Propaganda: Section D - Techniques of Exploitation (2)

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Appeal to Pity

Everyone today bullied me because I have no Under Armour clothes, only Reebok: The Brand for Losers. I should really be able to buy the trendy clothes, Mom, even though it's expensive. I can't endure the pain much longer!

Appeal to Ridicule

Following criticism during the 2008 election that his policies were "socialist," candidate Barack Obama said, "Next they'll be calling me a communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten."

195.Whenever you choose to turn around your negative thought patterns, you will gain much peace and direction. It is up to you to change when you are ready.

0 No Technique

49. Newspaper ad: "One million more TV's were sold this year than last."

0 No Technique

83. Pity for other human beings is a trait of human character that should be cultivated. Have you investigated the occurrence of pity among lower animals?

0 No Technique

135. I think that maximum health comes from eating right, exercising regularly, and mental relaxation. You might want to try that combination.

0 No Technique

144.The way I figure it, I can buy a Panasony Television at Giant's Warehouse for $500 or I can buy the same set at the Playlike Superstore for $450. I come out $50 to the better by getting it at the Superstore.

0 No Technique

152.Nearly 80% of Americans have some minor thyroid problem that causes them to have emotional ups and downs. You should have your blood tested and find out if you have a thyroid imbalance so that you can get some help.

0 No Technique

166. Members of the committee, a negative decision will seriously prejudice the political prospects of my client. I beg you, therefore, to weigh well a decision that, if unfavorable, will spell disaster for an honorable man.

0 No Technique

176. I am very sorry that your cholesterol level is so high. You should be eating the right kind of foods and exercising often to control it.

0 No Technique

201.Wife to husband: "Look, dear, this ad says that any person buying a car from that new Ford dealer will get 9% financing for the first six months and only 5% after that. Since we are shopping for a new car anyhow, maybe we should take a look at Ford's deal."

0 No Technique

211.Political strategist for Senator Robert Dole: "Out of the last 200 people in this state that we have interviewed, 125 said they would be voting for Clinton for President. We have our work cut out for us. We'd better design a new campaign immediately."

0 No Technique

239.Doctor: "Your liver and kidneys do not appear to be working well. I could put you on some medication, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to change your diet. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and cut out caffeine and alcohol. In addition, start exercising regularly."

0 No Technique

56. You deserve love and harmony in your life. If you agree, come with me to tonight's talk by Ram Dass. He has a wonderful message and some thoughts that, I think, can lead us to a better life.

0 No Technique

76. Seven out of ten Americans do not get enough calcium. New Super Citrus contains more of this nutrient than milk. If you aren't giving your children Super Citrus, you may be depriving them of the calcium they need for their growth.

0 No Technique

231.At a street market filled with vendors selling fruit and vegetables, one salesman hollered to a man walking by, "Buy my vegetables, sir. I need the money."

1 Appeal to Pity

236.Defense lawyer making his closing argument to the jury: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to make the kind of argument to you that my client deserves. After nearly three months of trial, I'm afraid I won't measure up. I wish I were a better lawyer."

1 Appeal to Pity

246.At a street market filled with vendors selling fruit and vegetables, one salesman hollered to a man walking by, "Buy my vegetables, sir. I need the money."

1 Appeal to Pity

247.Defense lawyer making his closing argument to the jury: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to make the kind of argument to you that my client deserves. After nearly three months of trial, I'm afraid I won't measure up. I wish I were a better lawyer."

1 Appeal to Pity

214.Yes, I'm drinking some again. But that things in my life have been real tough lately. My closest friend has moved away, I got laid off my job, and my child just got in trouble at school. I needed something to lean on. Surely you understand.

1 Appeal to Pity

1. Please do not withdraw from Korea. With those big, powerful nations around us threatening, our small ill-prepared military doesn't stand a chance.

1 Appeal to Pity

121.Terry: "What was the chapter about that we had to read last night?" Leslie: "Why didn't you read it?" Terry: "Oh, c'mon, Les. I had a late basketball game and then when I got home I found out my tarantula died. How could you expect me to read?"

1 Appeal to Pity

125.School Board President addressing striking teachers: "Our seniors are afraid they will not receive college scholarships because of the instruction they are missing. Our 8th-graders must take national standardized exams next month and don't have their regular teachers to prepare them. The football teams at our high schools will have to forfeit games and not be eligible for the state playoffs. I beg you to return to the bargaining table."

1 Appeal to Pity

137. I started the academic games league in this area, and now the teachers in the league don't even want to hear my opinion.

1 Appeal to Pity

160.Note written by a student at the end of a final examination paper: "Passing this course means a great deal to me. It will allow me to stay in school and would make my parents very happy. So I hope you can see your way clear to give me a passing grade."

1 Appeal to Pity

198.Principal to the Superintendent of Schools: "Our school has only 350 students; so our budget is too small to afford the latest copiers and office computers. We simply cannot keep up with the bigger schools. Our staff needs the same type of office machinery as the large schools. We need financial help."

1 Appeal to Pity

22. My cat had kittens and I was up all night helping her. That's why I didn't do my homework and why I don't deserve an F for the day.

1 Appeal to Pity

245.From Richard Nixon's famous "Checkers speech": "It isn't very much. But Pat and I have the satisfaction that every dime we have got is honestly ours. I should say this, that Pat doesn't have a mink coat. But she does have a respectable Republican cloth coat, and I always tell her that she would look good in anything."

1 Appeal to Pity

251.Please buy a raffle ticket. All proceeds are going to the Boo-Who home for retired monsters. Your $1.00 would help buy a hundred year old witch a new broom or some new bandages for thousand year old mummies, not to mention some muchneeded dental work for retired vampires. So don't forget those unfortunate creatures who have given you so many enjoyable fright nights. Get your ticket now.

1 Appeal to Pity

31. Tenant to landlord: "I cannot pay my rent because I was laid off last week. Now I find out that I need a $10,000 operation. I want to live another year. Please give me an extension of my loan."

1 Appeal to Pity

37. I'm sorry I didn't pay my bill on time, but I was in the hospital with a serious heart ailment.

1 Appeal to Pity

51. Mother, I can't clean my room. I've got to study for that algebra test. If I get a poor grade, I'll just die.

1 Appeal to Pity

61. The Christian Missions provide food, shelter, and clothing for homeless children all over the world. During this Christmas season, don't forget those less fortunate than you. Give to the Christian Mission Fund.

1 Appeal to Pity

68. Did you see the pathetic picture of all those starving children on TV last night? Let's all join the movement to collect money to fight hunger in Africa.

1 Appeal to Pity

7. Could you look into the sad, proud eye of this poor girl and say, "No, child, I will not help you?"

1 Appeal to Pity

78. Mr. Scrooge, my husband certainly deserves a raise in pay. I can hardly manage to feed the children on what you have been paying him. And our youngest child needs an operation if he is ever to walk without crutches.

1 Appeal to Pity

87. Boy who wants to play baseball: "Mother, I've been studying awfully hard. Can I go out and get some relaxation now?"

1 Appeal to Pity

90. Biafrans are starving! Send your dollars to Harry's Help Ship, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Central Station, New York, New York."

1 Appeal to Pity

99. The Evangelist Oral Roberts stated that God would "take him home" unless his followers donated $3 million by the end of the month.

1 Appeal to Pity

181.West Virginia is a beautiful state. Its mountains offer breathtaking views for everyone. The state is always in need of tourism to boost its economy. We ought to hold next year's Academic Games National Tournament in West Virginia.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

41. Athletes generally use more energy than non-athletes. The more energy one uses, the more calories he is likely to burn. It is important that everyone have a balanced diet, regardless of the amount of energy he uses. Therefore, you and yours will benefit from the balanced menu provided at the Greasy Spoon Restaurant.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

229.You want a safe and clean neighborhood. You want security for your loved ones. You want better jobs for all. Vote for Dole in November.

10 Acceptable to the Dubious

167.Ad: "She's beautiful! She's engaged! She uses Lovely Lady soap."

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

69. Ad: "An aircraft carrier may be a very big ship but it's also a very small airport. Over the past few years, the Navy's planes have grown more and more complex. A lot more maintenance checks had to be made and a lot more men and equipment were needed to make them. All this took more time and more space. The trouble is - on an aircraft carrier you never have enough of either. The advantage of Wheelright computer systems is that they save on both."

10 Passing from Acceptable to Dubious

150.Arizona is a wonderful place to live. Our climate is dry and pleasant and warm, our taxes are lower than most states, and we have exciting recreational opportunities. We should continue to house the National Defense headquarters.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to Dubious

130.Ad: "Be wicked for a week. Give up counting calories. Stay up late. Sleep in. Don't make your bed. Let your hair down. Don't pay for anything. Be your beautiful self. Call your travel agent and ask about Hedonism II."

10 Passing from Acceptable to Dubious

Section D Mixed - 10 126.Proper nutrition is important ... particularly during pregnancy. During these stressful times, your body needs special nutrients. Schiff's New Beginning assures that you and your baby will stay healthy and hearty.

10 Passing from Acceptable to Dubious

103.Florida is a great state. It offers excellent recreational activities, an abundance of natural resources, and the friendliest people in the country. Let's keep it that way by giving Florida the contract to build the Space Station.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

147.You know, you only get one set of teeth in this life. That's why you need to take good care of 'em while you got 'em. That means eating healthy foods, getting lots of calcium, and brushing regularly - with Rotgum toothpaste.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

190.Americans are more health-conscious than ever. Keeping in shape can add years to your life. Goldy's Gym has a fitness plan for you.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

112.Ad: "Some people like to loiter in malls. Some people like to wander from shop to shop. Some people don't mind getting things mail-order by catalog. Then again, there are those special people who will shop only at the top of the line store for fine products. Lacy's - where particular people shop."

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

210. Life is very stressful. Tension builds around us from the pressures of our jobs and families. Our bodies react poorly, sometimes violently, to the heavy doses of stress. Seek relief from Menthadone tablets.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

38. Our children's education is very important. Our nation deserves only superior adults running its government and businesses. So with the future of our country in mind, send your child to Noseinaire Academy.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

117.You support the American cause. You're proud of the flag and you want it respected by others. Vote Republican!

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

36. Ad: "Boys, you all know girls love sentimental favors. They enjoy such trinkets as charms, letters, cards, perfume, and candy. Valentine's has the best candy in the world to offer to your girlfriend at any time."

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

40. Computers are everywhere! Many colleges are requiring their students to have their own computers. Buy your preschooler a Training Computer today so that the best colleges will accept him tomorrow.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

46. Everyone gets older everyday, and most people celebrate their birthdays. Shop at Neal's Novelties for your party favors.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

No Technique? 199.The country needs a strong leader with integrity - a person who can handle complex problems but also is sensitive to the needs of the common person. Nominate and elect Rush Bimbaugh.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

11. Johnny wants to know what's beyond the moon. He wants your help. He's groping towards his future. His mind is reaching out; he's hungry for knowledge. For every question answered, he has dozens more waiting to be asked. And so much depends on your answers, parents. You can assist him by buying the Hamilton Children's Encyclopedia.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

19. How will your kids measure up against the kids next door? Uncomfortable as the idea is, this is the time to face it. Everyone wants more for his children. And your children will have to compete as you're competing now in the adult world. That's one of the biggest single reasons why so many families have Encyclopedia Brittanica in their home.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

213.Your eyes show aging first. Highly vulnerable and tissue-thin, the eye area needs powerful but gentle care to help bring firmness to this fragile skin. Lancome treats your eyes best.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

240.Ad: "You want your loved ones to have the luxury and love they deserve. You want to make your family happier. You want to put joy in their lives and smiles on their Section D Mixed - 18 faces. Join us at Lorraine's Laid-Back Resort on San Marco Island for the time of your lives."

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

50. Everyone likes to be warm on those cold, winter days. Everyone likes to look stylish when he arrives at the office. Shop at Luther's for your new London Fog jacket.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

63. Clothing for your baby should be roomy and loose, not tight and binding. It should have snaps rather than buttons to make it easier to dress your infant. It should be machine washable and non-shrinking. Mervyn's has a whole department of excellent baby clothes.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

79. It is important to the free world that the number of nuclear weapons be drastically reduced, that conventional forces reflect defensive, and not offensive, needs, that political stability be established in as many nations as possible. It is essential, therefore, that the U.S. be willing to scrap Star Wars in order to achieve these aims.

10 Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

45. Plastic surgeon to patient: "Your nose bob operation was so successful that you could be a magazine model. Don't you want to schedule your face lift next?"

2 Appeal to Flattery

77. Do you want to feel and look like a million for only $9.99? Hanes has created the perfect pantyhose, designed to accent all those graceful bumps and curves.

2 Appeal to Flattery

118.That hat you bought yesterday makes you look like a million bucks, Mr. Snodgrass, like a Wall Street executive. Now can I interest you in a cane to match?

2 Appeal to Flattery

151.Virginia Slims ad aimed at women: "You've come a long way, Baby!"

2 Appeal to Flattery

170. Mr. Radburn, it's obvious to me by your beautifully tailored clothes and your personalized hair grooming that you are going to be more suited to our Accura Legend rather than the Chevrolet Celebrity you were considering.

2 Appeal to Flattery

110.Sharp lad there. Your son, I suppose, sir. I was looking at your house as I passed by. It could use a re-siding job. It just so happens that I can give you a good deal on aluminum siding tonight.

2 Appeal to Flattery

129.Color your hair with Loreal. It will make your hair rich and luxurious. You're worth it.

2 Appeal to Flattery

143.Student to teacher: "Mrs. Xcello, I have always thought you were one of my most creative, ingenious, not to mention attractive, teachers. That's why I'm certain you'll find a way to pass me."

2 Appeal to Flattery

153.Yes, we did talk about our Routine line of office furniture on the phone. But, now that I am here to see your office with its elegant lines and rich, warm atmosphere, I think that you will be best served with our Upscale line.

2 Appeal to Flattery

182.We can repair your car in many different ways, but you should ask for nothing but the highest quality for this vehicle. It is gorgeous and you have obviously taken care of it with the utmost pride.

2 Appeal to Flattery

187.Ad in the mail: "You have been selected from a very few who are eligible for the Australian Aviary Expedition. Selectees will travel for six weeks Down Under to view birds of the Australian continent. Send in the enclosed card immediately to insure your reservation."

2 Appeal to Flattery

192.Ad: "Because you find beauty in seashells. Because you prefer wild flowers to roses. Because there's only one thing as brilliant as your smile. Buy yourself a diamond."

2 Appeal to Flattery

225.Employee talking to his boss: "Mr. Jones, I've been wanting to talk to you. But I've been afraid to. This morning it finally came to me that you'd want to hear me out because you're a fair man. I'd like to talk to you about a raise. Could I have a couple of minutes?"

2 Appeal to Flattery

248.Employee talking to his boss: "Mr. Jones, I've been wanting to talk to you. But I've been afraid to. This morning it finally came to me that you'd want to hear me out because you're a fair man. I'd like to talk to you about a raise. Could I have a couple of minutes?"

2 Appeal to Flattery

252.Plastic surgeon to patient: "Your face lift is a work of art. When do you want to schedule your tummy tuck?"

2 Appeal to Flattery

60. Saleslady to customer: "The fake pearl earrings are lovely but the genuine pearl ones give your face a radiant glow."

2 Appeal to Flattery

88. Based on our good relations with you as a preferred customer, it gives us great pleasure to inform you that our bank has approved an unsecured line of credit through our Automatic Check-Credit Plan, in the amount of $500, available to you upon signing the enclosed application and loan agreement form and returning it to us.

2 Appeal to Flattery

91. This special New Book offer is being made only to those of our customers who have indicated quality taste in previous New Book selections. You are one of these choice customers.

2 Appeal to Flattery

94. A politician seeking to raise money from a group of community people: "It is my pleasure to be here today with such a distinguished group of professionals who are so clearly the keystones to the success of this community."

2 Appeal to Flattery

98. You have been told many times to enter this classroom quietly. Surely, after this much time has passed, you can learn to master this mundane skill that even a less intelligent vertebrate could master in a short period of time. After all, intelligence is the main characteristic that makes mankind superior in the animal kingdom.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

Section D Mixed - 6 71. Unfair? Unjust? Untrue? Yes, in part you are right about my article. Apologies are due the tables at Sergeants Restaurants. I thought they were plastic but in all honesty and embarrassment, after checking them out, the tables at Sergeants are wood. Real wood. First rate wood. The deep layer of polyurethane fooled me.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

67. Please don't waste my time asking such a silly and useless question.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

102.The chairman of the committee interrupted the member who was speaking in midsentence. The member asked, "May I finish my thought?" "What thought?" replied the chairman; "you've never had one."

3 Appeal to Ridicule

106.Republican Auction Sale: "We offer the highest bidder at the White House (near the empty treasury building) at 10:00 tomorrow morning the following (1) one Democratic national platform - never used good as new; (2) one aged donkey, unbroken; (3) quantities of soft soap, hogwash, and pork barrels."

3 Appeal to Ridicule

115.Smedley says he's the man to clean up City Hall. He claims only he can handle the top job at City Hall. I agree. Let's make him window washer and elect a real leader, Bofus, as Mayor.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

12. Oh, her! I wouldn't vote for her if you paid me. She completely monopolizes a conversation. It's not that her vocabulary is so large; it's just the rapid turnover in her mouth. What she needs is a yappendectomy.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

145.Conservative Republican candidate: "I love the liberal philosophy. 'Tolerate everything' - except those whose opinions differ from yours. You see, all they want to do is replace what they see as conservative evils with newer ones of their own."

3 Appeal to Ridicule

2. As a Vice-President Hubert Humphrey makes a good drugstore clerk, as he was as a young man.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

215. Maurice! Surely you're kidding! He may be a great technician, but he waddles like a goose and cackles like a hen. And he jabbers on all the time. He is an oaf. No way should we give the technical support contract to Maurice.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

249.Dole to Clinton, after Clinton has given his speech on tax reform: "Your speech reminds me of the horns of a steer - a point here and a point there and a lot of bull in between."

3 Appeal to Ridicule

250.Politician A: "I'd like for you to hear my opinion on this matter." Politician B: "And I'd like to hear your opinion, but isn't there enough ignorance in the world already?"

3 Appeal to Ridicule

35. Miss Jones, upon being asked a difficult question by a rather unintelligent student in the class and not knowing the answer, replied, "Susan, I'm surprised at you. I always suspected you were stupid, but to show it off in class is really too much." She then went on to the next question.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

80. If you're tired of following that dull crowd and living in those sardine cans they call apartments and condominiums, then leave those senseless traffic jams behind and come to delightful Walden Gardens.

3 Appeal to Ridicule

89. Republican ad: "Vote for Democrat Hubert Humphrey, one-time druggist. Tranquilizers and headache pills for every domestic ailment."

3 Appeal to Ridicule

168.Bev Doolittle's camouflage art is offered in a limited edition subscription sale.

4 Appeal to Prestige

232.From a letter to selected citizens: "If you give generously to the symphony, your name will appear in the program that is handed out at each performance."

4 Appeal to Prestige

29. Cologne ad: "British Sterling: It will make you a legend in your own time."

4 Appeal to Prestige

Section D Mixed - 13 172.From a letter from the Mathematical Association of America: "If you are not a member of our association, you are missing out on membership in one of the most highly regarded professional and academic societies in the nation."

4 Appeal to Prestige

105. It's Cadillac if you're searching for a better way of life.

4 Appeal to Prestige

13. Magazine ad for Botany Men's Suits: "George Cabot Latham is a leading collector of objects of art. His collection includes antique silver sculptures, like the one he is holding. He also takes pride in his collection of Botany suits. They have been created specifically for men of superior tastes."

4 Appeal to Prestige

131. Martin & Rossi Asti Spumante is for those times when you have made it - when you have accomplished. Martin & Rossi says you are there.

4 Appeal to Prestige

141.Elegance Jewelers serves only a select clientele whose good taste is evident because they shop at our store. Impress her with your good taste. Give her an elegant gift from Elegance Jewelers.

4 Appeal to Prestige

149.When you go to the Olympics, take your VISA card with you because only VISA cards are accepted, NOT American Express. Only VISA singles you out for these unique events.

4 Appeal to Prestige

156.Ad: "The Few, the Proud, the Marines!"

4 Appeal to Prestige

161.Ad: "Gentlemen of distinction drink Culvert's whiskey."

4 Appeal to Prestige

164.Ad: "Smoke Cheroots, the thinking man's cigar."

4 Appeal to Prestige

17. You'll be looked up to when you look your best. That means a Stetson hat, HickeyFreeman suit, and Florsheim shoes. We have them all.

4 Appeal to Prestige

175.The Wimbledon Collection from Racquet Club - available in the finest stores in America.

4 Appeal to Prestige

185.Drink Anexter Ale. It is filled with elegance, breeding, and the finest in taste. Let your taste say you are elegant. Drink Anexter.

4 Appeal to Prestige

194.Read the Wall Street Journal. Be among the finest executives and the smartest financial minds in the world.

4 Appeal to Prestige

204.The Davey Crocket Memorial Gold Coin Collection is offered in a limited edition subscription sale. Add this Memorial offering to enhance your own select collection.

4 Appeal to Prestige

224. More from the letter: "We have inscribed our name on each card, so every time you show your card, you'll enjoy recognition for your professional standing and membership in the Who's Who Executive Club."

4 Appeal to Prestige

242.Ad: "Step up your quality of life and enjoy that special ambience of National Golf Club. You will feel the difference immediately."

4 Appeal to Prestige

33. Be the first one in your neighborhood to have a Watchman pocket television. Buy quickly.

4 Appeal to Prestige

48. Join the elite. Invest in Audubon Resort Hotels.

4 Appeal to Prestige

64. Yes, I know that the Dell and Gateway computers seem to offer better quality at a cheaper price. But I just wouldn't feel right about not picking the top of the line. We have to buy IBM.

4 Appeal to Prestige

72. Be the first kid on your block to own a code ring! Send $3 and ten cereal box tops immediately.

4 Appeal to Prestige

74. One word distinguishes the American Express card from all others - membership! And membership has its privileges.

4 Appeal to Prestige

81. Number One is Ford Pickups. First with Hi-Tech features. Best-built American trucks seven years running.

4 Appeal to Prestige

86. Ad: "Switch to Satinsmoke, the thoroughbred of pipe tobaccos, used by the owners of all winners of the New York Derby."

4 Appeal to Prestige

93. Among the graduates of Harvard are a Supreme Court Justice, several presidents of large corporations, and 22 presidents of major universities. We think your son would do well to enroll here at Harvard.

4 Appeal to Prestige

Section D Mixed - 19 253.New! Romeo Gigolo, the revolutionary fragrance created by Italy's foremost designer, exclusively at Dillard's. We know you'll enjoy being one of the first to be associated with this distinctive perfume.

4 Appeal to Prestige

158.Candidate: "Both my opponents in the governor's race are members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and both support the racial discrimination quotas and set-asides for minorities. I ask for your support."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

Section D Mixed - 17 227.Builder to the local town zoning board: "Our company is located right here in town. We have always hired local workers. Why, we have built homes and businesses for most of you on the board. That big company that is bidding against us is from way across the state. No telling whom they might hire. We deserve the business."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

177.From a letter from a candidate for governor to all voters in his home county: "It has been a long time coming, but we finally have a good chance of having one of our own as governor. I have lived, gone to school, worked, and played in this part of the state for most of my life. I'm your best choice on election day."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

82. The amendment may sound acceptable, but look at who's presenting it. Senator Fullbite is the most notorious left-winger in Congress. He must have some plot that's not immediately apparent. We conservatives have to block him.

5 Appeal to Prejudice

111.Dad doesn't want to go to his mother-in-law's house so while Mom is outside arranging her plants, Dad asks the kids the following: "Do you want to go to granny's and listen to the old folks gab about how things used to be, or do you want to go by Uncle Harvey's house, play in the clubhouse, and watch a football game?"

5 Appeal to Prejudice

127.Ad in women's magazine Shape: "Ryka, the ultimate lightweight performance shoe for women - designed by women. Sherri Roe, President."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

16. Taxes must never be used to support parochial schools. Should you and I support Catholicism? Never!

5 Appeal to Prejudice

180.A young car salesman from North Carolina watched the NCAA basketball championship game between North Carolina and Michigan with four potential customers from Michigan. The salesman spent most of the night cheering "Go Blue" for Michigan.

5 Appeal to Prejudice

184.You cannot vote for Rushmore. He drives a Lexus, drinks Heineken beer, and lives in Plush Acres. What can he know about us average guys?

5 Appeal to Prejudice

191. Legislator to fellow Congressman: "This bill is important to the nation. Besides the President is for it, and it will help our party keep control."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

202.Head of the teacher organization speaking: "Fellow teachers, this current proposal comes straight from the District Office. That is more than enough reason to be suspicious of it."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

208.You must do everything within your power to discourage Ross Perot from entering the Presidential race. You wouldn't want him to steal votes from the Republican camp.

5 Appeal to Prejudice

221.You're wasting your vote if you vote for the Democrat for Governor. I mean, how could you vote for a man named Cleo?

5 Appeal to Prejudice

23. Did you see Bush in his Vice-Presidential debate with Geraldine Ferraro? He gushed out emotions more than she did, and she's a woman! There's no way I'll vote for Bush for President.

5 Appeal to Prejudice

254.Student #1: "Don't tell me you still like Mrs. Wonderful after what she did to you." Student #2: "What do you mean?" Student #1: "Well, after all, she did change your seat so that now you have a Spanish girl on one side and a deaf person on the other."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

3. I cannot see how you can enjoy that piece of music. Why, it was a favorite of Hitler's.

5 Appeal to Prejudice

8. Men, this proposal comes from the management of this factory. I think this is reason enough for you to be suspicious of it.

5 Appeal to Prejudice

Section D Mixed - 3 28. An automobile advertising campaign states that Americans deserve a car of their own and encourages them to buy the company's car - "made in America, by and for Americans."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

Section D Mixed - 9 114.Upon being asked about her date with Roger, Dana sidesteps a few critical points by mentioning the following: "C'mon, Dad. You'd like Roger. He's a big fan of Notre Dame, just like you."

5 Appeal to Prejudice

132.Get BIC pastel shavers in the new six-pack. Pay for five, get one free.

6 Bargain Appeal

162.Ad: "Herbie's Chocolate Bars - the same price as five years ago!"

6 Bargain Appeal

163. Mom, all the kids have the new Nintendo game - and they're on sale!

6 Bargain Appeal

20. The TRA Fund Raiser Loan from First Federal Bank lets you use our money to open or fund your I.R.A. You get a refund or reduction on your Federal taxes right away, and come out dollars ahead - usually hundreds of dollars ahead.

6 Bargain Appeal

109. Model X, the luxury car for economy-minded people.

6 Bargain Appeal

120. If you call right now, this very minute, and order a ten-year subscription to Grime magazine, we guarantee you a 50% savings off the newsstand price, a football telephone, a pocket calculator, a lovely greeting card, a lapel pin, and a breathorizer that tells you when you've got halitosis.

6 Bargain Appeal

133.This is your lucky day. For a limited time only, take the envelope attached on the right to your nearby Hallmark store and we will fill it with a free Shoebox Card of your choice. Easy? You bet!

6 Bargain Appeal

165.Come back to A.T. & T. - for free!

6 Bargain Appeal

174.People who left A.T.& T. for another company complain that their calls do not get through on the first try and that the small savings are not worth the trouble. Come back to A.T.&T. and we will give you one month's calls free.

6 Bargain Appeal

189.You get a free 19 inch color TV and a free VCR when you purchase a satellite dish from Satellite Specialists, Inc.

6 Bargain Appeal

197.Ad in the mail: "Your name has been chosen at random to receive an exciting home stereo system through a special one-time offer. Go to Rumple's Department Store on Saturday between 11 AM and 4 PM to claim your system at unheard of savings."

6 Bargain Appeal

207.HR DeskJet printers let you show off. We have black and white and color printers starting at under $485.

6 Bargain Appeal

209.Begin sending your important letters and memos by FAX. Not only do your patrons receive their notices in a matter of minutes, but the cost of a FAX is little more than that of a letter and less than half the cost of overnight mail.

6 Bargain Appeal

220.Come to Milano's Tires. For this week only, buy three tires and get the fourth one free. Or buy one tire and get the second one at half price.

6 Bargain Appeal

222.Automobile dealer ad: "Their ad is our ad. We will meet or beat any deal you can get anywhere."

6 Bargain Appeal

228. Join the CD of the Month Club and get any 11 CDs from our catalog for 1 cent. Plus you get a chance to get more music each month.

6 Bargain Appeal

235.U.S. Postal Service ad: "Federal Express has 600 airplanes for delivering two-day priority mail. Cost: $6. The U.S. Postal Service has 1500 airplanes delivering twoday priority mail. Cost: $3."

6 Bargain Appeal

241.Ad: "Save up to 70% on Life Insurance. If you are 65 or older, in good health, and a non-tobacco user, you may qualify for our 10-year Super Select Team Life Insurance."

6 Bargain Appeal

47. Ad: "Why pay $50 for a Cabbage Patch Kid when you can get an exact copy, made in Korea, from our warehouse?"

6 Bargain Appeal

5. You will have no more need to hire high-cost professionals for those around-thehome repair jobs. With this amazing 106-piece Socket Wrench and Tool Set you will save year after year by doing it yourself.

6 Bargain Appeal

52. Ad for a car dealership: "We're overloaded, and more cars are coming in. They've got to go. Make us an offer."

6 Bargain Appeal

70. All Texaccon stations in the area give a discount for paying cash. You won't find this deal anywhere else.

6 Bargain Appeal

Section D Mixed - 11 142.Anabelle was thrilled when she received notice by letter that she had definitely won one of the top five prizes in a national sweepstakes giveaway. She had to go listen to a sales pitch out of state and had to spend about $200 in miscellaneous expenses to accept, but she did win the fifth item on the list: a genuine imitation pearl ring valued at $40.

6 Bargain Appeal

Section D Mixed - 12 155.Trying to find ways to beat higher postal rates? Tyvek envelopes from Curtis weigh just about half as much as regular paper envelops. It makes good business sense for you to switch to Tyvek.

6 Bargain Appeal

Section D Mixed - 2 14. Former President Bush says, "Hamburger is 66 cents a pound. Stop-n-Shop's price is 17 cents per pound less."

6 Bargain Appeal

Section D Mixed - 7 85. Buy Zoom-Zoom gas and play the exciting new game "Pic-a-Win" for free. Win valuable free prizes!

6 Bargain Appeal

Bargain Appeal

Ad for Hampton Inn: "Stay and Play. Kids stay free! Parents stay happy!"

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Ad for RE/MAX Real Estate: "We know there's a lot riding on your next home. It's only natural to want what's best for your family - beginning with a house you can really call a home. We can help."

Folksy Appeal

Ad for Smith's Apple Pie: "Just like grandma used to make."

Appeal to Practical Consequences

Ad for The Super School Project: "We teach students HOW to think, not WHAT to think, so they can solve the challenging problems they'll face in the future."

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Ad for baby products: "Love is the most powerful thing on the planet. Love is in a baby's first smile. In a grandmother's comforting touch. And in all the wonderful moments in between. Johnson and Johnson, for all you love."

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Ad in Education Magazine: "Old technology doesn't just affect how you teach. It affects how they learn. Educators have one mission: to provide students with the best learning experience possible. That means providing today's students with today's technology. CDW offers the technology products that can help bring out the very best in every student."

Bargain Appeal

Ad received in the mail from the Bronx Zoo: "Wild Gift Ideas! Limited time Christmas special: 13 month membership for the price of 12!"

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Ad: "A two o'clock remote lecture with a professor in Toronto. Then a three o'clock virtual lab with a research facility. Followed by evening graduate courses online. My network's got to be there for all of it. The solution is AT&T."

Join the Bandwagon Appeal

Ad: "Don't be the last to experience the awesomeness of IMAX 3D. Big thrill movies are always better on the IMAX 3D screen; see what everyone is talking about. Visit your local Cobb Theater today."

Appeal to Practical Consequences

Ad: "The Hertz Online Check-In Guarantee - a faster way to rent a car. Our new online check-in gets you on your way in 10 minutes or less. Guaranteed."

Appeal to Prestige

Ad: "The smartest private jet flyers know the Delta Private Jets Card offers straightforward pricing and no surprises. If you'd like to fly wisely with them, learn about the many advantages of Delta Private Jets."

Appeal to Practical Consequences

Ad: "Tired of looking at those little wrinkles and crow's feet on your face? Buy the new Antigua Anti-Wrinkle Cream today. It smooths and softens the creases of your skin to unlock a more youthful look."

Appeal to Pity

An elderly man in tattered clothes enters a clothing store. As he begins to handle the clothing on the racks, the manager calls security to remove that gentleman from the store. The elderly man says, "Please sir, I've lost my job and my home. I've been wearing these same clothes for a month. Please help me."

Appeal to Prejudice

Are you seriously going to fall in love with some weird nerd like him? He's a democrat, and you haven't voted that way forever!

No Technique

I bought these earmuffs for 50% off last month.

Appeal to Flattery

I knew you were smarter than the rest of us. You brought the Energizer Ultimate AA batteries to keep our flashlights going all the time during our overnight camping trip. Share your tent with me.

Appeal to Prejudice

I wanted to go to that sandwich shop, but we can't be seen there. They're Trump supporters, and I know how you can't stand those ignorant fools.

Appeal to Prestige

Automobile ad: "Luxury at its finest. The new BMW CLX2000 series will whisk you away in comfort and class. You know you deserve it. Don't miss out on the lavishness you've already earned."

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Brain power is what each parent want for his or her kids. Excelling in school is every parent's hop for his or her beloved child. Enroll at ABC Mouse to boost your kid ahead a grade and take them a step further.

Join the Bandwagon Appeal

But mom! when I go to school tomorrow, everyone will have a Swacket. I'll be the outsider!

Bargain Appeal

Buy these special Giant Eagle brand donuts and get another half dozen for no additional cost!

Appeal to Ridicule

Candidate for office: "My opponent talks to voters as if he thinks they've been living under a rock."

Appeal to Prejudice

Comment at a conservative Republican gathering: "Yes, I've heard that Bill Clinton is doing an incredible job helping to rebuild Haiti. But, remember guys, he's a liberal Democrat. It can't all be true. I'm not going to donate to his cause. You shouldn't either."

Appeal to Ridicule

Donald Trump in a campaign speech: "Here's a woman, she's supposed to fight all these different things, and she can't make it 15 feet to her car." He mimicked a stumble after he was done.

Appeal to Flattery

Kids, we really need your help with our school fund raiser. You are the brightest and best class we have in this school. I know that we can depend upon you.

Appeal to Flattery

Letter from Colorado State Athletic Department: "It is nearly impossible to describe the gratitude that we have for the contributions you make to Colorado State Athletics as a member of Rams Boosters. Even this member appreciation package and our Booster Life events don't fully express how important you and your contributions are to our student-athletes and to our program."

Appeal to Practical Consequences

If you don't practice our presentation for Tuesday, then I will make sure that we go just to fail you!

Appeal to Pity

If you have extra time and extra money in your life, you can help the poor and undernourished kids in Ecuador. Call us free today to see how little it takes to help.

Folksy Appeal

If you're stressed out about Midterms, don't fret. Come to Cocoa and Cram with your friends and finish some last-minute studying in the calm atmosphere of our friendly study group.

Join the Bandwagon Appeal

News report: "The Pokémon Go game is sweeping the nation. So Hillary Clinton's team announced that it plans to hold a campaign event at a Pokémon Go gym and PokéStop this Saturday."

Folksy Appeal

Now listen, good pal. I barely get any food, so just between us two best friends, an extra 1/2 cup per meal would build our relationship even stronger!

Appeal to Flattery

Now that I have met you in person, I think that you will appreciate the upgraded ZZ SUV. You have a lovely family, and they will really enjoy the incredible interior extra features.

Appeal to Prejudice

Of course, we cannot support Donald Bradley for U.S. Senate. He has never served in the armed forces, and he is constantly talking about peaceful communications with out enemies. We all know that military force is the only thing that those folks will listen to. We cannot have another peacenik in the U.S. Senate.

Appeal to Pity

Oh, you can't blame me for that little slip-up with the food. Why, I only get three cups a day, barely enough to live on, and I was starving. My stomach raged; I had no other choice but to steal an extra 1/2 cup from the food bag.

Folksy Appeal

Political candidate in the poorest part of New York City: "Hi! My name is Jason Thomas, and I'm running for the City Council. You might have seen some of my posters. I grew up in a neighborhood just like this one. I know how hard it is to make a living here. If I'm elected, I promise to help all of you get a better life."

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Political flyer received in the mail: "The democratic principles that this country was built on start with the election process and a united community. The future of our city depends on your participation. Vote for all the candidates listed on the other side of this page."

Appeal to Ridicule

Politician to Crowd: "I am inviting every intelligent person here to vote for me in the upcoming U.S. Senate election. The few fools that think my opponent can be trusted are encouraged to vote for her."

Appeal to Flattery

Pro coach to star player before championship game: "We brought you to our team just for games like this. You've always shined brightest on the biggest stage. I know you'll come through for us tonight."

Join the Bandwagon Appeal

TV Ad: "Hey kids, have you seen the new Barbie doll with her new clothes? They just got to the stores this week. All your friends will be buying one. Do you want to be left out? Talk to mommy today."

Appeal to Prestige

TV Car Ad: "Let all your friends know that you are very successful. Let them see you driving a new Findley Escort. It may cost more, but it's worth it."

Appeal to Pity

Teacher-You need to study! This is the fiftieth F you've gotten on a test this year! Student-But, please, my family is financially unstable, and I'm lucky if I eat anything around dinnertime. Can you let this one slide?

Appeal to Ridicule

That little dorks got nothing on me--Priscilla's going to the dance with me. I mean, he's in high school and still carries a teddy bear around with him!

Appeal to Practical Consequences

Mom, if you don't buy me this slightly expensive jacket, everyone at school will ignore me. I'll be an outcast! Is that what you want?

Appeal to Prestige

When you graduate from Harvard Law School, all voters will see you as a genius worthy to be president forever.

Appeal to Flattery

You are so smart! How could you be in 3rd grade with that extraordinary mind of yours? Visit our school, and you'll be in college by 11!

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Your child's education is important. It's the stepping-stone to his or her future. Choosing the correct school is one of the most difficult decisions parents have to make. That's why you should choose The Harrison School for your child. Put your trust in us.

Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

Your dog is always hungry. He or she begs you for every bit of food there is. Feed him or her Victor Pro Plus, and he or she will finally be thankful for the healthy hey delicious food he or she gets every day. He or she will finally be full!

178.Ad: "With Chipcom Online system concentrator, you can connect a tall building or a far-flung campus with a seamless, unified and totally reliable network. A network that is truly self-healing and capable of surviving multiple faults."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

203.Sugar company memo to all employees: "If the current Everglades clean-up bill passes in its proposed form, the cost to the company will be great and will necessitate the cancellation of the forthcoming salary raises. Write your Congressman and let him know how important it is to defeat this bill."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

6. Mercury Morris, the football player, received a minimum 15-year prison sentence for dealing in cocaine. John DeLorean lost his entire automobile business partly because of cocaine. Tell me, is it really worth that much to you?

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

Section D Mixed - 5 58. "Displays of clothing, shoes, and other merchandise on Main Street sidewalks have given the downtown strip the look of a 'Turkish market,'" stated the city council President. "We on the council must address the problem of sidewalk selling on Main Street or we can kiss the quality of life in our city goodbye."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

154.Other copier manufacturers claim a performance guarantee too. But will they put it in writing? NO! But Lanier will. Buy your next copier from us.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

159.Two thugs talking to a storeowner: "It will be more profitable for you to join our protective association. Think of the money you would lose in broken windows, overturned trucks, damaged merchandise, and so forth."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

217.The LifeWork Journal gives a high level of attention to the issues you face in your workplace. So that you can make wise choices - small and large - that can help you become more fulfilled in your life at work.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

223.On the front cover of a catalog sent in the mail: "This may be your last catalog if you haven't placed an order with us recently."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

25. The key issue in the balloting of the rank and file on the labor contract was to reach a settlement, and the union representatives were working hard to bring it about. They warned of a long and bitter strike if it were turned down.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

27. If you value freedom, you'll help fight Communism.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

84. Your community will save thousands of dollars per year for ambulances. Your sick will be cared for quickly. It will be convenient to visit your loved ones. Contribute your share to the new St. Luke's Community Hospital Fund.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

233.Ad: "Want that washboard tummy look, guys? With a minimum workout of only 20 minutes per day, the Exergenie can give you the washboard look in a matter of a few months."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequence

237.From a TV editorial against a law requiring return of bottles to stores: "Every store and supermarket selling beverages will have to buy empties back, sort them all dirty, sticky, and smelly for later collection. The bottle bill, we fear, is a wellintentioned mistake."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequence

100. My fellow Senators, vote yes on Ginsbork for the Supreme Court and you can say goodbye to every civil rights advancement that has been made for the last half century.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

104.Failure to pass the increased Defense Department appropriation will mean that we will fall further behind the Russians in the arms race, and they will be able to launch a nuclear attack against us which we cannot stop. They will destroy our cities and most of our population.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

108.Chaos will be the result at the Democratic Convention if we don't soon settle on one candidate.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

113.Notice on detention slip sent home to parents to sign: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, your son Homely has been given a detention on Friday the 13th, from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. Please sign this sheet advising us if he'll serve and how he'll get home. Be advised that if the child doesn't serve the detention, he'll be liable for suspension."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

119.Chris: "Give me one good reason why I should let you get in line first." Spike: "I'll give you five, and they're all knuckles."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

134.Want to stop those annoying winter cold symptoms? Take fast-acting, time-release Sinumat tablets.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

157.Ad: "Castrol Motor Oil provides maximum protection against viscosity and thermal breakdown."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

169.Welcome to Correct Grammar, the friendly WordPerfect add-on that checks each sentence, highlights mistakes, suggests corrections, and helps you add clarity to your writing.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

196.For smoother thighs and calves and a more attractive figure, use Nature's Own Slim Cream.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

205.Ad: "It's Friday and you still haven't finished all your tasks for the week. It seems like you have more and more to do and less and less time to do it. What's the answer? Macrosoft Office software will help you work faster and more efficiently."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

218.ColorStay lipstick stays on your lips. It sets in 60 seconds for all day wear. It won't kiss off on your teeth, your glass, or him.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

24. Israel to the United States: "You cannot withdraw your military support to us. If you do, the powerful Russian forces will take us over, and you will lose your control over the Middle East and all its oil forever."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

243.Ad: "Liberty Mutual taught Joe Mattingly the safest way to lift packages, including his young daughter. Liberty Mutual is committed to reducing the impact of low back pain, so someone like Joe won't miss work or the occasional piggy-back ride with daughter Lisa."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

255.A political ad: "It has provided money for education, more revenue for street and highway repairs, extra funds for parks and playgrounds. Vote to keep video poker."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

26. President of the company: "Just how would you suggest improving the performance of our sales force?" Sales manager: "That shouldn't be very hard. All our men have families; they all need their jobs. I'll simply tell them that the returns for next month will have to be up by 14% and that any man failing to show such improvement will be dismissed at once."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

32. Don't smoke. The Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoke is dangerous to your health.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

42. It is imperative that the earnings tax be approved. Without it, there will have to be massive cuts in essential city services.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

44. You must vote for David Seed for tax appraiser. His opponent Michael Mush promises that he will raise property values to about 1 1/2 of their present value. You will owe much more in taxes.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

53. I'm afraid to attend any meetings of the Sandinistas. Too many innocent citizens have been shot or arrested by the police for simply associating with a Sandinista.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

55. In the state of Indiana, the penalty for first offense possession of marijuana is a minimum of six months and a maximum of five years in the state penitentiary. Is it worth it?

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

66. Ad: "The Flame-Gun snow remover is the fastest way we know to clear away ice and snow. It saves work. It may save your heart. It is lightweight and easy to handle!"

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

95. Vote for the Republicans! A Republican vote means lower taxes, more jobs, less inflation, and a higher standard of living.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

97. We're talking about Communists, Joe. You know, given the chance, Communists would destroy everything we believe in. We must confront them at every opportunity.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

Section D Mixed - 14 186.American Medical Association in a letter to doctors: "You must support the AMA in its fight against the National Health Plan. If it passes, the rates you charge will be lowered for most services."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

138. Monopoly - the world's most popular board game. Get yours and find out why!

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

226.Over 190,000 people have already asked Congress to make President Bush face up to the facts on Iraq. Now we're shooting for 250,000. Join the call now!

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

244.Ad: "Denny's serves more breakfasts than other family restaurant."

8 Join the Bandwagon

122.From a television ad: "Reviewers are raving about Richard Pryor's latest movie, 'Comedy on the Run.' Be sure to see it at a theatre near you."

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

146.How can you not like rap music? All the kids love rap. It's the rage of young America. Do you want to be known as the only oddball in the school?

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

148. My dog just hums when he chows down on Doggie Biscuits. More dogs than ever are eating Doggie Biscuits. Yours should too.

8 Join the Bandwagon

234.At the end of a television ad: "Our operators are standing by to take your call. If the line is busy, keep trying."

8 Join the Bandwagon

230.From kids to teens to young adults, Arizona jeans are flashing the fashion statement all across the land. Your pair of Arizonas is next.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

10. Mom, may I have $50 for a pair of those freaky bellbottoms? I want to be different - just like everybody else.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

107.Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" is one of the best selling records of all time. You should get your copy now.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

116.But, Mom, all the other kids got to see "Preteen Altered Shogun Goldfish"! When are we gonna go see it?

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

136.The latest poll shows a 10% increase in support for Borkle for Governor. Vote for Borkle!

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

171.Nearly 200 people per month seek out the comfort and counsel offered by Sandy Pines Mental Health Center. The next time that you or someone close to you is in need, turn to us at Sandy Pines.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

183. Lawyers all over the country are subscribing to the new online computer research service, Inquire. May I register you for Inquire?

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

193. Mark and Sally and I are going to take in the modern art show at the Honi Museum tonight. It is the number one show of the year; it is breaking all attendance records. Come with us.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

216.People are rushing to access online services. Prodigy offers the easiest access menu and the finest set of choices. Sign up soon so you can communicate with everyone else.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

30. Ad: "Cut your work in half as millions of others do. Ease cleans and waxes at the same time."

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

34. More people watched CBS News with Dan Rather on election night than any other station. Watch CBS too and find out why.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

4. But, Mom! I've simply got to have those Sassoon jeans! Nobody's wearing those creepy plain pockets any more. Everyone will laugh at me. I know they are $20 more, but you've got to give in.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

54. Everybody else in the dorm is on strike against the food! What's the matter with you?

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

59. Dear Santa, Please bring me a Teddy Ruxpin Talking Teddy Bear just like the ones all my friends are getting. Love, Betty

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

73. Ad: "My cat even purrs when she's eating CalKlan. More cats are eating CalKlan cat food than ever."

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

96. The rush is on for tickets to the Steelers-Tampa Bay game. When are you going to get yours?

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

Section D Mixed - 15 200.Working people, bank presidents, and college students support Snerdley for Governor. Why not you?

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

Section D Mixed - 16 212. Last year over 300,000 Christian men gathered at national Promise Keepers conferences to praise God and unite in harmony. There are seven national sites for this year. Sign up now. It's too good to miss.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

Section D Mixed - 4 43. The tide of teachers is moving swiftly from the Classroom Teachers Association to the United Teaching Profession. Don't be the last one in your department to make the switch.

8 Join the Bandwagon Appeal

15. Note in workers' pay envelope: "The property tax bill is to be voted on next Tuesday. If passed, it means that wages will not be increased for one year."

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

57. President Clinton must clear up this Whitewater mess as soon as possible. Otherwise the Democratic Party will be soundly defeated in the next election.

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

173.From a speech by a political candidate: "I will make sure our city gets its fair share of state money to reduce the flooding problems we have suffered for too long. I will also work to remove the tolls from our bridges by the end of my first term."

9 Appeal to Practice Consequences

140.Academic games coach to a player: "You constantly complain that I make you practice too much. Would you rather finish last in the league?"

9 Appeal to Practical Consequences

Join the Bandwagon Appeal

61,324,576 people are with her. Don't be the last to join Hillary's cause!

128.Ad: "Do you remember grandma's crispy fried chicken? It was finger-lickin' good. At Chicken Shack, we make chicken the way your grandma used to. Come try a delicious serving and relive your youthful visits to grandma's house."

7 Folksy Appeal

238.Ad: "Hewlett Packard copiers. They are built by engineers for precision and reliability. But they fit right in with ease for normal people like yourself."

7 Folksy Appeal

75. Elect Roemer Governor and he'll be your "Buddy" in the state capital.

7 Folksy Appeal

123.Elderly gentleman in a TV commercial: "You know, they got so many fancy toothpastes today, with so many fancy names. Heck, some of 'em got more glitter than Hollywood; others is all spangled up with spots or striped with gel. There's nothin' fancy about Erodent, no spangles, no gels, no glitter, no fancy tastes. Just the basics. Clean teeth for down-to-earth people who ain't interested in all the frills."

7 Folksy Appeal

124.Actor in a TV ad: "Natural gas is cheaper; natural gas is better. Know what I mean, Vern? Oh, by the way, Vern, I love your little teddy bear."

7 Folksy Appeal

139.Big Dave, founder of Cindy's, doesn't like all those fancy foods with those fancy names. He likes what regular people like you and me like. Try one of Big Dave's no-nonsense hamburgers next time you go to Cindy's. It's not fancy. It's just plain old-fashioned good!

7 Folksy Appeal

179.Ride herd on Local Area Network problems. You can corral all your network problems with our easy-to-use software. Just call our friendly local representative and relax. You will be taken care of with the utmost courtesy.

7 Folksy Appeal

18. Card sent through the mail: "There's been a change. Jim Martin, your old Buick Wrangler, has joined the Curt Sole Wagon Train. Would be obliged if you'd stop by and buy your next car from an old friend, the Old Wrangler!"

7 Folksy Appeal

188.Ad: "A car is like a member of your family. Make the GM Traveler your family car."

7 Folksy Appeal

206.From an insurance company ad: "Judging by today's headlines, you might think it's an advantage to be cold, tough, and unfeeling. At Sigma we believe the opposite. That caring and compassion and an ability to look at things from the customer's point of view can go a long way in helping you succeed. Is our emphasis on caring unfair to our competitors? Who knows? All we know is, it's the only fair way to treat our customers."

7 Folksy Appeal

21. Telephone company ad: "Reach out and touch someone."

7 Folksy Appeal

219.Casual Works! The new business class: uncomplicated, informal, and totally relaxed. At Ralph Lauren in Macy's.

7 Folksy Appeal

39. If you want home-style food and a friendly atmosphere at real, down-to-earth prices, then you're Wendy's kind of people.

7 Folksy Appeal

62. Ad: "For over 100 years, Dillard's has catered to its special customers - you, our Gotham City neighbors. Continue the family tradition of shopping at Dillard's this Christmas."

7 Folksy Appeal

65. After a hard day's work in Jack Daniels country, folks unwind with checkers and lemonade. Our old-time distillery is located here in Lynchburg, Tennessee, in a county where folks know how to relax and enjoy life.

7 Folksy Appeal

9. Harry Jones is 70, but he's still full of vim and vigor. You see, Harry is the president of the Tendermoor Mattress Company, makers of the world's best mattresses. So he sleeps good nights. Every mattress made in our factory is made just like Harry's. Exactly. We figure if it's good enough for Harry, it's good enough for you.

7 Folksy Appeal

92. Bring your gal and come on down to Bob's Drive In for carry outs and cokes. We pride ourselves on having the coziest and chattiest place in town.

7 Folksy Appeal

Section D Mixed - 8 101.Dial 999, WAGL, for music, news, and weather. Come home to the station that caters to you - our Gotham City friends.

7 Folksy Appeal

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Unit 3: Chemical and Physical Changes

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ILTS Physical Education Content Exam (144)

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chapter 9 heath insurance basics

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AP Psychology Chapter 1 Thinking Critically With Psychological Science

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