PrepU Review - Quiz 6

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The student nurse asks, "What is intravascular fluid?" What is the appropriate nursing response?

"Watery plasma, or serum, portion of blood"

The nurse is monitoring intake and output (I&O) for a client who has diarrhea. What will the nurse document as input on the I&O record? Select all that apply.

100 mL from melted ice chips Serving of jello Cup of ice cream Infusion of intravenous solution

The nurse is performing assessments on several clients at the clinic. Which client condition indicates the presence of a parasomnia?

A child who wets the bed each night

**A nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. Which item would the nurse instruct the client to avoid to reduce the disrupted breathing pattern when asleep? Select all that apply.

Alcohol Tobacco Sleeping pills

The nurse is caring for four clients. Which client does the nurse assess to be at highest risk for cardiac and vascular disease?

Client with a total cholesterol of 210 mg/dL, HDL 40 mg/dL

A client who has been receiving tube feedings is beginning to take in oral food and fluids. To facilitate weaning the client from tube feedings, which delivery method does the nurse anticipate?

Cyclic feedings

During an orientation class for new RN graduates, the nurse educator identifies which conditions as potential risks for clients to experience sleep pattern disturbance? Select all that apply.

Depression Substance abuse Stroke Constipation

A client visits the health care facility, reporting jet lag syndrome. Which intervention would be most helpful for the nurse to suggest to assist the client in altering his circadian rhythm?

Expose the client to bright light

The process of filtration begins at the:


A client needs an intravenous fluid that will pull fluids into the vascular space. What type of fluid does the nurse prepare to administer as prescribed?


The nurse is caring for a client who has had severe diarrhea for 24 hours. Which fluid does the nurse anticipate infusing?


The nurse is caring for Mrs. Roberts, an 86-year-old client, who fell at home and was not found for 2 days. Mrs. Roberts is severely dehydrated. The nurse is aware that older adults are at increased risk for fluid imbalance due to:

Increase in fat cells

A nurse is working with a client who is interested in losing weight. What suggestions can the nurse offer to this client in order to promote a healthy weight loss? Select all that apply.

Increase the number of complex carbohydrates. Decrease the number of calories ingested. Increase physical activity.

A nurse is preparing an education plan for a client with heart failure who is experiencing edema. As part of the plan, the nurse wants to describe the underlying mechanism for why the edema develops. Which mechanism would the nurse most likely address?

Increased hydrostatic pressure

Based on knowledge of total body fluids, a nurse is especially watchful for a fluid volume deficit in an infant. Why would the nurse do this?

Infants have more total body fluid and ECF than adults

The nurse is managing the environment for clients on a busy hospital unit. Which interventions would the nurse perform to facilitate a more restful environment? Select all that apply.

Medicate for pain if needed Maintain a brighter room during daylight hours and dim lights in the evening. Decrease the volume on alarms, pages, telephones, and staff conversations.

A nurse is caring for a client with anorexia. What is the best evidence that the client is responding to the diet recommended by the dietitian?

The client feels hungry

A nurse explains the homeostatic mechanisms involved in fluid homeostasis to a student nurse. Which statements accurately describe this process? Select all that apply.

The kidneys selectively retain electrolytes and water and excrete wastes and excesses according to the body's needs. The cardiovascular system is responsible for pumping and carrying nutrients and water throughout the body. The lungs regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of the blood, which is especially crucial in maintaining acid-base balance. The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates the level of calcium and phosphorus.

The nurse is describing the role of antidiuretic hormone in the regulation of body fluids. What phenomenon takes place when antidiuretic hormone is present?

The renal system retains more water

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