PSY-101 Ch. 6

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law of effect

The______________ MOST clearly influenced: Skinner's experiments on reinforcement.

extrinsic motivation

a motivation to take actions that lead to reward

negative reinforcement

the reinforcement of a response by the removal, escape from, or avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus

intrinsic motivation

A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake


A guest will be spending time in Mrs. Bartos' classroom. To make sure her students imitate this guest's prosocial behaviors, Mrs. Bartos should pick someone who the children think is: _____________ to them


A psychologist is conducting a research study with 24 men on the effects of movies and sexual violence. The psychologist will have the men watch three violent films over the next two days and then assess their attitudes toward women and violent sexual acts by reading actual cases of rape victims. The psychologist should find that, as compared with men in a control group: the men express ____________sympathy for the rape victims. less or more


A statement about the function of mirror neurons is: our brain's mirror neurons underlie our intensely _________nature.

extrinsic; intrinsic

Behavior driven by rewards, rules, and responsibilities is to __________________ motivation as behavior motivated by enjoyment, satisfaction, or challenge is to ______________ motivation. extrinsic; intrinsic or intrinsic; extrinsic

Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

Emphasizes behavior, environment, and cognition as the key factors in development

observational learning

Four-year-old Mia watched her mother sing while she was brushing her hair. The next day, Mia's mother saw Mia singing while brushing her dog. Mia acquired the behavior through:

variable-ratio schedule

Gamblers and fisherman have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble and fish because of the ________________ of reinforcement.

mirror neuron

If a child is watching a favorite sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, a ______________ is likely to be activated in an empathetic response to this observation.

mirror neuron

If a child is watching a favorite sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, a type of brain cell called a ___________ is likely to be activated in an empathetic response to this observation.

Law of Effect

Thorndike's _________ responses that lead to satisfying consequences are more likely to be repeated


In teaching her son to play basketball, Mrs. Williams initially reinforces him with praise for simply dribbling while standing still, then only for walking while dribbling, and finally only for running while dribbling. She is using a procedure known as

observational learning

In the classic "Bobo doll" research, Bandura and his colleagues (1961) demonstrated that aggressive behavior may be acquired through


Jennifer trained her dog to howl when he heard Jennifer play the piano by giving him a treat for doing so. One day in her car, Jennifer played a CD of a piano concerto and her dog began to howl. The dog learned to howl through operant conditioning and also demonstrated ________________of a learned response.


Johnny is "hammering" the nail in with his toy hammer as his father is hammering the deck boards. His behavior is a clear example of:

latent learning

Learning that is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior is called

intrinsic; extrinsic

Marcus is taking advanced placement chemistry in high school because he loves science and is fascinated by chemistry experimentation. Wade is taking advanced placement chemistry because his guidance counselor told him he had to if he intended to apply to a pre-med program at a competitive university. Marcus is motivated by ____________ motivation, while Wade is motivated by _____________ motivation. intrinsic; extrinsic or extrinsic; intrinsic


Observational learning; Bobo dolls; social-cognitive theory

negative reinforcement

Thomas regularly buckles his seatbelt simply because it turns off the car's irritating warning buzzer. This BEST illustrates the value of

law of effect

Thorndike's principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely

variable-ratio schedule

a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses

operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher.


learning by imitating others; copying behavior


learning that results from the reinforcement of successive steps to a final desired behavior

latent learning

learning that takes place in the absence of reinforcement

mirror neuron system

neurons that respond to your own or someone else's actions; help in imitation


the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses

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