PSY 108 - CH 7

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Mindfulness decreases the effectiveness of interpersonal communications

Which of the following about mindfulness is FALSE? Mindfulness requires a person to be present in the moment. Attentional deficit inhibits mindfulness. Mindfulness can be practiced. Mindfulness enhances a person's ability to develop and sustain loving relationships.

Hope, optimism, and resilience are associated with:

employee work performance, student academic performance, employee goal orientation

Authentic Leadership is associated with:

reduced workplace bullying employees willingness to give voice to concerns job satisfaction and organizational commitment


Are resources that fuel individual, group, and organizational success Help build social, psychological, and physical resources Combat negative emotions Broaden your mindset, open you to consider new things Have benefits which endure over long periods of time

Inhibitors of mindfulness

Attentional deficit: Inability to focus vividly on an object Attentional hyperactivity: Happens when our minds are racing or wandering, resulting in compulsive daydreaming and/or ruminating

POSITIVE EFFECT (Third process)

Attraction of living systems toward positive energy Using positive practices creates an organizational atmosphere of positive energy

Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism (often referred to as HERO)

PsyCap is a cluster of FOUR STRENGTHS people hold: Together these are powerful predictors of performance at work.


Psychological Capital


Researchers have identified three such processes, though careful experimentation and observation. The first is the "amplifying" process. Positivity begets positivity, which means that not only do you reap the benefits of helping somebody else, but they too benefit, and so does the person they help, and so on, and so on.

Engagement (PERMA)

The extent to which you are physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved with an activity, task, or project Being engaged in something has been referred to as being in the "zone" or in a state of "flow."

Organizational Practices

These might include training in positive interpersonal skills and programs such as offering medical insurance, even to part-time or temporary workers. Treating people well means they treat the organization well. Virtuous leaders also hold the characteristics of having great integrity, the willingness to forgive, and treating people with respect and dignity so that they trust the leader.

Organizational Values

Value systems in which all parties are valued in the face of a conflict (restorative justice); generally showing compassion for people and restraint in difficult interpersonal situations.


Are limiting Spur you to act in narrow or specific ways


Most people have many strengths and the capacity for growth; in organizational psychology, we can capitalize on that growth to make work and organizations both more successful and more enjoyable.


Resiliency is the capacity to consistently bounce back from adversity and to sustain yourself in the face of challenges.

Some of these Capacities are trainable

hope, optimism, resilience, and hardiness - brief training sessions among various employees and student groups demonstrate you can expand your own capacities in these areas

BUFFFERING (Second process)

Positivity reduces the impact of negative events and stressors Positivity is a protective device for employees, preventing or decreasing negative outcomes People use resources such as their Psychological Capital (PsyCap) to buffer negative events

Achievement (PERMA)

Pertaining to the extent to which you have a self-directed life, containing achievement for its own sake. In other words, we flourish when we pursue achievement for its own sake. Doing so fosters feelings of mastery, which in turn enhances our self-esteem and self-efficacy. And remember, what you define as representing an achievement may not be what others would say, but it's your definition that counts!

Relationships (PERMA)

Positive emotions are associated with activities involving others Social support is the amount of perceived helpfulness derived from social relationships: Esteem support Informational support Social companionship Instrumental support


Positive emotions have desirable effects on Organizational commitment Creativity Decision making Intentions to quit Performance Stress


Positive qualities in people clearly have to interact with features of the organization, such as the culture/climate of the organization and situational factors. This is always the case in organizations - people interact with their situations and surroundings. Ultimately, this can create positive outcomes such as enhanced performance, decreased stress, greater commitment to organizations, and so on.

AMPLIFYING (First process)

Positivity in one person spurs positivity in another, and another, and so on. People make use of positive practices, such as performing acts of kindness; these practices are repeated by others Spirals of positivity help produce positive outcomes in orgs: Broaden & Build Theory

Creating a Climate That Fosters Positive OB

Organizational Values, Organizational Practices, Virtuous Leadership

Efficacy and / or hardiness

Also show positive effects, employee work performance, student academic performance, employee goal orientation

Strategies to Increase Your Own Positivity

Create HIGH QUALITY CONNECTIONS with others. Focus on deepening the quality of connections; positive connections are energizing Cultivate KINDNESS. Being kind is not difficult, and can often be quick and cost-free. Try a few "random acts of kindness". They feel good. Develop DISTRACTIONS. Distract yourself, in a healthy way, from dwelling unnecessarily on negative thoughts DISPUTE NEGATIVE SELF-TALK and thoughts. Recognize the thoughts that are irrational; aim to replace them with more positive and rational thoughts

POSITIVE ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE (Positive Organizational Scholarship)

Creating systems of rewards that support safety, well-being, cooperation


Having a goal and the determination to achieve it


Means for achieving the goal Ability to see alternative paths to achieve the goal

realistic optimism

being lenient for the past, appreciating the present, and seeking opportunities for the future.

Organizational Resilience is associated with:

lower financial volatility, higher sales growth, and higher chances of survival over a 15-year period


occurs with achievement is pursued for its own sake

Positive Organizational Climates are associated with:

organizational commitment, and perceived educational performance organizational citizenship behaviors

Positive emotions (PERMA)

Broaden your perspective about how to overcome challenges in your life Build on themselves resulting in a spread of positive emotions Strengthens RELATIONSHIP with others (the R component in PERMA)


Confidence in your ability to do something Influences the world around you and your ability to deal with inherent challenges and opportunities When high, leads to being more confident and positive

AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP (Positive Organizational Scholarship)

Deep awareness of own behaviors and impact on others self-regulating positive behaviors, including being transparent,, moral, ethical, future oriented

We receive four types of social support from others:

Esteem support - Providing information that a person is accepted and respected despite any problems or inadequacies. Informational support - Providing help in defining, understanding, and coping with problems. Social companionship - Spending time with others in leisure and recreational activities. Instrumental support - Providing financial aid, material resources, or needed services.


Hope is sometimes described as having both the "willpower" and the "waypower" to achieve a goal

Benefits of mindfulness

Increased physical, mental, and interpersonal effectiveness More effective interpersonal communications More balanced emotions; fewer feelings of conflict Personal and job satisfaction Improved productivity Better sleep Chronic pain reduction


Optimists view successes as occurring due to their personal, permanent, and pervasive causes; in contrast, they view negative events as occurring due to external, temporary, and situation-specific causes. Optimists are realistic and flexible. Optimism is self-inspirational.

ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE (Positive Organizational Scholarship)

Organization's capacity to bounce back from adversity, conflict, failure. achieved through balancing risk-focused strategies with assets, and focusing on positive organizational values (e.g., corporate social responsibility)

Benefits of Virtuous Leadership (organizational-level outcomes)

Organizational financial performance Individual performance on tasks Organizational commitment Reduced turnover Career satisfaction Customer satisfaction Positive organizational climate General organizational effectiveness

fake happiness

Stanley would like to increase his positivity. He should do all of the following EXCEPT. Establish social connections with co-workers, family, etc. Go for a run when he feels negativity coming on. Use self-talk to stop negative thoughts. Volunteer to help a friend who is in a difficult situation


State of REDUCED ATTENTION expressed in behavior that is rigid or thoughtless EASY TO SLIP INTO because it requires minimal information processing Associated with AUTOMATIC BEHAVIORS, like driving Associated with POOR MENTAL and PHYSICAL HEALTH

Flow (PERMA)

State of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake Flow is a positive state because well-being is positively impacted by deep attention and engagement with an activity. When we are in flow we are not necessarily thinking about anything; we are just doing! Our concentration is so high during flow that we use all of our cognitive and emotional resources needed for thought and feelings.


Study of that which is: positive, flourishing and life-giving forces in organizations Focus: organizational structures and systems which allow positive to exist (e.g. org cultures, fair selection systems) Aim: improve organizational performance and competitiveness


Study of the application of Positive Oriented Human strengths and psychological capacities Focus: measurement, development, and management of those individual qualities Aim: improve employee performance

POSITIVE DEVIANCE (Benefits of Positive OB)

Successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction Employees who "flourish" at work also show: Higher overall job performance Less burnout Increased commitment Higher job satisfaction Fewer sick days When employees flourish, we see many good work-related outcomes, as listed above.

A Buffering Effect

The Garden Gnome Company is trying to counteract a negative situation that occurred last year by creating a positive influence. Garden Gnome is hoping to create

Willpower AND Waypower

Two Components of Hope

Flourishing reflects the extent to which our lives contain PERMA. P = Positive emotions E = Engagement R = Relationships M = Meaning A = Achievement When we flourish, our lives result in "goodness . . . growth, and resilience." We should all strive to flourish because of its association with other positive health outcomes.

What Is Flourishing?

Well-being is the combined impact of five elements (PERMA) P = Positive emotions E = Engagement R = Relationships M = Meaning A = Achievement We must pursue them for their own sake, not as a means to obtain another outcome

What Is Well-Being?

policies and practices

Which of the following is NOT a component of PERMA? positive emotions: relationships achievement policies and practices engagement


Sometimes organizational psychologists refer to employees who "flourish" at work - this means they have developed a great sense of well-being at work. That well-being has typically been developed through a combination of: POSITIVE EMOTIONS feeling ENGAGED in the work establishing positive and supportive RELATIONS at work finding MEANING in their work and outside of work, and are involved with self-chosen opportunities to ACHIEVE.


The awareness that emerges through PAYING ATTENTION ON PURPOSE Is in the PRESENT MOMENT Is NONJUDGEMENTAL to the unfolding of experience moment by moment REQUIRES EFFORT because the brain works in ways that detract from staying focused REQUIRES ATTENTIONAL BALANCE

The Power of Positive Emotions

They are contagious. Positive behaviors, feelings, and attitudes feed your own and those of others in a continual, reinforcing process. They can offset negative emotions. Need multiple positives experiences to counter a negative experience.

a goal and a means for achieving the goal

To have hope, one needs to have:

Virtuous Leadership

Virtuous leadership - has been a recent focus of positive organizational behavior because of leaders' impact n the climate of an organization as a whole. Leaders who show a virtuous style of leadership are really focused on the greater good for his/her employees rather than being self-focused (on, for instance, gaining more power, prestige, or money). When leaders are virtuous, all sorts of positive organizational outcomes result, as you'll see on the next slide.

Meaningfulness (PERMA)

when someone feels a sense of belonging and serving something that is bigger than self The concept of meaningfulness is both subjective and objective. You can even attain meaningfulness at work, if you believe you are contributing to something that is bigger than yourself - for instance, by serving the companies' goals, you may attain meaning (but only if you actually care about the goals of the company!)

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