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Research examining cultural variations in personal storytelling shows that

Chinese parents use storytelling to guide children toward socially responsible behavior.

Which of the following statements is an example of induction?

"Your sister is crying because you won't give back her truck."

One-year-old Noah follows his mother and climbs on her in preference to others. He becomes upset when his mother leaves the room. Noah is most likely in Bowlby's _________ phase.

"clear-cut" attachment

Research on gender identity demonstrates that

"masculine" and androgynous children have a higher self-esteem than those with a "feminine" identity.

Infants whose parents ___________ tend to be less fussy.

"read" and respond contingently and sympathetically to their emotional cues

Piaget believed that infants and toddlers

"think" with their eyes, ears, and hands.

Which of the following is supported by research on babbling?

A deaf infant not exposed to sign language will stop babbling entirely.

Which of the following is true about the effects of harsh punishment?

A punitive adult is likely to punish with greater frequency over time.

Which of the following is supported by research on brain lateralization and handedness?

A strong hand preference reflects the individual's dominant cerebral hemisphere.

Which of the following is true about differentiation theory?

According to the theory, babies actively seek out invariant relationships.

__________ involves building schemes through direct interaction with the environment.


Which of the following statements is supported by research on viewing television violence?

Aggressive children have a greater appetite for violent TV programming than nonaggressive children.

An alternative method to the Strange Situation is the ________________, which is suitable for children between 1 and 4 years and depends on home observation.

Attachment Q-Sort

Which of the following is true about the authoritative child-rearing style?

Authoritative parents insist on mature behavior, give reasons for their expectations, and use "teaching moments" to promote the child's self-regulation.

__________ is the ability to judge the distance of objects from one another and from ourselves.

Depth perception

__________, often caused by unsafe water and contaminated foods, leads to nearly two million childhood deaths each year.


Which of the following is consistent with the proximodistal trend of body growth?

During childhood, the arms and legs continue to grow somewhat ahead of the hands and feet.

Which of the following is consistent with the cephalocaudal trend of body growth?

During the prenatal period, the head develops more rapidly than the lower part of the body.

_________ greatly influences the organization of the cerebral cortex.

Early experience

Object words are particularly common in the vocabularies of __________ toddlers


Which of the following is supported by research on child maltreatment?

Every industrialized country except the United States and Canada prohibits corporal punishment in school.

__________________ seems to make crawlers and walkers more aware of the consequences of their movements.

Experience in trying to keep their balance on various surfaces

________ brain growth consists of additional growth and refinement of established brain structures as a result of specific, varied learning experiences.


_________ brain growth refers to the young brain's rapidly developing organization, which depends on ordinary experiences.


__________ offer the most reliable cues regarding which emotions infants are experiencing.

Facial expressions

In early childhood, on average, children add ____ inches in height and _____ pounds in weight each year.

2 to 3; 5

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until age ______, with solid foods added at ______.

2 years; 6 months

Violation-of-expectation studies provide evidence that infants have some knowledge of object permanence by __________, whereas Piaget argued that this ability emerges __________.

2 ½ to 3 ½ months; between 8 and 12 months

Once toddlers produce about _____ words, they start to combine two words.


About _____ percent of U.S. preschoolers lack essential immunizations.


Between the ages of ________, napping subsidies.

3 and 5 years

Laughter first appears around

3 to 4 months.

About _______ percent of new fathers report symptoms of depression after the birth of a child.

3 to 5

In Thomas and Chess's New York Longitudinal Study, _____ percent of the children did not fit any category and showed unique blends of temperamental characteristics.


In the United States, nearly ______ percent of childhood deaths and ______ percent of adolescent deaths result from injuries.

35; 50

By ____ months, babies' attention becomes flexible due to development of structures in the cerebral cortex controlling eye movements.


About ____ percent of U.S. parents fail to place their preschoolers in car safety seats.


In all, about _____ percent of synapses are pruned during childhood and adolescence to reach the adult level.


Most children can tie their shoes by age _____ years.

5 to 6

Katie has an IQ of 100. She performed as well or better than _____ percent of her agemates.


The social smile first appears between __________ of age.

6 and 10 weeks

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advises exclusive breastfeeding for ________ and inclusion of breast milk in the baby's diet until _____.

6 months; 1 year

In the United States today, more than ______ percent of mothers with a child under age 2 are employed.


Worldwide, _____ percent of deaths of children under age 5 are due to infectious diseases.


Between ages 2 and 6, the brain increases from ______ percent of its adult weight to _____ percent.

70; 90

By 2 years of age, a typical toddler's height is ______ percent greater than at birth and birth weight has __________.

75; quadrupled

Despite declines in family size, _____ percent of Western babies grow up with at least one sibling.


Recent surveys indicate that in dual-earner families, U.S. fathers devote _____ percent as much time as mothers do to children.


The cerebral cortex accounts for ______ percent of the brain's weight.


Parent-infant "cosleeping" is the norm for approximately _____ percent of the world's population.


Brian has an IQ of 130. This means that he performed as well or better than ______ percent of his same-age peers.


In which of the following cases should the parents be concerned about their child's language development?

A 16-month-old has not yet begun to babble.

Which of the following statements about imitation is true?

Babies several months old often do not imitate an adult's behavior right away because they first try to play familiar social games.

Which of the following is supported by research on early self-development?

Babies whose parents respond sensitively to their signals and encourage exploration tend to be advanced in selfdevelopment.

Which of the following is true about basic emotions?

Babies' earliest emotional life consists of attraction to pleasant stimuli and withdrawal from unpleasant stimuli.

Three-year-old Benny is presented with a toy called the Magic Shrinking Machine. An object is inserted in an opening on top of the machine, and with the turn of a crank, Benny can retrieve a smaller, identical object from behind a door on the front of the machine. Which of the following is most likely to be true?

Benny will not be able to translate his nonverbal memory for the game into language six months to one year later.

Which of the following is true about the permissive child-rearing style?

Instead of gradually granting autonomy, permissive parents allow children to make many of their own decisions at an age when they are not yet capable of doing so.

Which of the following is true about the Attachment Q-Sort?

It does not indicate patterns of insecurity.

Which of the following is true about telegraphic speech?

It emerges once the child has learned a dozen or so words.

Which of the following is true about intermodal perception?

It is a fundamental ability that fosters all aspects of psychological development.

Which of the following is true about the cerebral cortex?

It is sensitive to environmental influences for a longer period than any other part of the brain.

Which of the following is a strategy parents can use to protect their children from undesirable computer use?

Model good computer practices and avoid excessive computer use.

Studies of infantile amnesia suggest that __________ contributes to the end of infantile amnesia.

a clear self-image

In an evaluation of its effectiveness, Healthy Families home visitation alone reduced only neglect, not abuse. But adding __________ dramatically increased its impact.

a cognitive component

Growing evidence reveals that children with autism have

a deficient theory of mind.

Four-month-old Max is easily upset by new sights and sounds. According to Kagan's research, Max probably has __________ than a social baby when faced with novelty.

a higher heart rate and a higher cortisol level

Erikson described early childhood as

a period of "vigorous unfolding."

Adults often provide indirect feedback about grammar by using _________, which restructures inaccurate speech into correct form.

a recast

Developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with oral rehydration therapy, which consists of

a solution of glucose, salt, and water.

A major reason that sustained attention improves in the preschool years is

a steady gain in children's ability to inhibit impulses and keep their mind on a competing goal.

According to Vygotsky, a parent engages in _______ when he adjusts the support offered to the child during a teaching session to fit the child's current level of performance.


According to Piaget, specific psychological structures called _________ are organized ways of making sense of experience.


In Western societies, the role of equipping children with the skills they need to become competent workers is assigned to


Today, infant mental tests are largely used for

screening to help identify babies who are likely to have developmental problems.

General descriptions of what occurs and when it occurs in a particular situation are known as


In Piaget's theory, through the _________ circular reaction, babies try to repeat interesting events in the surrounding environment that are caused by their own actions.


In all societies studied, the most common attachment pattern is the ________ pattern.


In the Strange Situation, Bernadette uses her mother as a secure base. When separated, Bernadette does not cry, but when her mother returns, Bernadette crawls to her. Bernadette is demonstrating __________ attachment.


Research on parental influences on children's peer sociability shows that

secure attachment to parents is linked to larger peer networks during the preschool years.

Which motor activity typically develops first?

sits alone

The best way of estimating a child's physical maturity is to use ________ age.


X-rays of epiphyses enable doctors to estimate children's

skeletal age.

Monica experienced depression that emerged or strengthened after she gave birth to her son but failed to subside as Monica adjusted to hormonal changes in her body and the demands of motherhood. As a result, Monica's son probably

sleeps poorly.

Vygotsky believed that complex mental activities have their origin in

social interaction.

Infants use __________ by actively seeking emotional information from a trusted person in an uncertain situation.

social referencing

Orson's parents smile and say "Yummy!" when he tries new vegetables. His parents are using _________ to try to influence Orson's food preferences.

social referencing

Toddlers who sleep alone and experience frequent daytime separations from their parents

sometimes develop strong emotional ties to comfort objects, such as blankets and stuffed animals.

Preschoolers who _____________ are seen as more socially competent by their teachers.

spend more time in sociodramatic play

Compared with school-age children, preschoolers

spend shorter times involved in tasks and are easily distracted.

During the second substage of the sensorimotor period, babies

start to gain voluntary control over their actions through the primary circular reaction.

In the form of teaching known as scaffolding, as a child's competence increases, the adult

steps back, permitting the child to take more responsibility for the task.

During early childhood, children's gender-stereotyped beliefs

strengthen so much that many children apply them as blanket rules that should not be violated.

Maltreating parents

suffer from biased thinking about their child.

For Erikson, the negative outcome of early childhood is an overly strict ________ that causes children to feel too much _________ because they have been threatened, criticized, and punished excessively by adults.

superego; guilt

Efforts to teach language to nonhuman primates

support Chomsky's assumption that the capacity for elaborate grammar is unique to humans.

Reinforcement and imitation are best viewed as _________ language development.

supporting, rather than fully explaining,

Research in diverse cultures demonstrates that fathers'

sustained affectionate involvement protects children against a wide range of childhood emotional and behavioral problems.

Two-year-old D'Arcy has parents who encourage emotional expressiveness and show empathetic concern for her feelings. When another child is unhappy, D'Arcy is likely to respond with

sympathetic concern.

Neurons that are seldom stimulated soon lose their synapses in a process called

synaptic pruning.

Research using the HOME checklist reveals that the extent to which parents __________ is especially important in facilitating toddlers' intelligence test performance.

talk to their infants and toddlers

Research shows that children more often use private speech when

tasks are appropriately challenging and they are confused about how to proceed.

Home-based early intervention for at-risk infants and toddlers

teaches parents how to stimulate young children's development.

Miranda says "more apple." This two-word utterance is an example of

telegraphic speech.

Thomas and Chess's New York Longitudinal Study demonstrated that

temperament can protect a child from the negative effects of a highly stressful home life.

Long-term prediction of temperament can best be achieved after age 3 because

temperament itself develops with age.

Sixteen-month-old Maecy is able to repeat behaviors with variation. Maecy is demonstrating the __________ circular reaction.


Warmth and responsiveness, competence and power, and consistency between assertions and behavior are all characteristics

that increase a child's willingness to imitate a model's behavior.

In the United States, __________ has hampered efforts to regulate TV content.

the First Amendment right to free speech

Professor Novak is interested in assessing the quality of attachment between 1 and 2 years of age. Which of the following laboratory procedures should Professor Novak use?

the Strange Situation

Recognition memory is

the ability to tell whether a stimulus is the same as or similar to one they have seen before.

Young children can be classically conditioned most easily when

the association between two stimuli has survival value.

In Erikson's theory, the psychological conflict of basic trust versus mistrust is resolved on the positive side when

the balance of care is sympathetic and loving.

According to the information-processing framework, __________ make more complex forms of thinking possible with age.

the capacity of the mental system and increases in the speed with which information can be processed

Research demonstrates that early make-believe play is

the combined result of children's readiness to engage in it and social experiences that promote it.

Research on temperament indicates that

the ease with which children manage their reactivity in early childhood depends on the type and strength of the reactive emotion involved.

Research on friendships shows that

the ease with which kindergarteners make new friends predicts behaviors linked to gains in achievement.

Psychoanalytic theory stresses

the emotional side of conscience development.

Visual acuity is

the fineness of visual discrimination.

The case of David Reimer, the boy who was raised as a girl after a circumcision accident, demonstrates

the impact of genetic sex and prenatal hormones on a person's sense of self as male or female.

The circular reaction initially centers on

the infant's own body.

Research on the consequences of corporal punishment reveals that in African-American families,

the more mothers discipline physically in childhood, the less their teenagers display angry, acting out behavior.

Babies develop attachments to

a variety of familiar people.

Follow-up research on peer sociability indicates that

all types of play coexist in early childhood.

Mia bit her brother, so her father would not let her watch TV. This technique, known as withdrawal of privileges,

allows Mia's father to avoid harsh techniques that could easily intensify into violence.

The V-Chip (or Violence-Chip)

allows parents to block undesired TV programming.

Babies perceive input from different sensory systems in a unified way by detecting

amodal sensory properties.

Over spring vacation, Gerald goes to Disney World with his family. When he returns to school, Gerald excitedly tells his teacher about the trip. Gerald's representation of this personally meaningful, one-time event is known as

an autobiographical memory.

Three-year-old Carlisle knows that his mother will pick him up from preschool after snack and seeks her comfort whenever he is in an unfamiliar or stressful situation. These examples show that Carlisle has developed

an internal working model.

Mark rates his personality as ambitious, competitive, affectionate, cheerful, and soft-spoken. Mark's responses indicate a(n)

androgynous gender identity.

The belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities, such as thoughts, wishes, feelings, and intentions, is called

animistic thinking.

Three-year-old Will brings all of his action figures to preschool for show-and-tell because he does not want any of them to feel bad if they are left behind at home. Will is demonstrating

animistic thinking.

Compared to schemes in Substage 3 of the sensorimotor period, schemes in Substage 4

are coordinated deliberately to solve simple problems.

When the diets of severely malnourished children improve, they

are far more likely to be overweight than their nonstunted agemates.

Infants with a lot of crawling experience

are more likely than their inexperienced agemates to remember object locations.

By middle childhood, children who hold flexible beliefs about what boys and girls can do

are more likely to notice instances of gender discrimination.

Research suggests that cosleeping children

are no different from other children in any aspect of adjustment.

In Bowlby's theory, babies in the preattachment phase

are not yet attached to their caregiver.

When parents have an angry and punitive style, their children

are often less equipped to show sympathy for others.

Adults who __________ may not have fully mastered the tasks of trust and autonomy during infancy and childhood.

are overly dependent on a loved one

When young children with psychosocial dwarfism ______________, their GH levels quickly return to normal, and they grow rapidly.

are removed from their emotionally inadequate environments

According to Piaget, first schemes

are sensorimotor action patterns.

Preschoolers' self-concepts

are very concrete.

Permissive parents

are warm but overindulgent.

A surprising aspect of brain growth is that

as synapses form, many surrounding neurons die.

During __________, children use their current schemes to interpret the external world, whereas in __________, children create new schemes or adjust old ones after noticing that their current ways of thinking do not capture the environment completely.

assimilation; accommodation

In Jean's preschool classroom, teachers guide children's learning, tailoring their interventions to each child's zone of proximal development. This classroom emphasizes the Vygotskian principle of

assisted discovery.

Research on corporal punishment shows that spanking is

associated with a rise in problem behaviors if parents are cold and rejecting but not if they are warm and supportive.

Max plays with a funnel at one end of the sand table, while Madison makes a pie at the other end. The children talk and pass tools back and forth. They are engaging in __________ play.


According to Mildred Parten, two forms of true social interaction are ________ and __________ play.

associative; cooperative

As infants understand more about their world, they laugh

at events with subtler elements of surprise.

John Bowlby believed that

attachment can best be understood in an evolutionary context in which survival of the species is of utmost importance.

Cross-cultural evidence indicates that

attachment patterns may have to be interpreted differently in certain cultures.

Chris smiles and laughs when interacting with his mother, but he does not protest when separated from her. Chris is most likely in Bowlby's ____________ phase.


Professor Hardwick is interested in the strong affectionate tie children have with special people in their lives that leads them to be comforted by their nearness in times of stress. Professor Hardwick studies


Research on gender constancy demonstrates that

attainment of gender constancy is strongly related to the ability to pass Piagetian conservation and verbal appearance-reality tasks.

One surprising finding of infant face perception is that infants will look longer at

attractive faces than unattractive ones.

Bobby is anxious, unhappy, and has low self-esteem. When frustrated, Bobby tends to react with hostility. His parents are most likely to fit which of the following child-rearing styles?


The ____________ child-rearing style is the most successful approach.


According to information-processing approach, __________ expands working memory by permitting children to focus on other information simultaneously.

automatic processing

In Erikson's theory, the conflict of toddlerhood, _______________, is resolved favorably when parents provide suitable guidance and reasonable choices.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Baby Greer says "babababababa." This is an example of


Babies everywhere start babbling at about the same age, but for babbling to develop further,

babies must be able to hear human speech.

Once wariness of strangers develops after 6 months,

babies use the familiar caregiver as a secure base from which to explore.

As children's bodies become more streamlined and less top-heavy,

balance improves greatly.

ERP brain-wave recordings reveal that around 5 months, babies

become sensitive to syllable stress patterns in their own language.

With the transition to early childhood, many children

become unpredictable, picky eaters.

As neurons form connections, stimulation

becomes vital to their survival.

According to Bowlby, during the attachment-in-the-making phase, babies

begin to develop a sense of trust with their caregiver.

Around 7 to 9 months, infants

begin to divide the speech stream into wordlike units.

According to social learning theory, __________ come(s) before __________ in the development of gender identity.

behavior; self-perceptions

Professor Zettler regards language development as entirely due to environmental influences. Professor Zettler's belief is consistent with the ___________ perspective.


Some critics of the violation-of-expectation method

believe that it reveals only babies' perceptual preference for novelty, not their understanding of experience.

Heavy viewers of television violence

believe that there is much more violence in society than actually exists.

Dr. Ewing measured individual differences in a large sample of individuals using intelligence testing. If performances at each age level formed a normal distribution, the results were probably ______-shaped.


Interactional synchrony is

best described as a sensitively tuned "emotional dance."

Self-conscious emotions typically appear

between 18 to 24 months.

Research on environmental influences on gender typing shows that

boys who frequently engage in "gender-inappropriate" activities are likely to be ignored by other boys even when they engage in "masculine" activities.

When 10-month-old Delia's mother greets her, Delia is likely to display a ____________ smile.

broad, "cheek-raised"

According to social learning theorists, children learn to behave morally

by observing and imitating people who demonstrate appropriate behavior.

Evidence that preschoolers ____________ supports the idea that operational thought is not absent at one point in time and present at another.

can be trained to perform well on Piagetian problems


can escalate self-focused personal distress in some children.

Empathy-based guilt reactions

can predict future prosocial behavior.

Good quality child care

can reduce the negative impact of a stressed, poverty-stricken home life.

Mastery of _________ increases the efficiency of children's counting.


In the information-processing system, a special part of working memory, called the ____________, directs the flow of information.

central executive

Piaget's conservation-of-liquid task demonstrates that preoperational children's thinking is characterized by __________ in that they focus on one aspect of a situation, neglecting other important features.


The _____________ aids in balance and control of body movement.


Fibers linking the __________ to the __________ grow and myelinate from birth through the preschool years, contributing to dramatic gains in motor coordination.

cerebellum; cerebral cortex

The __________ is the largest, most complex brain structure.

cerebral cortex

Research on language acquisition indicates that

childhood is a sensitive period for language acquisition.

In village and tribal cultures, parents have little need to rely on conversation and play to teach children because

children spend their day in contact with adult work and start to assume mature responsibilities in early childhood.

Social-interactionsts emphasize that

children's social skills and language experiences are centrally involved in language development.

According to Piaget, a ___________ is a means of building schemes in which infants try to repeat chance motor behaviors again and again.

circular reaction

Newborn reflexes make ___________ possible in the young infant.

classical conditioning

Preschoolers' self-conscious emotions are

clearly linked to self-evaluation.

In Piaget's theory, when children are in a state of disequilibrium,

cognitive change is rapid.

Maureen and Chris, the parents of an impulsive preschooler, can foster conscience development by

combining firm correction with induction.

Research on cultural variations in child-rearing styles shows that

compared with Western parents, Chinese parents describe their parenting as more controlling.

At all ages, __________ develops ahead of __________.

comprehension; production

Four-year-old Jasmine is shown two identical tall glasses of water and agrees that they contain the same amount of liquid. When the liquid is poured into a short, wide container, she says that there is more water in the shorter container because it is "all spread out." Jasmine is demonstrating


Effortful control is

considered a major dimension of temperament.

Research on temperament indicates that

consistent ethnic and sex differences in early temperament exist.

Six-year-old Charlie realizes that his sister remains a girl even when she operates a bulldozer. Charlie has acquired the concept of gender


Research on the long-term consequences of attachment security suggests that

continuity of caregiving determines whether attachment security is linked to later development.

According to Erikson, once preschoolers have a sense of autonomy, they become less _______ than they were as toddlers.


Heritability research indicates that genes ______________ to shyness and sociability.

contribute only modestly

Around 2 months, babies begin to make vowel-like noises called


According to the core knowledge perspective, each of an infant's ____________ permits a ready grasp of new, related information.

core domains of thought

Professor Rellinger believes that babies are born with a set of innate knowledge systems. Professor Rellinger's beliefs are consistent with the _________ perspective.

core knowledge

The weights of adopted children

correlate more strongly with those of their biological than of their adoptive parents.

Child-directed speech and parent-child conversation

create a zone of proximal development in which children's language skills expand.

Before Jack's mother leaves for work every morning, she takes her car keys off of a hook on the wall. Now, as soon as she unhooks her car keys, Jack begins to cry. In this example, __________ is the conditioned response.


Research on temperament shows that

cultural values affect the fit between parenting and child temperament.

Research on deaf children shows that

deaf children of deaf parents are on a par with hearing children in language and play maturity.

Itzel, a Yucatec Mayan preschooler, is hungry. She is most likely to

decide for herself when and how much to eat.

Follow-up research on cognitive development indicates that ________ is present as early as 6 weeks.

deferred imitation

Researchers often study the early emergence of self-control by giving children tasks that require

delay of gratification.

Research on children with injuries to the cerebral cortex that occurred before birth or in the first six months of life shows that

delays in language development persist until about 3½ years of age.

Research showed that by age 3, children in Early Head Start

demonstrated gains in cognitive and language development.

During the Strange Situation, a baby who displays a secure attachment

demonstrates that the parent is more comforting than the stranger.

Research on maternal depression shows that

depressed mothers view their infants more negatively than independent observers do.

Priscilla was abused by her mother. She does not want to repeat the cycle with her own children. Which of the following interventions is the most likely to help Priscilla?

developing a trusting relationship with another person

Because infant scores do not tap the same dimensions of intelligence measured at older ages, they are conservatively labeled _________________ rather than IQs.

developmental quotients (DQs)

Chomsky's "LAD" is a

device that enables children to understand and speak in a rule-oriented fashion as soon as they pick up enough words.

When _______ are adequate, height is largely determined by heredity.

diet and health

Biologically based reactivity

differentiates children with inhibited and uninhibited temperaments.

According to Thomas and Chess's research, __________ children are at high risk for anxious withdrawal and aggressive behavior in early and middle childhood.


Josh is irregular in daily routines, is slow to accept new experiences, and tends to react negatively and intensely. In Thomas and Chess's research, Josh would be classified as a(n) _________ child.


Using _________, children in a Piagetian classroom are encouraged to spontaneously interact with the environment.

discovery learning

In Paul's preschool classroom, children are encouraged to choose activities from a rich variety of materials designed to promote exploration. This preschool emphasizes the Piagetian principle of

discovery learning.

Some basic emotions are happiness, fear, sadness, and


In the Strange Situation, Sara approaches her parent during reunion with flat, depressed emotion. Sara looks away while her parent is holding her and displays a dazed facial expression. Sara is demonstrating characteristics of __________ attachment.


Pramada attends a child-care program that stresses formal academic training. As a result, Pramada is more likely to _____________ than peers who attend a child-centered program.

display a decrease in motivation and emotional well-being

The chronic stress of early, deprived orphanage rearing

disrupts the brain's capacity to manage stress, with long-term physical and psychological consequences.

Experiences with ___________ help preschoolers appreciate that one object can stand for another.

diverse symbols

Breastfed and bottle-fed children in industrialized nations

do not differ in emotional adjustment.

While playing house, 3-year-old Lindsay uses a straw as a "bottle" to feed her doll. Lindsay has begun to grasp

dual representation.

According to the ___________ of motor development, mastery of motor skills involves acquiring increasingly complex systems of action.

dynamic systems theory

Dennis's cross-cultural research illustrates how _________ and a stimulating environment contribute to motor development.

early movement opportunities

Bindi quickly establishes regular routines, is generally cheerful, and adapts easily to new experiences. In Thomas and Chess's research, Bindi would be classified as a(n) ________ child.


Most children classified by Thomas and Chess fell into the ________ category.


Inhibiting impulses and shifting attention through _____________ are vital in managing emotion during early childhood.

effortful control

A key concept in Rothbart's model of infant temperament is

effortful control.

Emotional self-regulation requires

effortful management of emotions.

Piaget called children's self-directed utterances _________ speech, reflecting his belief that young children have difficulty taking the perspectives of others.


According to Piaget, the most fundamental deficiency of preoperational thinking is


With regard to questions used to elicit children's autobiographical narratives, preschoolers who experience the ________ style recall _________ information about past events.

elaborative; more

Sayuri, who lives in a collectivist culture, wins a game. Her parents will probably encourage Sayuri to feel

embarrassed by the individual attention.

Twenty-month-old Steffy is firmly aware of herself as a separate, unique individual. Which of the following emotions is Steffy likely to display?


Children's active efforts to construct literacy knowledge through informal experiences are called

emergent literacy.

Coaching in __________ is an effective treatment for aggressive children.

emotional competence

Some researchers claim that infants respond in kind to others' emotions through a fairly automatic process of

emotional contagion.

Joan decides not to see a scary horror film. Joan is using

emotional self-regulation.

An important motivator of prosocial behavior is


Veronica has the ability to understand her friends' emotional state and respond emotionally in a similar way. Veronica is displaying


When trying to promote friendly peer interaction in her preschool classroom, Miss Dodge should

encourage compromise rather than insisting on sharing.


energize development.

In Substage 6 of the sensorimotor period, the ability to create mental representations enables toddlers to __________ and __________.

engage in deferred imitation; use make-believe play

Larissa, age 3, often plays alone. Her parents should be concerned if she

engages in functional play involving repetitive motor action.

One reason that gains in IQ and achievement test scores from attending Head Start quickly dissolve is that many of the children

enter low-quality public schools.

EEG and fMRI measures of neural activity in various cortical regions reveal

especially rapid growth from early to middle childhood in the frontal lobe.

The __________ theory of attachment recognizes the infant's emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that promotes survival.


Which theory of attachment is the most widely accepted view?


Reorganization in the brain can occur

even in adulthood.

Gender schema theory

explains how environmental pressures and children's cognitions work together to shape gender-role development.

Most theories of moral development agree that at first, a child's morality is

externally controlled by adults.

In classical conditioning, if the conditioned stimulus is presented alone enough times, without being paired with the unconditioned stimulus,

extinction will occur.

Vitamin C is important to a child's diet because it

facilitates iron absorption and wound healing.

Understanding of __________ is associated with early reading ability.

false beliefs

Children who spontaneously use, or who are trained to use, complex sentences with mental-state words are especially likely to pass __________ tasks.


Research shows that children can connect new words with their underlying concepts after only a brief encounter, a process called


Laughter reflects

faster processing of information than smiling.

During infancy, __________. These sex differences will __________ during adolescence.

girls are slightly shorter and lighter than boys; be greatly magnified

Research on environmental influences on gender typing shows that teachers

give girls more encouragement than boys to participate in adult-structured activities.

According to Erikson, a mother who __________ is likely to promote autonomy in toddlerhood.

gives a child an extra five minutes to finish playing before they leave the park

In Piaget's theory, 8- to 12-month-olds can use ____________ to solve simple problems.

goal-directed behavior

Among Western children, when guilt occurs in appropriate circumstances and is not accompanied by shame, it is related to

good adjustment.

Which of these is an example of a fine-motor skill?


During the preschool years, high self-esteem

greatly contributes to children's initiative during a period in which they must master many new skills.

Current research indicates that Freud was correct that

guilt is an important motivator of moral action.

At first, baby Mario was easily awakened every night by a barking dog in his neighborhood. Several weeks later, Mario's sleep is not bothered by the dog's barks. This is an example of


Researchers investigating infants' understanding of the world rely on ____________ more than any other learning capacity.

habituation and recovery

Dr. Eden studies a fetus's sensitivity to external stimuli by measuring changes in fetal heart rate when various repeated sounds are presented. Dr. Eden is probably using

habituation and recovery.

On average, ________ of individual differences in temperament and personality have been attributed to differences in genetic makeup.


Reviewers of thousands of studies have concluded that TV violence

increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and aggressive behaviors in viewers.

An intelligence quotient (IQ)

indicates the extent to which the raw score deviates from the typical performance of same-age individuals.

Information-processing research indicates that by 3 months, infants can remember events for as long as 3 months and categorize stimuli. These findings challenge Piaget's assumption that

infants are unable to mentally represent experiences.

Unlike Piaget, who thought young babies constructed all mental representations out of sensorimotor activity, most researchers now believe that

infants have some built-in cognitive equipment for making sense of experience.

Research on child care in infancy suggests that

infants placed in full-time child care before 12 months of age are more likely than infants who remain at home to display insecure attachment.

Consistent with Piaget's theory, searching for hidden objects is a true cognitive advance because

infants solve some object-hiding tasks before others.

Core knowledge theorists assume that

infants start out life with a set of prewired understandings.

Five-year-old Chaim is participating in Piaget's three-mountains problem. When Chaim is asked to pick the picture that shows what the display looks like from the doll's perspective, he will most likely select

the picture that shows his own point of view.

Although Freud's ideas are no longer accepted as satisfactory explanations of conscience development, Erikson's image of _______ captures the diverse changes in young children's emotional and social lives.


Children younger than age 6 who watch an adult dress a doll in "other-gender" clothing typically

insist that the doll's sex has also changed.

One of the greatest drawbacks of the information-processing approach is its difficulty with

integrating information into a broad, comprehensive theory.

Generally, fathers ___________ than mothers do.

interact and play differently with babies

A special form of communication called _____________________ separates the experiences of secure and insecure babies.

interactional synchrony

Recent ideas about language development emphasize

interactions between inner capacities and environmental influences.

Newborn's remarkable capacity for _______________ supports the beginnings of self-awareness.

intermodal perception

Lana understands that an object's shape is the same whether she sees it or touches it; that breaking a glass causes a sharp, crashing sound; and that the patter of footsteps signals the approach of a person. This understanding is called

intermodal stimulation

According to Bowlby, the _____________ becomes a vital part of personality, serving as a guide for all future close relationships.

internal working model

Recall is more challenging than recognition because it

involves remembering a stimulus that is not present.

The most important illogical feature of preoperational thought is its


Which dimension of temperament was identified by Mary Rothbart?

irritable distress

Douglas does not like volleyball. Douglas concludes that only girls like volleyball. Douglas

is a gender-schematic child.

Molly says, "Only girls can be nurses." Molly

is a gender-schematic child.

Research on gender typing reveals that

the presence of male sex hormones leads to a rough, noisy play style in boys.

Nathan is shown a picture of a male nurse. Later, when asked to describe the occupation of the person in the picture, Nathan remembers him as a doctor. Nathan

is a gender-schematic child.

Follow-up research on infant cognitive development suggests that mastery of object permanence

is a gradual achievement.

For most children, the left cerebral hemisphere

is especially active between 3 and 6 years and then levels off.

Today, inadequate nutrition

is not confined to developing countries.

The dynamic systems theory provides convincing evidence that the development of motor skills

is profoundly influenced by the physical environment.

Emotional competence

is vital for successful peer relationships and overall mental health.

Uninvolved parenting

is, at its extreme, a form of child maltreatment called neglect.

Research on child care in infancy has found that

the relationship between child care and emotional well-being depends on both family and child-care experiences.

Nativist Noam Chomsky believed that

the rules of sentence organization are too complex to be directly taught to or discovered by even a cognitively adept young child.

In the information-processing system, information first enters

the sensory register.

Four-year-old Ellie is shown two pictures: one depicting a child stealing an apple, and the other showing a child eating ice cream with her fingers. Ellie is most likely to view

the stealing as worse than the bad table manners.

Emotional self-regulation refers to

the strategies children use to adjust their emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity.

Six-month-old Marta holds a pacifier in each hand and shakes them vigorously. She is probably using

the ulnar grasp.

The clumsy motion in which a baby's fingers close against the palm to hold an object is called

the ulnar grasp.

According to Vygotsky, ______________ is a range of tasks that a child cannot yet handle alone but can do with the help of more skilled partners.

the zone of proximal development

When Sarah was 18 months old, her mother stood behind her, helping her throw a bean bag into a hole. As Sarah's skill improved, her mother stepped back, letting her try on her own. This example best illustrates the concept of

the zone of proximal development.

Infants in Substage 4 of the sensorimotor period, who can better anticipate events, sometimes use __________ to try to change those events.

their capacity for intentional behavior

Preschoolers' first attempts to print often involve writing

their own name.

Kipsigi and Jamaican infants walk considerably earlier than North American infants because

their parents incorporate direct walking instruction and formal handling routines that encourage early motor development.

Research on cultural variations in personal storytelling reveals that

there are striking cultural differences in parents' selection and interpretation of events told in narratives.

Even preschoolers with good language skills recall poorly because

they are not skilled at using memory strategies.

In Piaget's theory, when children are in a state of cognitive equilibrium,

they assimilate more than they accommodate.

Intelligence test scores of infants and toddlers often do not reflect their true abilities because

they easily become distracted, fatigued, or bored during testing.

Most chubby babies

thin out during toddlerhood and early childhood.

Metacognition involves

thinking about thought.

Although nonsocial activity declines with age, it accounts for a ________ of kindergarteners' free-play time.


The cortical regions with the most extended period of development are responsible for


Apart from direct contact with the environment, schemes also change

through organization.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone prompts the thyroid gland in the neck to release __________, which is necessary for brain development and for growth hormone to have its full impact on body size.


Newborn babies respond with generalized distress

to changes in body temperature

According to Vygotsky, children master activities through

joint activities with more mature members of their society.

Infants and toddlers who often experience __________ sustain attention longer, comprehend more language, and produce meaningful gestures and words earlier.

joint attention

By age 3, most children can

jump and hop.

The rise in fear after 6 months is adaptive because it

keeps newly mobile babies' enthusiasm for exploration in check.

Knowing Niraj's IQ score helps his dad

know whether Niraj is ahead, behind, or on time in mental development compared with his agemates.

Piaget acknowledged that ________ is a child's most flexible means of mental representation.


The specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain is called


Longitudinal research on the developmental consequences of lead indicates that

lead impairs learning and contributes to behavior problems.

Stranger anxiety is

less common in cultures where babies are frequently passed from one adult to another.

Research on brain development shows that

toddlers advanced in language development show greater left-hemispheric specialization for language than their agemates.

Four-month-old Stewart is shown a video image of himself and a video image of another baby. He will probably

look longer at the video of the other baby.

Vygotsky viewed __________ play as the ideal social context for fostering cognitive development in early childhood.


Children first represent objects and events on paper by

making gestures that leave marks.

Studies on emotional understanding indicate that 4-year-old Casey will have difficulty

making sense of situations with conflicting cues about how a person is feeling.

David Reimer's gender reassignment failed because his

male biology overwhelmingly demanded a consistent sexual identity.

Research on child maltreatment shows that

maltreating parents lack "lifelines" to others and have no one to turn to in stressful times.

Information-processing researchers focus on

many aspects of thinking, from attention, memory, and categorization skills to complex problem solving.

Infant characteristics do not show strong relationships with attachment quality because

many child attributes can lead to secure attachment as long as the caregiver behaves sensitively.

Shay suffers from a wasted condition of the body caused by a diet low in all essential nutrients. Shay most likely has


The goal of mental testing is to

measure behaviors that reflect development and to arrive at scores that predict future performance.

Over time, children rely on increasingly effective ___________ to solve problems.

mental approaches

In working memory, children actively apply ________ as they "work" on a limited amount of information.

mental strategies

Information processing focuses on ___________that children use to transform stimuli flowing into their mental systems.

mental strategies

Human adults have especially elaborate ___________, which enable them to observe another's behavior while simulating the behavior in their own brains.

mirror neurons

Research on language development in early childhood shows that recasts and expansions

model grammatical alternatives and encourage children to experiment with them.

Vygotsky's theory challenges Piaget's conclusion that

toddlers discover make-believe play independently, once they are capable of representational schemes.

An estimated 30 percent of U.S. preschoolers have ____________, a figure that rises to 60 percent by age 18.

tooth decay

According to Erikson, one of the major functions of play is to allow children to

try out new skills with little risk of criticism or failure.

Pound for pound, an infant's energy needs are __________ those of an adult.


By 6 months of age, babies can categorize on the basis of

two correlated features.

When toddlers first learn words, they often apply them too narrowly, an error called


One reason Piagetian problems do not always elicit responses reflecting preschoolers' true cognitive abilities is that they contain

unfamiliar elements or too many pieces of information.

Tanner's parents are withdrawn. They make no demands of Tanner and are indifferent to his point of view. Tanner's parents have a(n) ____________ style of child rearing.


Basic emotions are

universal in humans.

By age 4, most children can

use scissors.

Compared with typically developing children, children with autism more often

use words to echo what others say and to get things they want, not to exchange ideas.

Eighteen-month-old Joey is asked to share spinach or graham crackers with his mom in a social referencing experiment. Even though Joey prefers graham crackers, he might offer the spinach to his mom if she

uses her voice and facial expressions to convey a preference for the spinach.

According to Piaget, the balance between assimilation and accommodation

varies over time.

Marlena teases Jessica by calling her a "do-do head." This is an example of ________ aggression.


For most people, the left hemisphere of the brain is largely responsible for __________ and the right hemisphere handles _____________.

verbal abilities and positive emotion; spatial abilities and negative emotion

Compared with siblings in typical families, preschool siblings who have critical, punitive parents are more

verbally and physically aggressive toward one another.

Animal studies on early sensory deprivation

verify the existence of sensitive periods in brain development.

Heritability of attachment is

virtually nil.

For exploring the environment, humans depend on _______ more than any other sense.


Infants' play maturity and _________________ predict advanced language progress in the second year.

vocalizations during games

Of all motor skills, ________ may play the greatest role in infant cognitive development.

voluntary reaching

Preschoolers distinguish ___________, which protect people's rights and welfare, from ___________, which do not violate rights and are up to the individual.

moral imperatives; matters of personal choice

In Piaget's theory, each time the back-and-forth movement between equilibrium and disequilibrium occurs,

more effective schemes are produced.

According to the information-processing approach, the longer a person holds information in working memory, the

more likely it will transfer to the permanent knowledge base.

Children who are sociable and assertive are

more likely to help, share, and comfort others in distress.

The more preschoolers play with same-sex playmates, the

more their behavior becomes gender typed.

Research on handedness demonstrates that

most left-handers have no developmental problems.

Research on multiple attachments demonstrates that

mothers in dual-earner families tend to engage in more playful stimulation of their babies than mothers who are at home full-time.

In the United States, __________ are the leading cause of death among children more than 1 year old.

motor vehicle collisions

Casey suffered damage to his cerebellum. Casey will most likely display both _______ and __________ deficits.

motor; cognitive

Coating the neural fibers with an insulating fatty sheath during the process of _________________ improves the efficiency of message transfer.


At first, babies are sensitive to virtually all speech sounds, but around 6 months, they

narrow their focus, limiting the distinctions they make to the language they hear and will soon learn.

In contrast to the United States, most European countries

nationally regulate child care to ensure its quality.

Dr. Hahn believes that children are "prewired" to master the intricate rules of their language. Dr. Hahn endorses the ________ perspective of language development.


At birth, the brain is

nearer to its adults size than any other physical structure.

Mothers engage in _________ more often than fathers, whereas fathers engage in __________ more often than mothers.

neglect; sexual abuse

During synaptic pruning,

neurons not needed at the moment return to an uncommitted state.

Neurons send messages to one another by releasing chemicals called


In classical conditioning, once a baby's nervous system makes a connection between two stimuli, the

neutral stimulus produces the behavior by itself.

In Piaget's theory, _________ are the building blocks of sensorimotor intelligence.

newborn reflexes

Baby Edda's body looks wasted, and she is withdrawn and apathetic. However, she is offered enough food and there is no biological cause for her condition. She most likely has

nonorganic failure to thrive.

Research conducted on adolescents in the Jimi Valley of Papua New Guinea indicates that

nonrepresentational scribbles and shapes are a universal beginning stage in drawing.

Frank, a kindergartener, says that Pat is his best friend on days they get along. But when a dispute arises, he reverses himself: "Pat is not my friend!" Frank's parents should

not be concerned because friendships in early childhood do not have a long-term, enduring quality based on mutual trust.

Researchers today believe that make-believe play

not only reflects, but also contributes to, children's cognitive and social skills.

Recovery to a new stimulus, or ____________, assesses infants' recent memory.

novelty preference

With the transition to toddlerhood, attraction to __________ declines and __________ improves.

novelty; sustained attention

Martha and Thomas can increase the effectiveness of their parental discipline by

offering reasons for mild punishment.

Breastfeeding for just a few weeks

offers some protection against respiratory and intestinal infections.

In Piaget's conservation-of-liquid problem, preoperational children are easily distracted by the ________ of objects and ignore the ___________ between events.

perceptual appearance; dynamic transformation

Infants' earliest categories are


According to the core knowledge perspective, babies can

perform simple addition and subtraction problems.

A baby's ability to manipulate objects greatly expands with the development of the __________, use of the thumb and index finger opposably.

pincer grasp

The ___________, located at the base of the brain, plays a critical role by releasing two hormones that induce growth.

pituitary gland

Which of the following is an example of a learning experience that would promote experience-dependent brain growth?

playing a computer game

Four- to 7-year-olds regard friendship as

pleasurable play and sharing of toys.

The stronger children's self-definition is, the more ________ they tend to be.


The practical, social side of language is called


Newborn Sam's poorly coordinated swipes or swings toward an object in front of him is called


Research on emotional self-regulation demonstrates that

preschoolers know they can blunt emotions by restricting sensory input.

Research on peer sociability demonstrates that

preschoolers move from one type of play to another and back again.

At school, maltreated children

present serious discipline problems.

Spitz's study of institutionalized infants found that the babies experienced emotional difficulties because they were

prevented from forming a bond with one or a few adults.

Maks, who lives in an individualistic culture, gets an "A" on his test. His parents will probably encourage Maks to feel

pride in his personal achievement.

According to Piaget's theory, when baby Sasha sucks her thumb, she is demonstrating a __________ circular reaction.


Compared with referential children, toddlers who use an expressive style

produce many more social formulas and pronouns.

Persistent nutritional and emotional deprivation ___________ temperament.

profoundly alters

Frequent punishment

promotes immediate compliance, but not lasting changes in behavior.

According to Erikson's theory, a mistrustful baby

protects herself by withdrawing from people and things around her.

In child-centered preschool programs, teachers

provide a variety of activities from which children select.

Juan, who suffers from extreme emotional deprivation, is very short in stature, and has decreased GH secretion, an immature skeletal age, and serious adjustment problems. He most likely has

psychosocial dwarfism.

Removing a desirable stimulus or presenting an unpleasant one to decrease the occurrence of a response is called


Reactivity refers to the

quickness and intensity of emotional arousal, attention, and motor activity.

Authoritarian parents

rarely listen to the child's point of view.

Four-year-old Hobie is asked to rate his competence in ice skating. He will probably

rate his own ability as extremely high and underestimate the difficulty of skating.

Four-year-old Tristan experiences negative emotion intensely. He is more likely than other children to

react with anger or aggression when he is frustrated.

Which of the following parent-child activities strongly predicts academic success during the school years?

reading and talking about picture books

Following habituation, when a new stimulus causes responsiveness to return to a high level, the increase is called


One strategy of positive discipline is

reducing opportunities for misbehavior.

In contrast to the psychoanalytic and behaviorist approaches to morality, the cognitive-developmental perspective

regards children as active thinkers about social rules.

A stimulus that increases the occurrence of a response is called a(n)


Shelby tells her classmates not to play with Sophia because "she lies." This is an example of __________ aggression.


According to Piaget, the most obvious change as children move from the sensorimotor to the preoperational stage is an increase in

representational, or symbolic, activity.

In the Strange Situation, Bernadette uses her mother as a secure base. When separated, Bernadette does not cry, but when her mother returns, Bernadette crawls to her. Bernadette is demonstrating __________ attachment.


In the Strange Situation, Philip seeks closeness to his mother and fails to explore. When his mother leaves, Philip is distressed, and on her return he hits her. Philip is displaying characteristics of __________ attachment.


Myelinization of the __________ throughout childhood and into adolescence contributes to improvements in sustained, controlled attention.

reticular formation

__________ are the leading cause of childhood death in industrialized countries.

Unintentional injuries

Which of the following is true about computer use in early childhood?

Word-processing programs can support emergent literacy, enabling preschoolers to experiment with letters and words without having to struggle with handwriting.

Expressions of _______ are less frequent than _________.

sadness; anger

Oral rehydration therapy

saves the lives of millions of children every year.

Skeletal age is determined by

X-raying the long bones of the body to see the extent to which soft, pliable cartilage has hardened into bone.

Which of the following statements is true about strategies for early word learning?

Young children take advantage of the rich social information that adults frequently provide when they introduce new words.

Which picture is newborn Alex most likely to prefer to look at?

a black-and-white checkerboard with a few large squares

Which of the following preschoolers is most likely to be shunned by agemates?

a boy who wears nail polish

Two-year-old Annmarie tells her mom, "I a good girl." This statement demonstrates that Annmarie is beginning to develop

a categorical self.

Although good discipline is crucial, ___________ is also influential in conscience development.

a child's temperament

_________ aggression in verbal and ________ forms tends to rise over early and middle childhood.

Reactive; relational

Boys are _____ times more likely to be injured than girls.


By age 6, children have a spoken vocabulary of around ________ words.


The human brain has _________ neurons.

100 to 200 billion

The average 2-year-old needs _____ hours of sleep.

12 to 13

Baby Alan started opening his mouth differently for a nipple than for a spoon. Baby Alan is probably in Stage ___ of Piaget's sensorimotor stages.


Which of the following is supported by research on sex differences in aggression?

Although girls have a reputation for being both more verbally and relationally aggressive than boys, the sex difference is small.

Which of the following is true about social referencing?

An adult's voice is more effective than a facial expression in guiding a baby's behavior.

Which of the following is an example of an underextension?

Bonita only uses the word "kitty" to refer to her family's cat.

_______ have a harder time regulating ________ emotion.

Boys; negative

Which child is most likely to get his or her permanent teeth first?

Brooke, an obese girl

Which of the following is supported by research on gender typing?

By age 6, children spend 11 times as much time with same-sex as with other-sex playmates.

Which of the following is true regarding emotional self-regulation?

By the end of the first year, Chinese and Japanese infants smile and cry less than American infants.

Which of the following statements is supported by research on television programming and aggression?

Cartoons are the most violent TV programs.

_______ growth is a return to a genetically influenced growth path once negative conditions improve.


_______________ helps infants reduce the enormous amount of new information they encounter every day so they can learn and remember.


Chang is profoundly deaf, whereas his parents are hearing. What advice can you offer Chang's parents based on research in your text?

Chang needs access to language models—deaf adults and peers—to experience natural language learning.

Which of the following is true about depth cues?

Changes in texture and overlapping objects are examples of pictorial depth cues.

________________ is a form of communication made up of short sentences with high-pitched, exaggerated expression, clear pronunciation, distinct pauses between speech segments, and repetition of new words in a variety of contexts.

Child-directed speech

Which of the following statements is true about childhood diseases?

Childhood diseases occur earlier in developing nations than in industrialized countries.

Which of the following is true about peer sociability in collectivist versus individualistic societies?

Children in collectivist societies are more willing to include a quiet, reserved child in play than children in individualistic cultures.

Which of the following is true about overextension?

Children often overextend deliberately because they have difficulty recalling or have not acquired a suitable word.

Which of the following is true regarding handedness?

Left-handedness occurs more frequently among severely retarded and mentally ill people than in the general population.

Which of the following children is the most likely to become a target of child abuse?

Cole, a premature baby

______________ refers to the idea that certain physical characteristics of object remain the same, even when their outward appearance changes.


Which of the following is true about pattern perception?

Contrast sensitivity continues to increase during infancy and childhood.

Which of the following is true about brain development?

Gains in neural fibers and myelination are responsible for the extraordinary gain in overall brain size.

Which of the following is true about sex differences in motor skills in early childhood?

Girls are ahead of boys in fine-motor skills.

_______ are responsible for myelination.

Glial cells

Which of the following is supported by research on child care?

Good child care enhances cognitive, language, and social development.

____________ involves creating child-rearing environments that recognize each child's temperament while encouraging more adaptive functioning.

Goodness of fit

__________ refers to control over actions that help infants get around in the environment, whereas ___________ has to do with smaller movements, such as reaching and grasping.

Gross-motor development; fine-motor development

____________ is necessary for development of all body tissues except the central nervous system and the genitals.

Growth hormone

_____________ refers to shared endeavors between more expert and less expert participants, without specifying the precise features of communication.

Guided participation

________ refers to a gradual reduction in the strength of a response due to repetitive stimulation.


Baby Hannah is shown a stuffed sheep, and then it is hidden under a blanket. Which of the following is true?

Hannah must coordinate two schemes to retrieve the object: "pushing" aside the blanket and "grasping" the stuffed sheep.

Nadia calls her son "right-brained" because he is analytical and calls her daughter "left-brained" because she is artistic. What can you tell Nadia about her notions?

Her daughter is actually "right-brained" and her son is "left-brained."

Which of the following is true about lead exposure?

High lead exposure causes brain swelling and hemorrhaging.

Michael was born with cataracts in both eyes. What can you tell his parents about the possibility of recovery as it relates to sensitive periods in brain development?

If Michael has corrective surgery within four to six months, his vision can improve substantially, except for subtle aspects of face perception.

When 4-year-old Katherine throws a beanbag, her dad comments, "You stood still as you were throwing. Now try taking a step toward me as you throw." Assuming Katherine's dad regularly gives this sort of feedback, which of the following is most likely true?

Katherine is likely to show moderate levels of shame and pride and greater persistence on difficult tasks.

______ is caused by an unbalanced diet very low in protein.


Thomas became angry after a playmate took his truck away. How can Thomas's father help him to regulate his emotion?

Label Thomas's feelings, encourage him to describe his internal state, and offer a comforting hug.

______________ contributes to preschoolers' improved emotional self-regulation.


_______ skills increase at an astonishing pace in early childhood. In contrast, ______ skills develop gradually over childhood and adolescence.

Language; spatial

Which of the following is true about make-believe play?

Make-believe is a major means through which children extend their cognitive skills and learn about important activities in their culture.

Current research on infant cognition yields broad agreement on which of the following?

Many cognitive changes of infancy are gradual and continuous.

Which of the following is an example of a direct parental influence on children's peer sociability?

Maxine arranges for her 4-year-old to play with his friend at the park.

Which of the following is one reason the United States lags behind Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Canada in immunizations?

Many American children do not have access to the health care they need.

Which of the following is true about brain plasticity?

Many areas of a highly plastic cerebral cortex are not yet committed to specific functions.

Follow-up research on preoperational thought indicates that

Most 3- and 4-year-olds believe in the supernatural powers of fairies, goblins, and other enchanted creatures.

Which of the following is true about Romanian orphans adopted into British homes?

Most children who had been institutionalized for more than the first six months displayed at least three serious mental health problems.

Which of the following is true about Jerome Kagan's research on the development of shyness and sociability?

Most children's dispositions became less extreme over time.

Which of the following provides evidence that the brain hemispheres have already begun to specialize at birth?

Most neonates show greater ERP brain-wave activity in the right hemisphere while listening to nonspeech sounds.

Which of the following is true about infantile amnesia?

Most older children and adults cannot retrieve events that happened before age 3.

Which of the following is supported by research on child care in infancy?

Mother-child interaction is more favorable when children attend higher-quality care and spend fewer hours in child care.

________ is the first depth cue to which infants are sensitive.


Child care in the United States is

affected by a macrosystem of individualistic values and weak government regulation and funding.

__________ provide(s) the most precise information about which brain regions are specialized for certain capacities.

Neuroimaging techniques

________ are nerve cells that store and transmit information.


Which of the following is supported by research on self-awareness?

Newborns display a stronger rooting reflex in response to external stimulation than to self-stimulation.

Which of the following is true regarding a sensitive period for mastering musical performance skills?

No evidence exists for a sensitive period in the first few years of life for mastering skills that depend on extensive training.

Which of the following is supported by research on childhood injuries?

North American children from advantaged families are at a greater risk for injury than are children in European nations.

Which of the following is true about the development of make-believe play?

Older preoperational children are aware that make-believe play is a representational activity.

Which of the following is true about the role of psychoanalytic theory in modern human development research?

One of the lasting contributions of psychoanalytic theory is its ability to capture the essence of personality during each period of development.

_____________ and ___________ provide windows into early memory by showing that retention of visual events increases dramatically over infancy and toddlerhood.

Operant conditioning; habituation

__________ commit the vast majority of child abuse incidents.


Rachel is concerned that she might accidentally suffocate her baby if she shares a bed with him. What information can you share with Rachel about precautions taken in cultures where cosleeping is widespread?

Parents and infants usually sleep on hard surfaces, such as floor mats, firm mattresses, or wooden planks.

Which of the following is supported by research on individual differences in motor skills?

Parents tend to foster sex-stereotypic physical activities in their children.

Which of the following is true about paternal depression?

Paternal depression is linked to frequent father-child conflict as children grow older.

_____________ is a strong predictor of emergent literacy.

Phonological awareness

_______________ are strongly associated with childhood injury.

Poverty, single parenthood, and low parental education

_______ may profoundly affect handedness.

Prenatal events

_________ and __________ are at the greatest risk for physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Preschool; school-age children

Which of the following is supported by research on nutrition?

Preschoolers compensate for a meal in which they eat little by eating more at a later meal.

Which of the following is supported by research on emotional understanding?

Preschoolers who are securely attached to their mothers better understand emotion than preschoolers who are insecurely attached.

_________ and _________ play a role in the decline of magical beliefs.

Religion; culture

Four-year-old Erin is a picky eater. How can Erin's parents encourage her to eat a new food?

Repeatedly expose her to the new food without any direct pressure to eat it.

Which of the following is supported by research on the stability of attachment patterns between 1 and 2 years of age?

Securely attached babies more often maintain their attachment status than insecure babies.

___________ are a major means through which caregivers imbue the young child's self-concept with cultural values.

Self-evaluative narratives

_______ seems to help protect the young brain from excessive or inadequate stress-hormone exposure.

Sensitive adult care

__________ is moderately related to attachment security in diverse cultures and SES groups.

Sensitive caregiving

_______ are tiny gaps where fibers from different neurons come close together but do not touch.


What advice can you give Paul, who wants to help his 4-month-old daughter sleep better at night?

Take her on regular early-afternoon outings, exposing her to more bright sunlight.

____________ is early-appearing, stable individual differences in reactivity and self-regulation.


Which of the following is true about the influence of the environment on temperament?

Temperament and personality can be understood only in terms of complex interdependencies between genetic and environmental factors.

Sharon's 46-year-old husband suffered a traumatic brain injury in an automobile accident. What information about brain plasticity can you provide to Sharon?

The adult brain can produce a small number of new neurons and generate new synapses.

Which of the following is supported by research on attachment and later development?

The effects of early attachment security are conditional.

Carmen adopted her son just after his second birthday. What can you tell Carmen about the opportunity for attachment?

The first attachment bond can develop as late as 4 to 6 years of age.

Which of the following is supported by research on infant fear?

The most frequent expression of fear is stranger anxiety.

Which of the following is supported by research on infant anger?

The rise in anger among older infants is adaptive because new motor abilities enable them to defend themselves or overcome obstacles.

Which of the following is true about early intervention?

The strongest effects of early intervention occur at sites that offer a mix of center- and home-based services.

Which of the following is true about the frontal lobes?

They are responsible for consciousness, inhibition of impulses, memory, and integration of information.

Which of the following is true about first spoken words?

They usually refer to important people, animals, or actions.

____________ is a much better indicator than an early mental test score of how children will do later.

Warm, responsive parenting

Which of the following is true about preschoolers' ability to generate and follow a plan?

When parents encourage planning in everyday activities, they help children plan more effectively.

Which of the following is true about speech stream patterns?

When presented with controlled sequences of nonsense syllables, babies listen for statistical regularities.

Which of the following educational principles derived from Piaget's theory continues to have a major impact on classroom practices?

acceptance of individual differences

Two-year-old Laura dropped a block into her toy box. She then dropped a cup, a car, and a doll into the box, throwing some objects gently, while using more force with others. Laura's modification of her dropping scheme is an example of


According to Freud, children

act morally to avoid punitive feelings of guilt from their superego.

According to cognitive-developmental theorists, preschoolers

actively make sense of their experiences.

During a conversation, 4-year-old Maleeka will

adjust her speech to fit the age, sex, and social status of her listener.

Adults can avoid promoting self-defeating reactions in children by

adjusting their expectations to children's capacities.

Bullous lives in a shantytown. His parents can decrease the risks of persistent diarrhea by

administering oral rehydration therapy when he is sick and giving him a regular zinc supplement.

Besides self-awareness, self-conscious emotions require

adult instruction in when to feel proud, ashamed, or guilty.

Research on infantile amnesia suggests that adults typically cannot remember events that happened during the first few years of life because

adults cannot translate early preverbal memories into language.

When ___________, preschoolers' pictures become more comprehensible and detailed.

adults draw with children and point out the resemblances between drawings and objects

Some responses, such as __________, are very difficult to classically condition in young babies because they do not yet have the motor skills needed to deal appropriately with stimuli.


Research on emotional understanding shows that preschoolers

focus on the most obvious aspect of an emotional situation to the neglect of other relevant information.

Compared with cognitive theories, mental tests

focus on the products of cognitive development rather than on the process of development.

An estimated 17 percent of U.S. children suffer from ________ because government-supported supplementary food programs do not reach all families in need.

food insecurity

The earlier toddlers _____________________, the sooner they produce two-word utterances at the end of the second year.

form word-gesture combinations

In Michaela's preschool classroom, the girls spend more time in the housekeeping and art centers, while the boys play with blocks and Legos. This is an example of

gender typing.

Watching educational television programming like Sesame Street is associated with

getting higher grades, reading more books, and placing more value on achievement in high school.

When skeletal ages are examined,

girls are considerably ahead of boys.

After putting on a Halloween mask and looking at her reflection in a mirror, 3-year-old Maggi is frightened. This is probably because Maggi

has a fragile understanding of the appearance-reality distinction.

Today, most developing countries

have banned the practice of giving free or subsidized formula to new mothers.

Truly moral individuals

have developed compassionate concerns and principles of good conduct.

Research on environmental influences on gender typing suggests that parents

have different expectations for sons than for daughters.

Children with autism

have narrow and overly intense interests.

Follow-up research on appearance versus reality problems suggests that young children

have trouble with the language of appearance-reality tasks.

In the violation-of-expectation method, __________ suggests that the infant is surprised by a deviation from physical reality.

heightened attention to an unexpected event

Research reveals that inductive discipline

helps children notice others' feelings and points out the effects of children's misbehavior on others.

Maggi is concerned because her 8-month-old daughter has gained 10 pounds since birth and has transformed into a round, plump baby. You can assure Maggi that her daughter's rise in "baby fat"

helps her keep a constant body temperature.

According to Vygotsky, private speech during the preschool years

helps young children guide their behavior during challenging tasks.

Preoperational children have difficulty with ________________, which involves the organization of objects into groups based on similarities and differences.

hierarchical classification

In the study of Romanian orphans adopted into Canadian homes, the longer the children spent in orphanage care, the

higher their cortisol levels.

In contrast to activity in the left hemisphere, activity in the right cerebral hemisphere

increases steadily throughout early and middle childhood.

In the first few years of life, the brain is

highly plastic.

An inner-brain structure called the ____________ plays a vital role in memory and spatial awareness.


Our most powerful mental representations include ________ and _________.

images; concepts

According to some behaviorists, children rely on _________ to rapidly acquire complex utterances.


According to the cognitive perspective of perceptual development, babies

impose meaning on what they perceive.

Children acquire motor skills

in highly individual ways.

Infants and toddlers grow

in little spurts.

Research suggests that there is a sensitive period, ________________, when babies are biologically prepared to "zero in" on socially meaningful perceptual distinctions.

in the second half of the first year

Maria more positively evaluates girls than boys. This is an example of

in-group favoritism.

The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development

include a cognitive scale, a language scale, and a motor scale.

Baby Luigi retrieves his pacifier, which his mother has hidden behind a pillow. Baby Luigi has begun to master

object permanence.

If you ask 3-year-old Winnie to tell you about herself, she will probably describe herself in terms of

observable characteristics.

Young toddlers add to their spoken vocabularies at a rate of

one to three words per week.

In interviews with more than 3,000 U.S. parents of infants and toddlers, results indicated that _____ ate no fruits or vegetables.


Research indicates that about _____ of the world's children suffer from malnutrition before age 5.


Research on child care in the United States shows that

only 20 to 25 percent of child-care settings in the United States provide a level of care sufficient to promote healthy psychological development.

Overall stability of temperament is

only low to moderate.

In early pretending, toddlers use

only realistic objects.

In ________, infants act on the environment, and stimuli that follow their behavior change the probability that the behavior will occur again.

operant conditioning

According to B. F. Skinner, language is acquired as the baby babbles and parents reinforce those sounds that are most like words. This is an example of

operant conditioning.

When baby Brad gazes at his mother, she smiles at him, and then Brad gazes and smiles, too. This contingent responsiveness is an example of

operant conditioning.

Three-year-old J.T. understands that 3 is more than 2, and 2 is more than 1. J.T. is demonstrating a grasp of


Baby Kate now relates dropping and throwing to her developing understanding of nearness and farness. In Piaget's theory, this achievement is an example of


Follow-up research indicates that even though preschoolers have difficulty with Piagetian class inclusion tasks, they

organize their everyday knowledge into nested categories at an early age.

An important criticism of the psychoanalytic theory of attachment is that it

overemphasizes the importance of feeding in attachment.

Alice calls untying her shoelaces "opening" her shoes. This is an example of


Two-year-old Aidan says, "We saw two deers." Aidan is demonstrating


Compared with securely attached infants, avoidant babies tend to receive ___________ care.

overstimulating, intrusive

Candace and Christina sit side by side playing with their dolls. They do not talk or try to influence each other. They are engaging in _______ play.


A central component of the Head Start philosophy is

parental involvement.

Temperament is assessed through

parental reports, observations, and physiological measures.

To acquire effective social skills, inhibited children need

parenting tailored to their temperaments.

In a Vygotskian classroom, assisted discovery is aided by ____________ as children of varying abilities work in groups, teaching and helping one another.

peer collaboration

Dr. Sardoza is interested in research on the organization and interpretation of what we see. Dr. Sardoza studies


Parents who discuss their childhoods with objectivity and balance, regardless of whether their experiences were positive or negative, tend to have __________ infants.

securely attached

Highly aggressive children tend to

seek out deviant peer groups.

Compared to their Western agemates, Yucatec Mayan preschoolers

seldom ask others for something interesting to do.

As self-awareness strengthens, preschoolers begin to develop a


Humans are capable of a higher-order set of feelings beyond basic emotions called __________ emotions.


According to cognitive-developmental theory, __________ come(s) before __________ in the development of gender identity.

self-perceptions; behavior

A researcher places a red dot on two-year-old Raven's nose. When she looks into a mirror, she tries to rub the dot off of her nose rather than off of the mirror. This behavior indicates that she has developed


In Jody's preschool classroom, teachers introduce activities that build on children's current thinking but do not try to hasten development by imposing new skills before children indicate interest. This preschool emphasizes the Piagetian principle of

sensitivity to children's readiness to learn.

At 16 months, Brynn is in Piaget's ___________ stage of cognitive development.


In Bowlby's "clear-cut" attachment phase, babies display

separation anxiety.

Follow-up research on the preoperational stage indicates that when given simplified tasks based on familiar experiences, preschoolers

show the beginnings of logical thinking.

The quality of interaction between deaf children and deaf parents is

similar to that of hearing children and hearing parents.

Studies suggest that time out is useful as a disciplinary technique

when a child is out of control.

Around 3 to 4 months of age,

when infants gaze, smile, or vocalize, they expect their social partner to respond in kind.

Around the middle of the first year, infants smile and laugh more

when interacting with familiar people.

During the first few weeks of life, newborns are most likely to smile

when they are full.

In industrialized nations, childhood diseases have declined dramatically during the past half century, largely as the result of

widespread immunization of infants and young children.

According to Vygotksy, learning takes place

within the zone of proximal development.

According to Piaget, magical thinking is common during the preschool years because

young children egocentrically assign human purposes to physical events.

One possible explanation for the high frequency of bedtime struggles in Western homes is that

young children feel stressed when they are required to fall asleep without assistance.

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