Principles of Christian Theology Part 2

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Andrew Sung Park


Ordination to ministry of Word and sacrament is INCLUSIVE rather than exclusive. This means that no groups of people should be excluded from the exercise of this office on the basis on such criteria as gender and race.


The church is a PROLEPSIS of the Kingdom of God.


Karl Barth

Real bodily event in historical time and space. An act of God, cannot in principle be seen by a historian.

What two principles should guide a "theology of the religions" today?

(1) A theology of the religions will recognize there are real differences among world religions and avoid abstract definitions about the essence common to all religion. (2) A theology of the religions will be undertaken from a particular faith perspective and involve critical judgment.

List three ways in which the meaning of Baptism has ethical implications for us.

(1) Baptism is the sacrament of God's solidarity with the world in all its sinfulness and estrangement. (2) Baptism is the sacrament of human solidarity in Christ with each other, and especially with those who are different, strange, and even frightening to us. (3) Baptism is the sacrament of human solidarity with the whole groaning creation.

List and briefly explain, Migliore's three theses with regard to the witness to Jesus Christ in a religiously pluralistic world.

(1) Christians are called to associate with non-Christians with the conviction that God's grace made known in Jesus Christ is working by the holy spirit's power even where it is not recognized. (2) Christians and non-Christians meetings demand genuine conversations, but without abandoning the responsibility to communicate the gospel. (3) Communication between Christians and non-Christians should be supported at the fundamental level and supported in joint efforts on matters of common concern and commitment.

Please list and explain briefly the four classical "marks' of the Church.

(1) Church unity. It is fellowship with God by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's intercession. (2) Church holiness. It is not based on itself but in Christ who justifies the believers by grace and eventually sanctifies them. (3) Church Catholicity. The church universal embraces and encompasses all people. (4) Church Apostolicity. The church is based on the apostles.

What are the conventional three possibilities for relating Christianity and other Religions?

(1) Exclusivism asserts Jesus alone is the way, the truth, the life. (2) Inclusivism teaches Jesus is God's true revelation embracing and available, for everyone. (3) Pluralism regards all religions mediating the knowledge for salvation, and thus all religions are ways for salvation.

List the two schools of thought in Patristic Christology that Migliore discusses in the third section of the chapter. State them briefly but with enough explanation so as to be clear, and give a major proponent of each.

(1) First, the Alexandrian School of thought. This school was led by Athanasius and later by Cyril of Alexandria. It represents the Word-Flesh Christology. Its main emphasis is upon the divinity of Christ and unity of his person. (2) The second, the Antiochian school of thought. This school was led by Theodore of Mopsuestia and Nestorius. Its emphasis is the full humanity of Christ, it defended the Word-human being Christology.

List and briefly explain in your own words, the four problems with the "church" in our time, as discussed by Migliore.

(1) Individualism from the American Culture produces much misunderstanding and hostility to the church. (2) In our modern American culture, religious belief and practice are individualized, however, it also assumes a privatized form, this privatization is damaging the message and mission of the church from the larger questions and struggles of life. (3) Accommodation of bureaucratic organizations is another problem to a proper understanding of the church. (4) Another problem is the conspicuous and disturbing discrepancy between the expressed faith of the church and its actual practice.

Please list the Three classical affirmations of Christ & four clarifications about the third affirmation (union between Christ's humanity and divinity).

(1) Jesus is completely human. (2) Jesus is not only completely human but completely divine. (3) Jesus' complete humanity and divinity direct us to the mysterious unity of his person. - First, the combination between the divinity and humanity in Christ is unique. Similarities in the union of God and humanity in Christ from the personal relationships, friendship, and love should be regarded as valuable. However, don't forget these similarities are imperfect comparisons between God and humanity in Christ. • Second, the combination between the divinity and humanity in Christ is asymmetrical. • Third, the combination between the divinity and humanity in Christ is dynamic. • Fourth, the combination between the divinity and humanity in Christ is empowered and sustained by the Holy Spirit. • Fifth, the combination between the divinity and humanity in Jesus Christ is a kenotic union. Kenosis is to possess free self-limitation and free self-expenditure ability.

List the three stages of Christian life.

(1) Justification is when God graciously forgives and accepts sinners, not for their good qualities or good works but for God's grace in Jesus Christ and it is received by faith. (2) Sanctification is life renewal by the holy spirit's power and participation in Christ and church membership. (3) Vocation is when God chooses and calls his creatures to be partners in healing his creation. It is not a call to privilege, but service.

List three of the five marks or criteria of growth in Christian life.

(1) Maturing hearers of God's word. (2) Maturing in Prayer. (3) Maturing in Freedom.

List, and briefly discuss, Migliore's four "symbols" of Christian Hope (main themes of Christian Eschatology, associated with key words/concepts).

(1) One cluster centers on the Parousia of Christ. (2) A second cluster centers on the resurrection of the dead. (3) A third cluster centers on the last judgment. (4) A fourth cluster centers on the promise of eternal life in communion with God (heaven) and warning about eternal death (hell).

List the four pairs of conflicting eschatological interpretation in 20th century biblical interpretation/theology.

(1) One conflict is between futurist eschatology (Albert Schweitzer) and realized eschatology (C.H. Dodd). (2) Another conflict is between individual eschatology (Bultmann) and corporate eschatology (the early Moltmann, the liberation theologians). (3) Another conflict is between historical eschatology (modern Western theology) and cosmic eschatology (Eastern theology, process theology). (4) Another conflict is between historical eschatology focusing on God's activity (dialectical theology) and eschatology concentrating on human activity (Social Gospel theology, some recent theologies of praxis).

State, and briefly discuss, the two theses regarding the relation of Eschatology and Ethics, in Migliore's final section of the chapter.

(1) Our Hope in God empowers us for unity with the groaning creation, and to persist in the battle for the renewal of all things. (2) As we wait, pray, and work for God's renewed world in which life will succeed and evil, death, and destruction will end, we can learn what hope in God's power means rather than our own.

Please just name (list) the seven amplifications of the definition of preaching (or Proclamation of the Word) as faithful witness to the Word of God addressed to specific people in a particular time and place.

(1) Preaching is a human testimony to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and its effectiveness depends on God not the preacher. (2) Preaching is based on the Biblical witness. (3) Preaching is an act of witnessing to the truth. (4) Preaching employs the medium of language. (5) Preaching is rich and deep with meaning, yet it is also simple. (6) Preaching always takes place in particular situations. (7) Preaching must reveal good judgment, diligence, precision, clearness, spirituality, powerfulness, faithfulness, wisdom, eagerness, and sincerity.

According to Migliore, give four correct statement of the work of the Holy Spirit.

(1) Represents Christ. (2)Creation of new life. (3) Liberative. (4)The gifts of the Spirit.

Gustavo Gutierrez

A Theology of Liberation

What are the "three kinds of hope" (other than genuine Biblical hope) that have come to dominate both secular and religious consciousness in the modern era? List and briefly describe.

(1) Starting with Enlightenment and continuing with the early twentieth century, critics rejected the apocalyptic biblical hope as ignorance and fear. (2) The liberal theory of progress is a modern candidate to replace the eschatological hope of the Bible. Marxist utopianism is the most influential modern futuristic philosophy. (3) The Holocaust and other 20th and 21st century horrors mark a new situation, yet still the question stands, what will Christians dare to hope in this new situation?

Please give the four fundamental statements about the church given in the Pointers document (they correspond to the four dominant metaphors for the church in the New Testament).

(1) The Church is neither "Essential for Salvation," nor merely a "Consequence of Salvation," but rather itself "Inseparable from Salvation. (2) There is only One Church, the Universal Church, to which we belong; The Advent Movement is a movement within the Universal Church, seeking to call the Church back to its true identity, by catalyzing a remnant of resistance to "Babylon," and building a global growing and reproducing inclusivity in community. (3) The Church is a prolepsis of the God's kingdom (anachronistic representation) having its origins, basis, structure, and direction for the Advent of God. (4) There is only one True Sacrament. "The Sacraments" are ritualized ecclesial practices having Biblical support, historical precedence, and deep theological resonance with the essential mystery of salvation (God with us). They are human analogically derivative responses to the Advent (threefold coming of God). As such, ordination is not a sacrament but is to be understood as an important sacred ceremony reflecting our understanding of the inclusive nature of Christian vocation and leadership, a human response to the prior action of the Holy Spirit in calling men and women to special vocations.

Outline Migliore's four major points in his sketch of a Theology of the Holy Spirit.

(1) The Holy Spirit as confirmed by Scripture is God's presence and power at work in the world, accomplishing God's purposes. (2) The New Testament says Jesus Christ is the center and criterion of the Holy Spirit's activity. It confirms the truth of his saving work and empowers new life in him. (3) When a person understands Christ's work as preparing for and bringing to fulfillment, the Holy Spirit's work is rightly described as cosmic in scope. (4) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the triune God. (5) A correct Holy Spirit's theology in our time requires fresh ecumenical conversations.

List Migliore's four major clusters of New Testament imagery of the church.

(1) The church as the people of God, especially the exodus people of God. (2) The people of God as a servant people. (3) The church as the body of Christ. (4) The church as the community of the Spirit, the community of the end-time, filled in the gifts of the Spirit.

Briefly, list and briefly explain the strengths and dangers of each of the five models of the church that Migliore discusses (drawing from Avery Dulles).

(1) The church is an institution of salvation. This model provides coherence and stability to the community. There is a tendency to institutionalism, and hierarchy wins over community. The spirit of survival wins over service. (2) The church as an elite community of the Spirit. This model attempts to develop a strong sense of belonging and mutual support between its members. It represents a sect type, and it addresses real human needs. It is only an escape from the insensitive and bureaucratic society and its depersonalizing effects. The church is called to serve God's purpose personal and world transforming. (3) The church as sacrament of salvation. A strength in this model is the mixing objective and subjective aspects in the church life. A weakness is it can lean toward ecclesiocentrism, preoccupation with church correctness. It can lose church social witness and service. (4) The church as herald of good news. A strength in this model is the gospel proclamation. However, its weaknesses are easily developing a patronizing, self-righteous attitude toward the people it is trying to reach, a preoccupation with gospel delivery, yet neglecting practical community service. (5) The church as servant of the servant Lord. A strength in this model is its emphasis on service in God's behalf to all creation. It helps overcome the division between the spiritual and mundane, between the struggle for evangelization and justice. However, it has several weaknesses, first it can easily be equated with a social improvement agency, inadequate understanding of service, over activity can misrepresent the church by subjugating the gospel proclamation and nurture with zeal for political change.

Please give the Three major atonement theories and give the leading proponents.

(1) The cosmic conflict or Christ the Victor atonement theory. Its major proponent is Gregory of Nyssa. (2) The Anselmian satisfaction theory of atonement. It is based on Bible texts suggesting the vicarious suffering for humanity's redemption. Its major proponent is Anselm. (3) The moral influence theory of atonement. It is also called the subjective theory contrasting the objective focus from the two previous atonement theories. Its major proponent is Abelard.

List and briefly describe the seven types of Christian Theologies of Religion, according to Migliore.

(1) The first type declares Christ is the only Savior and Lord of all, and that Salvation is by faith in him only. (2) A second type holds Christ alone is the Savior and Lord and salvation is possible only by faith in him. (3) A third type holds Jesus as the world's Savior and lord, and Jesus is the fullness of God's truth and grace. (4) Type 4 agrees Jesus Christ alone is Savior and Lord of all, but it differs from the others regarding God's saving grace decisively know in Christ present to all people. Salvation is possible in and through the other religions. (5) A fifth type primarily emphasizes the differences of the religions and at the same time it's open to the possibility of salvation for those who have not heard of Jesus Christ, or who in this life reject what they have heard. (6) Type six places for greater emphasis on the importance of communication between the religions and any of the preceding types. (7) The seventh type argues; a theology of religions must move away from Christocentrism to a radical theocentrism.

Give Migliore's five principles for Interpretating Christian Hope.

(1) The language of Christian hope is language extending to its limits, it's a language rich in symbol and image. (2) Christian hope is based in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, and it's supported by the Holy Spirit's presence and promise of life, for the Triune God's glory. (3) A correct understanding of Christian hope is non-dualistic, embracing the search for fulfillment and wholeness in all life's dimensions. (4) Christian eschatological symbols, properly interpreted, are parallel to all historical and cultural human achievements. (5) Christian hope and its rich with suggestive symbols, they produce Christian service which speeds up Christ's coming kingdom.

List the five criticisms Migliore makes of contemporary Christian apocalyptic literature (think of the typical rapture or dispensationalist apocalypticism).

(1) The neo-apocalyptic Bible reading method is a distorted rather than a weighty interpretation as a whole. (2) The time-table for the end events is very decisive. (3) The world is divided into true believers and infidels. Reconciliation with the enemy is impossible, the enemy is often identified with nations hostile to the United States, leaders, and UN supporters. (4) The real objective for hope in this eschatological version is the rapture. (5) Clearly, Jesus' ministry, cross, and resurrection are missing in this neo-apocalyptic depiction of the end time.

Give the essential points of Migliore's discussion of the relationship between Christians and Jews.

(1) The relationship between Christians and Jews is special. This is not to say that Christians are to see themselves as friends of Jews but enemies of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. (2) Different answers to the question of the relationship between Christians and Jews are already evident in the New Testament. (3) Christians and Jews are called to respect their special witness God has given each to bear to the other and to the world.

What is the "ambiguity of religion" according to Migliore?

(1) There is ambiguity regarding the definition of religion. (2) There is also ambiguity in the interpretation of religion. (3) The most important ambiguity in actual history and practice.

Just list three of the four major theories of the Lord's Supper in Christian Theology.

(1) Transubstantiation. The elements bread and wine transform into Christ's body and blood. (2) Consubstantiation. Christ is present not just spiritually but also in bodily form. (3) Calvinist/Reformed tradition. Affirms Christ is really present but emphasizes Christ's presence by the uniting holy spirit's power which is received by faith.

List the Five principles to guide our understanding of atonement and help us evaluate the various prominent theories of atonement.

(1) We should honor the riches of the New Testament types of atonement and the variety of exemplary developments rather than seeking to reduce everything to one common denominator. (2) The atoning work of Christ embraces the whole gospel story, Christ's ministry, teaching, cross, and resurrection. None of these should be neglected or separated from the others. (3) Christ's work of atonement is based on God's kindly drive, yet it calls for a human response as well. A satisfactory doctrine of atonement will give both factors their appropriate attention. (4) The grace of God includes judgment, and the judgment of God assists the intention of grace. When a person teaches atonement he or she should not present God's grace and judgment conflicting with each other. (5) The atoning work of God in Christ has to mean for humans, society, and all the universe.

Briefly discuss the pros and cons of "universal salvation" according to Migliore.

(1) Willingness to receive God's grace in and through other religions is based in the freedom of the triune God. (2) Willingness to receive God's grace in and through other religions is based in the boundless love of the triune God exhibited in the missions of God's Word and Spirit. (3) Willingness to receive God's grace in and through other religions is compatible with Christian hope and prayer.

List the Five Principles of Christology Migliore suggests should guide our exploration of the doctrine of the person of Jesus Christ.

1) Faith in Jesus is wisdom with mental substance. However, this wisdom is not only conceptual and factual. (2) Jesus cannot be rightly grasped by seeing him separate from God's covenant with the Israelites, or if his saving work's extent is limited to certain people, a chosen few rather than all humanity. (3) The person and work of Christ are connected teachings. (4) Every time Jesus Christ is comprehended and declared by someone, it grows out of a particular situation, and it primarily speaks to the situation's particular needs and hopes. (5) All our confessions and creeds fall short to the living Christ, he excels all our theological reflection about him.

Explain the meaning of a "remnant" in the document.

A remnant is a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists. However, in Revelation chapters 14 to 19 the concept of remnant is a little different. First, The Seventh-day Adventist church is not the remnant, and it is not to be understood as a replacement for the Universal Christian Church. The Seventh-day Adventist church is a prophetic movement with a mission and task. Its mission is catalyzing an emergent remnant for the universal Church. As a prophetic movement, the SDA church has the vocation of calling the Christian church to repentance and reformation through the Judgment hour message. This proclamation is found in the Three Angels in Revelation 14. The proclamation regarding Babylon's fall is for calling a remnant out of Babylon. It's both a calling for Babylon's repentance and a witness to the coming Kingdom of God.

Wolfhard Pannenberg

Argued against omnipotence of analogy in Historical Criticism. Real bodily event in historical time and space.

Explain how "the fall of Babylon" is interpreted in the document.

Babylon is a symbol which represents political power mixing with religious power. This mixture perverts the gospel and forces the conscience oppressing the weak by abusive power. Babylon is a rival version of God's kingdom on earth. The hierarchical church is built on power and authority over others is Satan's medium on earth. It claims to possess absolute truth offering an unchangeable mystical experience with the good (absolutist ethics), yet it's willing to use power to enforce its authority whenever necessary. It has a tendency for uniformity over diversity; for law and order over spontaneity and freedom. Babylon today is the Christian West. The Christian West includes all religions even SDAs when they choose to subvert freedom of democracy and morality. The Judgment proclamation on Babylon is not God's rejection; It is God's determination to save Babylon (Christianity). The proclamation on Babylon's fall is made for the purpose of calling a remnant out of Babylon. This is not a call for a new church, it's calling a remnant out from Babylon. It's a remnant of resistance to leave Babylon by their life styles and practices. It's both a call for the repentance of Babylon and a witness to the coming Kingdom of God.

Explain "judgment in the Bible.

Biblical Judgment is never the end of God's patience or love, it always is another form of God's gracious love. God is faithful and never abandons covenant promises. However, strange things happened when the covenant rules are neglected in one party. God does not force the covenant on people, yet once they accept it makes them responsible for their actions as punishments or natural results. God is patient especially with the Israelites, they received partial judgments for rebellion and sin, yet the grace period ended when Israel did not amend its rebellious ways. Then God had to send them on exile, a more serious judgment. This is all out of Love because God does not want sin to continue forever unchecked. Revelation chapters 6 to 11 tells the comprehensive judgment of God against the Church (new covenant people). The seven seals broken and seven plagues are partial judgments with the purpose to bring us back to God. They represent a systematic rejection as with ancient Israel, now the God's people who persist in joining Babylon will fall with it. Babylon's fall represents the coming of God's judgment on the earth and its inhabitants. A transition is seen here, beginning with the preaching of the gospel to all people, nations, and tongues; This transition ends with God's Judgment hour when God's patient love and grace turns into loving active wrath against evil, oppression and injustice.

James Cone

Black Theology

What does Erns Bloch develop in his influential book, Philosophy of hope?

Bloch develops a neo-Marxist interpretation of all human experience and cultural activity as moved by a passionate hope for a future that transcends all alienation.

Justo Gonzalez

Constantinization of God

Explain how Daniel 8: 14 is explained in the document.

Daniel 8: 14 is explained in connection with the 2,300-day prophecy as interpreted by SDAs. Specifically, the Millerites connected the 2,300-day prophecy with the coming Messiah and God's kingdom. Although, Daniel 8: 14 has a dual meaning. First, meaning is a more literal historical, the renewed truth about the coming kingdom of God (typified by the sanctuary in the OT and the church in the NT). The second meaning and more literary and analogical connects the text's meaning with "cleaning the sanctuary." It is also connected with yom kipur (the day of atonement) from Leviticus 16:16. The second meaning connects the 2,300-day prophecy's ending with the Judgment idea. The Israel's atonement day represents the final Judgment day. The events predicted at the ending 2,300-day prophecy can be understood as the starting proclamation, the Judgment hour is here on earth. This is when the God's shifting from patience to judgment upon the apostate church is understood to begin. The message began to be preached everywhere in 1844, when Western colonialism was at its peak, and the industrial revolution was at its peak. The terrible consequences these events caused perfectly link Babylon's fall and the sanctuary's restoration.

According to Migliore, Albert Schweitzer praised the historical-critical attempt to find the real historical Jesus behind the text as an act of courage and thought it a success in the end.


According to Migliore, Karl Barth raised the question of whether theology in the 21st century might not need to turn from a focus of the Spirit, for example, the Charismatic movement, back to a focus on Jesus Christ the living Word of God.


According to Migliore, if sanctification by grace through faith is the foundation of Christian life, justification is the process of growth in Christian love.


According to Migliore, the Chalcedonian formula affirms that Jesus Christ is fully divine and fully human, two persons united in one nature without confusion, change, division, or separation.


According to Migliore, the Nicene Creed speaks of the Son as being of like substance, homoiousios, with God the Father.


According to Migliore, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is the most developed doctrine of our time, given the attention of the charismatic movement.


According to Migliore, the doctrines of the person and work of Christ are incontestable but not inseparable.


According to Migliore, the new interest in the Holy Spirit is a reaction against the formal attempts at church unification via the ecumenical movement.


According to Migliore, the new interest in the Holy Spirit is evidence of a widespread hunger for a more intellectually satisfying and behaviorally demanding kind of religion.


According to Migliore, theological reflection on any topic is Christian to the extent that it recognizes the centrality of God and the salvation offered by Godself.


Calvin believes that the doctrine of the person and work of Christ must be strictly separated, otherwise, the one doctrine might just collapse into the other.


Communicatio idiomatum is the Latin theological term for the idea that in Jesus Christ God is both revealed and hidden at the same time.


Cur Deus Homo? was written by Abelard and argues for the moral influence theory of the atonement.


Ebionism was the tendency to emphasize the humanity of Jesus at the expense of his Divinity.


Kenosis is the Greek theological term for theological exegesis, knowing through the Spirit.


Migliore insists that we reject the complicated historical creeds of classical Christology, which are hopelessly mired in philosophical language, in favor of the simple early formulas, Jesus is the Christ and Jesus is Lord.


Orthodox Christianity decided that Christ was of like, but no the same, substance as the Father, against Alexandrianism, the view that Christ was of the same essence as the Father, because it believed that there can only be one God.


While the church has tolerated different views on the person of Christ, Christology, it has formulated the doctrine of Soteriology, the work of Christ, very specifically and carefully, in the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon.


Feminist's central convictions

Feminist's political theology like liberation theology is grounded in the context of the economic deprivation and political oppression in society. Feminist's concerns critique the attitudes and practices favoring male political domination within the church and society. Feminist's convictions are based on the problem rooted in sexism and patriarchal attitudes and practices which take God given rights from oppressed women and men around the earth.

Rudolf Bultmann

Historical evidence for a bodily resurrection is minimal. Argued against omnipotence of analogy in historical criticism.

What is the Greek term for same nature around which much controversy, in the early centuries of the church, revolved?


Virgilio Elizondo

Jesus as a mestizaje

Rosemary Ruether

Jesus disclosed a kenosis of patriarchy.

Karl Barth's central convictions

Karl Barth's political convictions originate from his involvement in the religious socialist movement early in Germany. He was the leader of the German confessing Church in its resistance to Nazism. His convictions are rigorously Christocentric regarding politics. Union organizing and helping people struggle for their rights was most important to him as a pastor. Barth's commitment to justice and peace is evident in his political theology. He later placed his commitment in a firmer foundation and guarded better against confusing God's kingdom with worldly politics.

Jon Sobrino

Knowledge of Christ inseparably linked to following him

Liberationist's central convictions

Liberationist's political theology is grounded in the context of the economic deprivation and political oppression in society. His theology emphasizes on God's preferential love for the oppressed poor, salvation as holistic liberation, and theology as liberation practice rather than theory. He believes trouble is found in economic deprivation and bureaucratic structures are at fault.

J. Y. Lee an Asian American


Briefly describe and explain Migliore's Trinitarian account of a Theology of the Religions.

Migliore believes there is a serious omission in the usual way the debate between Christian faith and other religions is structured. It has either or choices between exclusivism and pluralism. He believes attention is lacking to the Trinitarian doctrine as the Church's own hermeneutical framework for interpreting the theodrama.

Isai-Diaz Hispanic and woman

Mujerista Theology

The Bible does not provide a definition of a sacrament, nor does it specify their number. In the New Testament, the Greek word mysterion literally means MYSTERY later was translated in the Latin by sacramentum, or SACRAMENT refers to the presence and purpose of God made known in Jesus Christ. Since the Middle Ages the number of sacraments has been set at SEVEN by the Roman Catholic church; which include baptism, CONFIRMATION, eucharist (Lord's supper or Communion), PENANCE, ordination, marriage and ANOINTING OF THE SICK. The reformation reduced the number to at most three, always including BAPTISM and the LORD'S SUPPER.

Mystery, sacrament, seven, confirmation, penance, anointing of the sick, baptism, and the Lord's Supper.

Human nature of Jesus

One true Sacrament

Reinhold Niebuhr's central convictions

Reinhold Nieburh thinks responsible political theology and ethics connect with real world experience and history. Neiburh regards political theology as not grounded on Scripture alone. Scripture needs interaction, balance, and correction from human experiences and society. He believes human beings need to use their God given powers like judgment, reason, and decision making. He also believes in prophetic insight and analytical power.

Jurgen Moltmann

Resurrection is a real historic event in the lives of the disciples. The resurrection awaits echatological verification.

Anointing the sick

Seven Sacred Ceremonies

Child Dedication

Seven Sacred Ceremonies


Seven Sacred Ceremonies


Seven Sacred Ceremonies


Seven Sacred Ceremonies


Seven Sacred Ceremonies


Seven Sacred Ceremonies

Elizabeth Johnson

She Who Is, language of God is not literalistic

Migliore states that in addition to proclamation there are sacraments. An often repeated definition of sacraments was formulated by Augustine, who called them visible SIGNS of an INVISIBLE grace.

Signs and invisible


Six Sacraments


Six Sacraments

Ordinance of Humility

Six Sacraments


Six Sacraments

Sabbath Keeping

Six Sacraments


Six Sacraments

According to Migliore, what is the decisive basis and criterion of all Christian Theology?

The person and work of Jesus Christ


Three Sacramental Contexts


Three Sacramental Contexts

Holy Scriptures

Three Sacramental Contexts

Briefly, in your own words describe Migliore's own notion of the Church (i.e., his theology of the church) in the sections he entitles the "Church and the Call to Communion" and the "Church the Call to Mission." Simply put: What is the essence of the church and its mission?

Three features of communal church activity (1) The study of church doctrine needs a closer relationship with Trinitarian doctrine. (2) The church is a communion or koinonia in Christ by the Spirit. (3) The Church is called to communion with the triune God and with one another. Four features of missionary church activity (1) Missionary church activity will foster a just and inclusive community. (2) Missionary church activity will expect and welcome the ministerial gifts of all its members, and use them for the well-being and peace of the whole church. (3) Missionary church activity will be motivated by thanksgiving and joy rather than fear or burdensome obligation. (4) Missionary church activity will recognize, welcome, and support the Spirit's presence in all human endeavors, where life and peace are enhanced and death and destruction are combated.

According to Migliore, Christology is not the whole of Christian doctrine, but it is the point of which all else is illumined.


According to Migliore, Feminist theologians today, contend that patriarchal theology has in effect replaced the true scandal of the gospel with the scandal of the ontological necessity of Jesus' maleness.


According to Migliore, God freely elects creatures to be partners in the mending of creation. The election is a call not to privilege but to service. This is part of our vocation.


According to Migliore, many New Testament scholars now hold that an attitude of complete skepticism regarding historical knowledge of Jesus is both unjustified and dangerous.


According to Migliore, new situations call for new confessions of Christ.


According to Migliore, the new interest in the Holy Spirit is a protest against depersonalization and bureaucratization in modern society and church.


According to Migliore, the new interest in the Holy Spirit is related to pastoral emptiness and burnout.


According to Migliore, today we have a better appreciation of the prominence of the work of the Spirit in both Old and New Testaments.


Anhypostasis is the Greek theological word for lacking concrete existence; and enhypostasis is the Greek theological word having existence only in perfect union with the person, the hypostasis of the Word of God.


Donald Baillie argues that the personal unity of the humanity and divinity in Christ is a paradox.


Liberation Christologies have urged that sin keeps people in bondage and that salvation involves both personal and political freedom from all that enslaves.


Sketch briefly an account of the third and final stage of the Christian life (see #5 above), giving an explanation of what is meant as well as your reaction to this emphasis.

Vocation is the third and final stage in the Christian life. The Christian life consists of movement towards a goal. God justifies, sanctifies, and gives a particular vocation as well. God freely chooses people to partner with him in healing his wounded creation. God's calling does not mean a person has a special advantage or right but it's a calling to serve and partner with God.

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Chapter 36: Introduction to the Nervous System

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US History Ch. 2 Study Guide: Transplantations and Borderlands

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