ps101 Chapter 15

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In any given year, as many as ___ of the adult population suffer from one or another of the anxiety disorders identified by DSM-IV.


What percentage of the population displays symptoms of borderline personality disorder?


The DSM describes approximately ___ disorders.


In a given year, at least ___ percent of adults in Canada display serious psychological disturbance.


Surveys suggest that ___ of the North American population have the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder in any given year.


Studies estimate that ___ of people who suffer from severe depression commit suicide.


Surveys suggest that ___ of people in Canada suffer from at least one specific phobia in any given year.


Approximately ___ of adults in Canada are diagnosed with major depressive disorder in any given year.


Studies indicate that as many as ___ of all cases of acute stress disorder develop into posttraumatic stress disorder.


Approximately ___ of people with major depressive disorder recover within a year.


Which of the following phrases reflects the psychodynamic approach to defining abnormal behaviour?

Abnormal behaviour results from unconscious attempts to solve conflicts.

Which of the following people is most likely to have a borderline personality disorder?

Anita, who is sometimes very interested in participating in classroom discussions, but is sometimes likely to lash out at her instructor or classmates over perceived injustices

___ principles provide the leading explanations for specific phobias.


According to socio-cultural theory, which of the following persons would be least likely to develop depression?

Brenda who has just started a new job

According to the socio-cultural model, which of the following is least at risk for developing a psychological disorder?

Candace, an aboriginal youth who regularly participates in cultural ceremonies

___ believe that people with severe depression acquire distinctly negative behaviours and think in dysfunctional ways that help cause and lock in their disorders.

Cognitive- behavioural theorists

___ theorists propose that psychological disorders result largely from a combination of problematic learned behaviours and dysfunctional thought processes.


___ are repetitive and rigid behaviours or mental acts that people feel compelled to perform in order to prevent or reduce anxiety.


Which of the following most clearly illustrates an obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Constant sexual thoughts have made Lauryn anxious for several months. She now feels the need to read a particular religious passage over and over and over.

The leading classification system for mental disorders in Canada is the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

___ is characterized by a major loss of memory without a clear physical cause.

Dissociative disorder

According to neuroscience studies, which of the following neurotransmitters plays an important role in the development of generalized anxiety disorder?


Fiona has developed several distinct subpersonalities. Gordie is a convenience store clerk in Halifax, NS, with no memory of his life as a waiter in London, ON, several years ago. Heather has forgotten major portions of a period of her life during which she experienced serious trauma. Which individual's disorder is correctly identified below?

Heather - dissociative amnesia

Caroline recently had her laptop computer stolen from her university locker. According to Beck's research on automatic thoughts, which of the following thought patterns would put Caroline at greatest risk for developing depression?

Her laptop was stolen because she is stupid and, therefore, bad things always happen to her.

Which of the following does NOT demonstrate one of the irrational assumptions that Ellis associated with persons with GAD?

I am afraid of snakes, so I am not going to go walking in the forest.

According to cognitive-behavioural theorists, which of the following is NOT a statement that would be characteristic of a person with social anxiety disorder?

I am not going to go to the party. I was only invited because of my friend. Nobody actually likes me.

Which of the following is NOT a statement that someone with major depressive disorder is likely to say?

I have a lot of stress in my life, so I've been working a lot of overtime because it helps me deal with it.

Dr. Helgin is a reductionist neuroscientist. Which of the following explanations of schizophrenia would Dr. Helgin be least likely to support?

It is caused by an interaction between biological and environmental factors.

Janet is a 20-year-old identical twin who has recently been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Felix is a 24-year-old fraternal twin whose twin brother has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Sally's older sister, a 26-year-old female, has suffered from major depressive disorder for the past two years. According to neuroscientists, who is more likely to develop major depressive disorder?

Janet's twin sister

___ are persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses, or images that seem to invade a person's consciousness.


___ involves drawing broad negative conclusions on the basis of a single insignificant event.


Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate description of the neuroscientific understanding of panic disorder?

Panic attacks are produced by a circuit involving the amygdala, hypothalamus, and prefrontal cortex.

Which of the following persons is least at risk of developing PTSD?

Rachelle, a rape victim, whose family offer her strong support

___ is a disorder in which people deteriorate into a world of unusual perceptions, odd thoughts, disturbed emotions, and motor abnormalities.


According to ___ of depression people become depressed when they think that they no longer have control over the reinforcements in their lives and that they themselves are responsible for this helpless state.

Seligman's learned helplessness theory

Which of the following is NOT a biological explanation of schizophrenia?

Which of the following is NOT a biological explanation of schizophrenia?

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is published by the ___.

World Health Organization

Dave is terrified of spiders. In fact, he is so afraid, he would even try to jump out of a speeding car to get away from a spider. Dave has ___.

a specific phobia

Christine was beaten and robbed approximately one month ago. Following the attack, she frequently thought about it, had nightmares, and often felt afraid. Now, after a month she feels that her life has returned to normal and she is no longer afraid. It is likely that Christine was suffering from ___.

acute stress disorder

Panic disorder is often accompanied by ___, which is a fear of venturing into public places, especially alone.


Glenda has been referred for an ultrasound to discover the reason she is having abdominal pain. She wants her doctor to assure her she does not have cancer. Over the next few days, she thinks often about the ultrasound, as well as about the treatments she will have to undergo if it is cancer. She thinks about how terrible it will be for her children to grow up without a mother. Even though her doctor reassures her that it is unlikely to be cancer, she thinks about it constantly and is so anxious she is unable to sleep. According to new wave cognitive explanations of GAD, Glenda is demonstrating ___.

an intolerance of uncertainty

Joe is charming and manipulative. He views other people as objects to be exploited, and does not feel guilty when he hurts their feelings or takes advantage of them. Joe likely has ___.

antisocial personality disorder

Jamil cannot control his impulses. He constantly lies to his friends and family, without any remorse. His recent reckless behaviour has landed him in jail. Jamil's behaviour is consistent with the symptoms of

antisocial personality disorder.

Therese has a statistics test tomorrow and, instead of studying is watching television. When her roommate suggests she should study, Therese replies, "What's the point? I'm too stupid to pass the test anyway." This is an example of ___.

attribution-helplessness theory

The most common kind of hallucinations experienced by schizophrenics are ___ hallucinations.


When Mark was a small child, he and his father were in a serious car accident while driving over a bridge. Now Mark finds that whenever he drives over a bridge he becomes extremely frightened. According to the ___ perspective, Mark's fear is the result of ___.

behavioural; classical conditioning

Dr. Egley is a neuroscientist that believes that psychological disorders are the result of biological, social, psychological, and cultural variables. To which of the following models/perspectives does Dr. Egley subscribe?

biopsychosocial perspective

Brenda has not slept for days and forgot to pay her rent. However, she has been handing out money to people who are homeless. When a police officer tries to talk to her about why she is standing on a busy street corner handing out cash to all who pass by, she rapidly answers, but her thoughts fly from one idea to another. The police officer would be correct in suspecting that Brenda has ___.

bipolar disorder

Cyclothymic disorder is a chronic but less severe form of ___.

bipolar disorder

For the past month, Carlyle's co-workers have noticed that he has been extremely sad and withdrawn. This morning he came into the office talking excitedly about having purchased a brand new sports car because he is sure he is going to win this week's lottery. Which of the following disorders best describes Carlyle's symptoms?

bipolar disorder

Which of the following is NOT one of the somatoform disorders?

bipolar disorder

Carolyn seems to cycle between periods of depression, anxiety, and irritability. Her boyfriend, Don, reports that she has sudden outbursts of rage and, at times becomes physically aggressive with him. Lately, she has begun to cut the inside of her arms and has threatened to commit suicide if Don leaves her. Which of the following disorders does Carolyn likely have?

borderline personality disorder

Bill has schizophrenia and is a patient in a psychiatric hospital. He spends most days squatting in a corner for hours at a time. Bill is exhibiting ___.

catatonic posturing

The behavioural perspective suggests that abnormal behaviour is learned through ___.

classical conditioning operant conditioning modelling d) all of the above

According to Mowrer's two-factor theory of phobias, the fear is created by ___, and maintained through ___.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

According to the ___ perspective, maladaptive beliefs and illogical thinking processes are at the heart of abnormal functioning.


Huntington's disease is considered a ___ disorder.


Denise has been diagnosed with both depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Which of the following describes a diagnosis of two or more psychological disorders?


What term is used to describe an individual who has been diagnosed with two or more psychological disorders?


If a person qualifies for two or more diagnoses, this is called


In ___, a psychosocial conflict or need is converted into dramatic physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory functioning.

conversion disorder

For most of her life, Winona has had a reputation for having extreme mood swings. Some days she seems to be very happy and excited, while on other days she is very sad and unmotivated. Although she is unpredictable, her symptoms are fairly mild. Which disorder best describes Winona's symptoms?


Which of the following is one of the four "Ds" of psychological dysfunction?


Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of antisocial personality disorder?

deficient function of the temporal lobes

Leona is afraid of the colour yellow. Although she knows that the colour yellow is harmless, she cannot control her anxiety when she sees anything in the colour yellow. Which of the following is most consistent with these symptoms?

delusional anxiety disorder

Richard firmly believes that he is being plotted against, spied on, slandered, threatened, and attacked by his friends and family although there is a no evidence to support his beliefs. Richard is experiencing ___.

delusions of persecution

Since Cara was beaten and robbed, she often feels like she is watching her life as an observer. She reports to her psychologist that she feels like she is detached from her body and is in a dream from which she cannot wake up. Which of the following disorders does Cara likely have?

depersonalization/derealization disorder

Sheila is concerned because her twenty-year-old schizophrenic son is talking to her, but is not making sense. He is jumping from topic to topic, sometimes within the same sentence, and is totally incoherent. Sheila's son is exhibiting the symptom of ___.


Clara, a self-assured, well-liked, and otherwise average woman in sixteenth-century England wanted to pursue an education at the university level. By what definitional criterion may her behaviour be considered abnormal?


Which of the following measures of psychological dysfunction is most likely to be affected by time, culture, and history?


After administering a battery of psychological tests, Brittany's psychologist determines that she is suffering from borderline personality disorder. Brittany's psychologist has made a ___.


Dr. Chickley is a neuroscientist that believes that a person with depression probably had a genetic predisposition to the disorder and was at some point exposed to an external stressful event. To which of the following models/perspectives does Dr. Chickley subscribe?

diathesis-stress model

When talking to his psychiatrist, a patient with schizophrenia said, "The pain in my head is the fusion of egg and sperm, but it only takes a father to make a baby, then the world ends." This is an example of ___.

disorganized thinking and speech

Farren is a patient in a hospital after losing his leg in a serious car accident that also killed his best friend. Although the doctors have found no signs of a head or brain injury, Farren appears to have no memory surrounding the accident. Which of the following disorders does Farren probably have?

dissociative amnesia

Vanessa is a nurse in a hospital and is treating a young man who cannot seem to remember who he is or anything else about his life. The doctors have run many tests but have found no physiological cause for his memory loss. Which of the following disorders does the young man probably have?

dissociative fugue

Which of the following dissociative disorders is correctly defined?

dissociative fugue - individual forgets identity and flees to a new location

Marissa suffers from panic disorder, where she experiences unpredictable, unbearable episodes of panic that cause her to feel she is having a heart attack. Which criterion for defining abnormality does this description of her disorder represent?


Schizophrenia has been linked to abnormally high levels of which neurotransmitter?


Mary has difficulty understanding how to interact well with other people. She is socially awkward and withdrawn. Which of the criteria of mental illness best describes Mary?


Cognitive-behavioural theorists suggest that generalized anxiety disorder is caused in part by ___.

dysfunctional assumptions

According to Beck, major depressive disorder stems from ___.

dysfunctional attitudes illogical thinking processes the cognitive triad automatic thoughts e) all of the above

Stuart was a hermit who lived with 200 dogs, cats, and sheep on a farm in Scotland. Although this behaviour deviates from societal norms, some may apply a specific label to describe the marked individuality of this person. What is this label?


Selena has just suffered her first schizophrenic episode. According to the neuroscience model, which of the following is least likely to have caused her disorder?

environmental stressors that are the primary cause of other disorders.

According to the concept of ___, individuals can start out from very different places and yet, as a result of life experiences, eventually function (or dysfunction) in similar ways.


In the past two years, Jerri-Lynn has told her family and friends that she has two different terminal illnesses. She has been to the doctor numerous times, and despite the fact that the doctors and specialists have failed to find anything wrong with her, she continues to tell people that she is seriously ill. Which of the following psychological disorder does Jerri-Lynn most likely have?

factitious disorder

The link between physical illness and madness was finally made when the advanced symptoms of ___ included dementia, delusions, hallucinations, and inappropriate moods.

general paresis

Elizabeth has difficulty making decisions and even when she does make a decision, she worries about whether it was the right decision. Additionally, she always seems to feel "on edge" and is worried that something in her life will go wrong. However, she cannot pinpoint a particular cause of her anxiety. These symptoms can be best classified as ___.

generalized anxiety disorder

Jim has been working for the same company for 25 years. Even though the company announced that they had increased their profit by 20%, he was unable to sleep last night because he was worrying about losing his job and being able to pay his bills. Which of the following disorders best describes Jim's symptoms?

generalized anxiety disorder

Whenever, Kristin opens the kitchen cupboard, she hears the peanut butter talking to the ketchup about her. What is the term for Kristin's symptom?


Perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli are known as ___.


Which of the following is NOT part of the brain circuit believed to be involved in GAD?


Which of the following describes the main goal of the medical model approach to mental illness?

identify common symptoms, make predictions about prognoses, search for possible causes, and suggest treatment

For the past year, despite a lack of somatic symptoms, Kam has been going from doctor to doctor because he is sure he has cancer. Which of the following disorders would Kam most likely have?

illness anxiety disorder

Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of bipolar disorder?

insufficient serotonin and norepinephrine

According to attribution-helplessness theory people may feel helpless to prevent future negative outcomes and may experience depression if they attribute their present lack of control to an ___ cause.

internal, global, and stable

Assigning a diagnosis suggests that the client's pattern of dysfunction

is basically the same as patterns displayed by many other people. has been researched in numerous studies. has responded to certain kinds of treatment. d) all of the above.

Gillian often has thoughts about hurting her child. After she has such a terrible thought, she washes her hands over and over. According to cognitive behavioural theorists, Gillian washes her hands because ___.

it neutralizes and makes amends for the thoughts, thereby reducing her anxiety.

Raphael has a math test tomorrow. Although he has failed the last two tests, he has decided to go out to a movie tonight. Raphael is certain that, even if he studied, he would NOT pass the test. Raphael is experiencing ___.

learned helplessness

social withdrawal

loss of volition; delusions

Which of the following would a neuroscientist NOT agree might explain major depressive disorder?

low activity of the pituitary gland

Luc failed a 10-point pop quiz in his chemistry class. Although there are 500 points possible in the course, he says, "I'm not going to pass this course because of this." This is an example of what Beck would call


Celine has been having difficulty sleeping, cannot seem to concentrate at work, is sad most of the time, and seems to have lost interest in things that she always use to enjoy. Which disorder is Celine likely suffering from?

major depressive disorder

Dysthymic disorder is a chronic but less severe form of ___.

major depressive disorder

Morris is having trouble sleeping, has lost his appetite, is too tired to go to work, and cannot concentrate on simple television shows. It is most likely that Morris is experiencing a ___.

major depressive disorder

According to the concept of ___, children can start from the same point and eventually function in very different ways.


Brandon and his brother Trent grew up in a poverty-stricken neighbourhood with a single mother who was working three jobs to pay the bills. While growing up, the boys were often left at home alone and thus were exposed to drugs and crime. Although Brandon grew up to be a successful doctor who is happily married with two children, Trent has been in jail most of his adult life. He is often depressed and has been unable to hold a job and maintain his social relationships. The principle of ___ explains how Brandon and Trent started from the same point but eventually functioned in very different ways.


Dissociative identity disorder was formerly termed ___ disorder.

multiple personality

Which of the following is NOT part of Beck's cognitive triad?

negative thoughts about others

Depression is related to the insufficient activity of which of the following neurotransmitters?

norepinephrine and serotonin

Jenna is seeing a therapist for treatment of her depression. Her therapist tells her that he thinks Jenna's problems have arisen due to an unsatisfactory relationship with her mother, who left when she was six years old. Jenna's therapist is most likely a ___ theorist.

object relations

Janice is depressed. She goes to pour herself a glass of juice and spills it. She says to herself, "I can't even pour a glass of juice properly." This is an example of what Beck would call


Urie is frequently and suddenly overcome by intense anxiety, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. Urie is most likely suffering from ___.

panic disorder

Object relations theory states that

people are motivated by a need to establish relationships with others.

Object relations theorists propose that severe ___ may result in abnormal development and psychological problems during adulthood.

problems in early relationships

Which of the following groups of disorders is characterized by a loss of contact with reality?

psychotic disorders

The ability to recover from or avoid the serious effects of negative circumstances is called ___.


Liana just moved to a new town. Instead of focusing on the benefits of her move, she only sees the negatives. Liana is experiencing ___.

selective perception

Marie just had a party where ten guests showed up, but two didn't. Marie spends the next day wondering why two of her friends let her down. This is an example of what Beck would call

selective perception.

OCD is associated with low ___ activity.


Leroy refuses to dance because of an intense, irrational fear of being negatively evaluated by others. Leroy has ___ anxiety disorder.


Greta won a makeover at the cosmetic counter of the local department store. Once she is sitting in the chair she suddenly feels ugly and ridiculous, and knows that the makeup artist is laughing at her and everyone who walks by is thinking how a makeover is a waste of time. Greta suffers from ___.

social anxiety disorder

Trevor has recently lost his job as the company he works for has been downsizing. He knows he is not the only one as many companies and businesses have recently closed down due to an economic recession. According to the socio-cultural model, which risk factor for psychological disorders does this describe?

social change

Alyssa feels uncomfortable talking in groups, and her professor has assigned her an oral presentation to give in front of the class. She is afraid of making a "fool" out of herself, and starts to have symptoms similar to a panic attack. What anxiety disorder best classifies her condition?

social phobia

Tanner has been living on the street even though his parents have pleaded with him to come home. He spends most of his time alone and doesn't even speak to the other homeless people he meets. Which symptom of schizophrenia does this demonstrate?

social withdrawal

In the past three years, Lilly has often complained of stomach pain, headaches, and dizziness. She has been hospitalized twice for diagnostic tests, and although the doctors have not found anything physically wrong, she continues to suffer from a variety of symptoms. Which of the following disorders is Lilly most likely to have?

somatic symptom disorder

Josie often has headaches and chest pain but her doctor says these physical ailments have little to no organic basis. This suggests Josie may have a(n) ___.

somatization disorder

Currently the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is in its ___ edition, while the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is in its ___ edition.

tenth / fifth

According to the textbook's complete definition of abnormal behaviour, which of the following statistically infrequent behaviours would qualify as most abnormal?

the belief that the CIA is following you

Comorbidity means that

the person qualifies for diagnoses of two or more disorders.

Dr. Brainy is a neuroscientist who is conducting research on possible causes of depression. In which of the following might Dr. Brainy be interested?

the role of genetics and viral infections on depression

When Beck says that people have automatic thoughts, he is referring to

thoughts that come into our minds without conscious intent.

Obsessions are to ___ as compulsions are to ___.

thoughts; behaviours

Which of the following symptoms are correctly matched with their definition?

waxy flexibility - maintaining a posture into which they have been placed by someone else

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