PSY 110 Exam 1

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Which of the following study titles is potentially ageist? 1)"Pros and Cons of the Resurgence of Three-Generation Households" 2)"Characteristics of Late-in-Life Marriages in Long-Term Care Facilities" 3)"Adaptation to Lower Quality of Life in the Septuagenarian Community" 4)"Improved Outcomes for Stroke Victims Through Occupational Therapy"

"Adaptation to Lower Quality of Life in the Septuagenarian Community"

A subject reports persistent feelings of fear and anxiety. Which of the following questions would reflect a researcher practicing humanistic psychology? 1)"What stimuli in your environment accompany your negative feelings?" 2)"How does your fear and anxiety inhibit you from pursuing your goals?" 3)"What was your relationship with your parents like as a child?" 4)"Do the expectations of your family members clash with the values of your workplace?"

"How does your fear and anxiety inhibit you from pursuing your goals?"

Which of the following examples is most related to the functions of the midbrain? 1)A camper wakes up in her sleeping bag, sweating profusely, but ends up shivering when she crawls out. 2)A student starts taking the bus after being badly frightened by a stray dog when walking home. 3)A construction worker receives a jolt from an electrical outlet and makes a note to be more careful. 4)A mailman walks down a line of mailboxes, inserting letters into slots while thinking about what he'll do after work.

A construction worker receives a jolt from an electrical outlet and makes a note to be more careful.

Which of the following examples is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system? 1)A person's heart slows down after she outruns an aggressive dog. 2)A person feels a jolt of adrenaline when slamming on the brakes of her car. 3)A person identifies the taste of a scoop of ice cream as being minty. 4)A person steps over a piece of gum on the sidewalk after spotting it.

A person's heart slows down after she outruns an aggressive dog.

Which of the following is an example of experimenter bias? 1)A researcher unintentionally cues a subject for a specific response using his tone of voice. 2)A researcher neglects to assign experimental subjects to test or control groups at random. 3)A researcher fails to take into account the preexisting conditions of the subjects. 4)A researcher tells a subject what the effect of a medication is supposed to be before testing.

A researcher unintentionally cues a subject for a specific response using his tone of voice.

How do weak stimuli and strong stimuli differ in their effects on the nervous system? 1)A weak stimulus causes neurons to fire only partially, whereas a strong stimulus causes many neurons to fire completely. 2)A weak stimulus shortens the refractory period whereas a strong stimulus elongates the refractory period. 3)A weak stimulus causes neurons to fire in small numbers, whereas a strong stimulus causes many neurons to fire at once. 4)A weak stimulus causes action potential to move down the axon whereas a strong stimulus causes action potential to move up the axon.

A weak stimulus causes neurons to fire in small numbers, whereas a strong stimulus causes many neurons to fire at once.

Which of the following describes a spinal reflex? 1)Declan reaches into a drawer, but jerks his hand back when he encounters a sharp object. 2)Abdu runs backward while watching a ball fly through the air and makes the catch. 3)Andrea begins to sweat when she notices a stranger following her out of the grocery store. 4)Curline takes a bite of cake and feels an allergic reaction begin in her throat.

Declan reaches into a drawer, but jerks his hand back when he encounters a sharp object.

A researcher conducts a study trying to determine which type of desk arrangement in a classroom best facilitates learning. Which specialty is this researcher likely practicing? 1)Industrial/organizational psychology 2)School psychology 3)Developmental psychology 4)Educational psychology

Educational psychology

Which of the following cases could be useful to investigate using a combination of virtual reality and fMRI scanning? 1)Investigating light sensitivity in patients suffering from epilepsy 2)Mapping out how autistic brains process glucose 3)Examining the neural processes behind the fear of flying 4)Discovering the precise boundaries of a malignant brain tumor

Examining the neural processes behind the fear of flying

Researchers design an experiment to test the hypothesis that people who leave above-average tips at restaurants do so because they are in good moods at the time. This is an example of which fundamental goal of psychology? 1)Influence 2)Description 3)Prediction 4)Explanation


Which of the following hypotheses would be the most reasonable to design a short-term laboratory experiment around? 1)If a female child is socialized only with boys, she will adopt gender norms usually associated with males. 2)If a person who is afraid of dogs is provided with a robotic facsimile, his fear will recede over time. 3)If an adolescent is taught fluency in a second language, she will improve mastery over her native language. 4)If a person who is anxious about the state of his finances is provided with material means to solve his problems, his anxiety will be reduced.

If a person who is afraid of dogs is provided with a robotic facsimile, his fear will recede over time.

Which of the following qualifies as a theory? 1)Men tend to drive faster than women do because they are less afraid of getting caught. 2)Restaurant servers believe they can predict which diners will tip them and which won't. 3)Some children are obedient, while others are not. 4)My sister warned me that I wouldn't enjoy that film, and she was right.

Men tend to drive faster than women do because they are less afraid of getting caught.

How do quasi-experiments differ from experiments? 1)Quasi-experiments are only applicable to comparative cross-cultural research. 2)Quasi-experiments do not strictly adhere to the principles of the scientific method. 3)Quasi-experiments do not allow researchers to manipulate independent variables. 4)Quasi-experiments can only demonstrate negative correlation, not positive correlation.

Quasi-experiments do not allow researchers to manipulate independent variables.

Which of the following analogies best describes how neurotransmitters and receptors interact? 1)Receptors are blank puzzle pieces that can fit any given second piece. 2)Receptors are rigid locks with only one key that can open them. 3)Receptors are elastic socks that can fit different foot sizes of the same shape. 4)Receptors are pools that can fit many different swimmers at the same time.

Receptors are elastic socks that can fit different foot sizes of the same shape.

Which of the following represents a participant-related bias? 1)Researchers test the effects of contact sports on aggression but do not establish a control group. 2)Researchers publish the results of research on heart disease but do not disclose that their subjects were compensated. 3)Researchers select a group of unmarried men to examine stress associated with childcare. 4)Researchers select a group of depressed participants for a trial of a new anti-anxiety drug.

Researchers select a group of unmarried men to examine stress associated with childcare.

Which of the following experiments is an example of applied research? 1)Scientists investigate which note-taking strategies are most helpful to college students. 2)Scientists investigate why certain teenagers join groups while others do not. 3)Scientists investigate how vivid dreams affect sleep quality. 4)Scientists investigate which color pairings increase the recall of a list of digits.

Scientists investigate which note-taking strategies are most helpful to college students.

Which of the following represents a control group in a study about social cooperation? 1)Subjects are assigned to sit at a large table to complete math tests and must share a small pool of pencils. 2)Subjects are provided with sharpened pencils and assigned to sit at a large table to complete math tests. 3)Subjects are assigned to sit at individual desks with either broken or unbroken pencils to complete a math test. 4)Subjects are assigned to sit at individual desks to complete a math test and must fetch pencils from a small supply at the front of the room.

Subjects are provided with sharpened pencils and assigned to sit at a large table to complete math tests.

What advantage does an fMRI have over a PET scan? 1)The fMRI can be used on conscious patients, unlike the PET scan, which is only used on unconscious subjects. 2)The fMRI can detect changes over the course of a minute, while the PET scan has a one-second range. 3)The injections used in an fMRI do not contain radioactive materials, unlike the PET scan. 4)The fMRI reveals the precise locations of biochemical activity, whereas the PET scan is broader.

The fMRI reveals the precise locations of biochemical activity, whereas the PET scan is broader.

In which of the following experiments would the death of animal subjects be ethically justified? 1)The observation of the effects of an LSD overdose 2)The development of a supplement to treat male pattern baldness 3)The replacement of kidneys with lab-grown specimens 4)The testing of a new all-ages anti-acne medication

The replacement of kidneys with lab-grown specimens

How did Watson, Skinner, and other behaviorists permanently alter the study of psychology? 1)They combined internal and external theories of behavior into a unified, holistic psychological model. 2)They introduced mental models of psychological processes based on cognitive structures. 3)They rejected approaches to psychology that took into consideration internal mental processes. 4)They adapted the abstract psychoanalytic theories of Freud into concrete, empirical study.

They rejected approaches to psychology that took into consideration internal mental processes.

Which of the following best describes how neurons communicate with one another? 1)Through the exchange of fluids in the synaptic cleft between cells 2)Through the restoration of resting potential in the refractory period 3)Through a physical "handshake" between dendrites and axon terminals 4)Through the receipt of electrical impulses through ion channels in the cell membrane

Through the receipt of electrical impulses through ion channels in the cell membrane

An experiment can be tainted by a confounding variable when 1)participants are assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. 2)the design mixes up the independent and dependent variables. 3)a non-measured factor affects the measured outcome. 4)a researcher follows the procedure to precisely, leaving no opportunity to observe participants' spontaneous behavior.

a non-measured factor affects the measured outcome.

The neurotransmitters _________ and _________ are both involved in movement. 1)serotonin; glutamate 2)acetylcholine; dopamine 3)dopamine; serotonin 4)glutamate; dopamine

acetylcholine; dopamine

Researchers use CT scans to 1)build cross-sectional models of the brain with X-rays. 2)measure magnetic changes to examine neuron bundles. 3)produce clear and detailed brain images with magnetic impulses. 4)map the patterns of blood flow with positron emissions.

build cross-sectional models of the brain with X-rays.

The primary function of the soma is to 1)transmit signals to other neurons. 2)carry out metabolic functions. 3)insulate the neuron from strong signals. 4)receive signals from other neurons.

carry out metabolic functions.

An EEG will typically detect ______ when a person is asleep and ______ when a person is awake. 1)beta waves; delta waves 2)delta waves; beta waves 3)alpha waves; delta waves 4)beta waves; alpha waves

delta waves; beta waves

The electroencephalogram functions by 1)recording the thoughts of subjects via complex notation. 2)sending electricity into the brain to create resistance. 3)cataloguing the firing of individual neurons. 4)detecting brainwaves as electrical activities.

detecting brainwaves as electrical activities.

The replication process advances the pursuit of knowledge under the scientific method by 1)applying the data collected from an experiment to a new hypothesis. 2)ensuring the results of an experiment will be published in a respected journal. 3)determining whether a true psychological principle caused the results of a specific experiment. 4)disproving research that is based on erroneous theories.

determining whether a true psychological principle caused the results of a specific experiment.

The APA amended its code of ethics in 2010 to 1)ensure a higher human rights standard than dictated by law. 2)prohibit researchers from intentionally deceiving subjects. 3)prevent professors from punishing students for non-participation. 4)allow psychologists to participate in military interrogations.

ensure a higher human rights standard than dictated by law.

Functionalism altered the development of the science of psychology by 1)focusing on how humans and animals use mental processes to adapt to their environments. 2)taking seriously the self-reported mental experience of subjects. 3)establishing the specialized functions of different brain structures. 4)introducing the analysis of the basic elements of consciousness.

focusing on how humans and animals use mental processes to adapt to their environments.

An independent variable in an experimental study 1)is used as a control element to compare against causation. 2)might cause a change in another variable. 3)shows a negative correlation with a second factor. 4)is measured to see how it has been affected.

might cause a change in another variable.

The peripheral nervous system is composed of 2)sensory receptors that carry information from the brain to the other parts of the body. 2)the lengthy axons that deal with involuntary bodily functions. 3)nerves connecting the central nervous system to the rest of the body. 4)neural firing processes that allow voluntary control of muscle contractions.

nerves connecting the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

The psychoanalytic perspective holds that 1)behavioral differences can be explained by divergent mental processes. 2)most observable behaviors derive from primitive survival instincts. 3)people's actions are heavily influenced by the subconscious. 4)physiological factors in the brain determine psychological responses.

people's actions are heavily influenced by the subconscious.

Psychological research came under criticism in the 1990s for 1)oversampling women in health studies. 2)relying heavily on non representative participants. 3)focusing on issues that only affected minority populations. 4)employing descriptive rather than experimental methodologies.

relying heavily on non representative participants.

The reticular activating system is responsible for 1)processing physical movements that have become unconscious. 2)constructing neural maps of the environment that let us remember where we've been. 3)routing sensory information according to its immediate importance. 4)the automatic functions of heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.

routing sensory information according to its immediate importance.

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