Principles of Management Quiz X2

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Which of the following is NOT a typical source selection criterion that an organization would use to evaluate potential contractors? a. life cycle cost b. references c. personalities d. technical approach


Which of the following is NOT a component of empowerment?

C. Mental imagery

Individual styles are likely to come into conflict during which stage of group development?


One problem with the transformational leadership perspective is that specific elements within it are culture-bound. (T/F)



a frantic superficial pursuit of some satisficing strategy

composition of a group

a group described in terms of the homogenity or hetergeneity of group members


a group of people working together to attain common goals

interest group

a group that is relatively temporary and informal and is organized around a common activity or interest of its members

structural change

a systemwide organization development involving a major restructuring of the organization or instituting programs such as quality of work life

When a soccer coach tells her players at the end of a losing game, "You did good in staying with the game plan," she is using a/an ________ as a measure of performance. a) input standard b) output standard c) historical comparison d) relative comparison

a) input standard

121. What are the abilities that set apart the best managers from a merely good manager?

a. Ability to deal with unexpected problems

113. What is a recommended policy to have in place to determine when an employee might request off for vacation time?

a. Block heavy revenue weeks and determine maximum number allowed off per week

199. Is an employee who is terminated for theft of company property eligible for unemployment compensation?

a. Doubtful as must be unemployed through no fault of their own and meet state eligibility requirement

Which of the following can provide managers with the information they need to make good human resources decisions about how to train, motivate, and reward organizational members?

Performance appraisal

_____ tests assess the applicant's ability in an authentic situation.

Performance simulation

Strategic plans

Plans that identify the long term direction for the company including a vision of what and where the organization wants to be longer term

Most studies confirm that the concept of _____ is central to understanding sexual harassment.



Process by which a person states what he or she believes the other person is saying

which is the other key skill involved in effective time management besides being able to concentrate on one activity at a time?

ability to set priorities

Variable Costs

Rise with the level of production.

The manifest needs as identified by McClelland include

achievement, affiliation, and power.

Another name for a task force is a(n):

ad hoc committee.

149. What is the name of a list of topics that will be considered at a meeting?


Work specialization is also referred to as ___

division of labor

interpersonal roles

figurehead role - leader role - liasion role - are involved primarily with interactions with other people


knowingly accepting less than the best possible outcome to avoid unintended negative effects on other aspects of the organization

formal learning

learning by means of rewards and punishments such as incentives bonuses or reprimands and punishment

Two-factor theory suggests that extrinsic factors such as _____ cause dissatisfaction.

working conditions

command group

relatively permanent group

personal power

resides in the person regardless of the position he or she fills

a manager is not living up to the concept of MBO if he or she _______

sets performance objectives for subordinates

The extent to which a job requires a worker to perform all of the tasks that are required to complete the job is known as:

task identity.

technical skills

the skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the organization


the specialized or technical language of a trade profession or social group

The current perspective on organizational conflict is that:

E. Moderate levels of conflict are necessary and produce favorable outcomes

The benefits of employee involvement increase with:

E. The novelty and complexity of the problem or opportunity

Maslow is credited for bringing a mechanistic perspective to the study of motivation. (T/F)


Most organizational behavior theories have been developed by OB scholars rather than from other disciplines. (T/F)


People from cultures with a short-term orientation tend to value assertiveness, competitiveness and materialism. (T/F)


The knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees is an example of structural capital. (T/F)


Business/product life cycle

Intro Growth Maturity Decline

surface value

the objective meaning or worth a reward has to an employee

performance behaviors

the total set of work related behaviors that the organization expects the individual to display

what are the set of standards that reflect the restaurant's most basic reasons for existence?

value statements

A charismatic leader's _____ is key to follower acceptance.


what is the organizing principle that states that each staff member should have only one boss?

unity of command

Projects tend to be the primary method for implementing many objectives


A dynamic follower is one who:

b. practices self-management.

Employees resist change most often because of the

fear of an adverse outcome

In a hierarchy of objectives, plans at lower levels are supposed to act as _____ for accomplishing higher-level plans.


A Theory X manager would assume employees would _____.

need to be controlled

159. How can a manager improve on their ability to conduct meetings?

obtain feedback through evaluation

internal control

occurs through self-discipline and self-control


occurs when people quit their jobs


occurs when the goals are incompatible and the interactions between groups are important to meeting goals


occurs when the interaction between groups is very important to goal attainment and the goals are compatible

The standard of performance that measures efficiency at the corporate level of the organization is known as:

operating costs.

In order to help implement her firm's strategic plans, the CEP of a business firm would most likely want marketing, manufacturing, and finance executives to develop ______.

operational plans

Theory that allows for the possibility of adapting leadership to the situation

path goal theory

negative affectivity

people who are generally downbeat and pessimistic see things in a negative way, and seem to be in a bad mood

type b individuals

people who are less competitive less committed to work and have a weaker sense of urgency

long term orientation

people who focus on the future

An example of _____ is when an employee receives a one-week suspension from work and is fined $200 for stealing company property.


A _____ is a group of employees and supervisors who meet regularly to discuss their quality problems and recommend solutions.

quality circle

In assessing the need for organizational change, managers must:

recognize that there is a problem and identify its source.

The set of activities in which managers generate a pool of qualified candidates for open positions is known as:


The power of a leader that comes from the respect and loyalty of subordinates is known as:

referent power.

indirect compensation - benefits

refers to nonwage or salary compensation such as paid time off and insurance coverage

69. Who is responsible for employee development?

shared between employer and employee as both benefit


special privileges awarded to selected members of an organization usually top managers

According to the goal-setting theory, the most motivating goals are:

specific and difficult.

emotional intelligence - EQ

the extent to which people are self aware can manage thier emotions can motivate themselves express empathy for others and possess social skills

uncertainty avoidance

the extent to which people prefer to be in unambiguous sitatuions


the process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results

Labor-management negotiations over wages exemplifies _____ bargaining.


The process of giving all employees the authority to make decisions and be responsible for their outcomes is known as:


A(n) _____is a situation in which an employee must define right and wrong conduct.

ethical dilemma

decision criteria are used to

evaluate alternatives

The final step in the control process is to:

evaluate the results and initiate corrective action.

hygiene factors

factors that are extrinsic to the work itself and include factors such as pay and job security

115. What is the federal law that sets minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay, record keeping and child-labor standards for covered employees?

fair labor standards act

concurrent control

focuses on what happens during the work process

management by exception means ______.

focusing attention where the need for action is greatest

control charts

graphical ways of displaying trends so that exceptions to quality standards can be identified

what communication channel might be most appropriate for a catering manager to indicate how a banquet hall is to be set up for a wedding event?


Outsourcing means that a company

hires other companies to do some of its work

One of the reasons to increase product quality is that higher product quality can _____ efficiency, _____ operating costs, and _____ profits.

increase; lower; increase

What is a common result of information overload?

increased work stress

clan control

influences behavior through norms and expectations set by the organizational culture

informal learning

is learning by imitation. normally on a uncounscious level where the learner picks up the skills by another employee who masters the skill

Escalation of commitment:

is simply hanging on to a poor decision.

informational roles

key roles include the monitor the disseminator and the spokesperson

what is the quality described as the ability to inspire and motivate employees to act in ways that are in line with the vision of an organization and that help to accomplish its goals?


Vroom decision tree approach

leadership model focuses on a songle aspect of leader behavior - subordinate participation in decision making

169. A seasonal island resort is located off the mid-Atlantic coast. A forty-five minute ferry ride departs from a small retirement community every hour. This town is at least twenty-five miles from the nearest population center of note. What factors affecting compensation must be considered in this situation?

location and time for commute as well as seasonality of position

After objectives and standards are set, what step comes next in the control process? a) measure results b) modify standards to fit circumstances c) take corrective action d) compare results with objectives

measure results

Hersey Blanchard Model

model of leadership identifies different combinations of leadership presumed to work best with different levels of organizational maturity on the part of followers


occurs when the parties goals are compatible and the interaction between groups is relatively unimportant to the goals attainment

The management of any aspect of production that transforms inputs into finished outputs is known as:

operations management.

A strategy, or method, for increasing organizational effectiveness by bringing about planned change is called

organizational development

The contingency approach to organization design affirms that

organizations are more effective when they are structured to fit the situational demand

The process by which managers establish the structure of working relationships among workers of the organization is known as:


If an organization's top management establishes a target of increasing new hires of minority and this is an example by 15% in the next six months



power that has been ligitimzed with a particular social context

what is a person who is working in an occupation that requires extension knowledge, skills, and experience known as?


Accounting firms, consulting firms, and hospitals are examples of

professional bureaucracies

Openly discussing the worst-case possibilities of a situation is a way a company can

reduce the negative consequences of rumors

When managers know the possible outcomes of a decision and can assign probabilities to each of these outcomes in terms of their likelihood of occurrence in the future, this is known as:


Experts predict that the predominant style of organization in the future will be


In the context of promoting organizational learning and intrapreneurship, the idea behind the role of _____ is that, if intrapreneurs are isolated, they will become so intensely involved in a project that development time will be relatively brief and the quality of the final product will be enhanced.


6 There are several things that can assist a large organization to decentralize, including:

specialization of products/market/technology.

Ohio state studies

studies based on a questionairre designed to assess subordinates perceptions of ther leaders behavior

what can be done if plans are not going according to schedule or benchmark goals are not being met?

take corrective actions to get back on track

96. Which effective team goal is it when team members get to know each other's backgrounds, skills and work styles?


Electronic communication includes all of the following EXCEPT:

telephone calls.

organizational behavior modificaiton OB mod

the application of reinforcement theory to people in organizational settings


the extent to which people emphasize the good of the group or society

critical path

the pathway from project start to conclusion that involves activities with the longest completion times


the stage in the creative process when all the scattered thoughts and ideas that were maturing during incubation come together to produce a breakthrough

administrative hierarchy

the system of reporting relationships in the organization from the lowest to the highest managerial levels

acceptance theory of authority

the theory that the managers authority depends on the subordianates acceptance of the managers right to give directives and to expect compliance with them

The outputs of an organization, divided by all of its inputs, is called its:

total factor productivity.

isolated dyad

two people who tend to work alone and to interact and communicate little with others

a team

usually refers to people or animals organized to work together

Decisions made so as to provide the greatest good for the greatest number are based on _____.


how is harassment defined?

victim determines what is offensive or unwelcome

102. What is the monetary compensation for employees who are paid based on the number of hours they work?


Gerald Cavanaugh - Dennis Moberg and Manuel Velasquez

who developed a model of ethical political behavior

From a time management perspective, which manager is likely to be in best control of his or her time? one who _____

works on the most important things first

Among the global strategies that international businesses might pursue, the ________ strategy most directly tries to tailor purchases to fit local needs and cultures in different countries. a) concentration b) globalization c) transnational d) multidomestic


When Coke and Pepsi spend millions on ads trying to convince customers that their products are unique, they are pursuing a _________ strategy. a) transnational b) concentration c) diversification d) differentiation


Which is the best question to ask when starting the strategic management process? a) "What is our mission?" b) "How well are we currently doing?" c) "How can we get where we want to be?" d) "Why aren't we doing better?"


Limited liability company

A form of business that combines the legal protection of a corporation but the simplicity of a sole proprietorship and partnership


A giant industrial monopoly (collection of companies).

Globalization strategy

Adopts standardized products and advertising for use worldwide

Which of these refers to availability of alternatives?

B. Substitutability

Scientific management includes which of the following?

B. Systematically dividing a job into its smallest possible elements and assigning these divided tasks to employees who are best qualified to perform them

In organizational settings, power is defined as:

B. The capacity to influence others

Goal setting is most effective when:

B. The goals stretch the employee's abilities and motivation

Selective attention is a component of:

B. The perceptual process

___ is a psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intent or behavior of other person.

B. Trust

In the administrative model of decision making, when the number of possible alternatives to a decision is so large that the manager cannot possibly evaluate all of them before making a decision, which of the following has occurred?

Bounded rationality

A group of managers meets face-to-face and generates and debates a wide variety of alternatives from which to make a decision. What is this process of decision making called?


___ is the amount of effort allocated to the goal.

C. Intensity

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a spiritual organization?

Censorship of employee expression

Incongruence between a company's dominant values and an employee's values is known to:

D. All of the above


Decreases the size of operations

Planning process

Define objectives Compare to current objectives Compare future alternatives Analyze alternatives/make plans Implement/evaluate

Personal development objectives

Document intentions to accomplish personal growth, such as expanded job knowledge or skills.

The highest level of emotional intelligence is:

E. None of the above

Organizational size, technology, and environment are:

E. Three contingencies of organizational design

Communications management generally entails the processes that organize, manage, and lead the project team.


Creative people tend to have a high need for social approval. (T/F)


Satisficing occurs when people continue on a failing course of action. (T/F)


Which of the following was NOT specifically suggested by your author as a general category of employee skills?


Which of the following organizational strategies specifies the activities of managers at the departmental level of the organization?

Functional-level strategy

Which of the following statements is true concerning change?

Global competition is the leading force driving change at work.

Strengths of safe desk

Good supplier relations Use existing tech Simple design

Functional structure

Groups together people with similar skills who perform similar tasks

Divisional structure

Groups together people working on the same product, in the same area, or with similar customers


How open an organization is to hiring anyone that can perform a specific job is called

Which is NOT one of the three primary factors that differentiate virtual teams from face-to-face teams?

Increased social rapport

Which of the following is NOT a determinant of an organization's structure?


Clan control

Influences behavior through social norms culture, and peer expectations.

Which of the following statements is true about Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction.

A manager increases the number of tasks that a subordinate has to do in order to make the job more interesting for the subordinate. Which of the following best describes this process?

Job enlargement

What is most true of the "Millennial workers"

Less satisfied than older adults

Which of the following needs is considered especially important for upper-level managers?

Need for power

_____ is a general term that refers to anything that hampers any stage of the communication process.


In a meeting after hearing a member describe a problem to be addressed, all other members of the group first wrote down ideas and solutions. After this, everyone shared those suggestions without criticism. The group, one by one, clarified, critiqued, and then discussed the alternatives in the sequence in which they were first proposed. Finally, each member ranked all the alternatives, and the highest-ranking alternative was chosen. Which of the following decision-making techniques is being implemented?

Nominal group technique


Occurs when a business closes and sells its assets to pay creditors

Focused differentiation strategy

Offers a unique product to a special market segment

Which of the following statements is true about organizational behavior?

Organizational behavior is a study of individuals, groups, and structure.

Teams are most effective when staffed with people who are _____.

Organizational demographics

personality and occupation are in agreement


What behavioral science discipline has made the MOST significant contributions to understanding individual behavior?


Which of the following is true about Total Quality Management (TQM)?

Relies on bottom-up, participative decision making in planning and execution


Results when business activity remains below normal for years.

_____ describe how others believe you should act in a given situation.

Role expectations

_____ refers to the attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with a role

Role identity

_____ is the learning concept of reinforcing closer and closer approximations to the desired new behavior.



Skill Variety describes work individuals or groups perform.

Internal elements of SWOT analysis

Strengths and weaknesses

Information competency

The ability to gather and use information to solve problems

First mover advantage

The first person to enter a new marked is said to have a

Market control

The influence of market competition on the behavior of organizations and their members. ex: price, product, modification, and expansion

The glass ceiling effect

The lack of women and minorities in senior management positions can be explained by.

Which of the following statements accurately describes situational leadership?

There is no one best way to influence group members.

What do denial, stereotyping, and projection have in common?

They are all ways to deal with sensory information

Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders?

They are focused on their personal needs.

Which of the following is responsible for developing the strategies that result in an organization's competitive advantage?

Top management team


Top mgmt. allows lower levels to make many decisions


Top mgmt. keeps the power to make most decisions

Knowledge and experience can undermine creativity because it can lead to routinization of that knowledge. (T/F)


Operations consist of the ongoing work needed to ensure the organization continues to function effectively.


Our emotions influence what we recognize or screen out. (T/F)


Payback period models do not consider the amount of profit that may be realized after the costs are paid.


People who experience social isolation are more susceptible to physical and mental illness. (T/F)


People who learn to empathize with others are less likely to engage in attribution errors. (T/F)


Psychology and sociology have contributed many theories and concepts to the field of organizational behavior. (T/F)


_____ is the degree to which people in a country prefer structured over unstructured situations.

Uncertainty avoidance

An organization purchases one of its suppliers in order to obtain access to the raw materials which it needs for its production. It also decides to sell its products through its own retail outlets. Which of the following corporate-level strategies is the organization using?

Vertical integration


Wants to make things more free, accessible, social MOBILE Hit-driven business

What is the critical thing in personal strategy?

What is unique? Core benefit proposition?


What stage is concurrent management; manage problems as they occur


What stage is feedforward control; anticipate problems before they occur


When a company expands by entering new business areas, it is called growth through

Which of the following modes of international expansion gives an organization high potential return because the organization does not have to share its profits with a foreign organization, and it reduces the level of risk because the organization's managers have full control over all aspects of their foreign company's operations?

Wholly owned foreign subsidiary

_____ is the only power tactic that is effective across organizational levels.

_____ is the only power tactic that is effective across organizational levels.


a combination of the critical path method and the program evaluation and review technique

nonprogrammed deicision

a decision that recurs infrequently and for which there is no previously established decision rule

channel noise

a disturbance in communication that is primarily a function of a medium

problem solving

a form of decision making in which the issue is unique and alternatives must be developed and evaluated without the aid of a programmed decision rule

delphi tenchnique

a method of systematically gathering judgments of experts for use in developing forecasts

command group

a relatevely permanent formal group with functional reporting relationships usually included in the organization chart


a sense of exhaustion that develops when someone experiences too much stress for an extended period of time

big five personality traits

a set of fundamental traits that are especially relevant to organizations

_________ are special strengths that an organization has or does exceptionally well and that help it outperform competitors. a) Core competencies b) Strategies c) Alliances d) Operating objectives

a) Core competencies

After objectives and standards are set, what step comes next in the control process? a) Measure results b) Take corrective action c) Compare results with objectives d) Modify standards to fit circumstances

a) Measure results

When one team member advises another team member that "you behavior is crossing the line in terms of our expectations for workplace civility," she is exercising a form of ________ control over the other's inappropriate behaviors. a) clan b) market c) internal d) preliminary

a) clan

174. What is the purpose of a job performance score sheet in the determination of pay increase?

a. Allows management to rate specific, predetermined factors

78. The banquet staff is ready to walk out of the downtown hotel with full service meeting facilities. They have contractual gratuity and hourly rates built into Catering Contracts but the Sales and Marketing staff has consistently been bargaining these items down in an attempt to maintain their competitive position while leaving their own compensation intact. Management has called in a neutral third party to listen and review facts to make a decision and settle the conflict. What is this method of Conflict Resolution called?

a. Arbitration

183. What is the value of being an employer of choice, whereby employees enjoy their work and encourage their friends and family to seek open positions in the organization?

a. Fewer terminations than do other employers that do not offer an enjoyable workplace

195. What is the purpose of COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)?

a. Gives workers who lose health insurance benefits the right to continue for limited periods under certain situations

130. How are task lists developed by managers?

a. Ideal performance is used as a basis for the list as opposed to sloppy work habits that have developed over time

185. Bud manages a Calabash style seafood restaurant. Jezzi is a fry cook. She has been overcooking shrimp resulting in guest complaints and increased food cost. Bud employs progressive discipline step one: oral warning and takes her aside, loudly telling her in no uncertain terms that the shrimp burning will stop now. Has Bud correctly utilized this step?

a. No. This should not be one direction but a two-way conversation with feedback from Jezzi.

63. Which of Maslow's Hierarchy is being addressed when an employer provides a daily shift meal for employees?

a. Physiological

109. What consequences can occur if inaccurate historical information is gathered for the schedule?

a. Too many employees increases labor costs, too few results in poor service

organizational politics

activities carried out by people to acquire enhance and use power and other resources to obtain thier desired outcomes

The degree to which a job allows the worker to schedule the tasks of the job and to decide how to carry out these tasks is known as:


A team leader is not living up to the concept of MBO if he or she ____________. a) jointly reviews performance results with subordinates b) sets performance objectives for subordinates c) stays in touch and tries to support subordinates in their work d) keeps a written record of subordinates' performance objectives


The ability of a firm to consistently outperform its rivals is called _________. a) vertical integration b) competitive advantage c) strategic intent d) core competency

b) competitive advantage

Teams are very useful when:

b. the tasks are interrelated.

what is the relationship of cultural awareness with non-verbal communication?

behavior can mean something positive in one culture and negative in another

employee centered leader behavior

behavior occurs when the leader attempts to develop a cohesive work group and ensure that employees are basically satisfied with thier jobs

continuous reinforcement

behavior that is rewarded every time it occurs

162. What is referred to by; employee health care, dental and vision insurance, vacation and sick leave pay, retirement contributions, and other, that may be paid wholly or in part by the employer on behalf of the employee?


what is a statement of goals and activities to be addressed over a twelve-month period used to move the operation toward to its mission referred to as?

business plan

165. An historic downtown café in a seasonal Southern seaport boasts restaurants, retail shops, gourmet grocery stores, horse drawn buggy tours and wine and cheese bars as well as some banks, lawyers and government offices. What sort of wage rate considerations should management take into account?

competitve employers

173. The economical manager was feeling a real sense of accomplishment. The mountain farm-to-fork restaurant has received accolades from the media. It has been a wildly successful year financially, with the restaurant exceeding all targeted goals. The manager feels that by not giving raises, his own bonus will be even bigger. What compensation principle is the manager ignoring?

contribution to business goals

Which one of the following is NOT one of the five major elements in a managing culture?

d. How well leaders know their employees.

Powerful external forces for change do not include:

d. bureaucratic guidelines.

Victor Vroom - and Philip Yetton

decision model that takes the form of tree

John RP French and Bertram Raven

developed a framework for studying five general bases of power in organizational change

Strategy implementation

Implement strategies Evaluate results

_._____ leaders know who they are, know that they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly.


People with high Machiavellian values tend to:

B. Frequently use pwoer to manipulate others towards their own personal goals

One problem with path-goal theory is that:

B. Some elements of the theory have not yet been studied

general adaption syndrome GAS

a cycle through which stress occurs alarm resistance and exhaustion

Which is a major contributing factor to the transformational leader?


_____ is the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings.


management teams

consist of manages from various areas they coordinate work teams

Even the most prestigious of schools has experienced grade inflation. In 1970, the average GPA of students at Princeton was _____, while it was _____ in 2000.

2.99, 3.40

_____ evaluation provides performance feedback from the full circle of daily contacts that an employee might have.


After objectives and standards are set, what step comes next in the control process?

Measure results

Which of these statements about people-oriented and task-oriented leadership styles is FALSE?

B. People-oriented and task-oriented leadership styles are at opposite ends of a behavioral continuum

How hard an employee works on the job is referred to as:


Refreezing involves _____

making a new change permanent

The main reason for the loss of productivity in brainstorming is:

production blocking.

72. If Management created a Positive Work Environment for a Multi-Level ocean front restaurant where bus staff that formerly failed to communicate "clean and ready" table status to the host stand but now do so promptly; this may indicate that the "Rapid Response Reward" system is working. What aspect of Building a Positive Workplace Environment is being reinforced?

celebrate success and build teams

A manager who takes "ownership" of a project and provides the leadership and vision that take a commodity from the idea stage to the final customer is a product:


Behavior that is performed by an employee to acquire a material reward, to acquire a social reward, or to avoid punishment is referred to as:

extrinsically motivated behavior.

what is an example of an employee activity that lends itself to delegation?

fact finding tasks such as summarizing information on guest comment cards

group performance factors

factors that affect the success of the group in fulfilling its goals including composition size norms and cohesiveness

motivation factors

factors that are intrinsic to the work itself and include achievement and recognition

The three most popular types of _____ are modular plans, core-plus options, and flexible spending accounts.

flexible benefits

Susan works from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, while other employees in her office work from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. It appears that Susan's employer offers a _____ option.


John's performance evaluation rates him on a scale of 1 to 5 for characteristics such as job knowledge and cooperation. John's company is using a _____ performance evaluation system.

graphic rating scale

John Kotter's _____ for implementing change builds on Lewin's three-step model.

8-step plan

hierarchy of needs theory

Abraham Maslows hierarchy that assumes human needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance

Competitive advantage

An ability to outperform rivals

As a rule of thumb, in the absence of information, what do many employees do?

Create and spread rumors

What is the trend in work space design?

Creating public spaces for employees to use for various purposes

_____ refers to an employee's expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work.

Emotional labor

_____ refers to an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work she does.

Employee engagement

_____ is a participative process that uses the entire capacity of employees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organization's success.

Employee involvement

A project portfolio is a useful storage medium that enables the project manager to consolidate all project information in a single, convenient location.


According to Michael Porter's theory, it is possible for managers to pursue both a low-cost strategy and a differentiation strategy at the same time. (T or F)


Business strategy

Identifies how a division or strategic business unit will compete in its product or service domain

Social network analysis

Identifies the information structures and their embedded social relationships that are active in an organization

Scenario Planning

Identifying posible future situation and plans for dealing with them is called

Utilitarian view

If you argue for increasing the dues for your student organization in order to keep the club solvent, even though some of the members might not be able to afford the increase, you are taking this approach to moral reasoning

_____ occurs when people associate two events, when there is no real connection.

Illusory correlation

concurrent control

Immediate feedback on inputs transform to outputs so corrections are made as problems arise.

_____ is the process by which individuals attempt to control the impressions others form of them.

Impression management

Bureaucratic control

Influences behavior through authority, policies, procedures, job description, budgets, and day-to-day supervision

Clan control

Influences behavior through social norms and peer expectations

Controlling Step 2

Measure actual performance in the control process.

Control Equation

Need for action= Desired performance - Actual performance.

Which of the following is NOT a substitute for leadership?

Professional orientation of employees

Which of the following types of performance ratios measures the efficiency of the organization in terms of how well the resources of the organization have been used to generate profit?

Profit ratios

Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Protects an insolvent firm from creditors during a period of reorganization to restore profitability

Social entrepreneurship

Risk taking by entrepreneurs striving to solve pressing social issues is called?

Which of the following is NOT identified that managers can create a more ethical culture?

Set aggressive performance goals.

Prior to designing a training and development program for managers, a human resource specialist attempts to determine which managers require training and what types of skills and knowledge these managers require to develop. This process is known as:

needs assessment.

Which of the following is a level of cognitive moral development?

a. the premoral level

158. Marilyn is a shift leader in the banquet department. She has been assigned the task of researching alternative sources of table centerpieces for special functions. She is to report back her findings at the next meeting. What is her task an example of?

action item


anything that results from performing a particular behavior

human organization

renis likerts approach that is based on supportive relationships participation and overlapping work groups

________ is the belief that one has the ability to do a job well.

b. Self-determination

On the Leadership Grid, a manager who has a medium concern for people and production is a(n):

b. organization man manager.

job centered leader

behavior occurs when the leader pays close attention to the work of subordinates

_____ describes a positive feeling about your job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.


A member of a task force does not do much work related to the goals of the task force. This member is confident that the other members of the task force "will take up the slack." This group member is exhibiting:

social loafing.

The "interpersonal glue" that helps work groups stay together is known as:

c. group cohesion.

negative emotionality

characterized by moodiness and insecurity

94. If the desired outcome of a team development is that of a high performance team, at what stages should management work with them to establish these expectations?

storming and performing

The members of a task force have disagreements because some members do not want to do what some of the other members want them to do. This stage of group development is known as:


When a supervisor works alongside of an employee corrects him or her immediately when a mistake is made, this is an example of ____________ control. a) preliminary b) external c) concurrent d) feed forward


what is an easy method that improves employee functioning?

constructive feedback through interpersonal communication

A total quality management program is most likely to be associated with ____________. a) breakeven analysis b) EOQ c) continuous improvement d) return on equity

continuous improvement

a total quality management program is most likely to be associated with

continuous improvement

what is the basic management activity that involves determining the extent to which the organization is keeping on track in the task of achieving their goals?


Stan is trying to implement a new organizational structure at his company. A group of key employees is resisting the change. In an attempt to "buy off" the leaders, Stan is giving them a key role in the change decision. He doesn't really value their opinion, but wants their endorsement. Stan is using the change strategy of _____.


Individuals with a positive _____ like themselves, see themselves as effective, capable, and in control of their environment.

core self-evaluations

In a CPM/PERT analysis, the focus is on _____ and the event _____ that link them together with the finished product

costs; budgets

systems innovation

creates a new functionality by assembling parts in new ways

In managerial decision making, the ability of a manager to discover novel ideas that lead to alternative courses of action for the organization to use for solving a particular problem is known as:


101. What is a chart that informs employees who receive wages about the days and hours that they are expected to work during a specific time period?

crew schedule

in CPM/PERT, "CPM" stands for

critical path method

n CPM/PERT, "CPM" stands for ____________. a) control planning management b) control plan map c) current planning matrix d) critical path method

critical path method

When different managers from different functional areas are brought together to work on an organizational task, they are known as a(n) _____ team.


87. It is summer season and time to freshen the brunch menu. A team of employees from the kitchen, dining room, sales and catering has been chosen to plan new menu items. They have been directed to utilize local ingredients and include some health conscious choices. What kind of team is this?

cross-functional team

Fern Motor Co. brings together senior managers from its marketing, R&D, manufacturing, accounting, and finance departments to work on a project as a team, to design a new type of sport utility vehicle. In this scenario, Fern Motor Co. creates a:

cross-functional team.

Among the financial ratios often used for control purposes, current assets/ current liabilities is known as the _____.

current ratio

Which of the following statements best describes our understanding of the "avoidance approach" to conflict?

d. It is all right to use this approach when issues seem trivial.

3 Problem solving and decision making are often examples of

d. two-way communication.

A mechanistic organization

emphasizes specialization and control


entrepreneurial activity that takes place within the context of a large corporation

Fiedler's contingency model assumes that an individual's leadership style is _____.


the ______ chart graphically displays the scheduling of tasks required to complete the project


The traditional view of conflict argues that conflict _____.

indicates a malfunctioning within the group

bureaucratic control

influences behavior through authority, policies, procedures, job descriptions, budgets, and day-to-day supervision

vigilant information processing

involves thoroughly investigating all possible alternatives weighing their costs and benefits before making a decision and developing contingency plans


is the process of determining the organizations desired future position and deciding how best to get there


is the process of getting the organizations members to work together toward achieving the organizations goals


is the process of monitoring and correcting the actions of the organization and its people to keep them headed toward their goals


is the process of monitoring and correcting the actions of the organziation and its members to keep them directed toward their goals


is the process of motivating members of the organization to work together toward the organizations goals


judgements about others that reinforce beliefs about superiority and inferiority

Job rotation is used primarily to

keep employees from getting bored

168. Susi is a chef who has her associate's degree from an accredited culinary program. In addition, she has significant industry experience. Most recently, she has been working in Manhattan in a well-known restaurant. She has been offered a job at a fine dining establishment in Pawley's Island, SC. Which facts affecting compensation might weigh most heavily in the offer?

knowledge and skills required

input standard

measures work efforts that go into a performance task

hersey and blanchard model

model that identifies different combinations of leadership presumed to work best with different levels of organizational maturity on the part of followers

Cultural relativism

suggets that there is no one right way to behave and that ethics is dependent on the local culture

___ consists of technical language and acronyms as well as recognized words with specialized meaning in specific organizations or social groups.

A. Jargon

BCG Matrix

Analyzes business opportunities according to market growth rate and market share

Which of the following is an advantage of job specialization?

B. Jobs can be mastered quickly

Anger, fear, joy, and sadness represent:

C. Type of emotions

Which of the following types of control systems do managers use at the conversion stage of transforming raw materials into finished goods?

Concurrent control

Effective leaders:

D. Do all of the above

In the field of organizational behavior, organizations are best described as:

D. groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.

scientific management

one of the first approaches to management focused on the efficiency of individual workers and assumed that employees are motiviated by money

Our likelihood of noticing a person or object depends on its:

E. All of the above

The vision should present a positive, inspiring and vivid description of the organization as it currently exists.


Two companies should not merge if a bicultural audit determines that they have substantially different cultures. (T/F)


Which organization structure is best suited to leveraging specialization?


Individual level independent variables include _____.


Product structure

Groups together people and jobs working on a single product or service

The degree to which an employee keeps trying, when faced with obstacles, to accomplish a goal is referred to as:


99. What is the first step in managing any project, whether it assigned to a team or an individual?


Growth strategy

Involves expansion of organization's current operations

Which of the following is the MOST likely reason that unions exist?

Managers may take actions to benefit other stakeholders at the expense of workers

Economic order quantity

Method places new orders when inventory levels fall to predetermined points. Inventory cost controls.

Max Webber

proposed the development of what he called the bureaucratic form of organization structure

Big 4

Planning, Controlling, Strategy, Structure

In order to build teamwork, a manager should avoid which of the following?

Supervising the group closely

Which is NOT a common class of norms appearing in most work groups?



The belief that one's membership group is superior to others

Span of control

The number of persons directly reporting to a manager

Continuous improvement

The process of always searching for new ways to improve work quality and performance is called.


The strategy of working with rivals on projects of mutual benefit

Ill-defined problems require a non-programmed decision process. (T/F)


Organizational goals should be both challenging and realistic. (T or F)


organizational commitment

a persona identification with and attachment to an organization

146. Why is it important for managers to understand why some employees dislike meetings?

a. Eliminate these problem issues through thoughtful planning

194. What is the purpose having an employee reference release?

a. Employee wishes manager to provide reference information to a potential employer

In organizational justice, distributive justice:

a. concerns the fairness of outcomes individuals receive.

Which of the following is one of the competencies that make up emotional intelligence?

a. empathy

157. Which warm-up activities are used during various stage of development to ensure optimizing performance?


81. What is the term for the act of cooperating and working together to complete tasks and reach common goals?


goal commitment

the extent to which a person is personally interested in reaching a goal

Portfolio management helps an organization achieve its strategic goals in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a. managing ongoing projects b. providing needed resources c. selecting the right projects d. prioritizing work to be done



A mission statement identifies why the company exists, who they sell to, why they sell, and how they will succeed.

virtual office

A mobile office in which people can work anywhere, as long as they have the tools to communicate with customers and colleagues

Some ___ are just people assembled together without any necessary ___.

A. Groups, interdependence

An employee has power in the organization only when he or she:

A. Has the authority to influence others

Which reward system tends to discourage poor performers from voluntarily leaving the organization?

A. Membership and seniority-based pay

The requirement to show performance results to a supervisor.


Sustainable competitive advantage

Achieved in ways that are difficult to imitate

Which type of financial ratio measures how well the managers of the organization are creating value from the organization's assets?

Activity ratio

Which of the following types of organizational cultures is strong and controls employee attitudes and behaviors?

Adaptive culture

Web-based business models

Advertising Brokerage Community Freemium Infomediary Merchant Referral Subscription

Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others?



An organization compares its own practices against those of successful competitors.


An organization's reason for existence in society

____ seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization and build on these to improve performance.

Appreciative inquiry


Arranges people and resources to work toward a goal

What can a manager do to discourage social loafing in a group?

Assign specific tasks to group members and hold them accountable for their performance

In the PMBOK, the five logical groupings of the project management inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs are called the: a.project management knowledge areas b.project management process groups cycle stages d.phases and gates


Many writers have stated that effective objectives should be: a. broad - to cover many dimensions of the business b. measurable - to track progress c. unachievable - to inspire maximum performance d. resource based - to focus on the inputs


Employees who believe that accomplishing a particular task will almost certainly result in a day off with pay would have:

B. A P-to-O expectancy close to 1

Whenever an advertising firm lands a new contract, the successful team rings a loud bell and breaks our a bottle of champagne. In organizational culture, this practice would be considered:

B. A ceremony

Compared to people in low-cohesion teams, members of high cohesion teams:

B. Are more likely to resolve conflicts swiftly and effectively

One of the first steps in a merger to minimize cultural clashes is to:

B. Conduct a bicultural audit

Virtual teams are best described as:

B. Cross-functional groups of employees that operate across space, time and organizational boundaries

The concept of bounded rationality holds that:

B. Decision makers process limited and imperfect information and therefor rarely select the best choice

The extent of person's self-leadership is dependent on ___ and ___ factors.

B. Situational, personal

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for coping with uncertainty?

B. Substitution

Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model states that the best leadership style depends on:

B. The availability of leadership substitutes

Initial, target, and resistance represent three elements in:

B. The bargaining zone model

Quality of work life (QWL) issues include:

Being respected and value Fair pay Safe work conditions Opportunities to learn

Relative comparisons

Benchmark performance against that being achieved by other people, work units, or organizations.

All of the following are TRUE about both positive and negative reinforcement EXCEPT:

Both positive and negative reinforcement tend to weaken behavior and decrease it subsequent frequency.

Cross-functional team

Brings together members from different functional departments

Other types of control

Bureaucratic Org Market Budget Social norm (clan) Internal External

Which of the following types of control systems uses rules and SOPs to regulate the behavior of workers within the organization?

Bureaucratic control system

A manager trying to motivate an employee should

By observing leaders and socialization

A clear and compelling vision will have all the following characteristics EXCEPT: a. often requires extra effort to achieve. b. often requires several years to achieve. c. provides detailed roadmap for managing a project d. helps stakeholders to understand the direction of the firm.


In an adaptive or change - driven project life cycle: a.the product or deliverable is well understood. b.planning precedes all executing. c.early results lead into planning later work. d.the waterfall approach is commonly used.


Once selected projects have been prioritized, it is time to assign resources to projects based on their order of priority. Resources could include all of the following EXCEPT: a. subject matter experts c. quality metrics d. money


Typically, the senior customer representative is responsible for which of the following project roles? a.develops the project schedule and budget b.determines how the project work will be accomplished c.ensures the needs of the customer's organization are identified and prioritized d.helps the project manager with running meetings and providing status reports


Which of the following actions will likely cause a project to fail? a. dedicating valuable team member time to identify risk events b. spending project funding to procure needed tools and spare parts c. unclear or conflicting stakeholder expectations d. conducting a project audit to evaluate performance


At meetings of a major consumer products firm, employees habitually stand up when the most senior executive at the meeting enter the room. This practice represents:

C. A ritual that probably symbolizes the organization's dominant culture

What is the significance of artifacts in organizational cultures?

C. Artifacts represent the directly observable symbols and signs of an organization's culture

The best way to measure an organization's culture is to:

C. Conduct a careful analysis of many organizational artifacts

Which of the following statements about countervailing power in organizational relationships is TRUE?

C. Countervailing power is the weaker party's power to maintain the stronger party's continued participation in the relationship

The distributive justice rule applies the concept of:

C. Equity

Management by walking around:

C. Minimizes the problem of filtering in the communication process

In the context of organizational socialization, the adjustment process is better for:

C. Newcomers with diverse work experience

How do norms affect the behavior of team members?

C. Norms help the team regulate and guide the behaviors of its members

Which of these statements about decentralization is FALSE?

C. Organizations operating in diverse environments are more effective when they centralized decision making

Organizational behavior views organizations as:

C. open systems.

Problems with mgmt. by objective

Can become to complicated, problems with objectives closely related w/ pay, focused too much on easy accomplishments, involves excessive paperwork, dictated by supervisors

Retrenchment strategy

Changes operations to correct weaknesses

Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective communication?

Channel richness

_____ refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.

Channel richness

Which of the following is imposed on workers within the organization by the shared values, norms, standards of behavior, and expectations?

Clan control

A has ____ power over B if A can dismiss, suspend, or demote B, assuming that B values his or her job.


Which of the following types of managerial power is used to punish subordinates?

Coercive power

What are 3 things important to the objective hierarchy?

Communication Alignment Follow-through

Controlling Step 3

Compares results with objectives and standards to determine the need for corrective action.

Getting bigger strategies

Concentration Diversification (related, unrelated) Vertical integration (forward, backward) Basic growth (Blonde Roast)

According to Kolb's Learning Style Type, which of the following describes the accommodative learning style?

Concrete experience, active experimentation, adaptive

Which of the following is true about conflict?

Conflict can be both positive and negative.

Which type of behavior is a leader portraying when he/she expresses substantial levels of trust toward a subordinate?


_______ planning identifies alternative courses of action that can be taken if problems occur with the original plan.


People with positive _____ believe in their inner worth and basic competence.

Core self-evaluations

Levels of strategy

Corporate Business Functional

Which of the following plans of an organization contains top management's decisions about the organization's mission, goals, strategy, and structure?

Corporate-level plan

All of the following criteria serve as a valid basis for identifying potential projects in most organizations EXCEPT: a. social need b. environmental considerations c. technological advances d. internal politics


All of the following factors have influenced the increased reliance upon project management in recent years EXCEPT: a.rapid growth and changes in the information technology and telecommunications industries b.realization that methods for large projects can be modified and used for small projects c.increased international competition and its influence on consumer demands d.the decreased demands of ongoing operational work


All of the following factors influence the opportunities and threats an organization must consider when performing a strategic analysis EXCEPT: a. competitors b. suppliers c. regulatory agencies d. employees


Competencies include:

D. All of the above

Teams have which of the following features?

D. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT identified in the textbook as a form of influence?

D. Visibility

According to the Holmes and Rahe "Social Adjustment Rating Scale," which of the following is considered the most stressful event?

Death of a spouse

Which of the following individual qualities is not required in ethical decision making?

Dependence on a supervisor to always tell you what is right.

Organization chart

Describes the arrangement of work positions within an organization

When a member of the group fails to act consistently with a group norm, which of the following has occurred?


Line reporting


Which of the following is a major problem that self-managed work teams can encounter?

Disciplining team members

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of trust?


3 elements of organizing

Divide up work Arrange resources Coordinate activities

Org. chart provides

Division of work Chain of command: identifies who directly talks to whom Span of control Communication flow Major subunits Staff vs. line Levels of mgmt.

Fixed Costs

Do not change with the level of production.

Example of company that follows network structure


Strategic intent

During the time of the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover promised the voters "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" this could be considered a statement of

Which of these statements about team roles is FALSE?

E. A team role is almost always assigned to the same person for the life of the team

According to recent writing on the subject, which of the following competencies is/are characteristics of effective leaders?

E. All of these are leadership competencies

Groupthink is cause by:

E. All of these factors cause groupthink

Stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations are:

E. Called values

Referent power is typically associated with:

E. Charisma

When jobs are highly independent, employers should:

E.) Use a team-based reward and use an organizational-based reward system

According to the Myers-Briggs type Indicator, people who are classified as _____ are conceptualizers.


Threats of safe desk

Easily reproducible Seasonal demand Recession

Potential advantages of functional structures

Economies of scale make efficient use of human resources Functional experts are good at solving technical problems Training within functions promotes skill development Career paths are available within each function

Feedforward control

Ensures clear directions and needed resources BEFORE work begins

Porter's attractiveness of industry forces

Entrants Suppliers Industry competition Customers Substitutes

_____ exists when an individual perceives that the ratio of their inputs to outcomes is dissimilar to the ration of relevant others.

Equity tension

Controlling Step 1

Establish performance objectives and standards for measuring them.

_____ is a field of study that examines the extent to which emotions, whether positive or negative, serve a purpose.

Evolutionary psychology

SWOT analysis

Examines organizational strengths and weaknesses, as well as environmental opportunities and threats

Growth through diversification

Expansion by entering related or new business areas

Growth through concentration

Expansion within an existing business area

Which of the following theories postulates that motivation of employees will be high when employees believe that a high level of effort will lead to high performance, but only when they believe that high performance leads to the attainment of outcomes that they desire?

Expectancy theory

A project is a lasting endeavor undertaken ot maintain a reliable product or service.


Absenteeism is lower in organizations with general sick leave. (T/F)


Conscientiousness refers to the extent that people are sensitive, flexible, creative, and curious. (T/F)


Forming, storming, and norming are the three main levels of task interdependence. (T/F)


Transactional leaders are mainly change agents.(T/F)


Typically, creative people possess less knowledge and experience on the subject than experts in the field. (T/F)


Upward appeal is not considered a type of influence tactic. (T/F)


When Adam Smith reported on how 10 pin makers working together could produce many times more pins than if they worked alone, Smith was describing the benefits of job enrichment. (T/F)


When work activities are too complex to standardize through extensive training for employees, companies need to coordinate work effort through precise job descriptions. (T/F)


While conducting a SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses are considered the external environment factors affecting an organization. (T or F)


While there is a wide variety of projects across organizations, the degree of formality used in selecting them is largely uniform.


top down change

Fast revolutionary approach to change, top managers ID what needs to be changed and they quickly implement the change

In which of the following stages of the communication process do the sender and receiver reverse their roles?


In which stage of the communication process is a common understanding reached between the participants?


What type of control do managers use at the output stage?

Feedback control

Which type of control do managers typically use in the input stage of the process of transforming raw materials into finished goods?

Feedforward control

The problem of "currency risks" refers to

Fluctuations in foreign exchange rates

Management by exception

Focuses attention on differences between actual and desired performance

Management by exception

Focuses attention on the greatest need for action. Focuses attention on differences between actual and desired performance.

Big 6 planning tools

Forecasting Contingency planning (we have control over) Scenario planning (we don't have control over) Benchmarking Participatory planning Goal setting

____ groups are defined by the organization's structure.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of organizational culture?


Which of the following is NOT a technique to enhance creativity?

Forming homogeneous work groups

Strategic management consists of strategy----- and---------


_____ is an incentive plan where improvements in group productivity determine the total amount of money that is allocated.


The ____________ chart graphically displays the scheduling of tasks required to complete the project. a) after-action b) exception c) Taylor d) Gantt



Gives people freedom to do their jobs as they think best

Based on the finding of the Hawthorne studies, you know as a manager that:

Giving special attention to your employees will likely increase their performance

Control charts

Graphical ways of displaying trends so that exceptions of quality standards can be identified.

Gantt chart

Graphically displays teh scheduling tasks required to complete a project.

Which of the following statements is true about group dynamics?

Groups go through predictable stages to become productive.

Which is NOT a weakness of group decision-making?

Groups offer increased diversity of views.

The two most important factors regarding objectives are that they should be measurable and

Have a time for completion

The contingency model that focuses on how managers motivate subordinates by identifying their desired outcomes, rewarding them for high performance, and the attainment of work goals with these desired outcomes is:

House's path-goal theory.

Bureaucratic control

Influences behavior through authority, policies, procedures, job descriptions, budgets, and day to day supervision.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the climate of trust?

Interpersonal trust among team members reduces the need to monitor each others behavior.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Involves all employees in a constant process of improving quality and productivity by improving how they work.

Which of the following is true about job enrichment?

It increases employee responsibility.

Which of the following accurately describes social loafing?

It is also known as freeloading.

Who created the three-step model for change that includes unfreezing, movement, and refreezing?

Kurt Lewin

With reference to the steps of decision-making process, which of the following is the last step in the managerial decision-making process?

Learn from feedback

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of physical ability?


Strategic control

Makes sure strategies are well implemented and that poor strategies are scrapped or changed

2 axes of BCG model

Market growth rate Market share

Output standard

Measures performance in terms of quantity, quality, cost, or time

What is at the top of the planning/objective hierarchy?


Difference b/w mission and vision

Mission: current, goals & objective, internal driven, defines the company's objectives and approach to reach those objectives Vision: future, beliefs/values, external driven, describes the future desired position of company

What is the relationship between stress and job performance?

Moderate stress correlates with high performance.

The Act that made it legal for workers to organize into unions was the:

National Labor Relations Act.

Establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations and being liked are characteristics of individuals who can be rated high on which of the following?

Need for affiliation


New-venture creators working inside big companies

_____ commitment refers to an employee's obligation to remain with an organization for moral or ethical reasons.


Internal control (AKA self-control)

Occurs as people exercise self-discipline in fulfilling job expectations

Internal/self control

Occurs as people take personal responsibility for their work and job expectations.

Growth through vertical integration

Occurs by acquiring suppliers or distributors

____ training includes job rotation, apprenticeships, understudy assignments, and formal mentoring programs.



One-time activities with many component tasks that must be completed in proper order and according to budget.

Joint Venture

Operates through co-ownership with local partners

_____ culture is the set of values, norms, and expectations of behavior that control the ways in which workers interact with one another within the organization.


Operation plans

Plans that identify the various short term activities needed to implement strategic plans

Which of the following is considered an unethical political tactic to gain power in an organization?

Playing territorial games

Policies vs. procedures

Policies: broad guidelines, "you're not allowed to date" Procedures: specific actions, what to do if someone wants to date

Dunkin' Donuts growth strategies

Reaching more customers in more places with more products Retail placement, partnering w/ grocery retailers, store-within-a-store concept, lodging market, theme park restaurant, DDSMART critera Competitive advantage, ability to generate strong sustainable growth in cash flows, highly focused, good relationship b/w franchisees and franchisors, strong sister brand in Baskin-Robbins internationally, flexible brand (core/localized products)

Doing business internationally can be justified by all of the following except: Expand profit potential Gain access to more costumers Reduce access to capital Lower cost of materials and supplies Reduce labor costs

Reduce access to capital

Just-in-time scheduling (JIT)

Routes materials to workstations just in time for use. Inventory cost controls.

Carefully designing jobs with efficient work methods is necessary to

Scientific management

Corporate strategy

Sets long-term direction for the total enterprise

Whistle blower

Someone who exposes unethical behavior on the part of others, often senior management is

Which of the following is used in situations in which programmed decision making is appropriate?

Standing plan


Taco Bell makes continuous flow of product based on sales history.

Feedback control

Takes place after completing an action

Which of the following is often known as the ad hoc committee?

Task force

Which of the following is a way to bring distant managers together to brainstorm and is a written approach to creative problem solving?

The Delphi technique


The fact that there are too few resources for consumers.


The group of all people and institutions directly impacted by a firm are called

Formal structure

The official structure of the organization

Critical path

The pathway from project start to conclusion that involves activites with the longest completion times.

Informal structure

The set of unofficial relationships among an organization's members

Information is shared between two or more people in which phase of the communication process?


Example of concentration strategy

Walmart's hub and spoke system

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

What do the letters SWOT stand for in a SWOT analysis?


What does CEO stand for?

What is cognitive dissonance?

When attitudes or beliefs held by a person are contradictory

Impression Management

When management tries to create a positive perception of the company in the eyes of employees

Which of the following is a difference between men's and women's communication styles?

Women prefer to communicate to build rapport, and men use communication to display knowledge and skill.

____ means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.

Workforce diversity

impression management

a direct and intentional effort by someone to enhance his or her own image in the eyes of others

psychological contract

a person's set of expectations regarding what he or she will contribute to the organization and wht the organization will provide in return

Six Sigma

a quality standard of 3.4 defects or less per million products or service deliveries

classical conditioning

a simple form of learning that links a conditioned response with an unconditioned stimulus

182. How does training relate to employee retention and productivity?

a. Management commitment to planning for new employee's success

77. A nighttime pantry chef in a busy Italian restaurant is frustrated. Every time she comes to work, her station has not been stocked to par, as per policy. This means she begins her shift behind, and her ticket times are affected. She takes pride in leaving the station stocked for the same individual. She has tried talking it over and leaving notes, but to no avail. The manager has agreed to facilitate a discussion and make suggestions so that an agreement can be reached. This technique of conflict resolution is referred to as:?

a. Mediation

76. There have been issues regarding closing duties that have failed to be performed in the dining room at the end of the shift. The conflict appears to center upon which of two servers responsibility it falls upon to do the work. The manager has asked the servers to discuss this issue and reach an agreement. Which of the conflict resolution strategies is being employed?

a. Negotiation

116. What are reasons why employers end up paying overtime?

a. No-show employees cause others to work extra or customers stay longer than anticipated past closing time

148. Is it important for all affected employees to attend a meeting?

a. No. Invite only those employees who are essential to the purpose of the meeting

126. What sort of restaurant operation activity might be suitable for a manager to develop a policy regarding?

a. Number and cost per person required to close for private party

187. What needs must the manager balance when developing improvement timelines in a progressive discipline program?

a. Reasonable time for employee to improve with how long operation can afford to have substandard performance

160. What is the purpose of keeping meeting minutes?

a. Reference of proceedings and record, particularly for those unable to attend

136. Which classification of event has occurred when a guest who has eaten a salad prepared with a walnut oil dressing experiences swelling of the throat, tightness of the chest and wheezing?

a. Report of food problems; critical incident

Change and acquisition is:

a. when the newcomer begins to master the demands of the job.


an unpleasant or aversive consequence that results from behavior

the four steps for reaching goals are; developing, implementing and evaluating the plan. what is the final step?

applying results

job centered and employee cenetred leader

behavior were presumed to be at opposite ends of a single dimension

in reference to goal setting, what is the name of standards by which something can be measured or judged?


163. What is the term for an agreed-upon amount of additional compensation to be paid when specific financial goals are met?


Empowerment is a strategy focused on improving all of the following EXCEPT


The alliances that link together firms in supply chain management relationships are examples of how businesses try to use ___________ strategies. a) B2C b) growth c) cooperation d) concentration

c) cooperation

Which of the following statements about barriers to communication is TRUE?

c. They include gender differences and language.

The most visible and accessible level of culture is:

c. artifacts.

Identify the five major barriers to social perception.

c. selective perception, stereotyping, first-impression error, projection and self-fulfilling prophecies

The only way a person can influence someone else is to


The sharing of information between two or more people within the organization in order to reach a common understanding is known as:


performance management system PMS

comprises the processes and activities involved in performance appraisals

According to the Situational Leadership model, a ________ style is characterized by high task behavior and high relationship behavior.

d. selling

Power distance is:

d. the degree to which a culture accepts unequal distribution of power.

100. When is the appropriate time to celebrate the success of the team and its members?

debrief meeting

The Delphi technique is best suited for

decision making for groups that are difficult to bring physically together

The first step in the planning process?

define your objectives

what is known as the process of assigning authority to employees to do work that a manager at a higher organizational level would otherwise do?


The question "To whom do you go to for information about what's going on?" is commonly asked

during a social network analysis

95. Which team management challenge might a seasonal business that employees primarily changing student staff each year might encounter?

effectiveness due to high turnover

135. What is a situation that involves urgent medical or security threats such as a customer who collapses or a robbery? It may or may not include rescue squads, 911 or similar calls and hospital visits.


A team member in the role of process observer contributes by

helping the group look at how it's functioning

People in good moods use _____, or rules of thumb, to make decisions.


job design

how organizations define and structure jobs

Cognitive style is determined by

how people gather and evaluate information

job characteristics approach

identifies five motivational properties of tasks and three psychological states of people

leadership substitutes

individual task and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leaders ability to affect subordinates satisfaction and performance

A slot machine is an example of _____ reinforcement.


unconflicted change

involves making changes in present activities if doing so presents no serious risks


is the process of designing jobs grouping jobs into units and establishing patterns of authority between job and units


is the process of determining an organizations desired future position and the best means of getting there

project management

makes sure that activities required to complete a project are planned well and accomplished on time

The ____ violates the unity-of-command concept.

matrix structure

control equation

need for action = desired performance - actual performance

The following are all conditions that favor social learning EXCEPT

need for power

The chief means of conveying messages is _____ communication.


_____ studies behavior as it relates to concerns such as absenteeism, turnover, productivity, and performance.

organizational behavior

Conflict must be _____ by the parties to it.


The concept of _____ refers to goods and services that are dependable, reliable, able to do what they were designed for, and satisfying.


The best goals or objectives for planning purposes would have which of the following characteristics?

realistic and possible to achieve, while still challenging.

124. If the following tasks presented themselves, which would an excellent manager prioritize over the others? Social networking promotion, email response to corporate survey of franchisees, breakdown of walk-in refrigerator, and call-out of one of four bussers.


just-in-time scheduling (JIT)

routes materials to workstations just in time for use

93. What type of team is one that has been characterized as a high performance team?


The _____ initiates a message by encoding a thought.


90. What stage is a team that expresses resistance, tension, engages in power struggles, lacks progress and responds well to a coaching leadership style in?


Delphi Technique

technique developed by the Rand Corp - a method of systematically gathering the judgments of experts for use in developing forecasts

According to Rokeach, _____ values refer to desirable end-states of existence.


cognitive dissonance

the anxiety a person experiences when he or she siimultanously possesses two sets of knowledge or perceptions that are contradictory or incongruent

goal specificity

the clarity and precision of a goal

conflict stimulation

the creation and constructive use of conflict by a manager

job categories

the jobs in work groups are usually defined in narrow descriptions of highly specialized jobs that require minimal training

need for affiliation

the need for human companionship


the process by which the reciever of themessage interprets its meaning

decision making

the process of choosing from among several alternatives

symbolic value

the subjective and personal meaning or worth a reward has to an employee

situational perspective

theory that suggests that in most organizations situations and outcomes are contingent on or influcence by other variables

michigan leadership studies

these studies defined job centered and employee centered leadership as opposite ends of a single leadership continuum

ohio state leaderships studies

these studies defined leader consideration and initating structure behaviors as independent dimensions of leadership

practical approach to decision making

this approach combines the steps of the rational approach with the conditions in the behavioral approach to create a more realistic process for making decisions in organizations

task environment

this environment includes specific organizations groups and individuals that influence the organization

vroom's decision tree approach to leadership

this model attempts to prescribe how much participation subordinates should be allowed in making decisions


usually the first tage in the creative process includes education and formal training

Gary Yukl

who developed a useful perspective for understanding how power might be used

166. Sixty-one year old Casey has been a prep cook at the riverfront restaurant for thirty years. She slipped and fell while carrying a pot of water and has broken her ankle. She is not able to work and may not be able to return to work, due to the nature of the break. Which benefit program will provide for her?

workers' compensation

Managers should design flexible structures, characterized by decentralized authority and empowered employees, for their organization when its:

workforce is highly skilled.

what are guiding principles with lasting value that effective leaders use to set the professional tone of conduct in their operations referred to as?

workplace ethics

When a manager is asked to justify a new budget proposal on the basis of projected adjustment to the prior year's budget, this is an example of _____.

zero-based budgeting

Components of good planning

Action Priority Advantage Change

_____ is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience.


All of the following accurately describe Alderfer's ERG theory EXCEPT

Alderfer reworked Herzberg's theory to align with empirical research

Leadership is the domain of which group of employees?

All employees

_____ has helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior between people in different countries.


Programmed decision

Applies a solution from past experience to a routine problem

All of the following statements concerning project portfolios are true EXCEPT: a. The projects in a portfolio are grouped to be managed collectively. b. Portfolios cannot include operations and programs. c. Portfolios usually include a mix of high-risk and low-risk projects. d. All projects in a portfolio contribute to the organization's goals.


From an agile project management perspective, which of these constraints are considered to be fixed? a.Quality and value b.Resources and schedule c. scope and time d.Customer satisfaction


Once projects are completed, they will typically yield all of the following results EXCEPT: a.a unique product, service or result b.make or buy decisions c.stakeholders whose interests are affected by the outcome d.a primary deliverable along with supporting deliverables


Portfolios deal with all of an organization's projects, while programs deal with: a. ongoing operations b. a specific group of related projects c. resource availability d. tradeoffs between schedule, scope and quality


Typically, a steering team or leadership team is responsible for all of the following project related roles EXCEPT: a.selecting, prioritizing and resourcing projects b.providing rigid policies, procedures, standards and guidelines c.ensuring accurate progress is reported and adjustments made d.aligning projects with the organization's strategic plans


Which of the following examples is NOT a typical or appropriate situation to employ project management? a.improving a soldering process in an assembly line b.processing deposits and withdrawals in a bank c.installing a new accounting application on to a server d.developing a new medical device for use by clinics


Your team has been put in charge of a major project involving a client. Although the organization has many clients, this is the largest source of revue and affects the work of several other teams in the organization. The project requires continuous involvement with the client, so any problems with the client are immediately felt by other in the organization. According to the model of power, your team has:

B. A high degree of centrality

Which of the following refers to the fact that motivation is goal-directed, not random?

B. Direction

For which type of environment should organizations adopt an organic structure?

B. Dynamic environments

Organizational citizenship refers to:

B. Employee behaviors that extend beyond normal job duties

Which of the following is a form of knowledge acquisition?

B. Experimentation.

Share option plans:

B. Give employees the right to purchase company shares at a future date at a predetermined price

The problem-solving interpersonal style of conflict has:

B. High assertiveness and high cooperativeness

A parallel learning structure:

B. Includes highly participative teams constructed alongside the formal organizational hierarchy

___ is part of a larger influence tactic called ___.

B. Ingratiation, impression management

A financial institution wants to create online communities whereby employees can quickly receive information about a specific topic from colleagues throughout the organization. Which of the following communication media would likely work best in this situation?

B. Instant messaging

Candoo Ltd. will soon flatten its hierarchy by removing two of the five layers of management. If the number of employees in the organization remains constant, which of the following must also occur?

B. It must widen the span of control

When negotiators have an audience watching their progress in the negotiations, the aduience's negotiatior:

B. Pays more attention to saving face

Which of the following is an individual incentive?

B. Piece-rate plans

Showing interest and clarifying the message are two activities associated with which active listening process?

B. Responding

Which of these refers to a person's beliefs about what behaviors are appropriate or necessary in a particular situation?

B. Role perceptions

The level of information overload is a function of:

B. The receiver's information-processing capacity and the actual information load received

With respect to procedural justice, the "value-expressive" function which "voice" provides refers to:

B. The way employees feel after voicing their opinions

People tend to evaluate female leaders slightly less favorably than male leaders because:

B. They tend to rely on gender stereotypes and prototypes of leaders

Escalation of commitment can be minimized by ensuring that:

B. Those who choose the decision are different from those who implement and evaluate it

Which of the following does NOT contribute to a sustainable competitive advantage? - Being easily limited -Outperforming your rivals -Performing successfully for costumers -being able to maintain your edge -All of the above

Being easily imitated

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a bureaucratic organizational structure?

Bureaucratic controls can suppress initiative and decision making at lower levels.

Projects are considered successful for all of the reasons below EXCEPT:.. a. members of the team learn new skills working on the project. b. the organization captures lessons learned for future projects. c. the team has demonstrated heroics to meet project objectives d. the organization reaps business level benefits.


Which of the following responses most accurately depicts the correct sequence of activities in the strategic planning process? a. strategic objectives - strategic analysis - guiding principles - flow-down objectives b. guiding principles - strategic analysis - strategic objectives - flow-down objectives c. strategic analysis - guiding principles - strategic objectives - flow-down objectives d. guiding principles - strategic objectives - flow-down objectives - strategic analysis


Which of the following statements regarding project life cycles is most accurate? a.All research and development organizations rely upon a four-stage project life cycle that includes initiating, planning, executing and closing. b.The project life cycle is the same regardless of the type of projects managed by an organization. c.Many different project life cycle models are used, for different types of projects. d.All project life cycles are the same across every industry


Conflict is defined as:

C. A process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party

Legitimate, referent, and expert are:

C. Different sources of organizational power

Which drive in the Four-drive Theory is reactive rather than proactive?

C. Drive to defend

___ represents an employee's experienced meaningfulness in their work, a sense of self-determination, confidence in their abilities, and a sense that their work has an impact on the company's success?

C. Empowerment

The philosophy of positive organizational behavior states that:

C. Focusing on the positive rather than negative aspects of life will improve organizational success and individual well-being

The current trend is for companies to shift their divisionalized structures away from:

C. Geography

An individual's personality:

C. Is less evident in situations where social norms, reward systems, and other conditions constrain behavior.

The purely rational model of decision making is rarely practiced in reality because:

C. It assumes that people are efficient and logical in their information processing

Which of the following is NOT typically a problem with a functional structure?

C. It is more difficult to directly supervise employees within each department

Which of the following systematically evaluates the worth of each job within the organization?

C. Job evaluation

Which of the following statements about the leadership substitutes model is FALSE?

C. Leadership substitutes neutralize or replace transformational rather than transactional leadership

A major consumer-products company wanted to create a more entrepreneurial and marketing-oriented culture. After failing to bring about the change through middle management, senior executives worked directly with selected teams of front-line employees. These teams, which represented each area of the organization, worked on special projects outside the normal organizational structure. This intervention is closest to which organizational change strategy

C. Parallel learning structures

_____ is negotiation between labor unions and managers to resolve conflicts and disputes about important issues such as working hours, wages, working conditions, and job security.

Collective bargaining

Matrix structure

Combines functional and divisional approaches to emphasize project or program teams

When applied to project management, the human resource management knowledge area typically involves which of the following activities? a. determining the work necessary for project completion b. estimating, budgeting and controlling project costs c. identifying, analyzing and controlling project risks d. organizing, managing and leading the project team


Which of the following statements concerning strategic analysis is true? a. Strategic analysis focuses exclusively upon external analysis. b. External analysis focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. c. Internal analysis focuses on the threats and opportunities facing the organization. d. External analysis focuses on the threats and opportunities facing the organization.


Which of the ten knowledge areas defined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge includes the activities of purchasing or acquiring products, services or results from outside the project team? a. Scope management b. Quality management c. Communications management d. Procurement management


Which of the following represents a form of nonverbal communication?

D. All of the above

Which of the following will improve creativity?

D. All of these would improve creativity

___ are the natural talents that help employees learn specific tasks more quickly and perform them better.

D. Aptitude

Which of the following is a perspective of learning emphasizing the environment rather than human thought as the source of all learning?

D. Behavior modification

The uncomfortable tension felt when our behavior and attitudes are inconsistent with each other is called:

D. Cognitive dissonance

Which of the following occurs during the incubation stage of the creative process?

D. Divergent thinking

It is often difficult to maintain feelings of equity among employees because:

D. Each employee has different opinions regarding which inputs should be regarded and which outcomes are more valuable than others

Employees at CyberTech perform repetitive jobs that have resulted in boredom as well as repetitive strain injury. Technology makes it difficult to combine existing jobs, but the company wants to make employees more multiskilled. Which of the following would best help CyberTech to improve this situation?

D. Introduce job rotation

How do mental models relate to the concept of organizational culture?

D. Mental models represent the values within an organization's culture

All of these factors directly influence an employee's voluntary behavior and performance EXCEPT:

D. Moral intensity

Someone who is new to the job and has a low sense of achievement is:

D. More vulnerable to the supervisor's self-fulfilling prophecies of that employee

All of the following organizational environment features potentially affects team effectiveness EXCEPT which one?

D. Team size

Which of these statements is consistent with the five anchors of organizational behavior?

D. The field of organizational behavior should rely on other disciplines for some of its theory development

Which of these is NOT a strategy identified by the conflict management experts as something that might reduce the level of relationship conflict during constructive conflict episodes?

D. Third-party conflict resolution

During which phase of the negotiation process do the parties exchange their initial proposals or demands?

Definition of ground rules

_____ is a critical analysis of a preferred alternative to ascertain its strengths and weaknesses before it is implemented. The purpose is to identify all the reasons that might make the preferred alternative unacceptable after all.

Devil's advocacy

Improvement objectives

Document intentions to improve performance in a specific way

Improvement objectives

Document intentions to improve performance in a specific way.

Job evaluation and skill-based pay plans are both considered:

E. None of the answers apply

Servant leadership emphasizes the notion that:

E. None of these

Which of the following practices should be avoided when trying to bring about organizational change?

E. None of these

The tendency to define problems in terms of a preferred solution occurs because:

E. Only 'A' and 'B'

Which of these factors directly influences an employee's voluntary behavior and performance?

E. Only 'A' and 'B'

The capacity to influence others in organizational settings is known as:

E. Power

The tendency for people to dislike losing a particular amount more than they like gaining the same amount is called:

E. Prospect theory

Employees should almost always be organized into teams when they have:

E. Reciprocal interdependence

Increasing inventories between sequential work units tends to reduce potential conflict by:

E. Reducing task interdependence

As soon as people divide work among themselves, they need to:

E. Rely on one of more coordinating mechanisms

Prejudice and discrimination are most closely tied to which of these concepts?

E. Stereotyping

Exchange and ingratiation are:

E. Two forms of influence

Inventory control

Ensures that inventory is only big enough to meet immediate needs.

Social entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship that is targeted at solving the problems of the poor and disadvantaged

Which of the following is NOT a key element in motivation?


Which of the following theories focuses on the perceptions of workers of the fairness of their work outcomes relative to their work inputs?

Equity theory

_____ is an increased commitment to a previous decision in spite of negative information.

Escalation of commitment

Market control

Essentially the influence of market competition on the behavior of organizations and their members

Greenfield venture

Establishes a foreign subsidiary by building en entirely new operation in a foreign country

According to Four-drive Theory, organizations maximize motivation by focusing employees on opportunities to fulfill only one of the four drives. (T/F)


According to Learned Needs Theory, companies should hire leaders with a strong need for personalized power. (T/F)


According to Michael Porter's five forces model, the more that companies compete against one another for customers, the higher is the level of industry profits. (T or F)


According to Senge's concept of the learning organization, team learning is less important than individual learning when trying to increase organizational learning. (T or F)


According to contingency theory, there can be only one best way to design an organization's structure. (T or F)


According to the MARS model of individual behavior and performance, employee performance will remain high even if one of the four factors significantly wakens. (T/F)


According to the bargaining zone model, the parties should begin negotiations by describing their resistance point to each other. (T/F)


According to the halo effect, a supervisor's initial expectations of you influence your behavior so that you are more likely to act consistently with those expectations. (T/F)


According to the systems perspective, most organizations have one working part rather than many sub-components. (T/F)


Adam Smith introduced the principles of Scientific Management. (T/F)


All projects go through a common project life cycle that includes four stages: concept, development, production and close-out.


All teams are groups and all groups are teams. (T or F)


An employee's ability to influence others increases as the source of his or her power becomes more substitutable. (T/F)


An important feature of parallel learning structures is that they operate within the existing organizational hierarchy. (T/F)


An important rule for effective negotiations is to avoid using persuasive communication tactics since this often demonstrates weakness. (T/F)


Attitudes consist of the following three components: emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. (T/F)


Companies are applying job specialization when employees are made directly responsible for specific customers and having them communicate directly with those customers. (T/F)


Email is a very good medium for communicating emotions. (T/F)


Emotional dissonance occurs when we use our emotional intelligence on others but other people do not use their emotional intelligence on us. (T/F)


Generally, project life cycle stages are designed so that the amount of money spent in each of the stages is nearly equivalent.


In Expectancy Theory, the performance-to-outcome expectancy represents the anticipated satisfaction or dissatisfaction that an individual places on an outcome. (T/F)


In times of uncertainty, a company newsletter or similar formal communication activity can effectively replace the informal grapevine. (T/F)


Increasing resources and creating more precise rules for the allocation of those resources represent two ways to increase conflict. (T/F)


Information overload occurs when a person's information-processing capacity exceeds the jobs information load. (T/F)


Job specialization increases training costs and makes it more difficult for companies to match employee aptitudes to jobs for which they are best suited. (T/F)


Maintaining eye contact to show interest in someone's conversation is one of the few forms of nonverbal communication that transmits common meaning across all cultures. (T/F)


Media richness refers to the financial cost of using the medium relative to its frequency of use in the organization. (T/F)


Needs Hierarchy Theory explains how people develop perceptions of fairness in the distribution and exchange of resources.(T/F)


One advantage of competency-based rewards is that measuring employee competencies is mostly done through objective measurement methods. (T/F)


One of the main benefits of formal hierarchy as a coordinating mechanism is that it increases flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs. (T/F)


One of the most important characteristics of empowerment is that it is a personality trait. (T/F)


One of the rules of brainstorming is that no one is allowed to piggyback or build on the ideas of other team members. (T/F)


Organizational commitment refers to an employee's contractual obligation to provide a minimum amount of time and effort to the organization in return for a fair day's pay from the organization. (T/F)


Organizations tend to become less formalized as they age and grow in number of employees. (T/F)


Overreward inequity occurs whenever other people receive less money than you do. (T/F)


Path-goal leadership theory includes directive, supervisory, and integrity leadership styles. (T/F)


People are the most creative when management puts intense pressure on them to produce creative ideas. (T/F)


People perform better in most employment situations when they have a strong external locus of control. (T/F)


People with a high power distance give money a low priority in their lives. (T/F)


People with a high score on the neuroticism personality dimension tend to be more relaxed, secure and calm. (T/F)


Persuasion is the most common form of influence in high power distance cultures. (T/F)


Power is the act of changing another person's attitudes and behavior. (T/F)


Project selection scoring models are very useful in providing performance data that can be used to terminate a project.


Research suggests that feedback originating only from the supervisor provides more complete and accurate information than feedback received through a 360-degree process. (T/F)


Researchers have found that an organization's culture may be identified very easily and quickly by looking at one or two observable artifacts. (T/F)


Scope management includes the processes to manage timely completion of the project.


Selective attention occurs after incoming information is organized and interpreted. (T/F)


Self-leadership suggests that goals should be set by the employee's supervisor with or without the employee's involvement. (T/F)


Shared leadership roles are formally assigned by the team. (T/F)


Situational factors are working conditions within the employee's control. (T/F)


Strategic analysis is often called SWOT - Start With Objectives Template (SWOT).


Systematic evaluation of alternatives helps to increase the use of implicit favorites and satisficing in the decision process. (T/F)


Team members rarely conform to team norms unless other team members apply reinforcement or punishment. (T/F)


The bargaining zone model of negotiations describes the best physical zone in which negotiations should occur. (T/F)


The organization's leadership should establish the strategic objectives to set the stage for the strategic analysis.


The philosophy behind Scientific Management is to increase job enrichment and decreases job specialization. (T/F)


The problem with the concept of employee engagement is that it lacks theoretical foundation. (T/F)


The project management office (PMO) is typically the person or group that provides the financial resources and support for the project, and is accountable for enabling success.


The rational choice paradigm assumes that decision makers have limited information-processing capabilities and engage in a limited search for alternatives. (T/F)


The stronger your needs, the less motivated you are to fulfill them. (T/F)


The use of bureaucratic control in an organization typically enhances creativity and learning. (T or F)


To learn about their progress towards goal accomplishment, employees usually prefer feedback from supervisors and other people. (T/F)


Top-down change is more gradual and evolutionary than a bottom-up change. (T or F)


Traditional financial models are most useful when there are multiple projects and several criteria to consider.


When a client company decides to engage an external contractor to perform project work, it must be prepared to submit a proposal and prepare a bid.


When people empathize with others, it leads to a higher likelihood of the occurrence of attribution errors. (T/F)


corporate cults are preferred, because they help suppress subcultures within organizations. (T/F)


Which of the following is NOT a way that culture is created?

Founders poll early employees to determine the appropriate cultural values.

Example of company that follows divisional structure

GE- product Lowe's- location P&G- customer

A group of managers works very hard to be sure that they agree on important issues instead of working toward an accurate assessment of the situation. Which of the following best describes this scenario?


Functional strategy

Guides activities within one specific area of operations

The theory that distinguishes between needs related to the work itself from those related to the context of the work is:

Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory.

Which of the following is true of heuristics?

Heuristics lead to biases in judgment.

Weaknesses of safe desk

High production cost Highs startup cost Bulky design

_____ are more likely to engage in impression management, molding their image to fit the situation.

High self-monitors

Which of the following is correc

In negotiations, Brazilians are likely to use physical contact.


In order to develop a plan of action, you need a strategy.

downward communication

Information that flows from higher to lower levels in the organization's hierarchy

Continuous improvement

Involves always searching for new ways to improve work quality and performance.

Which of the following is true about gender differences in leadership?

It is difficult to judge the truth about stereotypes of gender differences.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Vroom's expectancy theory?

It is one of the most widely accepted theories of motivation.

A manager redesigns the job of a subordinate so that the subordinate has more responsibility over his/her job. Which of the following best describes this process?

Job enrichment

_____ may be implemented by combining tasks, forming natural work units, establishing client relationships, expanding jobs vertically, and opening feedback channels.

Job enrichment

____ (or cross-training) is the periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another.

Job rotation

Which type of firm is likely to use a territorial departmentalization structure?

Large service firm

____ research emphasizes style; whereas research on ____ focuses on tactics for gaining compliance.

Leadership; power

Which of the following is NOT an individual factor related to political behavior?

Level of trust

Which of the following types of financial ratios indicates the degree to which the organization uses debt or equity to finance its ongoing operations?

Leverage ratios

Which of the following types of financial ratios measures the ability of the organization to pay its short-term debts?

Liquidity ratios

Example of company that follows matrix structure

Lockheed Martin Facebook

BIC, makers of ballpoint pens and razors, concentrates on making its products cheaper than its rivals. Which of the following strategies is BIC pursuing?

Low-cost strategy

Potential advantages of network structures

Lower costs due to fewer full-time employees Better access to expertise through specialized alliance partners and contractors Easy to grow and shrink with market conditions

Stress at work my cause

Lower performance Reduced job satisfaction Personal problems Problems at home

Individuals who are high in the _____ dimension of personality manipulate more, win more, are persuaded less, and persuade others more.


Total quality management

Managing with organization-wide commitment to continuous improvement, product quality, and customer need is called

In which type of organizational design are employees correctly referred to as two-boss employees?

Matrix structure

_____ is a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end, and relaxation, tranquility, and poise on the low end.

Negative affect

Close ties between the members of the group typically are formed during which stage of group development?


External control

Occurs through direct supervision or administrative systems. Accomplished by use of burecratic, clan, and market control systems.

Differentiation strategy

Offers products that are unique and different form those of the competition

According to your text, emotional intelligence includes:

Self Awareness Self regulation Motivation Empathy

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, which of the following is the highest level of needs of workers?


_____ is the drive to become what one is capable of becoming in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


_____, one of the dimensions of emotional intelligence, is awareness of one's feelings.


_____ teams go farther than problem-solving teams in getting employees involved in work-related decisions and processes.


organizational culture

Shared attitudes and perceptions in an organization.

What differentiates a team from a group?

Shared versus individual accountability


Strategic use of the Internet to engage customers and potential customers in providing opinions and suggestions on products and their designs

Two divisions of a company decide to use the same manufacturing facilities to capitalize on the organization's excess capacity and to reduce the fixed costs assigned by corporate headquarters. This is an example of which of the following?


_____ is an attribute of work teams which results in a level of performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs.


control systems

Systems that provide managers with information about how effective and efficient strategy and structure are working.

Controlling Step 4

Taking action to resolve problems and improve things in the future.

According to the text, the "foundation" of any control system is measuring performance and

Taking corrective action

Critical thinking

The ability to perceive situations, gather and interpret relevant information and make decisions

clan control

The norms, values, shared goals and trust amoung group members.

Equilibrium Price

The point at which consumer demand equals supply

Breakeven Point

The point at which revenue is sufficient to cover all costs.

Breakeven point

The point where revenues equals cost.=Fixed costs/ (price-variable costs).

Supply and Demand

The prices in a market economy are influenced by this.

Strategic management

The process of formulating and implementing strategies


The process of grouping together people and jobs into work units


The process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results


The process of measuring performance and taking corrective action as needed

Strategic implementation

The process of putting strategies into action


The process of receiving and interpreting information


The process of using external comparisons as a means of determining how your company is doing


The process of withholding, ignoring, or distorting information

Input standard

The quality control manager at Athens, Inc. requires zero defects on all parts received from its suppliers. It's an example of


The retrenchment strategy that calls for selling off part of the organization is called


The view of corporate social responsibility is that corporate management should be concerned for the broader social welfare as well as corporate

According to LMX theory, which of the following is NOT true of those individual's who fall into the out-group?

They are trusted.

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

They benefit companies that are spread out in a wide geographic area.


Those who first commercialize innovations.

According to your text, which is the most likely explanation for the higher absentee rate for women?

Traditionally, women have had the responsibility of caring for home and family.

Total quality management TQM

Tries to meet customers needs and do things right on time, the first time, and all the time.

A division is a collection of departments that work together within the organization to produce the product. (T or F)


A perspective that effective organizations incorporate several workplace practices that leverage the potential of human capital is called high-performance work practices. (T/F)


A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.


A strong corporate culture bonds employees together and makes them feel part of the organization. (T/F)


ADR usually begins with a meeting between employee and employer. (T/F)


Abraham Maslow was the first to recognize that human thoughts play a role in motivation. (T/F)


According to ERG Theory, a person can regress down the hierarchy of needs when they fail to fulfill higher needs. (T/F)


According to some experts, the subtle forms of resistance create the greatest obstacles to change because they are not as visible. (T/F)


According to the textbook, charismatic leadership differs from transformational leadership. (T/F)


Action plans can include the strategies to attain the goals and schedules for the completion of different activities crucial to goal attainment. (T or F)


Adaptive cultures focus employees on the changing needs of customers and other stakeholders and support initiative and leadership to keep pace with these changes. (T/F)


All organizations have a collective sense of purpose, whether it's producing oil or creating the fastest Internet search engine. (T/F)


An important factor used to determine the phases in a project life cycle are the control needs of the organization(s) involved in the project.


Appreciative inquiry tries to break away from the approach to change advocated by action research. (T/F)


Aptitudes are natural talents that help individuals to learn specific tasks more quickly and perform them better than pother people. (T/F)


Communication and understanding interventions should be applied only after differentiation between the parties has been reduced. (T/F)


Contingencies, such as size, technology, and environment do not necessarily determine an organization's structure. (T/F)


Cost management processes are involved in planning, estimating, budgeting,m financing, funding, managing and controlling costs so that the project can be completed within the approved budget.


Counterproductive work behaviors include threats and work avoidance. (T/F)


Customers may need to sacrifice expectations related to cost or schedule in order to realize their expectations for scope or quality.


Decentralization makes an organization flexible as the organization grows and becomes taller. (T or F)


Diverse teams have faultlines that may split the team into subgroups along gender, ethnic or other dimensions. (T/F)


Diversity among team members tends to undermine cohesion. (T/F)


Employees are more likely to quit their jobs and be absent from work if they are dissatisfied with their jobs. (T/F)


Employees tend to be less creative in organizations that punish failure. (T/F)


Homogenization and differentiation are two activities in the process of forming and maintaining our social identity. (T/F)


How we dress and the way we behave politely toward others represents a type of influence strategy. (T/F)


If an organization does not have the right capabilities, a project may be too difficult to complete successfully.


Intrapreneurs engage in entrepreneurship within an existing company. (T or F)


Intuition allows us to draw on our tacit knowledge to guide our decision preferences. (T/F)


Leadership competencies identify leadership potential, not leadership performance. (T/F)


Legitimate pwoer is an agreement between people that one person has the right to request specific behaviors from the other person. (T/F)


Management by walking around occurs whenever senior executives get out of their offices and communicate face-to-face with employees. (T/F)


Managers should arbitrate decisions when employees cannot resolve their differences alone. (T/F)


Mental models that give us a rich understanding of one's environment may cause us to screen out or ineffectively organize information in another environment. (T/F)


Mergers and acquisitions tend to increase conflict due to different values and beliefs. (T/F)


Organic structures are better suited dynamic environments than to stable environments. (T/F)


Organizational effectiveness depends on the organization's capacity to acquire, share, use and store valuable knowledge. (T/F)


Organizational politics can result in lower job satisfaction, and high levels of work-related stress. (T/F)


Organizational politics flourish when resource allocation decisions are ambiguous and complex with no formal rules. (T/F)


People with a high need for affiliation tend to be more effective in jobs that require them to mediate conflicts. (T/F)


Personality is a relatively stable pattern of behaviors and internal states that explains a person's behavioral tendencies. (T/F)


Planning involves identifying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of action for an organization. (T or F)


Portfolio management aligns with organizational strategies by selecting the right projects, prioritizing work, and providing needed resources.


Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person's wellbeing. (T/F)


The nominal group technique tends to produce more and better ideas than do traditional interacting groups. (T/F)


The organization's leadership should establish guiding principles such as the vision and mission for an organization before developing strategic objectives.


The primacy effect occurs because we have a strong need to quickly make sense of other people. (T/F)


The project manager is normally directly accountable for the project results, schedule and budget.


Trust is a reciprocal activity; to receive trust from employees. (T/F)


Feedback control

Try to correct problems after they have occured and inform the system so that similar mistakes can be avoided in the future.

Concurrent control

Try to solve problems as they occur, by monitoring and correcting problems during the work process.

Feedforward control

Try to solve problems before they occur, by making sure the production systems have high-quality inputs.

Historical comparisons

Use past experience as a basis for evaluating current performance.

Social media strategy

Uses social media to better engage with an organization's customer's clients, and external audiences in general

The leader-participation model was developed by _____.

Vroom and Yetton

MBO - management by objectives

a collaborative goal setting process through which organizational goals cascade down throughout the organization

The set of behaviors and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he/she is a member of the group is known as:

a group role.


a person's ability to get along with others


a persons complexes of beliefs and feelings about specific ideas situations or other people

effort to performance expectancy

a persons perception of the probability that effort will lead to performance

linking role

a position for a person or group that serves to coordinate the activities of two or more organizational groups

decision rule

a statement that tells a decision maker which alternative to choose based on the charcteristics of the decision situation


a structural policy in which decision making authority is concentrated at the top of the organizational hierarchy

When managers use a set of predetermined questions for all the applicants for a specific job, this is known as:

a structured interview.

According to the text, the best approach for obtaining knowledge about human behavior is_____.

a systematic approach

rational decision making approach

a systematic step by step process for making decisions

conflict model

a very personal approach to decision making because it deals with the personal conflicts that people experience in particularly difficult decision situations

When you buy music downloads online, the firm selling them to you is engaging in which type of e-business strategy? a) B2C b) B2B c) infomediary d) crowdsourcing

a) B2C

The functional chimneys problem occurs when people in different functions _______________. a) fail to communicate with one another b) try to help each other work with customers c) spend too much time coordinating decisions d) focus on products rather than functions

a) fail to communicate with one another

60. How should "goodbye" be handled when guests depart the establishment?

a. A sincere "thank you" with eye contact and a handshake can set an establishment apart from the competition

132. The manager has determined that employee romances are creating tension at the workplace. A policy has been developed that employee friendships and relationships that interfere with operations in a manner that is observed by management are grounds for progressive discipline. Relationships between all employees are to be characterized by professional, courteous exchanges that serve the purpose of useful, necessary communication on behalf of the operation mission. What is the purpose of this policy?

a. Action plan based on defining a problem and selection of best solution

198. Are unemployment compensation benefits a program that is consistent from state to state?

a. Although there are similarities, there are also differences

80. What is a reason that the employee should be involved in the goal setting process during performance discussions?

a. Can be a motivation tool to development leadership skills

75. The manager has spotted yet another server touching the part of the glass that the guest's mouth will touch when serving a beverage. In addition, the gentleman is being served before the lady and from his left side, not his right. Exasperated, the manager whistles across the dining room. Stop right now Kenneth! That is the last time you will make those mistakes here! What rule of coaching has the manager violated?

a. Corrected publicly and in an embarrassing fashion

196. What is the purpose for which employees would need to verify their emergency contact or address information upon termination?

a. Employers will be required to send copies of W-2 tax forms

6 In order to create a conflict-positive organization, there are many interrelated steps to follow. They include which of the following?

a. Empower employees to feel confident and skillful.

167. The economical manager has servers come into work an two to three hours prior to the arrival of the first guest and stay two or more hours past the departure of the last guest in order to perform cleaning and preparation chores. Servers are paid $2.13 per hour as they are tipped employees. When the tips during service do not add up to enough to average to minimum wage for the hours on property, the manager tells them it is up to them to improve their standard of service. What law is the manager in danger of violating?

a. Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA)

117. What is the key difference between a floater and an employee who has been cross-trained?

a. Floaters do different tasks on a daily basis whereas cross-trained employees do so only as need arises

120. What would be the reason for not contacting a manager on their day off when an operational problem arises?

a. Interrupts their personal time and leads to frustration and burnout

57. What is the technology advancement, which has updated the bulletin board that is now being used by some establishments?

a. Intranet

193. What are the objectives of an exit interview?

a. Powerful tool that provides insight into the operation's organizational culture

147. Why is it of critical importance for the meeting planner to identify the business objectives to be accomplished at the meeting?

a. They will drive the rest of the planning process beginning with the type of meeting needed to accomplish them

131. Two employees have ended a romantic relationship and are having difficulty working together. The manager has decided to fire the employee deemed least valuable, believing this action would serve as an example to others to leave their personal life at home. Which step of the problem-solving model may the manager have neglected to fully review?

a. Three: Determine and analyze solution alternatives

83. Having members of the server staff meet, as a team to select the new server uniform will take longer than if the manager simply made a choice. There also may be disagreements and personality conflicts. How could the manager facilitate the process to minimize these pitfalls?

a. Train in how to conduct meetings and stay focused on goals

154. How important is it that a meeting starts and ends on time?

a. Very. It shows respect for the employees time and responsibilities beyond meeting attendance

59. How should regular customers be greeted?

a. Warmly, and by name. They are the lifeblood of the business

55. Are there methods that managers can use to process telephone messages?

a. Yes, guest quality concerns, financial; community officials such as; health department and top management typically are highest priority

62. Does it really matter if entry-level employees are motivated as long as they do their jobs?

a. Yes. Employees who are not motivated are less likely to meet service standards

188. The old style boss feels employees are lucky to have a job. If they are uncertain, it is their responsibility to get up to speed. Is there anything that could be improved regarding this philosophy?

a. Yes. Managers have the responsibility to help employees improve by assisting them.

what kind of role is recommended for managers to play in community organizations such as chambers of commerce or convention and visitors bureaus?

active-join and participate in positive fashion, building relationships to benefit the restaurant and community

In a CPM/PERT analysis, the focus is on ____________ and the event ____________ that link them together with the finished project. a) goals; costs b) costs; budgets c) activities; sequences d) timetables; budgets

activities; sequences

contingency approach

an approach to organization design in which the desired outcomes for the organization can be achieved in several ways

internal and external information is collected in the planning process. what must be done with that data?

analyze what impact it may have on the operation

behavioral approach

approach to leadership that tries to identify behaviors that differentiate effective leaders from nonleaders uses rules of thumb suboptimizing and satisficing in making decisions

behaviorial approach to decision making

assumes decision makers act with bounded rationality rather than with perfect rationality

General Electric is a complex conglomerate that owns many firms operating in very different industries. The strategies pursued for each of these units within GE would best be called ________-level strategies. a) corporate b) business c) functional d) transnational

b) business

Management by exception means ___________. a) managing only when necessary b) focusing attention where the need for action is greatest c) the same thing as concurrent control d) the same thing as just-in-time delivery

b) focusing attention where the need for action is greatest

The "two boss" system of reporting relationships is both a potential source of problems and one of the key aspects of __________ structures. a) functional b) matrix c) network d) product

b) matrix

A "tall" organization will likely have _________ spans of control than a "flat" organization with the same number of members. a) wider b) narrower c) more ambiguous d) less centralized

b) narrower

If a organization's top management establishes a target of increasing new hires of minority and female candidates by 15% in the next six months, this is an example of a/an ___________ standard for control purposes. a) input b) output c) management by exception d) concurrent

b) output

The 2 questions asked by Porter to identify the correct competitive strategy for a business of product line are: What is the market scope? and What is the _________? a) market share b) source of competitive advantage c) core competency d) industry attractiveness

b) source of competitive advantage

Which is an example of a cooperative strategy? a) retrenchment b) strategic alliance c) bankruptcy d) vertical integration

b) strategic alliance

5 A process of self-motivation and evaluations by a manager, peers, and possibly customers is known as?

b. 360 degree feedback

________ is a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures.

b. Groupthink

________ results from inaccurate definition of the expected job performance.

b. Invalidity

The characteristics which appropriately impact the design of an organization's design processes are known as:

b. contextual variables.

The most simplistic name for two or more people having common interests or objectives is a ________.

b. group

employee centered leader behavior

behavior that involves attempting to build effective work groups with high performance goals

consideration behavior

behavior that involves being concerned with subordinates feelings and respecting subordinates ideas

initiating structure behavior

behavior that involves clearly defining the leader subordinate roles so that subordinates know what is expected of them

job centered leader behavior

behavior that involves paying close attention to the work of subordinates explaining work procedures and demonstrating a strong interest in performance

144. What type of meeting is held to develop ideas or creative solutions rather than to make a decision?


When a supervisor working alongside of an employee corrects him/her when a mistake is made, this is an example of ________ control. a) feedforward b) external c) concurrent d) preliminary

c) concurrent

An organization that is downsizing by cutting staff to reduce costs can be described as pursuing a ___________ strategy. a) liquidation b) divestiture c) retrenchment d) stability

c) retrenchment

The mechanics approach to job design emphasizes:

c. a lower chance of mental overload.

In studying motivational theories, we are learning that:

c. achievement is more of a motivator for Americans than for other nationalities.

Another name for the organization's hierarchy of authority is the:

chain of command.

If attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, individuals will most likely _____

change either their attitudes or behavior

Changes in corporate strategy precede and lead to _____.

changes in an organization's structure

When one team member advises another team member that "your behavior is crossing the line in terms of our expectations for workplace civility," she is exercising a form of _____ control over the other's inappropriate behaviors.


Max Webber -

classical organization theory was concerned with structuring organizations effectively

70. In an employee development plan, an employee may need to spend personal time away from work to complete some learning activity. What will this require of the employee?


When a supervisor working alongside of an employee corrects him or her when a mistake is made, this is an example of _______ control


170. John the manager has a problem. He has been in the custom of leaving employee paychecks in a folder on his desk and letting them rifle through it and find their loose check to expedite distribution. This method has allowed all checks to be viewed and now disgruntlement over pay disparity is creating resentment and anger. What compensation policies could have prevented this dilemma?

confidentiality of information

According to _____ theory, managers should choose a structure that fits the circumstances affecting their organization the most.


incremental innovation

continues the technical improvement and extends the applications of radical and systems innovations

unconflicted adherence

continuing with current activities if doing so does not entail serious risks

175. What is the term used for a pay increase that is related to the index developed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that reflects changes in the costs of items such as food, housing, and transportation to the average consumer?

cost of living

oganizational climate

current situations in an organization and the linkages among work groups employees and work performance

A good performance objective is written in such a way that it ________________. a) has a flexible schedule b) is general and not to specific c) is impossible to accomplish d) can be easily measured

d) can be easily measured

When an automobile manufacturer is careful to purchase only the highest-quality components for use in production, this is an example of an attempt to ensure high performance though __________ control. a) concurrent b) statistical c) inventory d) feedforward

d) feedforward

Janis Mann process

decision process that makes 5 assumptions - deals only with important life decisions


decreases the frequency of behavior by eliminating a reward or desirable consequence that follows that behavior

theory X

described by Douglas McGregor is an approach to management that takes a negative and pessimistic view of workers

French and Raven

developed - legitimate power - reward power - coercive power -expert power and referent power

Path goal theory of leadership

developed by Martin Evans and Robert House

Fred Fiedler

developed the contingency theory - considers the personality of the leader and the complexities of the situation

The most immediate and potent form of behavior control is:

direct supervision.

A _____ leadership style, identified by House in path-goal theory, leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful than when they are highly structured and well laid out.


Nonverbal communication has the main purpose of

expressing the communicator's emotions behind the message

public relations such as sponsorship of a little league sports team or a table at a charitable event are examples communication tools aimed at what group?


When an automobile manufacturer is careful to purchase only the highest-quality components for use in production


When an automobile manufacturer is careful to purchase only the highest-quality components for use in production, this is an example of an attempt to ensure high performance through ____________ control. a) feedforward b) concurrent c) statistical d) inventory


89. What stage is a team that expresses excitement, optimism, behaves in a friendly, agreeable fashion and responds well to a directing leadership style in?


The _____ stage in group development which is characterized by uncertainty.


The members of a particular group are getting to know one another and attempting to reach an understanding of how each of them should act within the group. This stage of group development is known as:


103. What are monies paid indirectly in support of employees for purposes such as vacation, holiday pay, sick leave and health insurance?

fringe benefits

85. The group of cooks who come in and make bread, desserts, prep salad dressings, sauces, prepare produce to par stock levels for stations, other food prep activities are members of what kind of team?


The degree to which the members of a group are attracted to membership in the group is known as:

group cohesiveness.

Shared guidelines or rules of behavior that most group members follow are called:

group norms.

Reinforcement theory

has operant conditioning at its foundation

heterogeneous group

if members of the group differ along one or more dimensions

work teams

include all the people working in an area are relatively permanent and do the daily work making decisions regarding how the work of the team is done

individual processes

include individual differences -attitudes personalities perception attribution, employee motivation learning reinforcement and work stress

143. What types of meetings share communication such as project reports and updates or are used for orientation or training?


97. Which effective team goal is it when teams get updates on progress, learn about tools to support tasks, and communicate with other employees and teams?


The office grapevine is an example of

information communication

When a soccer coach tells her players at the end of a losing game, "You did good in staying with the game plan," she is using a/an ____________ as a measure of performance. a) historical comparison b) input standard c) relative comparison d) output standard

input standard

When a soccer coach tells her players at the end of a losing game, "you did good in staying with the game plan"

input standard

The 4I framework of a learning organization consists of intuiting, interpreting, integrating, and


When managers attempt to fill open positions with workers who are already working for the organization in some other capacity, they are engaging in:

internal recruiting.

technical learning

is based on conscious learning where a consciously learning method has been chosen

Which of the following is NOT one of Hofstede's five dimensions of national culture?

language proficiency

what is the primary difference in focus of a leader versus a manager?

leader focuses on "what" and "why" and manager focuses on "how"

All of the following should be involved in a business plan except: - an executive summary - the business fundamentals - careful organization - ease in reading - long and detailed analysis to cover al potential questions

long and detailed analysis to cover al potential questions

In _____ cultures, the words themselves are the primary conveyors of meaning.


106. What considers the expected number of customers and spreads out the number of hours allowed by the budget between different positions in the operation?

master schedule

balanced scorecard

measures performance on financial, customer service, internal process, and innovation and learning goals

output standard

measures performance results in terms of quantity, quality, cost, or time

A ______ is a senior employee who sponsors and supports a less-experienced employee.


171. What are programs that offer incentives for employees to improve and increase productivity relating to a fundamental ethic that workers should be paid on the basis of skills?

merit pay plans

In the transmission phase of the communication process, the information that is to be communicated is known as the:


A broad declaration of the organization's overriding purpose, intended to identify the organization's products and customer base, as well as to differentiate the organization from its competitors is known as a:

mission statement.


occurs because numerous organizational systems are in place to ensure that employees and systems behave as expected to maintain stability

external control

occurs through direct supervision or administrative systems


occurs when a leader gradually and purposefully turns over power responsibility and control to a sel managing work group

social learning

occurs when people observe the behaviors of others recognize their consequences and alter their own behavior as a result

accomomodation among groups

occurs when the groups goals are compatible but interactions are not considered important to goal attainment

An employee learns how to do her job by working closely with her team leader, observing and learning how the process functions. This is known as:

on-the-job training.

scientific management

one of the first approaches to management focused on the efficiency of individual workers and assumed that employees ar emotivated by money


one-time activities with many component tasks that must be completed in proper order and according to budget

what is the financial plan that estimates the revenue to be generated, expenses incurred, and profit, if any, for a specified time period referred to as?

operating budget

137. Which classification of event has occurred when it has been an unusually slow dinner shift and the manager decides to close an hour early, only to have a party of ten arrive as the last employee is driving away from the parking lot?

operating information

when conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as: what trends could boost demand for our services and products over the next several years? how might technologies help us and what changes could occur that might benefit our operation? are examples of questions that aim to identify which SWOT focus?


If an organization's top management establishes a target of increasing new hires of minority and female candidates by 15% in the next six months, this is an example of a/an ____________ standard for control purposes. a) market b) input c) output d) clan


176. What is the term that refers to; using an outside provider to do work that could otherwise be done by an employee?


179. The popular concept Grilled Cheese Food Truck has grown from a single vehicle to a fleet of 25. The manager is having a hard time keeping up with Human Resource records. What is a common solution to this problem?


Alkyl Ltd., one of the leading shoe manufacturers, enters into a contract with Blinx-a foreign manufacturer-to only manufacture its shoes. In this scenario, Alkyl Ltd. is following the _____ strategy.


When managers hire contract employees who are not regular employees of their organization to produce goods and services, it is known as:


task versus relationship motivation

parallels job centered and initiating structure leader behavior

189. What are some strategies used by managers to fill scheduling gaps caused by terminations?

part-timers, on-call and creative scheduling

The arrangement of jobs into categories reflecting their relative importance to the organization and its goals, level of skills required, and other characteristics is called:

pay structure.

type a individuals

people who are extremely competitive highly committed to work and have a strong sense of time urgency

short term orientation

people with focus on the past or present

To create a learning organization, managers should empower employees and allow them to experiment, create, and explore what they want through developing a sense of:

personal mastery.

John Holland argues that job satisfaction is highest and turnover lowest where _____.

personality and occupation are in agreement

process based perspectives on motivaiton

perspectives that focus on how people behave in thier efforts to satisfy thier needs

phases of implementation

phase 1 startup - reality and unrest - leader centered teams - tightly formed teams - self managing teams

A "no smoking" rule and a sexual harassment policy are examples of _____ that are types of ______ in organizations.

policies; standing-use plans

A general guide to action for the managers of an organization is known as a:


186. What is a specific time period during which an employee must consistently meet job standards or other reasonable conditions imposed by their manager as a condition of continued employment?


The internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II is an example of _____.


Decisions that have been made many times in the past and for which managers have rules and guidelines about how to make similar decisions in the future are known as:

programmed decisions

184. What is a policy or procedure that has as objectives; to reduce the number of situations that result in terminations and ensure employee is given specific evidence of unacceptable performance, guidelines for improvement and assistance as required?

progressive discipline

The component of an HRM system that focuses on attempting to attract and hire employees who have the abilities and experiences to help the organization to achieve its goals is known as:

recruitment and selection.

64. Which of Maslow's Hierarchy is being challenged when an employer keeps employees waiting (on a Friday) for paychecks, distributing them after the banks have closed, sometimes short or in error?


104. What is a fixed amount of money for a certain time period that does not vary, regardless of the number of hours worked?


A manager considers a limited sample of the potential alternative solutions for a problem and selects one that is acceptable instead of attempting to select the optimum solution. This type of decision is called:


schedules of reinforcement

schedules that indicate when or how often managers should reinforce certain behaviors

The process by which managers determine the relative qualifications of job applicants for an open position is known as:


Because it is impossible for us to assimilate everything we see, we engage in _____.

selective perception

88. A seasonal restaurant needs to train staff for summer busy time. The training managers have been deemed ready to take on the additional responsibility. What kind of team are the training managers?


Manager's can increase an employee's _____ through enactive mastery, vicarious modeling, verbal persuasion, and arousal.


Teams that are empowered to take responsibility for acting autonomously in order to complete identifiable pieces of work are referred to as:

self-managed work teams.

In the transmission phase of communication, the person who wishes to share information with someone else is known as the:


The extent to which a job requires the worker to use a wide range of knowledge and abilities is known as:

skill variety.

interpersonal skills

skills used to communicate with understand and motivate individuals and groups

conceptual skills

skills used to think in the abstract

diagnostic skills

skills used to understand cause and effect relationships and to recognize the optimal solutions to problems

quality circles

small groups of employees from the same work area who meet regularly to discuss and recommend solutions to problems

The manager of the human resources department of a company is a(n) _____ manager.


A written set of instructions which describes the series of actions that a manager should take in a specific situation is known as a:

standing operating procedure.

A(n) _____ is a formal agreement that commits two or more companies to exchange or share their resources in order to produce and market a product.

strategic alliance

The idea that one level of learning affects other levels is part of the _____ principle of creating a learning organization.

systems thinking

153. When an agenda item is held over for another meeting, what determination has been made for that issue?


The degree to which a manager feels that his/her job is "meaningful" because of the way in which the job affects other people is known as:

task significance.

nominal group technique

technique in which group members follow a generate discussion vote cycle until they reach an appropriate decision

Writers, attorneys, analysts, and employees who spend the majority of their time on computers or on the telephone are natural candidates for _____.


problem solving teams

temporary teams established to attack specific problems in the workpplace


the ability to affect the perceptions attitudes or behaviors of others


the ability to generate new ideas or to conceive of new perspectives on existing ideas

valuing diversity

the act of putting an end to the assumption that everyone who is not a member of the dominant group must assimilate

cognitive dissonance

the anxiety a person experiences when he or she simultaneously possesses two sets of knowledge or perceptions that are contradictory or incongruent

strategic values

the basic beliefs about an organizations environment that shape its strategy

human relations movement

the beginning of organizational behavior was based on the assumption that employee satisfaction is a key determinant of performance


the belief that power and status differences are appropriate within hierarchical social systems such as organizations

According to your text, modern management thought would suggest that:

the best answer to what work is that it "depends on the situation


the degree of attractiveness or unattractiveness a particular outcome has for a person

communication fidelity

the degree of correspondence between the message intended by the source and themessage understood by the receiver

group composition

the degree of similarity or difference among group members on factors important to the groups work

risk propenjsity

the degree to which a person is willing to take chances and make risky decisions

Assertiveness is _____.

the degree to which one party attempts to satisfy his/her own concerns


the degree to which rules and procedures shape the jobs and activities of employees

environmental dynamism

the degree tow hich environmental components that impinge on organizational decision making change

need for achievement

the desire to accomplish a task or goal more effectively than in the past

goal acceptance

the extent t which a person accepts a goal as his or her own

self esteem

the extent to which a person believes he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual

job satisfaction

the extent to which aperson is gratified or fulfilled by his or her work

Leon Festinger would propose that the desire to reduce dissonance would be determined by all of the following EXCEPT _____.

the extent to which attitudes are widely held by society.

power distance

the extent to which less powerful persons accept the unequal distribution of power

self efficacy

the extent to which people believe they can accomplish their goals even if they failed to do so in the past


the final stage of the creative process in which the truthfulness of the insight is determined


the final stage of the creative process in which the validity or turthfulness of the insight is determined

bounded rationality

the idea that decision makers cannot deal with information about all the aspects and alternatives pertaining to a problem and therefore choose to tackle some meaningful subset of it


the imagination, innovative thinking, and management skills needed to start and operate a business


the individual group or organization interested in communicating something to another party

environmental complexity

the number of invironmental components that impinge on organizational decision making

avoidance -negative reinforcement

the opportunity to avoid or escape from an unpleasant circumstance after exhibiting behavior


the process by which the message is translated from an idea or thought into transmittable symbols


the process of categorizing or labeling people on the basis of a single attribute


the process of creating and doing new things that are introduced into the marketplace as products and services or processes


the process of designing jobs grupong jobs into manageable units and establishing patterns of authority amoung jobs and groups


the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about thier own work


the process of optimizing the size of an organizations workforce through downsizing expanding and or outsourcing

organizational development

the process of planned change and improvement of the organization through application of knowledge of the behavioral sciences

organizational socialization

the process through which emploees learn about the firm's culture and pass thier knowledge and understanding on to others


the process through which individuals become social beings


the process through which memb ers of a minority group are forced to learn the ways of the dominant group

transformational leadership

the set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change to create a vision to guide that change and to execute that change effectively

organization culture

the set of values that helps the organizations employees understand which actions are considered acceptable and which unacceptable

mutual acceptance group

the stage of group development that is characterized by members sharing information about themselves and getting to know each other

control and organization

the stage of group development when the group is mature members work together and are flexible adaptive and self correcting

communication and decision making

the stage of group development where members discuss their feelings more openly and agree on group goals and individual roles in the group


the stage of less intense conscious concentration during which a creative person lets the knowledge and ideas acquired during preparation mature and develop

organization behavior

the study of human behavior in organizational settings of the interface between human behavior and the organization, and the organization itself


the tangible and intangible rewards provided by organizations to individuals

LPC theory of leadership

theory that suggests that a leaders effectiveness depends on the situation

Path goal theory of leadership

theory that suggests that effective leaders clarify the paths - behaviors- that will lead to desired rewards - goals

138. Are armed robberies preventable emergencies?

they are not preventable but can be deterred

PRAM model

this model guides the negotiater through the four steps of planning for agreement building relationships reaching agreements and maintaining relationships

professional bureaucracy

this structure is characterized by horizontal specialization by professional area of expertise little formalization and decentralized decision making

machine bureaucracy

this structure is typical of large well established organizations work is highly specialized and formalized and decision making is usually concentrated at the top


this structure is typically found in young organizations in highly technical fields within it decision making is spread throughout the organization power resides with the experts horizontal and vertical specialization exists and there is little formalization

when conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as: what obstacles are we facing? do we have cash flow problems, what changes could occur that might hurt out establishment? are examples of questions that im to identify which SWOT focus?


Flextime, job sharing, and part-time work are examples of _____ for managing work-life conflicts.

time-based strategies

112. What are procedures and guidelines employees should follow when they want time off from work?

time-off request policy

The component of an HRM system that focuses on helping employees to build the skills and abilities that will enable them to perform their jobs successfully is:

training and development.

Leaders who motivate subordinates primarily by rewarding and reprimanding them are called _____ leaders.


Leadership that makes subordinates aware of their jobs' importance to the organization is called:

transformational leadership.

what sorts of problems are avoided by writing goals that are SMART?

unrealistic, unclear, not measurable or not related to the mission or vision

task groups

usually are established to solve a particular organizational problem

123. If the following tasks presented themselves, which would an excellent manager prioritize over the others? Valentine's day reservations need to be reconciled with dining room organized and servers assigned, summer marketing plan devised, telephone call returned from upset guest, and invoice from purveyor paid.


The degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure is called the _____ of the test.


when the customer believes that the price that they paid was a fair relationship for the product or services received, what concept is that known as?


Piece-rate plans, merit based pay, bonuses, profit sharing, gainsharing, and employee stock ownership plans are all forms of _____ programs.


For a salesperson who is paid commission, reinforcement occurs on a _____ schedule.


119. What is the name of the difference between the budgeted expense and the actual expense if the budget goal is not met?


variable interval reinforcement

varies the amount of time between reinforcements

ISO certification

verifies an organization meets international quality standards

The ____ is also called the network or modular organization.

virtual organization

what is the description of what an establishment wants to become and why it exists referred to?

vision statment

190. Tomas had been working for a corporate property as a line cook. A former chef at his property was transferred to a city several hours away and has requested him to apply for the kitchen manager position involving a significant raise. If Tomas accepts the position and leaves his current job, what would this be called?

voluntary termination

107. One of the primary purposes of a Master schedule is to help ensure that the correct number of waged employees are available so that customers will receive prompt, efficient service and properly prepared food. What is the other reason for this plan?

waged labor expenses so that udget goals can be met

181. When the dishwasher at the Diner quit, the manager figured that the entry level, low skill employee could be replaced with the first applicant that walked through the door. What syndrome refers to the idea that any employee is better than none, so a fast selection is made?


when conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as: what does our operation do poorly? what should we aboid? and, where are we wasting money? are examples of questions that aim to identify which SWOT focus?


Robert Blake and Jane srygley Mouton

who developed the Leadership grid

Max Weber

who developed the structuring the organization effectively

According to the triarchic theory of intelligence,

wisdom, street smarts, and common sense are important factors of intelligence

dysfunctional behaviors

work related behaviors that detract from organizational performance

98. Which effective team goal is it when team members develop plans an procedures, understand tasks and each members responsibilities, identify business needs, processes and resources?


elena is a new manager for the wine and cheese bar. she sends out daily email newsletters to employees with product information, updates about competition, historical notes regarding the locale, folksy wine lore and humor. within the newsletter are timely messages regarding menu and policy issues. could elena improve her newsletter?

yes, timely issues should be communicated separately not buried within things that many readers may skip as irrelevant to their daily jobs

Which of the following specifically refers to a performance appraisal by peers, subordinates, supervisors, and sometimes even clients?

360-degree appraisal

Which of the following roles is typically associated with the project manager? a.the person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives b.the person with management authority over a unit within a functional organization c.the person responsible for project methods, standards and training d.the person responsible for providing the financial resources and support for the project and is accountable for enabling success.


Which of the following statements best describes the contemporary use of financial models and scoring models for project selection? a. These methods are often used together to ensure financial and non-financial factors are both considered. b. Financial methods are preferred because they ensure alignment with the organization's strategic goals. c. Scoring models are unreliable because they fail to consider financial factors. d. One of these techniques is typically used to the exclusion of the other, due to time demands.


Which of the following statements correctly describes project management? a.Project management applies knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities. b.Project management should not involve tradeoffs between scope, schedule and cost. c.Project management only relies upon checklists to plan and execute the work. d.Project management's goal is to maintain efficiency of ongoing operations.



A comprehensive plan guiding resource allocation to achieve long-term organization goals

bureaucratic control

A comprehensive system of rules and standard operating procedures.

Uncertain environment

A decision making environment in which you lack complete information and it is difficult if not impossible to assign probabilities to the outcomes


A manager that fails to consider ethics

What is an organigraph?

A map that gives an overview of a company's functions and the way people organize themselves at work

Internal locus control

A person who believes that, for the most part, he or she is responsible for what happens has

Which of the following is an accurate description of Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

A person's EI predicts performance better than IQ.

Job Burnout

A physical and mental exhaustion from work stress

Which of the following best describes brainstorming?

A process for generating ideas.

Employees tend to join a virtual or conventional team with:

A. A moderate or high level of trust in their new team mebers

In organizational conflict, scarce resources are typically identified as:

A. A source of conflict

Which of the following competencies is NOT a characteristic of effective leaders

A. Effective leaders have a high need for personalized power

Which of the following is the LEAST forceful influence tactic?

A. Ingratiation

___ represents the forces within a person that affect the direct, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior.

A. Motivation

Which of these communication channels has the lowest media richness?

A. Newsletter

____ is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.


Team success, team size, and member similarity are three:

A. Of the main factors influencing team cohesiveness

The open systems anchor of organizational behavior states that:

A. Organization affect and are affected by their external environments

Buffering, summarizing and omitting are ways to:

A. Reduce information overload

Which of the following is an example of punishment?

A. The organization takes away some of your paycheck to cover the cost of a machine that you carelessly broke

Which of these forces pushes organizations toward a new state of affairs?

B. Driving forces

Reflecting and experimenting are components of:

B. Experiential learning

Attribution theory is a major component of which of these leadership perspectives?

B. Implicit leadership theory

Calculus-based trust:

B. Is the minimum level of trust to hold a relationship together

Which of the following is NOT a core job characteristic in the job characteristics model?

D. Experienced meaningfulness


D. Helps employees to make sense of their workplace when the information is not available through formal channels

When should decision makers bypass the search for alternative solutions and development of new solutions?

D. In most programmed decision-making situations

An organization's structure is mainly its organizational chart. (T/F)


Companies with strong corporate cultures invariably have much higher performance than companies with weak cultures. (T/F)


Distributive justice increases directly with the extent that the decision allows voice, can be appealed, and has an unbiased decision maker. (T/F)


During the role management stage of organizational socialization, employees are newcomers who test their pre-employment expectations with the received realities. (T/F)


During times of uncertainty, a company newsletter or similar formal communication activity can effectively replace the informal grapevine. (T/F)


Employees are losing their expert power as society moves from an industrial to a knowledge-based economy. (T/F)


Employees tend to have higher organizational commitment when their personal values differ from the company's values. (T/F)


Escalation of commitment occurs when employees increase their support for a decision because most of their colleagues also support that decision. (T/F)


Espoused values represent the values that you and your spouse have in common. (T/F)


Eustress refers to the short-term causes of stress, whereas distress refers to long-term causes. (T/F)


Even though you should be visiting clients most of the time, you make a point of stopping by the office each day so your boss sees that you are working. This increases your power by increasing your centrality. (T/F)


Flaming refers to the capacity of an organization to transmit information more quickly through computer networks than through traditional paper media. (T/F)


Goal setting is more effective when employees can easily complete the goals assigned to them. (T/F)


Informal communication as a coordinating mechanism is ineffective in non-routine situations. (T/F)


People are consciously aware of most emotions they experience. (T/F)


People are creative because they work in creative environments, not because of any differences in their ability of personality. (T/F)


People with high power distance expect relatively equal power sharing. (T/F)


_______ conflicts are almost always dysfunctional.


The urgency for change must always be initiated from a problem-oriented perspective in order to be effective. (T/F)


Which of the following ideas are associated with Fiedler's contingency theory?

Leaders are classified using an assessment tool called Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale.

Decision makers have a need to reduce uncertainty, so they tend to focus on solutions before fully understanding the problem. (T/F)


Different project life cycle models are used for different types of projects.


Displaying one's diplomas and degrees on office walls is one way professionals increase their visibility. (T/F)


Effective leaders are good at perceiving and expressing emotions, as well as regulating emotions in themselves and others. (T/F)


Emotional contagion fulfills our drive to bond with others. (T/F)


Employees who experience job dissatisfaction or work-related stress are more likely to be absent or late for work. (T/F)


Fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency to attribute the behavior of other people to internal factors more than external factors. (T/F)


Given that OB experts have been accumulating a distinct knowledge about behavior within organizations, OB is referred to as a field of study. (T/F)


Globalization refers to economic, social, and cultural connectivity with people in other parts of the world. (T/F)


Goal setting tends to be more effective when the goals are specific rather than general. (T/F)


Good communication helps in increasing efficiency, improving quality, and increasing the responsiveness to customers. (T or F)


Groups often take longer than individuals to make decisions. (T or F)


Impression management is a common strategy for people trying to get ahead in the workplace. (T/F)


One dilemma in workspace design is the requirement to balance the need to encourage social interaction with the employees' need for privacy. (T/F)


One of the reasons people use satisficing when making decisions rather than maximization is that it takes more information processing capacity than people possess or are willing to use to choose the best alternative. (T/F)


Strategic analysis is an important first step in setting strategic direction.


Strategic analysis is often called SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).


Strategic objectives describe both long and short term results that are desired, along with measures to determine their achievement.


Studies have found that people with power over others have more difficulty empathizing. (T/F)


Supervisors who use ingratiation and impression management tactics tend to lose the respect of their staff. (T/F)


Tacit knowledge is mainly learned through observation and experience. (T/F)


The "chain of command" of an organization is the hierarchy of authority for that organization. (T or F)


The 'Big Five' personality dimensions represent five clusters that represent most personality traits. (T/F)


The concept of motivation is concerned with the direction of the worker's behavior, the amount of effort of the worker, and the level of persistence of the worker. (T or F)


The degree of formality used in selecting projects varies widely across organizations.


The forces within a person affect the employee's motivation. (T/F)


The goal of EEO is to ensure that all citizens have an equal opportunity to obtain employment regardless of their gender, race, country of origin, religion, age, or disabilities. (T or F)


The higher the level of employee involvement, the more influence people have over the decision process. (T/F)


The implicit leadership perspective explains how perceptual processes cause people to inflate the importance of leadership in explaining organizational events. (T/F)


The inventory turnover ratio is an example of the activity ratio of an organization. (T or F)


The job characteristics model explains how managers can make jobs more interesting and motivating. (T or F)


The modern perspective on conflict is that an optimal level exist which is beneficial to the organization. (T/F)


The more diversified the environment, the more the firm would benefit from a divisionalized form of departmentalization. (T/F)


The most appropriate influence tactic depends in party on the influencer's power base and position in the organization. (T/F)


The name and number of phases in a project life cycle are determined by the organization(s) involved in the project.


The three main mechanisms that managers use to assess output or performance are financial measures, organizational goals, and operating budgets. (T or F)


The three structural dimensions of self-concept are: complexity, consistency, and clarity. (T/F)


Trust, employee involvement, and organizational comprehension tend to increase organizational commitment. (T/F)


Two employees from different departments who are evaluated on different performance criteria and compensated based on different reward systems are likely to experience conflict due to goal incompatibility. (T/F)


Two ways to enrich jobs are by clustering jobs into natural groups and by establishing client relationships. (T/F)


Underreward inequity occurs when your outcome/input ratio is lower than the outcome/input ratio of a comparison other. (T/F)


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

All managers are not leaders.

The document that describes why the project is needed, and may include estimated costs and benefits, is called a: a. program management plan b. business case c. SWOT analysis d. guiding principle


breakeven point

fixed costs divided by (price - variable costs)

According to attribution theory,

information on causation is gathered on three dimensions of behavior

The boundaryless organization relies heavily on _____.

information technology

achievement oriented leadership

leader sets challenging goals - expects subordinates to perform at thier highest level

The person who inspires, motivates, and directs the activities of others so that they work toward organizational goals is known as a:


The main difference between a leader and a manager is that:

leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo.

According to Myers-Briggs typology, a sensation-type individual is best described as someone who

prefers routine and order when gathering information

A person with a high achievement need

prefers tasks of intermediate difficulty

The four management functions include all of the following EXCEPT _____.


Total Quality Management (TQM)

commits to quality objectives, continuous improvement, and doing things right the first time

matrix design

combines two different designs to gain the benefits of each typically combined are product or project departmentalization scheme and a functional structure

positive affectivity

people who are upbeat and optimistic have an overall sence of well being and see things in a positvie light

work teams

permanent groups to do normal everyday work of the team and usually make decisions about how the work of the team will be performed

steps in implemeting teams

planning the change - making the decision - preparing for implementation

During the _____ stage of the conflict process, conditions are present that create opportunities for conflict to arise.

potential opposition or incompatibility

A system that an organization uses to obtain inputs, convert them into outputs, and then dispose of these outputs is known as a(n):

production system.

67. What reasons might a manager have to improve maintenance factors for employees if doing so has proven not to provide motivation?

provide tools, situation, and support employees need to do their work

fixed ratio reinforcement

provides reinforcement after a fixed number of behaviors

The _____ model is effective at describing decision-making within temporary groups, particularly those with deadlines.


management functions

set forth by henri fayol they include planning organizing command coordination and control

When errors are detected in _____, the correction process relies on past routines and present policies.

single-loop learning

When managers present a job applicant with a scenario that is likely to occur on the job and ask the applicant how he/she would respond, this type of interview is known as a(n):

situational interview.

Which of the following were considered higher-order needs by Maslow?

social, esteem, and self-actualization needs

what level of employee should be involved in the development of plans affecting the operation?

staff members closest to the situation, including employees who actually do the work

128. The banquet department at an operation specializing in large parties has received complaints from wedding clients that servers have botched the cutting and serving of the wedding cake. The manager has decided to do a task analysis. What part of this process would be most useful when training a server how to properly serve wedding cake?

task breakdown


the process of enabling workers to set their own work goals make decisions and solve problems within their sphere of responsibility and authority

expectancy theory

theory that suggests people are motivated by how much they want something and the liklihood they perceive of getting it

When managers cannot assign probabilities of future occurrence to possible alternatives to a decision, this is known as:


what sort of behavior is exhibited by a manager who blames a supervisor for a decision that the manager themselves made?

unethical, and specifically lacking in accountability

110. What is an example of a local factor in addition to past sales, which will be used to create a master schedule?


ideal bureaucracy

weber's model that is characterized by a hierarchy of authority and a system of rules and procedures designed to create an optimally effective system for large organizations


what the individual's contributes to an organization including effort skills ability time and loyalty

competition among groups

when the goals of the interacting groups are incompatible and the interactions are important to goal attainment

cyclic process

where the employee is doing - then reflecting then thinking then deciding and this process continues with re-doing

fred fiedler

who contends the only alternative is to change the situation through job engineering

Which of the following is not a basic proposition of interactional psychology?

. A person is changed by situations, rather than changing situations.

Which statement is TRUE about espoused values?

. They are what members say they are.

Grapevine studies have shown that ____ percent of employees hear about matters first through rumors on the grapevine.


Project failure can result from all of the following causes EXCEPT: of senior management b.changes in scope are not agreed upon by all parties involved. c.too little time is allowed for project completion. d.planning is not adequate.


operating budget

A blueprint for managers intend to use resources to achieve goals.


A comination of the critical path method and the program evaluation and review technique.

1 way communication

A process in which information flows in only one direction—from the sender to the receiver, with no feedback loop

2 way communication

A process in which information flows in two directions—the receiver provides feedback, and the sender is receptive to the feedback

Managing by objectives (MBO)

A process through which team leaders work with team members to "jointly" set performance objectives and "jointly" review performance results.

Which of these is NOT a source of conflict?

A. Cohesiveness

Compared with divisionalized structures, functional structures are known to:

A. Create better economies of scale

The perspective that effective organizations incorporate several workplace practices that leverage the potential of human capital is called:


Organic structures are better than mechanistic structures for:

A. Hostile environments

Information technology

All of the following disciplines have contributed to the foundations of the field of organizational behavior EXCEPT

What is an affinity group?

An employee-involvement group made up of professional-level workers

bottom up change

An evolutionary change; managers work together to develop a detailed plan for change.

organization change

Any substantive modification to some part of the organization (e.g., work schedules, machinery, employees).

Which of the following statements correctly describes a weakness associated with the financial project selection model? a. The benefit-to-cost models favor projects which generate the smallest absolute return over a specified period. b. Payback period models do not consider the profit to be realized after the costs are paid. c. The Net Present Value (NPV) method does not consider the time value of money. d. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method is difficult to use when a project has conventional cash flows.


The two main forms of conflict are:

B. Constructive and socioemotional

Which of the following sources of conflict is typically associated with mergers and acquisitions?

B. Differentiation

Which of the following processes involves comparing one company's performance on specific dimensions with the performance of high-performing organizations to decide how successful a change effort has been?



Big rocks Key to planning Start with most important stuff first

_____ leadership theories propose that the effectiveness of a leader depends on the situation the leader faces.

Contingency model

Which of the following is the process by which managers monitor and regulate how efficiently and effectively an organization and its members are performing the activities necessary to achieve organizational goals?


Porter's Competitive Strategies

Cost leadership: McDonalds Focused low cost: China Buffet Differentiation: Red Lobster Focused differentiation: Carnegie House

Dunkin' Donuts risks

Could dilute essential brand appeal Alienate long-time customers who respect simplicity, authenticity "Yesterday's" brand to new customers

Problem recognition, immersion, incubation, insight, and verification describe what organizational process?

Creative decision making

Which is true about flat organization structures?

Customer problems can be solved quickly.

All of the following organizations can effectively use a scoring model to select and prioritize competing projects EXCEPT: a. the leadership team b. client companies c. contractor companies d. program management office


All of the following represent appropriate sources to identify new potential projects EXCEPT: a. existing and potential customers b. the operations staff within the organization c. industry and trade journals d. lessons learned from previous projects


Self-monitoring and designing natural rewards are both:

D. Part of the self-leadership process

Voice and the right to appeal are two important practices that influence:

D. Perceptions of procedural justice

Which of the following statements about power is FALSE?

D. Power exists only when one person has something of value for a second person, but the second person has nothing of value for the first person

According to research on gender and conflict management styles, women tend to adopt the ___ style, whereas men tend to adopt the ___ style.

D. Problem-solving, forcing

Which of these forces are commonly called resistance to change?

D. Restraining forces

Which of these communication channels has the highest media richness?

D. Video conferencing

Employee involvement tends to have which of the following benefits in decision making?

E. All of these statements are correct

To develop the most accurate estimate of an organization's culture, we should:

E. Answers A,B, and C only

ABC Corp. introduced a training program that ensured everyone had the required knowledge and skills to perform the work. The company also brought in a performance-based reward system that accurately identified employees who performed better than others. These practices improve employee motivation by:

E. Both 'C' and 'D'

All of these represent reasons why people resist change EXCEPT:

E. Coercion

Brainstorming requires team members to:

E. Do none of these

As an organization's culture gets stronger, it:

E. Makes it more difficult for decision makers to identify problems or opportunities outside the mental model of that culture

Research on gender and leadership suggests that:

E. None of the above

People who are 'equity sensitive' tend to:

E. Want their outcome/input ratio to be equal to the outcome/input ratio of the comparison other

Which of the following is true concerning online leadership?

Effective on-line leaders need to develop the skill of deciphering the emotional components of messages.


Employees in large corporations who take significant risk and display entrepreneurial behavior

Which of the following is true about employee recognition?

Employees welcome praise as much as a paycheck.

Which of the following is true about stress?

Employees with external locus of control perceive situations to be more stressful than employees with internal locus of control.

Which type of power is based on the specialized knowledge and skills of the leader?

Expert power

Potential advantages of divisional structures

Expertise is focused on special products, customers, or regions Better coordination exists across functions within divisions There is better accountability for product or service delivery It is easier to grow or shrink in size as conditions change

Which of the following is the least complex global operation?


Which of the following media of communication has the highest information richness?

Face-to-face communication

In agile projects, the customer representative role is passive, and their involvement is typically limited to the early stages of the project.


In order for something to be called an organization it must have buildings and equipment. (T/F)


Research indicates that ingratiation is more commonly used by managers in high power distance cultures than by managers in low power distance cultures. (T/F)


Social entities are called organizations only when their members have complete agreement on the goals they want to achieve. (T/F)


The organizational cultures of most companies can be identified as mercenaries, fortresses or communes. (T/F)


Three personality traits are care, utilitarianism, and distributive justice. (T/F)


Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of group development?

Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Madison Hotels sells a foreign organization the rights to use its brand name and operating know-how in return for a lump-sum payment and a share of the profits. This is an example of which mode of international expansion?


Example of company that follows functional structure

Gulf Stream

Which of the following describes people with a directive style of decision making?

Has a low tolerance for ambiguity and seeks rationality

Which of the following is the foundation of all organization cultures?

History of the company and its founders

What is the relationship between size and group performance?

Increases in group size are inversely related to individual performance.

Staff reported

Indirect (dotted line)

Problem seekers

Individuals who are proactive information gathers and are forward thinking are

Which of the following accurately describes organizational change?

Individuals' ability to learn to deal with change is a major part of managing change.

Strategic leadership

Inspires people to implement organizational strategies

_____ bargaining builds long-term relationships and facilitates working together in the future.


Which of the following is a frequently used research method for organizational behavior?



Involves selling off parts of the organization to refocus attention on core business areas

Output standard

Is a measure of performance results in terms of quantity, quality, cost or time

Each of the following is a question your text suggests to analyze ethical questions except:

Is the action legal?

Which of the following accurately defines organization change?

It is the movement of an organization away from its present state and toward some desired future state to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

3 steps of management by objective

Joint plan Act alone Join control

Opportunities of safe desk

Large market Few competitors Upgrade generationally Customization potential

Project management

Makes sure that activities required to complete a project are planned well and accomplished on time.

Which of the following is true of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?

Maslow believed that humans were creative beings seeking self-actualization.


Measures ability to meet short-term obligations.

Asset management

Measures asset and inventory efficiency.

Balanced scorecard

Measures overall organizational performance in respect to 4 areas: financial performance, customer satisfaction, internal process improvement, and innovation and learning goals.

Output standard

Measures performance results in terms of quantity, quality, cost, or time.


Measures profit generation.


Measures use of debt.

Input standard

Measures work efforts that go into a performance task

Input standard

Measures work efforts that go into a performance task.

Which one of the following is NOT a factor that influences perception?


External control

Occurs through direct supervision or administrative systems

External elements of SWOT analysis

Opportunities and threats

_____ is a paradigm that values human and organizational growth, collaborative processes, and a spirit of inquiry.

Organizational development

Which of the following is the process through which managers try to increase members' abilities to understand and appropriately respond to changing conditions?

Organizational learning

In management by objectives (MBO), which of the following is established first?

Organizational objectives

Strategic alliance

Organizations join together in partnership to pursue an area of mutual interest

Determining the tasks to be done, who should do them, and who reports to whom is an example of which management function?


Who developed the situational leadership model?

Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard

Division of labor

People and groups perform different jobs

Breakeven analysis

Performs what-if calculations under different revenue and cost conditions. Calculates the point at which sales revenues cover costs under different pricing and cost conditions.

What does the P stand for in the equation B = ƒ(P x E)?


Which of the following is NOT an organizational constraint on decision-making?


______ occurs when people within organizations use whatever influence they can to taint the facts to support their goals and interests.


Which of the following is the most effective technique for preventing and reducing stress?

Power napping

Global sourcing involves

Purchasing materials, components, or services from around the world.

Six Sigma

Quality standard of 3.4 defects or less per million products or service deliveries.

4 regions of BCG model and associated growth/retrentchment strategy

Question mark (Kindle, 3D TV)- grow or retrench Star (iPad, internet flat screen TV)- grow Dog (VCR, Blockbuster)- retrench Cash cow (Starbucks/DD coffee, DVD player)- stable or low growth, mature market


Reduces the scale or mix of operations


Results when economic growth fails for 2 three-month periods in a row.

Which of the following is the MOST commonly used financial performance measure that allows managers of one organization to compare performance with that of other organizations?

Return on investment

Strategy formulation

Review current situation Analysize org and external environments Develop new strategies

The degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individual's personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual is the ____ relationship.

Rewards-personal goals

A group of managers at Power Explosives analyzes both the internal strengths and weaknesses of their organization as well as the opportunities and threats of the external environment. Which of the following planning exercises does this indicate?

SWOT analysis

what technique might a manager use to identify and set goals when concerns are not obvious problems to be solved?

SWOT analysis

Focused cost leadership strategy

Seeks the lowest costs of operations within a special market segment

Core leadership strategy

Seeks to operate with lower costs than competitors

Which is NOT one of the steps in the rational decision making model?

Selecting the decision that satisfices

Which of the following is NOT a common form by which culture is transmitted to employees?


Which is the highest level of needs in Maslow's theory?

Self Actualization

_____ illustrates a process loss as a result of using teams.

Social loafing

Which of the following is a mechanism of control for organizational culture?


_____ is the process that adapts employees to the organization's culture.


Which of the following refers to the number of subordinates who report directly to a manager?

Span of control

management by objectives

Specific goals are established, managers and subordinates negotiate goals and objectives and evaluate achievement of same.

E-business strategy

Strategically uses the Internet to gain competitive advantage

Which of the following is the degree to which programmed solutions are available to people or functions to solve the problems they encounter?

Task analyzability

Potential advantages of team structures

Team assignments improve communication, cooperation, and decision making Team members get to know each other as persons, not just job titles Team memberships boost morale and increase enthusiasm and task involvement

_____ uses high-interaction group activities to increase trust and openness among team members.

Team building

According to the Leadership Grid®, which is the best leadership style?

Team management

Which of the following does NOT explain the current popularity of teams?

Teams enable organizations to better utilize employee talents.

In the United States, which of the following laws requires male and female employees to be paid the same if they perform equal work?

The Equal Pay Act

To make it illegal for companies to create monopolies and restore competition

The Sherman Act


The ability to call upon inner strength and keep moving forward even when things are rough

Which of the following generalizations about organizational structures and employee performance and satisfaction is MOST true?

There is no evidence that supports a relationship between span of control and employee performance.

_____ theory states that people are born with certain characteristics that predispose them to being leaders.


Which of the following is based on the premise that effective leaders possess personal qualities that set them apart from ineffective leaders?

Trait model

Transnational firm

Tries to operate globally without having a strong national identity

A functional structure is an organizational structure composed of all of the departments that an organization needs to produce its products. (T or F)


A line manager is someone in the chain of command who has formal authority over people and resources. (T or F)


A manager's personal leadership style is the specific way in which a manager chooses to influence other people; it is how the manager approaches planning, organizing, and controlling. (T or F)


A portfolio is a collection of projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic business objectives.


According to path-goal theory, supportive leadership is desirable for employees who work in teams with low cohesiveness. (T/F)


According to social learning theory, people can reinforce heir own behavior. (T/F)


According to the Johari Window, the hidden area is reduced through disclosure. (T/F)


According to the communication process model, communication begins with forming the message, then encoding it. (T/F)


According to the exit-voice-loyalty-neglect model, some unsatisfied employees engage in "voice" by constructively recommending solutions to the source of their dissatisfaction. (T/F)


According to the leadership substitutes theory, characteristics of the employee, task, or organization limit the leader's influence or make it unnecessary. (T/F)


As is the case in most cultures, making concessions symbolizes a negotiator's motivation to bargain in good faith. (T/F)


Change experts recommend introducing quantum change when the organization wants to overhaul the system quickly and decisively. (T/F)


Clearly communicating to group members why each person's contributions are valuable to the group is an effective way to reduce or eliminate social loafing. (T or F)


Cognitive dissonance is more likely to occur when the dissonant behavior is known to everyone, was done voluntarily and can't be undone. (T/F)


Communication problems partly explain why conflict is more likely to occur in a multicultural workforce. (T/F)


Companies with the best team dynamics are more likely to have team-based rewards and encourage interaction among team members. (T/F)


Compared with quantum change, incremental change interventions involve less risk to the organization and tend to produce less resistance among affected employees. (T/F)


Concurrent engineering can be used to encourage informal communication as a coordinating mechanism. (T/F)


Confirmation bias causes use to screen out information that is contrary to our values and assumptions. (T/F)


Conflict tends to escalate more with a win-lose than with a win-win orientation. (T/F)


Emotional intelligence can be learned to some extent. (T/F)


Emotions are brief events or "episodes". (T/F)


Employee involvement potentially improves decision-making quality and commitment. (T/F)


Employee satisfaction with work accomplishments is influenced to a large degree by whether they take credit for those accomplishments or attributes the success to external causes. (T/F)


Employees with high levels of affective commitment tend to engage in more organizational citizenship behaviors.


Employees with high levels of affective commitment tend to engage in more organizational citizenship behaviors. (T/F)


Empowerment flourishes in organizations with a learning orientation. (T/F)


Entrepreneurs are likely to be high on the personality trait of openness to experience. (T or F)


Ethically sensitive people recognize the presence and determine the relative importance of an ethical issue. (T/F)


Evaluation apprehension is most common in meetings attended by people with different levels or status or expertise. (T/F)


Everyone is a manager. (T/F)


Evidence regarding the effectiveness of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Jung's psychological types is inconclusive. (T/F)


Extreme forms of assertiveness include blackmailing colleagues. (T/F)


Four-drive Theory recommends keeping all four drives in "balance"; that is, organizations should avoid too much or too little opportunity to fulfill each drive. (T/F)


Frederick Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory casts more of a spotlight on the job itself (rather than the work environment) as an important source of employee motivation. (T/F)


Functional structures foster professional identity and permit greater specialization than most other forms of departmentalization. (T/F)


In a strategic alliance, managers share their organization's resources and know-how with those of a foreign company, and the two organizations share the rewards or risks of starting a new venture in a foreign country. (T or F)


In addition to considering financial factors, project selection should often consider how well each project fits with the organization's strategic planning.


In any relationship, both parties have some degree of power over the other. (T/F)


In reality, many projects are fully successful in some ways, but less successful in others.


In the context of motivation, drives are also called primary needs, fundamental needs, or innate needs. (T/F)


Integration management represents the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify and coordinate the various processes and project management activities.


Interacting with people from other backgrounds is more likely to minimize perceptual biases when these people have equal status with you throughout the interaction. (T/F)


Job enlargement increases skill variety. (T/F)


Language differences represent one of the most obvious cross-cultural communication challenges. (T/F)


Most projects are conducted with constraints on the amount of time and funding available to the project manager.


Motivation is closely related to the concept of employee engagement. (T/F)


Motivator-Hygiene Theory highlights the idea that job content is an important source of employee motivation. (T/F)


Multi-communicating is possible because of the reduced sensory demand for most forms of computer-mediated communication. (T/F)


Negotiators tend to be more competitive and less willing to give concessions when their audience directly observes the negotiations. (T/F)


None of the financial project selection models ensure alignment of the project with an organization's strategic goals.


One advantage of ERG Theory over Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory is that the ERG model seems to explain human motivation somewhat better. (T/F)


One problem with applying the individual rights principle of ethical decision making is that one individual right may conflict with another. (T/F)


One problem with linking rewards to job performance is that managers rely on different criteria when estimating employee performance levels. (T/F)


One problem with negotiation is that it tends to produce compliance rather than commitment to the change process. (T/F)


One widely mentioned high-performance work practice is employee involvement. (T/F)


Online forums and instant messaging are two examples of social networking technologies. (T/F)


Project customers can be either internal or external to the organization.


Project plans and goals usually become more specific as early work is completed.


Reality shock occurs when you perceive a discrepancy between your pre-employment expectations and on-the-job reality. (T/F)


Reciprocal interdependence is the highest level of task interdependence in organizations. (T/F)


Research has found that women are generally more sensitive than are men to nonverbal communication. (T/F)


Research indicates that university students value task-oriented instructors over people-oriented instructors. (T/F)


Sexual harassment is a type of stressor. (T/F)


Shared mental models are part of an organization's culture. (T/F)


Social identity is a comparative process, and that comparison begins with categorical thinking. (T/F)


Social identity theory states that we define ourselves in terms of our differences with people who belong to other social categories. (T/F)


Some critics argue that financial regards discourage creativity and distract employees from the meaningfulness of the work itself. (T/F)


Some projects are considered successful if they reap business benefits like increased profitability, even if completed late or over budget.


Stakeholder management is comprised of the processes to identify the people, groups, or organizations that could impact or be impacted by the project, analyze their expectations and impact, and developing strategies for engaging them and managing conflicting interests.


Stakeholders are shareholders, customers, suppliers, governments and any other groups with a vested interest in the organization. (T/F)


Strategic objectives should focus decisions regarding which projects to select and how to prioritize them.


The Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model identifies the following four leadership styles: telling, selling, participating, and deleagting. (T/F)


The classical decision-making model assumes that managers have all of the information they need in order to make the optimum decision. (T or F)


The nature of an organization's human resources is an important determinant of the organization's structure. (T or F)


The prioritization of projects in a portfolio should consider whether the demands of performing each project are clearly understood


The recency effect has occurred when a person's annual performance evaluation is heavily influenced by performance results over the last month. (T/F)


Unfreezing occurs by making the driving forces stronger, weakening the restraining forces, or a combination of both. (T/F)


Unlike the traditional view of leadership, shared leadership lacks formal authority. (T/F)


Using the controlling function, managers monitor and evaluate the organization's strategy to evaluate whether it is working as intended. (T or F)


When a firm prepares to submit a proposal, it is really conducting a small project with the primary deliverable of the project being a compelling and complete proposal.


When making an internal or external attribution about a person's behavior, we tend to look at whether the person has acted this way in the past and other situations and whether other people act similarly in this situation. (T/F)


While assessing the practicality of alternatives, managers must decide whether they have the capabilities and resources required to implement the alternative, and they must be sure that the alternative will not threaten the attainment of other organizational goals. (T or F)


B2C business strategy

Uses IT and Web portals to link businesses with customers

B2B business strategy

Uses IT and Web portals to link organizations in supply chains

Network structure

Uses IT to link with network of outside suppliers and service contractors

Virtual organization

Uses information technologies to operate as a shifting network of alliances

Team structure

Uses permanent and temporary cross-functional teams to improve lateral relations

Management by exception means ____________. a) focusing attention where the need for action is greatest b) the same thing as just-in-time delivery c) the same thing as concurrent control d) managing only when necessary



a behavior which causes people to behave to gain power and to control the behavior of others

122. What are procedures to follow the manufacturer's instructions about how to keep equipment in good working order referred to as?

a. Preventative maintenance

84. There are three complementary skills needed for successful teams. They are Adequate technical abilities and:

a. Problem-solving skills, and Interpersonal skills

118. What is an example of an event that might cause a manager to bring a contingency plan into play?

a. Several key employees come down with infectious illness and must call out suddenly on the same busy weekend

200. Do employers who have a high number of unemployment compensation claims by former employees suffer any consequences?

a. Tax rate based on claims against account. If at maximum rate for specified time, a surcharge can be added.

Which of the following is an element of the informal organization?

a. values

The _____ communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee.


classical organization theory

an early approach to management that focused on how organizations can be structured most effectively to meet thier goals

The following are true about making good business decisions EXCEPT

an estimated 20 percent of decisions made in organizations fail

Terminal values

are preferences about desired end states

which management style is most useful for inexperienced or entry level employees who are performing relatively simple tasks such as busing tables?


Cognitive dissonance is caused by a conflict between:

b. attitudes and behavior.

what is the most effective strategy for managers to use regarding communication in the hospitality environment?

business language and adapted style to fit the person and situation

Which of the following examples is NOT a typical or appropriate situation to employ project management? a.improving an existing work process b.installing a new computer system c.conducting a routine, standard customer service operation d.developing a new product


Porter's model of competitive strategies suggests a firm that wants to compete with its rivals in a broad market by selling a very-low priced product would need to successfully implement a _____________ strategy. a) retrenchment b) differentiation c) cost leadership d) diversification

c) cost leadership

An organization that employs just a few "core" or essential full-time employees and outsources a lot of the remaining work shows signs of using a ________ structure a) functional b) divisional c) network d) team

c) network

An organization chart is most useful for _________. a) mapping informal structure b) eliminating functional chimneys c) showing designated supervisory relationships d) describing the shadow organization

c) showing designated supervisory relationships

practical approach to decision making

combines the advantageous features of the rational and behavioral approaches


consequence of behavior

Responsibilities of a team leader, in contrast to a manager, include:

d. hands-on skills of direct involvement and full membership in the team.

According to the goal-setting theory of motivation, goals should be _____.

difficult but attainable

According to equity theory model,

employee satisfaction is dependent on how fairly the employee believes he or she is treated in comparison to others

inventory control

ensures that inventory is only big enough to meet immediate needs

environmental uncertainty

exists when managers have little information about environmental events and their impact on the organization

152. What is the word used for the person whose major responsibility is to keep the meeting focused and moving toward its objectives?


primary dimensions of diversity

factors that are either inborn or exert extraordinary influcene on early socialization age ethnicity gender physical abilities race and sexual orientation

The extent to which a job gives the worker direct and clear information about how well the worker is performing the job is known as:


Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory differs from other leadership theories most clearly because it _____.

focuses on the followers

All of the following serve to sustain a culture EXCEPT _____.


A manager trying to motivate an employee should

give ample feedback

The pattern of faulty and biased decision making that occurs in groups whose members strive for argument at the expense of good decision making is called:


An entrepreneur is likely to have:

high self-esteem.

Advances in information technology have

increased access to information and made delayering possible

Behavior that is performed by an employee "for its own sake" is referred to as:

intrinsically motivated behavior.

155. Which warm-up activity involves participants pairing up and asking each other questions, then sharing them with the group?


marcos is a new server at the Cafe. the chef has just informed him that they are "86" on the Bennies and have 2 "Tata's All Day." What challenge has chef just created?


The process of identifying the job descriptions and the job specifications for all of the jobs within an organization is known as:

job analysis.

The authority that a manager has because of his/her position in the organizational hierarchy is known as:

legitimate power.

what is a statement of goals and the activities necessary to reach them over a three to five year period used to move an operation toward its mission referred to as?

long-range plan

Classical conditioning is:

modifying behavior so that a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and elicits an unconditioned response.

In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, needs that are related to the nature of the work itself and the degree of challenge contained in the work are known as:

motivator needs.

All of the following are factors that are necessary in the communication process EXCEPT

A) trust

Which of the following strategies for minimizing resistance to change should occur when all other strategies are ineffective?

A. Coercion

Motivation affects a person's ___ of voluntary behavior.

A. Direction, intensity, and persistence

A project manager in agile projects who serves and leads in a collaborative, facilitation manner is called a: a.program manager b.scrum master c.sponsor d.functional manager


_____ are responsible for initiating and managing change within an organization.

Change agents

Global outsourcing

Contracting for work that is performed by workers in other countries.


Control that allows managers to anticipate problems before they occur.

Which of the following is a potential problem when evaluating and choosing alternatives in decision making?

D. All of these are potential problems

Schwartz's model organizes ___ into ___.

D. Values, ten broader domains

When PepsiCo purchased Frito-Lay and expanded its operations into the snack-food business, which of the following strategies did is pursue?


In organizational change, unfreezing may occur by:

E. Doing both 'B' and 'D'

The organizational grapevine is usually transmitted:

E. From a small number of senders to a larger number of receivers

Employees who experience feelings of inequity tend to change their comparison other:

E. If they can't alter the outcome/input ratio through other means

The best way to manage resistance to change among those who will clearly lose out from the change is to introduce coercion practices. (T/F)


The distributive justice principle of ethical decision making people who are similar in relevant ways should receive dissimilar benefits and burdens based on their individual rights. (T/F)


The easiest way to minimize stereotyping is by preventing the activation of stereotypes in our heads. (T/F)


The economic benefits of job specialization were discovered in the 1950s. (T/F)


The ideal situation in organizations is to have employees whose values are perfectly congruent with the organization's values. (T/F)


The image used in the communication process model is that information is like fruit on a tree that needs to be picked. (T/F)


The internal part of strategic analysis considers opportunities and threats posed by competitors, suppliers and regulatory agencies among others.


The most critical measures of project success are completing the project on schedule and on budget.


Which of the following leads to values and norms that fail to motivate or inspire employees, which eventually leads to stagnation and often failure over time?

Inert culture

_____ skills training includes learning how to be a better listener and how to be a more effective team player.


Potential advantages of matrix structures

Performance accountability rests with program, product, or project managers Better communication exists across functions Teams solve problems at their levels Top managers spend more time on strategy

What type of power will help a leader establish a power base?

Power as an expert

Which type of leader is primarily concerned with ensuring that subordinates perform their work at a high quality level?


The view that conflict in organizations is bad is overly simplistic and in some cases incorrect. (T/F)


There are times that certain projects must be selected regardless of any considerations such as strategic fit, profitability or probability of success.


Three challenges organizations are facing globalization, increasing workforce diversity and emerging employment relationships. (T/F)


To maximize cohesiveness, the team should be as small as possible without jeopardizing its ability to accomplish the task. (T/F)


To minimize resistance to change, change agents need to reduce the restraining forces rather than pushing harder on the driving forces. (T/F)


Transformational leaders shape a strategic vision of the future that focuses employees on a superordinate organizational goal. (T/F)


Trust is a reciprocal activity; to receive trust from employees, corporate leaders must demonstrate their trust in those employees. (T/F)


Which of the following is NOT true about stress?

Women respond more intensely to stress than men and have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

The nominal group technique is

a group decision-making approach that generates creative alternatives independently

friendship group

a group that is relatively permanent and informal and draws its benefits from the social relationships among its members

Individuals with a high need to achieve prefer all of the following EXCEPT _____

a high degree of risk

A manager changes jobs within an organization and moves to another job at the same level without any major changes in authority or responsibility. This is known as:

a lateral move.

managing by objectives

a process of joint objective setting between a superior and a subordinate


a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential resulting from direct or indirect experience

positive reinforcement

a reward or other desireable consequence that a persona receives after exhibiting behavior

If Google's top management were to announce that the firm was going to buy Federal Express, this would indicate a growth strategy of ________________. a) diversification b) concentration c) horizontal integration d) vertical integration

a) diversification

When an organization chart shows that vice presidents of marketing finance, manufacturing, and purchasing all report to the president, top mgmt. is using a _________ structure. a) functional b) matrix c) network d) product

a) functional

114. Gregg is a kitchen worker who woke up with a sore throat and fever. He has no health insurance and can't afford to go to the doctor. He knows he is needed for his shift at work this morning and that he would not be giving adequate notice if he called out now. He decides to go in and tough out his shift, saying nothing so he will not be seen as a "whiner". What has management failed to do to set the scene for this potentially dangerous situation?

a. Establish employee absence policies for calling out when unable to work

61. What are factors that make employees act in ways that help them reach personal goals known as?

a. Incentives

contingency plans

alternative actions to take if the primary course of action is unexpectedly distupted or rendered inappropriate

trait approach

an approach that attempted to identify stable and enduring character traits that differentiated effective leaders from non leaders

human resource approach

an approach to motivation that assumes employees want and are able to make genuine contributions to the organization

human relations approach

an approach to motivation that suggests that favorable employee attitudes result in motivation to work hard

universal approach

an approach to organization design in which prescriptions or propositions are designed to work in any circumstance


an individual who inks the organization to the external environment and may also be an opinion leader in the group


an individual who tends to work alone and to interact and communicate little with othes

performance to outcome expectancy

an individuals perception of the probability that performance will lead to certain outcomes


an individuals response to a strong stimulus

Type theory states that introverts:

c. have excellent social skills but prefer the internal world of ideas, thoughts, and concepts.

In comparing the organizational design needs of the small organization and the large organization, which of the following is a consideration for the small organization?

c. more centralization

affinity group

collections of employees from the same level in the organization who meet on a regular basis to share information capture emerging opportunities and solve problems

self reactions

comparisons of alternatives with internatlized moral standards

161. What is all of the financial, or money, and nonfinancial or nonmoney, payments and rewards given to employees in return for the work they do?


156. Which warm-up activity involves prizes for coming up with the best creative solution?


In Perrow's study of the impact of technology on organization design, he considered all but which of the following elements?

d. The span of control in an organization as a whole.

The idea of placing human consideration at the center of job design is called:

d. anthropocentric.

125. What sort of restaurant employee activity might be suitable for a manager to develop a policy regarding?

days off request

Which of the following is NOT one of the key factors in creating effective teams?


personal development objectives

document intentions to accomplish personal growth, such as expanded job knowledge or skills

improvement objectives

document intentions to improve performance in a specific way

what kind of questions might a manager ask to determine if a proposed action is based on sound ethics?

does the decision uphold the organization's core values?

Jane is concerned that her company is selling products of very poor quality. However, when meeting with customers, Jane feels obligated to be positive and express confidence about the quality of the product. Jane is likely experiencing _____.

emotional dissonance

Leaders who are high on _____ are more likely to understand all the emotions surrounding creative endeavors.

emotional intelligence

People who exhibit _____ know their own emotions and are good at reading others' emotions may be more effective in their jobs

emotional intelligence

Which of the following is NOT thought to be a determinant of personality?

emotional intelligence

Six universal _____ are anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise.


Tannen's research indicates that men use talk to ___, while women use it to _____.

emphasize status; create connection

68. What is the name of an organized series of actions planned to expand a workers skills and knowledge?

employee development program

feedforward controls

ensures clear directions and needed resources before the work begins

When organized around the Big Five, _____ is the most important trait of effective leaders.


once professional goals have been established, what is the next step involved in the implementation of a professional development plan?

identify learning activities

homogeneous group

if members are similar in one of the several traits such as age - work experience education or technical specialty or cultural background

In addition to providing better focus, good planning offers the benefits of ____.

improved action orientation

The benefits of planning should include ______.

improved focus

circle network

in this type of network -each member communicates with the people on both sides but with no one else

all channel network

in this type of network all members communicate with all other members

chain network

in this type of network each member communicates with the person above and below except for the individuals on each end who each communicate with only one person

wheel network

in this type of network information flows between the person at the end of each sopke and the person in the middle

The _____ says that internal rewards are obtained by individuals when they learn that they personally have performed well on a task that they care about.

job characteristics model

The process of identifying and describing in writing the tasks, duties, and responsibilities for a specific job results in a:

job description.

A summary of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed to perform a specific job is known as a:

job specification.

decision making roles

key roles include the entrepreneur, the disturbance handler the resource allocator and the negotiator

interpersonal roles

key roles include the figurehead the leader and the liasion

Steve is unhappy with his job. He takes every possible vacation and sick day and sometimes shows up for work late. He is expressing his dissatisfaction with a _____ response.


Innovation takes place in an organization when:

new and useful ideas are implemented.

the autocratic boss instilled fear in his employees. his style was to stalk up to them and mumble in a harsh tone, followed by the phrase "right now." the frightened help would scramble around, doing everything they could think of. boss felt it was a very good technique. is he correct?

no, ineffective-true communication does not occur

what communication channel might be most appropriate for a manager to indicate approval to a line cook who is performing well under pressure during a busy breakfast shift?


86. A group of host employees who work at a large trendy restaurant have been selected to make suggestions for improvement of the reservation, wait and seating process for the popular and crowded Sunday Brunch that has become problematic and therefore a point of complaint for guests. What sort of team is this?

problem-solving team

At an Alcoa aluminum tubing plant in upstate New York, production is organized into five departments: casting; press; tubing; finishing and inspecting, packing, and shipping. This is an example of _____ departmentalization.


What is considered a standard response for routine problems?

programmed decision

fixed interval reinforcement

provides reinforcement on a fixed time schedule

A strong culture builds all of the following EXCEPT ____.



the belief that one is being treated fairly in relation to others inequity is the belief that one is being treated unfairly in relation to others


the capacity to entertain new ideas and to change as a result of new information


the channel or path through which the message is transmitted

need for power

the desire to control the resources in ones' environment

Culture is most likely to be a liability when _____.

the environment is dynamic

Being "in the zone" is also known as

the experience of flow

organizational citizenship

the extent to which a person's behavior makes a positive overall contribution to the organization

locus of control

the extent to which people believe their circumstances are a function of their own actions versus external factors beyond their control


the extent to which people place primary value on themselves

masculinity assertiveness or materialism

the extent to which the dominatnt values in a society emphasize aggressiveness and the acquisition of money and material goods over concern for people relationships among people and the overall quality of life

procedural justice

the extent to which the dynamics of an organizations decision making processes are judged to be fiar by those most affectied by them

goal compatibility

the extent to which the goals of more than one person or group can be achieved at the same time

person job fit

the extent to which the individuals contributions match the inducements offered by the organization

quality of work life

the extent to which workers can satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organization


the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups


the quality of being comfortable with relationships the opposite extreme introversion is characterized by more social discomfort


the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one persona from another


the set of processes by which an individual becomes aware of and interprets information about the environment

group polarization

the tendency for a groups average post discussion attitudes to be more extreme than its average prediscussion attitudes

structural imperatives

the three structural imperatives environment, technology and size and the three primary determinants of organizational structure


the transfer to others of the authority to make decisions and use organizational resources

In an adaptive culture, employees often receive rewards based on:

their performance.

need based theories of motivation

theories that assume that need deficiencies cause behavior

reinforcement thoery

theory based on the idea that behavior is a function of its consequences

ERG theory

theory that describes existence relatedness and growth needs

What effect does 'noise' have in the communication model?

A. It distorts and obscures the senders intended message

Self-awareness is the ____ level of ____.

A. Lowest, emotional intelligence

Expectations of new workforce entrants has:

A. Made employee motivation less relevant as an influence on job performance; B. Made it less difficult to motivate employees using financial rewards; C. Made it more difficult to identify what motivates employees; D. made it impossible to use any form of goal setting

One of the defining characteristics of a matrix organizational structure is that it:

A. Overlays two organizational structures in order to leverage the benefits of both types of structure

Need for stimulation, the ability to synthesize ideas, and low need for social approval are characteristics of:

A. People who tend to be more creative

The statement "First impressions are lasting impressions" best represents the premises of:

A. Primacy effect

Which of the following doe NOT occur at very high levels of job specialization?

A. Product quality increases while the quantity of output decreases

Employees have ___, when others identify with them, like them, or otherwise respect them.

C. Referent power

Which of these statements about leadership is FALSE?

C. Scholars began studying leadership after World War II

Perceptual defense causes us to:

D. Block out bad news or information that threatens our self-concept

Advantages of mgmt. by objective

Direct communication Interpersonal relationships Employee participation in decisions Self- mgmt.

What you can learn from an organization chart

Division of work Supervisory relationships Span of control Communication channels Major subunits Levels of management

Personal development objectives

Document intentions to accomplish personal growth, such as expanded job knowledge or skills

People with a high ___ value assertiveness, competitiveness, and materialism.

E. Achievement orientation

Which of the following activities helps us to cope with information overload?

E. All of the above

Decreasing the driving forces and increasing the restraining forces:

E. Are related to none of these statements

[Scenario: Allison and the Anchors of OB] To collect and analyzer information systematically, OB researchers rely on:

E. Both 'A' and 'C'

Which of the following concepts are closely associated with corporate social responsibility?

E. Both 'B' and 'C'

The triple bottom line philosophy says that:

E. Companies should try to support the economic, social, and environmental spheres of sustainability

Which of these characteristics is reported by several large-scale studies as the most important leadership characteristic?

E. Integrity

Core competency

Special strength that gives an organization a competitive advantage

5 elements of good goal setting

Specific Timely Measurable Challenging Attainable

Operating objectives

Specific results that organizations try to accomplish

What triggers the fight or flight response?


Definitions of judging/perceiving

Structured/unstructured Formal/informal

Culture Shock

The confusion and discomfort that some people feel when in strange cultural environment

media richness

The degree to which a communication channel conveys information

Halo effect

The perceptual distortion caused by the use of a single characteristic or exposure to draw overall conclusions about an individual is known

Organizational design

The process of configuring organizations to meet environmental challenges

Strategic formulation

The process of creating strategies


The process of entrusting work to others

Research suggests that men and women differ in their attitudes toward money. (T/F)


Scientific Management is the process of systematically dividing work into its smallest possible elements and standardizing work activities to achieve maximum efficiency. (T/F)


Scoring models are most useful when there are multiple projects and several criteria to consider.


Scoring models are very useful in providing input regarding the starting order of projects.


Self-fulfilling prophecy may result in either better or worse performance than if the employee is not exposed to the self-fulfilling prophecy effect. (T/F)


Self-fulfilling prophecy tends to have a stronger effect on employees who are new to the job than on employees who have worked in that job for a few years. (T/F)


Self-leadership borrows ideas from social learning theory and research in sports psychology on constructive thought processes. (T/F)


Self-managed work teams help to improve quality, increase motivation and satisfaction, and lower costs. (T or F)


Self-verification stabilizes our self-concept. (T/F)


Servant leaders have a strong desire to serve and work for the benefit of others. (T or F)


Servant leaders try to understand employee needs and facilitate their work performance. (T/F)



an individuals personal beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and bad

Institutionalization is the process through which _____.

an organization takes on a life of its own

pluralistic organization

an organization that has diverse membership and takes steps to fully involve all people who differ from the dominant group

social responsibility

an organizations obligation to protect and contribute to the social environment in which it functions

The process by which managers decide how to divide into specific jobs the tasks that have to be performed to provide customers with goods and services is known as job:


market control

essentially the influence of market competition on the behavior of organizations and their members

66. The Tapas Tavern posts positive guest comments, naming employees on the staff bulletin board for all to see. Which of Maslow's Hierarchy is addressed by this practice?


The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger is an example of poor managerial decision making by the managers at NASA and Morton Thiokol, who considered and then downplayed the criterion of:


139. What is the process of removing customers and employees from the building when an emergency occurs?


Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called _____.


transition management

the process of systematically planning organizing and implementing change

when management sends out an anonymous survey to all employees seeking input on the effectiveness of all departments and leadership of the operation, this is an example of which type of communication flow?


cross functional teams are

used most often for the purpose of product development

Managing by objectives

A process of join objective setting between a superior and a subordinate

Which of the ten knowledge areas defined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully? a. Project scope management b. Project quality management c. Project communications management d. Project stakeholder management


After-action review

A structured review of lessons learned and results accomplished through a completed project, task force assignment, or special operation

After-action review

A structured review of lessons learned and results accomplished through a completed project, task force assignment, or special operation.

Organization structure

A system of tasks, reporting relationships, and communication linkages

Employees with strong organizational commitment are more likely to:

A. Engage in organizational citizenship behaviors

Which of the following organizational change activities is related to 'bringing the entire system into the room'?

A. Future search conferences

Managers tend to prefer which of the following types of third-party interventions?

A. Inquisitor

__ refers to an individual's self-beliefs and self-evaluations.

A. Self-concept

The three main components of active listening, in order, are:

A. Sensing, evaluating and responding

Which of these is the most common form of influence in high power distance cultures?

A. Silent authority

Emotional labor refers to:

A. The effort, planning, and control needed to express organizational desired emotions during interpersonal transactions

Your boss is usually able to calm employees when they are upset and to get staff enthusiastic about an otherwise mundane activity. This ability probably means that your boss has:

A. The highest level of emotional intelligence

Satisficing refers to:

A. The tendency to choose an alternative that is good enough rather than the best

Employees probably should not make the decision alone (without the manager's involvement) when:

A. Their goals and norms conflict with the organization's objectives

Sabotage, threatening harm, and insulting other represent:

A. Three forms of counterproductive work behaviors

In the Four-drive Theory, the drive ___ is the drive to form social relationships and develop mutual caring commitments with others.

A. To bond

Which of the following reduces information overload by increasing the person's information-processing capacity?

A. Using a filtering algorithm to screen out incoming e-mail

A large retail organization previously divided work among its four employee benefits staff into distinct specializations. One person answered all questions about superannuation (pension plans), another answered all questions about various forms of paid time off (e.g. vacations), and so on. These jobs were recently restructured so that each employee benefits person answers all questions for people in a particular geographic area. For example, one staff member is responsible for all employee benefits inquiries from anyone in a particular geographic region. This job restructuring is an example of:

B. Job enrichment

In which decision-making structure do participants typically meet, but only interact with each other for part of the meeting?

B. Nominal group technique

Which organizational behavior perspective discusses inputs, outputs, and feedback?

B. Open systems

Performance evaluation serves a number of purposes, including determining who gets merit increases and other rewards. This is an example of which of the following functions of performance evaluation?

Basis for reward allocations

Management by objectives is a mechanism of control for which of the following types of organizational control systems?

Behavior control

All of the following factors should be assessed to determine an organization's ability to perform projects EXCEPT: a. Does the organization have free and open communication, creativity, and empowered decision making? b. Does the organization have a clearly defined project management process? c. Do teams and individuals follow instructions well? d. Does the organization monitor and understand it's external environment?


All of the following may be negotiated between a client company and a contractor EXCEPT: a. the amount of money to be paid. b. quality standards c. selection criteria for scoring models d. personnel assignments


Most employees would say that ___ helped them adjust to their new job most.

C. Socialization agents

Countervailing power refers to:

C. The capacity to keep someone who is more powerful than you exchanged in the relationship

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of post-decisional justification?

C. The individual continues to look for alternatives better than the one selected

In the communication process model, what happens immediately after the receiver receives the encoded message?

C. The receiver decodes the received message

Consistency, consensus and distinctiveness are:

C. The three rules determining whether to make an internal or external attribution

Calculus, knowledge and identification are:

C. Three foundations of trust in teams

One problem with the utilitarian principle of ethical decision making is that:

D. It is almost impossible to evaluate the benefits or costs of many decisions

Which of these countries is more likely to accept of tolerate, than any other country, people who display their true emotions at work?

D. Italy

Which of the following actions would increase employee motivation mainly by enhancing their effort-to-performance expectancy?

D. Let employees know that their chances of performing successfully are good

Their couriers suffer

Whistle blowers, unfortunately, face this consequence as a result of their actions:

177. A manager discovers that paychecks have been issued to ghost employees. Why is this a problem?

a. Fraud is indicated as they are not currently employed

5 Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in Lewin's change model?

a. freezing

Rumors and resistance to change are potential disadvantages often associated with _________. a) virtual organizations b) informal structures c) functional chimneys d) cross-functional teams

b) informal structures

An organization using a ___________ structure should expect that more problems will be solved at lower levels and that top managers will have more time free to engage in strategic thinking. a) virtual b) matrix c) functional d) product

b) matrix

In Porter's five forces model, which of the following conditions is most favorable from the standpoint of industry attractiveness? a) many competitive rivals b) many substitute products c) low bargaining power of suppliers d) few barriers to entry

c) low bargaining power of suppliers

178. All Kitchen employees and Front of House shift leaders are required to have current ServSafe Food certification. Bartenders and servers must have ServSafe Alcohol. How will the manager be certain that they do?

employee personnel records

management by exception

focuses attention on differences between actual and desired performance

Gantt Chart

graphically displays the scheduling of asks required to complete a project

job enlargement

involves giving workers more tasks to perform

The process by which one person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates, and directs their activities is known as:


A _____ leader has five essential qualities: (1) individual capability; (2) team skills; (3) managerial competence; (4) the ability to stimulate others to high performance; and (5) a blend of personal humility and professional will.


Groupthink is

likely to occur when the group values getting along more than getting things done

One of the expected benefits of participatory planning is _____.

more commitment to implementation

Nonroutine decisions made in response to novel situations in business are known as:

nonprogrammed decisions

The planning process isn't complete until?

plans are implemented and results evaluated

Power granted to a person by an organization is an example of

position power

A marketing plan in a business firm would most likely deal with ____

sales and product distribution

108. What is the number of customers who have visited the establishment on different days in pervious weeks is known as?

sales history

least preferred coworker - LPC scale

scale that presumes to measure a leader's motivation

151. When a manager is considering meeting time and location, the number of employees that must attend, the amount of expected business, and whether multiple meetings will need to be held, what aspect of meeting management is being considered?


The objective of effective _____ is to match individual characteristics such as ability and experience, with the requirements of the job.


In terms of group performance, the idea that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" is the fundamental point in the concept of:


organizational technology

the mechanical and intellectual processes that transform inputs into outputs


the number of goals on which a person focuses

avoidance - negative reinforcement

the opportunity to avoid or escape from an unpleasant circumstance after exhibiting behavior


the process by which people become aware of the need for change

performance measurement -

the process by which someone evaluates an employees work behaviors by measurement and comparison with previously established standards

organization structure

the system of task reporting and authority relationships within which the organization does its work

Which of the following groups will NOT increase as a percentage of the workforce?

white males

Rationalizing unethical behavior

"No one will ever know about it" is an example of

Herzberg's hygiene factors relate to:

. both job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.

105. If it is not a leap year in February, and the manager has been budgeted $40,096 for labor for a food service operation that is open seven days a week, what is the average daily wage?


Multicultural Organization

A company that is based on pluralism and operates with diversity and respect for diversity is called

Functional chimney (AKA functional silos problem)

A lack of communication and coordination across functions

Which of these statements represents the feelings dimension of attitudes?

A. I don't like how my boss treats his employees

Transactional leaders:

A. Improve efficiency

Globalization occurs when an organization:

A. Increases its connectivity with people and organizations in other parts of the world

Which of the following decision-making activities tends to make the most use of tacit knowledge?

A. Intuition

Incubation and verification are:

A. Stages of the creative process

According to Kolb's Learning Style Type, which of the following describes the convergent learning style?

Abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, problem-solving

Opportunity Costs

Are the losses associated with the best opportunity that is passed up.

Confirmation error

Attending only to information that confirms a decision already made is called

Achieving project success is determined by all of the following EXCEPT: a.creating deliverables that include all required features b.involving only important key stakeholders c.completing the project on schedule and on budget d.providing outputs that please the project's customers


Constructive conflict:

B. Encourages people to think about different points of view

What does the textbook recommend that corporate leaders should do with the organizational grapevine?

B. Use the grapevine as a signal of employee anxiety and view it as a valid competitor to the company's formal communication system

Intellectual capital refers to:

B. the stock of knowledge that resides in an organization.

Establishing a preset level at which the decision is abandoned or re-evaluated is recommended mainly to:

C. Minimize escalation of commitment

The potential for conflict between two employees would be highest under conditions of:

C. Reciprocal interdependence

Projects often require tradeoffs among all of the following EXCEPT: a.scope b.cost c.schedule d.programs


An organization attempts to succeed by distinguishing its products from those of the competition. Which of the following strategies is the organization using?

Differentiation strategy

Path-goal theory argues that:

E. The most effective leader behavior depends on the situation

Concurrent control

Focuses on what happens DURING the work process

Strategic intent

Focuses organizational energies on achieving a compelling goal

personal approach to decision making

Janis Mann process called the conflict model

Jespher, Inc., allows Hertonz, a foreign organization, to take charge of both manufacturing and distributing one or more of its products in Thailand in return for a negotiated fee. This is an example of which mode of international expansion?


Getting smaller strategies

Liquidation Restructuring Ch. 11 bankruptcy Downsizing Divestiture (Dish repositioned brand)

Control process

Set performance objectives Measure actual performance Compare actual to objectives Take actions to control process

Economic Indicators

Sets of data economists use to measure how the economy is performing.

What is a dependent variable?

The factor that an experiment or hypothesis tries to explain or predict that is affected by some other factor

Critical path

The pathway from project start to conclusion that involves activities with the longest completion times is called


The transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols

_____ means that at any one time only one central, guiding plan is put into operation to achieve an organizational goal.


Example of company that follows team structure

W.L. Gore

Chief Operational Officer

What does COO stand for?

management by objectives

What does the MBO acronym stand for?

What of the following best describe action research?

a change process based on the systematic collection of data and then selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate

radical innovation

a major breakthrough that changes or creates whole industries

workplace behavior

a pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness

change agent

a person responsible for managing a change effort

organizational downsizing

a popular trend aimed at reducing the size of corporate staff and middle management to reduce costs


a standard against which the appropriateness of a behavior is judged


a strong stimulus that results in stress

141. When a message needs to be communicated to a group of employees is a meeting the best method?

a. Confirm the necessity of a meeting due to time and cost concerns. There are other ways to convey information

150. The manager wants the meeting to proceed without delay and announces to participants that there will be no questions or discussions allowed. Is there a downside to this strategy?

a. Employees may feel frustrated and question the need for a meeting when no participation is allowed

191. What is the primary difference between involuntary termination and voluntary?

a. Involuntary is done for the well being of the organization, voluntary occurs to benefit employee

197. The manager has informed the terminated employee that a final paycheck will not be received until all company material is returned. Is this a good practice?

a. It is important to confirm the legality of this action in the state of operation

164. Food service employers are fortunate in that they do not have to pay much to employees as customer heavily supplement low pay through tips. Is it accurate to say that labor cost is low in the food service industry?

a. No. Labor is a prime cost, meaning it is one of the major costs.

79. Why do many employees have a negative view of the appraisal process?

a. Often approached in a hurried manner, lacking in ongoing feedback and goal setting

82. Putting members of the Front and Back of the House together to work on systems issues that have hindered food and service quality illustrates which of the benefits of the teamwork?

a. Open communication channels by breaking down barriers that have existed between departments or groups

180. Joni has requested leave (as her establishment falls under Family Medical Leave Act) for time off to care for her ailing parent. Juanita, her manager, is very busy and assures her she "will get around to the paperwork" and to "go ahead". Has Juanita made any mistakes?

a. Processing must be done in timely manner in compliance with federal law

56. What is the advantage of having employees learn information at approximately the same time?

a. Reduces the impact of the "grapevine" circulating incorrect information

142. What is a well known and often used set of rules for conducting meetings in an organized way that allows everyone to be heard and make decisions without confusion?

a. Robert's Rules of Order

58. How should a manager respond when a guest has made a negative online posting about their restaurant experience?

a. Thank them for the feedback and apologize

133. What is slip, fall or other mishap involving injury or the potential for injury, even when no injuries are visible and the persons involved say they are unhurt?


172. Kevin is a bartender at the beachside swimming pool at a seaside resort hotel. He notices a guest in the ocean, clearly in distress. Kevin runs for the water and, shedding clothing, dives in and saves the guest from drowning, including the administration of CPR. Kevin is given a merit raise. On what basis was the raise given?


what is the value of setting specific goals rather than the more general goal of striving to do better?

achievement can be measured and steps taken if goals not met

145. What type of meeting is brief, involving just a few employees to address and resolve a problem, to decide and commit?



an individual who has a strategic position in the network that allows him or her to control information moving in either direction through a channel

job specialization

as advocated by scientific management it can help improve efficiency but it can also promote monotony and boredom

what is an effective way for a speaker to determine if audience members have understood their message?

ask questions and listen to answers to see if understanding is demonstrated

The main purpose of organizing as a management function is to _______________. a) make sure that results match plans b) arrange people and resources to accomplish work c) create enthusiasm for the needed work d) link strategies with operational plans

b) arrange people and resources to accomplish work

A __________ in the BCG Matrix would have a high market share in a low-growth market. a) dog b) cash cow c) question mark d) star

b) cash cow

6 In attribution theory, a non-performing employee's internal attribution might include:

b. lack of commitment.

Silence as a response has:

b. value for the listener who needs to sort out thoughts.

Scientific management emphasized:

b. work simplification.

When Gallo purchased a company that makes wine bottles, it was involved in:

backward vertical integration.

Compared to men, women tend to:

be more participative.

The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting is referred to as _____.

behavior modification

When MBO is done right, who does the review of a team member's performance accomplishments?

both the team member and team leader

When MBO is done right, who does the review of a team member's performance accomplishments? a) the team leader, the team member and a lawyer b) the team member c) the team leader d) both the team member and team leader

both the team member and team leader

Decision makers operate within the confines of _____ i.e., they construct simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity.

bounded rationality

The ____ is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization.


A manufacturing business with a functional structure has recently acquired two other businesses with very different product lines. The president of the combined company might consider using a __________ structure to allow a better focus on the unique needs of each product area. a) virtual b) team c) divisional d) network

c) divisional

Which tactic is an American manager most likely to use when dealing with a tardy employee?

c. If you don't start reporting on time for work, I will have to cut your pay.

________ conflict occurs when a person experiences conflict among the multiple roles in his or her life.

c. Interrole

It is the position of the authors, Nelson and Quick, that:

c. adapting, flexibility, and responsiveness are desirable hallmarks in change management.

Which of the following job core characteristics does NOT directly relate to meeting the needs of a critical psychological state?

c. rate of pay

behavioral approaches to leadership

came from Michigan studies - the Ohio state studies and the leadership grid

A good performance objective is written in such a way that it ____________. a) has a flexible timetable b) is general and not too specific c) is impossible to accomplish d) can be easily measured

can be easily measured

a good performance objective is written in such a way that it _______.

can be easily measured

An enthusiastic, self-confident leader who is able to clearly communicate his/her vision of how good things could be is known as a:

charismatic leader.

According to the garbage can model of decision making, the four factors that need to connect to make a decision are problems, participants, solutions, and

choice opportunities

When one team member advises another team member that "your behavior is crossing the line in terms of our expectations for workplace civility," she is exercising a form of ________ control over the other's inappropriate behaviors. a) clan b) market c) internal d) preliminary


which qualities describe those needed by a person engaged in leadership activities?

clear communication, involvement of others, persuasion, motivations, and development

Which of the following is the least effective method of influencing others?

coalition formation

The belief that "discrimination is wrong" is a value statement. Such an opinion is the _____ component of an attitude.


product development teams

combinations of work teams and problem solving teams that create new designs for products or services that will satisfy customers needs

Hawthorne Studies

conducted between 1927 and 1932 led to some of the first discoveries of the importance of huma behavior in organizations

The strategic planning committee at Comfort Fabric Clothing Company, New York, consists of managers from engineering, R&D, production, marketing, and finance. This is an example of a(n):

cross-functional team.

The correspondence between attitudes and behaviors doesn't depend on:

d. selective perception.

Organizations can keep their hierarchy flat by:

decentralizing authority.

Mintzberg, Henry

defined basic managerial roles such as interpersonal roles - informational roles critical managerial skills

which management style is most useful for employees who are motivated and experienced in an environment where cooperation is very important; for example, a banquet crew who has worked together for several busy seasons?


71. A multi-level ocean front restaurant is very busy during tourist season. The bus staff keeps busy cleaning, sanitizing and resetting departing tables. They are good about letting the bus team know what stage each table is at. In the meantime, the host stand is frustrated. They cannot visually see when tables are ready to be sat and rely on word from the bus staff, which is slow in coming. Guests are left waiting. What is the term for the failure to maintain a positive work environment that the management is allowing to continue through the actions of the bus staff?

department silos

Avoidance of ______ is why most organizations develop multiple suppliers rather than give their business to only one.


theory Y

described by Douglas McGregor is an approach to management that takes a positive and optimistic perspective on workers

rational approach to decision making

describes a systematic - step by step rocess

job enrichment

entails giving workers more tasks to perform and more control over how to perform them

defensive avoidance

entails making no changes in present activities and avoiding any further contact with associated issues because thre appears to be no hope of finding a better solution

organizational environment

everything outside an organization including people other organizations economic factors objects and events that lie outside the boundaries of the organization

what is the purpose of an information rollout at the application of results step of reaching goals?

explain, defend or teach affected employees about the new way of doing things

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Bill is a thinking-type. When reviewing a vendor proposal with his boss, he will most likely

express his opinion

Jake tells his boss only what he believes the boss wants to hear. He is engaging in _____.


listening like a professional includes handling callers that become angry or rude. what techniques can be used to help manage these types of calls?

focus and ask clarifying questions to remain polite and in control

All of the following are ways to become a learning organization EXCEPT

focus development efforts on senior management

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company set up a chain of Firestone retail stores to sell its tires to American consumers. This is an example of:

forward vertical integration.

Leaders demonstrate _____ when they use language to influence followers' perceptions of the world, the meaning of events, beliefs about causes and consequences, and visions of the future.


Process consultants wil

guide and coach on workflow, informal relationships, and communication

140. What is the purpose of developing a media policy?

guide interactions about establishment's response to emergency

The set of activities in which managers engage to predict the future human resource needs of their organization is known as:

human resource planning.

In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, needs that are related to the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed are known as:

hygiene needs.

after-action review

identifies lessons learned from a completed project, task force assignment, or special operation

dual structure theory

identifies motivation factors which affect satisfaction and hygiene factors which determine dissatisfaction

when managers use benchmarking in the planning process, they usually try to _____.

identify best practices used by others.

134. What is a situation in which a person or persons become involved in unacceptable behavior in the establishment or on the establishment's property; for example, fights?


Results of the contingency model

inconsistent LPC lacks validity

The _____ view of conflict argues that some conflict is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively.


what is communication between individuals who are standing or sitting close to each other in which immediate feedback is provided referred to as?


In the book Profiles of Genius, thirteen key executives were interviewed and tested and all were found to be _____ types. This result is particularly interesting because this type represents only about five percent of the population.

intuitive thinking

informational roles

involve some aspect of information processng - monitor - disseminator - spokesperson decision making entrepreneur - disturbance handler resource allocator negotiater role

Job _____ measures the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his or her job and considers his or her perceived performance level important to self-worth.


continuous improvement

involves always searching for new ways to improve work quality and performance

what are some of the essential leadership skills and abilities needed for managers to be successful?

listens, respects, accountable, trustworthy, encourages company vision, and remains calm in crisis

Quietly continuing to do your work, even though you're dissatisfied, is an example of _____ response to dissatisfaction.


what is the process that can be defined as using what you have to do what you want to do?


When managers pass through work areas and talk informally with workers, they are engaging in:

management by wandering around.

The most important challenge facing the field of organizational behavior is

managing workforce diversity

A leader with Machiavellian tendencies would likely

manipulate others for his or her personal gain

what is a calendar of specific activities designed to meet the operations revenue goals related to attracting, retaining, and expanding the customer base?

marketing plan

The _____ is a structure characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization.

mechanistic model

The _____ assumption assumes that people who are different will want to assimilate.


what is a professional in the company willing to coach the manager and plan career goals while serving as a wise advisor known as?


economic order quantity

method that places new orders when inventory levels fall to predetermined points

Entrepreneurship is the:

mobilization of resources to take advantage of an opportunity to provide customers with new or improved goods and services.

91. What stage is a team that expresses acceptance, a sense of common purpose, attempts to get along and responds well to a supporting leadership style in?


directive leadership

occurs when the leader lets subordinates know what is expected of them -gives specific guidance

92. What stage is a team that expresses satisfaction with work and attachment with members, works through problems and responds well to delegating style of


individual differences

personal attributes that vary from one person to another

111. What internal source of information can provide the most valuable information about customer count by time period?

point of sale system

In spite of the fact that short-term stock price changes are essentially random, a large proportion of investors believe that they can predict the direction that prices will move. This is an example of _____.

randomness error

The degree to which a test generates a similar score each time it is administered to a job applicant is known as the _____ of the test.


The ability of a manager to give outcomes to or withhold outcomes from subordinates is known as:

reward power.

A plan that is updated and changed every year to take into consideration how the organization's external and internal environments have changed is known as a:

rolling plan.

Which of the following has become a significant source of workplace conflict?

rudeness and incivility

Planning is best described as the process of ______ and _____.

setting objectives; deciding how to accomplish them

quality circles

small groups of employees from the same work area who regularly meet to discuss and recommend solutions to workplace problems

65. An employee finds that s/he does not regret terribly, returning from a family vacation. There is anticipation of returning to "the gang" of the day shift and catching up on what has taken place during the absence. Which of Maslow's Hierarchy seems to be met on the job?


what is the basic management activity that involves recruiting new workers, selecting the most qualified, making an offer, and orienting, and training new employees?


127. Two cooks are each wanting to be known for their seafood chowder. Each adds more and finer ingredients, trying to outdo the other. The manager is pleased with the guest response to the excellent products but puzzled by the rising food cost and inconsistent results. What standard operating procedure could solve this problem?

standardized recipe

when conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as: what does our establishment do well? what additional resources do we have access to? what do we do better than our completion? and what do we do that exceeds customer expectations? are examples of questions that aim to identify which SWOT focus?


If an employee misperceives an event that occurs in the workplace, it is likely that he or she has

strong attitudes about that event

feedback control

takes place after completing an action

129. The banquet department at an operation that specializes in large parties has decided to step up their game in order to better compete with other caterers and event venues. Management is performing task analyses of every position in the operation. What will the first step be for each position?

task list

general environment

the broad set of dimensions and factors within which the organization operaties including political legal sociocultural technological economic and international factors


the plans and actions necessary to achieve organizational goals


the process of making new behaviors relatively permanent and resistant to further change

selective perception

the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts oru beliefs


the study of language forms

mechanistic structure

this structure is primarily hierarchical interactions and communications are typically vertical instructions come from the boss knowledge is concentrated at the top and loyalty and obedience are required to sustain membership

organic structure

this structure is set up like a network interactions and communications are horizontal knowledge resides where ever it is most useuful to the organization and membership requires a commitment to the organizations tasks

divionalized form

this structure is typical of old very large organizations the organization is divided according to the different markets served

simple structure

this structure is typical of relatively small or new organizations and has little specialization or formalization power and decision making are concentrated in the chief executive

following mother's day brunch and dinner, the upscale waterfront restaurant held a mandatory staff meeting to review the safety procedures for evacuation in the event of a kitchen fire. what barrier to effectiveness may have been created by this decision?


variable ratio reinforcement

varies the number of behaviors between reinforcements

what is the difference between behavior that is considered harassing and behavior that is considered normal, friendly interaction?

would not offend a reasonable person

192. What is a legal action taken be a former employee against a previous employer alleging that the discharge was in violation of the law, public policy or an implied contract, agreement or written promise?

wrongful discharge

The last step in the planning process is to determine an organization's mission and goals. (T or F)


Another name for the business level of the organization is:

divisional level.

When the meaning of the information available to a manager is unclear and can be interpreted in several ways, the information is:


A formal, written guide to action for employees in an organization is known as a:


The cluster of decisions that managers make to assist an organization to achieve its goals is known as:


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