Praxis 5025- Test 2

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distributive property of multiplication

( 3 × 60 ) + ( 3 × 9 ) is same as 3 x 69

A blank multiplication table is shown. If the table is completed, which of the following patterns will be shared by each of the numbers along the main diagonal from upper left to lower right in the table? A.The numbers are each perfect squares. B.The numbers are all even. C.The numbers are all odd.

(A) is correct. The numbers along the diagonal are all perfect squares, found by multiplying a number between 1 and 10 by itself.

During a reading lesson, a third-grade teacher writes the lines of a poem on separate strips of paper. The teacher then holds up the strips one at a time and has students read the phrases aloud together. Which of the following is most likely the goal of the activity? A.Fostering students' understanding of the structure of poems B.Reinforcing students' use of proper phrasing to promote fluency C.Helping students identify rhyme schemes accurately D.Improving students' spelling and sight word vocabulary

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Reading fluently requires a reader to read phrases together instead of word by word. Fluent readers group words into phrases, as opposed to word by word. By holding up groups of words together in a poem, it helps the students to see them as a whole.

The passage above contains which of the following grammatical errors? A.Split infinitive B.Lack of parallel structure C.Misplaced modifier D.Sentence fragment

Option (A) is correct. A split infinitive occurs when a word, usually an adverb, is placed between the two parts of an infinitive. In the example above, the adverb "quickly" separates the two parts of the infinitive "to finish." The sentence should read "to finish the quiz quickly."

A first-grade student has a specific learning disability in writing. Which of the following testing accommodations is most appropriate to be included in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to meet the needs of the student? A.Allowing the student to dictate answers requiring written responses to a scribe B.Providing the student with an alternate assignment without any written responses C.Having the student answer fewer questions that require written responses D.Having the student complete all written work in a quiet space to avoid distractions

Option (A) is correct. Allowing a student to dictate responses to a written assignment to a scribe is an example of an accommodation that can appropriately be made for a student with an IEP in writing. In this instance, the expectations for what the student should learn have not changed; therefore, the teacher action represents an accommodation, not a modification.

In order to develop phonemic awareness, students with special needs must first A.understand the utility and function of oral and written language B.have a formal diagnosis of a developmental delay C.receive explicit instruction in oral and written language D.receive individualized instruction in a general education setting

Option (A) is correct. Before students with disabilities can begin to develop phonemic awareness, they need to understand the functions and uses of literacy. A literacy-rich environment stimulates students with disabilities to participate in language and literacy activities in their daily lives and gives them the beginning understandings of the utility and function of oral and written language.

Which of the following activities best helps third-grade students understand the concept of civic participation in the community? A.Meeting with local representatives to discuss community issues B.Making a list of organizations that are located within their community C.Researching the political platforms of local representatives within the community D.Reading about the structure of their local government

Option (A) is correct. Civic participation refers to the way community members engage in the life of their community. Meeting with local representatives to discuss community issues provides an opportunity for the students to interact with community leaders and contribute to the development of their community.

Which of the following is the best reason for a teacher to incorporate creative drama and dance activities into daily lessons? A.To provide opportunities for students to practice empathy and expression B.To showcase the talent and skills of individual students C.To allow for energy dissipation in the classroom through movement D.To ensure affective development over cognitive development

Option (A) is correct. Creative drama and dance activities are understood by teachers to help students better understand other people's responses, emotions, and actions.

A prekindergarten teacher sends home with students reading adventure bags filled with theme-based fiction and nonfiction picture books as well as interactive activities. The students are encouraged to read and discuss one book daily with a family member and record their activities in a reading log. The strategy best promotes A.oral language development B.phonemic awareness C.phonological awareness D.word recognition

Option (A) is correct. Daily reading and discussion of books with a family member encourages interaction and provides students with opportunities for oral language development through interactive activities.

are me said like they The words in the list shown are best described as A.high frequency B.decodable C.phonetically regular D.rhyming

Option (A) is correct. High-frequency words, or sight words, are commonly used words that frequently occur in the written material that emergent readers typically read and which often do not follow commonly taught phonics rules.

Which of the following words is an example of a homonym? A.Fair B.Vroom C.Elaborate D.Demoralize

Option (A) is correct. Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. Fair can mean just or light in complexion.

Which of the following movement activities best introduces a child to the concept of force? A.Pretending to move like a butterfly and then like a bear B.Mirroring the teacher's movements C.Singing and acting out "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" D.Moving the body in ways that simulate roundness and then flatness

Option (A) is correct. Moving like a butterfly requires much less force than moving like a bear. This activity is an appropriate introduction to the concept of force.

Which of the following strategies is most effective in developing preschool children's understanding of print concepts? A.Giving children opportunities to retell or act out stories B.Placing children's names on their desks and other appropriate places C.Creating a class library with books from different genres for the children D.Providing opportunities for children to respond to open-ended questions

Option (B) is correct. Print awareness is an understanding that print carries meaning. Using labels and name cards will help children understand that written words have meaning.

Which of the following teacher actions is most helpful in promoting self-regulation in a kindergarten classroom? A.Providing students opportunities for make-believe playtime in which they set and negotiate rules with their peers B.Explaining to students the need to be respectful of their classmates and thereby create a positive classroom environment C.Correcting students who misbehave and using each situation to remind students how to behave appropriately D.Referring students to the posted classroom rules when they have difficulty waiting their turn or sharing with their peers

Option (A) is correct. Playtime activities provide students with the opportunity to practice real-life situations while interacting with their peers. During imaginative play, students are involved in roles that require them to develop self-regulation by mastering their thinking, emotions, and behavior.

A third-grade teacher provides students with an article titled "Working at the Hospital." The first paragraph is below. There are many jobs at the hospital. Some people work as nurses. Some people work as doctors. You probably know about those jobs. There are many other jobs at the hospital. If you are a patient in a hospital, you will meet different workers. It might start with the ambulance driver. That worker helps people get to the hospital quickly. Based on the information provided in the introductory paragraph, students can infer that the primary focus of the article will be about A.the responsibilities of different individuals who work at a hospital B.which workers have the most important roles at the hospital C.why a hospital is an important place in the community to be a good patient when you are at the hospital

Option (A) is correct. The first sentence notes that there are different jobs at the hospital, and the last two sentences focus on the specific responsibility of a designated hospital worker.

Which of the following teaching strategies most effectively supports emergent writers in a preschool classroom? A.Providing students with functional writing opportunities connected to class activities B.Teaching students how to use guided visualization to create mental pictures when writing C.Using model texts to teach students how to identify text structures prior to writing D.Assigning students a prewriting activity of identifying the audience and purpose for writing

Option (A) is correct. The most developmentally appropriate teaching strategy listed is supporting emergent writing through functional writing opportunities that are connected to class activities.

Which of the following best identifies the purpose of the explanatory genre of writing? A.Giving information about a topic or describing something accurately B.Describing an account of an imaginary event or experience C.Presenting a claim and providing a convincing set of reasons to support the claim D.Retelling the story of an important moment and clarifying its significance to the author

Option (A) is correct. The purpose of explanatory writing is to describe or explain a topic using facts and details.

Which of the following forms of energy is stored in a battery? A.Kinetic B.Chemical C.Heat D.Nuclear

Option (B) is correct. A battery is a device that stores chemical energy that is transformed into electrical energy when a chemical reaction takes place.

An unhealthy emotional state can have a direct impact on physical health by A.increasing the number of carcinogens present within the body B.upsetting the body's hormone balance and weakening the immune system C.making it impossible to engage in regular cardiovascular exercise D.decreasing the amount of calories and nutrients the body can absorb

Option (B) is correct. An unhealthy emotional state can upset the body's hormone balance and deplete the brain chemicals required for feelings of happiness, as well as have a damaging impact on the immune system.

Which of the following best describes a play director's coordination of actors' onstage movements? A.Establishing set boundaries B.Blocking a scene C.Arranging permissions D.Analyzing an action

Option (B) is correct. Blocking defines the coordination of actors' movements onstage.

A family of multiple generations living together so members can help support each other is an example of cultural A.diversity B.interdependence C.independence D.perspective

Option (B) is correct. Cultural interdependence describes a situation in which members value being together, helping each other, and growing together as a family or cultural unit.

An elementary teacher can most effectively introduce students to the concept of civic participation by A.providing clearly defined classroom rules B.having students help create classroom rules C.helping students settle disputes calmly D.creating an assigned seating chart

Option (B) is correct. Having students help create classroom rules allows them to be part of the civic process and introduces them to the concepts of justice, equality, rule of law, and citizenship.

Carly cuts carrots carefully. The statement shown best exemplifies which of the following types of figurative language? A.Simile B.Alliteration C.Personification D.Metaphor

Option (B) is correct. In an alliteration, all the words in a sentence begin with the same sound or letter.

Which of the following words contains an open syllable? A.Combat B.Basic C.Insect D.Velvet

Option (B) is correct. In an open syllable, nothing comes after the vowel and the vowel sound is pronounced with its long sound. Ba-sic has two syllables and nothing comes at the end of the first syllable after "a."

During a small-group literacy activity, a kindergarten teacher asks students to identify the word that does not belong in the list of words shown. The activity best addresses which of the following phonemic awareness skills? A.Segmentation B.Categorization C.Substitution D.Blending

Option (B) is correct. In phoneme categorization, students identify the word or words in a set that have a different initial phoneme sound. Having students recognize that "bug" is different because it does not begin with /p/ like the other three words is an example of phoneme categorization.

According to Newton's first law of motion, objects not acted upon by a net force tend to remain at rest or remain in motion as a result of A.friction B.inertia C.tension D.velocity

Option (B) is correct. Inertia is the tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

Which of the following components of an effective oral presentation describes the highness or lowness of a speaker's voice? A.Volume B.Pitch C.Articulation D.Pace

Option (B) is correct. Pitch means the highness or lowness of a speaker's voice. Effective speakers vary the highness or lowness of their voice (pitch) to indicate emphasis.

Which of the following sources best represents a secondary source of information? A.A journal written by a Civil War nurse B.A documentary about Harriet Tubman C.A letter from George Washington to his wife D.A transcript of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Option (B) is correct. The images and information in the documentary may include primary sources, but the combining and interpreting of these sources makes the documentary a secondary source.

A first-grade teacher has the students model the numbers 100 and 30 with place-value blocks. Which of the following student comments best indicates an understanding of how to compare whole numbers? A."Thirty is greater because the three is greater than the one." B."Hundred is greater because the hundred has ten tens and thirty has three tens." C."Thirty is greater because the hundred has one ten and thirty has three tens." D."Hundred is greater because ten comes before thirty on the number line."

Option (B) is correct. The student comment shows an understanding that hundreds are made up of 10 tens.

An elementary physical education teacher notices that a kindergarten student, Melvin, sits out during warm up activities while the rest of the class is performing jumping jacks. Melvin tells the teacher that he can't do jumping jacks. As a result of the conversation, the teacher models jumping jacks and helps the student move the legs and arms simultaneously and in opposition. After a week of practice, the student's skills improve, and he participates with the class. By challenging Melvin in this situation the teacher recognizes the need for students to develop A.physical fitness routines B.self-efficacy C.positive relationships D.emotional stability

Option (B) is correct. The teacher takes note of Melvin's lack of confidence and appropriately supports him in a way that develops his skills and increases a sense of efficacy.

Building phonological awareness is critical to helping young students learn to read because without it, the students will primarily struggle to A.develop appropriate pacing and intonation when reading aloud B.use alphabetic principles, which are necessary to develop the ability to decode words C.identify when what is read does not make sense and a fix-up strategy is needed D.recognize that text is read from left to right, top to bottom

Option (B) is correct. To decode words requires students to know the sounds each letter makes, which is mandatory when helping young students learn to read.

After a teacher models how to use order of operations to simplify expressions, a student simplifies the expression shown. Which of the following best describes an error in the student's work? A.Ignoring the parentheses B.Adding before dividing C.Multiplying before adding D.Dividing before multiplying

Option (B) is correct. To solve the problem in parentheses, the student should have divided 8 by 2 and then added the answer to 4, to get 8 instead of 6. 6 + 7 × ( 4 + 8 ÷ 2 ) ; 6 + 7 × ( 4 + 4 ) ; 6 + 7 × ( 8 ) ; 6 + 56 ⁢ = 62

During writers' workshop, a first-grade teacher notices that Joanna is sitting and watching other students write but is not writing her own story. When the teacher asks why she isn't writing, Joanna says that she can't write because she doesn't know how to spell any words. Which of the following instructional strategies is most beneficial for the teacher to use with Joanna? A.Working one-on-one with Joanna to teach her new spelling words B.Encouraging Joanna to use inventive spelling when she writes C.Adding Joanna's commonly misspelled words to the spelling test D.Helping Joanna find challenging words in a picture dictionary

Option (B) is correct. Young children begin to hear separate sounds in words and benefit from help in writing the sounds they hear (i.e., from guidance in inventing spellings).

Which of the following is equivalent to 35 percent? A.0.035 B.7/21 C.21/60 D.3.5

Option (C) is correct. 21/60 is equivalent to or 35%.

By completing a picture walk of a story before students begin reading it independently, a first-grade teacher best demonstrates an understanding of how to help students A.comprehend how the setting affects the plot of the story B.decide if they will like the story they are about to read C.anticipate vocabulary that will help them read the story D.use mentor texts to assist them in writing their own stories

Option (C) is correct. A picture walk allows students the opportunity to learn and talk about new vocabulary found in the story that helps with the decoding process when they read the texts.

A young student draws pictures and writes accompanying labels. The labels indicate attempts to apply letter-sound correspondences in spelling words and demonstrate comprehension of directionality in written expression. Which of the following stages of writing development best identifies the student's current level of performance? A.Exploration B.Preconventional C.Emergent D.Developing

Option (C) is correct. A student who has the ability to draw and label pictures in the ways described is functioning at the emergent stage of writing development.

Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence? Does each sentence in a paragraph relate to the topic sentence? Is there anything that needs to be added or removed? Is the vocabulary strong and precise? When writing an informational piece on a nonfiction topic, a student considers the questions shown. At which of the following steps in the writing process is the student most likely to improve the writing piece effectively? A.Prewriting B.Publishing C.Revising D.Editing

Option (C) is correct. After a writer creates a draft of a writing piece, the writer can evaluate the piece and revise elements such as content, organization, vocabulary, and clarity.

Reading simple stories with improving fluency by automatically saying two or more words in a phrase Gaining control during the reading process by using less "sounding out" Reading words that represent various long vowel sounds The list of characteristics indicates that a student is performing at which of the following stages of reading development? A.Prealphabetic B.Partial alphabetic C.Full alphabetic D.Automatic

Option (C) is correct. Children in the full alphabetic reading stage gain control of their reading and become more automatic readers with less sounding out. During this stage, students can read words with various endings and read simple stories with increasing fluency.

Which of the following digital tools best helps students distribute stories they have written for peer-editing purposes? A.Teacher Web page B.Virtual blackboards C.Cloud-based file sharing D.Word-processing software

Option (C) is correct. Cloud-based file sharing enables a user to use allotted space in a server to share information over the Internet. With this, students can upload their writing onto a secure site and peer edit each other's work from there.

Which of the following actions best describes the first step of active listening? A.Responding to the speaker verbally B.Taking notes on the speaker's message C.Looking directly at the speaker when he or she is speaking D.Asking for clarification when uncertain about something that was said

Option (C) is correct. Looking at the speaker focuses the listener on what is being said so that the listener understands more clearly and is prepared to respond.

Which of the following student statements best demonstrates an understanding of multiplication? A."Multiplication is the difference between two groups." B."Multiplication finds the quotient of two numbers." C."Multiplication combines groups of equal size together." D."Multiplication means sharing a set of objects equally."

Option (C) is correct. Multiplication is also repeated addition, or combining sets or groups with the same number of objects.

Which of the following instructional activities best develops a preschool student's understanding of how the physical characteristics of a location affect human behavior? A.Creating a graph with local area activities students enjoy doing with their families B.Reading stories aloud that depict activities students enjoy throughout the world C.Role-playing daily activities that students participate in throughout the world D.Researching professional occupations found in various locations throughout the world

Option (C) is correct. Participating in role-playing of daily activities found in various locations will provide students with opportunities to understand that areas differ in activities because of location and weather.

A kindergarten teacher engages students in a lesson with color blocks by asking them to stack a blue block on a green block, a red block next to a yellow block, and two orange blocks on top of a blue block. The activity will best help students understand which of the following? A.Using one-to-one correspondence B.Classifying objects based on attributes C.Following directions related to position D.Creating repeating patterns with blocks

Option (C) is correct. Positional words help kindergarten students relate to the position of objects, where they are in the world around them, and to understand how the objects relate to one another.

Use of creative drama activities in language arts lessons has been shown to A.increase students' writing legibility B.decrease commonly misspelled words C.increase students' comprehension of word meanings D.decrease mispronunciations of difficult vocabulary

Option (C) is correct. Research indicates acting out scenes in creative drama activities requires increased exploration of word usage and meaning.

Which of the following activities will best help students understand that sound involves a series of vibrations? A.Listening to various instruments and comparing the sounds they produce B.Covering speakers with cardboard and listening to how the volume of music changes C.Placing grains of rice on top of a drum and observing the result when striking the drum with a mallet D.Listening to the sounds that wooden blocks make when dropped from different heights

Option (C) is correct. Striking the drum with a mallet will cause the grains of rice to bounce, which will help students visualize the vibrations that create the drum sound.

A first-grade teacher is selecting texts for a science unit on butterflies. Which of the following is most important for the teacher to consider when creating the text set? A.The texts should include textbook passages about butterflies. B.The texts should use more illustrations and diagrams than words. C.The texts should have a meaningful connection to the anchor text. D.The texts should be from the same genre.

Option (C) is correct. The anchor text should be the foundation of the text set, as such the texts in the set should have a strong connection to the anchor set.

First graders are beginning to learn how to look for ways to improve their writing after rereading a rough draft. The teacher provides the following piece of writing. Every month we make cookies. We make a lot! We give them to other people. They are yummy! After the short story is read aloud, the students ask questions based on what they want to know more about. The class then begins to revise the story one sentence at a time. Which of the following sentences is the best revision for the first sentence? A.My mom helps me make cookies every month. B.My favorite part of the month is when we make cookies. C.Every month my mom and I make chocolate chip cookies. D.Every month we make chocolate chip cookies in our kitchen.

Option (C) is correct. The sentence now says who is baking the cookies and what type of cookies are being made. The statement provides more additional detail than the other sentences.

Mr. Thompson, a first-grade teacher, tells his students that he has a total of 17 cubes. He shows the students exactly 3 of the cubes and tells them the remaining cubes are in a bowl. He then asks the students to work in groups to find how many cubes are in the bowl. He instructs them to discuss the problem, draw a picture, and write a number sentence. Which of the following student expectations is Mr. Thompson primarily reinforcing with the activity? A.Students will analyze figures. B.Students will draw conclusions from data. C.Students will write equations to solve mathematical problems. D.Students will find patterns in computations.

Option (C) is correct. The students are asked to illustrate the problem by drawing a picture and then write an equation to represent the problem.

1, 4, 7, 10, _____ A first-grade teacher presents the class with the arithmetic pattern shown. To complete the pattern, it is most important for students to be familiar with which of the following concepts? A.Identifying place value B.Ordering whole numbers C.Adding two numbers D.Creating AB patterns

Option (C) is correct. The teacher must first expose the students to simple one-step addition problems to help them recognize patterns in numbers and operations.

Of the following, which process typically causes the most rapid changes to Earth's surface? A.Weathering of rocks B.Movement of rocks by glaciers C.Eruption of volcanos D.Formation of river deltas

Option (C) is correct. Volcanic eruptions cause rapid changes to Earth's surface in different ways, such as by ejecting lava, cinders, pumice, and ash that can have an immediate impact on wildlife, quickly change or destroy existing features of Earth's surface, or create new landforms in a short amount of time. Volcanic eruptions also trigger mudflows and avalanches or create cracks in Earth's surface.

Which sentence is a compound sentence? A.The very hungry caterpillar ate for many days and finally rested in its cocoon. B.After reading The Velveteen Rabbit, the students shared their own stories. C.The little red hen worked hard while the other animals decided not to help. D.Goodnight Moon is my favorite bedtime story; consequently the book is worn.

Option (D) is correct. A compound sentence has two independent clauses or sentences.

For a formative assessment, a second-grade teacher gives each group of students a box of pattern blocks and a task to work on collaboratively. The teacher can best assess the students' understanding of composing two-dimensional shapes by having the students perform which of the following tasks? A.Naming the shape and color of each block in the set and ordering the blocks by size B.Making a table and listing the number of sides and the number of angles in each shape C.Using the pattern blocks to copy given pictures of boats, animals, flowers, and cars D.Using only the triangular blocks in the set to build each of the other shapes in the set

Option (D) is correct. Composing shapes involves building new shapes from other shapes, while decomposing shapes involves breaking down a shape into small constituent shapes.

A second-grade teacher begins a read-aloud of a fictional chapter book. Which of the following instructional strategies best develops students' ability to engage in character analysis to improve their comprehension of the text? A.Using a plot diagram to identify the main characters, setting, and plot events B.Asking students to illustrate what they think the characters look like C.Guiding a discussion in which each student explains his or her favorite character D.Helping students relate to the characters through targeted questioning

Option (D) is correct. Giving students the opportunity to identify things they have in common with the characters helps students build a connection to the characters and care about what happens to them.

Which of the following instructional strategies is most appropriate when teaching preschool students conflict resolution skills? A.Telling students who are arguing to hug each other and to use kind words B.Placing arguing students in separate chairs to think about their words C.Notifying students' parents about what happened and asking the parents to talk with their children D.Having students take turns explaining what happened and helping them resolve the issue together

Option (D) is correct. Having students resolve the issue together includes the students in the resolution process. The students need to provide input and be a part of the process to learn how to solve conflicts in the future.

Which of the following situations best demonstrates the concept of interdependence? A.Mr. Scott grows all the vegetables his family eats on their farm. B.A teacher rewards the student of the week with a new pencil. C.Annie decides not to buy ice cream and buys a book instead. D.A sports club buys lunch for its members from the local diner.

Option (D) is correct. Interdependence means depending on others for some needs. The sports club relies on the diner to provide lunch for its members.

Which of the following activities is best for a first-grade teacher to use when introducing basic geographic literacy skills? A.Using a legend on a map to identify landmarks and familiar buildings near the school B.Drawing a scaled map of familiar objects and locations to show relative distance C.Using a compass rose and cardinal directions to describe relationships between cities and states D.Describing how objects in the classroom would look if viewed from a hot-air balloon

Option (D) is correct. It is appropriate to introduce students to the concept of maps by using a very familiar environment, such as their classroom. By using the view from a hot-air balloon, it helps students understand the concept of perspective while using a map; i.e., seeing things from another viewpoint. This activity will also help students learn basic map features, such as directionality terms, legends, and scales.

Which of the following projects primarily focuses on teaching third-grade art students about radial balance? A.Folding an oriental origami swan B.Carving a simple jack-o'-lantern C.Painting a monochromatic gradient scale D.Designing a cut-paper mandala

Option (D) is correct. Objects with radial balance are based on the circle and have a strong focal point. They are vertically and horizontally symmetrical. Designing a cut-paper mandala, which teaches radial balance by using cut-paper shapes to create a circular mandala, is appropriate for third-grade art students.

CVC, CVCe, CVVC A first-grade teacher provides students with a list of words and instructs them to sort the words into the categories shown. The activity will most likely reinforce students' understanding of which of the following concepts? A.Rhyming words B.Onsets and rimes C.Consonant digraphs D.Vowel patterns

Option (D) is correct. The activity requires students to sort words based on vowel patterns. "C" stands for consonant and "V" stands for vowel.

After a shared reading of a story, a teacher demonstrates a retelling strategy for the class with a think-aloud. On which of the following elements is it best for the teacher to focus? A.Determining the traits of the main characters B.Using strategies to decode words C.Making connections to similar stories D.Sequencing the events in the story

Option (D) is correct. The retelling of a story requires students to summarize events in the correct order that they occurred in the story.

A first-grade teacher reads an informational text about baby animals aloud to students. The following vocabulary words are in the text. Vocabulary WordDefinitionBabyA young animalMarsupialAn animal whose baby lives in a pouch inside the mother's bodyFurHair covering the body of some animalsScalesThin protective covering found on fish and reptiles The teacher wants to focus instruction on Tier-II vocabulary words. Which of the following words best represents a Tier-II vocabulary word for most first-grade students? A.Baby B.Marsupial C.Fur D.Scales

Option (D) is correct. Tier-II words are important for students to learn and can be used in a variety of ways so that students have opportunities to build connections to other words and concepts. "Scales" is a word not all first graders would know in this context. It also has multiple meanings and is a word students will encounter fairly regularly during science class.

A teacher has students trace one of their hands on a sheet of colored paper, cut out the tracing, and use a tool to approximate its area. Which of the following is the most appropriate tool for the students to use to accomplish the task? A.A multiplication formula B.A measuring tape C.A computer application D.A grid of one-inch squares

Option (D) is correct. To approximate the area of their hands, students will first place the cutout on a grid of one-inch squares. Then they will count the number of one-inch squares covered and estimate the fractional parts of squares covered. Lastly, the students will add the whole and fractional parts of the one-inch squares to get a reasonable estimate of the area of their hands in square inches.

know formal and informal language

Options (B), (C), and (E) are correct. When writing a text to a friend, a person uses informal language because of the close relationship with the audience. The language for a report for class is formal because the teacher and classmates are the audience and the purpose is to give information. The language is formal for a letter to a United States senator because the writer wants to be taken seriously.

Which TWO of the following books are most appropriate to use to teach third graders about comparing and contrasting two cultures? A.The Blacker the Berry by Joyce Carol Thomas, a collection of poems celebrating the varieties of African American ethnic heritages B.Journey to Jo'burg by Beverley Naidoo, a book about siblings traveling through South Africa to find their mother in Johannesburg C.Two Mrs. Gibsons by Toyomi Igus, a book about a girl's relationship with her Japanese mother and African American grandmother D.Under the Moon and Over the Sea, edited by John Agard and Grace Nichols, a compilation of poems about Caribbean traditions E.The Color of Home by Mary Hoffman, a book about a boy and his family who were forced by war to move from Somalia to the United States

Options (C) and (E) are correct. Option (C), Two Mrs. Gibsons, compares and contrasts Japanese culture and African American culture, and option (E), The Color of Home, compares and contrasts Somalia with the United States.

know these

The correct responses are as follows. The endocrine system secretes hormones that regulate metabolism and growth. The respiratory system allows the body to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. The circulatory system transports blood, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and hormones. The lymphatic system produces fluid that helps the body fight infection. The nervous system controls voluntary and involuntary movements and actions. Any other order is incorrect because the function and body system would be mismatched.

History events order

The correct sequence of events is: 1) Occurence of the Boston Tea Party (1773); 2) Signing the Declaration of Independence (1776); 3) End of the American Revolutionary War (1783); 4) Ratification of the United States Constitution (1787); and 5) Election of George Washington as the first president of the United States (1789).

Know cause and effect, sequence, compare and contrast, and problem and solution

The sentence "As people move into the Everglades, animal habitats are destroyed and dangerous animals share living space with humans" is an example of cause-and-effect text structure, which presents the causal relationship between a specific event, idea, or concept and the events, ideas, or concept that follow. The sentence "Jonas Salk developed a vaccine to prevent the spread of polio" is an example of problem-and-solution text structure, which sets up a problem or problems, explains the solution, and then discusses the effects of the solution. The sentence "People living in the United States and Canada have many things in common" is an example of compare-and-contrast text structure, which examines the similarities and differences between two or more people, events, concepts, ideas, etc. The sentence "The flag of the United States has changed many times through the years" is an example of sequence text structure, which gives readers a chronological order of events or a list of steps in a procedure.

The hydrosphere describes the combined mass of Earth's water, including the water that is found in Earth's lakes, rivers, and oceans.

know it

Option (C) is correct. Ansel Adams was an expert in the practice of controlling and relating exposure to produce photographs with a large range of subtle black and white tones.

know this random fact i guess

know how to read a venn diagram

not hard

KNow onsets and rimes

o and r

KNow what summarizing is

you know it

know partitive division and measurement division

you know partitive

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Common Ions in the Human Body and Their Physiologic Significance (Chapter 2)

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