Principles of Bio 1 Final

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Trials of the universal influenza vaccine, H1ssF_3928, began in


PCR is important because it allows scientists to


What is the correct sequence of events in viral reproduction?

Attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation and release

______ energy is energy found in the bonds of ingested nutrients.


From the list provided, select the two obstacles of gene expression.

Dna is in nucleus, Proteins are composed of Amino Acids.

DNA is the only nucleic acid found in cells.


Which of the following disorders are in response to the immune system's inablility to differentiate self from non-self?

Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

Cell division occurs in ______ phase.


Cells are specialized to form tissues and organs through the control of gene expression. Gene expression is regulated (turning on and off genetic instructions) by

Nearby cell receptors and environmental conditions

The monomers that link together to form DNA are called ______.


No matter how simple or complex the life form, the genetic code found in DNA: __________. Select all that apply.

Provides instructions for building, carrying out, initiates cellular reporduction, dictates cellular behavior

The enzyme ______ does not have a high degree of fidelity, and therefore more mutations can be introduced in the genetic material of RNA viruses.

RNA polymerase

The ______ process to make influenza vaccines, only uses a small portion of the H spike protein that helps the immune system identify the actual virus.


What is the role of interleukin in the immune response?

Regulate the general immune response

From the following list, select those that are characteristics of life. (Check all that apply.)

Reproduce, acquire materials, respond to environment

Chemotherapy can interact with different phases of the cell cycle. What are the main phases that these drugs target?

S, G2, M

Which of the following scanning tools is used to look for abnormalities in the breast that could be associated with cancer?

Screening Mamogram

Mono Dis Poly

Single, Immediate, Glucose Two,Easily broken into monosaccharides, Maltose and Lactate Three or more, Long term storage and support, Starch and glycogen

Which event (or events) occur in the anaphase II phase of meiosis II?

Sister chromatids are pulled apart to different poles

Complete the following paragraph to describe the structures of the small intestines. a. The digestive organ in which the majority of the work occurs is the b. The small intestine is responsible for completing digestion of carbohydrates, __, and proteins. c. Molecules must be ___ into smaller pieces by ___before they can be absorbed by the small intestine because if they are too __they will not be able pass through the plasma membrane of the intestinal cells. d. How rapidly an organism can absorb nutrients generally depends on the ___ available for absorption. e. The inner surface of the small intestine is covered with small, finger-like projections called ___ to ____the amount of surface area so cells are able to efficiently _____the nutrients that are produced by digestion.

Small Intestines, Fats, Broken Down, Enzymes, Large, Surface Area, Villi, Increase, absorb

Some medications bind to the active site of enzymes. This blocks the ______ from binding.


Telomere length can change with age and the type of cell. Which of the following correctly describes telomere length?

Telomeres are the longest in length.

Which structure on the influenza virus provides attachment to the surface of the targeted host cell?

The H spikes

The source of all energy is provided by __________.

The Sun

At which point of the respiratory system would sickle-cell disease cause an impact?

The diffusion of gases across the alveoli into the capillaries

Human skin color is an example of __________ since sunlight can cause special cells in the skin called melanocytes to produce melanin, a protective pigment against UV radiation.

The environment influincing the phenotype.

Which of the following statements best describes the orientation of the two strands of DNA?

The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel. One strand is oriented 3' to 5' and the other is oriented 5' to 3'.Correct

Which of the following best distinguishes viral genetic material from the genetic material of a living organism?

The viral genome is either DNA or RNA and encodes for fewer proteins.

Which of the following statements is true regarding energy drinks?

They claim to increase energy, mental awareness, and reduce muscle fatigue.

List the steps involved in producing an influenza vaccine using fertilized chicken eggs.

This process of prodicing a vaccine through fertilized chicken eggs is started by injecting a virus. Next, let them incubate a few days. Aftee this, remove the liquid portion of the egg and the viruses within are killed. Finally, the virus particles are extracted, isolated, and purified in order to make vaccines.

There are two stages of gene expression. The first stage, ______, produces mRNA that is used in the second step.


Evolution will only occur when changes in genetic information are passed on to the next generation.


Hydrolysis of sucrose, a disaccharide, results in __________.

Two monomers

Two parents with Type A and Type B blood have a child with Type AB blood. How is this possible?

Type A blood is codominant with Type B blood, so both alleles are expressed equally.Correct

Cancer ______ are used to protect against some forms of cancer and can be used to warn the body of existing cancers.


During gene therapy, bone marrow stem cells are removed from the individual. What must happen to those cells before they are injected back into the individual?

Viruses act as vectors to carry the normal gene into the genome of the stem cells.

Which of the following would you find in a healthy diet and in energy drinks?


Complete the following paragraph to describe the roles of vitamins and coenzymes in biological reactions. a. ______are organic molecules acquired through diet or daily supplements. b. Without vitamins, the body would be unable to produce coenzymes, _____, organic molecules that interact with _____and assist them in chemical reactions. c. Vitamins are able to increase the amount of ____by one of two ways. d. Vitamins help the body manufacture coenzymes, such as the ______, while other vitamins directly act as coenzymes, such as ____.

Vitamins, non-protein, enzymes, coenzymes, B vitamins, Niacin

In a hydrolysis reaction, ______ is added to the polymer to break the bond between the monomers.


Select all of the following that are outputs of cellular respiration.

Water, energy, carbon dioxide

If a person has a cancer that interferes with organs of the urinary system, that person may have trouble

With regulating the salt-water balance of the blood.

Energy is defined as the capacity to do _____ or bring about a change. We use energy in many ways. ____, which is emitted by the Sun, is the source of energy for almost all life on planet Earth. Plants are able to capture solar energy by the process of _____ and convert it into chemical energy of sugars. The energy is found in the _____ of the molecules they are building. When an organism consumes the plant, the _____stored in the chemical bonds of the plant is transferred into _____ that fuels life's processes. Mechanical energy refers to the energy of motion, called ___ energy, or the position of the object before it moves, called____ energy.

Work, Solar Energy, Photosynthesis, Chemical Bonds, Chemical energy, mechanical energy, Kinetic, Potential.

On the ___chromosome, there are 900 genes that produce proteins but many of those genes have nothing to do with sex; whereas the Y chromosome only contains about ___ protein-related genes. b. In particular, the ___ chromosome contains a gene called the ___ gene that when switched on triggers the development of the ___ sexual characteristics.

X, 60, Y, SRY, Male

The influenza vaccine elicits an immune response by presenting the body with

a killed version of the virus or antigens specific to the virus.Correct

All viruses are made up of two components. These components are

a protein capsid and genetic material, in the form of either RNA or DNA.

The activities of macrophages

are part of the nonspecific response against disease and stimulate phagocytic neutrophils

The first indication of a genetic disease comes from genetic testing done prior to birth Correct. b. There are two methods of obtaining prenatal test to collect fetal Correctcells. c. Amniocentesis Correctis when a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus of a pregnant woman is collected by passing a long needle through the abdominal and uterine walls in order to collect fetal cells. d. Chorionic villus sampling Correctis when a sample of fetal cells are collected from the region where the placenta will develop. e. In an adult Correct, alleles for a genetic disease are detected using a blood test. When blood is taken, it is the white blood cells Correctthat are used for genetic testing. f. Once the DNA has been isolated, geneticists can either look for chromosomal Correctchanges or specific alleles associated with a disease.

birth, fetal, aminocentris, chorionic virus sampelling, adult, white blood cells, chromosomal

DNA microarrays use enzymes to convert mRNA obtained from the cell into cDNA. This cDNA is hybridized with known DNA from specific genes isolated from the organism. If hybridization occurs, this indicates the cDNA has

bound to the corresponding gene and it is being expressed in the cell.

Research for a universal flu vaccine tends to focus on

core proteins, as they do not mutate as rapidly as H and N spikes and they tend to be similar between different influenza strains.Correct

The role of vectors in gene therapy is to

deliver the genetic material to the cells of interest.Correct

The second law of thermodynamics states that

during the transfer of energy, some is lost as heat

Which of the following statements differentiates spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

four sperm cells, one egg cell

Crossing-over produces genetic variation during prophase I of meiosis I. This occurs when

homologous chromosomes come close together and a rearrangement of alleles occurs.Correct

In eukaryotes, the ______ is the site of the genetic information of the cell.


Ribosomes are located on the __________.

rough endoplasmic reticulum

In cancer vaccines, macrophages that display tumor antigens are designed to

stimulate cytotoxic T cells to attack tumor cells.

During translation, the ______ reads the codon on the mRNA and brings in the cooresponding amino acid.


The cytochrome c protein is sometimes used to describe the evolutionary relationship between species. This is because

the closer the DNA sequences are between species, the closer they are related on an evolutionary scale.

Erwin Chargaff's research determined the percentage of the nitrogen bases within a strand of DNA. His work determined that

the percent of adenine is equal to the percent of thymine and the percent of cytosine is equal to the percent of guanine.

Birds and insects both have wings, but we do not consider this similarity as evidence of relatedness because

the wings are not homologous structures with a common ancestral origin.

From the following list, select all that are needed to make a karyotype. (Check all that apply.)

unreplicated chromosomes, DNA fluorescent marker, different wavelengths of light

Distinguish between each of the following areas in which carbohydrate digestion takes place. Mouth: Stomach: Small Intestines: Liver: LargeIntestines:

1. Analyse released by salivary glands. Begins the digestion of starch into smaller polysaccharides.2. Denatures analyse due to low ph. No carbohydrate digestion. 3. Majority of starch processing occurs, Uses analyse and maltase to digest carbohydrates. Absorption of monosaccharides and disaccharides.4. Maltose and glucose stored. 5. Break down fiber

Individuals receive ______ (how many) chromosomes from their mother?


The pedigree shown displays the inheritance of a recessive genetic disease. In the fourth generation, what is the likelihood that the next child of the two heterozygous parents will be impacted by the disease?


Stage 3 breast cancer is divided into levels based on the size of the tumor and the degree to which it has spread to nearby tissues and lymph nodes. In which level has the tumor spread to the collar bone or more than ten lymph nodes?


If a breast cancer patient has not responded to treatment and the cancer has spread to the brain, the patient is classified as having Stage ______ cancer.


In the influenza strain name HongKong/45/2019 (H3N2)-like virus, this was the ______ strain isolated in 2019 in this region.


Which of these best describes a virus?

A nonliving complex of RNA or DNA protected by a protein coatCorrect

22 pairs in humans Autosomes Correct b. Located in the nucleus Both Correct c. 1 pair in human Sex Chromosomes Correct d. Do not differ between males and females Autosomes Correct e. Carry genes that do not determine the sex of the individual Both Correct f. Carry sex-determining genes Sex Chromosomes Correct g. Includes the X and Y chromosome Sex Chromosomes Correct

A, B, S, A, B, S,S

Which of the following characteristics of life are present in viruses?

Ability to evolve over time

Which of the following is a function of the large intestine?

Absorption of water

B cell activation, through antibody-mediated immunity, results in the


Biologists, who study ______, are interested in understanding evolution as process of life.


Memory B cells are developed after a primary response. These memory cells are activated during a secondary response to


The information contained in genes is expressed


Cancer cells __________.

All correct

Cells have checkpoints to regulate cell division. The G1 checkpoint

All correct

Genes can be inserted into plasmid DNA and cloned into bacteria. This will produce bacteria that have recombinant DNA and will

All correct

The role of the immune system is to

All correct

Which of the following statements describes DNA?

All correct

Which of the following best describes the action of B cells?

All of the answer choices relate to the actions of B cells.Correct

In which of these molecules would you most likely find carboxyl groups?

Amino Acids and Fatty acids

Which is an example of potential energy?

An apple of stored energy-riched macromolecules.

From the list below, select the two ingredients that contribute to the effectiveness of an energy blend.

B vitamins and caffeine

You are studying the rate of growth of different nut plants. One vitamin of interest is the B vitamin involved in metabolism of glucose. Which B vitamin would you be studying in these plants?


The main difference between Stage 0 and Stage 1 cancer is that in Stage 1, the cancer cells have

Begun to spread to a few lymph nodes

Which of the following statements best describes the effects of caffeine on the body?

Caffeine is considered a psychoactive drug because it changes brain function.

Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 2 of breast cancer?

Cancer begins invading more lymph nodes and tissue

Complete the following paragraph to describe organic nutrients. a. The elements _____ and hydrogen are found in all of the organic nutrients. b. Based on the structure of a carbon atom, carbon is able to form up to ____chemical bonds with other atoms, allowing organisms to form large and complex molecules. c. When carbon links with hydrogen atoms, the combination of the two atoms is referred to as a ___ . d. To distinguish between one type of organic nutrient from another you have to determine the ______ attached to the hydrocarbon. e. Functional groups change the _____ of an organic nutrient.

Carbon, Four, Hydrocarbon, Functional Groups, Chemical ReactivityPlace the correct organelle or structure of an animal cell with its general function. There may be more than one organelle associated with a particular function.

From the list of organ systems, select the ones that play a major role in homeostasis. (Check all that apply.)

Cardiovascular, urinary, Digestive

_____ vaccine creation is similiar to using a chicken egg but requires the used of a mammalian cell to replicate the virus.


At the cellular level, solar energy is harvested in the __________.


Which plant structure provides the initial capture of solar energy?


______ is the class of lipids that consists of carbons arranged in a ringlike structure and functions in the plasma membrane and in hormone production.


The three nucleotide segments found on mRNA, which code for amino acids, are called ______.


Select three of the components that were proposed by Darwin for natural selection to occur.

Competiton, variation, different repdocutal sucess

Which event (or events) occur in the prophase I phase of meiosis I?

Condensing of the chromosomes, homologous chromosomes form tetrads, crossing over occurs

You are reading an article about a person being diagosed with a type of sarcoma. This type of cancer affects __________.

Connective Tissue

A method of genome editing that uses the Cas9 enzyme to identify and cut specific nucleotides from the genome is called __________.


If you added the following vitamins to a glass of water, which one would float to the top and not dissolve?


Classify each of the following traits depending on what type of reaction is being depicted. Substrate broken down into smaller products Produce a large product by combining smaller substrates Monomers to polymers Utilize enzymes Polymers to monomers Product pink green Product Orange


What is the name of the enzyme that fits new complementary DNA nucleotides to synthesize the new daughter strand?

DNA polymerase

From the list provided, select all the functions of the circulatory system. (Check all that apply.)

Delivery of nutrients and oxygen, removal of waste

The plasma membrane regulates the transport of materials in and out of the cell. What process would be used to move a noncharged molecule across the membrane?


he function of ______ is to break down the polymers of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids into smaller molecules, known as ______ . b. The small molecules are then able to move across the cells lining the ___ . c. Depending on the small molecule, the molecule may cross the lining of the small intestines and move into either the ______ system or the lymphatic system. d. Examples of enzymes that work together to breakdown food molecules are as follows: _____ breaks down complex carbohydrates, ___ breaks down protein chains, and ___ breaks down fats.

Digestive Enzymes, Monomers, Small Intestines, Circulatory, anylase, peptidase, lipase

Mutations in tumor-suppressor genes and in proto-oncogenes can result in cancer. If both are mutated,

Dna damage will go unrecognized and cell division will increase.

Which of the following best describes enzymatic activity?

Each enzyme has a preferred pH at which the enzyme reaction rate is highest.

Which one of the following is a main function of many proteins?

Enzymatic activity

Which of the following types of cells would a flu virus most likely target as the means of entry into the body?

Epithelial cells lining the respiratory system

When comparing the percentage of nitrogen bases of DNA from any species, the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine, and the amount of guanine equals the amount of cytosine. When examining the structure of DNA, a chemist used a process known as X-ray crystallography to determine that DNA was a double helix structure and highly repetitive. The first correct model of the structure of DNA, it was determined that the sugar and phosphate components of the nucleotides make up the helical strands of the DNA molecule, and the nitrogenous bases are located on the interior of the molecule.

Erwin, Rosalind, Jamwa

he two different classes of cells are ______ and ______.

Eukaryotes ; Prokaryotes

From the list provided, select all techniques that are used to analyze DNA for mutations. (Check all that apply.)

Everything but Crispr

Which of the following structures are associated with the lymphatic system? (Check all that apply.)

Everything but lungs

The process of ______ helps biologists relate the natural world and how organisms have changed over time in response to the natural world.


Which of the following is the main difference between in vivo and ex vivo gene therapy?

Ex vivo gene therapy occurs outside the body and in vivo gene therapy occurs inside the body.Correct

Which process is responsible for moving bulk cellular wastes across the cell membrane?


Which of the following traits are considered to be inheritable?

Eye Color

The BRCA1 gene is involved in producing a protein that activates DNA repair enzymes, stopping the cell cycle, and putting the cell in G0 phase.


The energy driving substance in soft drinks is caffeine. Group starts


To transcribe something is to make an identical copy, i.e., if the original is DNA, the transcribed copy is also DNA.


inorganic molecules are important nutrients used in cellular processes to produce energy.


Which of the following is not likely to be found in large quantities in an energy drink?


The ______ law of thermodynamics explains the transfer of solar energy into chemical energy.


If you were observing embryonic structures of a tortoise, a chick, and a human, which of the following would not be a similiar structure?

Five finger digits

Which of the following statements about the component of the flu vaccine and its intended function is true?

Formaldehyde is used to inactivate toxins from the virus or bacteria that may have been present during production.

Organic molecules contain hydrogen and carbon atoms. How many bonds can form with each carbon atom?


Normal cell division is highly regulated by proteins to prevent mutations from occuring. If the cell division is stalled due to excessive DNA damage, the cell is placed in ______ phase in an attempt to repair the DNA.


_____ are the basic unit of inheritance that can be passed on from one generation to the next.


Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration?

Glycolysis → preparatory reaction → citric acid cycle → electron transport chainCorrect

In the stomach, ______ denatures proteins and ______ starts the digestion of proteins.

HCI, Pepsin

When performing an examination of human blood, Dr. Zoey noted that there are different components of blood and each vary in their abilities to carry oxygen. First, the liquid portion of human blood is unable to absorb large quantities of oxygen and cannot meet the body's oxygen demands. Secondly, __________, the protein inside red blood cells, is responsible for transporting most of the oxygen in human blood. Multiple


Which event (or events) occur in the anaphase I phase of meiosis I?

Homologous chromosomes are pulled apart to opposite polesCorrect

Monomers are linked together by removing a ______ from one monomer, and a ______ from another monomer.

Hydroxyl Group, Hydrogen

f a person shows an intermediate phenotype, such as that observed in a person who is heterozygous for familial hypercholesterolemia, this indicates the pattern of inheritance to be __________.

Incomplete dominance

Which of the following best describes the characteristics of a genetic disease?

It is a change in the genetic information that may be passed on from one generation to the next.

Consuming energy drink in excess can cause an overabundance in B vitamins. One consequence of excess B vitamins is a strain on the __________.


Griffith's experiment was one of the first that suggested there was a "factor" that was transferred between different bacteria. In the series of steps of his experiment, what was injected into the mouse in step "c" and what did this prove?

Killed S strain bacteria were injected into the mouse and the mouse lived. This proved the "factor" could only work in live cells.

The contents of genes in viruses are ______ that of living organisms.

Less than

One benefit of radiation over chemotherapy is that radiation

Limits the number of healthy cells affected.

The chickenpox virus can remain latent in host cells by integrating its DNA into the host cell genome. This virus uses the ______ cycle as its main life cycle pathway.


Antiviral medicines target specific stages of the viral life cycle. Which of the following is not a stage of the life cycle that is targeted?


Glucose molecules are linked together through dehydration synthesis to form starch. Based on this description, glucose is a __________ and starch is a __________.

Monomer, POlymer

Like all nutrient class, carbohydrates are broken down at multiple points throughout digestion. In the small intestines,

Monosaccharides and disaccharides are absorbed

Lipids are broken down by lipase enzymes. In which organ, or accessory organ, of the digestive tract, would lipase be initially provided?


There are several scanning techniques physicians use to determine the extent of tumors. What type of scan, shown here, can be used to determine the extent of the tumor in the breast?


Chemicals, radiation, and viruses can cause ______ to occur in genes. This may lead to the cell becoming cancerous.


Which of the following best outlines the path of influenza through the body?

Nostrils, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, lungs, alveoliCorrect

Telophase and cytokinesis is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during telophase and cytokinesis?

Nuclear envelope forms and a cleave furrow forms

Which event (or events) occur in the telophase II phase of meiosis II?

Nuclear membrane begins to form, and a cleavage furrow begins to develop

Which event (or events) occur in the telophase I phase of meiosis I?

Nuclear membrane begins to form, and a cleavage furrow begins to developCorrect

Which of the following is an example of a dehydration synthesis reaction?

Nucleotides forming Dna

The digestive system is an organ system that allows animals to take in food and digest it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients. Compare and contrast the role of organs and cells in the digestive system. Breakdown of nutrients into their building blocks Convert energy stored in chemical bonds into ATP Use enzymes Use of organelles Use of organs Release potential energy stored in chemical bonds

Organs, Individual, Both, individual, organs, both

Describe the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide during gas exchange.

Oxygen diffuses out of the lungs into red blood cells and carbon dioxide diffuses out of red blood cells and into the lungs.

When referring to cancer, the two most associated tumor-suppressor genes are BRCA1 and ______.


There are several ways a person can be tested to assess their risk of cancer. One is genetic testing. What genetic testing technique is shown in the image provided?


Which B vitamin is involved in making acetyl CoA and is readily available in nuts, beans, and green leafy vegetable?

Pantothenic Acid

You are given an assignment to identify a pair of human sex chromosomes from a karotype. How would you differentiate the sex chromosomes from the autosomal chromosomes?

Sex chromosomes will be xx or xy

The process of evolution of the influenza virus that results from the infection of two viruses in the same cell is called Antigenic ______.


Which of the following statements best describes the structure and function of hemoglobin in the respiratory and circulatory systems?

The hemoglobin molecule consists of two alpha globin and two beta globin polypeptide chains and iron molecules that are involved in gas exchange between the blood capillaries and the alveoli capillaries.

Which of the following processes would be most directly impacted from a lack of niacin in the body?

The movement of high-energy electrons with the help of NAD+ to the electron transport chain

In genome editing the mutated gene is either replaced with the correct gene or completely removed.


Place the correct organelle or structure of an animal cell with its general function. There may be more than one organelle associated with a particular function.Nucleus Information Processing Correct Nucleus b. Lysosome c. Mitochondria d. Endoplasmic Reticulum e. Ribosomes f. Golgi apparatus g. Plasma membrane Centrioles

info processing, Transport and processing, Energy Converter, Transport, Info, Transport, Isolation, Cell division

In genetic testing, DNA sequencing

is used to identify the incorrect nucleotide or nucleotides that caused the mutation and the disease to occur.

The most common flu vaccine is called a trivalent vaccine because

it contains three different strains of deactivate viruses

When a macrophage presents an antigen with an MHC-II protein,

it interacts with helper T cells

The oxygen exchange between the red blood cells and the alveoli is driven by diffusion. This diffusion is due to the

lower amount of oxygen found in red blood cells

n most organisms, the flow of information is from

Dna, Rna, Protein

After transcription, the entire mRNA is translated into a polypeptide.


Which of the following is a likely physiological effect of caffeine ingestion?

Increased Metabolic Rate

From the following list, choose all that relate to caffeine. (Check all that apply.)

It is a psychoactive drug, stimulant, influences many metabolic pathways

In eukaryotic cells, transcription occurs in the ______.


The scientific definition of evolution refers to changes in a ______ over time.


Choose the correct order from the drop down box that describe protein structure. The simplest level of organization is first.

Primary looks like squares, Secondary looks like a map, Tetiary is clumped together, Quarternary has colors.

Several different researchers contributed to the study of the structure of DNA. What did Oswald Avery contribute?

Transformation of bacteria did not occur with the addition of DNase enzyme, suggesting DNA is the genetic material

In gene expression, step two, also known as ______, converts mRNA into a structural protein.


One of the four mechanisms of the innate immune defenses is the inflammatory response. Its role is to


Which of the following vitamins is categorized as water-soluble?


An organic nutrient that contains a hydrophilic functional group would have difficulty dissolving in water.


Energy drink manufacturers falsely advertise their products as being all derived from natural sources.


Genes are always influenced by the environment. This influence determines the trait that is shown by the individual. Group starts


If there were no solar energy, humans would not be affected because they rely on chemical energy.


Polymers are formed by hydrolytic reactions of monomers.


Sickle-cell disease is a disorder that results in malformed hemoglobin molecules. What is the result of this in terms of hemoglobin function?

Hemoglobin has a reduced ability to bind to and transport oxygen in red blood cells

There are two main steps in gene expression. This first step produces mRNA, and the second step, ______, converts the mRNA into a protein.


The overall goal of gene expression is to make

a structural protein that can be used by the cell.

Since sickle cell anemia is caused by a single Correctpoint mutation(s), it is a prime candidate for gene therapy. b. CRISPR trials in sickle cell disease patients are targeting the cells that divide to produce red blood cells, called progenitor cells Correct, and have shown some promise. c. CRISPR Cas9 Correctenzyme is used to introduce a DNA break to the hemoglobin Correctgene in the progenitor cell. Next, the correct version of the nucleotide sequence for the gene is inserted Correct. d. When the cell's repair mechanism fixes the break in the DNA, the edited cell is now engineered to produce normal Correcthemoglobin. e. Researchers have been able to use CRISPR to repair 40% Correctof the progenitor cells, which in turn reduces the amount of sickled red blood cells Correctin the blood of the patient.

A single, progenitor cells, Cas9, hemoglobin, inserted, normal, 40%, sickle red blood cells

A virus called a bacteriophage was labeled with either radioactive proteins or radioactive DNA and was allowed to infect bacteria. From the results, it was concluded that the DNA, and not proteins, entered the bacterial cells and was the genetic material. Performed the first experiment suggesting that pneumonia-causing bacteria are capable of transferring genetic information through a process known as transformation. By expanding the bacterial transformation experiment, this scientist added an enzyme DNase, to show when present, transformation did not occur. This evidence strongly suggested that DNA is the substance that causes bacterial transformation.

Alfred, Frederick, OSwald

_____ is tightly packed up to fit in the nucleus of every eukaryotic cell. b. The ______ DNA molecule wraps around packing proteins called ____ , forming the nucleosome. c. _____ are further condensed to form _____during the process of cell division. d. Although compact, the chromosome can be easily unwound to provide access to the individual _____ . e. Each gene has a specific location, or _____ , on a chromosome. f. The largest chromosomes can have ___ of genes, while the smallest may have as little as a few hundred.

Dna, Double Stranded, Histones, Nucleosomes,Chromosomes, Genes, Locus, thousands

This list contains the characteristics of the law of independent assortment and the law of segregation. Select all that contributed to Mendel's law of segregation. (Check all that apply.)

During meiosis, only one factor is passed on in a gamete. An individual receives one factor from each parent. Fertilization results in a new individual with two factors

DNA replication is considered to be ______ because the end product consists of one old strand and one newly synthesized strand.


From the list provided, select all viruses that have DNA as the genetic material. (Check all that apply.)

Smallpox, Chickenpox, Herpes

There are many different forms of energy, including solar energy, chemical energy, and mechanical energy. For each description, decide which type of energy is being described and classify it accordingly. Energy stored in the bonds of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins The energy of position or the position of an object before it moves includes kinetic energy Energy obtained from the Sun Includes potential energy Ultimate source of energy for nearly every organism on this planet Used as fuel; provided by food eaten daily to support metabolic needs

Cemical, Mechanical, Mechanical, Solar, Mechanical, Solar, Chemical

A certain species of butterfly varies in color from white to dark blue. The birds found in the same area feed on the white or lightly colored butterflies, leaving butterflies that are darkly colored. This is an example of what type of selection?

Directional Selection

Normally, cancer cells can evade an immune response because the immune system

Has a difficult time indentifying cancerous cells.

PCR mimics DNA replication. Which of the following steps of PCR corresponds with the denaturing process in DNA replication?

Helicase breaking the hydrogen bonds

Which of the following statements best describes the structure of a hemoglobin molecule?

Hemoglobin is composed of four globin molecules, each with their own heme group that binds to and carries oxygen.

Review the following statements about hemoglobin. Which of the statements is true?

Hemoglobin, a globular protein with an embedded heme group, efficiently binds to oxygen from the lungs and releases it near cells that are performing cellular respiration.

At the top of the pedigree is the grandfather. Based on the inheritance pattern of his offspring and knowing the genotype of the grandmother, the grandfather's genotype is ______. b. As you examine the remaining part of the pedigree, the diagram shows the inheritance of this particular trait is _________. c. Based on this inheritance pattern, affected children will have at least ____ affected parent, heterozygotes are _____ Correct, and both males and females are affected with _____frequency.

Heterozygous, autosomal dominant, one, affected, equal

From the following list, select all that describe vitamins. (Check all that apply.)

High energy pathways, protect cells, hormones

Step 1: The hydrogen Correctbonds between the complementary base nucleotides of the double helix molecule are broken by helicase Correctexposing the nitrogenous bases. b. Step 2: The separation of the two parental strands of DNA creates a replication fork Correctand each separated strand will act as a template Correctfor making a new strand. c. Step 3: On the leading Correctstrand, the enzyme DNA polymerase continuously Correctadds nucleotides as it travels down the parental molecule. d. Step 4: On the lagging Correctstrand, the DNA polymerase Correctmakes short segments of DNA, called Okazaki fragments Correct. e. Step 5: The fragments along the lagging strand are eventually connected together by a DNA ligase Correctenzyme. The end result of DNA replication are two sets of identical CorrectDNA molecules, commonly called sister chromatids, which are separated and sent into new cells during cell division.

Hydrogen, Helicase, replication fork, template, leading, contiuously, lagging, dna polymerase, okazaki fragments, dna ligase, identical

A karyotype is the process of pairing and ordering all the chromosomes into a visual representation. b. By using a procedure called fluorescent immunohistochemistry in situ hybridization , short pieces of DNA are marked with a fluorescent marker. When exposed to specific wavelengths of light , the markers emit different colors of light and create a banding pattern . c. These patterns help determine any chromosomal changes , such as changes in chromosome number, or subtle changes due to mutations. d. Examples of changes due to mutations . Example 1: Deletions : The chromosome breaks and some genetic material is lost meaning there is less genetic material in the chromosome. e. Example 2: Duplications There is an extra copy of a chromosomal region meaning there is more genetic material in the chromosomes. f. Example 3: Translocations When a piece of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome. g. Example 4: Inversions There is no change in the amount of genetic material. Instead, a breakage occurs on the chromosome resulting in pieces of DNA in a reversed order.

Karotype, fluorescent immunohistochemsitry in situ hybridization, DNA, light, banding pattern, changes, mutations, deletions, duplications, translocations, inversions

Copies of a specific genes are made so they may be analyzed to determine if a specific allele is mutated PCR Correct b. A gene is inserted into a bacteria and the cloned DNA is used to create copies of a gene and to locate a mutation Gene Cloning Correct c. A gene with a known location on a chromosome that can be used to identify mutations due to some variation seen at the genomic loci Genetic marker Correct d. The process of determining the exact nucleic acid sequence in the gene of interest and determine if some variation is seen in the nucleic acid sequence DNA sequencing Correct e. A tool used to determine patterns of gene expression from a particular individual and whether or not a mutation in genes exist due to the expression pattern DNA microarray Correct

PCR, Gene Cloning, Genetic Marker, Dna Sequencing, Dna Microarray

DNA nucleotides consist of several parts. From the list below, select the parts that would be found in DNA nucleotides. (Check all that apply.)

Phosphate grouo, adenine, deoxyribose

At its simplest or ____ level, hemoglobin is made up of a linear sequence _____ linked together by peptide bonds. b. The most common _______ protein structures are the alpha helix and the _____ sheet which are a result of each globin molecule interacting with itself to form stable structures; therefore, the polypeptide does not remain linear but rather bends and folds. c. The _____structure refers to its stable three-dimensional shape maintained by the covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds between the _____ in the amino acid. d. Since hemoglobin is due to the formation of multiple polypeptide subunits, called ____ , it has a quaternary structure. e. Of the _____ globins that make up hemoglobin, two are identical and called _____ globins, and the other two are called beta globins and are also identical. f. Each of the polypeptides of the hemoglobin protein contains a _____ group which contains iron and binds to ____ oxygen molecule, allowing each hemoglobin molecule to bind ____oxygen molecules. Based on this information, it is clear that the _____ of the hemoglobin protein is critical. Changes in the structure would significantly limit its ability to circulate ______ through the body.

Primary, Amino Acids, Secondary, Beta-Pleated, Tertiary, R groupd,Globins, four, alpha,heme, one four, structure, oxygen.

You are observing a protein structure model that has pleated sheets. Which level of protein structure does this represent?


Complete the following paragraph to describe the difference between energy drinks and soft drinks. a. ______provide energy in the form of the following ingredient: ______ . b. Carbohydrates are molecules used in the metabolic pathways of the cell. Cells harvest the _______ in the chemical bonds of the carbon-to-carbon bonds of the carbohydrate to synthesize _____ . c. _______ do not provide energy. d. Instead, they simply _____ the rate of chemical reactions by interacting with the metabolic pathways that provide energy.

Soft drinks, carbohydrates, Potential Energy, ATP, Energy Drinks, Increase

Wallace shared his ideas with Darwin, which led to the book, On the Origin of Species. Wallace contributed his biogeographical studies of the __________.

South Pacific islands

In which stage of breast cancer would a physician most likely use radiation and chemotherapy to treat a cancer patient?

Stage 4

From the list provided, select all characteristics of the influenza envelope. (Check all that apply.)

hosts cell membrane, n and h spikes

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