Practice questions #5

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Which of the following is an example of a positive correlation? "The amount of weight gained by pregnant women during the first trimester has been found to decrease as the number of episodes of nausea and vomiting increase." "The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus increases as central adiposity increases." "Consuming calories in excess of those needed results in generalized adiposity." "Blood pressure readings in certain populations decrease as messaging about impact of dietary sodium increases."

"The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus increases as central adiposity increases." In other words, two or more variables change in the same direction (increase or decrease) simultaneously.

Dietetics students finishing supervised practice should be able to..

utilize an electronic health record and food and nutrition management systems and print educational materials for clients.

Freezing foods at _____ is the least damaging to the food's original flavor, nutrient content, and texture compared to most other preservation methods. ≤10°F ≤32°F ≤0°F ≤20°F

<or = 0 degrees farenheit. The optimum temperature for freezing foods is 0°F or slightly colder. At temperatures above 0°F, food quality is quickly lost, and flavor and texture are compromised.

What is the minimum safe water temperature for intermittently storing in-use utensils during food preparation? 80ºF 95ºF 120ºF 135ºF

135 degrees farenheit. During meal preparation, intermittently storing in-use utensils in hot water that is at least 135ºF may be safe because microbial growth is controlled at these temperature.

To lower LDL cholesterol, the Academy's Evidence Analysis Library recommends which level of daily plant sterol consumption? 1-2 g/day 2-3 g/day 4-5 g/day 6-7 g/day

2-3g/day. EAL (2008) recommends 2 g to 3 g plant sterol daily to reduce total cholesterol by 4% to 11% and LDL concentration by 7% to 15%.

A food provides 28 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fat. What percent of this food's calories comes from fat?

30%. (1) 28 g carbohydrate x 4 kcal/g =112 kcal from carbohydrate (2) 8 g protein x 4 kcal/g =32 kcal from protein (3) 7 g fat x 9 cal/g = 63 kcal from fat (4) Total calories = 207 total kcal (5) 63 kcal from fat ÷ 207 total kcal =0.30, or 30% of the energy from fat

Dry food should be stored between: 40°F to 60°F. 32°F to 52°F. 50°F to 70°F. 65°F to 85°F.

50-70 degrees. Storage temperatures over 70°F may shorten the shelf life and temperatures less than 50°F are not needed since the dry foods are not potentially hazardous.

Which is an example of chemical contamination? Acidic action of foods with metal-lined containers Metal curls from a worn-out can opener that fell into the food when the can is being opened Development of an off-flavor due to uncontrolled enzyme reaction Anisakis contamination from fish

Acidic action of foods with metal-lined containers. Chemical contamination occurs in preserved foods, especially high-acid canned foods like fruit juice, sauerkraut, tomatoes, and lemonade, that are stored in metal-lined containers. Chemical contamination is usually the result of interaction between the contents and an imperfect container. There may be gas produced or discoloration of the tin and can result in metal poisonings.

Which of these individuals is most likely to present with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? A premature infant An alcoholic man A postmenopausal woman A disabled child

An alcoholic man. The abuse of alcohol often leads to a severe form of thiamin deficiency known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Which food is most likely to deteriorate due to hydrolytic rancidity during storage at room temperature? Fish oil Soybean oil Olive oil Butter

Butter. Hydrolytic rancidity occurs when water splits fatty acid chains away from the glycerol backbone in triglycerides (fats). The chemical term is ester hydrolysis. Usually this hydrolysis process goes unnoticed, since most fatty acids are odorless and tasteless. However, when the triglyceride is derived from short-chain fatty acids, the released carboxylic acid can confer strong flavors and odors. A particular problem arises with butter, which contains triglycerides with a high content of butyric acid derivatives and acetic acids.

Which quick-freezing process incorporates very low temperatures with liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide? Air blast freezing Cryogenic freezing Plate or contact freezing Immersion freezing

Cryogenic freezing. Cryogenic freezing requires very low temperatures. Typically, cryogenic freezing relies on the use of liquefied gases such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide. These gases can only exist in a liquid state at extremely cold temperatures, which means that once the gas is in liquid form, it can be used to generate freezing temperatures.

The observed result or outcome of interest in a research project is the

Dependent vairable.

What type of food are Haugh units related to?

Eggs. Haugh units measure the albumen in eggs. To measure Haugh units, after weighing the egg, it is cracked open and the albumen height measured using a micrometer. The higher the number, the better the quality of eggs.

The practices and attitudes that influence an individual's food choices are known as

Food Habits. Food habits are the practices and associated attitudes that predetermine what and when a person will eat. Food preferences are the foods a person likes to eat and food satisfaction measures the level of eating enjoyment of an individual.

Which kind of damage results from dehydration of a frozen breaded chicken patty due to extreme cold? Caking Contamination due to excessive additives Crystallization Freezer burn

Freezer burn. Freezer burn is a condition that occurs when frozen food has been damaged by dehydration and oxidation, due to air reaching the food. It is generally induced by substandard (non-airtight) packaging.

Which of the following amino acids is classified as a nonessential amino acid? Valine Lysine Glycine Threonine

Glycine. Essential amino acids are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Which of the following foods has the best outcome after thawing? Fried chicken Green pepper Lettuce Milk-based gravy

Green Pepper. Green pepper would have the best result. Upon thawing, fried chicken becomes soggy and loses crispness; lettuce becomes limp, water-logged, and quickly develops an oxidized color, aroma, and flavor; and milk-based gravy is prone to curdling and separation.

When diagnosing malnutrition in older adults, what is the measurement for determining diminished functional status? Continence Ambulation Ability to self-feed Handgrip strength

Handgrip strength. There are six characteristics recommended for identifying malnutrition in older adults: Insufficient energy intake Weight loss Loss of muscle mass Loss of subcutaneous fat Localized or generalized fluid accumulation Diminished functional status as measured by handgrip strength Because there is no single, definitive parameter for diagnosing adult malnutrition, it is recommended that diagnosis be contingent on presence of at least two of these parameters.

Oxidative rancidity occurs in foods that have a

High unsaturated fatty acid content. In oxidative rancidity, the double bonds of an unsaturated fatty acid can undergo cleavage, releasing volatile aldehydes and ketones. This process can be suppressed by the exclusion of oxygen or by the addition of antioxidants. Oxidation primarily occurs with unsaturated fats.

Choose the statement that best describes the function of copper. Copper is involved in taste perception. The highest level of copper from food sources is found in apples It is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. It enhances insulin activity.

It is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. Copper helps the body make hemoglobin; serves as a part of many body enzymes; helps the body develop connective tissue, myelin, and melanin; and helps the body produce energy in the cells. Organ meat and shellfish are among the food sources with the highest level of copper

What is the term for a care delivery model in which multidisciplinary treatment is coordinated through a primary care physician to ensure the patient receives necessary care in a timely, individualized manner?

Patient-centered medical home

What name is given to the chronological sequence of activities to carry out organizational behavior? Policy Procedure Method Rule

Procedure. A procedure shows chronological sequence of activities. A policy is a general guide to organizational behavior developed by top-level management. A method is even more detailed than a procedure and is related to only one step of a procedure. Rules specify action by stating what must or must not be done.

The Standards of Professional Performance for dietetics practitioners includes which of the following? Professional accountability Nutritional intervention Nutrition monitoring and evaluation Nutrition diagnosis

Professional accountability. The Standards of Professional Performance refer to actions and accountability of the dietetic practitioner. The SOPP are not a part of the Nutrition Care Process; rather, they are focused on the behavior and competence of the practitioner. Nutrition diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation, and nutrition intervention refer to steps in the Nutrition Care Process.

The nutritionist employed by the local county wants her nutrition objectives for the next 5-7 years to reflect the goals of Healthy People 2020. Which of her goals listed below most closely reflects the goals of Healthy People 2020? Reduce among residents the severity of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Promote, across every stage of life, healthy behaviors that positively affect the nutritional status of residents. Improve the nutrition of residents by eliminating disparities in treatment plans. Eliminate social and physical environments that threaten the nutrition of residents.

Promote, across every stage of life, healthy behaviors that positively affect the nutritional status of residents. (Options A and D incorporate only one determinant and option C isn't inclusive enough.)

Which of the following foods is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids? Olive oil Shrimp Avocado Sardines


Which fat would be most susceptible to flavor reversion due to oxidative rancidity? Butter fat Coconut oil Soybean oil Olive oil

Soybean oil. Oxidative rancidity is associated with the degradation by oxygen in the air. Oxidation primarily occurs with unsaturated fats. The more saturated fat contained in an oil, the less susceptible it is to rancidity. The greater the amount of unsaturated fat in an oil, the more likely it is to become rancid. Since the healthiest plant oils are all highly unsaturated, they are especially susceptible to rancidity. However, extra virgin olive oil is a little less susceptible to rancidity because a larger amount of its unsaturated fat is monounsaturated. Extra virgin olive is about 75% monounsaturated, which is somewhat unusual for a plant oil. Plant oils usually have more polyunsaturated fat than monounsaturated fat, which is one reason they are particularly susceptible to rancidity. Thus, soybean oil would be more susceptible than olive oil.

Which of the following is an example of a climacteric fruit? Grapefruit Pomegranate Pineapple Tomato

Tomato. Climacteric fruit continue to ripen post-harvest. Examples of climacteric fruit include tomatoes, pears, peaches, bananas, apricots, and apples. Whether a fruit is classified as climacteric or non-climacteric depends on respiration rate after maturation. Non-climacteric fruit does not have an accelerated rate post-harvest (as climacteric fruit does) and will not ripen once harvested; examples include melons, cherries, citrus fruits, pomegranates, and grapes

Taking folate supplements that exceed recommendations might mask deficiency of which of the following nutrients? Magnesium Vitamin D Vitamin B12 Calcium

Vitamin B12. Large doses of folate supplements might mask a vitamin B12 deficiency because they can correct the anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency without addressing the neurological damage that this deficiency causes. Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in permanent damage to the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

A patient presents with lesions on his gums and pinpoint hemorrhages on his skin. What vitamin is this patient most likely deficient in? Thiamin Magnesium Vitamin C Selenium

Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps keep your gums healthy, heal any cuts and wounds, and protect from bruising. Thiamin may contribute to maintaining mental function and help regulate metabolism. Magnesium signals muscles to relax and contract, may help maintain immune response, and promotes normal blood pressure. Selenium aids cell growth and boosts immune function.

Which of the following measures of obesity correlate best with obesity-associated disease risk? BMI Skinfold thickness Abdominal body shape index Waist circumference

Waist circumference. Waist circumference is the best correlate to obesity-associated disease risk.Skinfold thickness accuracy can vary greatly. BMI accuracy decreases with muscle wasting and increases based on muscularity, age, sex, and ethnicity. There is no abdominal body shape index that has been validated.

At what levels do leptin and ghrelin promote excess food intake?

low leptin, high grhelin.

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