakers -Tank top/sleeveless shirt -Hat

Tank top/sleeveless shirt

In general, the ________ are responsible for determining what information the client can and cannot handle. -Teacher and Parent -Teacher and Supervisor/BCBA -Parent and School Shadow -School Shadow and Teacher

Teacher and Supervisor/BCBA

An example of Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible behaviors would be __________. -telling a client to sing a song instead of hitting a clinician -telling a client to clap their hands instead of kicking a child -telling the client to snap their fingers instead of pinching the clinician -telling the client to breathe deep instead of scratching a clinician

Telling the client to snap their fingers instead of pinching the clinician

The federal definition of abuse and neglect is _______. -The act or failure to act that results in death, serious harm, or imminent risk of serious harm -Serious harm by a parent resulting in death of a minor -Causing harm to anyone under caregiver supervision -None of the above

The act or failure to act that results in death, serious harm, or imminent risk of serious harm

The sequence of the activities on the activity schedule must be arranged in advance before the client uses the schedule to complete the task(s). Which of the following statements best describes a true statement about how activities are arranged on the schedule? -From the beginning, the client should always be taught to arrange the schedule independently -The final step or activity in the schedule should lead to reinforcement -The most preferred activities should always be first on the schedule leaving all of the least preferred activities for the end -All of the above

The final step or activity in the schedule should lead to reinforcement

As a therapist/RBT working as a school shadow, all of the following are true EXCEPT _______. -Never make recommendations regarding other students in the class -Shadows should not implement a behavior intervention not designed and supported by the program supervisor/BCBA -It's important to abide by the school rules and policies at all times -The shadow should always dress differently than the school staff to help distinguish the roles and help the shadow stand out to staff better

The shadow should always dress differently than the school staff to help distinguish the roles and help the shadow stand out to staff better

Session notes objectively describe what occurred within the treatment session. All of the following are possible variables that may be documented within the session notes EXCEPT ________. -Therapist's opinion as to how the session went that day -Any medication or similar variables that affected the client's performance within session -Client illness surfaces within session -Environmental variables that affected treatment session

Therapist's opinion as to how the session went that day

Becca is learning how to brush her teeth independently and her therapist/RBT has created an activity schedule to help teach her the steps involved. The therapist/RBT helps Becca use the schedule to perform each step in the behavioral chain, providing prompts when necessary and allowing her to complete the known steps independently. Which teaching technique is the teacher using in this example? -Total task presentation -Forward chaining -Backward chaining -Task analysis

Total task presentation

When providing ABA treatment, the therapists/RBTs work under the direct supervision of _______. -Parents -Funding Source- Whoever is funding the treatment provides the supervision -Trained and qualified behavior analyst (BCBA) / supervisor -Speech and Language Pathologist- a larger part of treatment focuses on language development

Trained and qualified behavior analyst (BCBA) / supervisor

One difference between a shadow and an aide is that _________. -There is no difference, the titles are interchangeable -One has an advanced degree, the other does not -Typically, the aide is an assistant to the entire class, while the shadow is an assistant to the assigned student only -The aide is hired by the parents, the shadow is hired by the community

Typically, the aide is an assistant to the entire class, while the shadow is an assistant to the assigned student only

One way a ________ can be used is to provide the client with some sort of template or graphic organizer as a prompting method. -Token system -Visual model prompt -Experimental prompt -Gesture

Visual model prompt

Therapists/RBTs should have regular opportunities to receive feedback from the supervisor/BCBA. Which best describes how the therapist/RBT should respond? -Let the supervisor/BCBA know that the feedback was not an accurate reflection of the therapist's skill set -Disregard the supervisor's/BCBA's feedback since they really only see a snapshot; they are not with the therapist on a daily basis and can't possibly give accurate feedback -Welcome both positive and constructive feedback and attempt to apply the feedback for continued clinical development and growth -Welcome the feedback in that moment, but do not attempt to then apply the feedback beyond that immediate session.

Welcome both positive and constructive feedback and attempt to apply the feedback for continued clinical development and growth

Manny is assigned to a new client. In his first therapy session with the client he realizes he is completely unfamiliar with the lessons the new client is working on. Even though he has not had any training or experience on these advanced lessons, he figures it's no big deal and attempts to run all the lessons anyway. Manny doesn't say anything to the program supervisor/BCBA following this first session and continues to implement the lessons the best he can without further training. Which best describes the ethical guideline that comes into play with Manny's situation? -Conflicts with maintaining confidentiality -Neglecting to avoiding harmful reinforcers -Working outside the scope of competence -Not adhering to job commitments

Working outside the scope of competence

When working with a client that has the history of biting, it is important to __________. -work very close to them so that you can see when they are going to bite you -work in their midline so they can see what you are doing -know where the client's mouth is at all times -none of the above

know where the client's mouth is at all times

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