Principles of Design - Variety
Colors and values can contrast in limitless ways.
Almost every artist uses contrasting elements to balance unifying elements. Perhaps they vary lines (bold against thin) textures (smooth against rough) or shapes (geometric against organic).
One way to achieve variety is by placing different elements of art next to each other.
Variety is a way to achieve differences or contrast in a work that will cause a viewer to stop and study a piece of art.
n artist can create contrast with color temperature by juxtaposing warm colors with cool colors.
Variety is introduced in this painting through the use of contrasting warm and cool colors, as well as the rounded and sharp angles.
The number of differences an artist uses depends on the purpose of the work.
Variety may be subtle or very bold. Artists must be careful using too much contrast because the variety that is not controlled can destroy the composition by visual chaos.
principle of art that adds interest to an artwork. Artists add variety to their artwork to keep it interesting and attractive to the viewer's eye. Variety promotes difference or contrast.