Progressive Era (True or False) for 3/17/17

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(true/false) Although T.R. was nicknamed the "trustbuster", his Attorney General only brought 43 antitrust case while President Wilson's, the U.S. President who followed him prosecuted over 90


(true/false) Passage of the Elkins Act in 1903, Hepburn Act I 1906, and Mann-Elkins Act in 1909 strengthened the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission.


(true/false) The most dramatic innovation in city gov't was the replacement of both the mayor and council with a nonpartisan commission of administrators. This change occurred by accident as the result of a hurricane that devastated Cleveland, Ohio

False (Galveston, Texas)

(true/false) Both Wilson in his New Nationalism speech and Roosevelt in his New Freedom program believed that all business combinations were bad and should be broken up by the federal gov't.

False (R: New Nationalism/ W: New Freedom)

(true/false) About 40% of foreigners who immigrated to America in the 1st decade of th 20th century returned home

False (higher %) (idk what it is)

(true/false) The Progressive Movement was opposed to gov't intervention to solve the social and economic problems caused by industrialization and urbanization

False (in favor of)

(true/false) Most Progressives, like most of their generation, felt that Native Americans, Asians, and Blacks were superior and feared massive migration from southern and eastern Europe

False (inferior)

(true/false) Progressive reform started on the national level then worked its way down to the state and local level

False (local to national)

(true/false) The group of writers in the Progressive era who exposed corruption and other evils in American society were labeled "mugwumps" by T.R.

False (muckrakers)

(true/false) Roosevelt was known as the "trustbuster" because he broke up more large business monopolies than any other president before or after him

False (twice as much suits)

(true/false) America's first billion corporation was General Motors formed in 1901 by joining Ford Motors with its eight main competitors


(true/false) Progressives were mostly middle class, college educated urban based reformers who sought solutions to the social and economic problems of their era


(true/false) Progressives were optimistic, believing that change was possible since the world was in flux and people's environment was the most important ingredient to mold behavior


(true/false) The Northern Securities Case illustrated that President Roosevelt thought the federal gov't should regulate the behavior of Big Business and trusts


(true/false) The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was important b/c it aroused public awareness of the plight of women workers in the textile industry


(true/false) The Wisconsin Idea referred to the program of state economic and political reforms instituted by Progressive Governor Robert LaFollette


(true/false) The history of Standard Oil Company, published during the Progressive Era by Ida Tarbell exposed the business practices of John D. Rockefeller


(true/false) a major objective of the Progressive Movement was to assure more direct democracy in gov't in U.S.


(true/false) Both Wilson and Roosevelt believed that all business combinations were bad and should be broken up by the federal government

false (Roosevelt--> against; pick and choose option/ Wilson--> was for it)

(true/false) Progressivism in the US during the 1st two decades of the 20th century represented a unified approach to the solution of the nation's social and economic problems.

false (series of movements)

(true/false) American participation in WWI had the most effect on the decline of the Progressive movement


(true/false) As a Progressive reform President, Theodore Roosevelt promised the American people a Square Deal meaning he hoped to use the presidency to ensure the safety, happiness and prosperity of every citizen by solving the social problems, promoting conservation of our national resources, regulating big business and controlling the railroads.


(true/false) As president, William Howard Taft, had problems concerning his leadership style and personality which eventually led to a split b/w him and the Progressives


(true/false) At the state and local levels, progressive reformers usually called for greater direct participation in the political process.


(true/false) At the state level, the Progressives sought to extend democracy and remove special privileges for groups like the railroads


(true/false) During the Progressive Era, the % of foreign-born inhabitants of American cities increased


(true/false) For Blacks, the Progressive Era coincided with the years of greatest segregation in the South


(true/false) John Dewey maintained that schools should become the instrument for social reform.


(true/false) Most reformers in the U.S. during the Progressive Era considered the environment more important that heredity in forming an individual's character.


(true/false) Muckrakers were important in the Progressive Movement b/c they publicized what they believed were the problems in American society


(true/false) President Roosevelt considered his conservation program as his most important domestic achievement


(true/false) Progressive reform usually started at the national level then moved to the states, and finally to the local level.


(true/false) Progressives thought the environment in which people lived did more to determine their behavior than their hereditary.


(true/false) The Commission's form or municipal gov't was created as a result of a hurricane that destroyed the city of Galveston, Texas and its previous govt's inability to deal with the situation


(true/false) The Muckrakers are best described as investigative journalists who exposed the corruption and immorality of their society in articles in magazines and novels


(true/false) To improve the conditions for the working class, the Progressives sought protective legislation


(true/false) Wisconsin, provided a model for reform for other states to follow through series of political economic reforms proposed by professors at the state university when asked by Governor Robert La Follette


(true/false) early movie theaters were called nickelodeons


(true/false) progressives were mostly insensitive to the cause of African Americans and it was during this era that segregation was strengthened in the South


(true/false) Progressive education called for students to learn by doing

true (student centered--> focus on working)

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