Princess Bride

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Does Westley battle Humperdinck with his strength or wit?


What horrible creatures attack Inigo and Fezzik on the fourth level?

start a war

What is the motive behind Buttercup's abduction?


What literary device begins the "Inigo" section?

Westley is put on a life sucking machine. This is located in the 5 th level.

When the prince catches up with the couple after the fire swamp, Buttercup thinks she saves Westley. She is wrong. What happens after she leaves Westley with Count Rugen?

To help him plan because Vizzini is gone

Why does Inigo want to find the man in black?


Buttercup dreams she is called the Queen of ___________

The 3 types of dead is the sort of death, the mostly dead, and lastly all dead.

List the 3 different "types" of dead.


of, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive:


participating in the knowledge of something private or secret

The Princess Bride fits the genre of a fairy tale because their is a good guy and a bad guy in the story. The problem was that Prince Humperdinck was going to marry Buttercup but Westley and Buttercup wanted to marry each other. The lesson learned is to always tell someone you love them because if you do not then you will not be together. A magical element was myricle max's life pill. The solution was that Buttercup and Westley got to be together at the end of the book.

. Think back to the elements of a fairy tale (good vs. bad character, problem/solution, magical elements, lessons learned). How does the Princess Bride fit the genre of a fairytale? Explain by providing examples from the text. *

Buttercup discovered that the prince lied about sending the letter to Westley because she never got any letters back and no ships went out to sea. HE also stuttered when she asked if any ships came back.

Buttercup discovers the prince lied to her about sending the letters to Westley. How does she find out?

Prince Humperdinck's favorite thing to do is hunting. He also owns a private zoo with all of the dangerous animals he gets. Some animals he hunts are pythons and elephants the big animals. This zoo was called the zoo of death. The zoo was underground too. This prince likes when animals suffer.

Describe Prince Humperdinck. *

If you make a lot of excuses then this makes you a coward.

Excuses are the refuge of cowards." What does this mean?

When westley's boat was captured he the pirate was about to kill them but Westley talked about Buttercup and told him what he was going to do when he got to America.

Explain Westley's relationship with the Dread Pirate Roberts.

he author keeps reminding us that his dad read this story to him when he was young. This was a frame story because his dad read the story to the author and the author is telling us the story now.

Explain how this tale is a "frame story." What does the author keep doing to remind us? *

The promise is if Westley come back for her then they can live happily. But if he doesn't then she has to be happy with Prince.

Explain the bargain Buttercup and Prince Humperdinck make. (Include his promise and what she promises to do if it doesn't work out). *

The narrator means that his dad read it to him when he was sick and that is how he heard about the story.

Explain what the narrator means when he says this is a retelling of a book he's never read. *

Buttercup is very calm during the wedding because she thinks that Westley is on his way to save her and take her away from Prince Humperdinck.

Explain why Buttercup is so calm during the wedding to Prince Humperdinck, even though she is an unwilling participant.

At the end of the chapter the foreshadowing is that the 6 fingered guy is Count Rugen.

Find an example of foreshadowing at the end of this chapter. Type it below and explain what it foreshadows might happen.

You killed my father, Prepare to Die.

Finish the entire mantra Inigo plans to say to the six-fingered man when he finds him: "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya _______."

He is kidnapped and murdered by pirates.

How does Westley die? *

Westley overcomes being tortured by thinking of Buttercup.

How does Westley overcome the torture?

He hated to read as a child, but now he writes books.

How is the narrator's future profession ironic?

3 years passed until Buttercup and Prince Humperdinck's engagement.

In Chapter 4 "The Preparations," how many years pass after Buttercup and Prince Humperdinck's engagement?


In Chapter 4 "The Preparations," what happens in 105 pages

He's smarter.

In what way is Vizzini more dangerous than the other two?

These last chapters resemble a fairy tale by having a prince look for a wife to marry.

In what ways do these chapters resemble a traditional fairy tale? List a few.

- use of animals - royalty/ castles/ wealth - poverty/ humble beginnings - magical, supernatural

In what ways is the story like a traditional fairy tale?

true love

Miracle Max insists Westley breathes out the words "to bluff." What words has Westley actually spoken?

he poverty/ humble beginnings is in the princess bride because she is not the wealthiest person that lives in her town. She is an average person who lives on a farm with animals.

Pick a fairy tale element from above that is most easily identified in The Princess Bride so far and explain how it appears in the story. *

The wedding outcome was a situational irony because the expected outcome was for Buttercup and Prince Humperdinck to get married and to go on their honeymoon. But the actual outcome was that Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik came and stopped wedding and honeymoon and saved Buttercup.

Situational irony is when the situation being described has a different outcome than expected. Explain why the wedding ceremony is an example of situational irony. *

wheelbarrow and a holocaust cloak

What TWO additional (and unlikely) objects are added to their list of assets?

Some conflicts that Billy reveals is that he has a hard time concentrating when he learns. Also he has a trouble understanding the context given to him.

What are some conflicts Billy (the narrator) reveals?

Three assets are Westle's brain, Fezzik's strength, and Inigo's steel.

What are the THREE assets Inigo tells Westley they have?

The two liabilities are that there is only one working gate and it is guarded by a hundred man.

What are the TWO "liabilities" against Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik?

marry her/ kill her

What are the prince's plans concerning Buttercup? He plans to


What do the children in Buttercup's dreams symbolize?

he has rhymes for Fezzik.

What lie does Inigo tell Fezzik when they are being squeezed by the anaconda? Inigo tells Fezzik that:

The phrase he repeats is "Hello my name is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father; prepare to die." He kept saying this to give him strength to kill Count Rugen and not let down his father.

What phrase does Inigo repeat during his duel? What is the purpose of this repetition?

The bats protects the 5th level in the Zoo of Death. It was hiding on the ceiling. Fezzik gets on the ground and Inigo kills the bats.

What protects the fifth level of the zoo? Where was this creature hiding? How do Inigo and Fezzik get past it

He would not fight

What was Fezzik's weakness as a child? *

To entertain him while he was sick

What was the father's motive for reading the book to his son? *

Domingo Montoya is Inigo's father and they were very close. The nobleman kills Inigo's father because his father would not give the nobleman the sword he made for him.

Who is Domingo Montoya to Inigo? What happens to him?

The man is black is Wesley. She knows this because he said As you wish to her.

Who is the man in black? How does Buttercup find out? *

Fezzik will get angry and the snake will release them.

Why does Inigo tell Fezzik the lie above? Inigo lies so that

she is bald

Why does the prince refuse to marry Princess Noreena?

Miss Roginski is important to because she helped him through his problem. She also said that he can overcome his obstacle of learning.

Why was Miss Roginski so important to him?


a close friend or associate to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed.


a dull-witted, stupid, or ignorant person; dolt


a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection.


a pile or heap of wood or other combustible material.


a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock.


affirming or assenting; asserting the truth, validity, or fact of something. agreeing with; supporting


an act or instance of supplicating; humble prayer, entreaty, or petition.


an happy , positive person


any addition or supplement, as one appended by a writer to a book to supply further information.


any very wealthy, influential, or powerful person.


conventional requirements as to social behavior;


cutting instruments collectively, especially knives for cutting food.

The machine has 1 to 50 levels of power on it. It also has a lot of straps and it is on a table. It is also underground on the 5 level. It has a lever and suction cups.

describe the machine


domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing:


expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body.


fully sufficient or more than adequate for the purpose or needs; plentiful; enough:


gigantic; enormous; colossal:


greatly loved; dear to the heart.


not conceivable; unimaginable; unthinkable unbelievable


out of date belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.


ta shoot or twig inserted into a slit on the trunk or stem of a living plant, from which it receives sap.


the act of removal; an excising.


the condition of being insolvent; bankruptcy.


to echo or resound:


to recall past experiences, events,


to recover from sickness or exhaustion; regain health or strength.


to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents


trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry:


undismayed; not discouraged; not forced to abandon purpose or effort:

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