Printers and there types
Printer Speed
The speed of a printer is measured in:- CPS - Characters Per Second LPS - Lines per minute PPM - Page per minute
Dot matrix printer
- Works like a typewriter, transfer ink from ribbon to paper with a series or matrix of tiny pins -Dot matrix printers form characters using row(s) of pins, 9,18 or 24, which impact the ribbon on top of the paper - They are also call pin printers. more pins print clearer characters - Bi-directional - prints left to right and also left to right - Tractor feed - uses sprackets to pul continious feed paper - Friction feed - uses pressure to pull single sheet - Advantage: Inexpensive and can do multi-copy printing - Disadvantage: Slow, Loud, low quality graphics
Characteristics of Non-impact printer
- Uses toner, ink or heat for printing - Silent - Fast - High quality printing - Expensive
Type of Impact printers
- Dot Matrix printer - Daisy wheel printer - Line Printer
Type of Non-Impact printers
- Laser printer - Ink jet printer - Thermal printer
Line printers
- Normally used by mainframes or mini computers to print bills, forms and reports - Print 1 line at a time - Print 3000 lines per minute - Two types: Chain or Band - Advantage: Very fast up to 3000 LPM lines per minute - Disadvantage: Very Expensive, Loud
- Printer takes the information from your computer and transfer it to paper - produces a hard copy. - Printers are hard copy output device - It is used to print character symbols of graphics on paper - There are many different type of printer with various level of quality and speed - The speed of a printer is measured in:- CPS - Characters Per Second LPS - Lines per minute PPM - Page per minute - Cost of printer is dependent on the speed of the printing
Characteristics of Impact printers
- Use a striking mechanism for printing - Make noise during printing - Slow -Low quality printing - Cheap or inexpensive
Printer Cost
Cost of printer is dependent on the speed of the printing
Types of printers
Impact printer and none impact printers
Daisy Wheel Printers